The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 16, 1910, Image 7

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    frltffi CITIZEN, KJllDAY, IKO. 10, 1010
Rumor Says Some One Is
to Get $10,000,000.
Ho Is Interested In Plan For Institute
of Internationalism to Be Estab
lished at The Hague'nnd May
Establish It
New York, Dec. III. It was rumored
hero tliat Andrew Carnegie Is nliniit to
announce (lie Rift of $10,000,000 to
soino International Ion. At
Mr. Carnegie's house the representa
tive of Mr. Carnegie refused to deny
or confirm this rejwrt. He advised pa
tience. Mr. Carnegie is president of the In
ternational Peace society and always
has been Interested In the International
peace movements at The Hague. The
last few months five or six leaders
in the Held of international law in this
country have been the recipient of a
somewhat lengthy correspondence set
ting, forth the plan that originated in
Holland and has for its purpose the
founding of a great Institute of inter
nationalism. This Institute would sup
port a school in international law in
The Hague.
The originators of this scheme esti
mate in their letters to our interna
tionalists that the building and equip
ment of such a school would cost ai
proximately $10,000,000.
For the erection of the Palace of
Tcace at The Hague for the interna
tional court of arbitration Mr. Carne
gie gave $l,7.r(0,000.
Mr Carnegie Is expected to be pres
ent Thursday at the International con
ference in Washington of the Ameri
can Society For the Judicial Settle
ment of International Disputes.
Automobile Mechanic Suddenly Loses
His Memory In Paterson, N. J.
Faterson, N. J., Dec. IS. A man Is
held at police headquarters who asked
to be locked up, as he suddenly lost
his memory. He was able to remem
ber that his first name was Thomas,
but he could not recall his last name
or where his home Is other than that
Jt Is in some town in New Jersey. He
could not remember anything about
the town. He could not tell why he
came to Paterson or how he got here.
The man is about thirty years old,
five feet seven inches tall and weighs
about 200 pounds. He wore a gray
overcoat, black suit, soft gray shirt
and corduroy cap. He is an automo
bile mechanic and believes he may
have come here to do some work.
"I never had a day's illness in my
life, and I never touched strong drink,"
he snld.
A letter signed "Hose" was found in
his pocket. He said Rose was his
wife. The letter mentioned Newark,
but he said he did not live there. His
overcoat was made In Brooklyn. A
name piece on It read, "Charles Bau
man, Oct. 20, 100S." The man said he
did not recognize the name "Bauman."
Van Devanter's and Lamar's Name
For Associates Are Sent to Senate.
Washington, Dec. 13. Edward Doug
Ins White, Democrat, of Louisiana
has been made chief justice of the
United States. The time reqnired was
only one hour and five minutes, mak
ing a new record for rapidity of ac
tion by the senate. The new chief
justice also became the first man to
become such by promotion from asso
ciate justice.
The reorganiuxtlon of the supremo
court was also completed when Presi
dent Tnft sent to the senate the nomi
nation of Willis Van Devantcr, Itepub
lican, of Wyoming and Joseph It. La
mar, Democrat, of Georgia to be asso
ciate Justices. Justice White succeeds
to the vacancy occasioned by the death
of Melville W. Fuller. Justice Van
Dovuuter will take the seat recently
resigned by Justice William H. Moody
and Justice Lamar that vacated by
Justice White.
Intends to Adjourn Court to Attend
Funeral of Negro Nurse.
White Plains, N. Y., Dec. 13. Judge
Keogh of the supreme court has ad
journed court until tomorrow morning
so that he will be able to attend the
funeral of Dinah Hicks, an aged
nurse, who has been in the Keogh
family for thirty years, who died at
the ago of 110 years.
The old nurse was a slave in Vir
ginia. She was taken from there when
sixteen years old. Thirty years ago
she entered tho employ or Judge
Keogh, and sho has since been at his
eountry place on Pclham road, New
Population Center of U. S. Has Movea.
Columbus, liid., Dee. 13. If statis
tics carefully computed by former
Lieutenant Governor Miller are to be
accepted, the new population center for
tho United Ktates has moved thirty
miles west and two miles north In the
last ten yeara.
Coombs Wins Game From Havana.
Havana, Dec. 13. Tho Philadelphia
Hnvana gamo was won by the Ameri
cans by u scoro of 5 to 4. Batteries
for Philadelphia Coombs and Thoin
a; for Havuna Parcda and Pctway.
jgfaturday Qight
KalEf C b ReT F" 11 DAVISON
ClmJ Rutland, Vt
International Bible Lesson for Deo.
18, '10 (Matt. 28:1-20).
Tho darkest day this world over
saw wnB that Friday, when tho sun
In heaven refused to look upon tho
crucifixion of Josus of Kaznroth, and
a horror of supernatural gloom over
spread tho earth. Hut the brightest
day that ever dawned upon this
planot begun the following Sunday
morning, when tho Mighty Victor
arose in triumph from tho broken
tomb in the Garden,
Do not waste valuable timo at
tempting to prove tho resurrection.
You might ns well occupy your in
genuity in proving that tho sun
shines, that water flow.s, that birds
sing, that the seasons coma and go.
It would be possible perhaps to find
skeptics who doubt tliat tho Pilgrim
Fathors landed on Plymouth Bock,
but it is easy to see that such unbe
lievers must explain how tho ninety
millions of people of this country
were deluded Into the belief that they
did land, and how it happens that
traces of such an origin are found in
our Constitution. In our religious
and educational institutions, and in
our annual festival Thanksgiving.
So ho who doubts tho resurrection of
Jesus Christ must explain how mil
lions of the noblest, most intelligent
people have been made to bellevo
that He rose, and account for tho
origin of tho strongest, purest and
best civilization on the faco of tho
earth. That will give scepticism a
cud to chew on for quite an extend
ed period.
Let us all avoid tho error of tho
weeping women on the morning of
resurrection day of seeking the liv
ing among tho dead. We spend too
much of our time going backward
when wo should he going forward,
standing at the stern of the boat,
watching our luminous track, in
stead of In tho pilot house steering
our craft into unknown seas. Thero
are thousands of preachers who are
fixing the eyes of their flocks upon
tho historic Christ, instead of inspir
ing them with the desiro to go out
and find Him in the person of His
disciples, who need a eup of cold wa
ter. The Tomb Empty.
That church which hugs to her
heart a Holy Sepulchre, which per
sists In obsolete ceremonies and ef
fete customs, and dead usages will
have little influence upon the world
of to-day. If Christ 1b anything at
all Ho is a leader into the bound
less futuro, not the custodian of an
cient relics. Tho most abundant and
glorious heritage of the church is in
the present and the future, all new
and good Ideas, all novel but sacred
Impulses, all healthy civilizations
nro hers, a part of her unsearchable
riches. The tomb Is empty, never
to be occupied again. Let it go. It
needs no adornment of flowers, no
decorations, no repairs, no lavish
expenditure of affection. Christ, onco
out of it never went back to shed sen
timental tears over the place where
He rested for three days.
Where Christ Is Found.
If you want to And Christ these
days, look for Him in orphan asy
lums, and homes for the unforunato;
see him accompanying the Red Cross
nurses across bloody battlefields and
binding up tho wounds of friend and
foo alike; find him In halls of legis
lation, inspiring enactments in be
half of tho laborers and all who are
oppressed; behold Him knocking off
the shackles of superstition from tho
nations who for ages have sat In tho
valley of the shadow of death. Christ
1b not in the cradle, neither is He
on tho cross, nor in the grave. Thero
Is no mnn living on this planet to
day, in any country under tho
sun, who is so much alive, who
bo persistently thrusts himself into
society, law, politics, education, rell
ligion as He does. There are a
multitude- of things that could have
been done once, tliat cannot be done
now simply because Christ is alive.
He has to be reckoned with. Men
can sneer or snarl, blubber or blas
pheme, vote or not vote, tho thing
fails, simply because Christ is alive.
They tried to stop Him by killing
Him. Then they tried to stop Him
by killing his disciples. But they
failed both times.
"Thou fool," he said, "that which
thou Bowest is not quickened, except
It die." No seed ever went into tho
earth saying, "Let me die, and bo
forgotten." The seed says, "Put me
whero you will, only connect mo
with tho ministry of nature, and I
will come back to you, and will do
It a thousand fold. Bury mo that I
may llvo." So when Christ broko
out of that rock-hewn sepulchre in
tho garden, ho filled tho whole earth
with His presence. He was gono
from tho tomb, but not destroyed.
Into each century Ho comes. At
tho very moment that Mnry waa
complaining that they had takon
away her Lord the Lord Himsolf was
looking at her. Oh, dry up your
tears, ye mourners, look for Christ
In tho church, in tho school, in tho
library, In tho law-courts, In tho
ruler's palace, in the poor man'a
house, on 'Change, in halls of legis
lation. You may not know Him at
first, any more than weeping Mary
did, but If you watch carefully you
will, sooner or later, discover that
the resurrection Is an accomplished
Famous Building nj It Ap
peared After Dlsa.-.trous '.-.
Now York, Dec. l.'f.-The Tammany
organization Is considering plans to
move Its headquarters uptown. A
meeting to decide the question Inn
been called for Dec. li) as a result of
the lire which partly destroyed Tain
ninny hall, in Fourteenth street, near
Third avenue. The Olympic theater,
formerly Tony Pastor's, which Is In
the western section of Tammany hull,
was seriously damaged.
At the start It looked as If tlipra
was not only small hope of saving the
historic old hall, but that the Acade
my of Music on the west and the Cen
tral hotel adjoining the Tammnny
structure on tho cast were doomed.
By exerting almost superhuman ef
forts the firemen managed to keep the
flames confined to the third nnd fourth
floors, nnd tho Tammany records worn
saved from destruction, although sonic
of them were damaged by water. Tho
total damage resulting from the Urn
was estimated at between $35,000 nnd
But Trouble For Higher Pay May Be
Avoided by Mediation.
Chicago, Dec. 13. Settlement of the
wage controversy between tho Broth
erhood of Locomotive Engineers and
the Rlxty-one western railroad Compa
nies involved will be settled from
present indications by federal media
tion under the Erdman law. Grand
Chief Warren S. Stone of the rail
roads, with '-ree assistant grnnd
chiefs nnd flftj ocven chairmen of dis
trlcts, met the conference of tho Gen
eral Managers' association of the rail
roads and announced the result of the
strike referendum, which showed n
percentage of 07.52 In favor of a striko
unless the demands of the union are
That the railroads will refuse to
grant tho demands of the engineers U
said to be a foregone conclusion. Tim
next natural movement of the engi
neers will ho to call a strike, but in
the meantime Chairman Martin A.
Knapp of the interstate commerce
commerce commission nnd Charles P.
NoIIl, labor commissioner, will be ap
pointed to act as mediators.
At Concord Tomorrow tho Document
Will Be Made Public.
Boston, Dec. 13. It Is the present
Intention of General Henry M. Baker,
executor of the will of Mrs. Mary
Baker G. Eddy, to file her will in Con
cord, N. II., tomorrow, at which time
it will, of course, be made public.
It is not certain that George W. Glo
ver, Mrs. Eddy's son, and his children
will not be beneficiaries to some ex
tent under the will. No one but Gen
eral Streeter, who drew the will, and
General Baker, who Is Its executor,
know Its provisions.
George W. Glover has not yet form
ally given his assent to his mother's
final burial In Mount Auburn, but It Is
understood that he will agree to the
wishes of tho directors of the Mother
With Confederate He Is Charged With
New York, Dec. 13. Alderman Mi
chael J. Volkmunn of the Twenty-second
assembly district and Edward
Cruise, sou of former Police Captain
William Cruise, who were arrested on
the complaint of David Barisch, a
crippled newsdealer, were indicted by
the grand Jury for extortion.
Barisch, who owns n news stand, al
leged that Cruise, acting for Volk
mann, demanded $200 from him for
tho renewal of his license. lie brought
the mutter to the attention of the dis
trict attorney, and both men wore arrested.
Observations of the United
States weather bureau taken at
8 p. in. yesterday follow:
Tonip. Weather.
New York 21 Cloudy
Albany 10 Cloudy
Atlantic City ., 20 Cloudy
Boston 23 Clear
Buffalo 18 Clear
Chicago 22 Clear
St. Louis 21 Clear
New Orleans . . 48 Cloudy
Washington ... 28 Cleur
reat Tow f BmmudB aaid
Prize tmg Gon
ly saibsetipticm
l M ski Id lit t-1 l BKl VJ t U4 Kri KM l.ti kl r PI
Nomination Blank --- Good for 1,000 Votes
The CITIZEN'S Tour of Bermuda and
Prize Contest
Only the First Nomination Blank Cast for
Each Candidate will Count as 1,000 Votes
To Bermuda Contest
District No
This Coupon, when neatlv trimmed out, name, address, prop
erlv filled in and brought or sent to the TOUR DEPARTMENT OF
TliE CITIZEN, will count as 25 votes in THE CITIZEN'S TRIP
The first one of these Coupons received 'for any young lady
will place her in nomination and will count for 1,000 votes.
Over and above the regular scale will be given
for every yearly subscription paid to the Citizen
during "Booster's Week," between Friday, Dec.
16th and Thursday, Dec. 22nd at 8 P. M.
Every reader should pay a subscription
during "Booster's Week" and help some deserv
ing young lady win a Tour of Bermuda.
Old subscribers are entitled to vote. The
same number of votes are allowed on both old
and new subscriptions.
REMEMBER, candidates, 7.5O0 votes on EVERY yearly subscription.
Get as many as you can during this week.