WKATHKTi FORECAST: Snow. WEATHER FOIir! SnovT. THE CITIZEN ia the most widely read Mini-weekly nowspnH!r In Wayiio County. Lustier now (linn nt nny Unio In Its 07 years' history. XT EB, Dear Uo IVIenda. X there IS nta CIauM TUB CITIZE so, nnd If you sec It in 'A i CITIZEN, you JUIOMT It's 67th YEAR. HONESDAXjE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1910. NO 100 KBT mm. I t. IMF many THE HDNESDALE HOSPITAL PROJECT ! Arguments Presented By Prominent Citizens "Pro" and "Con"--Mostly "Pro" HoweverWhat The "Original Hospital Man" and One of The Most Active "Boomers" Nowadays Have To SayAlso The Question of Main tenance Considered-Annual Subscriptions Most Needed It was reporter's "Blue Wednes day" along "Park Row," othcrwlso known as Mnln street. Maple City, when news Is scarce and tlrao is short, when the poor pen-pushers nro "caught between editions," and not able to get out much that is "now and true," that the idea came to a CITIZEN man to get the local senti ment in regard to the proposed Hos pital. He was informed that Hon. P P Kimble, Esq., was the "origi nal" hospital man, and that Hon. Leopold Fuerth was one of its most enthusiastic "boomers." He went to see them Thursdny morning. Then the suggestion was made to him that ho see one of the many men, who while not opposed for an instant to the project, still believe "that a man ought to sit down and figure out what it costs, even when about to build a hospital." The story fol lows: The Original Hospital Promoter. F. P. Kimble, Esq., when seen at his office Thursday morning had this to say about the hospital project. "Yes, I was in the Legislature in 1891. First I got the charter for the corporation. Mr. Kimble consulted Laws of Pennsylvania For 1891 In an en deavor to furnish the reporter with the exact nature of the original ap propriation. "You must have been the original hospital man?" suggested the report er. "I think so," answered Mr. Kim ble. "I'll take my books out and eee. How quickly; those things will go from ope's mind. Do you have any trouble in remembering names?" The reporter admitted that he had. "You'll find it," continued Mr. Kimble, "under the head of appro priations. I know it was either three or five thousand. Now I am not positive which." "I wouldn't go .back to the Legis lature again, although I had the nomination offered," suggested Mr. Kimble. The reporter suggested that a Dem ocrat didn't stand much show in the Assembly. "If he works carefully," said Mr. Kimble, "he'll get some things through. I stood pretty well with the boys. I remember getting the matter of the charter of Stroudsburg, which has been up 'for four or five sessions, successfully passed." When asked "whether he favored the hospital project," Mr. Klmple re plied: "Why, yes. I am for the hospital in the sense that I am for the bet tering of the condition of the town. If we build a hospital, It will cost us over $5,000. We will feel the bur den of maintaining it. Establish ment is much easier than mainten ance. Where there is a constant call on the people for money, people be come tired of contributing. There is nothing about a hospital that is not expensive. It has been the experi ence of Norrlstown, Carbondale and other small cities that people get tir ed of it after the enthusiasm is once worn off." "I'm heartily for It, in the sense that I want to he'p the town and the people." "I Introduced a bill in 1891," said Mr. Kimble, "and it was referred to a committee, and the following year the special committee came here. Wo feasted them at the Allen House. The appropriation wasn't made until 1893. Seo page 483 Laws of Penn sylvania 1893. In tho meantime I got the charter and followed up the matter until wo got the appropria tion. Charity Hospital Association Is tho name of the corporation, Tho appropriation was for $5,000." (Seo Pago 483 Acts 1893.) AVliut a Hospital "Boomer" Says. When ex-Representative Leopold Fuerth was seen at his place of busi ness this (Thursday) morning, he said, "They, tho Woman's Auxiliary, are progressing very good. I think unfortunately wo aren't going to get anything from the Legislature this session." "We can keep it up. If wo hold a picnic once a year or a tag day, wo can raise tho money. $2200 will keep up our hospital. About $3,000 had been subscribed." "There's no question about keeping it up, by having n picnic every year and a tag day. We can easily keep it up. It won't interfere with nny churches or anything else. We can't make less than $000 to $800 on a picnic nor less than $C00 to $S00 on tag day. Wo want to ap peal to the townships outside. After tho holidays the Board of Directors will meet and have tho money sub scribed and raised. Most of the hoard arc business people. Children are sending in quite a little money, some as much as 25 and 15 cents." Mr. Fuerth took a very hopeful view of the situation and intimated that some pleasant surprises In a fi nancial way were coming soon. H. C. Menner is tho president of the Board of Directors; M. J. Hanlan is the secretary; and M. E. Simons tho treasurer. The Other Side of the Story. When the reporter called on a man who admitted that he had "some slight hospital experience," he was rewarded with a very complete state ment of the cost of the maintenance of such an institution as the proposed hospital. "Do you think that we can main tain a hospital?" (he reporter asked. "They can," was the reply, "it they will, and I should think that these subscriptions be at least annual sub scriptions. The fact that a person gives a $100 or $500 to-day isn't go ing to maintain a hospital'. If they give that much annually they'll be keeping up the hospital. The large majority of donors of the Scranton' hospitals give so much as $1000 and $500 a year as the case may be, and still they have trouble to keep their heads above water." When questioned as to the cost of I maintenance, the reporter was told "For a rough estimate I should think a small hospital here, run with a matron, nurse and a steward, or jan itor or call it a handyman, together with the expense of fuel, light, taxes, insurance, water would cost from $60 to $75, a week for fixed ex penses, and that would mean for the smallest kind of an institution." "How about a surgeon?" was the inquisitive newspaperman's next question. "Well, the way things are situated now, for capital operations, they would have to have a man come here from Scranton." "What would bo his fee?" "A man could afford to come for a $100." "The people of course have an er roneous Idea of the number of sur gical instruments needed. There Isn't a hospital in the United States that hasn't three or four times the stuff they actually need." "Any surgeon that would come from Scranton would bring a lot of Instruments with him. For instance in an operation for appendicitis, all you need is a half dozen artery for ceps, a bistery, a straight little knife, a pair of small scissors, a couple of needles, a few little pieces of cat gut, three or four pieces of silkworm gut that's all you need." Tho reporter thought this was the proper time to shudder! He shiver ed from head to foot, when tho enu meration of instruments was made. Tho question of Instruments was brought up when the naino of a sur geon, who hails from Northeastern Pennsylvania, and has since left for other fields, was mentioned. Tho re porter was informed that the Indivi dual In question does very little oper ating, and that ho Is not oven a good surgeon. "Dr. Robert 1. Morris, New York City, a man of national reputation, the host surgeon in tho United States, who prides himself upon do ing an appendlcotomy (I.o tho oper ation for appendicitis) says he can do It with a pair or scissors and a needle. This Instrument business Is a great bugaboo." "A hospital is all right. But the ratio of patients Is about four "char ity" to ono "pay" patient." "THE HARE COST OF MAIN TENANCE OF A IIOSPITAL IN HONESDALE WITHOUT ANY PA TIENTS WOULD RUN FROM $00 TO $75 A WEEK." "A hospital Is all right. It's a fine thing. I'd like to sec It go through. I'm not opposed to It In nny way, but they don't realize what they arc up against." "Hero they mnko ft big hullnhalloo about somebody giving $500, $100, $50. They ought to ho ANNUAL) subscriptions at least. They think j becnuso somo people may give a . $100, they can make it go until hell freezes over!" Hospital Appropriation Act. Act No. 357, Laws of Pennsylvania, Pages 4 83 and 484, entitled No. 357 AN ACT Making An Appropriation To The Charity Hospital Association of llonesdale, Wayne county, reads ns follows: SECTION 1. Be it enncted, fie, Thnt the sum of live thousand dol lars or so much thereof as may be necessary be and the same is hereby specifically appropriated to the Charity Hospital Association of llonesdale, Wayne County, Pa., for the two fiscal years beginning June 1, 1S93, for the purpose of assisting in the erection or a new hospital building for the medical and surgical care of sick and in jured persons, indigent or other wise and without discrimination in respect to religion, nationality or color: PROVIDED, That no part of the money herein appropriated shall become available until the treas urer of said institution shall have certified, under oath to tho Audi tor General that tho sum of $5, 000, exclusive of the value of the ground, has been subscribed and paid in casli into the treasury of said institution by private con tributions for the purpose of as sisting in the erection of said hos pital building, and that said asso- cnuion nas uecomo me owner in fee simple, clear or all Incumb rances, or ground or the assessed value or ono thousand five hun dred dollars, etc." TO THE FRONT! MRS. O. C. ABRAHAM WRITES ENTERTAININGLY OF SUNDAY SCHOOL "WORK AND "WORKERS THINGS TO HE AIMED AT QUESTIONS WILL RE ANSWER ED BY MRS. ABRAHAM. THE CITIZEN has kindly given us the use of one of Its columns for Sunday school work. By .thi' means we will be enabled to kee;. intouch with the schools in tho county if the district and county workers will co operate with us. Wo want to keep our Sunday school work constantly before the people and the co-operation of our county paper furnishes a rich oppor tunity. To see an opportunity is to bear a responsibility. if each department will assume the responsibility that bolongs to It, it will set In motion a great evangeliz ing force which will accomplish our purpose, which Is to bring our coun ty Into tho Tront line. To do this we must attain to the standard set by the Association which consists of ten points, viz: 1. County organized. 2. Annual County Convention held 2. Annual county convention held. 3. Complete district organization In the county. 4. Annual convention or Institute held In each district. 5. Statistics gathered annually and sent to state office. G. Pledge made to the Association and paid. 7. County represented at State convention. 8. Fifty per cent, of schools have cradle rolls. 9. Thirty per cent, of schools have Homo Departments. 10. Twenty per cent, of schools havo Teacher Training classes. A class must take an examina tion before it can bo counted. 'Measured by this standard the counties aro classed as Banner, Star, and Front Line.. A Bannor County Is one that has attained nny five points of the standard including point 5. , A Star County is ono that has at tained eight points of the standard, including point 5. A Front Lino County Is ono that will qualify In all ten points of tho standard. Wo are sorry to say that Wayne stood as a Banner county at the State Convention which waB held at Altoona In Octobor last. Wo aro too jealous for tho honor oT Wayne to allow it to remain a Banner coun ty. Then it behooves us to do our utmost to bring it up to tho stand ard ror a Front Liner. This wo can do ir we will remem ber that tho heart or Christianity Is service. "1 enmo to minister and not to bo ministered unto" Is tho spirit that animates all phases of or ganized Sunday school activity. Miss Clark, our elomontary work er for tho county, will with tho next issue begin a series of articles for her department. Beginning with tho Cradlo Roll she will tako tho work right up through tho grades. It will bo our endeavor to presont 'In thiBtcolumn, every phaao of tho Sunday school work.nand we Invito tho county and dlstrlctworkers, or any ono Interested in tho Sunday school movement to contribute. Wo will bo pleased, also, to an swer, any questions concerning tho work in any of tho Departments. WA COUNTY A CHANCE FOR ENTRIES IN T GREA For Every Yearly Subscription Turned in Before Thursday, December 22, a Bonus Ballot of 7,00 Votes Will Be Given Besides the Regular Votes on Each Subscription. Send in Your Name Today. (II. C. Van Alstync.) Boosters' Week" from Dec. 1C to Dec. 22, at 8 p. in., 7,500 extra votes for every yearly subscription to THE CITIZEN brought or sent to this office before Thursday, Dec. 22. "Boosters' Week." Commencing today and continuing until Thursday, December 22, at 8, p. m., has been resignated as "Boos ters Week" In Tho CITIZEN'S Great Bermuda and Prize Voting contest. During "Boosters' Week" a 7,500 extra ballot will be given for every yearly subscription paid to THE CITIZEN. This means that every person paying a yearly subscription during "Boosters Week" can cast 7,500 ex tra votes for somo young lady in tho Tour of Bermuda contest in ad dition to the regular votes of 2500 Which is given with each yearly sub scription. Readers of THE CITIZEN are re quested to look over the list of candidates. See if you have some rriend in the race. If so become a "Booster" by paying a subscrip tion during this week. If you do not know any of tho young ladies In the race just stop and think of some deserving young lady who' would appreciate a Tour of Ber muda. Then send her name to the Tour Department on the .nomina tion blank which will be found on another page. There Is plenty of room in several or the districts for 'a popular and energetic young lady to start in the race and win. Give her a start. Send, us her name and then pay a yearly subscription which will give her 7,500 extra vqtes. A Word To Subscribers. Now a word to subscribers, llonesdale may have had other con tests but never before has there been anything to compare with THE CITIZEN'S Bermuda Tour contest. Others contests have allowed double the amount of votes for " new " subscribers, thus discriminating against the " old " subscribers. This contest is different. The same num ber of votes are allowed on both "old" and "new" subscribers who make payments of $1.00 or more. While this contest is conducted principally to Increase tho circula tion yet THE CITIZEN appreciates tho value of our "old" subscribers and proposes to give them an equal voice in tho election ot five young ladles to a Tour or Bermuda. Many Subscribers Voting. Already a number or subscribers have become interested in the great race. Satuday ono reader called up the Tour department and said they wanted to stop the paper as they were going to pay in tho "Tour con test. Tho tour manager informed this subscriber that this was not necessary ror he would get just the same number or votes by paying and continuing tho paper. Thursday n Busy Day. Thursday was a busy day in THE CITIZEN'S Great Tour ofBermuda and Prize Voting Contest. Every mall brought in subscriptions from readers in all parts of the county. Many called in person at tho office to pay a subscription ror their ravorito young lady. All wore eager to secure the 10,000 extra votes which went with the first yearly subscription turned In to tho credit ot any or tho candidates. Nearly every candldnto received one or tho 10,000 ballots as tho re sult or tho Interest taken In their behalf by their friends, and as the result thoro Is very little difference in the standing of candidates. All vnnrlv ull licorl 1t Inna in 'PITT.? ant previous to this week will apply on this offer and extra votes will be issued on same. A Tip. Young ladles, got started early on tho companionship. You know you have tho possible privilege of choos ing a companion on the trip to Ber muda. Tho sooner you chooso your companion tho better advantage you will havo. But In choosing a friend pick out sotneono of tact and in lluenco, one who is a worker and (tan help you. The namo will bo printed In tho CITIZEN, opposite yiour name in tho vote list and as soon as her friends seo her name tuoy will want to help her. At the same tlmo they will bo helping you nij your Interests nro hers and her Interests are llkowlso yours. You mjay bo tho .companionship winner and you want to choose tho friend atl onco to get tho best and cinch tho piiizo. Work together for a com mon end and you-arormost sure ta win. Begin now and get an early start. I H. V. Well, candidates, havo you se THE CITIZEN'S BERMUDA T cured tho manager for your cam paign? If so, you are to bo con gratulated. If not bo sure and do it today. Tho tip given Is a "real llvo" ono as you will probably real ize later if you neglect to bo guided by it. Tho Bermuda Tour Manager has been planning and working to make tho road to success as smootli as posiblc for you, and that is the best thing yet figured out tho value which amounts almost to an absolute necessity of having some man friend, who will assist you in your campaign. There aro so many persons he will come in contact with daily whom It might prove difficult for you to see. He can mention to his men friends that he is Interested in seeing you win and just as sure as shot they are going to say, "Sure Bill, or Har ry, or Jim, as his name happens to be, "we will help you." Now consider again, take a specu lative glance at the splendid trip THE CITIZEN is offering. Remem ber that chance for winning are a whit better than yours. The Tour Manager Is primed with answers to all questions. Ask all tho questions you like. Phono or write if you can't call. Fire away! Do not be bashful or timid. Ask what you want to know. View the situation as it exists to-day then after doing so, under no circum stances should you neglect enrolling your, name, ror you can never tell with how much success you will meet" until you havo tried. You should see those who are in and realize the V'fference between bright husUers with Individuality and sparkling personality, and those who Jn weary tone tell you "They will win If they have luck." Luck neve'r won anything. Ambition 'first, then energetic efforts, then success. Vote Schedule. Here Is the subscription rate and votes schedule which will prevail during the contest: Ten years $15.00 75,000 Nine years 13.50 G2.000 Eight years 12.00 50,000 Seven years 10.50 40,000 Six years 9.00 32,000 Five years 7.50 25,000 Four years G.00 20,000 Three years 4.50 14,000 Tvo years 3.00 7,000 Ono year 1.50 2,500 Voting Rules. No more than 3,000 subscription votes per week can be voted during tho first four weeks or the contest. After that date no candidate will be permitted to cast more than 5,000 more votes per day than tho leader In tho contest had In their published list or votes on the previous day's Issue until January 23rd, arter which time there will be no restrictions as to tho number of votes that the can didates may cast each day. The above does not apply to newspaper ballots, which can be voted In any quantities desired, but THE CITIZEN reserves the right to dis continue printing the coupons at any time during the contest, and to ralso tho voting limit or remove same alto gether at any time. The results or the contest will bo printed in each Issue or THE CITI ZEN. Votes that aro sent In up to six o'clock Monday evening will bo printed in Wednesday's paper, while votes sent In up to six o'clock Wed nesday evening, will bo printed in Frldny's paper. The coupon round in THE CITI ZEN today has no expiration date and can bo polled at any time and in any manner. Tho vote limit will soon be rais ed and then you can vote all you want to. The 10,000 ballot must bo voted beroro December 30. On that date all those ballots must be In this office, --- - - List or candidates with votes -f counted up to G p, m. Wednes- -f day. -r - DISTRICT NO. 1. This includes nil tho Borough ot llonesdale, and all or Toxas except Texas No. 3. A tour or Bermuda, a diamond ring and a gold watch aro suro to go to this district. HONESDALE AND TEXAS. Miss Edna Hawker 13G00 Miss Margaret O'Brien 13350 Miss Blancho Secor 12G50 Miss Alice Bador 11750 Miss Carrie HoUrlch 11G50 Miss Gertrude Krantz 11500 Miss Vera Rlckard 11350 Miss Kathorlno Kroll 11200 Miss Alma Campfleld 11125 Miss Lucy Murtha 11000 Miss Helen Beck 10150 Mrs. R. B. Bronnorman 10300 Miss Clara Saunders 10300 Miss Vera Moll 9U00 Miss Beatrice Southcrton .... 9800 COTS Miss Mnrgarct Rcardon .... 97GB Miss Helen Jacobs 970 Miss Merle Eldred 9G09 Miss Blanche Pierce 9500 Miss Jennie D. Hagaman .... 935t MIbs Renn Kcllow 9359 Miss Mary Van Drlescn .... 9200 Miss Mao O'Neill 9200 Miss Gcorglann Martin 9101 Miss Grnco Groves 9109 Miss Letltla Green 885 Miss Julia Schimmoll 8650 Miss Mary Butler 8550 Miss Margaret Roso 85uf Miss Mary Higglns 8409 Mrs. Alma J. O. Dix 8300 Miss Margaret Brunner 8000 Margaret Moran 7626 Frances Demer 7676 Miss Gertrude Duff G250 Sadie Connolly G000 SEELYV1LLE. Miss Ilelene Purdy 11559 Miss Anna Rlpplo 11209 DISTRICT NO. 2. This includes Hawley Borough, Texas No. 3, and all of Palmyra, Berlin, Oregon, and Damascus town ships. A tour to Bermuda, a diamond ring and a gold watch aro sure to go to this district. HAWLEY. Miss Frances Robinson 12709 Miss Nellie Langan 12859 Miss Helen Lehmnn 11159 Miss Gertrude Bea 10976 Miss Irene Bishop 10126 Miss Clara Labcs 8009 WHITE MILLS. Miss Elizabeth Tuman 12459 Miss Josephine Spinner 12209 Miss Laura Hertel " Iiu09 Miss Ada Haydon 7959 DAMASCUS. Miss Fannie Fromer 12009 Miss Alma Noble 11809 Miss Elizabeth Gregg 10259 INDIAN ORCHARD. Miss Edna Toms 11409 Miss Cora Weeks 10009 Miss Ethel Bunnell 8259 WEST DAMASCUS. Miss Annie L. Pollock 11859 Miss Mattle Walsh 9326 uSWICK. Miss Mathilda Llndau 12009 Miss Louise Rohrhuber 11850 Miss Gladys Pennell 9509 TYLER HILL. Miss Hattio Seipp 11969 LAKEVILLE. Miss' Hazel .D. James, 12G59 ABRAHAMSVILLE. Miss Mildred Davies .-. . . . . .11869 LEDGEDALE. Miss Agnes E. Beahen 11326 GALILEE. Miss Clara Gaston 10969 DISTRICT NO. 3. This includes Bethany Borough, Starrucca Borough and Clinton. Lebanon, Mount Pleasant, Manches ter, Buckingham, Preston and Scott townships. A tour of Bermuda, a diamond ring and a gold watch aro sure to go to this district. BETHANY. Miss Alice Ward 13059 Miss Mary Gilchrist 12859 Miss Dorothy Henderson Uju STARRUCCA. Miss Susie McGraw 12869 Miss Carrie Lloyd 12750 PLEASANT MT. Miss Viola Allen 12950 Miss Genevieve Leonard ....11750 Miss Emma Lempke 8550 Miss Julia O'Neill 8150 BRAMAN. Miss Blanche Blake 12800 Miss Emma Woolheater 9400 PRESTON. Miss Grace Monaghan 12160 WHITES VALLEY. Miss Elizabeth Kelly 10550 Miss Margaret McGraw 8450 Mrs. H. L. Fisher 1000 EQUINUNK. Miss Adelaide Watson 12676 HIGH LAKE. Miss Mae Flynn 12860 LAKE COMO. Miss Alma Gulthoff 10950 HIAWATHA. MIsb Mabel E. Waidler 10876 DISTRICT NO. 4. This Includes Prompton and Way mart Boroughs, Cherry Ridge, Can aan, South Canaan, Lake, Salem, Sterling, Dreher and Lehigh town ship. A tour of Bermuda, a diamond ring and a gold watch aro suro to go to this district. WAYMART. Miss Margaret Spry Miss Ruth Inch .- Miss Olive Lockwood Miss Cora Miller, R. D. 2 Miss Catherine Woods, R. D. 3 ARIEL. Mrs. Orpha Swingle Miss Elsie M. Howe Miss Pearl Kelly STERLING. Miss Lullola Cross Miss Lota Barnes . Miss Laura A. Gilpin , Miss Daisy Butterworth 13350 ,13000 ,12450 ,11200 11100 13450 .11250 . 8150 ,12160 . 9150 , 8G50 . 8300 SOUTH STERLING. Miss Emma Bates 12S50 Miss Leola M. Smith 9550 GOULDSBORO. Miss Grace Dowling 12550 Miss Minnio Courtney 12200 Miss Mildred Sebring 10550 Miss Annnboll Wright 9500 Miss Bertha Crooks 8G00 Miss Gertrude Smith 8350 (Continued on Pago Eight.)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers