The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 18, 1910, Image 2

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    TBS C1TIZ1CN, fuidav, novkmiikii IS, 1010.
Delegates from Eovcntcon leagues
representing ten cities attended the
thirty-sixth annual convention of tho
Northeastern district of tho Pennsyl
vania division of tho Luther Leagues
of Americn, which opened Thursdny
morning in tho St. Paul's Evangelical
Lutheran church, on Wood street,
North Scranton. The delegates rep
resent leagues whoso total member
ship Is about 900.
The morning session which opened
nt 10:30 began with prayer by ltev.
Paul Kummer, of Scrnnton. Rev.
W. S. Heist, pastor of tho St. Paul's
church made the address of welcome,
while P. Walker Banker, of "Wllkcs
Barre, president of the league, re
sponded. A short session of the
business meeting was held nt which
the minutes of the previous meeting
were rend. The officers of the league
reported the financial standing of the
"The Luther League as an Edu
cator," was the subject assigned to
George A. nipple, of Honcsdnle. Ho
told of tho Sunday school work being
done and complimented the organi
zation upon Its support of Sunday
schools. He made a plea for more
funds for the Luther League paper
which Is now being published by the
general secretary.
Miss Violet Schmnltz rend a paper
on "Our Inner Mission Work." She
told of the work thnt Is being done
within tho various leagues of Pitts
ton. P. W. Hanker reported the pro
ceedings of the state convention re
cently hold In Myersvllle, Pa. L. D.
Ulrlch, of WIlkes-Bnrre, reported the
proceedings of the national conven
tion which was hold In Pittsburg.
Adjournment was then made, the
delegates retiring to the vestry rooms
of the . h.irch where the ladies served
a luncheon.
The afternoon session began at 2
o'clock with the following program
Devotlonnl services, Hew O. P. Ett
weln, of Noxen; short business ses
sion, and a report of the St. Paul's
League from Wllkes-Harre, and a
discussion of the 'affairs of the
The following leagues reported on
the following subjects at the after
noon's session. "Its Opportunity,"
by tho St. John's League, of Sayre.
"Its Responsibilities," by the St.
John's League, of Wilkes-Harre.
"Its Reward," by the St. Luke's
League, of Noxen. Adjournment was
then made.
The convention was continued In
the evening with the following pro
gram: Opening vesper service. Rev.
E. M. Heysher, of Sayre; address,
"America's Debt to Luther," Rev. J.
H. Reimensnyder, D. D., of Milton,
Pa.; address, "Tho Layman," Wal
ter Banker, of Wllkes-Harre; closing
vesrer services, adjournment.
Among the delegates attending the
corvention are the following: Miss
E.i C. Strauss, Miss Mabel Patter
son, Rev. E. M. Beysher, of Sayre;
Misses Annie Flower and Minnie
Courtney, of Gouldsboro; Georgo A.
Ripple, of Honesdale; Miss Minnie
Schultz, John Schwartz and Rev. G.
D. Reschke, of Plttston; Misses Min
nie Moyer, Sallie Hess, Elsie Faux,
Harvey Sonns and Willard Shortz, of
Hobbio; F. A. Zuern and C. M. Sar
ter", of Wapwallopen; Misses Martha
Banker, Sophie Ecker, Sophie Beine
man, Lottie Hoover, Emma Stein
hauer, Gertrude Steinhauer, Clara
Nonemacher, Margaret Rlchers, '
Louise Gimble, Mrs. L. D. Ulrlch,
Mr. Whitman, Martin Rau, Ira WIcs
Ing and Henry DIerolf, of Wilkes
Barre; Misses Florence Forback, El
sie Moteska, Anna Heidig, Mrs.
Helntzleman, Mrs. Bigger, Mrs. Krah
mer, Mrs. Hawk, George Yonker,
Martin Kummer, John Kltnback,
Charles Brown, William Schuler,
Mrs. E. Krelraberg, Jessie Proper,
Blanch Watrous, Miss Blickens, Edna
Poust, Florence Yost, Gladys Hard
ing and John Griener, of Scranton;
Mrs. R. S. Brosby, Mrs. It. Koclier,
Mrs. F. H. Osborne, Robert Eckel
berger and Harry Osborne, of Noxen;
Violet Schmaltz, Edna Renfer, Mrs.
Richards and J. P. Kuschel, of Pitts
ton. The following ministers were pres
ent: Rev. J. A. Bender, Rev. W. S.
Heist, Rev. C. F. Spleker, and Rev.
Paul Kummer, of Scranton; Rev. L.
D. Ulrlch, Rev. W. J. Nelson and
Rev. L. Llnderstruth, of Wllkes-Bar-re,
and Rev. E. M. Beysher, of Sayro.
Counterfeit Coin Circulated.
Hazleton, Pa., Nov. 12. United
States Commissioner C. F. Hill was
told today that many counterfeit
quarters are being circulated through
the lower end of the county. It Is
believed that the spurious money Is
made somewhere elBe and sent to
confederates hero to be circulated.
Recently a Clatlngton plumber was
arrested nnd sentenced to the Fed
eral Penitentiary at Levenworth,
Kansas, for two years because ho
made bad silver coin nnd tried to
pass it at the Lehlghton Fair with
the assistance of show men. Tho
latter informed the government and
secret service men caused the arrest
of the offender.
A Wedding Present.
A printer In making up the forms
In a hurry got a marrlago notice and
grocer's advertisement mixed up, so
that It read as follows: "John Brown
and Ida Grey were united In tho
flour by tho quarter or barrel, Mr.
Brown Is a well known codfish at
eightpence per pound, while tho
bride, Miss Grey, has orno nice
pig's feet, which will bo sold cheap
er than at any shop In town."
Pearson's Weekly.
A Very Sad Outlook.
Wo know somewhere
A turkey's living
Thnt wo will meet
About Thanksgiving.
And unless wo
Have got strabismus
Wo see another
Coming Christmas,
And there Is reason
For tho fears
That we'll get ono
About New Year's;
'Twould be nil right
Did it not mean
All of that turkey
Hash between I
Houston Post.
3 l
She Is Reported Encased
to Alfred Q. Vnnderbllt.
New York, Nov. 15. Mrs. Margaret
Emerson McKlm occupied the box of
Alfred G. Vnnderbllt nt the horse
show. Mrs. McKlm was divorced
from Dr. Smith Holdlns McKlm In
Reno last August, and since then slip
has been reported at various times to
bo engaged to Mr. Vanderbilt.
She was witli Walter Wcbb-Welr, at
torney of the international horse show
of London. He Is a friend of Mr. Van
derbilt. Other friends of Mrs. McKlm
and Mr. Vnnderbllt declared her np-1
Ionrance In the Vanderbilt box was
not significant nnd that they were not
On His Pledges Miss Gladys Bradley
Will Wed Him.
New York, Nov. 15. William Thaw
3d, nephew of Harry Thaw, has satis
lied Miss Gladys W. Bradley of
Bridgeport, Conn., of his good Inten
tions with respect to Old John Barley
corn. Miss Bradley accompanied
young Thaw to tho marriage license
olllee In the city hall, where they pro
cured a permit to wed.
"We expect to be mnrried Dec. 1,"
declared ThHW. "I am on the water
wagon for good."
When Thaw ashed Miss Bradley to
marry him sho withheld her nnswer
for n time. She conferred with her
sister, Mth. A. J. Drexol Biddle of
Philadelphia, and it is said that Mrs.
Riddle sought out Mrs. Thaw 3d and
told her frankly thnt unless some
pledges be made Miss Bradley would
not accept him.
Thaw gave his age as thirty-three
years. Miss Bradley said she was
twenty-ono years old.
In Curtlas Biplane Sails Two Miles
Before Landing.
Norfolk. Va., Nov. 15. Eugene Ely
In a Curtis biplane made the first
aeroplune flight on record from the
deck of n vessel.
From a point In lower Chesapeake
bay presumed to be about ten miles
from the Norfolk navy yard, his ob
jective point, Ely sailed from the deck
of the United States scout cruiser Bir
mingham, landing within fifteen mln
utcs afterward at Willoughby spit, n
narrow strip of sand about eight miles
from Norfolk.
When Ely flew from the deck of the
cruiser his biplane struck the water
nnd broke one of his propeller blades.
This forced him to make a landing
after he had traveled a distance of
about two miles. Ely was not Injured.
It Is probable that Ely will make the
second attempt to reach the navy yard
as soon as his flier Is repaired.
An Accident Caused Death, Jury Finds.
Warrant Is Quashed,
Wheollng, W. Va., Nov. 15.-"We,
tho coroner's Jury In tho ense of the
death of Rudolph Munk of tho West
Virginia football team, And that he
came to his death by accident during
u game played at Wheeling Nov. 1
he colliding with Thomas McCoy of
the Bethany college football team," is
the verdict that was reached at the
coroner's Inquest.
Attorneys for McCoy were present
and asked for the dismissal of tho
tharges against their client, and the
warrant thnt had been Issued against
young McCoy, whoso home Is nt Can
ton, O., was quashed.
Population Figures.
Washington, Nov. 15. The census
bureau has given out the following stn
tlstlcs; Augusta, Ga., 37,820, as com
pared with 39,441, a decrease of 4.1 per
cent, nnd Salt Lake City, Utah, 02,777,
against 5:1,531 in 1000, an Increase of
Gompers Scores Goffs De
cision on Injunctions.
"If Men De Forced to Work Whether
They Pleaio op Not the Laboring
Man le No Longer Free' Hie
Statement In a Report.
New York, Nov. 15. President Sam
uel Gompers of the American Federa
tion o'f Labor devotes a large part of
his annual report to Uie thirtieth con
vention of Uie federation nt St Louis
to an attack on court injunctions. Mr.
Gompers criticises Supreme Justice
Goff for the open shop decision wudo
during Uie garment workers strike and
slaps nt the Sixty-first congress for
falling to limit tho Injunction courts.
After calling attention to the growth
of the federation In this country, Can
ada nnd elsewhere and denying that
trade unionism Is nnrrow, President
Gompers takes up Justice Goffs open
shop decision.
"While this Judge's nctlon In this
case wns not taken seriously either by
the press or by tho public," Mr. Gom
pers said, "It served to show tho ne
cessity thnt exists for a state restrain
ing the abuse of power by Judges,
federal and state, particularly In the
Issuance of the Injunctions by which
the liberties of the citizens when these
citizens are wngeworkers are outra
geously Invaded and denied.
"It is not amiss here to call atten
tion to the fact thnt. If workmen may
be denied by injunction or by any
other process tho right to leave their
employment either singly or In associ
ation In a desire to secure n union
shop, if they mny be restrained by an
Injunction from striking In sympathy
with their fellow workers. If they may
be enjoined from striking for any rea
son whatever, the difference between
the so called free workmen nnd the
workmen who must yield obedience to
their masters, slaves, has disappeared.
The only reason for slave holding Is to
compel men to work."
The annual report of .Secretary Mor
rison says that there were 1,5C1,'151
members of the federation nt the close
of the fiscal year Sept. 30, 1010, a gain
of 8,000 over last year, but 100,000
smaller than the biggest year, 1004.
The federation has a reserve fund of
$183,000. There were 875 strikes In
the Inst year, of which 470 were won,
259 are pending, 81 were compromised,
and 02 were lost.
Bloodhounds on Trail of Careless
Mellen, Wis., Nov. 15. Bloodhounds
are lending a posse of armed woods
men on the trail and closing In on an
unidentified hunter who shot nnd kill
ed City Clerk Louis Oleson of Abbots
ford, apparently under the Impression
that he whs a deer. Sheriff Klein
stelber, who is in charge of the posse,
Is determined to rid this locality of
careless hunters nnd obtained two
trained bloodhounds a short time ngo,
after another hunter was killed by
mistake, for use In just such an emer
gency. If Oleson's slayer Is enptured he
may be roughly handled, nnd the offi
cers are certain they will have u
strong case ngalnst him, for the rea
son that his victim wns wearing a red
coat and cap to lessen the chances of
any one mistaking him for a deer
New Jersey Court of Appeals Decides
Paokera Don't Have to Show Books.
Trenton, N. J., Nov. 15. The state
court of errors and appeals reversed
the decision of Supreme Court Justice
Swayze directing the National Pack
ing company and the other big pack
ing concerns to produce their book
before the Hudson county grand Jury.
The Hudson county grand Jury had
found Indictments against a number
of the ofllcluls of the packing concerns
on chnrges of conspiracy to maintain
high prices through the operation in
Hudson county of cold storage plants.
The grand Jury wanted to continue
Its probe and therefore sought the
production of the books.
Department of Public Works to Try to
Have Boats Get Through,
Albany. Nov, 15. Navigation on the
canals of the state will close trained!
ntely. It wns stated at the depart
ment of public works that efforts
would be made to enable canalboats
now on the way to reach their desti
nation before tho water In tho canals
Is withdrawn.
Johnny came homo the other night
In high glee, wearing tho arithmetic
"What Is that for?" asked his
"That's tho prize for doing exam
ples," said Johnny. "I did this one:
If our now baby weighs eleven nnd n
half pounds and gains an ounce each
day' 'cause you told Mrs. Smith she
did yesterday 'how much will sho
weigh when she's twenty years old?'
And the nnswer wns 400 pounds. And
tho teacher snld I earned the prize."
Christian Advocute.
Annual Football Game to Be
Played In Philadelphia Nov. 26.
Cadets Have On of Best Elevens ol
Season, While Sailor Have Only
Fair Team Contest Will Close 1910
When tho football warriors of the
Army and the Navy, representing the
United States Military academy at
West Point nnd tho Navnl academy at
Annnpolis, meet on neutral grouud In
Philadelphia Nov. 20 to fight their year
ly battle on the gridiron It will mark
the end of the football season for 1910.
The Army-Navy battle Is tho most un
certain game of tho year. It runs less
true to form. At the present writing
the gnme figures to be a walkover for
the West Pointers, who have one of
the best gridiron machines of the sea
son nnd by fnr the best that ever rep
resented the academy on the bank of
the historic Iludsou river. On tho oth
er hand, the sailors have only a fair
team, ono far below the usual fast
eleven which hulls from Annnpolis.
Still, the sailors always show 100 per
cent improvement when facing the ca
dets, and it Is not uullkcly that they
will put up their best exhibition on the
closing day of the, season.
Since 1890 tho sailors have played
fourteen games, of which one wus u
tie. The Army men have won seven
Last year the two teams did not play.
The game was called off on account of
the death of Cadet Byrne. Tho history
of the Army-Navy games Is as follows:
1890, Navy 24, Army 0; 1891, Army 32.
Navy 10; 1892, Navy 12, Army 4; 1893,
Navy C. Army 4; 1899, Army 17, Navy
0; 1000, Navy 11, Army 7; 1001, Army
11, Navy 5; 1002, Army 22, Navy 8;
103, Army 40, Navy 5; 1904, Army 11.
Navy 0; 1905, Army 0, Navy 0; 1000,
Navy 10, Army 0; 1007, Navy 0, Army
0; 1908, Army 0, Navy 4; 1909, no game.
Tho probable lineup of the two elev
ens Is: Army Left end, Wood; left
tackle, Devore; left guard, Walmsley;
center, Arnold; right gunrd, Weir; right
tackle, Llttlejohn; richt end, Illcks;
qunrterback, Hyatt; left halfback.
Dean; right hnlfback, Morris; fullback.
Surlcs. Navy Hamilton, left end;
King, left tncklo; Brown, left guard:
Wecnis, center; Wright, right guard:
Davis, right tackle; Gilchrist, right
end; Sowell, quarterback; Dalton, '.-'t
halfback; Clny or Cochran, right half
back; Itodes, fullback.
Terry Edwards' Long Career.
Terry Kdwards fought the four hun
dred nnd fiftieth battle of his ring ca
reer at tho Bergen Beach Athletl
club. New York, recently. The one
time Idol of Brooklyn, who still main
tains ho is tho 105 pound champion, is
still quick nnd nggresslve. He put up
a masterly bout for four rounds ngalnst
Lnvlgne, n clever young boxer, who
did his utmost to tiro tho veteran. The
tout was n good draw, however.
Lacrosse Team to Visit England.
There is a possibility that the crack
lacrosse team of the Crescent Athletic
club of New York will mnke a trip to
Great Hrlti. next spring. In 1897
this organization sent n team of thir
teen men abroad, and tho aggregation
did not lose any of tho thirteen games
played, tying lu ono and winning all
jgfaturday Qight
Rutland, Vt
International Bible Lesson for Nov.
20, '10 (Matt. 26:40-56).
There Is n Octhsemano In tho path
way of every man. He may bo con
scious of It or Ignorant of It; he may
try to prepare for It, or put It out of
his mind; ho mny meet it early, or ho
may meet It late, but sooner or later
he will walk down Into Its shadow of
death, nnd sweat blood. All mankind
Is divided Into these two classes, those
that have been In GctiiEemano, and
those who are going there. There. Is
no escape from this experience. Jesus
Christ the world's redeemer, could not
avoid It The brightest nnd the best
as well as the dullest and the worst
march through those grim portals,
solitary and alone. Death Is only a
circumstance comparod with that;
when one has drank the cup of tho
garden the quintessence of bitterness
has been drained. Henceforth they
are marked men. Whether one drinks
that cup for his own sins, or for tho
Bins of others, Uie effect Is always
the same.
Greatness Not Exempt.
That Is a superficial view of life
which looks upon greatness as ex
empted from suffering, and which re
gards tears as an evidence of weak
ness. The greatest men tho world
has ever known have been the most
tenderhearted and human. GrcatnesB
does not consist In stoical indiffer
ence to suffering. Was Washington
weak when ho knelt in the snows of
Valley Forgo and prayed for tho as
sistance of the God of Battles? Was
Lincoln weak when he fell on his
face in the White House and wrestled
for victory for tho Boys In Blue? Was
William E. Gladstone, Prime Minister
of England, weak when he knelt by
tho side of a crossing sweeper to com
mend his soul to God? Was Jesus
Christ weak when the weight of the
world's woe crushed Him to the earth
1 and He "sweat as it were great drops
of blood?" If they were, then weak
ness is the most magnificent charac
teristic of tho human race, the thing
Which above all others differentiates
man from the brute creation, and al
lies him to the angels.
Crowning of Character.
Gethsemano may bo bitter, but It
Is the crowning development of char
acter. It is the wine press. It Is the
crucible. It is the threshing floor.
Ralph Connor In the "Sky Pilot" gtvea
an Illustration of the utility ofGethso
mano in human life. Nature came to
the prairie and demanded flowers of
her. And the next year, crocuses and
roses and wild sunflowers grew, but
I nature looked In vain for the colum
I bine, the clematis, and the sweet vio
I lets, and when sho Inquired the rea
I son, sho was told that tho wind was
too rough, and the sun was too hot for
such delicate blossoms. Then nature
commanded, and the lightning cleft
the rock with one swift stroke, and
into tho deep, Jagged wound a river
flowed, bearing rich black mold. Then
the birds dropped the seeds, and In
the canyon there sprang up mosses
and ferns, and lo, the columbine, tho
clematis and the sweet violets, the
favorites of nature.
Ruggcdness Without Fragrance.
Many a life Is like that. There is
broad expanse of character, but few
flowers. Ruggedness there Is, but no
fragrance. Then, suddenly lightning
flashes, jagged canyons appear, cata
clysms of upheaval take place, and
when the storm has spent Its fury and
Is passed, Instead of a dead level ex
perience, however grand, the deep
valleys are filled with richer soil, and
the fragrance of flowers fills the life.
People who have had things their
own way nre not the most agreeable
people. In many cases they are
proud, conceited, haughty. No one
goes to thom for sympathy and con
dolence In the hour of trial, they have
no knowledge of the balm for wounds.
But not so, those who have passed
through the portals of Gethsemano.
They know how to "minister to a
mind diseased." They have a look
In their eyes that begets confidence.
They have a grasp of the hand that
puts inspiration Into tho discouraged.
For Uiem to say, "I know Just how
you feel, I have been there rayaelf,"
puts hope Into the hopeless. "One
touch of nature makes the whole
world kin."
Priesthood of Help.
When Christian, in Pilgrim's Pro
gress, was passing through tho Valley
of tho Shadow of Death, overpowered
with the darkness, frightened by the
hobgoblins which leered and chatter
ed around him, almost ready to sink
down into despair, he heard the voice
of Hopoful sounding in the pathway
on before him, and cheered by tho
ringing assurance of that fellow-traveler
he plucked up heart of courage,
and soon was walking In the light.
Thus It is In life, that those who have
passed through deep and agonizing
experiences of suffering ore by that
very fact ordained to the high priest
hood of help.
Let not the dread of Gethsemano
garden shadow the llfo with gloom.
Troubles always hare alleviation.
Though the Son of Man drank there
a cup of trembling such as was never
pressed to human Hps, before or since,
It should not bo forgotten that the
hoavenly visitants flew to his relief In
the midnight. Were It not for crucial
moments In life we should never know
the refreshing sweetness of angello
Where Gypsies Come from.
Tho problem of tho origin of the
gypsies Is still unsolved. It would
seem from linguistic evidence how
ever, that they are remotely descend
ed from low-caste Hindus of north
western India. The namo gypsy Is a
corruption of Egyptian. They were
supposed to have como In the Middle
Ages from Egypt, or rather "Little
Egypt' In their own languogo they
called themselves Romany, and Rom
nt ono time was equivalent to ho
Byzantine Empire, which Included
Greece, nnd Eplrus Is said to bo llttlo
Egypt In Greece gypsies were numer
ous before the fifteenth century and
certain castles wero called gypsy cas
tles, and the tradition Is that they
wero drvlen out by the Turks. There
Is evidence to show that they came
Into Eplrus from Persia, to which
country they had been brought
from India In the fifth century. In
855 27,1)00 wero captured by tho By
zantines and brought Into Greece.
Such seeina tho probably story of
their descent Christian Herald.
Bowel poisorf means blood tainted by
foul secretions absorbed from the bowels.
Here are the symytoms :
If your skin Is disfigured by eruptions,
humors, pimples, blotches, sores or eczema;
if you itch and burn and your skin is scaly
and rough ; if you feel tired and worn out,
your nerves weak, constipated, cross and
depressed; if your head feels heavy and
aching, your eyes blur and specks float
across your vision ; If you have cold feet
and your hands get sweaty and sticky if
you have these danger signals they point
unerringly to bowel poison, impure blood,
and show that your stomach, liver and
bowels are not working right.
Smith's Pineapple and Butternut Pills
quickly drive the Bowel Toisonoutof your
system, will regulate your bowels, purify
your blood, and invigorate your whole body.
They arc a sure and unfailing cure for
bowel poison in young or old. Physicians
use and recommend. They form no habit
You should always keep them on hand.
These little Vegetable Pills will ward off
many ills.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and Sick
Headache in a Night, use
GO Tills In Glass Vial 2flc. All Denier.
For Sick Kidneys
Bladder Dlaeaaea, RnenmatUm,
the one txit remedy. ReUable,
endorsed by leading phjalcianaH
l.fp. effectual. Reinlti lilting.
On the market It yean. Bare,
cored thoaianda. loo pUli Id
original glaia package, W centa.
Trial boiea, CO plUi, 25 cents. All
drngglatt aeU and recommend.
Rflagnificently located
residence and Large
grounds of
Splendid site for hospital or
hotel. House steam heated. Elec
trically wired. Large barn.
Corner lot. 125x150.
Insurance and Real Estate.
Jadwin Building.
in your family you of course call
a reliable physician. Don't stop
nt that; nave his prescriptions
put up at a reliable pharmacy,
even if it is a little farther from
your home than some other store.
Yon can find no more reliable
store than ours. It would be im
possible for more care to be taken
in the selection of drugB, etc., or
in the compounding. Prescrip
tions brought here, either night
or day, will bo promptly nnd
accurately compounded by a
competent registered pharmacist
and tlie prices will be most rea
sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS,
Opp. D. A II. Station. Honksdale. Pa.
The Jeweler
would like to see you If
f you are In the market
"Guaranteed articles only sold." X
X BUTTERNUT Daeasesot 5aT
I nine I " S'o'MtA fejaf
J I PILLS IiWri.DBordx 1 "
73.3 per cent.
if tho rest.