The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 07, 1910, Image 2

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    T1U2 C1T1ZKN, WHDM&UAY, Dlit KMHK1C 7, 111 JO.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
GoulilBboro, I'a., December C.
Lester, the little son of .Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Adams, Is critically 111.
Tho application of Chester Ilugor
Rhodes for registration for admlsr
slon to tho bar of the Supreme Court
of Pennsylvania, has been accepted
by tho State Uoard of Law examln
ors, and his registration ccrtillcato
Issued. Ho will be associated with
the law llrm of Eilenberger & Huff
man, at Stroudsburg. Mr. Huffman
is the Senator-elect from the Four
teenth Senatorial district, compris
ing the counties of Wayne, Carbon,
Monroe and Pike. Mr. Hhodes for
merly attended tho School of Lack
awanna at Scranton, Muhlenberg
College, Allentown, and is a gradu
ate of Lehigh University, class of
Arthur O'Boylo shot a two hun
dred and fifty pound bear last week.
Arch Quick also shot one.
Horn, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. John
Datscl, at Sunnyside, Wednesday,
November 30.
Mrs. Hichard Evaus, Scranton, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Hoffman, the first of the week.
Mrs. G. A. Kerling has returned
from a visit with Scranton friends.
M. E. Smith, Mrs. M. M. Dutot,
Mrs. Ella Dutot were Scranton visi
tors the last of the week.
Mrs. Amanda Latham, Nicholson,
who is spending the winter with her
son, W. N. Latham, has been visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. George Gilliland,
at East Stroudsburg.
Miss Freda Dlerolf is spending
some time in Wilkes-Barre.
S. Wilson Eilenberger moved to
Sunnycrest the last of the week.
Little Harry, who has been very sick
for several weeks, is much better,
and is at the home of his grand
mother, .Mrs. S. S. Hager.
Misses Grace Dowling and Bessie
E. Smith assisted in entertaining
at a G. A. It. birthday party given
in honor of their unele, Capt. P.
LeLacy, at Scranton recently.
Miss Hose Courtney has been
spending several days with relatives
ih Tobyhanna.
Mrs. Meters has been visiting
friends in Scranton.
Charles Edwards returned from
a business trip to New York the last
of the week.
Mrs. M. T. Megargel, Sterling,
who has been spending some time
Mrs. Levi Keesler, Drover's Home,
has been visiting her son, John, also
her children, in Scranton.'
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Centervllle, Pa., Dec. 3. Emma
Surplus, who has been visiting at
the home of It. Marshall's, has re
turned to her home in Scranton.
Margaret Marshall also accompanied
her to Scranton Nov. 2G.
James F. Collins, Scranton, spent
Thanksgiving at R. Marshall's.
Mary Lane, who has been teach
ing school at Greely, Pike county,
is spending a few days at her home
at this place.
Abraham Surplice, who has been
working at Niagara, returned to his
home November 24.
Susie Marshall Is spending a few
days with relatives in Scranton.
Anna Walker, of Arlington, was a
weicome visitor at M. Lane's, No
vember 27.
William Marshall, who has been
working at Shohola, returned to his
home November 2G.
Christmas only a few weeks off.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Rlverdale, Pa., December 2. Mr.
and Mrs. George Erk, daughter Mat
tie, and son, Clarence, Seelyvllle,
spent Sunday at Frank wildcn
steln's. Miss Julia Riedel, Pleasant Mount,
is spending a two weeks' vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin and
family, Kingston, Mrs. Margaret
Watklns and Elwin Gustin, Parsons,
returned to their homes, Sunday, af
ter snending Thanksgiving at W. A.
it. G. Wildenstein and family and
Charles Ihlefeldt spent last Thurs
day at H. McAvoy's.
Cnttlo Sale Prices Itnngo From
.$17.50 U $10 Per Head Ilnr
vey Dunn Loses Valuable
Horse in Railroad Cross
ing Accident.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Clinton, Dec. 1. Amanda Norton
spent Thanksgiving week at her
home here. Her brother, Warren P.,
of Factoryville Academy, also spent
his Thanksgiving vacation here.
Elwln S. Norton, Philadelphia, was
home for a few days' vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Singer nnd
son spent a few days last week with
Scranton relatives.
Mrs. A. J. Merrin and son, Irvin,
Waymart, spent n fow days last week
at her father's, H. M. Bunting, who
has been confined to tho house tho
last six weeks, with a complication
of diseases. His grandson, George
A. Stockweather, Carbondale, spent
tho week-end with him.
Mrs. John Grlswold has been on
the sick list.
Mrs. Bertha Garretto, Honesdalc,
spent tho past week at her father's,
James Dann.
Misses Lizzie and Bessie Varcoo,
who spent the past summer In the
Bckshlro Hills, have returned homo.
Tho salo of cattle at F. E. Loomls'
laBt Saturday brought all tho way
from in 'A to 140 per head.
Apple buyers are packing apples
for those who havo any to soli.
On Monday while Harvey Dann
was crossing the Erlo tracks, at For
est City, one of his horses feet got
caught In the crossing from which
ho was unable to remove It before
tho "Flyer" came rushing down up
on the fastened team, killing one and
Injuring tho other. Tho tenm was a
very fine and valuablo one.
Mrs. liarvoy Dunn has passed the
last week with Scranton relatives.
Life In 1 tench I.nko Conducive to
Ijoiifjvity liuildiiiK Going On
Provisions Going Up.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Beach Lake, Pa., Dec. 3. As
Thanksgiving is past, we aro now
looking forward to Christmas time.
Wo nppreciato these holidays, ond
would not like to live In a country
where they enjoy no such days.
There were Thnnksglvlng services
in the M. E. church at 11 o'clock In
the morning, and In tho Freo Metho
dist church at 7:30 p. m.
Tho N. P. L, lodge had an oyster
supper at J. B. Wllmarth's Saturday
Wednesday afternoon the W. C.
T. U. members met with Mrs. Sey
mour to help her sew. (
No definite decisions for "Christ
mas doings" nt the churches havo
been made as yet.
Walter Gnrret, Brooklyn, Is spend
ing some time nt his home here.
Mrs. Wheeler and son, Eddie, have
returned home after an absence of
several months, visiting relatives.
Mrs. Young, nn aged lady who has
seen 94 years, hns been two weeks
with Mrs. Brown. She will again
return to spend the winter at Albert
Mitchell's, who has been her guard
ian in her old age.
Building Is still going on, when
tho weather will permit.
R. B. Davey Is quite ill with pneu
monia. His brother-in-law, Charles
Treverton, Scranton, came to see him
Sundny in his auto. He returned
home, as ho found him some better.
Mrs. Emma Pomeroy has been
quite ill, and is still confined to the
William Dunn spent l-"st week in
Owego with his sister, Mrs. Bertha
Allen. His brother, George, Hawley,
has also been there some weeks, and
will return home with his brother,
Wo are now having a goodly
quantity of the "beautiful snow." If
we could order the weather, we
would not have snow yet. Walt un
til Santa Claus gets his sleigh out!
We understand provisions are slid
ing downward fast in cities. May
it soon reach the rural districts!
Milk Is the scarcest article here at
Mr. and Mrs. William Butler
visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Sid
ney Woodley, Ashland, Sunday.
Mable Decker is home, gaining
from a severe tussle with rheuma
tism. LOOKOU'l.
Lookout Xiinrods Deer Hunting In
Wilds of Pike County Breezy
Personal Gossip.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Lookout, Pa., Dec. 3. William
Dermody, Cochocton. visited his
sister, Mrs. J. PI. Flynn, a few days
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kellam spent
last Thursday with their daughter,
Mrs. George M. Blum, at Union.
Mrs. B. A. Brining, Sophia Blum
and Nathan Morgrldge, Union, spent
Thanksgiving with Mrs. Brining's
motner, Mrs. A. Daney.
E. Teeple and George Knapp are
deer hunting in Pike county.
Hattio Knapp and friend, of Bra
man, spent Sunday at George
Mrs. Stevens, Union, and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Tyler, Brnman, visited
Mrs. A. Daney on Sunday.
"How To Meet Days of Mud and
Snow?" Rend On Tho Value
of Cliecrf illness in South Can
nan And Elsewhere.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
South Canaan, Pa., Dec. 3. Rev.
Thomas Hooper is reported on the
sick list.
Quite a good many turned out for
the Union Thanksgiving service,
which was held at the Free Metho
dist church, South Canaan on i hurs
day at 10:30 a. m., Brother Hooper
having charge of the service. The
program was as follows: Hymn by
tho congregation; prayer by Rev.
Wagner; Governor Stuart's proclama
tion read by Rev. Hooper; sermon by
itev. e. W. Morrison of tho South
Canaan M. E. church, subject,
"Thinkfuluess versus Thankfulness,"
Psalm 2C:7; Father Ena occupied the
pulpit with tho brethren of tho mln
istry. He is the priest of the Greek
Monastery at South Canaan. Ho
made a short address felicitating the
congregation at his pleasure in being
present; benediction by Rev. E. W.
Rev. Hooper and wife went to din
ner with Mr. and Mrs. Daniels 'on
Thanksgiving Day.
Rev. E. W. Morrison dined with
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bronson on
Thanksgiving day.
Mrs. George opangenburg Is tho
guest of friends at Carbondale for a
fow days.
Mr. Loren Reld, who has been 111
for some time, is reported to be con
siderably better at thle writing.
Friend Bisling's little baby Is very
sick with bronchial trouble.
Mrs. Theo. Shnfer Is visiting her
friends at Port Jorvla for a fow days.
These nro days of mud and snow
and tho only way to meet them Is by
being cheerful. There Is no greater
virtue than cheerfulness. This qual
ity in mnn among men is like sun
shine to the day, or gentle renewing
molsturo to parchod herbs. The light
of a cheerful face diffuses itself and
communicate tho hnppy spirit that
inspires it. Why not make earnest
effort to confer that pleasure on oth
ers? Half tho battlo Is gained If you
never allow yourself to say anything
gloomy. If you can put one touch
of a rosy sunset Into the llfo of any
man or woman I shall feel that I
have worked with God. Tho mind
that Is cheerful nt present will have
no sollcltudo for the future and will
meet tho bitter occurrences of life
with a SMILE.
Dentil of Mrs. Ituniicforth "Wood
lleo" on Campground, Decem
ber il Breezy Personals.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Hamlin, Pa., Dec. 3. Miss D. P.
Hamlin, who a fow weeks ago closed
her homo hero for tho winter, Is now
In Hackettstown, N. J. She expects
to leave soon for a trip to tho Pa
cific coast, and will spend tho winter
In California.
Miss Marlon Boyco returned to
Wyoming Seminary on Monday, af
ter spondlng Thanksgiving with her
parents here.
Tho Ladies' Aid met with Mrs.
Harriet Bortreo for dinner on Fri
day, December 2. On that day tho
men of tho church had a wood-bee
for tho purpose of getting out wood
for tho church.
Mrs. Henneforth, an aged lady,
who for some time has made her
home with her son, just west of our
village, died suddenly on November
2C. Tho funeral services were held
on Monday, November 28, from the
German church at Saco.
Mrs. Minnie Brooks Is sick nt the
present writing.
Llowlyn Chumard spent Suiiday in
Mrs. Emily Simons, who hns been
visiting on the East Side, is home
Mr. and .Mrs. Clark Abbey and Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Abbey and Charley
Tiffany were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Spangenberg on Thanksgiving
Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Gillett spent
their Thanksgiving with relatives In
Word has been received here of the
death of Llewlyn Polley, Seelyvllle,
son of Mrs. Lillian Polley.
Horriblo Death of $25 Collie Dor
Ground to Pieces By Locomo
tive's Wheels New Dry
Goods and Grocery
Store for Steene.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Steene, Pa., Dec. 3. Mrs. Roy
Spangenburg returned to her home
at Carbondale Saturday after spend
ing Thanksgiving with her parents
at Steene.
Charles Hubbard returned from
Scranton, Saturday night, where he
spent the week with a specialist, try
ing to save ills eye ball. The ball
may be saved, but the sight is gone.
Homer Wright returned to his
home, at Carbondale, Saturday, af
ter spending a few days with his
grandparents at Steene.
Mrs. Leroy Foster, Carbondale, is
visiting mends in this place.
diaries Hubbard's valuable Col
lie dog met with a horrible death
under the wheels of a O. and W.
passenger train at Steene, Sunday
morning. The dog was valued at
It is rumored that bids will soon
be open for the erection of a large
dry goods and grocery store here.
All bids must be In tho hancra of
Messrs. Denuy and Wood by the
middle of March. No bids will bo
accented after that date.
After a three months' rest. Lum
berman Hollenback's mill, a,t Promp
ion, was set in motion again on
December 1.
Butcher Arthur dressed a porker
for Stephen Kaglar last week that
weighed five hundred pounds.
George Hayduck has purchased a
new horse, paying $285 for the
same. Too bad that a poor man
will get such a "nip" from a horse
lockey, but such is life!
Grangers Give Successful Supper
I'rolltnhlo Meeting of tho L.
A. S. I'ersonul Gossip.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Indian Orchard, Pa., Dec. 3. Th
L. A. S. met with Mrs. II. H. Crosby
on Election Day, and proved a suc
cess both socially and financially.
Six dollars and1 fifty-five cents were
added to their credit.
Mrs. James Wronn and daughters,
Melva and Kathrlne, of Hawley,
wero recent kuests at W. H. Hall's.
A son was born to Mr. and Mis.
O. D. Henshaw, November 14.
Miss Cora Weeks left on mesday
of last week to join her sister, Min
nie, at MIddletown, N. Y and from
there they will go to New Bedford,
Mass., to visit their sister, Mrs. N.
Mrs. M. Leo Braman and Mrs. D.
M. Stalker and daughter, Edith, of
Kellam, spent Thursday at P. L.
Tho Grangers and friends gavo a
supper and enjoyed amusements in
their hall, Thanksgiving evening.
Mrs. P. L. Braman and Mrs. G.
H. Ham, and daughter, Mary, spent
Thanksgiving day with Mrs. E. F.
Rico at White Mills.
Mrs. Charles Schwelghofer and
children, Scranton, aro visiting her
paronts, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Avery,
at Vine Hill.
Our teacher, Miss Schullor, spent
Saturday and Sunday with relatives
In Hawley
Lester Rico, of White Mills, spent
Institute week with his grand-parents
at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor and
Chester Garratt, of Honesdale, also
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Budd, Beach
Lake, wero among tho guests at L.
R. Gamut's on Sunday.
Mrs. Ira K. Bishop, who has been
spending a week with hor daughter,
Mrs. H. Bishop, at East Honesdale,
has returned homo.
Mr. and Mrs. James Stuart and
son, of Englehart, spent Thanksgiv
ing at E. F. Mover's.
Miss Laura Ham was a recent
guest of relatives In White Mills.
Mrs. Ed. Bunnell and Miss Mllly
Brown, East Honesdalo, wero among
tho guests at H. H. Bunnell's Sun
(From Another Correspondent)
Tho recent warm weather, ac
companled by showers, Is causing
tho streams to' become swollen, and
filling the wells and springs.
Tho supper given by tho Grang
ers at their hall on Thanksgiving
night was well attended, thoro be-
lug several present from White
Mills and Hoiiosdnlc,
Low Coib, Susquehanna county,
was a pleasant cnllor at this place
on Monday last. Ho was selling
i olo's b'aiiilly Remedies.
Ray liayly and family, East
Honusdale, wero entertained at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bayly,
ounnysldc Farm, on Sunday last.
A. M. Hcushaw and wife spent
Thanksgiving day with their daugh
ter, .Mrs. Eva Toms, Honesdalc.
Mrs. Compton, Whito Mills. Is
assisting Mrs. O. D. Hcnshaw of this
Tho Robinson Brothers are bor
ing an artcslnn well for E. E. Avery
on tho Bothel Fruit Farm.
L. O. Mumford, Honesdnlc. was
calling on the farmers In this vi
cinity yesterday in tho interest of
tho Bell Telephone company.
There was no meeting at the Beth
el school house, tho minister, Rev.
William Seymour, being cnlled to
White Mills to officiate at a fun
W. H. Marshall and son. Ncal.
called oil George Euglomnn of Nnr
rowsburg on Saturday last. That
gentleman had Just returned from
his annual trip to New York city
where ho spent n week In Bight
seeing. He also attended tho horse
sales. All horses sold for high
Henry Swartz, Atco, was a wel
come guest of his parents, Mr. nnd
airs. j. g. swnrtzon Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Swartz and son, Edward,
who havo been sojourning in the
Vnlley, havo returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Moses Dexter. Nar-
rowsburg, were recent visitors at tho
home of their daughter, Mrs. John
Samuci Saunders, who has been
visiting his daughter. Mrs. S. D.
Noble, Fallsdale, returned home on
Thursday last, and attended the
supper at Grange hall.
Mrs. Ira Bishop is visltinc her
daughter, Mrs. Howard Bishop, at
East Honesdalc
Laura Ham was the guest of
White Mills friends on Saturday and
Sunday last.
Mrs. C. E. Neal, East Beach Lake,
will spend several days with rela
tives and friends In New York city.
F. Hollenbeck, the veteran lum
ber merchant, has a gang of men at
work cutting lumber, ties, and wood
in the vicinity of what is known as
the Brook road.
Miss .Myers, Honesdale, is visit
ing her parents at the Hickory
Grove Farm.
Mary Connor. Laurella, was a
visitor at the home of Mrs. Earl
Ham on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Calkin, of the
Oriental House, of Beach Lake, were
the guests of J. F. Marshall and
wife on Sunday last
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Ariel, Pa., December G. Florence
Glosenger has accepted a position as
nreman on the Delaware & Hudson.
His wife and family are boarding at
the "Twin Maples" during his ab
Mrs. Bronson and Mrs. Osborn ex
pect to start for Wilkes-Barre short
ly, where they will visit the former's
Mr. and Mrs. Evans have returned
home from New York state. They
report an enjoyable trip.
Land In this section is getting
valuable. Walter Swingle has just
refused two thousand dollars for his
farm of twenty-one acres. .
December is here
The last month of the year.
What a beautiful sight
In its mantle of white.
Tho sleigh bells do jingle,
Our ears, with cold, tingle.
And from head to too
We are covered with snow.
When naught can be seen
But a mantle of green;
i m sure wo appear
Very happy my dear.
A change In the weather
Will do us all good,
We'll lay off our bonnet.
And put on our hood.
We'll lay off our frown
And put on a smile;
Tako on the wheels
And try runners a while.
Orpha Swingle, Author.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Lakovllle, Pa., Dec. G. Miss Ger
trude Lee, Maplewood, was the re
cent guest of hor aunt, Mrs. D. A.
Mrs. Charles Daniels, wo regret to
state, was taken to the State Hos
pital, Scranton, on Thursday, where
sho will undergo a serious opera
tion. We do pray that this one.
who is so very much needed In this
world, by her family and friends,
may bo spared to us, and that she
may bo brought back In perfect
A birthday party was given Mon
day night in honor of Mrs. L. M.
Bittnor. A number of neighbors
wero present, and enjoyed a very
pleasant evening. Refreshments
were served. All left nt 1 o'clock
wishing Mrs. BIttner many moro
Mrs. Alfred Locklln entertained
tho L. A. S. on Wednesdny, Nov. 30.
Proceeds, $2,25. Mrs. Locklin's
mother. Mrs. F. Walker, Hollistor
villo, and aunt, Mrs. James Noble,
Arlington, wero among her guests.
A. C. James, Brooklyn, Is spend
ing a time nt Long Pond at his
beautiful summer houso. Ho also
has painters and paper hangers at
work Inside.
Charles E. Robertson, Scranton,
was tho wolcomo guest of G. Lafay
etto James and wife on Tuesday and
Mr. and Mrs. J. Betchor. Scran
ton, aro tho guests of hor parents,
j. w. Stephens and family.
A number attended tho chicken
supper at tho homo of W. H. Har
loo, Lcdgedalo, on November 23
Proceeds amounted to $22.
Irvin Finch, Wilkes-Barre, Is visit
lng Mark Kellnm's family here.
I.oals Phillip and daughters, K1I-
znboth and Sadie, woio the recent
gi.usta of his daughter, Mrs. Oliver l
Locklln, hera, o
Marcus Kelllam, a notod farmer Q
from this plnco, and daughter Helen, H
who have been visiting his son, Wii- 5
llntn, In Lincoln, California, is now 3
homeward bound. He Is visiting 5
his brother, John, formerly of this p
place, at Cripple I reek, Colorado.
.Miss Nellie Welsh, iafton, spent
;i few das recently with her moth
er, Mrs. M. Welsh nnd family.
Miss Mildred Hervvig Is very ill
at this writing.
Special to THE CITIZEN. lO
Whites Valley, Dec. G Charles' IX
Hauscr returned home, Monday, af-o
tor spending severnl days with his
son, Wesley, at Scelyville.
Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Bonham are
again at home, after visiting rela
tives In Carbondale and cake Artel,
several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. George Moase, Pleas
ant Mount, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
Fitze and sons, Aldenvllle, and Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Fltze, Creamton,
were guests at William H. Fltze's,
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. J. Pomery en
tertained Mr. and Mrs. B. F. White,
Lestcrshlre, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. B.
Sherwood and sons, Forest City, and
Sir. nnd Mrs. Raymond Pomery,
Thursday at dinner.
Henry Mend is a guest of his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. II. P.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Hacker spent
Thanksgiving with Dr. and Mrs. L.
E. Perkins, Scranton.
Mrs. Martha Stark Is spending the
winter with her daughter, Mrs.
John Romich, at Prompton.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Bert Miller gave a
Thanksgiving dinner which was en
Joyed by Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Odell,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Odell and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bartholo
mew, Maple Grove, and Mr. and
Mrs. O. C. Miller and son, Albert,
Mrs. E. Mnrtin and children.
Miss Anna May Hauser spent
several days with Forest City
friends, and returned home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bates F. White
spent the week-end with the form
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
White, and returned to Lestershlre
on Monday.
Wages Won't Be Lowered, Although
Business Is Slack.
New York, Dee. 1. Representatives
of practically all of the steel manufac
turing companies In tho United States
at a meeting here discussed business.
There have been meetings of steel
men that were largely attended, but
none before in which so many compa
nies were represented.
The meeting was held behind closed
doors. Judge Gary, chairman of the
board of the United States Steel cor
poration, said:
"Representatives of 05 per cent of
tho manufacturers of steel in America
discussed the condition in this particu
lar line and expressed opinions con
cerning current prices."
One of tho men participating In the
conference said that the fact that the
mills were running but 50 per cent of
capacity told a story of much Idle la
bor. Ue said no reduction Is contem
plated by any of the companies in the
near future.
Judge Gary announced the details of
the working of the S12.000.000 em
ployees' pension fund.
What Golf Does to You.
I made a mashie on n girl.
Though courage 1 did lack,
And, dear, she was so br&ssie that
I had to driver back.
Then after put-tins back the child
Straightway began to ball.
But still I loiter dearly, no
It would not do at all.
New York Mail.
"And what aro we to understand by
the Biblical expression 'the four cor
ners of the earth?' " asks the Instruct
or In theology.
"Rockefeller's corner In oil, Have
meyer's corner In sugar, Carnegie's
corner In steel nnd Patten's corner In
wheat," nnswers the new stndent.
Saturday Evening Post.
No Use.
used to yield, my darling, when you
But rve grown wiser since the habit kept
Growing upon you. TIs a childish lault,
But tears like yours aren't even worth
their salt!
Cleveland Leader,
"I seo there was a 'swatfest' at the
baseball park yesterday afternoon,"
said Mrs. Cutely. "What does that
mean, dear?" "It means," growled
Mr. Cutely, "that the local slab artist
developed a glass arm at n critical
stage of tho game and let tho visitors
plant blugles nil over the lot." Bir
mingham Age-Herald.
Foreign Tonguo.
Tho boy ho save the yell which he
Had loarned so well at college.
"Oh, listen, mul" tho father said.
"Our boy is spouting knowledge!"
Yonkers Btateainan.
The Modern Polonius.
"Why don't you perfect a melon with
a haudle, so that people could enrry It
"It would bo a wuste of time," an
swered the horticultural wlr.ard. "Then
they'd want 'em with wheels." Loula
Tille Courier-Journal.
For jLof&nts nd Children.
His Rind'Yei Harj Always Bought
Boars tha
MfnAtwo of
No man ever accumulates a
fortune ti ulcus he has the hab
it of making sacrifices today in
order that he may have (some
thing to work with to-morrow.
The BUinll amount that you
are able to save every week
may appear very small, but in
time systematic saving, with the
aid of 3 per cent compound
interest, will give you eome
substantial capital as a basis
for investment or to live on
when you can no longer work
and earn.
is yet young but it has helped
ninny ambitious persons on the
road to independence and auc-
Late of Cncrry KIdu'e, deceased
The undersigned, nn uudltor uppolnted to
le.Kjrt distribution of Sllld I'Stnte will iiMimil
1 o the dutlea of Ills appointment, on
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 11, 1911,
at 10 o'clock, u. m.,nt hlsolHce in the borough
ot Honesdale. at which time nnd plac" all
claims against mild estate must be presented,
oriecourse to the fund for distribution will
be lost.
Honesdale. Nov 22. 1910. tUeol3
tai 1 v ti 1 innx?
Lite of D.minsntlH. prHtiti'd to Alnn7n
T. Searle, Executor.
ah persons indebted to said estate are notl
ticd to make immediate payment to the un
dersigned ; nnd those bavins claims against
the said estate are notllled to present them
duly uttested for settlement.
Alonzo T. Searle, Executor.
Honesdale. Pa., Nov. 10 1U10.
By virtue of an order of the Or
phans' Court of Wayne county, Pa.,
the undersigned, administratrix of C.
H. Woodward, late of Hawley bor
ough, deceased, will sell at public
outcry at the courthouse in Hones
dalo borough, on
THURSDAY. DEC. 8, 11)10, 2 P. M.
All that lot or parcel of land to
gether with the Improvements there
on situate in the Borough of Hawley,
County of Wayne and State of Penn
sylvania, being Lot No. 29 on Four
teenth street In said village as per
map In the Pennsylvania Coal Com
pany's office. Said lot No. 29 being
eighty feet In front on Fourteenth
street and extending at right angles
to said street forty-four feet on he
Northeast side and fifty feet on the
Souhwest side, or an average depth
of forty-six feet. Containing three
thousand six hundred and eighty
square feet of land.
Being the same land which the
Pennsylvania Coal Company by deed
dated January 10, 1883, and record
ed in Wayne County Deed Book No.
60 at page IS granted and conveyed
to C. H. Woodward.
Also all that lot, piece or parcel of
land situate In the Borough of Haw
ley, County of Wayne, and State ot
Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows, to wit: Lot No. 31 and
one-half on Fourteenth street in tho
Borough of Hawley as per map In
the Pennsylvania Coal Company's of
fice. Said lot No. 31 and one-half
being twenty feet wide In front on
Fourteenth street and extending
backward therefore at right angles
in a northwesterly direction fifty
feet. Containing one thousand
square feet of land or thereabouts.
Being the same land which tho
Pennsylvania Coal Company granted
and conveyed to C. H. Woodward by
deed dated January 23, 1S98, and re
corded In Wayne County Deed Book
No. 83, at pace 467.
Upon said land Is n frame dwell
ing. Terms of sale, cash.
Searle & Salmon, Attorneys.
Oleol 3.
Water Bonds
From 5 to 6 per cent.
In denominations of
100, 500 and 1,000
If Interested
call on or address
Office: Poster Block 9th and
Muln St.
Honesdale, Pa.
I You will make money
I by having me.
Shell tuonk mj Bethany, Pa.