The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 30, 1910, Image 1

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THE CITIZEN Is the most
widely ,rul . scml-wcckly
newspaper printed In Wnyno
IT Is never too early ti In
your Christinas b? ? ng.
8thrt riowt , .''a 4
3 .
67th TEAR.
NO 95
The Whatsoever Circle's annual
fair and supper will lie held at tho
Methodist church parlors. Thursday
evening, December 1. Supper, 40
The White Ribboners will meet
Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 29, at three
o'clock with Mrs. C. J. Dibble. Sub
ject, "The Temperance CaiiBO In tho
Sunday School."
Pleasant Valley W. C. T. U. will
meet at the home of Mrs. Carrie
Walter, December 3. Subject,
"Scientific Temperance Instruction.
There will be an oyster supper,
Wednesday, November 30, at Chas.
Plntler's, Slko, for the benefit -of
Slko Sunday school. All are cordial
ly Invited.
Horace D. Brown, Honesdale, and
Miss Grace F. Orchard, daughter of
Mr. William H. Orchard, of 1213
Capouse avenue, Scranton, were
married at 11 o'clock Wednesday
morning by Rev. C. M. Olmstead,
pastor of the Asbury Methodist
Episcopal church, Scranton. Miss
Anna E. Rowe and the bride's fath
er were the only attendants.
Prompt Response of Doctor
Restores Unconscious Man
Heroic Methods Neccessary-
Frank Alberty and Harry Deck
were engaged on Sunday in tapping
the gas main on East Park Avenue
with a view of making a connection
whereby a supply pipe could be laid
that would supply the new Armory,
with gas. They had excavated a
deep trench, had uncovered the main
and were busy" drilling and tapping
the pipe but were, paying no atten
tion to the escaping igas until the at
mosphere about them 'became per
meated and they began to Inhale
tho gas-freighted air when Alberty
suddenly, collapsed and Deck began
to wobble. The helpers who were
nearby readily realized the danger
and pulled Deck to the surface be
"Tho Thief."
"The Thief" tells a story of how a
woman stole large sums of money
to buy clothes In order to make her
self attractive in the eyes of her
husband whom she deeply loved.
The second act of this great Froh
man success is claimed to be the
most startling series of scenes ever
presented on the stage. Will ap
pear at the Lyric to-night.
"The Uluo Mouse."
Here Is how "The Blue Mouse,"
a Salomer," for $2,000 a month, gets
a clerk promoted to the post of di
vision superlnten'dency of a trolley
line. Clyde Fitch wrote the story
and what is said to be one of the
cleverest companies of farce players
will relate the story at the Lyric
next Thursday, Dec. 1st, when E. J.
Carpenter brings the German-American
success to this city for tho
first time.
The clerk, Rollett by name, loves
his wife and desires to improve their
condition. His superior, Lewellyn,
president of the Inter-State Rail
road, Is also married, but to a
shrew, which fact seems to inspire
him to flirt with every pretty
woman. Therefore, Rollett hires
"Tho Blue Mouse" to Impersonate
his real wife and flirt with Lewel
lyn, paying .her highly if she will
capture for him an order appoint
ing him division superintendent.
Here Is opportunity for suggestlve
ness, but so masterfully has Mr.
Pitch handled tho story that any
thought of the gross is removed and
the audience reaps only hearty
laughs. Of course, Mrs. Lewellyn Is
drawn Into the trouble, as well as
tho real Mrs. Rollett and her fath
er of Cohoes, who unexpectedly
drops into the city. Tho first act
snows tho o'fllces of tho railroad; tho
second takes place In tho "Inner
Apartment" of "The Blue Mouse."
It Is during this act that Mr. Fitch
has arranged an auction sale which
Is highly diverting and so much out
of tho ordinary as to prove one of
tho novelties of tho play. Three
actB in all are required to tell tho
The desire to travel Is strong In
the human breast. Everybody
seems to be possessed to a greater
or less extent, of what tho Ger
mans call "Wanderlust." The land
we have not yet visited is Just the
one that wo long to see most. But
as so fow of us can ever sparo the
time or money to go there. It Is
easy to understand the popularity
and vogue or Lyraan H. Howe's
Travel Festival which comes to the
Lyric on Friday, December 2nd. It
is practically tho only attraction -of
its kind with suificlent compelling
power to make you feel you are
traveling to Just where you want to
Charles Juno Knapp, at one time
interested In the printing of the Out
ing Magazine, was discharged, one
day last week, from custody by Jus
tice Gladding, of the Supreme Court.
Knapp had been on trial on a charge
of receiving a deposit In a bank
known to be insolvent, of which Mr.
Knapp and his brother, C. P. Knapp,
were the heads.
The case was bitterly fought but
tho order of the court was not a sur
prise, as the state had been losing
ground regularly In Its case.
Marriage Record.
Arthur H. Tictze, Hobokcn, N. J.
Elsio Sclnmilil, Hawley, Pn.
Christian Itclmi, Scinnton, Pn.
Pliilomcna Uoetli, Honesdale, Pa.
Frank Gillespie, Plttston, Pn.
Mary A. Wcggc, Havlcy, Pn.
Judson L. Keen, Honesdale, Pn.
Alice E. Owen, Seelyville, Pa.
fore he became unconscious, but not
so with Alberty, who had become
unconscious and when hauled up
was in a very precarious condition.
Dr. Fred Powell, whose residence Is
nearby, was hastily summoned. He
reached the scene none too soon,
for It required vigorous efforts on
his part to expel the gas from the
lungs of the unconscious man and to
get him back to a normal condition.
This Is the first time Alberty has
been overcome with gas, although'
he has been tapping gas mains for
many years. His specialty is water
mains, being foVeman of the Water
Company's outside force.
Dr. Peterson Appointed Coroner.
Special to The CITIZEN.
Harrlsburg, Pa., November 29.
Governor Edwin S. Stuart has ap
pointed Dr. P. B. Peterson, Hones
dale, Coroner of Wayne county, to
fill out the unexpired term of the
late Dr. Harry B. wearies.
List for Week Eliding November 28.
Mrs. James Burke.
J. M. Carpenter.
Mr. Edward Detrlch.
L. Momlock.
Miss Florence Shanley.
Miss Valirea West.
Progressive dealers use the
Death of George Ainmermaii.
George Amraerman was found
dead In bed at the residence of his
son, Roy S. Ammerman, of Schen
ectady, N. Y November 23, 1910,
where he had made his home for a
number of years. Deceased was
a native of Hawley and waB 74
years of age. At the commencement
of tho Civil War he was a resident
of White Mills. He enlisted in
Honesdale, under Capt. John S.
Wright, in Co. C, Cth Pennsylvania
Reserves, and loft for Harrlsburg on
Monday, May 20, 1801, and was
mustered into the United States ser
vice, in the latter city, July 2C, 18G1,
as corporal. He participated In num
erous skirmishes, besides tho battles
of Dranesvllle, Fredericksburg, Bris
toe Station, South Mountain, Gettys
burg, Antietam, Mine Run and the
Wiledrness. In the latter light ho
was shot through the left knee cap,
which resulted In tho amputation
of tho limb. He also served three
months In Battery A, Dth United
States artillery, on detached duty.
Upon his return homo he located in
Hawley, and served as doputy post
master of that town for over two
years, under Marcus K. Bishop, now
a residence of Dunmore. Mr. Am
merman was then appointed past
master, which position he most ac
ceptable filled for twenty-seven
years. Upon his retirement from
office In May, 1893, ho purchased a
farm at Seelyville, whero ho made
his homo until September 1, 1897,
when he returned to Hawley. His
wife, formerly Miss Jane A. Snyder,
whom he married Dec. 20. 1871.
died Oct. 24, 1897, leaving a daugh
ter, Cora, now the wife of Jarvls
Thorpe, and two sons, Roy S. and
Carl, all living. Mr. Ammerman
was a member of tho M. E. church,
a stanch Republican, ami a most
reliable and useful citizen in the
community. Tho remains were
brought to Hawley for burial, tho
interment being by tho sldo of bis
wife. James M. Thorp PoBt, O. A
R., of the latter borough, couducted
the services at the grave.
The over ready servant Bell
By Citizen's Gigantic Bermuda
Contest Interest is UnparaBi-eled-Candidates
Names Print
ed Friday.
(By H. C. Van Alstyne)
Are You Going?
That's what's on the tip of the
tongue of every girl and woman In
Honesdale and vicinity.
No one stops or hesitates a mo
ment to ask "Where?" for every one
knows that every one else Is talk
ing about the same thing they are
thinking about the phenomenal
prizes offered by THE CITIZEN a
trip to Bermuda, and all expenses
paid from leaving Honesdale until
returning, besides.
Mnny Others Enter.
This Is the fifth day since the
first announcement was made. Many
young ladies have entered since last
Thursday and every mall brings In
more names of v young ladles who
are anxious to fie our guests on n,
tour of the' Bermuda Islands.
The offer has, created a stupendous
sensation and straightway evoked
enormous enthusiasm. The very first
mail, received after the paper was
out contained a nomination of a pop
ular" young lady by a well known
business man. That's the way to get
going. Of course she will have- no
big advantage over those who are
also getting started. But, it makes
impressive the Importance of getting
an early start.
If you have a friend, girl or
woman living In Honesdale or vicin
ity, married or single, whom you
would like to take tho tour, and
who would make an active candi
date, send in her name at once on
the nomination blank. Or, If you
are a hustling young lady YOU will
nominate YOURSELF and get under
The thing Is to DO IT TO-DAY,
It's the trip of a lifo time. YOU
can win. YOU can see tho Islands
of Bermuda. YOU can follow In tho
footsteps of mnny other travelers.
YOU can go to Bermuda as tho
guest of Tho CITIZEN. Why not
go? It costs nothing.
Tho Vuluo of Travel.
Tho old-time provorb that a' roll
ing stone gathers no moss is as
worthless as were and aro some of
tho old-tlmo saws.
Moss, 'unless It is Irish moss, for
culinary purposes, has no valuo any
way. If a rolling stone gathers no
moss, it does gother a good deal of
polish. In other w.ordB, tho man or
woman who travels gets a far better
Idea of life and ltfo's meaning than
does tho man or woman who re
mains at home.
A Stupendous Proposition.
Tho CITIZEN offer, owing to its
tremendous generosity and liber
ality, is unparalleled In tho history
of Honesdale Journalism. During
mid-winter when tho snow covers
tho fields of Pennsylvania It will
send live ladles from Honesdalo and
vicinity on an extended tour of
Bermuda, whero tho climate is al
ways the same. "
Five winners will enjoy a person
ally conducted tour as per itinerary.
Four winners will be happy in the
possession of beautiful diamond
rings, and four others In the pos
session of gold watches.
It Is a gigantic undertaking for a
newspaper to make such arrange
ments for its friends and well wish
ers' all at no expense to those who
wilf be fortunate enough to be our
guests. But as the people of Hones'
dale know The CITIZEN is in the
habit Of doing things in a quiet but
refined way, and erallzing how keen
the people of this section are to take
advantage of a good thing, we have
ho fears for the success of tho
present enterprise. Every comfort
that will add to the pleasure of the
"winners will be produced, and all
expenses will be borne .by the CITI
ZEN. Expense of ,'tfanspdrtation
ttnrt transfer of baggage, hotel bills,
effrtiago hirer- omnibus hire, lunch
parties, even the "tips" along the
way to porters, cabbies, bell boys
and the usual people that must be
especially remembered, will be paid
by this paper.
You must acknowledge it is a big
Bermuda, The Land of Flowers.
There is to-day, hardly need for
any detailed description of Bermuda
on account of the high standard of
intelligence found in the people of
Honesdale and vicinity. The clus
ter of islands has attached such a
measuro of popularity among Amer
ican, pleasure seekers that It Is
scarcely less well known than tho
Southern states of this country with
which it lies parallel. The most
northerly group of corallslands in
tho world, the British colony of
Bermuda, is perched on the top or a
submarlno mountain, 15,000 feet
above the bod of tho sea. On the
border lino of tho geographical di
visions of tho torid and north tem
perate zone's, Its cllmato is tho most
truly temparato In tho world. Its
position Is too southerly to fool tho
chill of tho cold north winds, yet
Just far enough south to catch the
graterul warmth of the tropics. The
sconery Is idyllic In Its nastorlal
beauty, and tho stately palms of
equatorial latitudes, blendlnc with
the wealth of flowers born of a
northern summer-time, combine
with forest and shrub to clothe tho
land In tho lavishly beautiful garb
of a perpetual spring. It is an
ocean of (lowers evory house has
us iiowor garden, nnd roses bloom
right through tho winter months.
In tho early spring, acres and acres
of land are carpeted with Easter
lilies and from Anrll to December
tho famous oleanders are magnifi
cent masses of pink and scarlet
Social Life.
Socially, tho place lacks nothing;
(Contlnuod on Page Eight.)
Jakcs Sought For Fish Hatcheries.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Nov. 26. Tho
stato fisheries department Is planning
a campaign on the coming legisla
ture to secure control of a number
of lakes In Wayno and Susquehanna
counties. It is said that they are
needed for fish propagation.
About half of the lakes are pri
vately controlled and the others are
owned by the state, which refused
to turn them over the the depart
ment several years ago.
The glass cutters strike at Merl
dan, Conn., Is over. Tho men tired
of tho delay in reach. ng an agree
ment and realizing that the holidays
wore close at hand, voluntarily went
back to work under the old condi
tions, excepting that they will work
only fifty-five hours a week, receiving
pay for tho actual number of hours
they work. Organizer Luckock had
charge of the strike, and the men
are very much chagrined to think
they were persuaded to lose so much
time and money and gain practically
Thanksgiving Sermon
Service in Baptist Church.
Honesdale put Thanksgiving Day
'into practice last Thursday by turn
ing out in larg6' numbers and filling
the spacious auditorium of the First
Baptist church whero union services
were held in the morning. The ser
mon was delivered by the Rev. A. L.
Whlttaker, rector Grace Episcopal
church, and was a masterly effort.
Seated within the chancel rail, and
taking part In the service, were Revs.
W. H. Swift, D. D., George S. Wen
dell, Will H. Hlller. Rev. A. C. Olver
pronounced the benediction. Rev.
Whlttaker spoke as follows:
And Jesus answering said, Were
there not ten cleansed? but where
are the nine? Luke 17:17.
I do not think that gratitude is a
leading characteristic of the Ameri
can people, although It la only In
America, so far as I am aware, that
there Is a general observation of a
public Day of Thanksgiving. I
think It well that there should be
such a day. I think we as a nation
especially and emphatically need It.
We need it to counterbalance our
national defects of character. It Is
oneof the good God's compensatory
dispensations, that a nation singu
larly in need of such a day should
have it.
Wo are certainly not alono in the
possession of this grave defect.
Nineteen centuries ago men had this
deadly vice of ingratitude, this mur
derer of the finer qualities of the
soul. Men of tho most religious
race under heaven had it, a race
that prided Itself upon the accuracy
with Its members kept their accounts
with ono another. "An eye for an
eye.a tooth for a tooth" was their
rule." But favors and blessings were
not always so promptly acknowl
edged. Ono day tho kindly Jesus
met ten men who were afflicted with
the terrible disease of leprosy. How
terrible It was and Is wo who have
nover seen It can only guess. But
wo know that It Is a living death.
The deadly virus propagates within
the putrid flesh until the poison
strikes into somo vital part and takes
tho victim to his welcomo fate.
Such were tho men who met Jesus
on tho road that day helpless, hope
less, so rnr as this world was con
cerned, damned. The rotten flesh
hung from their limbs, tho wild
look of despair was In their eyes.
Hero boforo them was the man with
a reputation for curing people. They
woro ready to clutch at any straw.
". . . .and they lifted up their voices,
saying Jesus, Master, havo mercy on
us." And tho pity compassion of tho
Son of God healed them evory ono.
"And when Ho saw them, He said
unto them, go and Bhow yourselves
unto the priests. And It camo to
pass, as they went, they wore
cleansed. And one of them, when ho
saw that he was healed, turned back
with a loud voice glorifying God;
and ho fell upon his face at His
feet, giving Him thanks: and he was
a Samaritan. And Jesus answer
ing said, Wero there not ten
cleansed? but where are tho nine?"
If In tho entire record of history
there be a baser Instance of in
gratitude, except for thoso rare
cases whero men bereft of most ele
mentary humtfn feollng havo killed
their benefactors, I know It not.
Theso men had been worse than
dead. They had been decaying
alive, vainly wishing for the merci
ful hand of Death. Because of tho
kindliness of heart of a fellow-trav
eler they had boon healed; their
flesh had como to them again like
Fourteen Young Men nnd Women
Attending Normal School There
8() Students Registered
From 45 Counties.
Tho showing Is one to ho proud of.
West Chester Is proud of Its having
such a popular Institution for the
training of young people, and Tho
CITIZEN only echoes the proud
sentiment of its readers In giving
space to the story of the school's
growth and Influence in its issue of
Bates, Vera E Slko
Bldwell, Lulu B Arlington
Bradbury, May N Beach Lake
Ellllott, Mildred J. . . Hollistervllle
Gager, Forrest L. .. .Cold Spring
Hockor, Frederlka C ... .Mllanvlllo
Harroun, Isabel C Honcsdalo
Lee, Ida A Waymart
Lovelass, Emellne E Milanvllle
.Mitchell, Robert E. .West Damascus
Reed, Cassie E Gravity ,
Ross, Laura M Tyler HUI
Walsh, Clarence J Waymart
Wiley, Delia F Avoy
Don't fnll to rend the conditions
of the "Bermuda Trip Contest" as
found on the third page of this Is
sue. Theme of
Greets Rev. A-
at Union
that of a little child, white and
clean. The blood again 'coursed
red and pure, in their. arteries. Life
was again a joy instead of a hideous
nightmare. Blessed hope again
theirs. Again they could shout at
the beauty of earth and drink In
with rapture the glory of the sun
set heavens. But in the calm pos
session of the greatest boon which
It is in the power of the Almighty
and all-loving God to give, the In
grates, taking for granted the bless
ing which had been vouchsafed
them, marched on along the road,
except the one man who had the de
cency to turn back out of his way
and acknowledge his debt.
It was because Jesus knew human
naure that this miracle and parable
in ono appears in the gospel record.
He knew the things In human char
acter at which to hit, and hit them
hard, with all the driving strength
of the naked truth. And one of
these things was human ingratitude.
Hnd there lippn nn IniritlinHo nn
the part of men, the blessed Son of
God would not have been obliged to
exchange the glories of the heaven
ly realms for the bitter sordidness
of earth. He would not have had
to save man, for ho would have been
saved already. It Is because men
care not Who made them, and pro
ceed along the highway of life as
If they had received no blessings
from God or from their fellowmen
that tho overlasting Gospel of salva
tion must be preached to-day. It Is
because men act the part as if they
had made themselves and kept the
world moving upon its axis that
outside the churches in this broad
land today you will And the same
men and women outside next Sun
day, eating and drinkiug and visit
ing and gossiping and squandering
their time and becoming the while
a Httlo more like tho dumb brutes
and constantly again more brutish
In their neglect of their God, are
baso ingrates who pass along the
road as though there were no merci
ful Christ to turn back to. It is
because there aro in this town and
everywhere such crowds of men and
women who. when asked about tholr
duty to God, aro capable of saylug
m eueci -wo aro uoa," that there
Ib needed a revival of religion which
might be fittingly started on this
very day. as the truest sort of
thanksgiving which any one of us
can rendor.
But I wish to give way to no tir
ade against tho lndlfforenco of men
toward their Almighty .Maker and
Sustalnor. I would speak rather
today of gratitude ,ns nn essential
element In true character. Grati
tude is a part of humility, that qual
ity of truo greatness, which tho
mighty, falling to possess, go down
to ignoble defeat, the rock on which
the proud in their selfishness are
wrecked. Once in a living word
said tho Christ, "Whosoever shall
exalt himself shall be humbled, and
whosoever shall humble himself
shall bo exalted." One meaning of
which 1b that a man who la willing
to acknowledge his dependence up
on others Is a better man than ho
who gives no thanks to any man.
But how many of tho aggressive,
self-proclaiming type wo have In our
American life, boorish and unman
nerly becauso they are so possessed
with tho idea of their own Inde
pendence nnd so taken up with this
notion that they aro not responsible
to any man, nayl to God or man.
(Continued on Page Four).