THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. HO, 11)10. Ti! LY BREVmES Clilna exports I1,niv,000 fntis a year Most workers in Switzerland are em ployed nbout cloven hours a day. England's shipping industry, accord 5ng to report, Is steadily Improving. Tomatoes packed In pent and saw dust go from Toronto to London lu good order. Sailors returning from near Capo Ilorn report having seen a boating Is land several miles square. PortUfial lias colonies In the West Indies, Asia and Africa with a total population of more than 0,000,000. Last year's olive crop in Spain was so abnormally largo that the trees were, debilitated, the consequence being a very poor crop this year. The Flint Mich.) school board has secured a ninety-nine year lease of a Bite for a new school building at the rate of one clover blossom a year. Already more than 1,000 elementary schools have been opened lu Slam, the country enjoying an educational boom because of the Interest of the king. The army is experimenting with a new shell designed to pierce n vessel or building and then scatter scores of bullets carried behind Its solid "steel bead. There has been n marked decrease In Canada's merchant marine during the last thirty-ilvo years. In 1871 the ton nage was 1,15S,SG3; lu 1909 It was 718,553. Certain well known American prod ucts, like garters and hooks and eyes, hare become household articles In France, largely because of persistent and systematic advertising. More than one European state in unmem times lias tneci t-eptimii'uiiisiii for awhile. Spain, for instance, de clared Itself a republic In 18711 and Greece In 1.S10, but in each case the experiment lasted only a few months. Professional chauffeurs of New York who fall to qualify under the Cnllan law have tried to retain their Jobs by mount of a trick. By paying u dollar or (wo to an owner and securing what they call part ownership lu iv car they continue "driving" for a living. The Diamond shoals, olt Capo Hat teras, the graveyard of the Atlantic,! are to be protected by automatic elec-' trie devices. The diaphragms of two largo megaphones arc to be vibrated by electricity, producing a volume of sound which cMi be heard for miles, i Next to Italy, Japan Is the most heavily taxed of nations. The Japa nese Is taxed to the extent of 1 yen 20 sen upon every 10 yen of his income, a proportion exceeded only by Italy, which taxes 1 yen IS! sen upon every 10 ycu of the income of its subjects. Michael Ilarl, the public cxecutlonci nt Hudapest, has addressed a protest to the Hungarian parliament against the exaggerated humano tendencies ot the day. which result In his belug un employed for the greater $iart of the year. lie demands cither a regulat salary or that there shall be fewer re prlcves. Tim army of Portugal, which con sists of about 95,000 won of the Urst lino troops and 01,000 roscrves, Is re cruited by conscription, but exemption can always bo purchased. Conscripts Join at tho age of twenty, and the du ration of service la three years In the ranks, five lu tho reserve and seven In tho second reserve. Moscow owes $48,305,340, but $43, 773,413 of the borrowed money has been put Into "productive municipal enterprises." Last year Moscow's inu- aggregating $3,013,093. Last year Moscow's municipal abattoir did to death 1!30,S(EI cattle and 127,121 calves, sheep, hogs and goats. Itathurst Island has Just been ex plored by a British government expe dition. It Is situated some llfty miles from Port Unrwtn, northern Austra lia, and has au nrca of ISO square miles. It Is uninhabited, but It Is well watered with fresh running streams and lias n fertile soil copablo of grow lng rice, rubber, cattle and tobacco. Knrly settlers lu South Australia were told by tho blacks that "up country" them was a eavo full of gold, but they did not attach much credence to the report. A half caste has Just arrived in Adelaide with the news that some 400 miles north of Fowler's bay he came upon a series of caves, one of which had "pendants of gold like bunches of grapes." . There are seven London companies furnishing j;as. and the charges vary from 49 cents a thousand cubic feet to C9 cents, tho illuminating candle power being from 14.S000 to 10.9200. There j a discount allowed by most of tho tompnnios from 2VG to 5 per cent to largo consumers, 10 to 20 per cent for power and 10 to 25 per cent for gas engines. Charitable associations In Frankfort. Germany, operate lodging houses, res taurants, oatlng rooms, canteens, etc., for the benefit of the poor. They are conducted on strictly business methods. Dinner sou)), meat, vegetables Is pro vided for a fraction more than 8 cents. Until tho recent Increase of prices for foodstuffs tho meal was given for less than S cents. Lodging Is provided at Xrora 38 to GO cents n week. Professor William Hornaday, the soologlst who directs tho work of tho zoological park of New York city, was born hi Indiana flfty-six years but studied In Europe as well ns In America. His first book. "Two Years In the Jungle," was published In lfisn. Professor Ilurnnduy Is an enthusiastic huntvr as well us a naturalist and practical tnxIdnrtnUt and is vice presi dent of the Anicrlcan Sportsmen's league. He has been director of tho New York park since 1890. A Schoolboy's Story of Jonah, A school board boy, competing for one of tho Peek prizes, evolved this confusion of widely different events, lie had to write a short biography of Jonah, and he produced the follow ing: "lie was the father of Lot and had two wives. One was called Ish male and tho other Ilaghcr. lie kept one nt home and turned the other Into the dessert, when she beenmo a pillow of salt lu the daytime and a pillow of fire nt night." From Whcatley's "Lit erary Blunders." Stories on Doctors. Sir Arthur Connn Doylo told several good stories ot old fashioned practi tioners he knew. Thero was one man. he said, who never used to wash out the half omptlcd bottles returned to him, but emptied them into one huge Jar, from which ho dispensed this mlx turo of medicines to his tnoro obscure patients. "It Is llko graposhot." ho said; "ono of them la sure to hit." There was another man who used to say. "When my patients aro alivo I don't know what Is tho matter with them and when thoy dlo I don't know whether they are dead." That was llko tho medical man who said to a lady whoso husband he had been at tending, "Madam. I havo a very strong bollof that your husband Ls dead, but if It Is your wish I havo no objection to n consultation." She Had Courege. A self guessed young woman who knew no French strolled Into ono of the larger downtown cafes. She spoko to the waiter in that decisive tono which dlntlngulshcs tho Initiated and glanced over the French bill of faro with tho nonchalant nlr of a Pn rlsleuuc. "I'll have." she began firmly ns she plunged Into the sea of French dishes "I'll have let me see. Oh, yes, I'll havo some bisque tortonl, a sultana roll, pommes do tcrre and n little of that fronmee. And, garcon, you might as well bring me u cup of coffee." Tho waiter gasped. Ho started to speak, but the young woman froze him with one of those icy stares peculiar to the thoroughly sophisticated. And the order arrived two kinds of ices, boiled potatoes and n pleco of cheese. But she ate It as If she had been used to that sort of diet all her life. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Three Fifth Avenue Dogs. A dog who carries Ids mistress's bag and ono who carries his master's nowspaper or cano havo been familiar sights on Fifth avenue. A dog who crosses tho crowded street walking closo beside his mistress with his paw In her handhas not been aeon often enough to conso to attract attention. Mistress and dog regularly cross a crowded thoroughfaro In this wny, paw In hand, close togothor. People watch them as they stand togothor on tho curb waiting for a chance to cross. With perfect unconcern they start forth sido by side when tho chance comos. When tho opposite curb ls reached tho dog drops to a quadruped onco more. Now York Sun. Straight Ahead. Keep tho pant behind tho curtain. Don't look back, Life's best lessons nro uncertain. Much they lack. Time and place and fate wore factors. Changed are scenes and chanced aro ac tors. Don't look back. Koep the vision o'er before you. Don't look back. Trample down the thorns that Bcoro you. Hold the track. Straight ahead keep boldly moving-. Courage, patience, honor proving. Don't look back. Cleveland Plain Dealer. The Angel. WIflo I am trimming up last year's hat to save tho cost of a new one! Hubby Dow good of you! You're a perfect llttlo angel! Wlfle Am I? Then give mo $10 to buy wings. Long Novels of Seventeenth Century. Tho longest novels of to-day aro pigmies compared with those publish ed In tho seventeenth century. Ma demoiselle do Scudcry'8 "Le Grand Cyrus" ran Into ten volumes, its pub lication being spread over flvo years. And when It was translated, or, to qudo tho tltlo pago, "Englished by a Person of Honour," It appoarod In flv folio volumes of somo flvo hundred pages apiece. Another novollst of .ho same period, La . Calprcnodo, was evon more diffuse,, ono of his works, "Cleopatro," extending ovor twenty three volumes. These novels found plenty of readers, dcsplto their enor mous length. The Paris publlshei of "Lo Grand Cyrus" made 100,000 crowns by tho first edition alone. Nearly all tho works of Scudery and Calprenede were translated Into Eng lish as soon as they appeared, and many of them Into German as well. London Chronicle. H GREAT OPENING SALE OF g FLAGG L0THI f-t- M- HOU IN PRO SE OGOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOO Many ces For the sale of the JACOBSON BANKRUPT STOCK of CLOTHIHG Am FURNISHINGS ian $ Come early while the assortment is best. cGwOGgoogcoooggc (21 H- Trade Marl: Reg. U. a rat OS. l'HESTO COLUUt I-at. V. S. May 18-Juljr 20, 1900. -M- f-f- -H- f-f BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS Boys Overcoats. Valued at $5.00 at $1.95 Boys' Overcoats. Valued at $8.00 at $3.49 Boys' Overcoats, valued at $10.00, at $4.95. Boys' Kneo pants Suits, Plain or Knickerbocker, valued at $2.50 at $1.29. Boys' Kneo pants Suits, Plain or Knickerbocker, valued at $3. DO at $1.98. Boys' Kneo pants Suits, Plain or Knickerbocker, valued at $5.00 at $2.45. Children's Overcoats, valued at $3.00 at $1.49 Children's Overcoats, valued at $5.00 nt $2.99 Children's Suits, Russian, Eton and Sailor, valued at $2.50 at $1.49 Children's Suits, real value, valued at $5.00 at 2.45. YOUTH'S FURNISHINGS Youth's Long Pants Suits, Shop Work, value $C00 at $2.45. Youth's Long Pants Suits, value $10.00 at $5.98. Youth's Pants, valuo $2.00 at $.69 Soft or Neg Shirts, valuo 50 cents at 29c Soft or Neg Shirts, valuo $1.00 at 49c MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS Men's Overcoats, value $6.00 at $3.95 Men's Overcoats, valuo $10.00 nt 4.95 Men's Overcoats, valuo $12.00 at 6.98 Men's Reefers, High Storm collar, valuo $6.00 at 2.95 Men's Ulsters, High Storm collar, value $7.00 at 3.95 Men's Suits valuo $7.00 at : 3.95 Mon's Suits, valuo $10.00, at 5.49 Men's Suits, valuo $12.00, at 6.98 Men's Suits, valuo $18.00, at 9.45 GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Linen Collars, slightly soiled, por dozen 29c Rubber Celluloid and water proof collars, four for 25c Llnene Paper Collars, por box .' 19c Largo size red or blue cotton handkerchief, 7 for 25c Arm bands 5c Hoso supporters, valuo 35 cents, at 19c White Hemstitched handkerchlois, per dozen 39c MEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHINGS. Men's Pants, valuo at $1.75, at 79c Men's Pants, value at $2.00, at 98c Men's Pants, valuo at $3.00, at $1.29 Boys' Kneo Pants, plain or Knickerbocker, valuo 35c. at 19c Boys' Kneo Pants, valuo 50c, at ' 29c Boys' Knee Pants, value at 75c, at 39c Stiff Hats, valuo $2.00, at 98c Soft Hats, valuo $1,00, at 45c Boys' Caps, valuo 25c at 13c Boys' Caps, valuo 50c, at 19c GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Grey coat sweaters, value 75 cents, at 37c Grey Coat sweaters, borders or plain, valuo $2.00, at 79c Fleeced lined underwear, value $35c, at 23c Fleeced lined underwear, valuo 50 cents, at 33c Doublo breasted underwear, valuo $1.50, at 79c Boys' Fleeced lined underwear, valuo DO cents, at 29c Infants' underwear, value 25 cents, at 10c A fow ladles' mourning handkerchiefs, valued at 20 cents, ot...09c Children's School Handkerchiefs, nlno for 25c Mens' cotton four-in-hand ties, valued at 25 cents, at 10c Men's Shield Bows, value 25 cents, at 10c Work or Canvass Gloves, 6 pair 25c, Boys' Leather Gauntlet Gloves, value 50c at I9c, Odd vests 34 to 37 slzo, valuo $1.00 at 29c; Men's Overalls and Jumpers, valuo 50c at 29c; Boys' Overalls and Jumpers, value 35c. at 17c; Wool Sox valuo 3Dc. at 19c; Cotton Sox 9c; Boya' hoso 9c; Men's Cotton Sox 9c; Men's mixed cotton sox Dc; suspenders 9c. Upright outside show case; counter cigar case, count er tea cans. FLAGG'S CLOTHING HOUSE 4- -f-f -M- T- H--H- 863 Main St., Grambs Building Opposite D. & H. Station