The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 18, 1910, Image 4

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Kuteti'il ns secoml-olnds matter, nt tholiost
otllce. Huncsiliilo. l'a.
FRIDAY, XOY. 18, 1010.
Ordinance No. 15. Fire Alarm
Signals, section 1. The steam gong
shall bo sounded only nt 12 M. noon
and In case of nn alarm of lire. For
GENERAL ALARM, the gong will
for fire about TWELFTH STREET
BRIDGE one long nnd one short
blast at Intervals of ten seconds
; for fire BETWEEN 12T1I
long and two short blasts at inter
vals of ten seconds, ; for
fire BELOW 7TII, one long and threo
short blasts at Intervals of ten sec
onds ; for flro OUT
long blasts
Regret over the defeat of C. C.
Pratt Is heard on all sides as his
character as a man and his record as
Congressman were above reproach.
His defeat was due to the endorse
ment of Klpp by the managers of
the Keystone movement. Many Re
publicans In their eagerness to
vote for Mr. Berry for Governor,
forgot to place their mark opposite
the name of C. C. Pratt, who was
defeated by about 600 votes.
Religious services were resumed
In ninny of the churches, throughout
the great Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, last Sunday. Pulpits which
had, for the time being, relegated the
glorious gospel of salvation to the
background, again returned to the
Word of God for their texts and laid
aside for the uonce the yellow Journ
als whence they drew their pre-elec
tlon themes, and from whose pages
they got their sermons, material and
inspiration. Church-goers can again
occupy their pews with the assur
ance that they will hear the old-
fashioned gospel preached.
"When the Devil was sick, the de
vil a monk would be, when the devil
was well, the devil a monk wad he,"
runs an old proverb. We would like
to know if these men, who induced
the clergy to convert their pulpits
Into political rostrums, will be as
faithful attendants upon divine ser
vices when sensational topics will
not be the rule, when the annual
subscription lists are passed around,
when pews are offered . for sale,
when special offerings are to be re
ceived as they were when self in
terest prompted them to frequent the
house of God. Let us wait and see!
I believe in my job. Rev.
Charles Stelzle.
The kind of faith that Dr. Stelzle
expresses here Is, in a very practical
sense, saving faith, according to the
Harrisburg Patriot. It saves men
and women from failure and insures
success. The man who does not be
lieve in his Job will not be faithful
to it nor loyal to his master, wheth
er the job be to win souls or to
mend shoes; whether the master of
the job ho a man or his Maker.
The man who does not believe in
his job Is an unprofitable servant,
whether he is working for himself
or another. Ho does his work so
indifferently that ho la sure to lose
his job. If working for another he
is the first to go when any one has
to go. If in business for himself, he
Is among the first to be overwhelmed
when hard times come.
If ho believes in his job and does
it so well that ho shows he Is cap
ablo of holding a better one, ho Is
sure to get it. There Is always a
Job for efficient and willing hands.
This is not a matter of luck, of in
fluence, or favoritism. It is busi
ness; it is inevitable. There are
practically no exceptions. If the
man who believes In his Job and is
faithful and efficient In it, has an
employer who is too blind to seo his
worth, or too mean and selfish to ac
knowledge it, somo other employer
will recognize it and his turn will
In exalted station or menial po
sition, it is the same. Tho lady who
does not believe in her Job, who does
not use her opportunities to noble
ends; who Is frittering away her life
in social frivolities. Is not really any
happier than tho unfaithful servant
of whom she complains and who does
not believe in her Job either. When
mistress and maid both beliovo In
their jobs they stay together for
years, perhaps for a lifetime, mutu
ally helpful, each honoring tho oth
er. A sure recipe for happiness Is: Be
liovo In your Job, do your level best
In it, so as to bo ready for tho bet
tor ono when it comes.
In a hurry use the Bell.
Advanced From Sheer Merit And Not
From Favoritism Will he nl
(rm'o Church Xc.t Tuesday.
Tho Right Reverend Robert Lewis
Paddock, D. D.. who Is to be ono of
the speakers nl tho meeting of the
Archdeaconry of Scrnnton, in Grnce
church, Ilonesdale, next Tuesday,
comes of a rnce of Bishops, but was
himself appointed Bishop of Eastern
Oregon not becnuse his father had
been Bishop In tho then territory of
Washington, or because his uncle
had been tho predecessor of tho
great Phillips Brooks as Bishop of
Massachusetts, but because as soon
nB ho began his work in the ministry,
he showed qualities of most romark-
abio energy and originality. His
very first work Indicated tho estimate
In which ho was hold by his fellow
students, for they chose him to be
the national field-secretary of the
Church Students' Missionary Society
of America, a position which Involv
ed visiting the principal colleges and
universities In tho country and ad
dressing tho students. But it was
when In chargo of a church in tho
lower East Side In New York city
that ho startled the country by a
single-handed defiance of tho police
department because of their heart
less countenancing of tho shameful
traffic in human beings which was go
ing on within tho limits of his par
ish. Powerful helpers Boon camo to
his aid, notably Bishop Pottor, and
the result was a political overturn
In Now York city.
But the most remarkable achieve
ment of tho young clergyman was in
taking what seemed a hopelessly run
down and down town parish, tho
Church of tho Holy Apostles, tho cor
ner of Ninth Avenue nnd 28th street,
New York, and the electrifying Into
It new life. From tho sleepy ship
ping place of a mero handful, it be
came the center of a most varied and
beneficial institutional and social ac
tivity. Clubs of all sorts, homes for
working girls, clnsses for self-Improvement,
civic organizations for the
training of men into better citizen
ship were started and vigorously
maintained and increased by this
tireless and most resourceful and
consecrated leader. And the old
church filled up with worshippers. A
large staff of men and women were
added to help. A real influence for
good was exerted in a quarter of the
city which was most difficult to work
in. From this career of noteworthy
usefulness it was not strange that
such a man should have been chosen
by the House of Bishops to under
take tho most difficult work in sight,
that of organizing and building up
the new missionary jurisdiction of
Eastern Oregon.
Business was at a standstill in
Dickson City while the entire popu
lation of the place paid homage to
the memory of Albert Henne, who
died suddenly while hunting near
Preston Park last week. Services
were held In St. Thomas' church at
9:30 o'clock, Rev. Father Geraghty
celebrating a solemn high mass of
requiem, Rev. Father Smoulter
and Rev. Father Coxe being deacon
and sub-deacon, respectively. It was
one of the largest funerals over held
in the borough and the floral of
ferings were many and beautiful.
They comprised casket bouquets
from the E. Robinson and Steg
maler breweries; cross and anchor,
Mrs. O'Leary and Mrs. Melody; cas
ket bouquet, Oharlcs Cummlngs;
casket bouquet, pupils of the Dick
son City High school; bouquet,
teachers of the Dickson City High
school; bouquet, Elmer Slocum.
The pall-bearers were: Peter Mun
ley, James Okey, Frank Welland,
John Murphy, John Betzel and Wal
ter Scott. Tho flower-bearers were:
Joseph Frayne, Robert Harr, Chas.
Cummlngs, Frederick Breen, Frank
O'Connor and Clair McPherson.
Aaron Powell, aged sixty-six
years, and a former resident of
Honesdale, died in Jersey City Sun
day. Ray B. Doming aged 19 years,
youngest son of T. D. Doming, of
Olyphant avenuo, died Saturday,
October 22. He was born in Mt.
Pleasant township, Wayne county,
August 1C. 1891. His narents re
sided In Mt. Pleasant until April 1,
iuy, wnen they moved to Scran
ton. Ray B. Doming secured em
ployment with tho Lackawanna Rail
road company as a clerk In the
freight department and was on the
way to moro responsible positions
in tho service of that corporation
when death cut his activities short.
Ho was a young man of strong char
acter, uncompromising In tho right.
Wherever he was known ho was re
spected. Ho Is survived by his
parents and one brother, Edwin A.
Deming, of Scranton. Tho funeral
services were conducted at tho resi
dence by Rev. Charles M. Olmstead,
D. D pastor of tho Asbury Methodist
Episcopal church. Tho body was
taken to Pleasant Mount for burial
near tho spot whero tho young man
was born. Six members of tho Sun
day school class which ho attended,
acted as pall-bearers.
Mrs. Lizzie P. Starnea (neo Scud-
der) died Wednesday afternoon at
4:30 o'clock, at tho home of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles II. Rockwell, 315 Fif
teenth street. Sho had been visit
ing at tho Rockwell home since last
Juno, hor restdenco'bolng Elnarda,'
Chicago, in. Sho was 73 years and
ten months of ago. She was born in
Pottsvlllo, N. Y. Tho immediate
cause of her death was angina pec
toris. A sister, Mrs. Charles II.
Rockwell, Honesdale, n son, Vance
Starnea, Bethany, and a daughter,
Mrs. Haley, Elnarda, Chicago, 111.,
survlvo to mourn her departure.
Funeral services will bo hold Friday
afternoon at 3 o'clock from tho Rock
well homo, Rev. W. H, Swift, D. D
olllclatlng. Sincere sympathy is felt
for tho family in their hpur of eoro
Moonbeam I Moonbeam!
For threo hours Wednesday night
the moon was eclipsed. For an hour,
beginning at 6:55 o'clock, tho moon
was completely hidden by tho earth's
A month's "mind mass" for the
late Fathcu- William Dassel, rector of
St. Mary Magdalen's Roman Catho
lic church, was celebrated In the
church he loved so well, and whose
people he served so faithfully for
so many years, Thursday morning,
November 17. The office of the dead
was said at 10 o'clock and at 10:30
Mass was sung.
Father Peter Christ, of South Side,
Scranton, said the mass, and Mon
slgnor T. F. Coffey, Carbondale,
spoke a few eulogistic words.
The deacon of the mass was Fath
er William Brehle, Plttston; sub-deacon,
Father Charles Von Welden,
Luzerne borough; master of cere
monies, Father Lewis Schraltt,
Nlppanose Valley; Rov. Charles Goec
kel will sing tho libra. The bene-
Fifteenth Annual Convention of
Wayne County Directors Will
Bo Held To-Day and To
morrow. The school directors of Wayne
county meet In fifteenth annual con
vention at the High School Audi
torium, Church street, Friday, No
vember 18. Threo sessions have
been arranged for, the first of which
takes place 1:45 o'clock Friday af
ternoon. In tho evening. Dr. Ed
ward Emherst Ott will deliver his
famous lecture, entitled "The Spend
ers." The third and final session
will be held Saturday morning at
9 o'clock.
The program in full Is as follows:
Friday, Nov. 18, 1:45 p. m. An
nual Address of President; "Pub
lic Health," Dr. I. W. Howerth; reg
istration; address, Dr. C. T. McFar
lane. 8: p. m. Lecture: "Tho Spend
ers," Dr. Edward Amherst Ott.
Saturday, 9 a. m. Readiug of
Minutes, Secretary A. M. Leine; re
port of nomination committee; elec
tion of officers; report of Stato Con
vention, Dr. A. J. Simons; Address,
Judge A. T. Searlo; address, Attor
ney F. P. Kimble; general discussion
opened by the president; question
The call for tho annual conven
tion runs like this:
A cordial Invitation Is extended
to every school director to be pres
ent at this annual meeting. It Is
desired that at least a majority of
tho directors of every district will
The law allows each school, di
rector who attends tho annual con
vention, compensation at the rate
of $2.00 per day and mileage at the
rato of three cents per mile to be
paid out of tho funds of tho dis
trict which ho, serves.
Directors are requested to take
an active part in the general discus
sions and lay bforo tho convention
all tho difficulties that are continu
ally confronting them in their re
spective districts. An excellent
program has been prepared for this
Each director is entitled to free
admission to the evening lecturo for
hlniBelf and lady.
Tho officers of tho Directors' As
sociation are:
President, R. M. Stocker, Hones
dalo; first vice-president, T. F. Dunn,
Mount Pleasant; second vice-president,
Edward Deltzer, Ilonesdale;
secretary, A. M. Lolno, Honesdale;
treasurer, Fred Saunders, Hones
dale. Directors Dr. A. J. Simons, New
foundland; A. W. Eno, Seelyvillo;
Gcorgo Ehrhardt, Newfoundland; I.
J. Many, Bethany; and Reuben Lan
caster, South Sterling, attended tho
stato association meeting hold at
Harrisburg last February.
Tho Program Committco consists
of Harry J. Atkinson, Hnwloy; E.
R. Bodlo, Prompton; J. J. Koehler,
Advertised Letters.
Lcttors remaining uncalled for
in tho Honesdale postofllce, Novem
ber 14, are:
Mr. Benn Wise.
Mr. Royal Williams.
dlctus was sung by all the priests.
Among the priests in tho sanct
uary wero Monslgnor Rev. John
O'Malley, Plttston; Rev. Thomas M.
Hanley, Rev. Edward Burke, Rev.
George Thomas Forve, Honesdale;
Rev. Henry Burke, Hawley; Rev.
John Griffin, Wilkes-Barre; Rev.
John Krewett, WIIkes-Barre.
Tho church was crowded to the
doors with former parishioners and
friends of Father Dassel. As the
solemn office of tho dead was chant
ed many could not restrain their
emotions, and tears trlckeled down
their cheeks. "Blessed are the dead
that die In the Lord, yea from
henceforth, for they rest from their
labors and their works do follow
Walter Lankan Will Not Have to
I-ace Homicide Charge.
Deposit, N. Y., Nov. 10. Walter
Langan, who shot and killed Alfred
P. Thompson, has been exculpated
by tho coroner's Jury, which found
that tho shooting was accidental.
According to the testimony Lan
gan, Thompson, George Simmons
and Richard Drake wero nil in the
room together and Langan, who had
a revolver, accidentally pulled the
trigger. Langan came here from
Honesdalo recently.
nual meeting Wayne County School
Directors' Association at 1:45 p. m.
Evening: Lecture by Dr. Edward
Amherst Ott in II. S. Auditorium 8
p. m. Subject: "The Spenders."
Admission 35 cents. Pupils 25c.
Friday afternoon. Capt. James
Ham Circle, ladies of the G. A. R.,
will meet at tho homo of Miss Jen
nlo Ball, at threo o'clock, at which
time election of officers for the en
suing year will bo held. A full at
tendance is desired.
BER 19. Directors' Association
meeting at 9 a. in.
Moving pictures at Lyric Theatre
In tho evening.
vlno services in Honesdale churches.
Seo "Church News."
ing pictures at Lyric Theatre.
Scranton Archdeaconry meets in
Graco church. Sessions, morning,
afternoon and evening.
Dudley-Ruck Concert Co.
Tho Dudley-Buck Concert Com
pany appeared before a largo audi
ence at tho Lyric Theatre Wednes
day evening, nnd gave a splendid
entertainment. Miss Turrell charm
ed all with her rich, full contralto
voice. Tho manager was impressed
by tho largo and cultured audlenco
who showed their appreciation of
tho program by repeated encores.
Stato of Ohio, City or Toledo,
Lucas County, SS.:
Frank J. Chenoy makes oath that
he is senior partner of the firm of
F. L. Choney & Co., doing business
In tho City of Toledo, County and
State aforesaid, and that said flrr
wlll pay tho sum of ONE HUNDREL
DOLLARS for each and every case o
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
uso of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before mo and subscrib
ed in my presenco, this Cth day of
December, A. D. 1880.
(Seal) A. W. GLEASON.
Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, and acts directly on thr
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Send for testimonials free.
Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Thanksgiving Put Into Practice.
"Homo Is tho nntural objective
point for ovoryono nt tho Thanks
giving soason," says Margarot E.
Sangstor In Woman's Homo Compan
ion for November. "This Is why tho
stranger fnr from kinsfolk and fn-
mlllar friends Is especially lonely
nmld general morry making. Widen
tho circle so that it mny includo at
your dinner tablo your boy's chum
who can not cross tho continent to
bo with his own people on tho hnppy
day. Let your daughter Invito from
college two or threo of her girl
friends to shnro Thanksgiving with
"Not long ago a man told mo
that when first he loft homo to be
come a clerk In a department store
In Philadelphia nothing has touched
him as the thoughtful kindness of
his employer s wife, who never for
got to invite him to hor homo on
holidays, assuring him that he wns
as welcome at her Thanksgiving din
ner as If ho had been a boy of her
Much Sickness Due to Bowel Disorder
A doctor's first question when con
sulted by a patient Is, "Are your bow-
cIb regular?" He knows that OS pet
cent of Illness Is attended with Inac
tive bowels and torpid liver, nnd that
this condition must be removed gently
and thoroughly before health can be
restored. "
Ileiall Orderlies are n positive, pleas
ant and safe remedy for constipation
and bowel disorders In general. We
are so certain of their great curative
value that we promise to return the
purchaser's money in every case when
they fail to produce entire satisfaction.
Rexall Orderlies nre eaten like can
dy, they net quietly, and have a sooth
ing, strengthening, healing Influence
on the entlro Intestinal tract. They do
not purge, gripe, cause nausea, flatu
lence, excessive looseness, diarrhoea or
other annoying effect. They are espe
cially good for children, weak persons
or old folks. Two sixes, 25c. nnd 10c.
Bold only at our store The Rexall Store.
- H - OOO - H - fOOO - H -
A bank account Is like a snowbalI--roII it gently
along and it will get larger (.almost without your
noticing it) as the days go by. Like the snowball,
too, the hardest work is making the first deposit, giv
ing it the first push, after which the initial impetus
gains as the ball runs down, the bank account rolls
up. We want to help you with your financial snow
Keystone Block Honesdale, Pa.
New SVSodei Autumn Tailor
Suits for Ladies and
Ladles' Junior and Misses'
Nobby Coats. Lato Shapes.
Sepnrato Jackets and Skirts New
est In style, best In Goorts.
Ladies9 Silk
cess Dresses.
from headquarters.
"There are ways of widening tho
circle without necessarily going In
to the highways and by-ways nnd
bringing In tho halt nnd tho blind.
If. thoro Is among your friends a
washorwomnn who works hard to
feed and clothe her children, a senm
stress whoso earnings barely cover
her needs, If there nro orphnn chil
dren In whom you tnke nn Interest,
see to It that you share Thanksgiv
ing with them In an unobtrusive
wny of sending good cheer. I say,
Intentionnlly, nmong your friends.
It Is a barren life where sympathy
Is confined to a single set of peoplo
and unless we hnvo friends nmong
all classes and conditions we are to
bo pitied for our narrowness."
Subscribe for Tho CITIZEN.
You will eventually do your shop
ping in Honesdale. Start now!
Appetite Gone
Indigestion Is tho Cause of It G. W.
Pell Has the Cure.
Peoplo go on suffering from llttlo
stomach troubles for years and Im
agine they have a serious disease.
They over eat or over drink and
force on the stomach a lot of extra
But they never think that tho
stomach needs extra help to do extra
If these peoplo would take two
MI-O-NA stomach tablets with or
after meals stomach misery would
go in five minutes and they would be
a great big help to tho stomach In
Its strain of overwork.
MI-O-NA is guaranteed by G. W.
Pell to cure Indigestion or any stom
ach disease or money back.
MI-O-NA for belching of gas.
MI-O-NA for distress after eating.
MI-O-NA for foul breath.
MI-O-NA for biliousness.
MI-O-NA to wake up the liver.
MI-O-NA for heartburn.
MI-O-NA for sick headache.
MI-O-NA for nervous dyspepsia.
MI-O-NA after a banquet.
MI-O-NA for vomiting In preg
nancy. MI-O-NA for car or sea-sickness.
Fifty cents a large box at G. W
Pell's and druggists everywhere.
fOOO - M - fOOO - ft
and Semi-Prin-
in all; departments