THE WEATHER On Friday, fnJr anil slightly milder weather will prevail, with light westerly winds be omlng vnrlnblo In tlio Jn(crlr, K i- K j' J"' V jk n tr 1 1 1 iH Scmi-Wcckly Founded 1908 2 Weekly Founded, 1844 J Wayne County Organ of the 1 REPUBLICAN P 3 . j j J j j o J 67th YEAR HONE SD ALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1910. fO 92 "LOST, STRAYED OR ?"--RUBBERS- Governor Stuart Issues His Thanksgiving Proclamation POISON? mat AT Prof- Mark Creasy, Hawley, the Victim of a Mysterious Disap pearance At so Some Account of Several Excellent Lectures Prof. Mnrk Creasy, Hawley, said: "I have an announcement that will not Interest the ladles, and only about fifteen of the gentlemen. I Tind yesterday n pair of rubbers, size S . Gold Seal brand, new. I might tippiI them hoforc the end of the week." The sessions of the Wayne County Teachers' Institute were resumed Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock with devotional services conducted by the Rev. Albert L. Whlttaker, rector Grace Episcopal church. Prof. John Watklns, who Is cele brating his fifteenth anniversary as conductor of the Institute music, had charge of the singing. Choice Melo dies No. 1 Is the song book in use this year. Some of Prof. Watklns' stage di rections are worth reproducing. "Avoid the sing-song rhythm." "Don't any ladies sing bass!" "The books up a little higher, please. Arms off the desk. Feet on the floor not quite so many feet at one time! Deep breathing! Project the voice!" "That is going to be very lovely when we know It, and please don't frown." Dr. C. T. McFarlane, Controller of the Teachers' College at Columbia University, was the first speaker of the morning. "The Study of a Continent" was his subject. "The earth." said Dr. Farlane, "Ib round, and is heated chiefly by the sun which Is ninety-three and a half millions miles away. Therefore we get a very small proportion of the enerev which It Is sending out Into space." Dr. Farlane is an able left hand blackboard artist, and illus trated his lecture by apt Illustra tions. "Wind," he continued, "is a body of air sliding down 'an lso barlc surface. Aviators find the higher they ascend the faster it goes. , ..ti... 0i, m nil South America to put a Lusitanla on, although South America is as nearl"'Kua "u ."" bum' London5 as New York is. There is UHyo. pu s it Into the ground He thirty inches annua y of rainfall in ; 'l.L' a,, , , ' ,niCh, i, 1 London than In New l ork. London Is foggy simply because moisture is always present and not because of the rainfall. "Soudan is the hope of Africa. That's why England sent Gordan in to Egypt; that's why they are keep ing their fingers on Egypt. Some day It Is going to be an awfully rich country. It would be awfully hot If it wasn't so high. England spends more on irrigation than she is getting out of it. "If Christopher Columbus hadn't just happened to get into the trade winds he never would have discover ed North America. Learn, in teach ing geography, the location of a continent, what winds play on it, its relief system, what moisture it gets, its Industries, what sort of set tlements and markets it has, the routes of trade and organize your information. It is a poor way of teaching geography to give the child a list of tho natural products." Dr. McFarlane, the Controller of the Teachers' College at Colum bia university, New York City, and is the executive head of an institu tion with an annual budget of three auarters of a million dollars, was compelled to leave Wednesday af ternoon on the 2:50 Erie train, de livering his last lecture at 1:45 p m. His position as instructor was taken by Prof. Charles S. Albert of Bloomsburg State Normal School. Dr. McFarlane who .goes to Butler from here to lecture at a county institute there granted tho CITIZEN reporter an interview. His biogra phy was brief as well as striking. "I was born," he said, "I worked all my life, and 1 am still living." . After an intermission of fifteen minutes, Superintendent J. J. Koeh ler called the roll of the teachers by "hundreds," one hundred rising at a time, repeating their assigned num bers In rotation, and then taking their seats. Prof. Wntklns took charge for a few minutes, and the teachers sang "Dixie" in a way that would mane many a Southern audience turn green with envy. Prof. M, Creasy, of Hawley, presid ed at the second half of tho morn ing session at which Prof. Ira Woods I'owerth, of Chicago Univer sity, was tho lecturer. In introducing his subject ho re lated this story. "I heard of a min ister," he said, "who preached the same sermon Sunday after Sunday. Finally some of tho congregation re monstrated, "I am going to preach tho same sermon over and over again," tho minister replied, "un til 1 find some of you put It into practice." "The fundamental characteristic of the arts is tho control, guldanco and mastery of some sort of forco. Legislation, most of which Is blun dering at an effort to control social INSTITUTE movements, Is the control of the forces of society. "What are the forces that mani fest themselves In the school? GRAVITATION Is one. Some teach ers nro eo obedient to it that they always want to sit down. ACTIV ITY is the fundamental force that manifests itself in the school. All development depends upon activity. You can't educate a dead child. What leads a child to act? The muscular energy of the child. "The Greatest Word in Educa tlon," is my subject. I am going to deliver two lectures in the short space of three-quarters of an hour, If the period were shorter your pleas ure would ho greater. The art of education bears some resemblance to any occupation you can mention. There must be some characteristic common to all arts, which gives them a resemblance. "Wo may learn from the practice of them how wo may practice our own. What is this common charac teristic of the arts. Take the me chanical arts. A mechanic is called on to take charge of an Industrial plant. He goes into the place with a knowledge that the place is oper ated by some particular kind of force, whether steam, electricity or water. He knows something of the force, else he couldn't take the posi tion. Every bit of machinery Is simply a device to control the force running tho plant. "Politicians must agitate before people will vote. People act in ac cordance with their feelings, not with their intellects. "A revivalist must arouse tho emo tions of the people beforo be can get them to do, what;, ho wants them to QO. "The fundamental ' characteristic. of art is the control of ft natural force. Farming Is an art. Go out on the farm. Observe tho farmer at work. He goes out Into the fields, takes seed which he supposes is ' " ou..u.u- ings. He waits awhile. The seed germinates; begins to grow. He goes out and cultivates that plant. Ho changes the particles of earth about it: pulls the weeds out; Im proves the conditions of the plant. Working with tho life forco is the essential nature of his work. "Ho may want to irrigate one of the fields, if he Is an Intelligent farmer. He will look up a reser voir, stream or pond above tho level of the field. He has to know some thing. He digs a ditch, perhaps be ginning at the field. He knows of the great natural force of gravita tion. Ho is going to make that force do his work. He has been trying to control tho great natural force we call gravitation; as it af fects that great body of water; guiding a natural force. "Desire Is another factor. You came to Institute this morning be cause some one else came, because you didn't want to lose the com pensation. It was a voluntary ac tion. A little girl didn't want to go to bed. "Mommer," she said, "I won't go to bed till I get ready." Mommer spanked her, and put her to bed. As she was fixing the covers over her, the mother Bald to her, "You got ready to go, didn't you?" "No," whimpered tho little girl, "I got ready before I thought I would." "You won't get attention In the school room by saying "Stop that. I want your attention. I am not going to proceed without your at tention." By so doing you distract tho attention of everybody. Get the attitude of attention. ArouBe tho interest of tho children in what you are about to do, and you won't have to say a word auout attention. "MEMORY" Is another factor. You'd better go to the Almighty for your brains than to como to us teachers to get your brains stored. The character of tho brain structure Is a biological matter with which we havo nothing to do. Memory can be cultivated by building up an as sociation of ideas. "INTEREST IS THE GREATEST WORD IN EDUCATION. A child may be educated Into perdition by a teacher who is not acquainted with this fundamental force, because every problem of tho school Is at bottom a problem of Interest. "I havo heard of fellows who for got tho hour they wero to bo mar ried. Thero are lots of fellows who haven't said anything about It, who feel tho same way about It. You re member certain statements In which you are Interested with easo. "Wo develop tho will becauso it leads to action. 'As a man thlnketh in his heart so 1b he.' "Don't worry about discipline. You are afraid you won't be able to control tho boys and girls. If you Bay to them "I'm tho teacher. I'm elected by tho community, l get a certain wage. You'll havo to HARIUSBUrtG, Pa., Nov. 12. Governor Edwin S. Stuart has is sued his Thanksgiving proclamation, which Is as follows: "In accordance with n well established custom, I, Edwin S. Stuart, governor of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby set apart Thursdny, November 24, 1910, as a day for thanksgiving and prayer. Tho custom of naming a day for special thanksgiving and prayer has been observed for many years and is' one of tho most beautiful herit ages of our national life. It Is, therefore, moot and proper that in the midst of our activities we should pauso to acknowledge our de pendence upon tho Giver of All Good Things, and to render to Him our grateful thanks for the material and other blessings vouchsafed unto us. "We have been favored with bountiful harvests, and with freedom from plague, pestilence and famine. "Our schools, libraries and educational facilities havo Inspired and elevated our people. "Our agencies for fighting disease and preserving tho health of the people havo been active and efficient. But we should recognize that over and nbove tho power of man a Divine Being shapes our destinies, and that His wise and loving caro has directed our steps Into the paths of peace, prosperity, and happiness. "On that day let us refrain from our usual vocations, and meet ing in our homes, churches, and places of worship, give thanks to Almighty God for his manifold mercies and blessings. Let us also remember to give aid and comfort by word and deed to the sick, tho afflicted, and unfortunate." - WHITE M ILLS WILL GIVE SI ,000 FOR. ME W Enthusiastic Response to GaSS for Financial Assistance to Rflake Hospital Project a Suo cesSi "Great success. Mills!" said Hon. speaking with a All hail to White Leopold Fuerth In CITIZEN reporter Wednesday afternoon Charles Dorfllnger,. "I met Sr., and C. H. Dorfllnger. ' Each sub scribed $250 apiece, and pledged 4 tkemselves with the assistance of the citizens of the town to raise a $1,000 including their own subscription, one-fifth of the amount we need." "Next Tuesday, November 22, there will be a meeting of the citi zens at tho White Mills Opera GLASS CUTTER KILLED AT DEPOSIT. Three glass cutters, either present or former employes of a cut glass works In Deposit, formerly in Hones dale, are in the village lockup In Deposit, awaiting an Inquest to be I held Into tho cause of death of Al- I fred Thompson, another glass cut ter, 26 years old, who was found dead in a room occupied by tho four men In tho Loomls House, in the no-llcenso village of Deposit, at 10 o'clock Saturday night. Thompson came to his death by shooting, the bullet, it is asserted by all three prisoners, being acci dentally fired by Walter Langan, 20 years old, one of the three prisoners. The other two are Thomas Simmons and Richard Drake. Tho four, they say, went to Langan's room on the third floor to have a friendly talk. Thompson sat on the bed, and Lan gan examined a revolver, and In some way the revolver exploded. The bullet Btruck Thompson directly at the point of the nose, and went downward, lodging In the spine at the base of the brain. Death was In stantaneous. Following tho shooting, the pris oners maintain, they wero unnerved by tho Incident, until one of their number went out and called in the authorities. When tho police en tered tho revolver was found lying on the dresser with one empty cart ridge in tho barrel and four un ex ploded ones lying alongside. CasaC! lay scattered about the room. All threo say there was no bad feeling between them and that the affair was accidental. Upon direc tion of Coroner II. W. Wilcox, tho men wero held by Constable Scheur- en for tho Inquest. Drake's home Is at Hawley and Langan worked at Honesdale form erly, Union Thanksgiving Services. Tho annual Union Thanksgiving service will ho held on Thursday morning, Nov. 24, at 10:30 o'clock, in the First Baptist church, Geo. S. Wendell, pastor. Rev. A. L. Whlt- takor, rector of Graco Episcopal church, will preach tho sermon. -Time Is money uso tho Bell. bo obedient to mo, and don't you for get it." somo hoy may say to him1 self "I don't know about that. I'm no so suro about that." "The successful teacher tries to arouse tho Interests of tho children, for If she succeeds In arousing tho interests, the discipline will tako caro of Itself." Dr. Howorth's mannor Is bright and breezy. Ho wears a "sporty vest, and much of the time ho keeps his hands In his pockets, but ho knowB how to "grip" an audience, nnii nnro hnvlnc rotten their niton j tlon, holds it to tho end. . -f HOSPITAL House at which I, District Attorney M. E. Simons, Prothonotary M. J. Hanlan, and H. D. Menner, Hones- dale, will speak and enlighten the citizens of White Mills on the work ings of the hospital. All hail to White Mills!" Mr. Fuerth was delighted with tho cheerful reception ho met at White Mills. "$500 was raised in a few seconds. Mr. Dorfllnger said to me, Wo 11 raise you $500, and on Jan uary 1, send you a check for $1, 000.' " SPECIAL ELECTION. Honesdulo Chief Engineer to he Chosen December G. In accordance with the provisions ofuthe ordinances of the Borough of Honesdale, an election will be held at tho City Hall, Honesdale, Pa., on Monday, the 5th day of December, 1910, at 8 o'clock p. m. for the elec tion of one person to act as Chief Engineer for the Fire Department of the Borough of Honesdale. All ac tive members of Hose Com pany No. x and Engine Company No. 3 of the Borough of Honesdale arc qualified voters at such election. The Chief Engineer so elected shall serve for one year or until his successor shall have been duly elected. By order of tho Town Council, John Kuhbach, Chief Burgess. John Canivan, High Constable. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY MEETING, Miss Weiss Presides ut Enthusiastic Meeting Last Friday. Miss Tillle Weiss presided at a board meeting of the Women's Aux iliary for tho Wayne County Hospi tal Association, last Friday after noon, in the Town Hall. About $000 is on deposit. Miss Weiss made tho pleasing an nouncement that Dr. R. H. C. Gib bons, New York, would donate sur gleal instruments to the proposed In stitutlon. Ills son will furnish tho operating tablo and other furniture. Many former Honesdalo folks are making liberal donntlons for this new project; among tho number be ing Mrs. Samuel Katz, Now York, who gave $5. Hawley residents are also contributing liberally. Friday evening, November 25, mass meeting will bo held in Town Hall of ladles of tho Honesdale, and suburdan districts. Every woman Is cordially invited to attend. HITS TEACHERS ON THEIR RIG HATS Chester Pedagogues Full to Comply With Instructor's Request. West Chester, Pa., Nov. 16. Tho Instructors attending tho county in stitute were early In line this morn ing to give their help In making tho annual affair a success. Sectional work was started with Mrs. Emily HlggluB in charge This featuro of the Institute serves to bring the teachers Into close contact with the practical things pertaining to every- day school work, and thus far has been quito satisfactory. Professor Jerry March, who has charge of tho music, complimented tho teachers on their handsome hats but politely requested them to ro movo them during tho exorcises, which request was not honored to any appreciable extent. -Don't write uso tho Bell. were the Hunkele Brothers Sent to U. of P. Laboratory for Analysis? Would This Have Been Done Unless the Scranton Doctors Had Strong Suspicions? Did Tltoey Find Poison ? THE COUNTRYSIDE AT FEVER HEAT OVER DOUBLE TRAGEDY IN PALMYRA TWP. COR3WSUNITY DIVIDED IN OPINION OVER GUILT AMD INNOCENCE OF SUSPECT STARTLING INFORMATION SUPPRESSED ASTOUNDING REVELATIONS IMPENDING ! "Dr Wilson wouldn't have senti Hunkele says that he courts a the viscera to Philadelphia unless he full Investigation. His statements, suspected," said District Attorney M. aside from the fact that he wanted E Simons, Thursday morning, to a to have the sons placed in an insti C1TIZEN representative. The Dls- tutlon for the weak minded, and tho trict Attorney has been Informed that finding of the body of Charles under ' . tho bed after a thorough search had AVayno County's District Attorney Poison Investigating Alleged Case. the vital organs of the Hunkele Brothers, who met such a tragic end in Palmyra township last week, have been sent to the University of Penn-i sylvanla laboratories in Philadelphia for further analysis. The very fact that the result of tho autopsy is being held back, and , that the Scranton doctors are dis playing such extraordinary secrecy and caution and want their findings corroborated, gives rise to strong! suspicions. Did they find poison In their search? What was tho nature of the drug that did its deadly work, if drug there was? Was it a case or suicide? The latter theory seems almost untenable. As far as can be learned, the brothers did not havo any love affairs. Their worst fault, If fault It can be called, was the fact that they had such voracious appe tites. "Do you think I brought up my two sons to nearly a half century of life each, taking caro of them all the time, to mako away with them at my time of life?" was tho reply made by tho accused fnthor who Is under $500 ball, to a reporter Wed nesday morning. "Did you ever quarrel with your sons?" ho was asKcu. '1 sometimes had to scold them," was tho rejoinder, but I never pun ished them. I scolded them last Thursday. I told them to pull just the larger turnips and they pulled all of them. They told mo to go to h . They wero tho real bosses. I never crossed thorn. Charles was worse than Edward. Once nbout eight years ago, ho struck me in tho neck with a hoo, which hurts yet. Both wero enormous eaters. "They did not complain of feeling 111 when I loft for Honesdalo Thurs day to pcddlo fish. They lived hero all alono last winter while I conduct ed a store In Honesdale, coming down once a week to see them. That win tor they ato thirty-eight bushels of potatoes alone. One tlmo I brought down twenty-five pounds of corned beef. They ato It In two days. Mrs. Hunkelo also testifies to tho healthy appetites of her two step sons. "Often," sho said, "they would get up in tho middle of tho night nnd cook enough cabbage and meat for a whole family and at breakfast tlmo bo ready for another largo meal." Tho neighborhood gossip to tho ef fect that Mrs. Hunklo had refused to como back and live with her hus band until the sons wore mndo to loavo the house, seems to bo without foundation. Sho was called to Now Haven, Conn., to visit n rolatlvo who was sick and roturned immediately upon tho receipt of a tclogram an nouncing tho death of hor two step sons. Viscera of the been made by officers, nothing has yet been unearthed that would point to tho guilt of the father. No poison of any kind was found about the promises. Hunkele stoutly main tains that he did not hear Charles enter the house Friday night, though he admits he did not sleep well. He said he feared for his safety, as he had left the house with only one shoo and stocking on. Ho often went out in the winter time in that manner, he said. He didn't know any better. The feeling in the community has abated somewhat and tho suspect has many friends who will not believe he had anything to do with the double K irugeuy. Mr. Hunkele was in Honesdale tnis week and called on Charles A. Mc carty, Esq. What the exact nature of the intrevlew was cannot bo defi nitely ascertained; but from certain reliable sources it is said that he is concerned about having a lawyer. He Is known to havo little or no money, and in that case the court would be compelled to appoint some lawyer to defend him. He Is going about his business however, as usual, and seems apparently calm and self possessed. On his way home Hunkele dropped into a tailoring shop and took away with him two pairs of trousers which he had ordered three weeks ago for his sons. "If I Intended killing my boys," said Hunkele leaving the shop, "I would 'not como here three weeks ago and buy my clothes." SPECIAL COURT SESSION. Judge Scnrle, of Honesdule, Pre- sided License Revoked. Judge Searle, of Honesdale, pre sided at a special session of the Plko county courts on Monday morning at 11 o'clock to hear argument, etc. In the equity proceedings of Harry Peters vs. Arthur Lederer, both resi dents of Lehman township, to par tition a tract of land in that town ship in which both hold interests. Attorney Erdinan moved for tho re moval of the case to the United States Circuit Court at Scranton, al leging that Mr. Lederer Is not a resi dent of Pennsylvania. Tho motion was granted. At the same time a decision of the court was handed down, revoking tho license of Thomas W. Davis at Big Pond. Mllford Dispatch. Mcthodist Anniinl Conferences. Methodist Episcopal bishops in session at Washington, D. C, as signed conferenco duties, plnces and the Bishops who are to preside. Bishop Warren will preside at tho Troy conferenco nt Saratoga Springs on April 5; Bishop Anderson, Cen tral Pennsylvania Conference, Bloomsburg, March 15; Bishop Nuel son, New York, East Conference, at New Rochelle, March 29; Bishop Smith, New York Conference, nt Now York, March 29; Bishop Mc Intyre, at Wyoming Conference, Owego, March 29, and at Northern Now York Conference, Ogdenshurg, April 19. PLEA FOR GIRL TRAINING. Rreud Raking Moro Important Than Fudgo Making, Snys Teacher. East Orange, N. J., Nov. 12. "The girls of to-day aro fully justi fied in being frivolous and particu larly In being frivolous about tho way they dress their hair in these days," said Charles W Evans, prin cipal of tho local high school, this afternoon In tho opening address at tho tenth annual mooting of tho New Jersey Congress of Mothers. "They nro frivolous because they don't get tho right kind of training. Wo aro doing all kinds of things for tho boys and wo aro continually asked to do moro, but I would like to make an appeal for tho girls. "I would a great deal rather a daughter of mlno could mako a good loaf of bread than that sho could mako tho most delicious fudge."