The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 16, 1910, Image 3

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SHOT: we HQ.
. . . . ,
if Goto BETZ'S Harness Store
Port Wlisro Pasr-i'trs T-nm
Wrecked Ship Won To tn.
Sugar Trust Man tAey
Be Criminally Prosecute d.
Philadelphia Ghibman Iks
Bullet In 'Head.
Directors Will Be Prose
Presents !
AVi lin'vo (lio T.nriri'Kl, ntnl Jtrwl lliw of tin- fiillmvliif irniiiln
cuted as Criminals.
. &SSS
Jr '
Suicide, Accident, Self Defense Are
Excuse Given by Woman Who Be
fore Her Marriage Was a
Manicure Girl.
Philadelphia, Dec. 13. OMy two per
sons were present when Herbert Mil
on Clnpp, clubman, received tbc bill
let wound In the head which narrow
iy missed ending his life at his home.
One of these was Clupp, nnd the
thcr was his wife. Mrs. Clapp, whlU
ker husband was lying upon the Door
apparently dead, readily assented tc
tho theory that he had committed sul
tide. Later, when Clapp was taken to
St. Joseph's hospital with what seemed
to be only a fecblo spark of life re
maining within him, she declared that
the shooting was an nccldcnt.
When Clapp, growing stronger at the
hospital, made a statement to Magis
trate Thomas G. Morris iu which he
ccusod his wife of baring attempted
to murder him, Mrs. Clapp totd a third
story In which nho assarted that she
kad seized the revolTcr with which her
husband was wounded while he wa
flourishing It and uttering threats tti
take her life. She said ths weapon
was discharged whllo she was strug
gling to tako the weapon from the
maddened man.
Clapp under repeated questioning re
peated his story that his wife hnd
picked up the- revolver and made n de
liberate attempt to assassinate him.
Mrs, Clnpp is under arrest on a charge
f assault with intent to kill.
Clapp Is a grandson of Mason, the
"blacking king." Ho is thirty-eight
years old and for twenty years figured
m innumerable escapades which, ow
ing to his wealth and the social posi
tion of his family, attracted wide at
tention. When his mother died about
fight years ago she left an estate val
ued at from $500,000 to $1,000,000.
Owing to her son's dissipations she
provided that half the Income be paid
to Clapp and half to Clapp's first wife,
who was Miss Mary Post, n New York
society girl.
It was after his first wife had ob
tained n divorce from him that he
married his present wife, Miss Mary
Iienkeer. When he met her she was
employed as a hotel manicure iu Phila
delphia. Clapp induced her to go to Texas
with him, and there the two were mar
ried four years ago.
Unanimously Decide That Testimony
Does Not Prove Bribery Charges.
Washington, Dec. 13. The subcom
mittee of the senate which hns been
Investigating the charges of bribery In
tonnectlon with the election of Sena
tor William Lorlmer of Illinois do
elded unanimously that the testimony
does not prove any of the charges
Several criminal prosecutions In Illi
nois have grown out of the charges
that Senator Lorlmer bribed legisla
tors to obtain his senate seat. AVhlle
some of these were holding public In
terest last fall ex-President Roosevelt
lefused to attend n dinner In Chicago
to which Lorlmer had also been In
vited. Lorlmer's Invitation was with
drawn, and Roosevelt appeared at the
banquet nnd made a speech. Previous
to that President Taft bad attended a
similar banquet In the same city and
made no objection to Lorlmer, who
was a prominent guest.
Burglar's Attempt at Freedom Stopped
When Somebody Tells Sheriff.
Hnckensnck, N. J Dec. 13 Martin
fJoresen, a burglar, who says he lives
In New York and who was caught in
Itidgefleld Park ten days ago with
$500 worth of stolen goods, planned u
Jajl delivery. Another prisoner told
UndersherllT Heath, and the escape
was blocked.
Goresen had removed six bricks and
ne bar from the wall and used his cot
to cover the hole. A knotted rope was
ready for a drop of twenty-flve feet to
the ground. Porks and hooks must
have been smuggled through the win
dow, for nobody had visited him.
A Camel's Stomach.
Tho stomach of a camel is divided
Into four compartments, nnd the walls
of one of these are lined with large
cells, every one of which can be opened
and closed at will by means of power
ful muscles. When a camel drinks It
drinks a very great deal. Indeed, it
goes drinking on for such n very long
tltno that really you would think thnt
It never meant to leave off. But the
fact Is that it is not only satisfying
its thirst, but Is filling up Us cistern
as well. One after another the cells
in its stomach nre filled with tho water,
and ns soon as each is qulto full it Is
tightly closed. Then when the animal
becomes thirsty a few hours later all
that it has to do is to open one of
tho cells and allow tho water to flow
out. Next day it opens one or two
more cells, and so It goes ou day after
day until the whole supply is ex
hausted. In this curious way a camel
can live five or even six daya without
drinking at all nnd no is able to travel
quite easily through tho desert, where
the wells are often hundreds of allien
.Seattle. Wash., Dec. 13, The lOti
person aboard the stranded steam
ship Olympia have been saved, but the
vessel, which went on the rocks of
Itligh island, Prince Edward sound, Is
being pounded to pieces by tho waves.
The victims of tho wrock wore tnken
to Cordova, from which port the vessel
bad sailed.
Steamers and launches hurried to
the aid of tho vessel from Seward,
Vnldez and Katelia as soon as the re
port of the wreck was received by
Italian Shot After He Had Refused to
Pay $1,000.
Ilobokcn, N. J., Dec. 13. When he
knew for certain that he could not re
cover old Salvatoro Tollizzauo, dying
In St. Mary's hospital of three bullet
wounds, told the police how he bad
been shot for his obstinacy in failing
to pay tribute to the Hlack Hand.
Not until ho was made to realbe
that he was past all reason to fear tin
dreaded society did Tollizzauo unlorl:
his lips. Within an hour after he died
a charge of murder was made against
Dominlck Rranda, a supposed lifelong
friend of the victim.
Tolllzzano was shot tho morning of
Nov. 30. He had refused to pay at'
tentlon to a Black Hand letter de
manding $1,000.
Ordered Confined Until They Produce
Evidence Against Brick Trust.
Chicago, Dec. 13. Mrs. Aileen Chris
tophcr, the government's main wltnes;
against the so called brick trust, and
her counsel, .Tohn A. Brown, were or
dered confined in tho county jail by
Judge Kenesaw M. Landls until they
produced certain documents before the
federal grand Jury. The court declar
ed the charges made against Charles
F. Dewoody of the Investigating bu
reau of the department of Justice wort
without cause, reason or Justification.
Documents which the court declared
are being withhold by the respondent
are a dozen checks purporting to show
that graft wns paid certnln persons Ir
the city hall.
Opera Singers to Make Farewell Tour
Before Marriage.
Paris, Dec. 13. The reported engage
ment of Emma Eamcs and Emllio Gor
gozn, a baritone, Is causing much tail
hero. They will make a concert tout
of American before their wedding.
In the spring of 1009 Emllio de Gor
goza's wife sued for a separation froic
her husband. Later Mine, de Gorgozn
sued Mme Enmes for $50,000 for alien
atlon of her husband's affection. Shr
made no allegation of Improper con
duct. Nothing has been heard of the
suit since.
Boiler Explosion Kills Two.
Hazleton, Pa Dec. 13. An explod
ing boiler In tho silk mill of Iteed &
Lovatt at Weatherly killed two men
wrecked the plnnt nnd damaged a
number of prlvnte dwellings. Five
hundred girls had Just left the mill.
Market Reports.
ntlTTErt Firm;, receipts, i,l(X pack-
aces: creamery, specials, per lb.. 3iv4a
extras, 30a30'4c.; thirds to firsts, aaWc;
held, specials, 3014c-i seconds to extras,
tPtaWc. : state dairy, common to finest.
UnMc.; process, 23aGVic.; factory, current
make, 22a23c.
riHKESE Steady; receipts, C01 boxes;
tute, whole milk, specials, per lb., i'ja
IVAc; September quality, fancy, white.
15al5Mc. ; colored, l&lic; later make, as to
quality, 12HaUHc; white, 14Hc; common
to choice, 13al4e. ; part skims, i'MUc; full
sKlms, zwa3Hc.
EGOB-Steady; receipts. 4.308 cases: Btato.
Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery, white,
per dozen, 4Ca55c; brown, 45a47c; gath
ered, white, S5a4sc.; brown. Sialic; fresh,
gathered, extra firsts, 38a40c: firsts. 35a
87a; seconds, 30aS(c; refrigerator, special
marks, ZGc; nrsts. Z4HaZ5Hc
keys: fresh killed turkeys, western, spring,
per lb., 23Via24c.; old, 22a23c; nearby, Gn
ZSo.; broilers, Philadelphia squab, per pair,
40a C0c; 8 to 4 lbs, to pair, 23a'J0c; Btate
and Pennsylvania, 3 to 4 lbs. to pair, 18a
ISo.; chickens, Philadelphia, over 8 lbs. to
nalr. 20c: Pennsylvania. lGal7c.: western,
roasting, lCal9c; mixed weights, 14alCHc;
fowls, average utt, liana; old cocks.
14a; spring ducks, western, IGalSc.; spring
geese, western, 14al5c,; squabs, white, per
aozen. 1z.toa4.z3; aarx, ji.icaz.
Supreme Court Holds Statute of Limi
tations Doesn't Apply In Adolph
Segal Case Government to
Start After Heads.
Washington, Dec. 13. Through a de
rision of tho tlnltcd States supreme
court the prosecution of John E. Par
sons and lire other directors of the
Nugar trust under tho criminal section
of the Sherman antitrust law is made
possible. The prosecution will be un
der indictments already returned
against the Seven directors charging
thfcni with violating the Sherman law
in the acquisition and suppression of
the Pennsylvania Sugnr Refining com
pany of Philadelphia, the controlling
interest In which was held by Adolph
The decision of the supreme court
was a reversal of that of Judge Holt
of tho circuit court In the cases of
Gustave E. Kissel and Thomas IS.
Harned, two agents of the trust. Kis
sel and Harned were indicted with
Mr. Parsons and the other directors
July 1, 1000. They Interposed a plea
In bar to the indictment, reciting thnt
a conspiracy such as charged In the
Indictment was not continuous and
that the stntute of limitations had in
tervened to prevent prosecution. Judge
Holt sustained this plea.
The supreme court holds that the
conspiracy was continuous and the
statute of limitations could not be
pleaded in bnr. The five directors In
dieted made no plea then, but the
prosecution of their cases has been
held pending the outcome of the ap
peal to the supreme court by Kissel
and Harned.
Attorney General WIckershnra and
United Stntes District Attorney Wise
of New York, both of whom were in
court when the decision wns made,
said it meant tho prosecution not only
of Kissel and Harned, but of Mr. Par
sons and the other directors.
The other directors under Indictment
are Washington B. Thomas, Arthur B,
Donner, Charles H. Sneff, John Mayer
and George H. Frazier.
The Indictments are based on tho
shutting down of the Pennsylvania
Sugar Heflulng company In 190-1 by
Kissel, who, acting in the interests ot
the American Sugar Refining company,
had bought up a majority of the, stock
nnd a controlling interest In the bonds
of the company. Parsons nnd other
members of the sugar trust, it is said,
refused to let Segal, who was at the
head of the Philadelphia concern, op
erate long enough to pay off the debts
of the company.
Aviator Says She Was Never Legally
Divorced From First Husband.
New York, Dec. 13. Charging that
his wife had another husband living
from whom she hnd never been legally
divorced when she married him, Au
gustus T. Post, tho balloonist, who
has figured In many daring Ulghts, has
brought to the supreme court a suit
for the annulment of his marriage.
The action Is the culmination of u
romance that began on shipboard In
ISO", and, although the woman Is
twenty years his senior, the difference
in their ages didn't deter him In the
least from pressing his suit, und not
long after their meeting they were
Mrs. Post denies the charge. Be
fore she consented to be married to
Post, she said, she got the late Su
preme Court Justice Itussell to look
into her case, and he told her she was
free to marry again.
Waiter's Finger So Swollen That an
Operation Was Necessary.
Washington, Dec. 13. William E
Barron of this city has Just recovered
from an operation to remove a young
lemon tree from one of his thumbs,
Barron is a waiter. When waiting is
dull he frequently helps the chef peel
lemons nnd oranges und other fruit.
About five weeks ago Barron noticed
that one of Ills thumbs wns swelling,
He called n doctor, who tried every
thing known to science, but it was nil
A few days ago the thumb becamo
so painful that Barron submitted to
an operation. The surgeon uncovered
an embryo lemon tree.
Jorsey City Butcher Leave Pitiful
Note Behind Him.
New York, Dec. 13.-Gottfried Munz
forty yearn old, u butcher of Jersey
City, killed himself in his room by In
hnllng gas. Ho left tho following fare
well note of explanation on bis bureau
Vcrgleve waht I havo don den
dies ies the oulo way out wen ah
men is syck an no hnlb vor im. I
havo bin sick vor the last 10 Jnhr
iu 1 kotcn stand im mor lunger. Du
waht ever Ju blls with ineln bo
hangings. G. MUNZ.
Widow of Mormon Leader Dead,
Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 13. Ame
lia Folsom Young, widow of tho fa
inous Mormon prophet and leader,
Brlgham Young, died at her homo
here. She was seventy-two years old.
. ' i X
te A VX
Eastern League Decides to Vote Out
Old President.
New Yolk, Dec. 13. Edward G. Bar
rows of Toronto was elected president
of the Eastern Lengue of Professional
Baseball Clubs ut the annual fall meet
ing. The vote was C to 3 against I
T. Powers, who sent in a letter of
resignation, which the magnates refu
ed to accept. There was much 111 feel
ing over the election, nnd Powers wn
surprised when he learned thnt dele
gates from five clubs Baltimore, To
routo, Montreal, Buffalo and Newark-
nssembled at tho hotel before time for
the meeting and cast their votes for
It was decided to play a schedule of
104 games next year, the season to
open April 20. The dates are to he
assigned by the new president. The
new board of directors are Stem
chairman; Chapln, Dunn, O'Mtirn and
McCaffrey. Tho schedule meeting wil'
be held in Baltimore Fob. 0.
Edward Tuck Gives $400,000 to Dart
mouth College.
Hanover, N. II., Dec. 13. President
Nichols has announced a gift In tin
form of securities worth $400,000 whl I
the trustees of Dartmouth college re
celved from Edward Tuck of the clas
of 1802.
Mr Tuck, who lives In Paris and 1
a member of the firm of Munro &
Co., bankers, New York and Paris, In
n letter accompanying his gift said:
1 desire the Income to be applied
to the Improvement of tho existing
scale of salaries of the faculty of
the college. I wish tho trustees of
the college to apportion the addi
tional Income received nccordlug to
the relative Importance of the serv
ices rendered by the different pro
fessors, with due regard to length
of service and professional distinc
Telegraphers Demand Railway Rein
state Two Men It Discharged.
Philadelphia, Dec. 13. Determined tc
secure recognition from the Philadel
phia and Bending ICallroad company,
the Order of Dispatchers, Agents and
Signalmen has sent a demand to Gen
eral Manager Dice that the company
restore two members of the order to
their positions, threatening a strike of
the telegraphers on the system.
J. F. Tetlow of Jenklutown and P.
B. Pontius of this city were, It Is al
leged, discharged after they, acting as
chairmen of committees of the order,
had endeavored last October to confer
with the railway officials In an effort to
securo an adjustment of grievances.
The London Times "Killed" Mrs. Shel
don, Who Is Recovering.
London, Dec. 13. Tho Times erro
neously reported the death of Mrs. M.
French Sheldon, fellow of the Hoyal
Geographical society, explorer, author
and lecturer. Mrs. Sheldon, who Is
the daughter of the late Colonel Jo
seph French, U. S. A., has been se
riously ill, but Is recovering.
It appears that the bombardment of
Itlo Janeiro was confined to one day's
duration. The censor held up n dis
patch twenty-four hours nnd made It
appear as If there had been a second
Fine of $20,000 by New York Court Is
Seconded by Supreme Court.
Washington, Dec. 13. The Standard
Oil conipuny of New York must pay
$20,000 line Imposed upon it under the
Elklns law by the district court for
tho western district of New York for
the acceptance of alleged concessions
In the transportation of petroleum us
the result of the refusal of the supremu
t-ourt of the United Stntes to review
the case.
Tho alleged concessions occurred in
the transportation of oil from Olcun,
N. Y., to Hutland, Vt.
Weather Probabilities.
Fair; continued cold Tuesday and
Wednesday; inoderato west to north
in the cutinty at prices riuiKiiifj as follows : X
Horse Blankets at 75c to $7.50 each.
Lap Robes For Carriage or Auto use. Fur, Plush and X
Fine Wool, at from $3 to $12 each.
Trunks from $3 to $20 each. X
Dress-suit Cases, $1 to $12 each.
Traveling Bags, 50c to $15 each.
Ladies1 and Gent's Pocket Books, 10c to $10 each.
Gentlemen's Fur Driving Coats, $10 to $35.
Fur Driving Gloves, $1.25 to $6.
Fur Lined Gloves, $2 to $3.50.
AVc also carry a full line of Working
and Driving Gloves ami Mittens.
Work Shop I am prepared to do ail harness
work promptly.
A Statement of Facts Backod by a
Strong Guarantee.
We guarantee complete relief to all
sufferers from constipation. In every
case where we fall we will supply the
medicine free.
Itcxnll Orderlies are a gentle, ef
fective, dependable and safe bowel
regulator, streugthener and tonic.
They re-establish nature's functions
in a quiet, easy way. They do not
cause any inconvenience, griping or
nausea. They are so pleasant to take
nnd work so enslly that they may be
taken by any one at any time. They
thoroughly tone up the whole system
to healthy activity.
Ilexall Orderlies are unsurpassable
and Ideal for the use of children, old
folks nnd delicate persons. We cannot
too highly recommend them to all suf
ferers from auy form of constipation
nnd Its attendant evils. Two sizes.
10c. and 25c. ltemember, you enn ob
tain Itexall Itcmedlcs in this communi
ty only nt our store The Itexall Store.
Tho Perfect Llviny rv
After nil the modern house deco
rators have said their last word on
the subject it would be hard to find
anything half so satisfactory as the
simple rules given by William Morris
for the making of n perfect room. The
woman who Is planning to rearrange
her house this fall with a view to add
ing to its comfort and attractiveness
would do well to read over what Wil
liam Morris wrote about the furnish
ing of tho living room.
"Perhaps it will not try your pa
tience too much," he writes, "if I lay
beforo you my Idea of tho fittings nec
essary to the sitting room of a healthy
person first n bookcase with a great
many books in it, next a table that
will keep Bteady when you wrlto or
work at it, then several chairs that
you can move and a bench that you
can sit or He upou; next a cupboard
with drawers; next, uuless either the
bookcase or tho cupboard be very
beautiful with painting or carving,
you will want pictures or engravings,
such ns you can afford, only not stop
gaps, but real works of art umi the
wall, or else the wall Itself must bo
ornamented with some beautiful or
restful pattern. Wo Bhnll also want
a vase or two to put flowers In, which
latter you must havo sometimes, espe
cially if you live in town. Then there
will bo tho fireplace, of course, which
in our climate Is bound to bo tho chief
object In tho room."
arne ss and Horse
Furnishing Goods.
H-f t H
Tortured by Piles!
Probably no one disease causes so much
pain and suffering as piles or hemorrhoids.
The victims are often in agony. Each
attack seems worse and more stubborn.
Work or business is impossible. The nerves
are racked, the system debilitated by loss
of blood and the end is an operation.
Piles are the penalty of neglect. The
one chief cause of this trouble is constipa
tion. When the bowels are clogged the
trouble begins. These sensitive, painful
tumors are the result. If you are afflicted
with piles begin with Smith's Pineapple and
Butternut Pills at once, and get a full free
passage of the bowels without pain or
griping. Take two of these wonderful lit
tle pills at night and two more the next
morning. Then take one or two pillsevery
night at bedtime for a few days. You will
find that Smith's Pineapple and Butternut
Pills will cleanse the entire system, purify
the blood, invigorate the liver and so reg
ulate your bowels that piles will disappear.
Physicians use and recommend. They
form no habit. You should always keep
these little Vegetable Pills on hand. They
ward off many ills.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and Sick
Headache in a Night, use
Diseases of iKn. I
Itveraru 'BoHtk. J
00 I'lllt In Gl:is Viul 35c All Dealers.
For Sick Kidneys
Bladder Dlseavs, ltheumMlain,
tbc one t-et remedy. Hellable,
eodonetl by leading pbyitAanl ;
ate, effectual. Keinltt lasting.
On the market H yean. Ilaya
cured thouiandt. 100 pills to
original glass package, M cents.
Trial boies,K pills, Mcenti. All
druggists seU and recommend.
Magnificently located
residence and large
grounds of
Splendid site- for hospital or
hotel. Houso steam heated. Elec
trlcnlly wired. Largo barn.
Corner lot. 125x150.
Insurance and Heal Estate.
Jndwlu nulldlng.