The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 02, 1910, Image 5

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AVANTHI Glnss cutters, good
routhers and smoothers on table
ware. Good pay and steady work
for cood men. Thomas B. Camp
bell. 40-42 South 8th St., Ilrooklyn,
N. Y. 92t2.
VOll SALH OK BUNT One-story
factory building 125 by 75 feet.
Covered with Century (fire proof)
shingles. New steam "heating plant.
200 feet of shafting and 2 motors.
Apply the Herbeck-Domor Co. tf
FOB KKXT 7 rooms ami batliT gas
and furnace. GIG Church street.
Inquire- at house.
FOK SALE Kelly & Stelnman
brick factory building, Including en
gine, boiler and shafting, Inquiro of
J. B. Robinson. fqtf.
FOK SALIC Pair of chilled sleigh
shoes for heavy bobs; two-seated
pleasuro sleigh, full panel, uphol
stered scats, drop end board mount
ed on sleigh bobs, polo and shafts;'
now spring cutter, painted red and'
black, with spring cushions; heavy
doublo work harness; single buggy
harness; heavy lumber wagon; now
wine press. All as good as new.
One Qornoll Incubator, 225 eggs; ono
brooder, 100 Rhode Island RedTill
lets, 25 White Leghorn hens, Call
or address P. M. BRIGGS, Lava,
Sullivan county, N. Y. It
On nrconnt of tlio bxtra de
mands made upon our news col
umns, a large number of interesting
letters from our correspondents are
crowded out this week, and will ap
pear in our next issue.
William Bishop Is seriously 111
at the home of his parents,' Mr. 'jind
Mrs. Edward Bishop, Indian Or
chard. Jury Commissioners W. H. Bul
lock and Oscar Miller are In town
to-day (Thursday) on official busi
ness, Captain James Ham Post No. 19S
will hold their election of officers on
Friday evening, Dec. 2. All members
are urgently requested to be present. .
Attention, Veterans I Regular meet
ing of Capt. Ham Post, No. 198, G. A.
R., on Friday evening, Dec. 2d, F.lec
tion of officers. ,
C. A. Emery, cashier of the Farm
ers and Mechanics bank, was called to
Scrnnton Wednesday on account of the
death of his father-in-law, Benjamin
"The Blue Mouse," which plays
at the Lyric this evening, was really
the comedy hit of last season's New
York successes. A few Honesdale peo
pie who have seen the. comedy pro
nounce It "Great."
Willis Lucas, representing the R. L.
Polk & Co., of Pjttsburg, was in town
recently in tlin interest o'f another di-'
rectory of Honesdale. Solicitors will
arrive in a short time to complete the
The remains of Jeremiah Re
gan, of Scranton, a former well
known teacher of Wayne county,
were brought to Canaan for Inter
ment Friday. Many relatives and
friends accompanied the remains.
The Erie has set out 8,050
Japanese honeysuckle vines on the
slopes of the new cut through Ber
gen. They are expected to root so
firmly they will hold the loose soil
from sliding on the tracks and the
foliage will beautify the otherwise
bare cut.
Hon. Alonzo T. Searle, President
Judge of Wayne county, will hold court
for Judge Edwards in Lackawanna
county all next week. It is said that a
number of the alleged election fraud
cases will come up before him for de
cision, The Anti-Saloon League Committee
of the county are requested to meet in
the Presbyterian church chapel, Hones
dale, Friday, December 9, at 2 p. in.
Rev. C. H." Brandt, of Wilkes-Ba'rre,
will be in attendance and will elaborate
new lines of work. By order of Rev. J.
B. Cody, Chairman.
The adjourned annual meeting of
the Presbyterian church, Bethany, will
be held Wednesday, December 7, at 2,
p. m. The ladies of the church will
Berve dinner in the church parlors. Im
portant business will come before the
The Bell Telephone Company has
recently installed a direct line telephone,
in the electric light station, for fire
alarm purposes, equipped with the en
unciator drop, which makes it a con
tinuous ring until the engineer comes
and answers the telephone. If you
want to notify the department, in case
of fire, call up and ask for "Fire AJann
"The Thief" played to a fair-sized
audience at the Lyric on Tuesday even-i
ing. Several women were observed
making notes of the "pointers" civen
on "how to hold a husband, when love
grows cold, and the hair turns shady."
The company was a strong one, and the
second act especially was one long to be
remembered. The audience showed its
appreciation by generous encores and
liberal applause.
State Game Warden, M. J. Lowry,
Scranton, "was in town Tuesday.
Mrs. Charles R. Brady is confined to
her home by a severe spell of illness.
Dr. O. J. Marcy, Scranton, was a
Tuesday professional caller in town.
Dr. W. .1. Perkins, Carbondalo, was a
caller in town Tuesday.
Charles Gable, Mllanvllle, spent
Tuesday In Honesdale.
R. M. Salmon, Esq., transacted busi
ness in Scranton Tuesday.
Mrs. Mary Simpson, of Kceiic, was in
t twit for a few days this week.
Mrs. Alec Messenger, of Carbondale,
called on friends here Tuesday.
Mrs. James Lindsay visited friends in
Carbondale several days this week.
W. E. Blglow of Scranton, spent
Wednesday In town on business.
Mrs. Mary Delanoy, Port Jervls,
is visiting friends In Honesdale.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Holmes Inst
Sunday entertained Mrs. Dloftender
fer. .
Capt. Charles Bnker, of Waymart,
was a visitor bore the first of the
week. '
Miss Pearl Bryant, of Upton, N.
Yr, spent Thanksgiving with her pnr
ents. E. A. DeLaney, Esq., Carbondale,
was Tuesday a Maple City professional
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Johnson,
Scranton, were recent guests of Mrs.
Louis Deln.
Mrs. Jnmes Ward and datighter,
Heldn, passed the foro part of the
week In Scranton. '
At F.'Trautwinc, manager Consolidat
ed Telephone Company, Carbondale, was
in town on Tuesday.
Mr. Frank Walters, the obliging flor
ist, is entertaining his sister and little
niece from Stroudsburg, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Rose, Ivory
ton, Conn., spent last Thursday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Richmond.
Mrs. E. B. Callaway has returned
from a several days' visit at the
homo of her parents In Dunmore.
J. L. Sherwood, Jr., who has been
doing special game duty in Pike county,
has returned to his home in Honesdale.
Dr. O. J. Marcy, of Dunmore,' Is
the guest of Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Ely,
a Tew days before going South for
the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Evans, of Fif
teenth street, are entertaining the iorin
er's sister, Miss Blanche Evans, of
Mrs. Emma G. Secor solicits subscrip
tionsfor Homo Journal, Woman's Home
Companion, Delineator, and offers extra
good inducements in combination clubs.
Mrs. M. E. Simons and daughter,
Miss Alice, returned Monday evenii g
from Bowling Green, Ohio, where they
had been visiting relatives for several
First Baptfst, cnurcn Rev. Geo.
S.' Wendell, ' minister. The usual
services will be held at the First
Baptist church at 10.30 a. m. and
7? 30 p. ni. Communion of the
Lord's Supper at the close of Morn
ing Worship. Tho pastor will preach
at both services. The sesRlnna nf tho
Bible school, F. II. Trask, superln-
lonueni, win convene at 11:45 a. m.
Young People's meeting at G:30 p. m.
The regular bi-weekly service will
he held at Berlin Baptist church on
Sunday afternoon next at 2:30
o'clock. Rev. George S. Wendell
will preach the sermon.
Grace Episcopal church Rev.
Albert L. Whlttaker, rector.
Second Sunday in Advent. Morn
ing prayer at 10:30 o'clock. Even
ing prayer at 7:30 o'clock. Subject
"Tho Character-Value of Truthful
ness." Sunday school and Bible
classes, 12 M., assistant superintend
ent, Jos. N., Welch. Rev. A. L. Whlt
taker will hold service at the Indian
Orchard school house at 2:30 p. m.
and at Wayne county jail at 4 p. m.
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran
church Rev. C. C. Miller, pastor.
Second Sunday In Advent. The
morning service In Gorman at 10:30
a. m. Sunday school immediately
afterwards. English evening ser
vices at 7:30 p. m. Rev. C. C.
Miller's subjects next Sunday are:
Morning: "Steht auf, Im Namen
Jesu Chrlstl"; evening, "Time To
Awako and. Watch."
Methodist Episcopal.
At tho Methodist Episcopal church
next Sunday, Rev. Will H. Hlller, the
pastor, will preach In tho morning
and in the evening at tho usual
First Presbyterian church, corner
Church and Tenth street, Rev. W. H.
Swift, D. D., pastor. Services at
10:,30 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Sunday
school 12 M.
ltomiui Catholic.
St. John's Roman Cnthollc, Ter
race St., Rev. T. M. Hanloy, rector.
Rev. E. Burke, assistant rector.
First Sunday In Advent. Low
mass at 8:30 a. m. High
mass at 10.30 a. m. Evening ser
vice at 7.30 o'clock. Vespers first
Sunday of every month at 3 p. m.
St. Mary Magdalen's, corner of
Church and Fifth street. Second Sun
day In Advent. Low mass at 8:30
a. in. High mass at 10:30 a. m.
Benediction at 3 p. m.
Frederick W. Sell, odltor of tho
Star, a Democratic weekly nowspnper
printed at Slatlngton, was arrested
yesterday on a charge of criminal
libel at tho Instance of Governor
elect John K. Tener, according to tho
Harrisburg Telegraph.
Mr. Tener went to Allentown to
bring tho prosecution and remained
in tho city until after the hearing.
The information against Editor
Sell was lodged beforo Alderman J.
S. Renlnger nnd tho warrant was nt
once Issued and placed In tho hands
of Constable Albert Stcckel and
Court Tlpstnff Francis S. Mertz, who
took tho noxt trolley car for Slat
lngton and arrested Sell.
(Continued from Pago Ono.)
Miss Rcna ICellow 1000
Miss Mnrgnret Roardon 1000
Miss Elizabeth Balrd 1000
Miss Gertrude Krnntz 1000
Miss lsabello RIckert 1000
Miss Margnret Ehorhardt .... 1000
Miss Blanche Picrco 1000
Miss Helen Beck 1000
Miss Alma C. Schullcr 1000
Miss Edith K. Swift 1000
Miss Mary A. Menncr 1000
Miss Blancho Secor 1200
Miss Mary Hlgglns 1000
Miss Mnrgarot Roso ..e 1000
Mrs. R. B. Bronncrman 1000
Mrs. Alma J. G. Dlx 1000
Miss Mao O'Noll 1000
Miss Vera Rlcknrd 1000
Miss Ethel Schlessler 1000
Miss Julia Schtmmcll 1000
Miss Minnlo Schooll 1000
Miss Elizabeth Schuerholz ... 1000
Miss Harriet L. Smith 1000
Miss Letltla Green 1000
Miss Helen Tryon 100(r
Miss Mnry Van Drlcson 1000
Miss Mario Ward 1000
Miss Beatrice Southerton .... 1000
Miss Helen Jacobs 1000
Miss Katherlne Kroll 1000
Miss Mayme Lynott 1000
Miss Nora Murphy 1000
Miss Grace Hanlnn 1000
Miss Jennie D. Hageman .... 1000
Mrs. Asa Bryant 1000
Miss Merle Eldred 1000
Miss Alma Canflold 1000
Miss Mary Butler k 1000
Miss Margaret Brunner 1000
Miss Marlon Charlesworth . . . 1000
Miss Bessie Carroll 1000
Miss Vera Moll 1000
Miss Anna Corbett 1000
Miss Heleno Purdy 1000
This Includes Hawley Borough,
Texas No. 3, and all of Palmyra,
Berlin, Orogon, and Damascus town
ships. A tour to Bermuda, a diamond
ring and a gold watch are sure to
go to this district
Florence Cook 1100
Frances Robinson 1200
Minnie Miller 1000
Nelllo Langan 1000
Christina "Miller 1000
Helen Lehman 1000
Irene Bishop 1300
Gertrude Bea 1000
Magdalcna Baschon 1000
Elizabeth Daniels 1000
Gertrude Drake 1000
Clara abes 1000
Julia McAndrew 1000
Mayme werner 1000
Josephine Spinner 1000
Elizabeth TUman 1000
Frances Dillon louO
Laura Hertel 1000
Ada Hayden 10U0
Ida KIttner 1000
Eleanor D. Gill luuu
Annlo Williams 1Q0O
Mario Murphy 1000
Esther Levlno JiOOO
Alma Noble 1000
Elizabeth Gregg 1000
Frances Tyler 1000
Fannie Fromer . lzOO
Queenle Cooley ; i000
Cora Weeks 1000
Ethel Bunnell j.0uu
Edna Toms 1000
Mattlo Walsh 1000
Annie L. Pollock 1100
Louise Rohrbacker 1000
Pearl Crano 1000
Gladys Pennell 1000
Hattlo Selpp 1000
Hazel D. James 1300
Mildred Davies 1000
Agnes E. Beahen 1000
Clara Gaston 1U00
This includes Bethany Borough,
Starrucca Borough and Clinton,
Lebanon, Mount Pleasant, Manches
ter, Buckingham, Preston and Scott
A tour of Bermuda, a diamond
ring and a gold watch aro sure to
go to this district.
Dolla Cody 1000
Ella Gammell 1000
Alice Ward 1200
Margaret Manning . ...fll... 1000
Dorothy Henderson 1000
Susie McGraw lOOo
Carrlo Lloyd . . . 1000
Helen Tiffany 1000
Emma Lempko 1000
Genevieve Leouord 1000
Viola Allen k 1000
Jullu O'Neill 1000
Blancho Blake 1200
Emma Woolheater 1000
Grace Monnghan 1000
Elizabeth Kelly louO
Margaret McGraw 1100
Adalaldo Watson 1000
Mao Flynn 1000
Anna Guithoff 1000
This includes Prompton and Way
mart Boroughs, Cherry Ridge, Can
aan, South Canaan, Lake, Salem,
Sterling, Drehor and Lehigh town
ships. A tour of Bermuda, a diamond
ring and a gold watch aro sure to
go to this district.
Ollvo Lock wood 1000
Margaret Spry 1000
Allco Cromwell .. 1000
Ruth Inch 1200
Paulino Schaffer 1000
Mrs. M. Tuthlll 1000
1100 I
1000 1
1000 :
.lorn Miller, R. 1). 2
I A Tl 1 1.M
Elslo M. Howe ,
Airs. Orpholla Swlnglo
Penrl Kelly
Florenco Jones
Laura A. Gilpin
Lota BnrnoB
Daisy Buttorworth
Emma BrUos
Leola M. Smith
Graco Dowllng
Minnlo Courtney
Mildred Sobring
Louise Lynch
Estella McAvoy
Frances Rlchurdson
Maude Smith
Ella Ehrhardt
Mao Walker
Allco Hum II n ,
Cora Alt
Mrs. Earl Chapman
Cnptnln and Mrs. Charles E. Baker
Celebrate, Tuesday, Fortieth
Wedding Anniversary -Many
Honesdale Peo
ple Attend.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Captain and Mrs. Charles E. Bak
er celebrated the fortieth anniver
sary of their marriage, Tuesday af
ternoon and evening at their resl
ium e In Waymart. More than a
hundred Invited guests from Way
mart, together with largo delegations
frQm Carbondalo and Honesdale were
present, and helped to make the oc
casion a memorable one. Mr. and
Mrs. Baker were tho recipients of
many handsome and costly presents
In honor of the happy event. Dainty
refreshments were served, Mrs. Wil
liam J. Van Keuren, Honesdale, be
ing tho caterer. Captain Baker is
widely known as a former popular
Delawaro and Hudson Railroad man,
with which company he held a re
sponsible executive position for
many years. Thoso present from
Honesdale were:
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Menner,
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Relf, Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Pennlman, Mr. and
Mrs. William H. Hulshlzer, Rev.
and Mrs. A. L. Whlttaker, Dr. and
Mrs. R. W. Brady and daughter,
Miss Ethel, Mrs. J. D. Westom Mrs.
Charles E. Dodge, Joseph N. Welch,
WHilam H. Dlmmick, Judge Henry
Wilson, Frank A. Jenkins, O. M.
Spottlgue, William H. Leo, Esq.,
Misses Minnie Smith, Mabel Broad,
Mary I. Baker, Charlotte Lane, Ber
tha Lane.
It's Jtiht Like 'Em.
It Is curious to what lengths the
Democratic press Is going to give
its advice, more or less wholesome,
to J3oyernor-elcct .Tenor. He man
aged to struggle through his cam
paign .without their support and will
probably get through his administra
tion without their advice, or rather
in spite of it. Titusvlllo Herald.
J. A. Staples, Scranton, was a
business caller In Honesdalo and vi
cinity Tuesday.
Austin E. Lynch, representative of
Brooks & Co., Scranton, was a business
caller Tuesday in the Maple City.
Don't fill holes in a dirt road by
dumping in loads of stone.
Don't permit grass or vegetable
matter to be thrown Into the road
CURY, as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely de
range tho whole system when enter
ing It through the mucous surfaces.
Such articles should nevor be used
exception prescriptions from reput
able physicians, as tho damage they
will do is ten fold to tho good you
can possibly derive from them. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no
mercury, and is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of tho system. In
buying Hall's Catarrh Cure bo sure
you get the genuine. It Is taken In
ternally and made In Toledo, Ohio,
by F. J. Cheney & Co, Testimonials
Sold by Druggists. Price 75c. per
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. Jewelry
Talk !
NO. 1.
Jewelry makes one of the
most acceptable gifts, as
it is not only a remem
brance of the Christmas
season but a remem
brance for years and often
for a life time. Think it
Florenco Donny, R. D. 3
Cathorlno Woods, R. D. 3 . ,
Jennlo M. Smith
ROWLAND, Jeweler
(Continued From Pngo One.)
gntlon of prejudice; especially so if
tho allegation wcro denied. But the
commonwealth only takes Issue with
tho accused on tho averment of a
combination against him. As to the
question of widely extensive prejud
ice, while not In terms ndmlttlng It,
tho district attorney says he Is un
able to deny it; and ho does not, as
In tho case of tho other reason, de
mand proof. Inasmuch as elthor ono
Is sufficient, this dispenses with the
necessity of further proof. Tho pe
tition will bo granted where It Bets
forth n statutory causo and such al
The Great Sale
of the Jacobson Bankrupt
Fiagg9s Clothing House
863 Main St.
While hundreds have availed themselves of this great opportunity to
buy Men's and Boys' clothing at greatly reduced prices, there still remains
excellent values for thoso that aro looking for warm and comfortable gar
ments for winter wear.
t m tth tWlW Men's Pants, full'
IMIlW ?. K?.e-e
Children's Handkerchiefs, 7 for . : 25c
Boys' Leather Gloves, value 50c 19c
Odd Vests, 30 to 35 size, value $1.00 29c
Men's Overalls, value 50c 29c
Boys' Overalls 17c
Men's Suspenders, good quality 17c
Grainbs Building, Opp. the 1). & II. Station.
Honesdale, Pa.
Better Cigars
For the Wl
The price part is important ; but it is not everything. In
fact it is the easiest part of our duty to the public. By buying
direct, selling direct, and by conducting business under the most
economical conditions, wo can handle the BEST GRADE OP
CIGARS at the LOWEST PRICES. For oxample :
Robt. Burns, Perfecto,4 for 23c 11.55 box of 25.
Lancsdorf, Perfectoes, $3.75 box of 50.
Henrv the 4th, Pantelelas or Perfecto, $3.75 box of 50.
I, .' ' T . - I ' i .. .
nlimlM I
Hoyo de Monterrey
Betsy Ross
Havana Ribbon
Tom Keeno
Christmas) Both ?ich
r, , ) and
Presents ) Beautiful
Menner & Co-'s Stores
Table Settings in Double Damask Napkins and
Cloth, Center Pieces and Doilies.
Bureau Scarfs, Carving Cloths, and Side Table
Rugs in Royal K Wilton and Smyrna, Regular
Portieres, Colored Curtains, Lounge Throughs.
Table Covers, Yelour and Tapestry.
Irish Point Bon Feimme and Nottingham Lace Cur
tains. MENNER & CO.'S
Keystone Block
legation Is not denied: Com. vs.
Coylo, 3 York, 171.
"A chango of venue Is accordingly
granted, and tho record Is ordered
to bo certified sec. leg. to the court
il oyer nnd terminer of Wnyno coun
ty, with Instructions to proceed as If
the indictment had been originally
found In said county. Said proceed
ings and trial to bo hud at the ex
pense of the county of Lackawannn."
State Treasurer Clinrles F. Wright.
For the first time In several years
there aro no accounts In the Stnto
Treasury more than thirty days over
due and the financial business of tho
Commonwealth Is being conducted
like a bnnk. Thin is the result of
tho energetic methods of Stato
Treasurer Charles F. Wright, who
was appointed by Governor Edwin
S. Stuart to tho office, and has
hrocght tho business thoroughly up
to dnte.
Stock still continues at
Men's Overcoats, value $6.00 $3.95
Men's Reefers with, high storm collar, value 5.00. 2.95
Men's Ulsters with high storm collar, value 6.00
Men's Suits, real value $6.00....'. 3.97
Boy's Overcoats, value $4.00 iU 1.95
Boys' Two-pieced Suits, value $2.50 1.39
Boys' Long Pants Suits, Slightly Damaged, value
$6.00 2.49
Youth's Long Pants, value $2.00 79c
Men's and Boys' Negligee Shirts, value 50c,.... 29c
Linen Collars, slightly soiled, per dozen 29c
Fancy Linen Cuffs, per pair 07c
Waterproof Collars, four for 25c
Llnene Reversible Collars, per box 15c
Arm Bands ' 05c
Common Sense Hose Supporters 19c
Men's Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, value $1.00
.i i n
Value ' $1.75. '. 79c
sent ll
Men's Soft Hats, value $1.00 49c
Boys' Winter Caps 13c
Men's Coat Sw.eaters, value 75c 37c
Men's Fleeced Lined Underwear 37c
Men's Ribbed Underwear, value 40c 23c
Boys' Fleeced Lined Underwear 23c
Infants' Underwear, value 25c 10c
Imported, Perfectoes,
$5.25 box of 2j.-$21.00 box of 100.
All shapes and sizes, $1.90 box of 50.