The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 23, 1910, Image 2

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    mm ciTiriffN, Wednesday, nov. 23, 1010.
A TRIM and dainty naaid was she, ,
fn til f 1 1 1 a
Around her slender vrajst vri tied
An apron white m nn',
nE WATcnr.D rkx took tm oraa sooi
For in the ninny kitchen wide
Of a farmhouse far away
She cooked the turkey to a turn
Upon Thanksgiving day.
HE watched her from the open door, '
And all hit manly courage fled
Before her roguish eye.
He lay awake the bVelong night
Until the east was gray
And memorized a flowery speech
To her Think giving day.
A little turk,
A little clerk,
Will make
Tha Flrot Ttaakcflving.
The Brst Thaakiglrlag la Kew lag
land l.i described la a Utttr vrittan to
a "lovlns and old frle&d" aad dated at
"Plymouth, tola 11th of November,
1021." Tula "lovlnc aad oM friend"
Is supposed to hava bea a certain
George Morton, who had married a
sister of Governor Bradford and who
came over to Plymouth la July, 1023.
The letter la algned E. W.. and these
are taken to be the Initials of Edward
Vlr-!ow Of the 102 emlcrants who
lauded on the lltb (old style) of De
cuuilwr. 1020, on the bleak coast of
Cape Cod, almost one-half had died
aud nearly all of the remainder bnd
suffered seriously from destitution and
the rigors of the winter, for which they
were III prepared. The reward, how
ever, of the Industry of the few who
were not disabled was ao abundant as
to cull forth the thankfulness of this
very religious colasay. The letter al
luded to says: "You shall understand
that In this llttlo time that a few of
us have been here we have built seven
dwelling houses and four for the use
of the plantation and have made prep
aration for seven others. We net the
last spring some twenty acre of bar
ley and peas, and, according to the
manner of the Indians, we manured
our ground with berrlneB, or, rather,
shads, which we have In great abun
dance and take with great ease at our
doors. Our com did prove well, and,
God be praUed, we bad a good Increase
of Indian corn, and our barley indiffer
ent good, but our poas not worth the
' Pr wOt limn hi- mv rindr J"
Wti tomethmf like the way it ran.
But now hit tongue was tied,
And though the sought to lead him on
With lks and laughter gay,
The sweet coquetts, he only sighed
On that Thanktgjving day.
OUT, lo, when from the oven' depths
' The .rooting bird the drew
And dished k in i paper
Upon a platter blue.
The bashful lover seized her hand
And dared at last to say,
"Oh, will you cook my turkey, dear,
On next Thanksgiving day ''
Minna Irving in Leslie's Weekly.
A little jerk,
A little dirk,
HI lie diaxter.
Let ua civ thanks 1
What I
You haven't trot
Anything to be thankful for,
Tou have cot
Tou can't be thankful tor?
Oh, tmj.
That's no way
To feel about a good thlngl
Brace up and bring
yourself to the front.
Don't crowl and grunt
And do the sorry Btunt.
Pull out of the ruck
If you're down on your luck
And reach for the skies that are blue.
Get out of the shade
Your troubles have made.
By heck. It Is up to you! .
We know this Is & vale of tears,
Chuckful of woe and sorrow,
And turkey that we eat today
Is not so cood tomorrow.
We know that labor Is a cross,
Out still we have to bear It.
We know that fortune breaks sometimes,
And we cannot repair It.
But, lay.
Occasionally cood things come our way.
Don't theyT Sum they do.
And bully ones tco.
Bo let us crowl and swear and kick
On every day save one.
On that one let us pause and thank
The Lord for what he's done
The way we thought he ought to do
To square himself with me and you.
We can stand for one Thanksgiving day,
Can't wet Hy cum,
it everything Is on the bum
We must be to blame soinel
W. J, Lampton.
"OTAR of life, my heart it
BAC. FEi,D-,MEN: . s
Much credit tnusl'lie'Rlvcn to'
Quarterback Johnny Mcuvern
and Cnptnln rind Utitflmcli Lisle. '
.Johnston for
the pre at
n h o wing of
the Minneso
ta eleven this
Rcnson. Since
the stnrt the
p n I r have
Rhone bril
liantly on the
gridiron. The
great ground
gaining and
kicking nnd
dodging linvc
been features
of nil the"
The pair nre un
Gopher games.
doubtedly the greatest backs that
ever appeared on a Gopher
Lntt season McGovcrn was the
selection for All America ijuar
tcrback, and the honors will be
given to him again this year.
Had Johnston not broken his leg
In the game with Nebraska last
year he would have undoubtedly
been given n place on the All
America. This year he Is entitled
to one of the halfback positions.
All season he has shone brilliant
ly. Ilu Is one of the best dodgers
that ever appeared on the west
ern gridiron. Johnston, although
not as spectacular as bis team
mate, McGovcrn, is every bit as
valuable. Both boys arc work
ing their way through school and
will graduate next year. Al
though his leg was broken in the
game with Nebraska last season,
the plucky halfback refused to
remain In bed. Ills physician
permitted him to sit in a rolling
chair for a few days, but John
ston had football on Uie brain,
and the Gophers' games with
Chicago and Wisconsin were at
hand. He demanded that the
doctors nllow him to see the two
games. Ills request was granted.
During the game with Chicago
Johustou was being rolled up
and down the side line In a
wheeled chair. Bo excited did
he Ixvome at times that lie could
hardly keep his broken leg at reat.
Harvard, Annapolis and Dartmouth I
vited to Join Association.
Several matters of Interest wer
taken up at a meeting of the Intercol
legiatc Wrestling association held In
New York recently. Beside preparing
a schedule for teams which are mem
hers of the association. Invitations to
join the Intercollegiate WreaUing asoo
elation were extended to Harvard, An
napolia nnd Dartmouth.
Including the ehampioachipa the
schedule comprises elrat meets, two of
which will be held la tie Colambia
gymnasium. The cnttra aekouula la an
Feb. 11, Columbia with Penney!
vanla at Philadelphia; 18, Princeton
with Columbia at New York city; 23,
Princeton with Pennsylvania at Phila
delphia. March 4, Cornell witii Pennsylvania
at Ithaca; 11, Cornell with Prlncetor
at Ithaca; 18, Cornell with Columbia at
New York city; 18, PcsuMrylvruda with
Princeton at Princeton; , intercolle
giate meet nt Princeton.
Shrubb Ready to Raoe Again.
Alfred Bhrubb. the English profes
sional runner, has completely recav
ered from the injury to hi leg nnd l
planning a busy winter e&miwlgn a'
the indoor game. Shrabb is coaching
at Harvard now, but aas sent out s
challenge to race any mu in the world
over a distance of tea, twelve r if
teen tnikw, winner take all.
Milan la Generously Rewarded.
Clyde Ullan. the WasBUngtoa ert
fielder, who was slated far the nttaors
by Joe Onutfllon whett the latter vraa
manager of the Nationals, received a
substantial bonus from the tYnshtng
ton management In recognition for his
good work during the 1010 season.
Endurance Bowling Mat oh.
Toledo bowling alley mnnngerK rc
talking of arranging a twelve hour en
dnrnnce conteet, total pins to win. In
Philadelphia last year a. two man team
race of tvf enty-four hours wan decided
nnd attracted much uttention.
The eastern indoor Ice skating wason
Kill open In New York on Dec. 1.
An international basketball lengue
may be made up of teams representing
Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, Itochester
and Detroit,
If n three ball rule goes throngh
Jokes concerning pnwhbroking will le
repeated to a frnezie, and pitchers will
become known as "loan sharks" and
At a banquet tendered Juke Doubert
hy tho funs of bin homo town Juke pre
sented each of bis old friends with
souvenir balls of last season's games.
No wonder Charley Ebhcts cannot
make money In Brooklyn.
Among tho applicants for the Job re
cently vacated by Jack O'Connor as
mauager of tho St. Louis Drowns are
Jesse Hurktdt. Fielder Jones and Char
Ho Carr. Jt Is understood that 4ach of
tho men 1ms assured II. It, Johnson
that l.njole will not uguln get elgbt
ilts In u day.
She nnd Hr Hucband Are
Reported to Have Quarreled.
Now Orleans, Nov. 17. Although
Miss Kthel Barry more weeplngly de
nies rumors of a contemplated scpara
Hon from Kussell 1. Colt, her bus
band, it is geiierally understood here
that there ban been Koine misunder
standing. Tlie actress nlso denies that the
senior Mr. Colt had reduced the In
come of her biibbnud. The latter de
clines to say anything.
Stallo Girls Grieve, For They Expected
Fifty Times That.
New York, Nov. 17. If you were a
society girl whose grandfather hod
died and hud, according to best Infor
mation, left you and your sister n for
tune of $rjO,000,0()0 nnd when the ac
counts of the estate were investigated
you were otliclally advised that your
grandparent had only left tlie paltry
sum of $1,500,000, wouldn't you be dis
appointed? That's exactly the case with Misse
Laura and Helen E. Stallo, grand
daughters of Alexander McDonald,
formerly n Standard Oil millionaire,
who died last March.
Edmund K. Stallo, father of tlie two
girls and son-in-lnw of McDonnld,
with whom lie was associated in the
business of building railroads, has filed
his accounting of the McDonald es
tate, of which he Is administrator. In
the surrogate's court.
Stallo recently said his two dnugh
tors needed ?50.0()0 a year each for
their maintenance.
Grand Master of the Grange Also At
tacks Frpight Rates.
Atlantic City, N. J., Nrg. 17. nigh
cost of fnrm products to the consumer
was ascribed to bad roads, which in
creases the cost of marketing crops:
excessive freight charges, based ujton
watered stocks for exceeding the real
value of the railways and the exor
bitant profits of the commission
houses by N. J. Ilncheldor, grand mas
ter of the National grange, pntrons of
husbandry, in his animal address.
Federal nld for road Improvement,
parcels post, conservation of natural
resources, n national Income tax, n
nonpartisan tariff commission and n
direct election of United States sen
ators were advocated by ox-Governor
Barheldor nnd later Indorsed by the
Pastor Crawls Over Burning Ties to
Officiate at Senator Clay's Funeral.
AUnnta, Oa., Nov. 17. His' train
stopped by a burning trestle, the Itev.
Dr. B. F. Fraaer, presiding elder of
the Augusta district of the Southern
Methodist church, after crawling over
biasing timbers, mounted the firemen's
seat in the cab of a locomotive and
was mshed to Marietta so as to preach
the funeral sermon over the late Unit
ed States Senator Clny.
It was Senator Clay's wish thnt Dr.
rruier 6bouM officiate, and the latter
was summoned from Athens, where
he was attending a conference.
State Committee to Investigate, Believ
ing Corruption Was Resorted To.
Helena, Mon., Nov. 17. Practically
complete official returns indicate that
the next legislature will be composed
of fifty-four Democrats nnd forty
elgbt Republicans. In the normally
Hepubllcan counties that party's can
dldptes wero elected by Jrom 200 to
600 majority, whereas Its legislative
candidates lost by only two to a dozen
Tho state committee proposes a thor
ough Inquiry In the belief that corrupt
pructlces were resorted to.
Labor Council May Elect Woman.
SL Louis, Nov. 17. A movement
rvas started hero In tho American Fed
eration of Uibor convention to elect a
woman as one of Its officers, some'
thing heretofore unheard of In any big
organization of this character.
To Celebrot" In India,
Loudon, Nov. 17. It Is otllciully nn
iiounced that King George nnd Queen
Mary will sail for India Jan. 1, 101
to hold a wnmstlon durbar tit Delhi.
Banners and Me
- ehatfics Bank,
at the close of buslncssJKov. 9, 1910.
ltcserve fund
Cash, specie, and notes, 1,74!) 50
Due from approved re
serve accuis $10,777 64-49.527 OB
Nickels, cents and fractional
currency 102 32
Checks and other rash Items litX 01
ime iroiu nanus anil trust com
panies not reserve.
I'liiu uistuu iim... ........... ......... n..jii o
1111., .1 Ian.... ..I. ..I Ot
Time loans with collateral .11,4X100
iians on can wun collateral
l).ins upon call upon two or mure
names , ,
Loans secured by bonds and mort-
. gages
Investment securities owned exclu
sive of reserve bonds, viz
Ktocks, bonds, etc $t7.s77 91
MnrtcaBcs and IuiIl'-
33.067 09
14,755 50
nients of record 44.01)0 32-82.0fl 21
Olllce Building and Lot lH.N'J K
f urniture ami uxtures l.HM 41
$ 355.968 33
Capital Stork paid In t 75,0 0d
Surplus I'lind 11,000 00
L'iKiivuicii jTours, less expenses
uml taxes paid 4.502
Individual Deposits, subject
toclieck t:i2.139D4
Deposits, special 174,3'25 1.7-200,405 01
$355.WH 33
State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss.
I, C. A. Kmery, Cashier of the above named
coiunanv. do solrinnlv swear that the above
statement Is tmetothebestof my knowledge
aim ucuei,
C. A. KMEKY, Cashier,
Subscribed nnd sworn to biforc me this 15th
nay oi rov. iyio.
Uesa S. Edobtt. N. 1
Correct attest:
M. K. Simons. )
M. It. Ai.lkn. Directors.
J. S. Hkown, I
or hie
At the close of business. Nov. 10, 1910.
Loans and Discounts S 249.757 07
Overdratts.sccuredand unsecured IS 49
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation. 55,000 uu
rrcmlumson U. s. Bonds 2,W 00
Bonds, securities, etc 1.310,452 41
B:tnklmM)ouse. mm turennd Ux
tures 40.000 00
Due from .National Banks (not
l!eerve Agents) 2.C73 25
Due from fctateiindl'rl vale Banks
and Hankers. Trust Coumanles.
ami Savings Ranks 1,172 15
Due from nmtroved rcservu
agents 143.S2 P9
Checks and other cash items 3,1"5 Hi
Notes oi other .National Banks.. 4!W 00
Fractional paper currency, nick
els and cents 440 (2
Lawrnl Money Reserve In Bank,
viz: Specie W7.S24 50
U'gal tender notes U.542 00- U6.5GS 50
iietiemption lunu with u. H.
i reasurcr. ID per cent, or circu
lation) 2.750 00
Total Jl.W8,4!i7 09
Capital Stock paid in $ 150.000 00
surplus iunu idu.uw uu
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxes riaid 82.071 31
National Bank notes outstanding 51.t) W
Due to other .National Banks 4H 21
Individual dt'ixjalts subject to
uheek 1 1.44HJtil II
Demand certificates of
deposit 23J10 00
Certified checks 55 00
Cashier's checks out
standing 1.125 57-J1.471.411 57
lionds borrowed .None
Notes and hills rcdlscounted Mime
Bills payable. Including certifi
cates oi deposit ior money oor-
rowed Xnnn
Liabilities other than those above
btuted one
Total $1.18.407 0U
State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss.
1. K. V. ToaiiEY. Cashier of the nhovo
named Bank, do solemnly swwir that th?
above statement is true to the best of my
Knowieugc ana ueuci.
K. V. Tor.REV. Cashier.
Subscribed nnd sworn to before mu this
15th day of Nov.. 1910.
J. A. S.MiTil, r. J ,
Correct attest:
11. Z. Kl'SsELC. 1
Jas. C. Birdsall. -Directors.
K, B. llAnnEKHEKOll, J 4w91
rei'oitt of the condition
of The
at the close of business. Nov. 9. 1910.
Iteserve fund J
i.asn, specie and notes. 42,78M 81
Due from ajiproyed re- .
r.ert aeents 119,033 33'
Leeal securities at par...- 45.000 00-23C.K9 24
Nickels, cents and fractional cur
rency ; . 17 ol
Cheeks and cash ltemti 1.425 M
Due from Banks and Trust' Co's.not
reserve aeents 9.339 45
Bills discounted. 1307.170 04
Time loans with collateral 31,750 0
Loans on call with col
lateral 144,043 11
Loans on call upon one
name os
Loans on call upon twu or
more names H),557 10
Loans secured by bond
and mortgage zz.vw-sau.tzu 31
Investment securities owned ex
clusive or reserve uonas, viz:
Stocks, Bonds, etc., 1,790.209 71
.Mortgages and Judg
ments of record.... 270.930 53 2.067.140 24
Otllce Building and Lot 27.0U0 uu
other Heal Kstuto ti.uuu oo
Furniture and Fixtures 2,000 00
Overdrafts 31 41
Miscellaneous Assets 4uu oo
f 2.936,CJv 2U
Capital Stock, paid in.. ..J 100.000 00
Surplus Fund..., 310,000 00
Undivided l'rollts. less
expenses and taxes paid 115,007.58-5a,OI7 5U
Deposits subject to check $176,K39 37
nil iv
Idul l)eposlt.Tlme.'.,.V01.913 75
Time certificates of
posit 238 78
Certified Checks 250 01
Cashier's check outst'g 5.719 71-2.3S4.99G til
Duo to Commonwealth 23,000 00
line to nanics anu i rusiuos. not re
serve agents l.CSG 09
Dividends unpaid,
$2, 2ti
Statoof I'ennsylvanla, County of Wayne, ss:
Lit. Scott salmon. Cashier of the above
named Company, do solemnly swear that the
auovu statement is true, to tue uestol my
knowledge and belief.
(Slimed) 11. S. SALMON. Cnshlnr.
Subscribed and sworn to before methis 11th
nay oi .ov, rjiu.
.... (Notarial Seal)
worreci Atiesi;
V II. Holmes, )
Y. 1. KlMHLK,
TWUIjVB muslin trespass notices
for fl.00; six for seventy-five cents.
Name of owner, township nnd law
regarding trespassing printed there
on. CITIZEN office.
Origin rf tht Mermen
The Heannlti crsrw mt of four
sects of Dates, HeatHs and aerrann
Baptists. Taay 4rtr their wuno
from Mnnaa Bsmoas, a Catholic priest
who boomma a W.4r of the Anabap
tists In sdnrat UtT. Bin oas was born
In 1842 ana ie ta HIT. His "True
ChrleUnn Deltt" waa published three
years before his drith. Following th
death of the leaalng spirit the sect
underwent, divisions and changes of
Grat Tule Tree.
A Tule, In the courtyard of th
church ,of Ran ta Maria, Is tlie great
Tulo tre.'- The tree Is fourteen feet
In circumference rlx feet from tho
ground. Uore thaa a hundred years
ago, whea HumiWeMt was truveling
through Mexico, he eat out a section
of the Work, aad la It affixed a tablet
bearing an inscription dedicated to
the tree. This tablet can still be scn,
although nearly covered by bark.
Mexican Herald.
If your bowels did not move for a week
or ten days you would be down sick. It'e
he same result, differing only in degree,
when your bowels do not move regularly
at least once every day. You become con
stipated, your blood gets bad, and you feel
Sick all over. To avoid such serious con
ditions take Smith's Pineapple and Butter
nut Pills. They will drive bowel poison
out of your system and establish regularity.
These little pills are purely vegetable awd
work wonderful results in one night.
Remember that bowel poison isthedirect
cause of slow, wasting fevers, loss of mem
ory, female weakness, nervous prostration
and general debility. Rowel poison leads
on to misery and death as surely as consti
pation or heart disease; the well-advised
use of Smith's Pineapple and Butternut
Pills will cure and establish bowel, stomach
and liver health. Sick at night, well in the
morning. Physicians use and recommend.
They form no habit. You should always
keep them on hand. These little Vegeta
ble Pills will ward off many ills.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and Sick
Headache in a Night, use
DlllFnDD F SfliliS t4
w 1 m - ,
" AND" uiflfittoilStM
nine i me lommzn
PILLS Lrwand Goix a
60 IMIU In Glass Vial 35c. All Dealers.
For Sick Kidneys
BlJuldrr DUnm, Rhtnmnllim,
the one ben remfilj. KtliiMt,
en4orMl bj leading phjslcUm;
safe, etreetitl. Retullt ludnr.
On the market It ;rar. Hare
caret thousands. 1(0 pills to
original class package, SO cents.
Trial boxes, (0 pills, CS cents. All
druggists mU and recommend.
a 9
RflasRtficently fecaied
residence and arge
grounds, of
STi. F. SUYDA&fi
Splendid site for hospitnl
hotel. House steam heated,
tritally wired. Large
barn Corner lot. 125x150.
Insurance and Real Estate
Jadwin Building.
in your family yon of course call
a reliable physician. Don't stop
at that; have his prescriptions
put up at a reliable pharmacy,
even if it is a little farther from
your home than some other store.
You can find no more reliable
store than ours. It wonld be im
possible for more care to be taken
in the selection of drags, etc., or
in tbe compounding. Prescrip
tions brought here, either night
or day, will be promptly and
accurately compounded by a
competent registered pharmacist
and the prices will be most rea
sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS,
Opp. D. ,t II. Station. HosEsruLE PA
The Jeweler
you If t
t would like to sec
you arc In the
f for
I nr Aiir nr a TOnro -J
vvUvi:, vva 1111:04
"Guaranteed article only sold." X