WHATIIKIl FORECAST Snow. WEATHER FOKKCAST Snow. aIIK CITIZEN is tho most widely read semi-weekly newspaper printed In Wayno County. IT Is never too early to begin your Chrlstinns -opping. Start now! 67th YEAR HONE SD ALE, WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1910. NO 93 01 . . WAYNE SCHOOL DIRECTORS HOLD 15fh CONVENTION Over One Hundred Wayne Oo. School Directors Register at Opening Session Friday After noonOr. Howerth on "Public Health." OFFICERS KIjKCTKI) AT SATURDAY MORNING SESSION ADDHKS KS DELIVERED HV JUIHIK A. T. SEARLE AND F. 1 KIM BLE. ESQ. DR. A. .1. SIMONS MARKS REPORT ON STATIC GON V KNTI ON DISCUSSIONS ON MATTERS OF UNIVERSAL INTEREST NAMES OF THOSE ATTENDING. One hundred and two school dl-1 rectors of Wayne county registered, Friday afternoon, when tne opening, session of the Fifteenm annum uuu vention was called to order by tne President, .R M. Stocker, at 1:45 o'clock iu n few well chosen re marks. The first speaker on the. program was Dr. I. W. Howerth. of Chicago University, Chicago, 111., who spoke on the problem of "Pub lic Health." In part he said: "There are several subjects of common Interest to us. You are trying to change your school laws and modify your system. We are doing the same thing in Illinois. I was the secretary of the Education al Commission in my state, and I know something of the work and the difficulty of securing a modification In the school system. "One of the greatest movements In Modern Education is the move ment in the direction of a more con scientious and careful attention to the welfare of school children. In Massachusetts they have laws pro viding for medical inspection. In Verniont they have similar laws. In twenty states they are trying to se cure such legislation. There is med ical inspection in Philadelphia, Pitts burgh, Harrlsburg' and Realling." Dr. Howerth gave a succinct ac count of the great plagues of his. tnrv. and of the manner in wtlicn they were handled or mishandled, - Coming OOWn to our own uaja, mm ! a iilspiissinc the maladies that tlesh is heir to, he said among other things: "Our Dear Old Friend, Mr. Fly." "Wherever there is an epidemic of typhoid fever there is great ig norance on the part of the people or great neglect on the part of the authorities. Typhoid is not merely f.niKed bv contaminated water. It Is transmitted by the house lly. As a boy I wondered why the lly was created. I remember reading that Martin Luther thought all things were created for some beneficent purpose. He came to the conclusion finally, after much thinking, that files were created by the Devil to annoy men with bald heads.' One of the greatest enemies of the fly has said "swat the fly and swat him early In the season." A single house fly will lay 128 eggs, and in a sin gle season will produce four sextll lions of descendants. What To Do With Mr. Fly. "A little girl saw a fly on her hand. 'Poor little fly. she said, poor little fly. Nobody loves you tut God. I guess you'd better go to God' and killed the fly. "Children may Inherit a predis position to consumption. Tubercul osis is a germ disease. Every sin gle germ may be stamped out of existence by the application of In telligence. Out of every ten people who die In the United States, one dies of consumption. There should be no spitting In public places. If a consumptive spits in a public place he may bo the unconscious murderer of other people. The dl Tectors should see to it that every little school has a 'bubble' fountain. See to it that the child Is built up to resist the little germs all about us. You teachers ought to raise the win dows every hour and let tho chil dren roam around tho room. "There are some dangers connected with medical Inspection. Rut the child who comes to school with adenoid growths Is handicap ped In his efforts to get an educa tion. We call him a dull child per. haps. And yet the teacher that calls a child a 'blockhead' Is a 'block head' himself and oughtn't to be al lowed in tho school room. "Wo have discovered that disease is not merely a visitation of the Deity upon the people for their sins. Wherever there is a disease, there is a cause. "See that the children have pure water, pure food and fresh air Traveling through Kansas, I tried in vain to And the cup to get a drink. I asked tho porter "What has become of the cup?" "I had to put it away,'' ho said, "wo are traveling through Kansas." You liavo to have your Individual com munion cup In Kansas to get a drink of water. "Every child Is n public asset. Ho Is worth so much to society. A school director is a public sorvant. The director who pushes tho move ments looking to tho health of the child future generations will rise up and call him blessed. Devoto yourselves to laying the foundations 01 maiviuuai ana social cnaracier, wiiy rauracmr must, resi uu mis pny steal well-being of the men and Women as its basis. Its perpetuity will all depend upon this physical foundation." Mr. Stockcr's Address. R. M. Stocker said in part: "That an education was more than a com mercial asset. That an educated man should have high Ideals. No man rises above his ideals. An edu cated man lives more in one day than an ignorant man lives in a year. His powers of appreciation are increased and he can enjoy more than the man whoso powers are un developed. Neither do we educate boys in order that they can get a liv ing without work, but wo educate them that they may be more efficient in their work. One of the institute workers spoke of four boys "three of them succeeded, one obtained a high office, another became worth $50,000,000, etc. The other, while working with his hoe, wondered why he had not done as well." I thought perhaps the man with the hoe was the greatest success of eith er of the four, judged by any right standard. That man Is the greatest success who does the most for his fellowmen. The Great Teacher took a little cnim ana set mm in me mij,t nnA k.iIiI hp that would he greatest of all let him be servant of History, a row years ngo, was auch but an account of mon- . not mu archs and great military heroes, but less and less space is being given to war and more to the history of the people every year. We must teach the rising generation of children to perform their duty wherever they are placed. School directors should do their duty by tho schools under their care." List of Directors Present. These directors registered Friday afternoon: Milton A. Tuthlll, Canaan; Walter Anderson, Manchester; John E. Ha ley, Prompton; John J. H. Klllgal len, Texas township; Frank A. Brun ner, Texas; E. J. Marks, Texas; E. D. Bunnell, Dyberry; J. E. Lock wood, Canaan; Wm. Scully, Canaan; Wm. Richard, Cherry Ridge; George L. Bates, Prompton; Charles J, Yatha, Atco; F. C. Brill, Oregon; John H. Brill, Oregon; Frank R. Olmsted, Paupack; A. J. Wilcox, Clinton; M. J. Shanley, Clinton; O W. Hauensteln, Clinton; F. W. Bunt-i lng. Clinton: C. H. Pethick, Bethany; Ira E. Bryant, Dyberry; J. E. Hen shaw, Dyberry; E. Egan, Dyberry; Thomas J. Hoar, Dyberry; George E. Ehrhardt, Dyberry; I. J. Many, Bethany; F. F. Smith, White Mills; John Troop, White Mills; Joseph Neville, Holllstervllle; William Ros ener, Holllstervllle; William Eber lein, Hollstervllle; F. F. Conrad, Holllstervllle; John W. Thomas, J. P. Flynn. H. W. Decker. Joe Fltz- slmmons, F. M. Woodmansee, J. E. Holbert, Starlight; J. J. I'eriiam, Pleasant Mount; S. B. Doyle, Pleas- ant Mount; O. F. Bowen, Pleasant Mount: I. S. Brown. Starrucca; C. T Glover, Starrucca; Andrew Koehler, Starrucca; Luclan UrlnK, 'rea Saunders. Berlin; J. F. Warileld, Buckingham; E. W, Chapman, Buck ingham; T. F. Dunn, Mt. Pleasant; George Beehn, Newfoundland; H. A. Bennett, Bethany; John E. Hen derson, Bethany; Grant Hawley, Lookout; Bert Glllow, Lookout; C. A. HIckB, Berlin; Peter Swltzer, Cherry Ridge; S. R. Crane, Pau pack; G. E. Perkins, Waymart; R. E. Randall, Waymart; R. W. Hull, Waymart; John Courtney, Goulds boro; Dr. C. E. Ellenberger, GouldB boro; Aaron Black, Lake; Asa F. Jones, Salem; A. N. Patterson, Sa lom; R. E. Sargent, Honesdale, R. D. No. 1; A. W. Eno, Seelyvlllo; Ed. E. Wolsch. Seelyvlllo; William H. Wood, Prompton; A. T. Sluman, I.niirll! TV P. Tllnkp. Bfithnnvr D. 13. Manning, Bethany; F. C. Schoell, Honesdale; Fred LaParnt, Texas; William H . Pragnoll, Honesdale; C. Hctzel, South Canaan; J. Lesllo Vail, Lebanon; F. H. Rldd, Lobanon; II, R. SamBon, Lake township; S. L. Glover, Starrucca; L. D. Fielding, So Canaan; Arthur J. Simons, Mt. Pleasant; J. L. Buck, Starrucca; Peter Knox, Prompton; A. T. Searlo, Honesdale; A. M. Lelne, Honesdale; C. W. 'Graser, Dreher; Jnraea F. Moylan, Cherry Illdgo; William Molody, Cherry Ridge; F. H. Crock - onberg, Cherry Ridge; 13. R. Bodle, Prompton; B. E. Smith, Slko; F. L. Hartford, Sterling; R. B. Simons, For a Merrier Christmas LORENCE KELLEY, Consumer s League, the organization which has done so much to better the conditions under which women and children work in fac tories and stores, appeals to all women in Honesdale to start their Christmas shopping early and thus relieve the nerve-racking ten sion which has always .prevailed the week before Christmas. , Will you cut out this 'pledge, sign it and pin it up somewhere in plain view where you can't help seeing it? I HEREBY SOLEMNLY PLEDGE MYSELF That 1 will do MY share to relieve the terrible crush of Christmas shopping by making all of my Christmas purchases on or -f before Dec (Signed) - If you women of Honesdalc do this and live up to your pledges you will make Christmas mean much more to many hearts this year. THE CHRISTMAS SHOPPER. Sterling; W. 13. Lesher, Sterling; W. 12. Halles, Sterling; R. II. Stev-jto ens, Sterling; Heenan Cale, Brnman; Robert Whittaker, South Sterling. Saturday Morning. The Saturday morning session of tho Wayne County School Directors' Association opened at 9 o'clock with President R. M. Stocker in the chair. The minutes of last year's meeting were read and approved. Some discussion followed on the apparent loss of the "by-laws," their present location not being known. President Stocker suggested that ho could And out perhaps by looking up the newspaper flies. The annual election of officers was then held, and resulted as fol lows: President, Harry Atkinson, Hawley; secretary, A. M. Honesdale; treasurer, Fred mie; treasurer, rreu oauau- Honesdale " vice-p-resldents. ers, Thomas Dunn, Mt. Pleasant; Dr. C. n;. ttiiennerger, uouiusuoro. rive ilnlnnntn. . i . 1-1 .-i 1 nntnil . n Mi n U t n t n "--i c Z .v,cvlv-u l" " 1 Convention. They are: E. R. Bodle, : Prompton; R. B. Simons, Sterling; James F. Mahlin, Mt. Pleasant; Robert Whittaker, Dreher; W. B. Lesher, Stirling, T- . t 01 xt . r ...... .1 1 .. .1 ' ur. a. i ' V, ewiuuiiuiuuu,, gave an .nieresuiig repurt uu u.u . last State Convention. One of the opcaituia at uiui tuuiciuiuu ""'"i I "Take sufficient time to build your scnooi nouse. buuu "y; Get an architect. Have ample cloak tV m . t i j J linn A InniTA rP CnfiKlA WrnolHnnt y',"v-":. the first address. In part he said: "Besides being a school director .1 .. T V.nn n n .nn.ADnntnHitA , 7r'V ..vov-iwv, of the 300 men who have sat on the Judge's bench. Every Judge has been at some time a school direc tor." Judge Searlo related a number of interesting anecdotes about some of the men who have worn the ermine in Wayne county. "Judge Porter," he continued, "In sentencing a young man to prison, said: "I trust young man you'll spend some time In the penitentiary cursing whisky which brought you here." "Yes, Your Honor, I will and Porter' too." "Judge Purdy was an honest judge and meant to be fair to every man." Judge Searle said in tho course of hiB remarks that he came here In 1881; that he helped to organize the directors' association, and acted as Its first president. "The school directors," ho went on, "ought to direct and take chargo of the school. Do not bo led by pub- 11c clamor. Do what you think Is right regardless of public clamor. Do your duty as you know It and trust to the end to come out right." (Applause.) "I'd advise you to read the school laws carefully. Choose a teacher, and when you chooso one make the first requlslto CHARACTER, tho sec ond, CHARACTER and the third, CHARACTER. Tho County Super intendent will take care of tho edu cational qualifications. "In tho choice of teachers you want one to whom you could trust your child, for a teacher cither damns or makes a child through tlmo and eternity. "Look to tho school room. See that the school room is kept clean and orderly and well-ventllatcd. Have two thermometers In tho room. Have the Hag planted on every school house ln Wnvno countv. ho that every boy may bo Inspired to patriotism. Look out for tho sup plies. Seo that they are gotten and kept on hand, visit the schools, The law says you must visit them once a month. I visited tho schools onco a month, as a director, and I am a very busy man. You may say I am not acquainted with what ls taught hero? That don't mako any difference. You can seo whether the teachers .aro doing what thoy ought to do, whether thoy aro keoplng or , der or not, whether tho children are neat and clean. "Ono of your duties Is to look at- tor tho boys outside of tho school. general secretary of the -f 1910. ' if a boy or girl Is going wrong, try see If you can't straighten them out. The saddest thing 1 have had to do is to send a fourteen-year-old boy to the House of Correction. Teach the boys tho value of time, teach them to do something to work. "I would have every boy taught to do vSome work, not that he may make money, but because Idleness is a sin. I "A boy oughtn't to be paid for I everything. If he does fifty cents' . worth of work pay him just that I much. The. value of a $1 and of a $1 worth of services Is the best thing1 for any boy to learn. " 'Times are not as good as they used to be,' people sometimes say. , going to the demnltlon bows. After tbe election .we .find, out that there, a whoo lot of pretty good feV howg7 T . . .1 r i .i i . "... . 0 poem on "Bethany In 1820." "Beth- any ,s improving," he continued; " wayne county is improving. Our schools, farms and roads are improv lng. With the telegraph and the telephone and rural free delivery, " ....... - - home nfe jn Wayne county ls lm provlng. The country la gr0wlng uetter. u ls foP you directors to alu Jjj tne gOOd Work , ,.Tn0 Bt kind of d ciUzen .8hljHls that which goes along, willing to do ,thelr duty 0 d Mftke your boys contented so that they ... ,1 will not bo running away to the city. .Make this county, with her farms and lakes and babbling brooks, and mnllntnln tnna n n 11 11 f ttm nn.l 1 ' oest piaceg one of tno i,app est and ,,ps. nllnMon in th ,hni nno f best counties In the whole State of Pennsylvania." t I'. Kimnie, Esq., delivered a strong address in which he made some startling statements: General discussion was opened by the president, and after a free ex pression of views, the convention ad journed at noon. Mr. Kimble's Address, Directors of Wayne County: When your chairman asked me, a few days ago, to speak for a few minutes to tho directors, I readily assented; not that I havo any new theory to offer, but because of my interest in the good cause of public education. If we rightly apprcclato tho enormous consequences that re sult from combined efforts of those in charge of the public school sys tem, even for a single year, none of us can fall to be Impressed with tho responsibility of the office of direc tor. With school property In the state exceeding tUG.000,000 ln value, with 34,028 schools to bo supplied with teachers, and with the annual payment to these teachers of over $19, 500, 000, wo can scarcely compre hend tho great burden resting on thoso in charge of running the pub lic educational system of our state. Having taught ln my early days, and sluco served as school director for over fifteen yoars, I havo learned to appreclato tho services of direc tors and always gam Inspiration from UiIb collective body. No question for solution to-day ls fraught with greater consequences than tho question of education of our futuro citizens. Any discission among educators, .of ways and means, and of Intelligent methods for tho promotion of tho efficiency of tho educational system, ls worthy of our earnest consideration. Chiefly then wo should enquire In to tho motlvo that actuates us aB di rectors, Havo wo broad conceptions of tho responsibility and dignity of tho office? And aro wo all keoplng before our vision high Ideals of tho results to bo attained? Dr. J. P. Wlckorshnm, lato Super intendent of Public Instruction iu Pennsylvania. In tho latter nart of IiIb career, was elected to the office of school director, and was wont to say to his friends, that ho had just been elected to tho highest offico In tho gift of his constituents. Tho (Continued on Pago Four). THANKSGIVING Q Reasons Assigned by People who are in the Public Eye for Giving Thanks-Past Year One of Prosperity- Who Want It. SOME THINGS YET TO BE DESIRED TO FILL THE CUP OF BLESSING TO ITS BRIM--1910 A BANNER YEAR FOR THE MAPLE CITY. 1. What .special reasons, ns an in dividual, do you have for giving thanks this year? li. Whnt special reasons, ns u com munity, do c have for giving thanks? Where will you spend Thanks Rlvlng? A number of well-known residents nr ltr.noc.Hnln nr nalrn,! thnso nllPS-'tO tions by a representative of the . .. . .i . CITIZEN Monday morning. Their replies, numuereu accoruiugiy, arci given below. The list might have ! won ninoli PYtnnrlPil. lint Hip ronnrt- er was unfortunate in finding that I a good many men were attending I bank directors' meetings, out ofi town, or otherwise engaged. j Mayor John Kuhbach, who ls in , the second year of his successful ad- ministration of the affairs of the , municipality, when seen, said: 1. "That's rather a hard question. There are so many things to be thankful for. Well, I tell you, to be well and have your family well and business prosperous. That ought to be enough, personally, hadn't it?" 2. "Well, as a community, we certainly have special reasons. The buslness of Honesdale is in a good, . healthy, prosperous condition. Any man, woman, young woman or girl can find employment. The pros- perlty Is shown by the fact that new "mca r"" u i.uu.e 10 result;. a. ueu i imVe burdened us1 with taxes and epidemics and diseases generality debt, in order that the owners of The laws in the borough in regard real estat0 on Mn,n 8treet Bnould to peace and good order are ob-,havo thelr propertlea advanced iu served very closely. We have a .., nf M, ' no , tn m,. High school and corps of teachers second to none . a new Armory build-, ing, a hospital practically assured, and a number of new industries statting with energetic young men in charge who are bound to succeed. 3. "At home." District Attorney M. E. Simons granted the reporter an Interview. In reply to tho interrogations he said: 1. "Oh, I don't know. I got a good many." 2. "I don't know anything better than the general health of tho com munity, which is excellent at this time." 3. "At homo." 'Squire Robert A. Smith had these replies to make: 1. "I havo none. I believe in giving thanks always. I always celebrato Thanksgiving. 2. "For all prosperity, for every thing that happened and was done. Of course there are some things. Since November 1 we havo been having bad weather for November. Still we had a nice Fall." 3. "Wo always have a family Thanksgiving dinner." County Detective N. B. Spencer said: 1. "My family and myself enjoy tho best of health." , 2. "That tho town 1b in tho most firbsperous condition it has been In many yoars. The poor ' man has a chance to earn his dally bread. There is chance for every man who is will ing to work." 3. "At home." Prothonotary M. J. Hanlan: 1. "It was a successful year for mo Indeed. Prosperous year for tho entire country; abundant crops; un precedented prosperity." 2. "Tho prosperity of Honesdale, with tho exception of our strike, It was ono of tho most prosperous years In the history of the borough There has been a building boom ln tho town." 3. "1 will spend Thnnksglvin I MARS CONVENTION TRIP DELEGATES TO BETHANY SUN DAY SCHOOL CONVENTION NARROWLY KSOAI'13 I1EING KILLED. Mrs. Pulls and Mrs. Palmer, del egates from tho Slko Sunday school to tho Bethany convention, on Fri day, met with an accident which might havo resulted very seriously i to thorn. After tho afternoon bcs- I slon, they started for homo In their buggy. Whllo "proceeding along tho road, they heard tho hoof beats of a horso rapidly approaching them from tho rear. Owing to tho buggy canopy thoy were unable to look and seo who It was, but thoy made ACCIDEN Work for with my mother, Mrs. Ann Dillon, White Mills. It ls nn annual affair. My family go with me, and Miss Emma Ferber and Robert A. Ferber also." W. H. Lee, Esq., had this to say: 1. "For the kind Providence of a loving Father, that has crowned tho year with fair health and happiness myself and loved Ones." 9 "Ti'nr Mm mnnv nnTinrtnnltlnci whereby increased knowledge was obtainable, better fitting me for the - - - . ... , V "tles of the presentfllfo and for "" i-u tumu. 3. "That all my kindred are per mitted to join the nation In giving thanks for these and unnumbered blessings that have come to us and them." fl excei'lent churches whero ,ntQ,nt rc,,i ronoi,nr intelligent, consecrated preachers have unremittingly and fearlessly attacked wrongs and wickedness in all places, have encouraged the weak comforted the sick and hard bestead, pointed lovingly the unredeemed to their Savior and urged, with all their' manhood, their acceptance of the only Redeemer. "That tho city fathers are no worSo than their predecessors, al- though ..they haVe done tho things t, ought not t0 nave done and haVe left undone the things they ht t h done and thero..l3 uotnlng but mud for us t0 wiUk ,n even on the crossings. They m ght ln nrnnrtv nwnpr ln .,.nrt fh.v have kInd,y worked their heiPi paId a part of the debt, and permitted us to slumber quietly. When persons duly elected to the offices of tire borough shall put the same energy, vim, careful business calculation In to their official actions as has crown ed their private affairs, we shall hope upon some future occasion to havo much more to encourage us to give thanks as a community" 3. "Expect to be at home on Thanksgiving day." Judge A. T. Searle said: "I am thankful for contentment, friends, and health. The county has not suffered from floods and despite the dry weather has enjoyed general plenty and prosperity. I shall spend Thanksgiving In Honesdale." Emerson W. Gammell, Register and Recorder, said: "That there were not as many mortgages filed this year as usual. A good many mortgages have been satisfied. The farmers," ho continu ed, "aro In pretty good circum stances compared with what they used to be." Charles A. McCarty, Esq., has the following good reasons for being thankful: 1. There are so many reasons why I should be thanwful, that I And It difficult to specify. Perhaps the greatest are, continuous good health, dally increasing business and pros perity, and the feeling that I havo added at least some now friends to those I had a year ago, without the loss of any of tho old. 2. General good health, Industrial and commercial activity; the rapid recovery of the town from the ef fects of tho recent labor troubles; tho peaceableness and law-abiding disposition of the people; the strict enforcement of the law and tho pos sibility that our streets will be In a better condition within the next year. 3. I shall spend Thanksgiving Day In Honesdale. room for tho approaching vehicle to pass them by driving to tho side of tho road. Meanwhile, tho ve hicle came thundering down tho road, struck tho wheels of tho bug gy ln which the ladles were seated, demolishing tho wheels, making a complete wreck of tho buggy, and throwing tho ladies to tho ground, but not seriously Injuring thorn, Thev at once retraced their steps to Bethany, secured another wagon, and proceeded on their way home. Shortly after this occurrence, Mr. Oscar Miller, who was also attend ing tho convention,, and had left his horse and wngon tied under tho sheds of tho Methodist Episcopal church, discovered that his horse and buggy wero missing, and It 1b thought that possibly It was his rig which had done tho damage. Mr. Miller ls a very careful and pains taking man, and no doubt tied his horso securely, and it Is a mystery how ho mnnaged to get loose and run away.