The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 14, 1910, Image 1

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XT US, Dcnr Little,
THE CITIZEN Is tho most
widely rcwl scinl-wcckljr
nowspnper lu Wnyno Count-.
Lustier now tlinn nt ntiy time in
Its (17 years' history.
X Hit'ro IS n Hani
you two It In THE CI
67th YEAR.
f ClniixS
Pnnd If
.N, you
RememberThere Are Only 2 More Days in Which to Se
cure One of the 10,000 Vote Ballots Candidates Living
Outsideof Honesdale Will be Given Credit for all
Coupons Sent! in, if Put in Nearest Postoffiice Before
Time of Expiration on Coupon.
(II. C. Van Alstyne.)
AH aboard for Bermuda!
THE CITIZEN'S Bermuda contest
Is getting under way and almost all
of Wavne county knows by this time
of THE CITIZEN'S Great lour of
Bermuda contest, and a considerable
percentage of the population has bo
come actively Interested In it. The
interest Is not confined to any par
ticular section or locality, but Is
Nominations continue to be re
ceived In an ever increasing number.
Every mail brings some. Most of
them accompanied by letters asking
questions about the contest and re
questing that subscription books be
sent by return mail.
O appears a subscription ballot, O
O good under a special offer for O
O 10,000 votes. O
O Every candidate who O
O brings or send to this ofllce O
O before S p. m. Thursday, O
O December 15, a subscription O
O for one year to THE CITI- O
O ZEN will be entitled to the O
O special ballot which counts O
O 10,000 votes additional to O
O the regular scale of votes O
O covering the subscription. O
O Read the conditions of the O
O offer which must be com- O
O plied with before this one O
O will be creaited. O
O Candidates Residing out- O
O side of the city or those' who' O
O cannot get Into the-, ofllce O
O may mall their subscriptions O
O and ballots any time before O
O 8 P. M. Thursday, Decern- O
O ber 15. O
O Only one of these 10,000 O
O ballots will be given to each O
O candidate. O
Only one subscription to THE
CITIZEN and you get 10,000 extra
votes. Just think of it! This is the
opportunity for you to start now and
win a tour. TninK it over.
There has been published in each
issue of THE CITIZEN a special sub
scrlption ballot, which upon payment
of a subscription for one year to tne
CITIZEN entitles the candidate to
10,000 votes additional to the votes
Issued on subscription, provided the
subscription is sent to this ofllce be
fore Thursday night, December 15.
This 10,000 ballot will bo a suffi
cient incentive to persons who have
been contemplating entering the race
to come In now. The nomination
ballot, together with the subscription
Fallot will place you on an equal
footing with almost every candidate
In the race.
Your name does not have to bo In
the list in order to get the advantage
of the special ballot. All you have
to do is send It in between now and
8 p. m. Thursday and it will entitle
you to the 10,000 extra votes.
The voting coupon and special
10,000 vote ballot is on one of the
inside pages.
Oh, look at the list today. It Is
changing a little and things aro be
ginning to look Interesting as the dif
ferent young ladies are becoming
aware of the fact that now is the time
to get subscriptions and not to wait
until the territory has been covered
by another. Bemember the bonus
given this week for the first yearly
subscription brought to the office qb
It gives you ten thousand extra mil
The lead to-day In the first district
is taken by Miss Secor who is follow
cd a little behind by Miss Hawker
and Miss O'Brien, both of whom aro
trying to dislodge the leader from
her coveted position.
In the second district tho standing
Is somewhat closer than one would
expect as with Miss James in tho
lead and followed by Miss Robinson
and Miss Langan it assumes a look
of "do or die" and no doubt tho do
ing will show up In Its proper form
as things aro getting stirred up, and
tho raco is assuming Its natural
All Cundidutes Treated Alike.
In order to give the candidates
living outside of Honcsdalo the same
advantage as those residing within
the borough, wo will accept all voted
ent in, that aro mailed from near
est postoflke on day of expiration.
Tho placing of votes In tho nearest
postolllco by candidates living outsido
of Honesdalo will give them the
same advantago as young ladles who
aro in close proximity to this oinco
Open Evenings.
For tho accommodation of thoso
who wish to enter tho contest or to
gain information respecting it, and
(Continued on Pago Eight.)
The latest victim was Harry De
fine, a farmer and commission mer
chant, who resided at Hawloy, about
live or six years ago, and more re
cently lived at Big Pond, according
to tho New York Evening World,
who fell for the old arm game, of
paying money over to sharpers for
the purchase of a saloon which they
hadn't the least claim to.
The World last Thursday told of
the arrest of Thomas Thornton, a
well dressed man of fortyrtwo years,
In New York on the charge of hav
ing swindled Define out of $2,000.
According to the World tho old game
was worked In the same skilled and
clever way.
A dapper stranger appeared in
Hawley the latter part of November
and lost no time in finding a citi
zen who wanted to "spread out."
He picked' Define, who is moderate
ly wealthy as his prey.
Finally came the day when the
stranger could murmur: "You don't
belong in. a place like this., you bo
long In New" York.- 'It's (hollering
for men llko you."
Define fell for tho" bait. '
"I've been thinking the same thing
for some time," he said.
And then came tho confidential
talk. The stranger knew of a sa
loon at Park Place and Greenwich
street, New York, that was for sale
cheap. The man running It had
made so much money that ho didn't
know what to do with it, so ho was
getting out of business.
Define 'spruced up" and went to
New York with the stranger. Define
was shown tho corner saloon. Ho
was Introduced to the man with the
diamond stick pin and diamond
rings, Tho man was- introduced, as
tho owner of tho place. Thornton
is alleged to have been this man.
Thornton offered to sell for $4,000,
the purchaser to also take tho $4,
000 mortgage on the place.
"Dirt cheap. I'll pay $2,uuu on it
now," remarked Define, who felt
liko hitting the celling, he was so
elated over the bargain.
The money was paid over.
"Ill be around to take charge to
morrow," said Define.
"You're on," answered the sup
posed proprietor.
Bright and early the next morn'
lng the Hawley man entered the sa
loon, took off his coat and hat and
hung them up. Then ho began to
give orders. The bartender came
from behind tho bar.
"For the lave of Mike, whre do
you come In to give orders 'round
here? asked the bartender.
"I'm the owner of tho place,"
answered Define
Thinking him crazy or lntoxlcat
od, the bartender hustled him from
tho building and called the police.
"You've been most generous to
two swindlers who don't own a cent
In this saloon," they explained to
Then the great light dawned upon
the "man from homo" and ho went
to the pollco station with his com
plaint. Thornton was held for
Following the styles and going to
tho extremes with thorn might have
proved serious for a very stylishly
hobble skirted female on Saturday
afternoon at Ninth and Main streets
when tho hobblo became entangled
about her knees and she fell.
Two gallant young men who saw
her stumble rushed to her sido and
lifted her to her" feet. Sho looked
around, then dropped her head and
had tho more observant passerby
gazed beneath her beautiful silk bo
plumed plcturo hat ho would nav
seen a countcnanco that could boast
of modesty and blushes that rescm
bled a Juno rose.
After thanking tho two gentlemen
for their proffered aid, tho young
woman started up Main street
amidst tho gapes of a crowd that
was threo-fourths men.
For Week Ending December 11! I
Honcsclalu rostolllcc.
' Lula FraBer.
Mrs. B. F. Gill.
Mr. J. C. Smith.
Returns From Philadelphia Last Saturday Slight to Find Popular
Opinion Sustains Him in The "Recent Unpleasantness" In
TBie $605000 High School! Corridor Case-To Be Settfied3 It
Is Said"IViuch Ado About Nothing."
When a reporter called on Prof,
Harrv A. Oday, Ph, B., supervising
principal of the High school, Mon
day nfternoon, of whose Intended de
parture for Philadelphia, last Wed
nesday morning, to attend a Masonic
meeting as the representative of the
local lodge THE CITIZEN was en
tirely unaware, ho was very cordially
received, and ushered Into tho inner
office, whore Prof. Oday, who return
ed from the city last Saturday even
ing, most graciously granted him a
lengthy Interview.
"Why, there are several things
that might be said," replied Prof.
Oday, when the matter referred to. In
scare headlines in Friday s ui nuaN
wns broached. "The things that
made me feel meanest was the fact
that -I am quoted as swearing ana tne
Insinuation that I had run away."
1 didn't say to Mr. Gray," con
tinued Mr. Oday, "that I'll smash
our face."
"As far -as I can learn no one here
saw the constable," remarked Prof.
Oday after briefly scanning the news-
tinner article In Question.
"I didn't drag uray dbck mio me
llbrnrv." said Mr. Oday. "wo simply
walked together, and we stooa in
Mii library with my hands on his
"I did shako the boy. in the pres
ence or two oi mu iuuj
teachers, because he said something
of an impudent nature, and
lin veiled "Don't you touch me.
Mr Pana said you mustn't touch me.
didn't know tnnt ne was a cripnie.
"Tiad some dispute. 'With tho boy's
father abolit two Tears agd"."'
Mr. Gray contended tnat
his children disobeyed I
mustn't touch them. I must send
them home." "1 -will punish
them If they don't behave,
said." "Don't you dare io,-
eplied Mr. Gray. "I will," re
sponded Mr. Oday. "Mr. uray
wanted' me to treat his children dif
ferently from any of the rest."
Going back again to me newspa
per article under discussion Prof.
Oday continued: "Legally I have a
An unnualifled success and a
well-attended affair was tho annual
Bazaar of tho Young People's So
ciety of St. John's Evangelical Lu
theran church neid last mursauy
evening In tho church parlors,
Church street. Tho gross receipts
reached $345, and tho net pronts
will probably amount to more man
The decorations of tho various
booth3 wore especially beautiful, and
called forth many favorable com
ments. Small, colored Incandescent
llchts were used to excellent advan
taco for decorative purposes. Red
nonnles. purple. Dink and white
chrysanthemums Jont a truly holl
dav flavor to tho scene.
To begin nt the beginning, -mere
was first of all a "Bakery liootn,
presided over by Mrs. Henry W.
Rehbein and Mrs. Frank P. Mo
Kanna. Among tho good things
purchaseablo at this stand were
kuchon. lobkuclien. all Kinds oi
fancy cakes, homemade bread and
Mrs. Jotin cole and auss junrgar-
ot Kberhardt had charge of tho
Doll Booth." A doll's house Plan
ned by Mrs. Colo and Miss Eber-
hardt nnd built by Jonn uoio anu
John Cnrnilchnol was a feature of
this booth. Dolls, "all dressed up
lovely," and everything thnt goes
toward dressing a doll, coats and
hats woro nulckly disposed of.
The Fancy Booth in ehargo of
Mrs. Genung, Trnceyvillo, Miss
Christina Seellg, was a mecca for
bent. Red popples were a charming
back ground to a display of fancy
work, rich in dollies, laundry bags
jabots, pillow covers, stocking and
shopping bags, and moro things
than a man could enumerato much
less descrlbo.
Miss Barbara Rooschlau and Mrs
John Schutz were kopt busy at tho
"Apron Booth," disposing of 150
aprons, aprons mado of everything
from gingham up to fnncy work.
"My," said ono woman, they sold a
lot. They sold thorn all!" Pink
chrysanthemums, tho product of the
doft flngors of tno momuors oi sun
day school classes, set off the beauty
rlghti to punish his child. The
courts havo held very definitely thnt
1 ha'o authority over pupils from tho
timo they loavo homo until tney get
homo again."
"Vhe only place where uray anu
I differ," resumed Prof. Oday, "Is In
the amount I shook him and In the
language which he said I used, and
which I didn't use."
"This 13 the first timo," said Mr.
Oday In response to a question put
to him by the reporter, "that I ever
had a warrant sworn out against
me. In my work, of course, thero
is continually a little friction coming
up. If I tell a boy to do a thing he
has got to do It. That is my dis
position." ".It is nothing uncommon for us
to straighten out affairs that happen
on tho street," said Prof. Oday.
"Within the present school year,
even, we made the youngsters take
rags and scrub off marks on the
bridge, as well as on the Presbyter
ian church. Usually there'll be a
name there that will give us a clue.
We try to have the youngsters be
have on the streets."
"The Gray boy wasn't locked up in
the basement, he was only seated on
tho bleachers, while I Instructed a
class In gymnastics," said Prof. Oday.
Prof. Oday then read Article
CLXXVI, sections 100-103, of
Pennsylvania School Laws and De
cisions, as follows:
100. Tho Jurisdiction and au
thority of the teacher over the pu
pils are neither limited by the
Fijool house, walls, nor to the
time the school is actually in ses
sion. As a general rule, In all
matters legitimately connected
with the schools and tho manners
and morals of tho scholars, the
teacher's Jurisdiction, conjointly
with that of the parent, commences
when pupils leave the parent's
roof and control to go to school,
and continue until their return
from school. The teacher, how
ever, Is not responsible for the
misconduct of pupils on the way
to nnd from school, though he has
and utility of the articles display
ed. We almost forgot to mention that
thero was a "Fishpond," ably attend
ed to by Miss Amelia M. Fasshauer,
and Miss Stegner, Union Hill. - You
fished for packages done up in the
form of a fish, and you always got
more than your money's worth.
Mrs. W. Hattler had entire charge
of the refreshments. Willing and
competent assistants were Mrs. Ja
cob Corb, Mrs. Judson Keene, Miss
Olga Pohle, Mrs. A. Coles,
Miss Mary Witt, Mrs. John Markey,
Miss Anna Rlppel, Mrs. Frederick
Ico cream, coffee, cako and leb'
kuchen disappeared In large qvan
titles, as If magic, under their per
sunslve hands.
Mrs. Christian Bergman was man
ager of tho wholo affair, and Mrs.
Barbara Genung, Traceyvllle, acted
as treasurer.
Tho women of the church worked
almost a year In preparation for tho
event, meeting onco a week In up
town and down-town circles. Their
labor of lovo was not in vain.
Cliuncy A. Cortriglit Badly Hurt
Special to THE CITIZEN.
New Orleans, December 13. Mr.
and Mrs. Chancey A. Cortrlght, Mrs.
Delia Hamlin, Hamlinton, Mrs. Alllo
B. Mills left Honesdale a week ago,
on a Western trip. Just before
reaching Baltimore, Md., Mr. Cort
rlght, while rising to his feet, was
thrown to tho floor by the motion
of tho train, nnd quite badly hurt. A
telegram was sent ahead to Balti
more for a doctor who met them at
tho station. Mr. Cortright was
made as comfortnble as possible, and
tho Journey continued. A telegram
was received to-day from New ur
lcnns, La., stating thnt ho was al
right, nnd that tho party had en
trained for Farthor West.
Coiuo On Wuyno County Fanciers!
You Surely Can Heat This!
A. B. Bush, a Scranton man, has
a buff Orphlngton hen that laid a'JO
ckcs from Nov. 18. 1909. to Nov. 18,
1910. He has been corresponding
with editors of farm Journals and
finds thnt he has tho world's record
280 eggs bolug tho highest record
prior to this. This Is not altogether
an nccldent. Ho read up tho poultry
business for eight years boforo ho
bought tho hen.
You will mnko no mistnko If you
will look over our cont-a-wqiaL col
umn to-dny. Brown, tho furzHfciro
man, Is doing some advertising.
tho right to punish for such
misconduct, when brought to his
101. Tho teacher is to bestow
equal and Impartial attention on
all children placed under his
charge; to be undeviatlng in ad
herence to a firm, uniform and
moderate system of discipline, and
to pay most especial regard to the
morals, habits and general'behav
lor, as well as mental instruction
of his pupils and their parents or
guardians should be sacredly re
spected, sectarian instruction not
being tho province of the school
teacher, but of the parent or
guardian, and the spiritual teach
er selected by him.
102. The teacher should govern
his school by appeals to tho rea
son nnd better feelings of his pu
pils If possible. But a teacher In
the common schools stands In tho
place of a parent to a pupil, and
may administer correction to mm
under the same restrictions as In
the case of a parent.
- 103. Tho right of a teacher to
Inflict such punishment is founded
upon the necessity of the case and
not upon statute. It is absolutely!
necessary that good order should
be maintained in the schools, and
that all proper rules, regulations
and commands of the teacher,
should be strictly and promptly
obeyed. Hence a necessity exists
for sufficient power to enforce this
duty, and therefore It Is held that
tho teacher may Inflict such rea
sonable punishment upon the pupil
an the parent might Inflict Jor a
similar cause. It becomes the
duty of directors, therefore, to
sustain the teacher In their efforts
to preserve order and maintain
discipline in the school.
"When I saw this Gray boy." said
Prof. Oday, "the llttlo bit of a rascal
had the other boy down In the snow
near the Presbyterian church and tho
latter was crying."
"Tho laws of the State are all in
favor of the teacher, on thoso ques
tions. I don't recall that I punished
Tho regular monthly meeting of
the Greater Honesdalo Board of
Trade was held last Friday evening
In tho council room with a goodly
number of members present. Tho
minutes of tho last monthly meeting
were read and npproved.
Treasurer Edward Deltzer report
ed $1GG.52 In tho treasury December
On account of tho absonco of sev-
oral of tho chairmen of the different
committees no report was presented
from standing committees, me du
ties and matters under tho respectivo
departments of tho board work wero
discussed and arrangements were
made to havo tho chairmen meet
with tho officers a week prior to the
regular meeting night.
Tho proposed brldgo spanning
Park Lake was continued until next
Several communications wero read
and tho secretary was Instructed to
correspond with tho parties, with a
vlow to securing them to locato In
Tho proposition of securing tho
old schedulo of froigjit on the Hones
dalo branch of tho Delaware & Hud
son railroad, that of two trains
dally, was discussed at length. It
was stated upon good authority,
that tho freight that goes to Car
bondnlo on tho afternoon train re
mains In thnt city all night, while
under tho old schedule, operating
two trains from Honesdale, direct
connections aro mndo with other
ronds and better service secured. It
Is alleged thnt other towns havo hnd
one freight a day and upon complaint
from propor authorities tho former
schedules woro restored. It now re
mains with Honesdalo to take action
regarding making a change If tho
board Is successful in its attempt ton
mon nnd their families would bo re
turned to this placo. Tho wages of
tho crow average from $90 to $125
per month por man and this money
would again bo placed In circulation.
On motion of R. J. Murray, seconded
by Charles T. Bontley, tho secretary
ono child this year."
"I insisted that Gray apologize and
take back what he said before the
young girl last Tuesday."
"He certainly wa3 disturbing the
school. No man is going to allow
another man to come into his office
and make a disturbance.
"When the facts of the case are all
known," said Mr. Odny, "people will
know J've been in the right."
"Usually thero aro two things I
punish for: impudence and playing
hookey. We have no truant officer,
and I chase after the boys until I
get tired, and then I think a cood
whipping keeps them in school.
When boys say "I won't do so and
so," I sometimes And whipping is a
good thing for them."
"I should hate very much not to
havo tho right to whip if we have
need. We use a little rubber hose
when wo use anything." Prof. Oday
after vainly ransacking several draw
ers to find It, said "I guess it'
To the reporter whose acquaint
ance with Prof. Oday was of the
slightest, tho interview came as a
great revelation of the rairness ana
Justness of the man. At Syracuse.
Mr. Oday captained the football team
two seasons, and there learned the
lessons of self-control that have stood
him In such good stead ever slnco.
Of course when a big muscular man,
almost seven foot tall, says some
thing, ho generally says It as though
he expected to bo obeyed, and obedi
ence Is, as a rule, what he gets.
It Is the Impression of the report
er that this little Incident only help
to bring out info still stronger
prominence the fact that Honesdale
has a principal of schools who don't
lose his head even under the most
provoking circumstances. To know
that our boys and girls may be safe
ly entrusted to his care why, it was
well worth while that this little 'dlf
ferenco" cropped out.
Oh yes, Mr. Gray is going to drop
the matter, and the warrant will re
main unserved, and we'll all enjoy
a good night's sleep to-night!
was Instructed to notify the Mail and
Transportation committee of the ac
tion of the board, and that it be
presented before tho proper authori
ties. Tho question of the erection of
modern dwellings In Honesdalo was
referred to tho finance committee.
As the by-laws call for nomination
of officers a month prior to the Jan
uary meeting, tho following nomina
tions were made:
President, C. J. Smith; vice-president,
F. W. Kreitner; 2nd vice-president.
Robert J. Murray; secretary.
E. B. Callaway; treasurer, Edward
Deltzer, the present lncubent, and J.
Adam Kraft.
Bills to tho amount of $5.33 wero
ordered paid.
There being no other business of
Importance to transact, the session
ndjourned nt 9 o'clock to meet the
second Friday of January, 1911.
Meeting of Scnuiton Poultry Associa
tion. Wayno county chicken fanciers
will bo well represented by exhibits
at tho sixth annual Quality Poultry
show of tho Scranton Poultry and
Pet Stock nssociation to bo held In
Town Hall, Scranton, January 16 to
21. Breeders of tho standard
chicken vnrletles from Ariel, Promp
ton, Honesdalo and Hawley are to
compote against 6omo of the fore
most stock farms of tho East. Not
to bo outdone, the wives and daugh
ters of tho fanciers are entering
their pet kittens and cats In the cat
show to ho held In connection with
tho poultry exhibition.
Approximately $3,000 In prizes
Is offered by tho Association to wln
nors of tho various classes. The
interest In tho show is state wide,
two of tho lending newspapers of
Philadelphia offering trophy cups
nnd medals. Tho Association has
struck a popular note by adding to
tho uumber of cash specials, rib
bons, badges and medals, thereby
making It posslhlo for a fancier to
win an imposing array of prizes.
Tho official premium list can bo od
talned by writing to Oscar W. Payne
or F. O. Mognrgee, Washington ave
nue, Scrnnton. Entries for tho show
closo January C and positively no
birds will bo recolved after this date.
About fifty members attended
tho nnnunl smoker nnd chowder con
ducted Inst Thursday ovenlng by the
University of Pennsylvania Alumni
Association of Northeastern Pennsyl
vania, Tho reception was held in tho
parlors of tho Lackawanna Medical
society in the Real Eltfltfe building
on Washington avonue, Scrnnton,
Tho nffalr proved to bo tho most en
thusiastic meeting evor hold.