The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 09, 1910, Image 6

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The Cooking and Serving of tho
Winter Apple.
It's Hard t Invent a Novelty For th
Cheese Course, but Here's Ono That
Will About Fill the Bill With Little
Trouble or Expense.
In many homes applo aauco and np
ples baked nro tho only ways of porr
lag this nbunJant fruit, but thcro aro
a number of other styles that will bo
found qulta as appetizing. Tho fol
lowing recipes aro all tried and trusty
Stuffed Applo Compote. Paro a doz
en flno largo apples and carefully re-
x onscan coonsn.
more the coro without breaking the
apples. Then fill tho cavities with an
orange or peach marmalado and put
them into an agato or earthen waro
baking dish with a pound of granulat
ed sugar, half a cupful of water and a
dusting of ground cinnamon or gratod
nutmeg. Lot them bako In a mod
erately hot oven until they aro tender.
Servo hot or cold.
Fried Apples. Juicy rather tart ap
ples are best for this purpose Paro
tho apples and cut them In round
slices and fry them a nlco brown in
deep hot fat Drain them in a heated
colander and then placo them in a
dish, sprinkle with sugar and servo
with roast pork.
Baked Applo Pudding. Stow onough
apples to make a pint of sauco and
while tho apples aro boiling hot stir
in a tablespoonful of butter and nut
meg, mace, cinnamon and allspico to
suit tbe taste. Then take from tho Aro
and stir In tho well beaten yolks of
two or three eggs. Beat all very light,
then beat in tho whites of tho eggs
beaten to a stiff froth. Put into a but
tered dish and bako for fifteen min
utes In a moderately hot oven. When
nicely browned grato nutmeg on top
and servo cold with cream and milk.
Apple Pudding Sauce. Peel, quarter
and core six good cooking apples and
put them in a saucepan with a pint of
cold water and half a lemon and cook
for half an hour. Press tho apples
through a sieve Into a bowl, add pow
dered sugar to sweeten to taste, about
half a cupful, and a teaspoonful of
ground cinnamon and half a cupful of
good brandy. Set back on tho stove
and let the juice boll for Ave minutes.
Serve with applo pudding.
This salmon reclpo is excellent for
Sunday night supper:
Hot Canned Salmon. Set a can of
salmon in a saucepan of boiling water
over the Dro and let tho water simmer
fifteen or twenty minutes. Open the
can close to the edge, drain off the
liquid, then turn the salmon on to the
center of a serving dish. Surround
with potatoes cut In leugthwlso quar
ters or In balls cooked tender and
flrnlnrd. Garnish with a hard cooked
egg cut In quarters. Servo egg suuco
In a sauce boat.
Egg Sauce. Melt two tablespoonfuls
of butter, in it cook two tablespoonfuls
of flour and one-fourth a teaspoonful
of salt and add one cupful of cold wa
ter and stir until boiling. Draw to a
cooler part of tho range and gradually
stir In two tablespoonfuls of butter cut
hi small pieces. Finish with a bard
cooked egg chopped flno or cut In slices.
Here's Just tho thing for a novel
cheese course. Roll cream cheeso
into balls nearly an inch In 'diameter
and roll the balls In pistachio nuts
blanched and chopped. Pile the balls In
center of a chop plate and surround with
a wreath of orango or grapefruit mar
malade. Surround tho marmalado with
hot toasted crackers. Servo at tbe
close of luncheon or dinner In the placo
of the usual pudding, pio or other
sweet dish. If preferred pass tbe
cheese, marmalade and crackers on a
tray in soparato receptacles.
To Mend Tablecloth.
To mend a frayed tablecloth baste a
jleco of sheer muslin or organdlo firm
ly 011 tho wrong sldo of the cloth, keep
ing tho threads as nearly as possible
In their proper position; then placo
that part of the cloth In an embroidery
hoop and darn over and under tho
frayed threads and Into tho firm cloth
an Inch or two on either side. Use, if
possible, linen thread pulled from ft
piece of new table llnon. After laun
dering the mended place in tho cloth
will hardly be noticed.
Dcr Sljitrmcr.
i xcr Jiotvm iuu nm jycnircr ieim-j
Stfloc3. 35ic i'ltrtnnSfomir jtijic
' BeH tuii iwift. 2a t!) or, mk iet ico
unifliitfl tit fttllcr Slrboii CTr fnllic c;
! Sto$l&$iicr, icr itulcr bet jdr tvn
1 SrcinLaft iun bet cfynrtkMi irepf.'
Ifcc3 fit&nctt SJwucS Ur bernfrtc
bon aSuricniraflcr, wt ftolj nfrer ocu
STfarftplflfe jdjrirt tor Elcit&ein
ftocf nut golbencmSriff fnnf ifjm m'3
bet ProfHo-S flciuorixwri .ani nni)
itrjplitterte. Tot 5Jctrkr Dor bet Slit
tfymtljure fdjltcf cin, oI3 ihtn bit lot)
mcitlwit ghtflcr iuer btn frutnaneu
DHicfcrt ftrrdjen uml ia3 aJfiiflMcin,
ia3 ititfeitb tin S5 fur btn Stcti
fren ben TOiifjitfronj flodjt, vtr
ftunnnie iwti itv&tc luce chte cittblat
fcrte SOluttic iltnfd)n die Slcljrcn.
J aim fdn-itt -bcr 5&i auf ba
ldjibh ju . . .
Sionia fdjftiiertc. Gr Licfi ben
OTarfdwII ratfen unb befaM, bc Sen-
fter ju fcfIicfjen uitb tiic bifyxn SNa-1
I;oaoniloben batoor 311 leacn. Icide3
0ridaf) on attm gcirftern beS 5aalc3, j
(0 bo& c 9Jadt ttxrcfc. 3htv c'mc Ijofw 1
roftye JKtjc auf gotocnent fleuchtcr
bntmtte. 2Bie fid) abet nam bcr ftotvto ,
fldjorgen nafmie tor bean ffrauien.
Slnfclict, ba fag cir oatforntcnb cm$or
nnb conxifjrtc oben in bet Skrnb
itber bem SCfyrone aai bloue ftrtftoH
mnb, &nrd) ba3 bic Soinw enf ien
SBrorarfili fid bort jdyauk bn3
marmorbletdje (Scftdjt ieSSEobc cmft
auf tn 'hjntiebcr.
c'tnem Ictfcn SdjraffnSruf f Io
cr cats bem oalc flol) an Ok
mod) jot oinod). U6eroH mufjtc cbt
Deffivuma &crf)argt uni) tjerljun't ner.
ben iiberaEt fonb 4c3 5?3rtii(j SIiiqc,
ttifnii 3 iinidftlid) &ie SBerfdjIi'tffc
buxdjfarfdjtc, ehten twreffcw'TSpolt,
burdj ben iw3 Hoff cftdt ie fhtnt
men sd)n)ittcr Ieud)tcic. 9Kd)i untcr
bcr a&SIbtmfl bei 2od)e3, ntd in bcr
SCiefe bcZ betters entging cr bem for
fdw.ben Wid. SBo&m cr font mrf der
ftc3 Roftenbcn Oflndt nirgenba
afy cr fid) gebomgen.
2w fttog cr crablid) ntit cckljmcn
bem SIrbcm cmbor in ben 2tfurm bc3
2omc3, ntiibcr imb miiber, loitgfo
mcr unb Imigfamer, gBrtibun'g urn
SBimbimg. Sliller unb fttllcr itmrbe
e3. 3tabt unb 2c&cn beDallfam unter
ilm. Gr ladjelie unb fcufjte tier
auf, ol3 cr in ia3 Slirbd)en 53
t)iirmer3 trot. G3 ift food) fo?"
fbrad) cr. .ier fiitlb roir oEohi
gauj aHetu?"
Sn, gctnj attc'm!" fagte cine mtlbe
Stinmic. Sa fo ber ijonig mtf ju
bem Sitrmcr, bcr dot ifym ftanb.
Scr Surntcr mar bet Xob . . .
SInS cincm tytrtenbricfe.
. . . tcr ift c3 inanJifd). Sd)
fdjlafe in cinem fupfcrncn JJeffel
cm fesrlid)e3 Stiicf. .$ermlid) pabe
id) bcreitg mcinenSTNimcn cingcfrifeclt.
Se'ober mufj id) jeben morgen fdon
urn irci lU)r berauS, roeil 'baS SUielj
fntrer in bem fupfernen cfafe onge
rid)tet njtrb.
Sa3 Gifcn ift reidjlid). Sflicgen
frfpiiecfen oat nid)t fo i'tbcl, nur ctoa3
fiifjlid), iDctl fie gewr fo fd)Iecferf)-aft
fimb. Stber an'berSnJO berfpetft man 'ct
fogar eufd)rcdii ol3 2Iifateffe.
Gin See ift gon3 in ber SFJtifjc.
SSir fefjen ifjn aioar nidt, 6cr an
ftilleit Sagcn ricdjen roir ib,n.
Wit 'ben Sorflern Un id) gut be
frcitnbet. Okftcrn iburfte id) on ciner
Slaufean tleilneb,men. Sd) benfe, in
ad)t Xagen loerbe id) roiober onf iven
IVtitcn fcin. 3rd), SUhtttcr, id) bin fo
gli'trflid)! 2cnfe Sir, id) irug jhri
Waue Slngcn 'booon. SSie roirb meine
Sillt) fid) fmien, btc fi'tr !01att fo
fd)iuarmi! 5umm ift nur, bafj id)
mid) ben ibem Sarin orfd)rcdcn licfj,
fo bafj id) einc .cricrrociterung be
fommen fyabe. Slber id) triifte mid)
mit bem Sommcrliebe: D felige,
fjerrlidjc Jycricnacit, mic madjft bu
bod) im3 $er3 fo roeitl" eli fd)idc
nidt, fie ftcf)lcn mir'3 immer aum
Sder3 auS 'ber 5Eofde . . ."
(sd)nciber: 8u ibumm! 9hm fom
mc id) mit bem toff nid)t au, ben
mir bet Slcniier 2)iuIIcr fitr feinen
Slnjug gclieferi -hot, unb id) glaubte,
e3 roiinbe nod) cine ofe fiir metnen
Sungen- abfoltenl"
ffonege: 2a3 ift bod) fount mog.
lid)! Bie Tonn man fid) benn fo ber
folfulircn?" d)uciber: ,,0 W) fe
aucrft gcmadjtl"
JfrcubboM unb IeibUoIl.
greubooK unb IribDon:
Slbiatifcr fein.
angen unft bongen
Sn fdjtpcbcnbtr rin,
immdb,od) fti'trmenb
n SJobcn cr Iiegtl
litcflid) allein
3ft 'ber Slipger, ber fling.
It la an undoubted truth that tho less
ono has to do tho less ono finds time
to do it In. One yawns, one procras
tinates, one can do it when one will,
and therefore one seldom does it at all.
whereas those who have a great deal
of business must buckle to it, and then
they always find time enough to do It
,It strengthens tho eyes to batha
them either In very hot water or In
very cold. Better yet Is to take a piece
of absorbent cotton rounded nnd mada
into a little pad to fit tho oyes, dip
them in lco water and placo them on
tho lids, changing thorn as they be
come hot. After a few minutes of
such treatment the oyes will feel com
forted and relieved to a great degree.
This is specially grateful to the eyes
nftor riding In the wind or after hav
ing boon subjected to tho dust and
cinders of a railway or tho glare of
bright reflections on tho water when
on a boat Thoso who havo a tend
ency to weak eyes should dally use nn
cyecup In which Is placed a boraclc
acid solution. The saturated solution
diluted one-half is generally the best
nnd should bo mndo fresh for each
eye. The eye should bo opened and
shut in the solution half a dozen
times or mora so that It will thor
oughly bathe the eyeball as well as the
Lines or wrinkles under tho eyes
may bo relieved by tho use of a good
pure skin food. Steam the parts af
fected by laying hot wet cloths on
them for fifteen minutes, then dipping
tho Angers into tho skin food. Mas
sage gently along tho line taken by
tho wrinkles for ten or fifteen min
utes. Give this treatment twice dally
with steady persistence, and after a
month or so's treatment an improve
ment should bo noticeable.
The Bride Beautiful.
A touch of color In tho checks on the
wedding day is to bo desired, and if It
can bo obtained in no other way a dust
of rougo Is quito excusable, for tho
brido who is a wan ghost Is anything
but good to look upon. But before re
sorting to this subterfuge try washing
tho face at the last moment with pip
ing hot and then very cold water and
then patting the cheeks, tho fingers
wet with cologno diluted with rose
water. But to secure a real look of bcaltb,
which is necessary for tho chill white
frock, a cupful of orange Juice every
morning before breakfast or half tho
quantity of pineapple Juico taken at
tho same time will very likely pro
mote a natural color on tho wedding
day, for both of these Juices act upon
the liver, whoso renewed health Is Im
mediately shown in tho freshening of
the skin.
As to foods, carrots contain tho Iron
necessary for color, and when accom
panied with raro beefsteak no better
food could bo offered the bride who
fears pallor on her day of days. The
girl who is likely to bo red should eat
only white meats and fish for a month
before her marriage and then seo to it
ns well that her collar, sleeves and
slippers are not too tight.
A Hair Hint.
Where the hair is inclined to lie un
becomingly close to the head a little
fluffing out In the new coiffure Is ad
visable, though It need by no means
attain tbe proportions of n large pom
padour. If one has enough hair she
may make It into puffs, but most of
the halrdresslngs are made with false
puffs or braids, pinned on. These may
bo made of your own combings or
bought In a shade matching your own
hair. When the hair is thin a pompa
dour to wear under It Is to be pre
ferred to a roll. A roll may bo pinned
at tho back to form a support for tho
knot, which may bo composed of
pinned on puffs, or a switch may be
twisted Into a Psyche knot and pinned
to your own hair.
Face Preparation.
A nlco preparation for the face is
eau de cologne with glycerin, but
while the glycerin is softening and
nourishing and tho eau do cologne Is
stimulating the latter dries too quick
ly and has a tendency to rob the
glycerin of its good effects. So that
while n fnco lotion may bo helped In
somo Instances It Is Just ns apt to bo
Injurious In others. In Paris at pres
ent nil the women aro trying to get
their faces to look like pasto seeming
ly. They use ivory powder and a great
deal of It. The blonds remind one of
the dead white colorings of tho Flem
ish beauties reproduced by ltubcns.
French Powder Puff.
American women nro usually con
tent to carry a moucholr and a fan In
their theater bogs, but tho women of
Franco often add, as a necessary to
their well being, a powder puff and a
Binull bonbouulcrre filled with somo fa
vorlto confection.
As soon ns a Frenchwoman is com
fortably seated in a theater she takes
out the powder puff, sewed perhaps in
tho center of n mlniaturo handker
thief, and dusts It lightly over tho
A Perspiration Cure.
If you suffer from perspiration try
mixing an ounco of common baking
powder and the samo amount of un
scented talcum powder. Keep In air
tight bottle and uso freely after wash
ing. A little nmmonla In tho bathing wa
ter Is excellent. Then dust with the
powdered mixture.
A Comedy of Errors.
As a crowded "1 car was whizzing
toward Coney Island tho other day,
ssys a New York letter, a dainty
specimen of humanity, dpscrlbod ns a
"pench" in the male dictionary, boarded
tho car. lu his hurry to glvo up his
scat to the aforesaid. "peach" a chival
rous soul accidentally stuck out his
elbow too fur and knocked a fellow
passenger's hat out of tho window.
Thinking himself tho victim of n prac
tical Joke, the hatless ono let looso
with a left to the Jaw of tho chival
rous soul, who, not to boutdone, re
turned It with one In addition ns In
terest Innocent bystanders took a
hnnd In tho fuss, nnd everybody took
a whack at everybody else's head.
The motorman blew his police whlstlo
so loudly that a team of horses stand
ing near by became frightened nnd ran
away nnd so excited n kind old lady
that she turned In a fire alarm. When
tho firemen renched tho corner and
found no flames to tight they promptly
nabbed n young man standing near by
and turned him over to tho pollco for
rluging a false nlarm. Tho yonng
man, being a honiclcss, suspected-on-general-principles
sort of fellow, was
unable to prove that he didn't turn In
tho alarm, and he went to tho work
house for "disorderly conduct." Kan-
(Illli PE
UlUn AC A PC C are ImPortcrs a"d Distributors of high-grade European and
if S1U fill nil Li American Wmes and Whiskies. The Sweden-American Co. is In
dependent of any Trust.
IWUV IMC UAlC TUCQC nSTSTCPQ No other importers can make such splen
Wtll Ift IflRKt IntOL UrrUlO did, generous offers. The trusts can not
compel us to sell at their prices. We buy in large quantities. In dealing with us, you do not
pay profits to middlemen. We sell first-class goods at less than half what you pay elsewhere.
We have determined to introduce our products to the American public, and are willing to give
you the benefit of our foresight and advertising methods. We simply want to prove the worth
of our goods and to make a steady customer of you. Your trial order will do more to prove
the value of our goods than all the advertising or letter writing we could do.
DC! 1 A 0 1 1 !TV fs to our reability, go to your banker, and have him look us up in Dun
flLLInUBLl I I or Bradstreet Mercantile Agencies, and he will tell you of our high
standing, or have your Express Agent write any Express Agent in Cincinnati, and see' how
well we stand. You can be assured that we will do exactly as we say, and that you will receive
the best of treatment at our hands.
TCTI AJKlkll h Q Below we reproduce testimonials from a few of our steady custom
I CO I llYIUIilfiLu ers. We have hundreds more, but selected these because they were
from men who are known all over this country. Our goods please them. Don't you think
they are worth a trial by you?
Cliff Gordon, the "German Senator,"
the actor-manager who Itas made the
world laugh, says : "Ilavcncvcr had
belter liquorsor at better prices. Icar
ry them evertwhere with me."
You will note that we have listed a number of standard wines and liquors in our order
blank. They are, one and all, liquors that are fit to grace the sideboard of any home in
America. We want to call your especial attention to our famous "SWEDISH PUNCH "
This is one of the best holiday liquors that has appeared in years. It is made from a recipe
that has been handed down from generation to generation by the Royal Family of Sweden,
and is now, for the first time, put upon the American market. Too much can not be said for it.
2 quarts
4 quart
This applies
FOUR quarts
12 Quarts
i tmm:uuuim:t:ratn:tn?::?:t:sn :::m:t
and guarantee our goods to be just as represented, as stated above. Our special four quart
FREE offer is limited to thirty-five days, so get your holiday orders in early so as to avoid de
lay, as all express companies are very busy at this time of the year.
Our offers are the most liberal ever made at any time, at any price, by any firm. If you
cannot use twelve quarts yourself, get some of your friends to join you in ordering, and di
vide the shipment when it reaches you.
Send your order TO-DAY NOW! Our holiday business will be very lrirge, and to in
sure prompt shipment, orders should be sent in immediately.
(Tear off order blapk and mail.) (Fill in blanks carefully.)
Findenclo$al$ for Khicli
prett the following ortltr:
8. A. PORT
Address your envelop- plainly to
Importers and Distributors,
Sweden-American Building CINCINATI, OHIO.
He Was Cautious,
Frederick tho Ureat wns always fond
it disputations, but as ho generally
terminated the discussion by colliirln;;
his antagonist and kicking bis shins
few of hln guoKts wero disposed for
an argument. Ho asked ono of hlH
suit why ho did not venture to glvo
his opinion on some particular ques
tion. "It Is Impossible, your majesty,"
was tho reply, "to express nn opinion
before a sovereign who has such con
fictions and wears such very thick
Live Table Talk.
"I hope you will bo Interested In
yonder gentleman," said the hostess. "I
have nsslgnod him to take you out to
"I shall bo," responded tho lady ad
dressed. "That gcntlcmnu was for
merly my husband, and ho's behind
Mth his alimony." Louisville
The Hardest Thing.
"What's tho hardest thing about
roller skating whon you'ro learning?"
asked n hesitating young man of tho
Instructor at a rink.
"Tho floor." answered tho attendant
A Dilemma.
Irishman (as Homo ono knocks at bis
door) Shure, If I don't answer It's
some wan to give mo a Job. an' If I do
Ifs the landlord after the rlnt" Lon
don Punch.
Hobby North, one of the stars of the
Follies of 1010, says: "I don't be
lieve I ever had such good whiskey as
your Private Stock. How can you
sell it for the price t'
of any goods in the assortment mentioned
in order blank, shipped, all charges paid,
of any goods in the assortment mentioned
in older blank, shipped, a I charges paid,
35 DAY
from Nov. 20th to Dec. 25th, inclusive,
be repeated.
Quarts of any goods in our as-
sortment, shipped by express -
of any goods in our assortment absolutely FREE
pleaie forward bp ex-
P. O
Express Offico
R. F. D. or St.
f Olnai Wet on Hen.
Katur stvdosU down this nay
!m hT eeo wondering what ef
fect a protracted diet of clntta
would a.Ts an hoau, recolveu add
tlonal eauoa fur thought whon a
hiu-cb of several nesta rovealcd c:m
fritters la placo of tho oxpectoJ . g.
New fork Warld.
Oao Hundred Gates.
The city of Thobou bad a hull' 1
Citus and could send out at i. n
gate 10,000 fighting men and )
chariots In all, 1(000,000 man . i
2,000 chariots.
ProUfla IVnr Trees,
rifty-nino pttar trees In Was'
ton on lees than an aero prjj - I
nearly 1,000 boxou of fruit and i.
ted over 2,6000. The trees wc.u
tbs Anjou variety.
Long Lived Microbes.
The " itcrobo Bond will bo con
firmed In hla fusslness who leai ns
that somo hardy microbes can I o
ovur two conturles on tho lt-nd and
longer yot in tho water.
How About This.
While workmon wero sawlrs
through a blook of Bath stone it
Ex etor thay out Into a cavity n
which wu found a cluster of twq ' r
threo dozen live baoa.
Al. II. Jlroois, one of America's
most famous Theatrical Managers,
says: "Enter my standing order for
one gallon of whiskey and one of Swed
ish IHinch each month. I promise to
be a steady customer."
hw ovncooo
UV uAUlGoa
hu ovnmoo $!P2
and will never
- C3 mji
Remit by U. S. or Express Money Order, or
by currency. If you send personal check, add
2oc for collection.