The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 25, 1910, Image 1

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mllK CITIZEN Is tlui most
X widely ronl Kcml-weeklj
newspaper printed In Wayne
IT Is nevci "' early to begin
your ' stums shopping.
Start nowt
- -o -
" 3 "
67th YEAR.
NO 94
For Young Women Who Appreciate the Bene
fits to Be Derived on Such An Elaborate
Itinerary These Trips are Free
Expense9 Free of Worry
An Ocean Voyage!
The golden dream of every girl,
every woman.
To make that dream come true the
CITIZEN offers five trips to tho
Bermuda Islands absolutely free to
the girls and women of Honesdale
and vicinity.
Every woman has, some time in
her life, dreamed of taking a trip
on the ocean.
Perhaps she hasn't been able to
save money enough for tho trip.
Maybe she did not want to go alone.
Then again maybe she "never found
tho time." But without doubt she
has often dreamed" of such - a trip
and wished fortune might arrange
It for her.
Fortune Has Arrived.
Well, Fortune has arrived! Its
other name Is The CITIZEN.
During this fall when the wintry
breezes of Pennsylvania begin to
blow and your friends at home are
making preparations for heavier
clothing The CITIZEN is going to
take you to tho famous Bermuda i
Islands, the "land of the lily and the
rose, the place where the tempera
ture remains the same the year
Remember all the expenses will be
paid by The CITIZEN from the time
you leave your doorstep until you
return home.
Just think of it! Five most pop
ular and respected young women will
he on the ocean, warm and comfort
able or having n good time in the
never changing climate of Bermuda,
while the employees of Tho CITIZEN
are at home making a paper that
justifies this enterprise on an Elev
en Day Personally Conducted Trip
to Bermuda ALL AT THE EX
Almost Beyond Belief.
Surely this trip is almost beyond
belief, Isn't It!
Maybe wo are going too fast for
you to fully realize just all we have
said. Read over the full conditions
and then make up your mind to be
one of the party by sending In your
Know how long this trip will last?
Almost TWO WEEKS. And all the
cost of travel, carriages, hotels, even
"tips," that bugbear of the tourist,
will be borne by The CITIZEN.
No women need fear embarrass
ment of any sort on this trip, even
though she be alone. Tho conductor
of the tour Is an experienced Individ
ual with broad shoulders to bear all
the trouble burden; all "Our Tour
ists" will do is to absorb the pleas
It reads like a fairy tale, doesn't
It7 Like putting on a wlBhlng ring,
or rubbing Aladdin's lamp or sitting
on the enchanted rug.
To Bermuda Contest
District No
This Coupon, when neatly trimmed out, namo. address, prop
erly filled in and brought or sent to the TOUR DEPARTMENT OF
THE CITIZEN, will count aa 100 votes in THE CITIZEN'S TRIP
The first one of these Coupons received for any young lady
will place her in nomination and will count for 1,000 votes.
This Coupon Not Good after Dec. 7, 1910
But it Isn't a fairy tale. It's act
ual PACT as you will discover for
yourself if you are one of the fort
unate. Now read every word and then
decide that you, will bo ono of our
Bermuda, "An Ocean Paradise."
Tho Islands of Bermuda are not
so well known. Although they have
been Immortalized in song and story,
it is only of late years that Ameri
can tourists have come to realize
what a wonderful resort they are.
Truly "an ocean paradise." Tom
Moore, the great Irish poet, sang of
Bermuda 'asr- -r
"These leafy isles upon tho ocean
Like studs of emeralds o'er a sliver
Many others equally enthusiastic,
hut less gifted, have re-echoed his
Tho Citizen Tourists.
The CITIZEN Tours to Bermuda
are for eleven days, personally con-
ducted and Include, in addition to
transportation, hotel accommoda
tions and an excellent program of
drives, excursions, water trips, etc.,
as follows:
Carriage drive to St. George's, tho
Caves and the Devil's Hole.
Admission to Joyce's Duck, Ad
miral Cave or Crystal Cave.
Admission to Tom Moore's house
and admission to Devil's Hole.
Carriage drive to Gibb's Hill
Steamer trip to Submarine Gard
ens and admission to Aquarium.
Moonlight or Searchlight Trip to
the Reefs.
The Submarine Gardens viewed
from glass bottomed boats, are a
kaleidoscopic marvel. Here are
most exquisitely tinted growths that
are to be, found at the bottom of the
sea, and In and out among the won
derful flora dart fish of every huo
and form.
Tho Bermuda Trips.
Tho expense of sending Ave young
ladles on an oleven-day trip to Ber
muda is great hut Tho CITIZEN is
willing to pay royally to And out just
who have the regard and respect of
their neighbors In this town and
surrounding territory.
This Is the biggest price a news
paper In a city the size of Honesdale
In Pennsylvania ever paid for Infor
mation of this character.
The preparations for this contest
have been far more elaborate than
those preceding nny contest ever
conducted in this part of tho state.
It is a big game and it Is going
to be most Interesting.
Read tho rules of It below, then
read about tho trips. Cut out the
nomination blank and fill It out with
your namo or that of a friend.
As soon as it is convenient for you
to do so, call at the office of the
contest manager in The CITIZEN
building and he will tell you all
about tho competition and HOW
It doesn't cost anything to send in
a nomination. Wo want real live
bona fide hustling contestants.
It doesn't cost anything to send
In a nomination. We want real live
bona fide hustling contestants.
The nominator's name will POSI
TIVELY not he made known unless
their candidate wins and then not
until after the contest is over. SO
Diamond Rings and Cold Watches
Besides the five trips to Bermuda
there will be four genuine diamond
rings and four gold Elgin or Walt
ham watches given as second and
third distinct prizes.
These rings will be on display in
a few days. Watch for a full descrip
tion later.
How to Knter.
To enter tho race, clip the nomina
tion blank and free coupon that ap
pears today, fill in the name and ad
dress, bring In or mall It to The
CITIZEN olllce, where It will bo en
tered with the other candidates.
Votes may be secured from any
place either In the territory of the
contest or outside. Candidates living
in one district are not barred from
getting votes from any other district,
for any candidate.
Parties living in ono district are
not confined to voting for candidates
In any district of the territory of the
contest. Candidates and their
friends may secure votes.
Rules Governing tho Contest.
Any woman married or single of
good character can enter the contest,
except, of course, employees of The
CITIZEN or any member of such em
ployee s Immediate family residing
in the territory covered by tho dlr
ferent districts of the contest. They
do not have to be subscribers of The
CITIZEN In order to enter; all that
Is necessary is to send In their names
and addresses. The CITIZEN re
serves the right to reject the noml
nation of nny candidate.
Combinations between any contes
tants are prohibited.
Candidates compete only against
candidates living in the same dis
trict, except for tho trip at large, In
which tho whole territory competes.
Tho Tour Manager reserves the
right to reject any contestant. All
controversies will ho Bettled by the
Tour Manager and The CITIZEN
alone, and In accepting nomination
each candidate accepts and contracts
to abide by tho decisions.
Votes cast cannot bo changed to
count for nnother contestant.
Candidates must be entered from
tho district In which they reside.
They cannot move from ono district
to another and retain votes to their
credit In former division.
Candidates may socuro subscribers
The Tour Manager reserves tho
right to withdraw the tour from any
district having only ono actively com
peting candidate or for any good or
sufficient reason.
Any protest as to eligibility of nny
candldato will not bo considered if
votes havo been cast for said candl
dato for a period of thirty (30) days
or longer.
Employees of the CITIZEN or
members of their families will not
bo permitted to enter tho contest.
No promises or nrgeements, writ
ten or verbal, made by solicitors,
canvassers or agents, except thoso
published in Tho CITIZEN will be
In Case of a Tie.
In case of a tlo for any of tho
prizes offered in tho contest, tho
Autumn Meeting
deaconry In Grace Churchs
TuesdayDr. Israel Tells How
It Feels to be Elected a Bishop
Churches 9n Prosperous Con
ditionTwo Bishops Speak
The autumn meeting of the Arch-1
deaconry of Scranton was held In
Grace church, Honesdale, Kev. a. l,.
Whlttaker, rector, on Tuesday. Open
ing services were held on Monday
evening, November 21, in Waymart,
White Mills and Indian Orchard.
At Waymnrt, Monday evening at
7:45 o'clock, evening prayer was
celebrated in the First Presbyterian
church, followed by addresses from
the Rev. Rogers Israel, D. D., rector
St. Luke's, Scranton, and the Rt.
Rev. Ethelbert Talbot, D. D., LL. D.,
Bishop of Bethlehem.
At White Mills, Monday evening,
evening prayer was conducted, with
addresses by the Rev. Edward D.
Johnson, secretary of tho Archdea
conry and the Rev. John Talbot
Ward, rector St. Clement's, Wilkes
Barre. At Indian Orchard, in the school
house, Monday evening, addresses
were delivered by tho venerable D.
Webster Coxe, D. D., archdeacon of
Scranton, and the Rev. Henry B.
Smith, rector Christ church, Strouds
burg. Tuesday morning at ten o'clock, in
Grace church, the Holy Communion
was celebrated, and the sermon
preached by the Rev. W. W. Wil
liams, St. Luko's, Scranton.
. The-business session of the .arch-deal-onry
was convened at 11:30 a.
m., Archdeacon Coxe presiding.
Prayers were made, and the clergy
roll called.
Those present were
Bethlehem: Rt. Rev. E. Talbot. D.
D., LL. D. I
Scranton: Rov. W. B. Beach, Rev.
Robt. Bllckensderfer, Rev. Rogers motion discharged, and a new coin
Israel, D. D., Rev. R. I. Murray, Rev. i mittse on "Social Service" created,
W. W. Williams. i whose duty it will be to present re-
Wilkes-Barre; Rev. E. R. Noble, 1 ports from time to time, as deemed
Rev. J. T. Ward.
Mllford: Tho Ven. D. W. Coxe, D.
Towanda: Rev. E. A. Gernant.
Plymouth: Rov. J. H. Griffith.
Sayre: Rev. H. L. Hannah.
New Mllford; Rev. E. A. Helm.
West Plttston: Rev. E. D. John
Jermyn: Rov. C. B. Mee.
Carbondale: Rev. John Miller.
Troy: Rev. R. K. Tucker.
Dunmore: Rev. Richard White
house. Honesdale: Rev. A. L. Whlttaker.
The minutes of tho 234th session,
held at Carbondale, were read and
approved. Cordial greetings were ex
tended to three of tho clergy, who
had entered tho archdeaconry since
tho last meeting. They are: Rev.
Richard Whltehouse, Dunmore; Rev.
Robert Bllckensderfer, Scranton;
Rev. John Miller, Carbondale. In
welcoming them, Dr. Coxe referred to
"the spirit of unity and brotherly
lovo which has always characterized
our clergy." No committees were
ready to report; and no election of
officers Is made at tho autumn ses
sion. Tho appointment of a place for tho
next meeting of tho Archdeaconry
was tho next Item. It was decided
to hold the next meeting In Carbon
dale, the third Monday In January.
Rev. Dr. Rogers Isrnol, Scranton,
said, "1 am not suro I know where I
will bo at In January, so I can't ex
tend an Invitation,
tend an Invitation."
ner, W. E. Daw and Perot had left
the Ajchdeacony within tho past bl
ennlum, to accept calls In New Jer
sey. Tho secretary was Instructed
to write them. Visltlug clorgy, Rov.
Mr. Wehr. Rev. Howard Dlllor,
Pottsvlllo, woro welcomed. Tho list
of preachers for next meeting was
announced as consisting of Revs. J.
A. Brown, D. W. Coxe, S. D. Day; of
Exegetes: Revs. R. I. Murray, H. B.
Smith, R. K. Tucker. Tho book re
viewer will be "the oldest oue In
point of residenco who 1b willing to
take tho task."
Tho commltteo on tho choice of a
text for exegesis reported progress.
As the whistles blow, and the clock
struck tho hour of noon, tho Lord's
Prayer and tho Prayer for Missions
was offered. In referring to the
question of apportionments, Rev. Dr.
Israel said: "I believe if all of us
did what wo could there would bo no
Tho inattor of co-operating with
the Reading Archdeaconry in tho
carrying on of tho work among tho
Deaf Mutes evoked considerable dis
cussion. It was finally decided that
tho work of Issuing n pamphlot uo
loft In the hands of a committee,
Rev. Dr. Rogers Israel, Scranton,
Rov. E. R. Noble. Wilkes-Barre, and
Scranton Arch
the excellent work done by Rev,
Smilau. in this line, In Wilkes-Barre.
A list of parishes contributing to this
work, and the amounts they raised
was read by Rev. Dr. Israel, the total
being $165.00 or Just $84.40 short
of tho amount apportioned. Of this
amount Grace, Honesdale, gave $5;
St. Luke's, Scranton. $51.00; St.
Stephen's, Wllkes-Barre, $50.
A committee of three, Revs. J. H.
Griffith, Plymouth, A. L. Whlttaker,
Honesdale, E. D. Johnson, West
Plttston, was appointed to draw up
suitable resolutions on the recent
election of Rev. Dr. Israel to the
Bishopric. Archdeacon Coxe said:
"I consider we are sharing tho high
honor which has been conferred on
our distinguished brother at Scran
ton." The resolutions were adopted
by a rising vote.
Dr. Israel, who was visibly over
come with emotion, said: "I suppose
I ought to say something. Three
weeks ago If I had been asked If I
would be elected as Bishop, I would
have said "Yes." I have been so
elected, and I think the most miser
able days I spent In my life have been
thoso since."
Dr. Coxo replied: "You have the
profound affection, confidence and
prayers of those who know you. We
have had great comfort In the ad
vice and help you have given us.
You havo our prayers and hopes."
A vote of thanks was also extend
ed to the rector, wardens and con
gregation of Grace church, for tholr
The committee on "White slave
and social evil conditions" was on
Archdeacon Coxe then read his re
port, which was in the main, a sum
mary of what the Board of Home
Missions did at their last meeting.
There is still a debt of $2,000 which
Itis hoped the parishes will shortly
These appropriations wero mado
for the Archdeaconry of Scranton:
Pleasant Mount, Dundaff
and Forest City $300.00
Providence and vicinity 300.00
Peckville and Jermyn 100.00
Plttston and vicinity 300.00
Wilkes-Barre and vicinity. . . 400.00
Oakland and Susquehanna . . 200.00
Stroudsburg and vicinity. . . . 300.00
Taylor, St. Davids (Scran
ton) and vicinity 350.00
Canton 75.00
Troy 300.00
Olyphant and Dunmore .... 300.00
Great Bend and New Mllford. 200.00
Special work was carried on very
successfully during the summer at
the rate of $25 a month, mostly by
students, nt these places: Sterling
and Hamilton, Rev. R. Bllckensder
fer; Tunkhnnnock and Sprlngvllle,
Rov. L. B. Skeen; Wyaluslng nnd
Stevensvllle, Clarence R. Wagner;
Dlngman's Ferry, Ray Eltlngham;
Susquehanna, Thos. J. Dewees.
Leonard Hall will shortly receive
a bequest of $5,000. Tho Rov. D. S,
Day, Forest City, said Dr. Coxe, "had
a very prosperous year. Tho church
was rebuilt nnd renovated. The
church nt Dundaff was made to look
almost like a new church. Rev. Day
deserves our congratulations and ap
preciation." $500 has also been set
Nomination Blank Good for 1,000 Votes
The CITIZEN'S Tour of Bermuda and
Prize Contest
Only the First Nomination Blank Cast for
Each Candidate will Count as 1,000 Votes
Merchant Says Average Shopper
Rends the Announcements Hcforo
Leaving Home and Then Maps
Out n Route Interesting Facts
For ISuyers in Columns of Tho
With Christmas less than six
weeks off, the fall shopping Beason
Is rapidly approaclrtng Its zenith. A
backward season which found sum.
mer lingering in anticipation of a
brisk fall trade quieting to tho mer
chant who had unpacked his fall and
winter stock early In anticipation of
a brisk fall trade. Week after week
tho balmy weather of the early fall
months prompted the average folks
to cling to their summer toggery as
long as possible. And they did. Tho
result was reflected In the stores
and the season opened slowly.
With the coming of the snappy
cool weather of the past fortnight
came also a change and the shopping
section of the city these fine after
noons Is filled with a busy throng of
huyers. Mingling with tho resident
shoppers dally may be seen hund
reds and hundreds of folks from tho
surrounding territory giving tho city
a truly metropolitan appearance.
It Is with no little pride that it
may be said of Honesdale that for
ordinary or even special require
ments the shopper need look no
further. Every want can be taken
care of by the merchants of this
place, nnd It is a noteworthy fact
that shoppers from many another
community, realizing this fact, set
apart one or more days In the sea
son to visit the stores of the Maplo
"And say, perhaps you think the
average shopper nowadays doesn't
know just what he, or she wants,"
said a well known merchant to a
CITIZEN man yesterday. "Just ask
any of the clerks and they will tell
you that, in a majority of Instances,
the prospective buyer mentions somo
special offering which has been ad
vertised and these are tho little
things that convince the dealers that
their appropriations for advertising
are bringing results. Very few
shoppers start out from their homes
on blind shopping trips these days.
They Scan the announcements In the
papers before starting away and
usually havo ..a route mapped out
and know just what they are going
to ask to see when they come In the
door. This Is the modern way and
It makes It easier for the shopper
for the merchants and for the
The columns of the CITIZEN just
nt this season of the year are re
plete with Interesting news facts for
buyers and the thrifty housewife
who is beginning to figure just how
much her exchequer will permit her
to appropriate for a gift for father,
mother, son, daughter, uncle, aunt,
cousin, grandfather, grandmother or
friend, Is keeping a close eye on the
announcements. The live merchant
is wide-awake to this condition of
affairs and just as important as
opening the door of the store for
business each morning is his heart-to-heart
talk with his customers
through the columns of the most
widely read newspaper in Wayne.
aside for use at Stevensvllle, Wyalu
slng, Sprlngvllle and Tunkhnnnock.
Rev. Howard Dlller, Pottstown, was
then Introduced. Ho suggested tho
advisability of having the Board of
Missions secure a layman to inform
tho vestries monthly of tho progress
made by tho various parishes in mak
ing up their apportionments.
Charles J. Arnold read his report
as treasurer. The balance on hand
April 18 was $23.16; the total
receipts were $43.16; disburse
ments, $42.06; balance on hand
$1.10. It wns brought out that tho
clergy were paid mileage to attend
Adjournment was made at 1
o'clock, and a dainty luncheon was
served tho clergy and delegntes by
tho Parish Aid society.
Tho afternoon program was as fol
lows: 2:30 p. in. Missionary Address,
The Right Reverend Robert L. Pad
dock, D. D., Bishop of Eastern Ore
gon; Exegesis, Acts 1:11, Rev. EIlls-
(Continued on Pago Five.)
iiiui uiu urciiuuuconry wibiu uji
(Continued on Page Five). financially. Roforenco was made to j