The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 09, 1910, Image 1

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THE CITIZEN is tho, most
widely roml semi-weekly
ncwspnper in Wnyno County.
Lustier now than at any time in
its 07 years' history.
Little Frf . i,
Ithrtrn IS n. Mntlfn I' .!
M , V . . . --
' ' In THE GITIZK! hi
know It'n no!
67th YEAR
2 ,0 98
eged Mistreatment
ported Altercation In HI
Alleges That GH. A. Oday
Said Deponent."
For the first time in eighteen'
years. Harry A. Oday, Fh.B., super-1
vising principal of the High school
since 1902. failed to appear at the
$60,000 school building on Church
street, Wednesday morning, when the
hotr for opening the school arrived.
Instead he was seen to take the 6:55
Delaware and Hudson morning train
out of town.
A good many people are wonder
ing where Principal Oday went and
when he will be back. They are all
the more curious because a warrant
has been issued for his arrest, and
vvi.o heads arc being put together,
tongues are wagging and the whole
community Is agog with anticipation.
The shire town is stirred up as it
never was aroused before. What
with the recent mystery In Palmyra
township, the Equlnunk affair last
summer, and several other unex
plained recent events, the Inhabi
tants of this otherwise aristocratic
and peaceful burg are stirred up as
they have never been before.
When Constable Philip Mang call
ed at the High school building to
serve the warrant in his possession,
Wednesday morning he was told
"The Professor left on the llrst train
Wednesday morning. They didn't
know when he would be back." The
warrant reads as follows:
Wayne County, SS. -f--f
The Commonwealth of Penn- -f
-f sylvania, -f
-f To the Constable of Wayne -f
-f County (Philip Jiang)
-f Whereas, complaint has this -f
day been made before William -f !
H Ham, Esquire,' one of our -f
-f Justices of the Peace for Wayne
f cpunty, on t"he oath of Charles -f
-f Gray that on or nbout 6th -f
-f Decemtfer, 1910, at Hones-
dale, In said county, H. A. Oday -f
did assault, beat and bruise the
-f said deponent contrary to act -f
of assembly. -f
-f Therefore we command you
-f that you take the said H. A. -f
-f" Oday and bring him forthwith -f
-f before our said Justice, to an- -f
f swer the said charge, and furth-
-f er to be dealt with according -f
to law.
-f WITNESS our said Justice,
-f this 7th day of December, -f
J. P. -f
To begin at the beginning of a
long story:
Charles Gray conducts a small
store at 443 Main street. He sells
candy, cigars and notions. He also
makes and handles patent medi
cmes. Mr. ana Mrs. Gray have a
large family consisting of six boys
and one girl. Like all good citizens
they believe In educating their off
spring, and as a consequence all
who are old enough to go are en
rolled in the Honesdale public
schools. Mrs. Gray also goes out to
work sometimes, and helns to natch
out their small Income by helping
the neighbors when her services are
All Is not sunshine in the Gray
family for they have among their
children one dear little boy Edward
Edward Is suffering from a shrink
age of the spine, so the doctors say,
and In order to straighten out his
poor little limbs that sometimes
wobble and refuse to do their duty,
Mr. Gray bought a ?14 electric bat
tory Now this little crippled boy, tor
tured as he is by suffering, loves to
go to school. He Is rather 'mis
chievous perhaps as all boys of his
age are inclined to be. Anyway he
and another boy were playing in the
road Tuesday afternoon shortly af
ter 4 o'clock, on their way homo
from school.
"Prof, comes along," to quote Mr.
Gray's exact words to a CITIZEN
representntlvo when ho called on
hlra for an interview, Thursday
morning, "and takes my boy and
not the other one, and 'bats' him In
the face six or seven tlmeB, and
takes him to the basement. My
older boy, Ellas, stolo the other boy
When the boys came homo with
tears in their eyes and told their
parents about it, the father was nat
urally provoked, not so much be
cause of what hannened to his boy
as he was Incensed because the lit
tle fellow was a cripple. He went
right Up to the High School and de
manded to see the Principal. The
Interview that followed was a
stormy one.
"Professor, what's happened with
my uoyi" saw .Mr. Gray.
"Nothing as I know of," growled
Mr. uaay, in reply.
"It don't seem you had any right
to hit him on his way home from
school," Mr. Gray protested.
"That's my authority," snapped ;
back Prof. Oday, who took down a j
lot of big books, hunted around in
them, nnd finally showed Mr. Gray
the act relating to the authority a
principal has over the children in
his care.
"1 have a chance to see if I'm in
tho wrong, too," Mr. Gray said,
whose auger began to rise.
"Wo had a little argument, ' says
Mr. Gray to the reporter.
"You're a great big snuff, you
are," shouted Mr. Gray, boiling over
with rage.
As Mr. Gray was leaving after
the unsatisfactory interview, and was
within about thirty feet of the land
ing he heard some scuffling in the
corridor. Looking around he saw
Oday running after him.
"Ho ketched me on the second
step," said Mr. Gray to the report
er, "and pushed me against the wall.
He shook me as hard as he could
shake me. He shook me a dozen
".Damn you, I'll smash your face,"
yelled Oday, fairly beside himself
with passion.
"You better look out," shouted
Mr. Gray. "Remember you're ter
ribly excited. You'll pay for all you
did to me."
Mr. Gray further stated that four
or five girls came along the corri
dor at that time, but did not stop,
Orson District S. S. Convention
Marked ISy Spirited Addresses .
Prizes To Bo Offered For
S. S. Story-Writers
Itomliiitr of
The Orson District Sunday School
Convention was called to order In
M. E. church at Pleasant Mount,
Pa.,, at 11 a. m., Friday, December
Devotional exercises led by Mrs.
Milton Spencer, consisted of singing
"The Pilgrim's Guide," prayer by
Mrs. Spencer, responsive scripture
reading led by Kev. W. T. Schenck,
singing "Exultant Praise to tho Re
deemer." County President, Dr. Otto Ap
ply consented to act as Chairman
in the absence of District President
Gould. D. W. Hull was chosen sec
retary pro torn.
Rev. W. T. Schenck made the ad
dress of welcome, and Rev. J. B.
Cody responded. "The Businessman
in the Sunday School" was the sub
ject by D. W. Hull. Open confer
ence followed. In which Dr. Apply
spoke on "Front Line Counties."
Collection of $1.51 was lifted.
The benediction was pronounced
by Rev. J. B. Cody.
The afternoon session opened at
1:45 o'clock. Rev. Wm. Usher lead
devotions with singing "The King's
Business," reading a portion of the
third chaper of First Corinthians,
which he expounded briefly. "Love
Divine" was sung and prayer offered
by Rev. Usher.
Roll call of Sunday schools repre
sented 1b as follows: South Preston
M. E., 2 members present: Brick
School House M. E., 4 present:
Pleasant Mount, Presbyterian, C
present; Pleasant Mt. M. E 14
present; total, 26 members present.
"Teacher Training was the sub
ject of an address delivered by Rev.
J. B. Cody.
'Cradle Roll and Elementary
Work" was presented by Miss Car
rlo Clark.
A solo was rendered by Mrs. J. H.
Kennedy In excellent taste and with
fine spirit.
The Organized Adult Bible Class"
was Dr. Otto Apply's subject, during
whoso talk screens and curtains wore
also discussed briefly by Mrs. Rus
sell Spencer nnd Miss Carrie Clark
A talk on the Home Department
was then given by Dr. Apply, to
which Mrs. George Moase responded
with a few remarks.
An open conference was conduct
ed by Rov. J. B. Cody. Quentions
relating to elomcntary teaching
were asked by Mrs. J. W. Moase and
nnswored by Miss Carrie Clark.
Miss Clark proposes that Wayne
county glvo three prizes for best
work on Sunday school lesson writ
ing, and Rov. Cody offers to glvo a
first prize of $1.00.
Rev. Cody. Prof. W. J. Dlotrlck
and II. M. Moase were chosen as a
committee on nominations. A col
lection of $1.00 was received. Bene
diction was Tronounced by Rov. W.
T. Schenck.
The evening session was opened
at 7:40 o'clock with a praise ser
vice led by Prof. W. J. Dlotrlck
which consisted of singing "O That
Son Of Mr. Gray Leads To Re
School Corridor--Charles Gray
Assault, Beat
just as Oday gave him anothor
"Oday," continued Mr. Gray, In
telling tho story to THE CITIZEN
man, "drags me hack by tho should
er to the library. In the .presence
of Miss Schooll and another young
gentleman he grabs me and shakes
me, and says "1 got to apologize
for what I do.' You got to apolo
gize before this lady and gentle
man." "You mean because I said," an
swered Mr. Gray, "you are a great
big snuff?"
"Yes," said Oday.
"Now I demand you to take your
hands off me," said Gray, whoso
coolness had returned to him. "lie
member you'll pay for this."
Mr. Gray left the office and came
home and told his wife of the stren
uous moments he spent in the High
School building.
"That's pretty severe," said his
"I'm not going to stand for it,"
says Mr. Gray.
"I got a $1 bill," continued Mr.
Gray to the reporter, "and went up
town. I met the Professor near the
Exchange Club. He laughed and
wanted to shake hands with me."
"See this dollar bill," said Mr.
Gray, this is for a warrant for you."
"Oh that's the wav vou feel about I
it," responded Oday, and walked
on. I
Will Be Glory"; scripture reading
from 20th chapter of Exodus; pray
er by Prof. Dletrlck, and singing,
"Help Somebody To-day."
"Echoes From Altoona" was sub
ject of talk by Rev. J. B. Cody. '
A beautiful solo was rendered by
Miss Lempke. Dr. Apply urges all,
especially older workers, to do earn
est work in the short time of life
Rev. J. T. Gardner, Equinunk,
spoke on "The Importance of S. S.
"Our Hope and Expectation in the
County" was presented by Miss Car
rie Clark.
Rev. J. B. Cody read the report of
the Nomination Committee, which
was accepted, and the following of
ficers were unanimously elected:
President, J. Gould; vice-president,
Charles Payne; secretary, Mrs.
Russell Spencer; treasurer, Ed.
Hlne; Superintendent of Depart
ments: Cradle Roll, Mrs. Lester
Kennedy; Teacher Training, Prof.
W. J. Dletrlck; Homo Department,
Mrs. J. Gould; Organized Bible
Class, Rev. Mr. Emrriel; Temper
ance, Mrs. E. Hlne.
The Misses Hanklns sang a charm
ing duet.
A vote of thanks was extended
tho people of Pleasant Mount for
their kindness and hospitality.
An offering of $1.71 was received.
The convention closed by singing
with clasped hands "Blest Be Tho
Tie That Binds" after which Rev. J.
B. Cody pronounced the benediction.
Because of the rather wintry
weather, there was not a large at
tendance, but the interest manifest
ed all through was very excellent.
Sec. pro-tem.
Romantic Marriage at Beach Lake.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Beach Lake, Pa., December 8.
Romantic Interest attaches to tho
marriage, Wednesday morning, at
Beach Lake, of Charles Edward
Webber, proprietor of tho Tuscarora
Hoarding House to Miss Tamzon E.
Spry, also of that place.
Mr. Webber, who for tho past
three years has been the owner and
proprietor of tho Tuscarora Board
lng House, is n former manager of
tho Hnrdlck nnd Seaman Theatre,
125th street, Now York. It was his
habit to spend tho summer vacation
in Bench Lake. There ho met his
bride, who wns only a school girl,
in short dresses, it Is said, and fell In
love with her. The culmination of
the romance came when tho minister
spoke the words, Wednesday, that
made them one. The happy couple
left on tho 7 o'clock train Wednes
day morning for Harrlsburg, Now
York and other points of Interest.
They will reside, upon their return,
In Beach Lake.
Diphtheria On Ilroud Street.
County Health Officer N. B. Spen
cer quarantined tho Langendoorfer
homo, 115 Broad street, to-day,
Dorothy, tho ilve-yoar-old daughter
of Sebastian Langendoorfer, the
well-known shooinakor, and his wife,
being stricken with diphtheria.
Murrlugo License Record,
Cluirles E. Webber, Beach Luke.
Tuuizon E. Spry, Beach Lake.
and Bruise the
Tho following morning Principal
Oday loft town.
Mr. Gray's story about the dif
ficulties ho experienced in getting
a warrant In Ilonesdalo was exceed
ingly interesting. Ho made two at
tempts, and failed, and only suc
ceeded In securing one of William
II. Ham, at about six o'clock in the
evening. One man in particular
tried to dissuade him from doing
anything rash.
"Don't go over the School Board's
head," advised a certain man.
"You know," protested Mr. Gray,
"there has been a dozen cases
against the Professor and the School
Board never done anything."
One man said to Gray that he was
going out of town, and wouldn't be
back until Saturday and suggested
that he, Gray, think It over until
But Mr. Gray was not to bo put
off, and persisted until he got what
ho was after.
Clfarles Gray Is a trustee of Pro
tectldn Engine Company No. 3. He
Is very much wrought up over the
case, and told the reporter that he
was going to get Iloff to be his law
yer. In tho meantime, Mr. Oday Is
anions the missinc Where did he
go? and when will he be back? are
questions on every one's lips.
Mis (Trncksel, Jcfrersonville, N. Y
Falls nnd Displaced Her Left
Knco Cup.
While on her way to work Thurs
day morning, Miss Anna Tracksel,
JefTersonvllIe, Sullivan county, N.
Y., who has been boarding at the
home of Frederick C. Farnham, In
surance agent, 1235 Main street, for
the past week, slipped on the snow
nnd ice on the front steps, fell and
threw her left knee cap out of
shape. Tho people In the house
heard her holler, and carried her
in; Dr. Fred W. Powell was sum
moned, and reduced the displace
ment. Miss Tracksell came to
Honesdale recently to learn the trade
of dressmaking with Mary I. Baker,
1607 Main street. Much sympathy
Is felt for her by all who knew tier,
and heard of her unfortvnate mis
Ilalf-An-lncli Projection Long
Enough Think Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Dec. 1. In an ef
fort to curtail the long hatpin evil
in this city, an ordlnanco was in
troduced In councils today providing
that no person upon the public
streets or on conveyances shall bo
permitted to wear a hatpin tho ex
posed point of which extends more
than one-half Inch beyond the crown
of the hat. A line of $50 for each
and every offense Is provided for in
the proposed ordinance.
Councilman Schumucker, who in
troduced the proposed measure, de
clared that with the new stylo hats
tho lives of riders on street cars
and pedestrians on crowded streets
aro imperiled by the Immense hat
pins. HOW TO FALL IN 1 1 AW LEY.
Line in mi Lewis, Ciirhondiilc, Fulls
Idituls on Ills Feet Only
Sprains His Foot.
Milton Lewis, Carbondale, an
employo of tho Consolidated Tele
phone Co., foil from a telephone
polo Tuesday afternoon, November
30, whllo repairing tho damage done
to tho lino at that point by the snow
storm of that day In Hawley. Ac
cording to an eye witness ho fell head
foremost nnd turned a completo
somersault whllo descending to tho
ground, striking on his feet. Dr.
Volgt put tho "X"-rays on him, hut
found no bones broken. Tho only
Injury ho sustained was a sprained
right foot.
Ciipt. Hum Elects Officers.
At a largoly-attonded meeting of
Captain Ham Post No. 198, G. A.
R hold last Friday evening, these
officers wero elected:
Commaudor, II. Wilson.
Senior Vice Commander, J. E.
Junior Vlco Commander, S. O.
Officer of the Day, W. Wood.
Officer of the Guard, Michael
Quartermaster, Graham Watts.
Surgeon, Dr. R. W. Brady.
Chaplain, P. R. Collum.
ITie List of Attractive Prizes is Bringing in Many New
Nominations 10,000 Bonus Ballot Given for First
Yearly Subscription Turned In By Any Young Lady in
the Race or Those Who Wish to EnterEnter To-Day
and Get One Yearly Subscription.
(H. C. Van Alystlnc).
GOO o o oooooboooooo
o o
O appears a subscription ballot, O
O good under a special offer for O
O 10,000 votes. O
O Every candidate who O
O brings or send to this office O
O before 8 p. m. Thursday, O
O December 15, a subscription O
O for one year to THE C1TI- O
O ZEN will be entitled to the O
O special ballot which counts O
O 10,000 votes additional to O
O the regular scale of votes O
O covering the subscription. O
O Read the conditions of the O
O offer which must be com- O
O plied with before this one O
O will he creuiied. O
O Candidates residing out- O
O side of the city or those who O
O cannot get Into the office O
O may mail their subscriptions O
O and ballots any time before O
O 8 P. M. Thursday, Decern- O
O ber 15. O
O Only one of these 10,000 O
O ballots will be given to each O
O candidate. O
Tho first vote announcement of the
standing of the contestants in tho
CITIZEN'S great Bermuda contest
which was printed Friday only goes
to prove that any girl can win If
she will only put forth a little, effort.
You need not havo money, influence
or position. But you must have
energy. See enough people every
day. Don't work one day and lay
around the next. Keep your nome
well up among the leaders. Get
your friends Interested. By working
steadily day by day you will roll up
enough votes to astonish both your
selves and your friends and when
the final count Is announced you
will have THE CITIZEN office happy
in the knowledge that you have se
cured one of the coveted trips.
Every one has an equal chance.
There is still plenty of time to start,
and to those who havo hesitated to
join so far wo would say send in
your application at once and we will
send you all the necessary printed
forms to help you win. This is the
greatest opportunity offered - to
Wayne county for a great tour, and
tho Interest aroused Indicates how
much alive to its advantages the
ladles of Honesdale and vicinity are.
There are great opportunities In both
districts for an enterprising young
lady. The plan Is simple. Send in
your namo and house address anu
then asy your friends to save the
coupon for you that appear every
day in THE CITIZEN. If they do
not take THE CITIZEN ask them
to subscrlbo. For every yearly sub
scription you get 2500 votes credited
to your name. Simple Isn't It? One
girl from each district Is bound to
win. Tho candidates may work any
territory they choose. Each one
must be a resident of a district to win
within that district, but they may
go Into any district, or outside of
tho district, If they so desire, to get
tho ballots that are printed In tho
paper, and to secure paid subscrip
tions on which "special" ballots only
aro Issued. Comfort will bo pro
vided to make the trip a memorable
one. Experienced guides will ac
company tho party while ashore to
all historical and natural points of
Interest, and the trip might as well
bo yours. You don't kuow whether
you can get votes or not until they
try and It costs nothing to make
tho attempt. You have everyhing
to win and nothing to lose, and you
havo tho privilege of withdrawing
at any time you wish. To those who
are entered wo would point out that
anything tho CITIZEN can do to
help you win in the way of supply
lng letters for friends, or anything
you feel the need it stands ready,
Any candidate in THE CITIZEN'S Tour of Bermuda Contest who
brings or sends one yearly eubsription to THE CITIZEN to the office of
tho Tour Department before Thursday, December 15, at 8 p. m. will be
entitled to one of tliefo ballots, good for
10.000 VOTES
Contest Division.
Any penon becomes a candidate
namo of some young lady to-day.
Many of our young ladies and their
friends brought In subscriptions nnd
coupons to-day, Indicating their ap
preciation of the awards In tho
grand tour Of Bermuda and from
now on until thle finish wo antici
pate a lively struggle for first place.
A good plan Is as you gain one sub
scriber and register In the ballot
box, have your eye on two others
to take their place on the reserve
list. Open up all the channels avail
able and have your Held as large
as the state, and then look, out of
the state to those friends of yours
who havo moved away, but who
would like to have THE CITIZEN.
We would ask all those who bring
In coupons to see that they are not
out of date and to write names on
them If they aro not already filled
out. From this time on the contest
will be lively. There are no sure
things In this contest. The cinch
is for the one who makes up her
mind thnt the trips are not to be won
until the flnal vote is counted and
that every day is the time for un
tiring hustle for votes. For Infor
mation call or write Contest Mana
ger, CITIZEN office.
While nominations will be com
ing In for a month yet. you had bet
ter get In at the start; be In with
the early ones. Join this live bunch
of hustlers and have the time of
your life.
We will give the vote ballots is
sued on subscriptions to you as the
subscriptions are turned in so that
you can havo the votes polled when
ever you choose.
How Votes Aro Secured.
With every subscription to THE
CITirJ3N (when it is nsked for) is
given a coupon good for a certain
number of votes, according to the
length of the subscription. This is
explained elsewhere. These coupons
may bo held as long as desired and
many be voted at any time up to the
last day of the contest. In fact, It is
the Chief knew him not. It has
been well to hold back a largo per
cent, of your vote coupons. Then
no one knows how many votes you
have and you are less likely to have
someone who knows how you stand
step In at the last and, by paying
for a great many subscriptions, se
cure the prize you desire. If you
hold a part of your votes back, no
one can do this. They will not know
how many are necessary to win, and
will not take chances on spending
money for nothing.
The ballots printed in THE -ITI-ZEN
aro good if voted within one
week from the time printed. Tho
date on which they expire Is on the
bottom of each ballot and If the tlmo
is expired the ballot will not bo
counted. A nomination blank counts
for 1,000 votes.
Instructions to Candidates,
Candidates will notice that tho re
ceipts are to be made in duplicate.
the white one to bo given to the sub
scriber and tho yellow one to THE
CITIZEN office. When you send or
bring in tho name of the subscriber
and the money for subscription, the
votes will be issued. The stub of the
yellow receipt you fill out for your
own convenience.
Then when you send or bring In
subscriptions, bo sure to bring or
send the yellow slip with name of
subscriber, amount of money paid,
etc. As subscriptions and money for
snmo are received hero we will Issue
you a vote ballot for each subscrip
tion brought or sent In according to
the length of tho subscription as
per schedule.
Voting Rules.
No more than 3,000 subscription
votes per day can be voted during
the first four weeks of tho contest.
After that date no candidate will bo
permitted to cast more than 5,000
more votes per day than tho leader
In tho contest had In their published
list of votes on tho previous day's
(Continued on Page Five).
as soon as nominated. Send in the
Must bo voted by December 30.