THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DKClSMlHMt 7, 1010. "1 I IE CITIZEN Semi-Weekly Founded 1008; Weekly 1'ouiiik'il 1811. lift! KVKHT WEDNKHDA Y AND FRIDAY BY IHK I'tTI.KN rVHt.lKIHMtl COMPANY, Kli ls MKtitiil-rliins iiiiittcr. nt the post cillk-c. Ilonegiliile. Til. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 K. ( IIAKDKNIIHIUJll. IMtKSIDKNT W WOOD. M A.N'AdlCU AND SKO'Y J.M.SMKI.T.KK KDITOK UtllKCTURS: 0. II. DOKFl.tMIKH. M. II. AM.F.JI. UKNIIY MII.HUN. K. II. 1IA111IKNI1KIK1II. w. v. woou. WEDNESDAY, DHCHMUHU 7, HUO. DEPAKTUItE OK MOTH Kit KDDY. Sits. Mary linker Glover Eddy passed out of mortal ken, Saturday night, t tho ripe ngo of ninety years. Her depnrturo marks the passing, from the Unite world Into infinity, of one of tlio greatest women tlio world ever knew. Chris tian Science, dominated ns it is hy n principle, and not hy a personality, seems destined to ho one of the greatest religions forces in human history. Mortal mind can not be gin to grasp the possibilities open to a system, which inculcates the the ory of tho power of mind over mnt tcr, the value of cheerfulness and the elimination of worry. Mrs. Eddy will forever bo venerated as tho promulgator and elahorator of the great doctrine of tho "Vis mcdicar trlx naturae." Congress convened Monday morn ing. Joseph G. Cannon is Speaker of tho .House of Kepresentativcs which will sing Its "swan-song" March !J, 1011. Tho Congress re cently elected cannot meet until December, 1011, unless summoned to assemble in extraordinary session between March 3, 1011, and De cember of tho sumo year. DKCKKASE IX POPULATION. Wnyno County, wo are sorry to say, is among tho nineteen counties out of a total of sixty-seven in Penn sylvania, that show a falling oil in population. l'or the past thirty years there has been a gradual decrease in the population of imp county, the de cennial figures being: 1880 :t:t,5i:t; 18!H) :S1,010; 1000 :$0,171; 1010 1:0,2:10. .Whether it is due to in adequate railroad facilities, or to the uutiilable nature of so much of Its soil, the inexplicable fact remains that tbcro has been a gradual down ward trend in the number of Inhabi tants. We are all living in hopes however, that when tho main line of tho Krle runs through Honesilalc, and when the Irving Cliir Hotel Is re built, tho Maple City will blossom like a rose, and her population bo quadrupled. In the meantime let us "boost" and not "knock" our native county, and homo city! TUX UK SUKS KDITOK. Ity his suit for libel against the editor of the Slatington Star Governor-elect Tener is teaching tho newspaper men of tho state to be more conservative and decent during political cam paigns. Mr. Tener has let it be known that bo would have taken no no tice of the attacks of Kditor Sell hut for the fact that he indulged in gross abuse and libel the morn ing after election. Xo man would tolerate billingsgate of that char acter so a decision was reached to treat this journalistic lire-eater to a very much needed lesson. In lining this Mr. Tener is really doing a service to the le gitimate newspaper interests of the state. The libelee is a re lied ion upon tho properly con ducted newspapers of any com miinity. Financial Keview. Tho esteemed proprietor of THi: WAVXK IXDKPKXDKXT, DKOTIIKK KKX.IAMIX KKAXKMX 1IAIXKS, in commenting upon this suit, says editorially, "that success fill candidates rarely carry any of their political GKIKVAXCKS beyond election day." And if Mr. Tener only had political "grievances" wo are certain that ho would bo the lirst one to drop any thought of In stituting jioJ -election suits. Hut there Is a vast difference between "grievances" and "slander."' Wo doubt, if in the entire history of the Commonwealth, any candidate has been so vllllfled, or held up to such public scorn, us lias Governor-elect Tener. Is It no longer possible for a man to run for any public ollico, without having tho domains of his family and private life entered, with out being accused of breaking all tho commandments in, tho Decalogue? Wo submit, that if our worthy HKOTHKK HKXJAMIX FKAXKMX HA I NFS hnd been nominated for Mayor of Jlonesdalo and bud been compelled to undergo one one-hundredth part of tho amount of vitu peration and abuse that was heaped upon Mr. Tener, he, too, would have felt rather inclined to punish some of tho malefactors. When somo of tho ministers of tho State, take their texts from, und read their sermons out of tho "yellow Journals," it is high time that both reckless editors und hotheaded clergy bo taught u (military lesson. Tho Honorable David Clarence Giblioney enjoys (?) the unique dis tinction of having been "licked" as a candidate for ofllce more times than j any other politician in Pennsylvania. 1 -Canton Sentinel. liUMHKK. Speaking of tariff revision, about, how hard does Congressman-elect Kipp yeani for a lower rate on lum ber? Those who voted for him in order to get a lower tariff and cheap er cost of living (and to that seems to be generally ascribed tho coun try's change of heart) are liable to wait a long time before the member fnnn tho Fourteenth Pennsylvania District works himself Into a sweat trying to cut down the tariff on lum ber. Iteporter-.louinal and Brad ford Kcpiihlicnn. KMKKYOXIO HOKSK TII1KVKS. Thrco Forest City Hoys Kim Away With Kugeno's Team. Speclnl to THE CITIZEN. While Telephone Lineman Eugene Leo was llxlug a telephono In Brook dale, North Clinton, near Forest City, Monday afternoon, Novouibor 28, he hitched his horso by the side of tho road. Unknown to him three boys from twelve to fifteen years of ago untied tho horse, climbed Into tho buggy, and drove madly down tho road. As soon as Mr. Leo dis covered his loss ho telephoned the news all over the county, and asked peoplo to watch out for tho missing team. Tho boys went to Aldenvllle, thence southward on tho Prompton road. By generous use of tho tele phone, Mr. Leo succeeded In hoad ing them off at E. K. Curtis' farm, Prompton Koad. Tho horso was stopped, tho boys Jumped out of the wagon, and took French leave. L. S. Pnrtridge happened along with his rig and gave chase up and down the road. Two of the boys "took It" across the hills. The third one was captured, and hoodwinked into giv ing tho other two boys away. All three, who are Polish boys living in Forest City, were finally captur ed. Tho parents of the boys wore seen, and a settlement effected. Mr. Lee had his overcoat in the wagon. The boys took It and hid it along side the road behind tho fence, In tending to come and got it later. Partridge made the boys tell where it as and got it. "Joey" Welch, who saw the boys untie tho horse, gavo chase and ran bareheaded down tho road, "to beat all," to catch the boys, two or whom carried rifles, and overtook them, but was unable to effect their cap ture. XOTfCK OF ELKCTIOX. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of THE WAYNE COUNTY FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY will be held In the olllce of the company, in Honesdale, on Monday, January !i, 1011, at 10 o'clock a. m. for tho transac tion of general business, and that an election will be held at the same place of meeting between the hours of one and four p. m. of said day, for tho purpose of electing ten mem bers of said company to serve as Directors for the ensuing year. Every person Insured in said com pany Is a member thereof and en titled to one vote. At said meeting the members will also vote for the approval or disap proval of the following amendments to the Constitution, which were submitted by resolution of the di rectors at a regular meeting on August 31, 1910. AMENDMENTS. First Resolved that Article Five of the Constitution which reads as follows: "The Business and affairs of the Company shall be managed by a board of Directors, to be com posed of ten members of the com pany who are to be chosen annually by the members of tho company, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum to transact business; they shall llx the compensation of all offi cers; 1111 tho vacancies occurring by resignation and otherwise, until the next succeeding election. The elec tion for said directors shall be held annually at llonesdalc, on tho first Monday of January of each year, between tho hours of 1 and 4 o'clock p. m., said election to be by ballot, subject to the directions and pro visions of the Act of Assembly un der which this company Is incor porated," bo amended so as to read when amended as follows: "The business and affairs of the Company shall be managed by a Board of Di rectors, to bo composed of ten mem bers of the Company, who ore to be chosen annually by members of the Company, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum to transact business; they shall fix tho compen sation or all officers; 1111 tho vacan cies occurring by resignation or otherwise, until tho next succeeding election. Tho said election for di rectors shall be held annually at Honesdale, on the first Monday of January of each year, between tho hours of one and two o'clock p. m., said election to bo by ballot, sub ject to the directions and provisions of tho Act of Assembly under which tho company is Incorporated." Second And that Article 8 of the Constitution which reads as follows: "Buildings that are Insured in any other insurance Company shall not be insured in this Company,, and no proporty putsldo tho limits of Wayne county, and Palmyra and''Greeno township, Pike county, will bo re ceived for insurance by this Com pany," bo amended so as to read when amended as follows: "Build ings that aro insured in other in surance companies may bo insured In this Company only when the con sent of tho agent and secretary of this Company is duly written in tho policy, and tho territory for writing Insuranco In this Company, shall bo Wayne and Plko counties and such additional territory as tho majority of tho directors at their regular meeting may determine. PERRY A. CLARK, Secretary. Decombor 3, 1910. 97eoH BERMUDA TOURS (Continued irom I'ago Ono.) need to mnlto her i winner. SUB SCRIBE NOW. Answers to Quest Ions. If you bolting to n church, let your friend know you nro running. Anyone, nnywhero can voto for any enndidnto. If you have n friend you wish to voto for, who hns not yet been nominated, send In your votes and fill out tho nomination blank printed In THE CITIZEN. This nomination blank counts 1,000 votes to start with. No extra papers will bo printed for sale of coupons contained there in. If you hnvo any complaints to mnkc, kindly send name to tho Con test Editor. We want everybody sat isfied. Do not bo misled or discouraged In securing votes by fnktrs or fraud ulent promises. Above nil, pay no attention to ru mors. They aro usually circulated by your competitors, or their friends, for the purpose of discournglng you. Onco entered, do not drop out. What If somo ono should bo a fow votes ahead today? You put somo sand on tho track and pass her to morrow. List of Candidates. Tho greatest possible amount of caro has been exercised In passing upon tho women whoso names aro entered as contestants for tho four fine tours of Bermuda given hy THE CITIZEN. When a name was placed in nomination we submitted It to a committee of business and profes sional men on whoso Judgment and integrity we could rely aB to wheth er or not tho lady was of good char acter. In the case of ladies living out of Honesdale wo submitted the names to merchants of standing in their home town. The names publish ed hero have all been favorably pass ed upon. No woman need feel any hesitancy in sending In her name or taking part In tho contest If her name Is sent in by friends. Every possible precaution has been nnd will be tak en to safeguard the Interests of the candidates. Tho candidates published below are of the best class of ladies living In Pennsylvania and It Is an honor to bejOne of them. All Candidates Treated Alike. Tho contest will be conducted In a strictly fair and Impartial manner, and "the fullest Investigation is court ed at all times, assuring every ono that everything Is square and Im partial. No employe or member of his or her immediate family will be allow ed to compete nor will any favors be shown to all other candidates. The Contest Manager will assist all candidates' in any way possible, but In so doing will treat all alike. Instructions to Candidates. Candidates will notice that the re ceipts are to be mado In duplicate, the white one to be given to the sub scriber and tho yellow one to THE CITIZEN office. When you send or bring in the name of tho subscriber and the money for subscription, the votes will be issued. Tho stub of the yellow receipt you fill out for your own convenience. Then when you send or bring In subscriptions, be sure to bring or send the yellow slip with name of subscriber, amount of money ,,paid, etc. As subscriptions and money for same are received here we will Issue you a vote ballot for each subscrip tion brought or sent in according to tho length of tho subscription as per schedule. How Yotes Aro Secured. With every subscription to THE CITIZEN (when it Is asked for) Is given a coupon good for a certain number of votes, according to the length of tho subscription. This is explained elsewhere. Tfleso coupons may bo held as long as desired and fL. ll I OWlW Hit fc CHRISTMAS FURS Fur Coats, Pony and Caracul Coats at Special Xmas Prices. SCARFS AND MUFF SETS An Opportunity in Ladies' and Children's Fur Sets for Holiday Gifts. EXTENSIVE HOLIDAY STOCKS OF Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Kid Gloves, Linens, Umbrellas, Belts, Belt Pins, Leather Goods, Silk Scarfs, Gent's Furnishings, Dress Goods and Silks to suit Every Purse. KATZ BROS. Inc. many ho voted nt any time up to tho Inst dnj of tho contest. In fact, It Is tho Chlof know 'him not. It hns been well to hold bnck a largo per cent, of your voto coupons. Then no ono knows how many votes you have nnd you nre less likely to havo domcoiiu who knows how you stnnd stop In nt tho last and, by paying for a great many subscriptions, se cure tho prize you deslro. If you hold a part of your votes back, no ono can do this. They will not know how mnny nro necessary to win, nnd will not take chances on spending money for nothing. The ballots printed in THE .1TI ZEN nro good If voted within ono week from tho tlmo printed. The date on which thoy expire Is on tho bottom of each ballot and If tho tlmo Is expired tho ballot will not bo counted. A nomination blank counts for 1,000 votes. Voto Schedule. Hero Is the subscription rato and votes schedulo which will provall during tho contest: Ten years J15.00 75,000 Nino years 13.50 G2.000 Eight years 12.00 50,000 Seven years 10.50 40,000 Six yenrs 9.00 32,000 FIvo years 7.50 25,000 Four years G.00 20,000 Thrco years ....... 4.50 14,000 Two years 3.00 7,000 Ono year 1.50 2,500 Voting Ilules. No more than 3,000 subscription votes per day can bo voted during tho first four weoks of tho contest. After that date no candidate will be permitted to cast moro than 5,000 more votes per day than tho leader in the contest had in their published list of votes on tho previous day's lssuo until January 23rd, after which tlmo there will be no restrictions as to tho number of vote3 that tho can didates may cast each day. Tho abovo applies to newspaper ballots and subscription voto coupons. Tho CITIZEN reserves the right to dis continue printing tho coupons at any time during tho contest, and to raiso the voting limit or remove same alto gether at any time. List of candidates with votes counted up to 4:30 yesterday. DISTRICT NO. 1. This includes all tho Borough of Honesdale, and all of Texas except Texas No. 3. A tour of Bermuda, a diamond ring and a gold watch are .sure to go to this district. HONESDALE AND TEXAS. Miss Margaret O'Brien 7800 Miss Blanche Secor G300 Miss Edna Hawker C200 Miss Carrie Helfrlch 5400 Miss Elizabeth Balrd 4600 Miss Cornelia Beetz 4300 Miss Annie Ripple 4200 Miss Jeanette Freeman 4100 Miss Margaret Reardon 3500 Miss Georgiana Martin 3100 Mlssx Margaret Eberhardt ... 3100 Miss Edith K. Swift 2200 Mrs. R. B. Brennerman 2000 Miss Merle Eldred 1800 Miss Marie Ward 1700 Miss Minnie Schocll 1500 Miss Helen Beck 1400 Miss Blancho Pierce 1300 MiSs Marlon Charlesworth . . 1200 Miss Lucy Murtha 1200 Miss Vera Moll . . . '. 1100 Miss Rena Kellow 1000 Miss Gertrude Krantz 1000 Miss Isabelle Rickert 1000 Miss Alma C. Schuller 1000 Miss Mary A. Menner 1000 Miss Graco Groves 1000 Miss .Mary Hlggins 1000 Miss Margaret Rose 1000 Mrs. Alma J. G. Dix 1000 Miss Mao O'Nell 1000 Miss Vera Rickard 1000 Miss Ethel Schlessler 1000 Miss Julia Schimmell 1000 Miss Elizabeth Schuerholz ... 1000 Miss Harriet L. Smith 1000 Miss Letitla Green 1000 Miss Mary Van Drlesen ..... 1000 Miss Beatrlco Southerton .... 1000 Miss Helen Jacobs 1000 HRISTMAS SUITS and DRESSES AT January Prices How Every Lady who ev er visited our SUIT DEPARTMENT will be interested in this great cut of Stylish and Beautiful Suits and DresseB. $25 Suits at $18.75 LADIES' DRESSES New and Stylish Dresses Elegantly made. $22.50 Dresses reduced to $16.98. Miss Miss Miss Mrs. Miss Miss Miss Miss Knthcrlno Kroll 1000 Norn Murphy 1000 .lonnio D. Hngcmnn .... 1000 Asa Bryant '. . . . 1000 Alma Cnnllold 1000 Mnry Butler 1000 Margaret Brunncr 1000 Besslo Cnrroll 1000 SEELYVILLE. Holeno Purdy C700 Anna Corbctt 1000 Miss Miss DISTRICT NO. 2. This includes Hawlcy Borough, Texas No. 3, and all of Paltnyrn, Berlin, Oregon, and Damascus town ships. A tour to Bermuda, a diamond ring and n gold watch nro suro to' go to this district. HAWLEYi Nellie Lnngnn 2500 Frances Robinson 2400 Irene Bishop 1800 Gertrudo Boa , ,1800 Clara Labes 1500 Floronco Cook 1.1,00 Helen Lehman 1000 Mngdalcna Baschon 1000 Gertrudo Drako '. 1000 Julia McAndrew 1000 WHITE MILLS, - Elizabeth Tuman .2000 1700 1600 1500 luuO 1000 1000 luuO 1000 1000 1GO0 1300 1000 1000 Josephine Spinner Laura Hertcl Mario Murphy Frances Dillon Ada Hayden Ida KIttner Eleanor D. Gill Annie Williams Esther Levlno DAMASCUS. Fannlo Fromer Alma Noblo Elizabeth Gregg Francos Tylor INDIAN ORCHARD. Edna Toms '. Qucenlo Cooley Cora Weeks Ethel Bunnell WEST DAMASCUS. Annie L. Pollock Mattlo Walsh USWICK. Pearl Crane Loulso Rohrbacker Gladys Pennell TYLER HILL. Hattle Seipp LAKEVILLE. Hazel D. James ABRAHAMSVILLE. Mildred Davles LEDGEDALE. Agnes E. Beahen GALILEE. Clara Gaston 1300 1OOO 1000 j.0uU 1100 1000 1500 1000 1000 1000 3200 1200 1100 1200 DISTRICT NO. 3. This Includes Bethany Borough, Starrucca Borough and Clinton, Lebanon, Mount Pleasant, Manches ter, Buckingham, Preston and Scott townships. A tour of Bermuda, a diamond ring and a gold watch are sure to go to this district. BETHANY. Miss Mary Gilchrist '4200 Alice Ward 2700 Dolla Cody 1500 Ella Gammell 1400 Dorothy Henderson i300 Margaret Manning 1000 STARRUCCA. Carrie Lloyd 1G0O Susie McGraw lOUo UEWAKE OF OINTMENTS FOR CA TARRH THAT CONTAIN MER CURY, as mercury will surely destroy tho sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when enter ing It through tho mucous surfaces. Such articles should never bo used except on prescriptions from reput able physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to tho good you can possibly derivo from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure bo sure you get the genuine. It is taken in ternally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, Price 75c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Goto BETZ'S Harness Store X TO JJUY YOUK X j Christmas j ! Presents! i X X AVe havo tho Largest ami Best lino of tho following fjoods X tho county at prices raiiKiiij; as follows : Horse Blankets at 75c to $7.50 each. I Lap Robes for Carriage or Auto use. Fur, Plush and i riue vyooi, ac rrom.J to eacn. Trunks from $3 to $20 each. Dress-suit Cases, $1 to $12 each. Traveling Bags, 50c to $15 each. Ladies' and Gent's Pocket Books, 10c to $10 each. Gentlemen's Fur Driving Coats, $10 to $35. Fur Driving Gloves, $1.25 to $6. Fur Lined Gloves, $2 to $3.50. AVe alHo carry a full lino of Working and Driving Gloves and JHlttens. HAVING SECURED MORE HELP IN THE Work Shop I am prepared to do aH harness work promptly. PLEASANT MT. Helen Tiffnny 1700 Gonovlovo Leonard 1G00 Viola Allen 1500 Emma Lompko- 1000 Julia O'Neill , 1000 BRAMAN. Blancho Blake 2000 Emma Woolheater 1000 PRESTON. Grace Monnglian 1400 WHITES VALLEY. Ellzaboth Kolly 1300 Mnrgaret McOr.-w HOO EQUINUNK. Adalaldo Watson 1G00 HIGH LAKE. Mno Flynn 1500 LAKE COMO. Anna Gulthoff 1400 HIAWATHA. Mabel E. Waldlor .... 1000 DIBTRICT NO. 4. This Includes Prompton nnd Way mart Boroughs, Cherry Ridge, Can aan, South Canaan, Lake, Salem, Sterling, Dreher and Lehigh town ships. A tour of Bermuda, a diamond ring and a gold watch are suro to go to this district. WAYMART. Ruth Inch .. 1G0O Cora Miller, R. D. 2 1400 Margaret Spry 1300 Florenco Denny, R. D. 3 1100 Olive Lockwood 1000 Alice Cromwell 1000 Paulino Schaffer 1000 Mrs. M. Tuthlll loOO Catherine Woods, R. D. 3... 1000 Jennie M Smith 1000 ARIEL. Mrs. Orphella Swlnglo 2G00 Elsie M. Howe . ,. 1800 Florenco Jones 1500 Pearl Kelly 1000 STERLING. Leta Barnes 1600 Laura A. Gilpin 1400 Daisy Butterworth 1200 Lullela Cross 1000 SOUTH STERLING. Emma Bates 1300 Leola M. Smith 1000 GOULDSBORO. Grace Dowllng 1200 Minnie Courtney 1000 Mildred Sebrlng 1000 Annnbell Wright 1000 Bertha Crooks 1000 Gertrudo Smith 1000 Eliza Simons 1000 SHERMAN. Louisa Lynch 1400 Estella McAvoy 1300 PROMPTON. .Frances Richardson 1000 KEENE. Maude Smith 1200 NEWFOUNDLAND. Ella Ehrhardt 3100 Mrs. Frank Waltz 1500 HAMLIN. Alice Hamlin 1200 Mae Walker 1100 Cora Alt 1000 Mrs. Earl Chapman 1000 Try This TWO MINUTE CURE FOR COLD IN HEAD OR CHEST. It is Curing Thousands Daily, and Saves Time and Money. Get a bowl three quarters full of boiling water, and a towel. Pour into the water a teaspoon ful of HYOMEI (pronounced Hlgh-o-me.) Put your head over tho bowl and cover both head and bowl with towel. Breathe the vapor that arises for two minutes and presto! your head Is as clear as a boll, and the tight ness in the chest is gone. Nothing like it to break up a heavy cold, cure sore throat or drive away a cough. It's a pleasant cure. You'll enjoy breathing Hyo mel. You'll feel at once Its sooth ing, healing and beneficial effects as it passes over the inflamed and Irri tated membrane. 50 cents a bottle, at druggists everywhere. Ask G W. Pell for extra bottle Hyoinel In halant. Harness and Horse Furnishing Goods.