The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 18, 1910, Image 7

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Now York on Election liny Tlio
Great Shops Iilfo on The East
Side Ah Seen By Wnyno County
Visitor To metropolis Also a
Story From Jersey.
Just nt present "Election" and the
"Express strlko" nro the main topics
of the day. The strike Is very notice
able every way one turns, for where
before 'my lady' would consider It an
insult to carry home a spool of
thread, or a skein of silk, now we
behold her carrying boxes and
bundles, until ono would think
Christmas was at hand. Salesmen
and messenger boys nre also sent
out, especially to deliver. Although
the wagons arc now going, no stnt
cd time for delivery can ho promised.
Tho most contemptible thing we have
heard of happening wns when some
brutes stabbed a valuable horse
which was attached to Sleglo's wag
on. Just at present all seems quiet,
but a big strike Is being agitated for
later in tho suit and coat houses as
well as among tho factory workers.
This all goes to depress business.
Did you ever try to walk down one
of the busy streets of New York at
6 or 6:30 In the evening? If you
want an experience just try It in n
heavy rain storm with a wind blow
ing from tho North River, taking
your umbrella Inside out. Tho writ
er was guilty of knocking a man's
hat off, but then ono doesn't mind
those things In New York. Fifth
Avenue was like a country road and
one would not recognize it from Its
appearance during and aftor the rain.
Glmbol Brothers have opened up
their new store near what used to be
Greeley Square. The statue of Hor
ace Greeley has been moved and the
square Is now known as Glmbels'.
TMa ctnro will linilmllltpillv In a few
years bo the leading store In that j
part of the city as it is only a stone s
throw from the new Pennsylvania
station. The art department is
probably the most complete, best ar
ranged and most beautiful of any
in the city. Wo presume the ma
jority of readers are proud of their
fellow statesman, John wauamaKer,
and have visited tho spacious audi
torium which is open each day at
2 o'clock, when a concert lasting
two hours Is given. The organ re
citals are well worth hearing. Those
who visit tho city now should see
the oriental display In the picture
gallery. Everything oriental Is here
on exhibition. Then on the main
floor, old building, we find the Bur
lington Arcade, where clothing and
hats of all kinds and descriptions
worn In England in every age are on
exhibition. Did you ever stop to
think that in this one store alone
the salesmen number up In the
thousands and this is only one of
the many places In New York where
women are struggling to keep soul
and body together.
It's certainly a credit to the men
of America that this is so, and when
one thinks its "up to the men" of to
day to make these women wives, and
cive them homes, we don't know
which deserves tho most sympathy,
anu ime uooseveii wu.mer nut ...
w,lthblcoUmerofSrif S X'
lation of the East Side increases, and
that of Fifth Avenue and Riverside .
decreases. If you ever got in an
East Side car crush you would say
"God pity the future." How would
you like to have a lady in that dis
trict sitting very near you, when her
head not only was a resting place
for rats but was so thickly populat
ed with smaller animals as to be de
cidedly noticeable? Yet this is a
common thing on the East Side cars.
By the way did you hear this story
from Jersey? A young man went to
see his sweetheart and while waiting
fn lino r rt t i ft nloTTO fo liltrnn rTi
i"1 '" .?! T I
the n'ose by a genuine Jersey mos
quito. When the young lady arrived
on the scene the man had a mosquito
nose and was accused by the young
lady of having imbibed. He was
promptly dismissed and has been
spending his spare time experiment
ing trying to get something to exter
minate the mosquito. We learn he
has succeeded by a crossing of the
common house fly and flea. So much
for Jersey.
Tuesday, Election Day, there was
nothing doing In the "express" busi
ness, and between thirty and forty
"taxis" were demolished Monday.
The outlook for Election Day was
dreary, as all the morning it alter
nated between snow and rain. Both
sides arc confident, and while good
nature prevails no disorder Is seen.
Everyone has gone back to their
childhood days and are blowing
horns and whistles or ringing cow
Speaker's Doorkeeper Ready
Guide Champ Clark's Tcum
Washington, Nov. 12. Henry
Neal, a negro messenger, who has
been the custodian of the Speaker's
door under every presiding officer
of the House since the days of John
G. Carlisle, doesn't Intend to lose
his Job simply because control of
the lower branch of Congress has
passed to the Democrats. As Rep
resentative Burleson, of Texas, a
prominent Democrat, was walking
through the House corridor yester
day ho was accosted by Neal.
"Is It true, MIstah Burleson, that
MIstah Champ Clark Is going to
drive a span of mules down Penn
sylvania avenue?" he asked non
chalantly. "I don't know, hut It is true If
Mr Clark said so," was tho reply.
"Well," said Neal, "you Just tell
MIstah Clark that there hain't no
body 'round thlB hero Capitol can
drivo mules botter'n I can."
Over 100 Bushels Shipped to New
York by Calllcoon Merchants.
Tho chestnut crop this year Is
very largo all through tho country.
In tho Grahamsvlllo district hun
dreds of bushels were picked. Over
100 bushels have been shipped to
tho city by merchants of Calllcoon
William Kautz has probably gath
ered the largest amount in that
placo having sold 5C worth.
Alleged Slayer of Girl Is
Glosely Guarded.
A Few of the Facts In the Alibi of
Thomas Williams Have Been Dis
proved, but He Refuses to Con
fess Views the Body.
Asbury Pnrk, N. J., Nov. 15. Around
and about the Asbury Park Jail n
threatening crowd, augmented by new
arrivals, only nwnlted a leader to start
a demonstration agninst Thomas Wil
liams, known an "Black Diamond,"
the negro who is charged with the
murder of ten-year-old Mario Smith,
the Asbury Park schoolgirl whose mu
tilated body was foundd In the woods
near Wanna mnssa.
Williams made a statement to the
police which was partly disproved,
lie undertook to establish an alibi, ac
counting In detnll for his movements
last AVednesday, when the crime Is
believed to have been committed. It
was shown from investigation that
Williams was in tho immediRte vicin
ity of the wood at about the time Ma
rie was trudging home from school
Wednesday morning.
Williams told the police he was
drunk Wednesday. lie said he left
Griffin's saloon at Wannamassa at 12
o'clock. The barkeeper said ho went
nway at 10 o'clock.
Ho was committed without bail by
Police Justice John A. Borden. He
will probably be taken to the county
jail. No date has been set for his
Williams was taken to police head
quarters, where the body of Marie
Smith was lying, no broke down on
viewing the body, but declared before
God that he had never harmed her.
The crowd about the Jail has as
sumed alarming proportions, and tho
temper of the bystanders is ugly. The
guard has been doubled, and a special
cordon of officers is on duty.
The city council has offered a re
wnrd of $r00 for information that
will lead to the detection and convic
tion of tho murderer.
Crime District Unpoliced.
Asbury Park, N. J., Nov. 10. Outside
of Ocean Grove there is no police pro
tection in Neptune township, Mon
mouth county, N. J.. That fact made
the murder of little Mario Smith possi
ble last Wednesday. There have been
numerous affrays within the last few
tiTAnlra nml Vi In)inkt4nnl 1. 1
poIeed territory have even tried to
fitment of their own. The murder of
t'10 ten-year-old schoolgirl has caused
the inhabitants' feelings to rise to a
very high pitch against tho police, for
u is nummea mat wun the proper
protection such an occurrence would
have been lessened.
After Another Negro.
Woodbury, N. J., Nov. 15. Roland
Black has been captured by a posse
which had scoured the countryside for
thirty-six hours. The nrlsoner is thlrtv
yearB ol(1 ne(,ro farmnnnd of Ewnn
N. J., and is accused of an attempted
attack upon Miss Lelila Nutt. He was
secretly hurried to the county Jail
here before the aroused residents -were
able to execute the threat to lynch
him. Miss Nutt, the daughter of a
prominent farmer, Is at her home in a
serious condition.
Homesickness Made Him Start Frem
Poughkeepsle to New York.
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Nov. 15. "Can
you tell me the way to New York?"
asked a twelve-year-old boy of John
Skelley of Freartown, near here.
"You are headed in the right direc
tion, but It's a long way for yon to
walk," said Skelley, who then took
the small pedestrian to police bead
quarters. There it was learned that homesick
ness of the acute typo had made Dan
nie O'Callahan, whose mother and uls
ters live In New York, decide to walk
home. He had trudged half a dozen
miles when he came up to Skelley.
Emperor William Issues a Wish
Through His Chaplain.
Berlin, Nov. 15. When assisting at
tho Introduction of a new army corpB
chaplain, Dr. Lelnz, chief chaplain of
Emperor William's bodyguard, said It
was the kaiser's wish that his soldiers
say the Lord's prayer every day.
About to Die, Woman Kills Husband.
New York, Nov. 15, Believing that
she was about to die of an Incurable
disease nnd unable to bear tho thought
of leaving her husband on earth be
hind her, Mrs. Anna Burgtorf shot and
killed Dr. Theodore R. Burgtorf while
he was sleeping In their homo at 001
Vast One Hundred and Eighty-third
street, the Bronx. She tired two shots
into her own breast in the effort to
kill herself, but at Fordham hospital
It was said that there was a fair
chance of her recovery.
Troops Fire on Nicaraguans,
San Juan Del Bur, Nicaragua, Nov.
15. Troops who were called out to
suppress a political demonstration at
Leon met with resistance and swept
the streets with grape and canister.
Many persons were killed or wounded,
She Leads a C.impaign
to Help tho Red Crfl-is.
Eft- ' :-i,:Wi
New York, Nov. 15. Tho general
endowment fund of the American Red
Cross society, by which the society
hopes to plnce Its work on n firmer
and more efficient basis, is growing
rapidly, according to Miss Mabel T.
Boardmnn of tho society's executive
committee, who has been constantly
supervising this work.
The cities of the country are asked
to contribute 10 cents per capita.
It has been decided to try out the
plan first In New York and that the
apportionment of the part of the fund
to be raised was made on n basis of
5.000,000 population. The endowment
fund committee's reiort for Oct. 31
shows that $-121,500 of tho $500,000 to
be raised here has been subscribed.
This amount has been subscribed by
thirty persons.
The endowment fund committee
seeks to raise ?2,000,000 for the Amer
ican Red Cross. In other countries
Japan heads the list with a fund of
$S,OSO,005, including, as in tho other
cities, the estimated value of property.
I-mnee lias a runit or if4.-ta.4iu; l rus-
sla, S4.SS9.048. and the otlior German
states. S2.54S.2G5. Austria's fund to
tals $2,474,577. Italy has $1,547,543
and Hungary $S0S,392.
Detectives Mads Five Prisoners In Up
town Italian Colony.
New York. Nov. 15. Acting upon
complaints made to the detective bu
reau. Lieutenants Pundero, Cassettl
and Degilllo went to the Italian colo
ny at One Hundred nnd Sixth nnd One
Hundred and Tenth streets, near
First and Second avenues, to look for
men carrying revolvers and concealed
weapons. They took five prisoners to
police headquarters.
Stanislaus Napolltano nnd Vinccnzo
Costello, twenty-one years old, were
seen arguing In a hallway and were
arrested. Napolltano, the detectives
sny. had a steel file In his possession.
The other prisoners were Talolo Cice
ro, Vim-enzo Clncio nnd Frencenco No
vanstn. Cicero. It is said, carried a
large knife and Clncio a small billy.
The third man. It is charged, was arm
ed with a stiletto.
In Texas a Farmer and a Restaurant
Keeper Are Dead.
Vustin, Tex., Nov. 15. A Mexican,
Damiau Rios, who kept a restaurant
at Glddlngs. thirty miles east of here.
was assassinated as he was on his
way home.
Much excitement exists among the
Mexicans of the Manor community,
fifteen miles east of here, over the as
sassination of a Mexican farmer by
two negro boys.
Pleads Guilty as" German Spy.
London, Nov. 15. Lieutenant Sieg
fried Helm, the German array officer
who was arrested charged with hav
ing made sketches of the fortifications
of Pnrtsmonth harbor, pleaded guilty
and was placed under bonds of $1,250
not to repeat the offense.
Hair Monstrosities.
French theater managers In the
eighteenth century had worso evils
than picture hats to contend against.
Marie Antoinette, who waa short even
according to French standards, set the
fashion of high coiffures, and ultra
fashionable women prided themselves
on measuring four feet from their
chins to tho tops of their heads.
These structures took about six hours
to erect, the hairdresser mounting
ladder in tho process. Some coiffures
were almost as broad as they were
long, with wings sticking out about
eight Inches on each side of tho bead.
For tho "frigate" coiffure the hair was
rippled in a hugs plla- to represent tho
waves of an angry sea and surmount
ed by a fully rigged ship. As a con
sequence of these monstrosities dis
turbances in theaters occurred almost
dally until an ordinance was Issued
against the admission of women with
high coiffures to the Door of the bouse.
Chicago News.
Won money knocks, by nun or star,
I nin't uxln'; "Who ilar? Who darf
I rise up. thlnkln' er Ue honeycomb,
An" I tell 'lm: "Make yo'se'f at home.
"Come right In
Out Ue shine an' (low.
De easy cheer
u le one for you I"
Atlanta Constitution.
Russian's Gondltion Said to
Be Precarious.
After Leaving Schamardinaky, Whers
He Visited His Sister, . He Was
Stricken and Compelled to
Leave the Train.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 15. Count Tol
stoi has left Schamardlnsky, whither
he went merely to pay a visit to his
sister. He stnrted out north with the
evident Intention of going to Sweden
but was stricken with Illness on a
train and compelled to alight at a
town which Is In the government of
The condition of the count is said to
bo precarious. His temperature has
reached 104, It Is reported, and h has
refused to be taken to a hospital from
the railway station. He Is attended
by Dr. Makovetsky and his daughter
London, Nov. 15. A dispatch from
St. Petersburg says Hint It is reported
that nftcr a brief stay In a monastery
Count Tolstoi will proceed to Cannd.i
to Join the Dukhobors, followers of bis
Trouble With the Chauffeurs Probably
Will End Soon.
New York, Nov. 15. The rumor that
the striking expressmen who returned
to work would he discharged if they
came wearing union buttons and
would not be reinstated proved to lie
a false alnrm.
Some of the drivers who returned to
one or two of the stables of the ex
press companies In Jersey City were
told by some of tho minor officials
that they would have to take off their
buttons or quit. They chose to quit,
1nf snmn nf tho nfflelnla higher nn
countermanded that decision
me returning strikers not oniy wore
their union buttons In returning to '
work in Manhattan, but some of them i
also wore a union hat purchased for
the occasion. The police department
early was notified that the strike was
called off, and 2,270 police who were
on strike duty will be transferred to
normal duty.
The chauffeurs still are Idle. They
struck In sympathy and then demand
ed n closed shop, going a step higher
than the expressmen, who went back
to work on an open shop basis.
Mayor Ouynor said he had confer
ences with representatives of both
sides In the chauffeurs' strlko and thnt
conferences were going on which he
believed would result In ending the
chauffeurs' strike.
In Paris the Water Is Far Above the
Normal Mark.
Paris, Nov 15. After remaining sta
tionary all night the river Seine ha
started to rise again at a very slow
rato. The water at the Pont Royal hn
reached a height of 0.11 meters. Tin
normal height Is 2.48 meters. Durini:
the destructive floods of January last
the maximum height reached was !).30.
In the chamber of deputies one of
the members representing the depart
ment of Seine charged that the com
mlttee which had been appointed after
the floods last winter to examine into
the case had reported urging certain
action and that nothing had been done.
M. Pusch, minister of public works, In
reply said that effective measures had
been taken by the government to pre
vent the Hooding of the sewers and the
underground railways.
Truck Driver Fought With Hia Hands
When Attacked.
New York, Nov. 15. As he was sink
ing into unconsciousness Thomas Le
han, a young "Williamsburg truck driv
er, rallied his last hit of strength nnd
slowly throttled n vicious bulldog to
death after a battle In which his right
arm, his throat and his face had been
mangled by the Infuriated brute.
He waB found In a swoon beside tin
dead dog by a policeman half an hour
later and rushed to the Long Island
College hospital, where It Is feared
that ' his chances for recovery are
Wife Charged With Attempt to Poison
Husband to Face Court Soon.
Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 15.-At a
conference of attorneys for the prose
cution and defense to bo held today
the time of tho preliminary hearing of
Mrs. Farnsworth Schenck, charged
with the attempted poisoning of her
husband, J. O. Scheuck, tho mllltun
alre packer, will bo decided upon.
Attorney J. P. O'Brien, chief conn
lei for the defense, would not give any
Playing Indian, Shoots Girl,
New York, Nov. 15,Playlng Indlun
ivlth a gun which ho did not know
was loaded twelve-year-old Frederick
Dinger Bhot seventeen-year-old Rose
I.cntz In the right eye, and It Is feared
at the German hospital In Hempstead,
where the girl was taken, that she
may lose the sight of the other eye as
Analysis of Games Shows Kick
er's Work Counts Most.
Revised Regulations Tend to Eliminate
Line Plunging and Mass Moves.
Sprnckllng's Booting Beat Yalo
Seller's, Chicago and Indiana.
The toe Is the thing hi new football.
Without a good kicker the averago
team stands a poor show of harvest
ing any laurels. Never before in tho
history of American college football
has tho importance of a reasonably
sure drop or placo kicker been empha
sized bo strongly as this season.
Under the new roles the attack has
been weakened to such nn extent that
It is next to impossible to gain ground
consistently by rushing If two elevens
nre reasonably well matched. The old
time marches down the field have
been conspicuous by their absence this
year, nnd scoring by so called straight
football has become almost a lost art
Good Kicker Essential.
Under the circumstances u good drop
or place kicker is essential to any
team as the only means In many
cases of bringing about a score. The
coaches have not been slow to recog
nize this fact, and more attention has
been paid this season to developing
from two to five men who can be
called upon when occaslou demands
than ever before. The trouble Is that
under tho stress nnd excitement of a
big game the men fail to do what ap
pears to bo so easy in practice, and It
strikes one that some of the coaches
are not paying enough attention to
their drop and place kickers In the
dally scrimmage work.
It Is one thing to drop a ball over
tho bar between goal posts or to make
a kick from placement In practice,
with plenty of time at the disposal of
I the player; It Is another thing to drop
from tl. floId or kIck ono from
innnmpnr wi, n(,P,is must nml when
the nlnyer ,s kely t0 be hurried or '
slightly Interfered with in getting the
ball away. Dartmouth was counting
on Barends to beat Princeton because
of his striking ability to kick goals
from placement. It has been no effort
at all for this player to kick five out
of six In practice with remarkable ac
curacy and precision, but he failed In
four attempts against Princeton for
tho reason no doubt that the work
had to be done so hurriedly with the
Princeton forwards charging through
that any novice might hnve done as
well. This is not said to cast any re
flection on the skill of Barends, but Is
used only as an illustration, and many
other examples could have been picked
Harvard failed in four tries nt field
goals against West Point, Yale In two
against Brown. Sprackllng, on the con-
trary, kicked four out of live for
Brown ngainst Yale, ono not counting
because of a foul. To correct this fault
some coaches would do well to devote
a certain part of the scrimmage work
each day to kicking goals from the
field or from placement when tho
player would be just as hurried as in
an actual game. The men get plenty of
practice off by themselves In the nrt of
kicking, but not enough in actual for
mation work.
Toe Men In the West.
Otto Seller of the University of Illi
nois defeated the Maroons, and again
it was Otto, the selfsame kicker, who
put Indiana off the map.
Minnesota has not depended on any
particular kicker to win its games, as
this has not been necessary, but it is
quite likely that one will be needed in
the Michigan game should the teams
be anywhere near equal. Many of the
teams seem to have found a kicker
mighty handy under the new interpre
tation of the rules. This phase of the
pastime has, of course, opened up the
game more than was thought probable
early In the season, although lino
plunging and semi-mass plays have by
no means been eliminated.
Champion Receives Offer to Appear on
Stage In Paris.
Jack Johnson, world's champion J
pugilist, with n $20,000 guarantee of
fered, Is likely to look over the foot- 1
lights of Paris before the winter ends
and incidentally will try to show some
of the French nnd English lighters that
there are a few kluks in the fight game
with which they are not yet familiar. 1
Johnson recently received a wire
from Paris making the big offer, with
round trip transportation for four.
Johnson will go west again before
crossing the water. )
"I will be in England in April, any
,Vay," said Johnson, ''so I might as well
"kip over, collect the coin and give tho
Parisians n glimpse of tho real stuff.
Just whom I meet is of little concern.
I hope they uncover something classy.
It would liven things up, for I eeo no
chance of a good bout lu this country."
Giant End Needed Under New Rules.
Big, powerful ends are essential un
der the new rules. Tho most success
ful teams Harvard, Michigan, Minne
sota and Princeton all havo ends
weighing 180 pounds. Little ends get
bruised up and aren't so successful in
boxing tackles so dodging backs can
make pud runs.
Cercrronlnl Weddings Taboo.
Though most entertainments la
London arc getting more elaborate
and extravagant owing, as many
think, to the Invasion of rich Ameri
cans, weddings are simpler than over.
It Is no longer considered good form
to mako a lavish display at a wedding;,
as It Is well known that both tho
queen and queen mother disapprove
of ostentation at such ceremonies.
Tho Difference.
Forgiveness doesn't rush around
and show the same disposition to vio
late tho speed ordinance which char
acterizes rovengo. Atchison Globe,
Stlckley-Brandt" Furniture Is
the kind that serves you
longest and best.
Only $7.85
For this handsome Library Table In the
Golden Quartered Oak, Polish finish, 38
Inches Ion?, 24 Inches wide, beveled top
French stylo lees, shaped undcrshelf
wide and deep drawer. Every detail of
construction strictly higb-erade. Hand
somer In design, better in material, work
znanship and finish than similar tables
that retail from iio.SO to $12.00
Carefully packed and shipped
freight charges prepaid$7.85.
For 500 other styles of dependable
Furniture at factory prices see our
new catalogue. Send for one.
You will make money
uy Having me.
u Bethany, Pa.
Roll of
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of the
Wayne County
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Office: Foster Block 9th nnd
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Trains leave Union depot at 8.25
a. m. and 2.48 p. m., week days.
Trains arrive Union depot at 1.(0
and 8.05 p. m. week days.
Saturday only, Erie and Wyoming
arrives at 3.45 p. m. and leaves at
5.50 p. m.
Sunday trains leve 2.48 and ar
rive at 7.03.