THH CITIZEN, Fill DAY, DEO. 10, 1010 THE WEEK IN WAYNE WHAT THE FOLKS IN THE SHIRE ARE DOING. INDIAN ORCHARD. orcnty-Yenr-Old Ididy Coasts (!rnce fully Homo From Clmroli At I tend i litiko On Flexible Flyer Pleasant Party At O. E. Kent's New "Hell" 'Phone Mno to Ilo TSttilt "The Cltl.on Is Tlio Grcnt cst Paper In The County To-dny!" Special to THE CITIZEN. Indian Orchard, Pa., December 12. Tho recent snow storm has givon us lino sleighing, which is bolng en joyed by both old nnd young. At the close of services at the M. E. church, at Beach Lake, on Sun day last, a lady of three score and ten years mounted a flexible flyer and coasted from the church to her homo as gracefully as any younger person could. Miss Mabella Decker, Beach Lake, pent several days last week as tho guest of "Mrs. W. II. Marshall of Al toona Farm. Two of our prominent young men, ono a fur dealer, tho other a poul try man, spent Sunday last with Hawley friends. The pleasant face of T. Y. Boyd, Boyd's Mills, was seen at this placo last week. He was giving much light on various subjects, especially on gasoline lamps. Misses Mabel Gray and Mabel Dexter spent Sunday, of last week, with the lutter's parents, at Hones dalc. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Brooks, East Beach Lake, were entertained at the Old Bed Rock farm recently by Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Spry. Several from hero attended the party at C. E. Neat's, on Friday of last week, and as ever enjoyed one of the pleasantest evenings of the season. Mrs. Charles Smith visited Hones dale relatives recently. She inform ed us that Mrs. Ann Wonnacolt, Honesdale, is in a critical condition. Mrs. W. H. Marshall and Mrs. Richard Ham spent Thursday last with Mrs. Charles Smith. Warren Case and wife are at present living in one of the Beards lee houses, on the HonesdalcWhlte Mills-Hawley road. Mrs. Ira Bishop still continues to be quite sick. Dr. H. B. Ely, Hones dale, is the attending physician. Mrs. R. E. Bayly, of Sunnyside Farm, spent Saturday last with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Floyd Bayly, at Beach Lake. Earl C. Ham sawed a quantity of wood for Delbert Mclntire, Beach Lake, on Saturday last. The power used was a gasoline engine. There is considerable talk about building a new telephone line in this vicinity. If built it will bo equipped with Bell phones. Samuel Saunders is spending .his vacation among relatives and friends in New York City., Joseph Buckingham is on the sick list. Dr. L. B. Nielsen, Honesdale, Is the attending physician. John Wizard, our obliging milk man, was called to the bedside of his brother on Thursday last, the latter being taken with a severe attack of appendicitis. W. C. Spry, of the Old Bed Bock Farm. p"rchased a fine spring cut ter of Herman & Son, East Hones dale, on Saturday. Chri3tmas will be celebrated at this place at the school house on Friday, the 23rd Inst.,' by Miss Schuller's school. A. O. Blake was a pleasant caller at the homo of W. C. Spry on Fri day last, where he purchased sev eral cows. Both are auctioneers. It was interesting to hear them tell how they had cried for other peo ple. We are taking a great deal of in terest in the Bermuda Contest. Mrs. Charles Schweighofer, who has been visiting her parents, E. E. Avery and wife, has returned to her homo In Scranton. Worthy Master, W. H. Hall, of the Indian Orchard Grange, No. 1020, will attend the Grand Lodge this week. THE CITIZEN is the greatest pa lter in the county to-day; nearly everybody that you approach has a good word for this Journal. USWICK & LAKEVILLE. Old-Fashloned Oyster Supper At Iiakevillo I. O. S. of A. Hnll, Cliristinas Eve Mrs. C. A. Dan iels Convalescing Hlldugard Ixxlge Has 158 Members. Special to THE CITIZEN. Uswlrk, Pa., Dec. 14. Friends! Everybody! Don't miss tho old-fashioned oyster supper to bo given at Lakevllle, in the P. O. S. or A. Hall, on Christmas eve, December 24. This is for the benefit of tho M. E. church here. Come and help the noblo causo along. The M. E. Quarterly Conference will be held at Arlington, Pa., on December 18, at 2 o'clock p. m. The L. A. S. will bo entertained at the M. E. parsonage here on Wed nesday, December 14. Everybody Is cordially Invited. Tho Ledgedalo, Arlington and Paupack societies aro expected to attend. Charles A. Daniels recently visit ed his wlfo at tho Stato hospital at Scranton. We aro very glad to know that she Is convalescing nicely. Mrs. Louis Curtis, Pink, visited Mr. and Mrs. William H. Seegar, at Lakoville, on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Curtis and daughter, Ellon, wero accompanied homo by tho former's father, F. B. Ponnell, Us wlck, on Wednesday of last week. Miss Mildred Herwig Is confined to her bed with Illness nnd at the last report sho was no better. Wo telncoroly hope for her speedy re covery. John Dopp, Arlington, became a member of tho Hlldagard Bebekah Lodge, No. 359, I. O. O. F at Lako ville, on Wednesdny evening, Dec. 7. Tho Hlldagard Lodge now has 58 members, and they have two more candidates to initiate. Miss Marie Schradcr was a recent guest of Mrs. A. Goblo. STEENE. Deforestation Impending "Bobo link" Predicts Severo Winter Snylngs And Doing Down To fjtccne Scarcity Of Water. Editor of THE CITIZEN: Stccnc, Pa., December 14. In or der to keep the farmers' trado in this section, Merchnnt Dlmond says, as soon as Farmers .enny and Ward open up their new store, ho will sell nnd put everything down to cost, and pay tho farmers tho highest market price for eggs. Miss Lulu Foster starts this week for Southern Pines, where sho will spend the winter months. There will scarcely bo a troo left In this suction when Lumberman Hollenback gets through. George Bates, Prorapton, first class buttcrmakcr, hus accepted a position in Honesdale, for tho win ter months. Mrs. Thomas Arthur Is visiting friends nt Cnrbondnlo. Kathryn and Florence Wood aro confined to their home by illness. Clnrence Clift shot a flno fox last week. Josh Wesldy Arnold returned home last week, after spending four weeks at Carbondale. The Bobolink predicts a very se vere winter, with hard work for the farmers in getting water for their stock. Should It freeze up and stay without rain to fill the swamps and small streams, they will freeze to the bottom. Saturday morning, the first time in tho three years of tho Link's farming, that ho had to take his axe and chop open his spring run, so that his stock could get drink. Old residents of Steene say that it was never known to freeze over be fore. The $285 horse, that Mr. Hayduck purchased about four weeks ago, is having good times standing in the stable, eating up his summer's prof it. Mr. Hayduck says, "No use me hitch him up; him break all my wagon; him cost enough already." We shouldn't envy the man we see riding around in an auto until we know how big his mortgage is. Butcher Arthur says that deeds are fruits, but words are as leaves, dead, and dry at that. Mr. Brickland is scouring the woods in quest of slippery elm as he says "that when eggs brings five cents a piece. It's time to set the hens to laying." Clarence Clift has resigned his position In the lumber woods with Haley & Arthur, and accepted a posi tion in Hollenback'H mill. LAKEVILLE. Special to THE CITIZEN. Lakevllle, Pa., December 12,--Miss Nellie Welsh spent the week-end here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Betcher, Scran ton, are pending their vacation with her parents, J. N. Stephens and wife. On Saturday last Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop were called to tho bed side of their daughter, Katie, at Honesdale, who is very ill, with no hopes of recovery. Ed. W. Dooley, Brooklyn-, was re cently entertained at the Long Pond House here. Mrs. Christiana Glossenger, ac companied by Mrs. Delia Goble, went to Scranton to visit the form er's daughter, Mrs. Charles Daniels, at the State Hospital. Miss Lucy McKafic is employed by B. F. Killam, Esq., at Paupack. Marcus Killam and daughter, Hel en, who have toured the West, re turned home on Friday last, having immensely enjoyed their trip. The L. A. S. societies were enter tained at the M. E. parsonage here, on Wednesday. Melva Hosher, Pittston, is spend ing a time here. Lester Beecher and Frank Reush mier, Hoadleys, were callers in this vicinity on Sunday last. Don't forget the oyster supper to be held at P. O. S. of A. hall here on Xmas eve, December 24. W. H. Seegar has purchased a dandy Portland cutter. SOUTH STERLING. Young Folks Impatiently Waiting For Skating Clifford Smith Kills a iiOO-II) Hear! Lumberman Jacob Waltz Keeps Ijirgo Forc Of Men And Teams Busy. Special to THE CITIZaiv South Sterling, Pa., December 14. Winter Is here in good shape. All of tho young people are patiently waiting for Mr. E. D. Dunning's lake to get safe so they can skate. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Lancaster made a business trip to Honesdale last week. II. D. Robacker Is homo visiting his mother and sister. Charles Edwards, Morrit Smith and son, Clifford, wero hunting bear last Friday. Clifford was tho lucky boy to shoot a nice bear, weighing about two hundred pounds. A. E. Barnes and son, Lawrence, wore In Scranton Saturday on a business trip. Dr. Simons and wlfo also went to look for candy for tho Sunday school. Jacob Waltz has moved his saw mill, on tho North and South, near John Edlor, to saw for H. B. Mo gargel who Is lumbering with a full force, employing fifteen men and teams. Tho props and ties aro to bo taken to Tohyhanna, and tho plank will bo taken to tho South Sterling and La Anna Manufacturing Co. Mrs. Harry Deubler and Miss Mar guret Whlttaker spont Sunday with their paents, Mr. and Mrs. J. "J. Whlttaker. - - Mrs, Margaret Frlck. La Anna, is keeping house for James M. Gilpin Frank Hhlnohnrt, who has boon very sick, is improving very slowly. Our young ladles all want to go on tiiQ Bermuda tour. At Newfoundland tho fever la Just as great. WHITES VALLEY. Death of Itced Ilrynnt, Flftocn-Ycnr-Old Promising Son of Mr. and Mrs. .1. It. Ilrynnt. Special to THE CITIZEN. Whites Valley, Pa December 13. , Tho angel of death has again visited our community nnd has taken to his final homo Itced Bryant, tho bright and promising son of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. It. Bryant. Ho first had an attack of tonsllltls, and after having tho second relapse, a malignant form of scarlet fever developed and at four o'clock, Sunday morning, after two days of Intense suffering, ho passed to the homo beyond. De ceased was fifteen years of ago and was beloved by friends and school mates. Sympathy of tho entiro com munity Is extended to the bereaved parents. Mrs. Andrew Allen has returned home after spending days with Scranton relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Edwards and son, Wlnflold, Ariel, arc visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Bon ham. The Stone school is closed until af ter New Year's. Mrs. John O'Neill died at tho home of her son, P. M. O'Neill, Sun day, at four o'clock. ,i LAKE COMO. Special to THE CITIZEN. Lake Como, Pa., December 14. Mrs. Washburn, Wilkes-Barre, Boy London and friend, Mr. Carwin, Mat amoras, were entertained at Mrs. Etta London's, last week. Mrs. Hiram Goer and nephew spent Saturday In Hnncock. A box social was held In tho High school Thursday evening, which netted $37.00 Mrs. Maria Jaycox, who has been sick, is slowly improving. Mrs. S. D. Todd is visiting relatives in Blughamton. EAST HAMLIN. Wedding Bells Aro Soon To King! Hny Worth From 1!0 to 92 1 Per Ton Miss Gertrude Conklln Entertains. Special to THE CITIZEN. East Hamlin, Pa., December 14. Come one, come all, everybody como to the oyster supper at George F. Chapman's, Thursday night, Dec, 15. Proceeds for Little Chapel. Frank L. Ames has gone to Scran ton to work. Harry Smith is drawing props to Marshwood. Boys, get your music together. Wedding bolls' aro soon to ring. Ru mor says that the diamond ring has been purchased. Emery Chapman, Gravel Branch. has purchased the D. Swingle , prOp- John Nyce has been drawing- hay to Dunmore for tho month. He re ceives from $20 to $24 per ton, ac cording to quality. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Fields, December 4, a ten-pound boy. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Conklln made a business trip to Scranton on Thursday, December 8. Edward Peet has erected a new tool bouse and workshop combined. Arthur Sears has gone to Peck vllle to work. S. Wiley was a pleasant caller on George M. Peet last Sunday. Edna Resseglne has returned from the Electric City, where she has been working at female headgear, for the past two months. The evening of December 8, brought about 20 of Miss Gertrude Conklin's friends from Arlington and East Side to her home for a pleas ant evening. All report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Jones loft Sat urday, December 10, to attend the State Grange at Pittsburg, and while gone they will visit Sunbury, Watertown, Philadelphia and other points of interest, returning home about Xmas. SOUTH CANAAN. "Behold How Great A Matter A Lit tle Flro Of Gossip Kindletli!" Personal Briefs La Grippe Pre valent. Special to THE CITIZEN. South Canaan, Pa., December 14. 'Miss Arnold, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Branon for a few days, loft for her home, Saturday morning. Miss Lena Lynch is visiting friends In Lestershlre, N. Y., and also at Troy and Bradford. Sho will bo gone about three weeks. Harry Reid Is visiting at the homo of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Reld, and oxpects to spend Xmas with them. Mrs. Enoch Swingle returned homo from a visit of several dayB to her granddaughter, Miss Ethel Lock wood, at Waymnrt. Quito a fow of our townspeople are laid up with la grippe theso cold days. An empty brain, and a tattling tongue aro very apt to go together; the most silly and trivial Items of news or scandol fill the former and nro retailed by tho latter. Gossip pro tending to have tho oyes of an Argus, has all tho blindness of a bnt. News hunters have groat leisure, with lit tle thought; much petty ambition to bo thought Intelligent without any other pretension than being nblo to communicate what they have Just learned. Tale-bearers nro Just as bad as tale-makers. Thero nro al ways confessions either of malice or Imbecility, and tho young should not only shun It, hut by tho most thorough culturo relievo thomsolvos from all temptntlon to It. "Bohold how greatta matter fa llttlo llro kind loth." The following aro tho names of pu pils who wero present every day of tho third month nt tho Union school Gustls Decker, Mary Decker, Charles Tclschow, Lcroy Roll, KUlo Sheoror, Theodosla Mono, I.cafa Bono, Vornlna Hone, lllancho Uronson, Cora Dron-Bon. T (Continued from Pago Ono.) SHERMAN. Miss Louisa Lynch 12350 Miss Estclla McAvoy 11800 PROMPTON. Miss Frances Richardson ....13000 KEENE. Miss Alaudo Smith 10050 NEWFOUNDLAND. Miss Ella Ehrhardt 12750 Mrs. Frank Waltz 12400 HAMLIN. Miss Mao Walker 11400 Miss Cora Alt 10850 HAWLEY. "Happy And Expectant Chrlstnins I,ok" Much In Evidence Rc hekuli Lodgo Officers Installed Postolllco Building Needed Other Breezy Notes. Special to THE CITIZEN. Hawley, Pa., December 14. Tho stores have all put on their holiday attire, and so Inviting nro the win dow displays, and so varied the ar ticles from which to choose, that one has no excuse to seek other towns to purchase their Christmas gifts. Tho stores are dally thronged with shop pers. Nearly every face wears that seasonable happy and expectant look. District Deputy Miss Eleanor Gill visited Rose Rcbekah Lodge, Satur day evening, and Installed the fol lowing officers for tho ensuing six months: Noble Grand, Stella Spys- ter; vice grand, Mrs. Posten Cross; chaplain, Mrs. Elbert Blossom; Past grand, Miss Henrietta Buck; con ductresses, Miss Thlelke and Miss Schilling; inside guard, Mrs. Brink; outlde guard, Mr. Kncscl; financial secretary, Mrs. Caruth; recording secretary,, Miss Gussie Williams. Tho new bank building Is enclos ed. Graham Watts & Son, who re ceived the contract for heating, and plumbing the building, with their plumber, Theo. Distler, and force of helpers, are pushing the work rapid ly. A new Richmond boiler has been Installed, giving out heat, which makes it more comfortable for the workmen. It Is expected the bank will bo opened for business on Janu ary 3. Mr. Vandermark, ex-Sheriff of Pike county, has been the guest of his son, Norman and family. He was accompanied to his home at Mil ford by his daughter-in-law, Mrs, Norman Vandermark, who will make an extended visit there. The High school is making exten slve preparations for an athletic car nival to be held some time after the holidays. The military drill will be a special feature. i Miss Edith Freed, teacher of music in the High school, recently sprained her ankle, while playing a game of basketball. She was only absent from her work a few days, being conveyed to and from the school in an automobile. William A. Qulnney, who went to Scranton Tuesday morning to con sult with Dr. D. A. Webb, a dis tinguished surgeon and specialist in diseases of tho stomach, returned Saturday afternoon, much encourag ed by his physician who advised a treatment for a time, which will probably obviate the necessity of an operation. Peter Anger is the new proprietor of the H. J. Lobb confectionery and Ice cream emporium, in the Schardt block, on Main Avenue, the transfer having taken place on Wed nesday. Mr. Unger will also have fruits for salo. Mr. Oschman, an electrician, while nt work in the now bank building Friday, about noon, slipped and fell against a barn, breaking three ribs. With much dlfllculty he managed to reach his home on Barker street. Dr. G. T. Rodman was called and gave tho case medical attention. This' Is very unfortunate for Mr. Oschman at this busy season, as he has several buildings to wire, and, being a pianist of much skill, to be the musical director of the Hippo drome, which expects to open up at an early date. Since there Is such a demand for the apparatus used In wiring buildings. It Is difficult to ob tain supplies ns fast as required, and when the accident occurred he was engaged with the electrician, who is wiring tho new bank, in di viding these supplies. The Order of tho Eastern Star are preparing for a reception of the Dis trict Deputy Grand Matron who will visit tho chapter December 1C. On Wednesday afternoon, the La dles' Aid of the M. E. church will meet with Mrs. Cross nt tho Eddy. This samo date, beginning at 5 p m., tho ladles of the Presbyterian church will hold a candy and apron sale at the homo of Mrs. R. W. Mur phy. Tho St. Phllomonn's pnrish Is busy preparing for a fair which will bo held In tho basement of their church from tho 2Gth to tho 31st of this month. There will bo a lltorary and musical program each ovonlng. Tho members of this parish are royal en tertainers, nnd tho public may bo assured of a Joyous time. Tho dls piny of articles will be so numerous that each ono may lind his or hor choice. Chnrles Teeter, who represents tho Scranton Llfo Insurance Co., was doing business In town tho latter part of tho week. Tho business of tho Hawley post olllco has becomo so enormous that It is becoming almost a necessity to havo a new postolllco building. U S. Assistant Superintendent E. M Norrls, of tho Postolllco Dopartmont was hero on Frldny last, and vlowed tho situation. Tho result was tho assurance that tho matter would bo given due attention. Tho Seelyvlllo Basketball team will hold a.danco at tho. Flro Com pnny's hall on Friday evening. 2t BERMUDA OURS At Tho Lyric All Next Week. Next week, starting Monday ovon lng, Mr. Chas. K. Chnmplin and Ills carefully selected company of. thirty peoplrt will appear at tho Lyric. Mr. Champlln, who has always been In tho front rank In tho popu lar priced field, has moro than kept paco with tho growing task of the theatrical public nnd has surrounded himself with the very best artists that tho theatrical world affords uuu uiu gruuicBi line ui piuys iiiuti .1 . . . 1 I . - . , . 1 . . money enn secure. This Is not a repertoire company, but an organization of merit. The highest salaried gathering of tho most clover actors nnd nctrcsses who havo ever appeared at popular prices, and Manager Dlttrich should be congratulated on having secured this wonderful company to play Hones dale for a week and the people should npprcciato tho good fortune and give their patronage that Mana ger Dlttrich so richly deserves a packed house every night. A different play will bo presented every night and every play will be staged with all tho necessary stage accessories, Including scenery, elec trical and mechanical effects, as Mr. Champlln and his company travels with a special passenger coach and a GO-foot baggage car full df the most beautiful scenery nnd electrical effects, for Mr. Chnmplln's list of plays aro ones that havo always played at $1.50 prices and have never before been seen at popular prices. Mr. Champlln has been nblo to se cure such strong plays as "The Pow ers That Be," "Shore Acres," "The Arizona Limited," "At Piny Ridge," "The Walls of Jericho," "Tho House of a Thousand Jewels," and great credit Is due Mr. Champlln for pre senting those plays to tho Hones dale theatregoers at such small prices, and Manngcr Dlttrich is con fident that when the theatregoers witness the performance on Monday night that they will go out and say that It is tho best stock company ever seen at these prices. The play for Monday night is 'The Powers That Be." This play Is a strong drama of politics. It de picts a struggle against tho lnsldu ous Influences of a hypocritical cap italist. It has some very strong scenes and climaxes, especially at the end of tho third act when a torch light parade headed by a drum corps is seen coining down the aisles of tho theatre. This is one of tho most realistic scenes ever produced in a theatre. Dentil of Mrs. M. Bissel. Mrs. Margaret Bissel, aged G8 years, was found dead on the floor of her .kitchen at her home In Seely- vllle, where sho lived with her daughter, Mrs. Edward Gill, Tues day morning, by Raymond Harnbly Whllo her daughter was out, Mrs. Bissel had evidently tried to remove some flowei; pots to the floor above, and while thus engaged was strick en. She had only one slight abrasion on her forehead. - She Is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Gill, and one son, Frederick. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 p. m.,' Rev. C. C. Miller, officiating. Interment will be made In Glen Dy berry cemetery. Good Bonds. Don't drag much earth on the road at one time when using tho King drag. Don't permit shoulders to form on the sides of tho roadway. Don't forget that most important requisite of a good road drainage. Don't neglect to prepare the road bed for proposed repairs. Don't neglect the crown of tho road; keep the centre always higher than the sides. Don't use stone in making repairs to an earth road or earth in repair ing a stone road; always use the same material the road is made of in repairs of any kind holes, ruts, washouts, etc. Your Christmas shopping should be done early. i CHRISTMAS FURS Fur Coats, Pony and Caraail Coats at Special Xmas Prices. SCARFS AND MUFF SETS An Opportunity in Ladies' and Children's Fur Sets for Holiday Gffts. EXTENSIVE HOLIDAY STOCKS OF Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Kid Gloves, Linens, Umbrellas, Belts, Belt Pins, Leather Goods, Silk Sea fs, Gent's Furnishings, Dress Goods and Silks to suit Every Purse. KATZ BROS. Inc. Don't uso a drag when tho road aurfaco is dry and dusty. Wo do good Job printing hor.e. Tho prices nro right. Trespass sign nicely done here. Como In and glvo up a trial order. Wo will be pleaso.4 to greet you. PLANNING for To-morrow - a No man ever accumulates a fortune unless he has the hab it of making sacrifices today in order that he may have some thing to work with to-morrow. The small amount that you are able to save every week may appear very small, but in time systematic saving, witli the aid of 3 per cent1 compound interest, will give you some substantial capital as a basis for investment or to live on when you can no loncer work and earn. 8 is yet young but it has helped many ambitious persons on the road to independence and duc es O O 6 o cess. 8 . OCCOQOOOOCCOOOGOCCOOOODOCO A Great Paper With Character The Weekly Edition OF THE Springfield Republican MASSACHUSETTS OliLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR BEST FAMILY JOURNAL IN THH COUNTRY. With the world as its field, Th Weekly Republican gives Its read ers a great variety of valuable mat ter several pages of editorials I each Issue, fearless, able and Inter esting comment on men and affairs; special Illustrated articles of higk quality, the news of the week Intel ligently arranged and condensed, Whllo in the various departments, discriminating attention Is paid to music, the drama, art, literature, re ligion, education, science, interests of women, sports and outdoor life, progressive ngriculture and forestry Special correspondents from Wash ington and other American centers, and also from abroad, keeps th reader fully abreast of the times. The Weekly is made up of th best things appoarlng In the Dally and Sunday Republican, the favor ite New England newspaper. Tho Subscription rates are For The Weekly, $1 a year; Dally $8, Sunday $2. Specimen Copies of either editlom sent free on oppllcation. Th Weekly Republican will be sent fro for one month to anyone who wishes to try it. All subscriptions nre payable U advance. Address THE REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Mass. 11RISTMAS SUITS and DRESSES AT JanuaryPriGesjHow Every Lady who ev er visited our SUIT DEPARTMENT will be interested in this great cut of Stylish and Beautiful Suits and Dresses. $25 Suits at $18.75 LADIES' DRESSES New and Stylish Dresses Elegantly made. $22.50 Dresses reduced to $16.98.