XIUC CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10, 1010. COLUMN FOR SALE A pair of bay road horsc3 C years old, weighing 2300. Address William Everly, Lakovlllo. 91t4. WANTED Teachers to visit Row land's new Jewelry store, Institutes Week when a 10 per cent, discount will be given. KOlt SALE 28 young sheep. All In excellent condition. N. L. WOOD, Iioyds Mills. 90t4. ROOMS FOR HUNT, with furnaco heat, inquire of Mrs. E. G. Secor, 1314 Thirteenth street. tf A WELL KNOWN fact: SOMMER Tho Jeweler, carries tho largest stock in town. tf. FOR ItENT 7 rooms and hath, gas and furnace. G16 Church street. Inqulro at house. FOUR liARGE ROOMS TO RENT, 1317 Spring street. Call after 5 o'clock in tho evening. OUH watch, clock, Jewelry, optical and engraving departments are prepared for tho rush of Institute week. SOMMER, Tho Jeweler, tf. SPECIAL inducements offered teach ers by SOMMER, Tho Jeweler, tf U. 1 1). MAIL BOXES approved by Postmaster General. $1.00 each at Murray Co's. 87w4 ALL GOOIS bought engraved free by SOMMER, Tho Jeweler. tf. FOR HALE Kelly & Stelntnnu brick factory building, including en gine, boiler and shafting. Inquire of J. B. Robinson. 50tf. TEACHERS will have tho pleasure of selecting goods from our large holiday stock. SOMMER, The Jew eler, tf. LOCAL MENTION. Thanksgiving next week. All of us .perhaps can be thankful for something. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Dunning are planning to move to Paterson, New Jersey. According to the Monroe county papers Huffman was elected State Senator by a plurality of 318. The German supper held at St. John's Lutheran church, Thursday evening, was a social and financial success. Prof, and Mrs. H. A. Oday en tertained, at dinner, the county high school principals Tuesday afternoon, at 5 o'clock. Commander Henry Wilson, ac companied by Comrade Graham Watts, went to Scranton Friday and Inspected Ezra Griffin Post. Tho danco, Friday night, in Alert Hall, for the benefit of the hospital fund, was largely attend ed, and a neat sum was realized. "What Honesdale needs," said a recent post-praudial speaker, "is a Hospital, Public Library, Gymna sium, Home for the Friendless, and paved streets." The Johnson-Jeffries fight mov ing pictures concern failed to show up at the Lyric Theatre Wednesday, and a large and disappointed audi ence got their money back at the box office Mrs. A. L. Whlttaker and Miss Dora M. Conger attended the semi annual meeting of the Women's Aux iliary of tho Scranton Archdeaconry, in the Church of the Good Shepherd, Green Ridge, last Wednesday. The members of the Tyler Hill Sunday school gave a delightful en tertainment in the school house, Sat urday evening. Music and tableaux were features of the evening. Re freshments were served. "The Wolf," a three-act melo drama, was on the boards at the Lyric Thursday night, and played to a largo audience. "The old Scotch' Presbyterian heat anything I ever heard," said a prominent citizen In commenting upon the play. November 17th month's mind mass will be celebrated in St. Mary Magdalen's church for Rev. Wil liam Dasscl. The dlvino office will be recited at 10 o'clock and tho mass at 10:30. A number of out of town priests will bo present. On Thursday afternoon, Novem ber 10, at four o'clock, at Grace Rectory, Rev. Albert L. Whlttaker married David Goorgo Bovans, Seoly ville, and Miss Alice Viola Schoon over, Honesdale. Tho happy couple left on tho 4.40 Delaware and Hud son train on a wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Owen have Issued Invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Alice Elizabeth, to Judson L. Keen, both of Honesdale, at the St. John's Lutheran church, November 23, at 4 o'clock, after which a reception will be held at the homo of tho bride on Maplo avenue. Tho following were nominated for officers of the Exchange club recently: President, L. J. Dorfllnger; vlce-nresident. John Krantz: secre tary, N. Frank Fralley; financial sec retary, W. Judson YerKes; treasurer, Georgo Mueller: directors, biias . McMullen and II. B. Clark. The election will occur In tho club rooms Tuesday evening, December C. Thoso who saw "Charley's Aunt' when that comedy was In tho height of Its popularity will want to witness Norman Leo Swartout's charming comedy. "Tho Arrival of Kitty," which Dohorty, Collins & Co. bring to tho Lyric theatre Thursday, Nov, 17. This piece has been breaking all records for attendance In every thea tre that it has played this season and it has been declared by press and public to bo tho best examplo of comedy that has been seen on tho stage In many years. It Is refresh lngly freo from vulgar lines or ob- Jcctlonal situations and furnishes an evening of unalloyed pleasures to thoso who witness It. CENT A WORD Tho Durland-Weston Shoo com pany nro installing now mnchlnory. Miss Viola Apple Is sorlously 111 of typhoid fever at her home on River street. Dr. II. C. Gibboii3 will prcsont surgical Instruments and furniture to tho new hospital. - Rov. and Mrs. C. C. Miller on tertaiued tho choir Friday evening in honor of their guests. Tho receipts from tho Men's Sup per at tho First Presbyterian church, Thursday evening; wero $75. Tho CITIZEN hopes tho visit of tho teachers hero this week will be a most enjoyable ono for them. Mrs. F. W. Clausen, who was operated upon for appendicitis last Wednesday, Is convalescing slowly. About $100 was cleared from the supper given by St. John's Luth eran church last Thursday evening. Members of Protection Engine Co. No. 3 will attend tho hall of Alert Engine Co. Wednesday evening in a body. Honesdale dealers havo an nounced an advance of 25 cents a ton in tho price of chestnut coal. Tho other sizes aro not affected. Mrs. Harry B. Scarlos will move her household goods to the home of her father, Alfred Olvor, where she will make her futuro home. W. H. Lee, Esq., was appointed return Judge to meet with the Judges of tho other counties of this senator ial district at Stroudsburg on Tues day. Tho teachers of Wayno county will find much to Interest them In tho advertisement of the Dunning Cash Store which appears elsewhere In this Issue. "You give us the best Jobs wo get," said a prominent Honesdale business man in commenting upon a piece of printing he had done at tho CITIZEN office. Miss Lou Hardenbergh and friend, Mrs. Robers, while visiting friends in Germantown, Philadelphia, had the misfortune to havo some ono steal their automobile. Henry Wilson was appointed return Judge for Wayno county to meet with the Judges of tho other counties of this congressional dis trict on Tuesday at Montrose. Hon. Alonzo T. Searle, President Judge of Wayne county, goes to Montrose this week whore he will hold court, Friday and Saturday for Judge Little, In an equity case. The Rev. A. L. Whlttaker, rec tor Grace church, will preach the sermon at the Union Thanksgiving Day services at the Baptist church. Thursday morning, November 24 at 11 o clock. The Ladles' Improvement so ciety of Texas No. 4 elected these of ficers: President, Miss Rena Kellow: vice-president, Miss Emma Van Steinberg; treasurer, Mrs. W. H. Stengel; secretary, Miss Barbara Boos. The first senior program of the season was given in tho auditorium of tho High school on Friday even ing, after which a dance for the members of the High school and a few invited guests", was held In the gymnasium. A dance In Alert hall on Fri day evening, conducted by the young ladles of East Honesdale, for the hospital fund, was a financial sue cess. Tho hall was prettily trim med and all present enjoyed a thoroughly good time. Sheriff M. Lee Braman and County Detective N. B. Spencer spent several days last week In Philadelphia and New York city. They took several prisoners to the Eastern Penitentiary viz. Joe Koasch, Paul Shudls, Simon Paul and James Thompson. A valued contributor calls our attention to the footlights on the High School Auditorium. This is what ho has to say about the mat ter: "The footlights on the High school platform should be rearrang ed as they give a grotesque appear ance to the speaker occupying tho platform, and the reflections of his gestures on the screen behind him, remind one of a huge octupus. as each light gives a separate reflection. Dr. Rosselle on Monday evening seemed to have at least twelve pair of arms." A public meeting of tho Wom en's Auxiliary to the Hospital Board will bo held Friday evening, Nov. 25 at 7:30 In the city hall. All members and all women Interested aro welcome. 91t2 Raw furs wanted Highest prices paid for raw furs of all kinds. Write mo for prices. B. S. FINKLE. Binghamton, N. Y. 89t3 PERSONAL MENTION Miss Emma Patterson Is visiting Scranton friends. . Mrs. Georgo Spcttlguo Is visiting relatives Jn Scranton. 17 T. Ilnpt f Pnlln,,nnan .,.n In Honesdalo last Friday. John Brown, of Lebanon township, was In town Thursday. W. C. Knapp, of Hawley, was a visitor in town Saturday. Harry Andrews, of Wllkes-Barre, spent Friday in this place. Rov. J. B. Cody, Bethany, was a Honesdale caller last Friday. Charles Boyd, of Boyds Mills, was a caller in town last Friday. Louis Mackloy, of Providence, is visiting relatives at Seelyville. Martin Caufleld transacted busi ness In Carhondalo, Thursday. William McKcnna has returned from an extended Western trip. M. C. Rowland, of Kimblcs, pass ed Saturday in town, on business. Htjmunu ueibort, Greoloy, was a recent business caller In Honcsdalo, John School, Lackawaxen, spent several dnys In Honosdalo recently, Russell Clark, of Boyd's Mills, was a caller In Honesdale Mondcy. Roubon Lancastor, of South Sterl ing, Is spending tho week in town. Dr. V. R. Lldstonepassed tho first of tho week with relatives In Scranton. Henry Sommers, of Carhondalo, Is visiting his daughter, Mrs. L. F. . Bishop. I Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ball, of Newark, N. J., aro guests of friends In town. J. Samuel Brown spent a few days of last week In Townndn, on business. Doll Brannlng, of llawlcy, Is reg istered at Hotel Commorclnl for a fow days. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fish nro en tertaining Miss Amanda Daniels, of White Mills. John M. Hale, of Harrlsburg, Is home again from a business trip to Philadelphia. Airs. P. Gill, and daughter, Miss Clare, Lako Ariel, spent several days In Honesdale. Miss Fnnnlo Atkinson, Lako Ariel, spent several days recently with Honcsdalo friends. Miss Marie Ward was the guest of Miss Vienna Rlordon, of Carbon dale, on Saturday. Mrs. C. M. Betz and Mrs. O. E. Mills hnvo returned from a week's visit In New York. Miss Maggie Brown, of Athens, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends In Honesdale. Mrs. Eugeno Dunning, of Hones dale, spent several days last week with Hawley relatives. Joseph W. Hunter, of tho State Highway Department, spent several days in town last week. Dr. George C. Butler has returned from Rochester, N. Y., whero ho at tended a dental meeting. 'Mrs. William Ball, of Honesdale, spent last Wednesday at Hawley as the guest of Mrs. Seth Brink. Lorenzo R. Foster, Scranton, tem porary treasurer of the Hawley Bank, was in town on business last Friday. Miss M. Rae Moser and her cousin, Walter Moser, from Bath, Pa., are visiting Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Miller. Mrs. E. W. Burns and daughters, Helen and Jeanette, passed tho lat ter part of the week with Scranton relatives. Miss Nellie Powell, of Wilkes Barro, Is spending a few days in town this week, and attending the teachers institute. Sidney Theobald, who has been driving William F. Rieiler's car this summer, returned to his home in New York, this week. William seaman, Oklahoma City, Okla., is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Bruce Seaman, after an ab sence of nineteen years. Carroll J. Kelly, Captain of Com pany E., left Friday noon on a visit to friends at Tunkhannock, East Lemon and West Nicholson. Sidney Colwell and family, of Wllkes-Barre, are visiting relatives hero. Their daughter, Miss Maude, returned to her home, Monday. A. A. Oehlert, of Rowland's jew elry store, was In Scranton Sunday and Monday, preparatory to moving his household effects to the Maple City. tI)r. Dclrick Lectures nt Court House. Dr. J. D. Detrlck of the Pennsyl vania Department of Agriculture, gave the dairymen of Wayno coun ty the benefit of his experience In successfully conducting a dairy farm. The title of his address was "How to keep twenty or more head of dairy cattle on fifteen acres." Dr. Detrlck has done this on a farm In Pennsylvania and gave his ex perience together with his studies on the management of dairy cattle. The Borden's Condensed Milk Company havo a department for the collection and distribution of infor mation on dairy matters, and this department secured Dr. Detrick's services for this lecture Valuable information was Imparted. The meeting was held in the court room of tho Wayne county court house, Honesdale, Tuesday af ternoon. In tho Recorder's Office. Fred J. Fowler and Earl Spencer and others to Robert Fowler, of Mount Pleasant, two pieces of land, ono containing 11C acres. Harry J. Atkinson to Ernest Kah lers or Hawley, property at Hawley. E. L. Schlager to William Henft, of Hawley, property in Hawley, $UoU. D. M. Garlow to Laura Garlow, of bnerman, land in Scott township. Heirs of Thomas Stono to Willinm Brannlng, 100 acres in Manchester township, JCC0. Willis Klnsbury, of Buckingham. to Michael F. Downs, of Hancock, z-jti acres in uucKingham, ?2,B00. Lauren A. Curtis, executor, to James S. Kellogg, of KIrkvllle, Mo., property in Preston, ? 187.50. Robert J. Ferber to Joseph F, Kerl, land in Texas township. Henry J. Stiffens to Georco Koe- pel, of Damascus, 5 acres In latter place, $450. THURSDAY, NOV. 17 Dohcrty-Collins & Co. PRESENTS GG The 95 By NORMAN LOE SWARTOUT with Hal Johnson as BILLY BROWN A Comedy With Music Bright Comedy and Catchy Music npinCQ, Hoxcstl -Orchestra 75o-I)ross ill! ulu, Clrclo 60- llalconv 25 and 25c tin Uery 15c. Seat sale 9 a. m. wed. Nov. 10. REPORT OK THE CONDITION 01' THE WAYNE CQUfm SAVINGS BANK or uoKKODAia, WAtiia co., pa., nttlio close of business. Nov.!), 1910. KKROUnCES Reserve fund t Vsii, specie n mi notes. fw,itsi) tu Hue from approved re- serve audits 149.039 39 LcsM securities nt pur... 43,000 00-250,821 21 Nickels, cents nml fractional cur- roller " 81 Checks nml cash Items 1.423 to Duu from Hanks nml Trust Co's, not reserve aeents 0X13 4j Bills discounted. ,. . Pfr ?! Time loans with collateral 31.700 00 Loans on cull with col- Intend 141,019 U Loauson call upon ono name 200 00 Loans on cull upon two or more names K0,(w7 10 Loans secured by bond .M ... nml mortffagc 22.700-580,420 31 Investment securities owned ex clusive of reserve bonus, viz: Stocks, llonds. etc.. 1,790,209 il Mortgages and iudff" in. tits nf rVenril.... 270.930 532.007.140 21 OfllccltulUllncnndLot 27,000 00 Other Heal Kstnte 6.000 00 Furniture nnd Fixtures 2,000 00 Overdrafts 31 41 .Miscellaneous Assets 400 00 $2,930.6920 LIABILITIES Cnpltnl Stock. paid in....$ 100,000 00 Surplus Fund 310,000 00 Undivided Profits, less expenses and taxes paldll5.007.5G-525.W7 56 Deposits subject to check 1170.839 37 Indlvldnl Dor)OSit.Tlme.2.201.43 75 Time certificates of de- posit 238 78 Certified Checks 250 00 Cashier's check outst'L' 5,719 71-2.384,990 Bl Due to Commonwealth 25,000 00 Duo to banks and Trust Cos. not re- sorve agents l.GSG 09 Dividends unpaid I2.93G.C90 20 State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss: I, II. Scott salmon. Cashier of tho above named Company, do solemnly swenr that tho above statement Is true, to tho best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) II. 9. SALMON. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before nie this lit li day of Nov. 1910. (Signed) KOI1ERT A. SMITH. N. P. , (Notarial Seal) Cprrect Attest: W. 15. HOLMKS, ) F. P. Kimble, Directors. H.J.ConaER, ) REPORT OF THE CONDITION or THE HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK AT IIONESDALK. WAYNE COUNTY. PA. At the close of business, Nov. 10, 1910. IlESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 219,r57 67 Overdralts.secured and unsecured 18 49 U. S. llonds to secure circulation. 65,000 00 Premiums on U. S.Honds 2,800 00 llonds. securities, etc 1,310,152 41 llHTiklnr.-hnnRn. furniture and fix tures 40,000 00 Due from National Bunks (not Reserve Agents) 2.S73 25 Due from State and Private Hanks and Hankers. Trust Companies, and SavliiL-s Hanks 1.072 15 Due from approved reserve uirents 143.882 09 Chccksand othercasb Items.... 3.1S5 K8 .Notes or other Rational isaiiKs.. lyu uu Fractional paper currency, nick els and rents 440 62 Lawful Money Kcserve In Hank. viz : specie ts.ui ou Le?al tender notes 9.512 00- 9G.6GG 50 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer, id per cent, oi circu lation) 2.7P0 00 Total $1.9Q,4!j7 09 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In $ 150,000 00 surplus mini iuu.vuu uu undivided proms, less expenses and taxes bald 82.071 31 National Bank notes outstanding 51.U10 00 Due to other National Hunks 404 21 Individual deposits subject to Check tl.llU.321 00 Demand certificates of deposit 23,910 00 Certified checks 55 00 Cashier s checks out standing 1.125 57-$ 1,471,411 57 nonus uorrouea is one Notes and bills redlscounted None Hills payable, Including certlll- cates oi deposit lor money bor rowed None Liabilities other than those above stated Rone Total $1,903,487 09 State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss. I. E. F. Toruey. Cashier of the abovu named Hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. F. Tobrey, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before rue this 15th day of Nov.. 1910. it. a. sauT.il, 14. r, Correct attest: II. Z. Russell. ) J as. C. UiiitisALL, -Directors. E. St. llAIlbENBEKQII, J 4w91 POSITIVELY CURED Band 2Sc. and we will mall you a box of I'll K-NO-CHO-LETS, a CURE for Constipation from any cause cure the first symptom of ninety per cent of all disease. Give them a trial. If not satisfied for any reason, we will return jour money. THE LEWIS CO., 210 West Twenty-first street. New York. Mnrriugo Llccnso Record. David Evans, Seelyville. Alice Sclioonover, Honesdale. Georgo 13. Bennett, WJnwood. Llildy Buchanan, Sherman. Catarrh Sufferers GOOD THING TO KNOW. If you now own a Hyomei hard rubber Inhaler G. W. Poll wants you to know that ho will sell you a bot tle of HYOMEI for only CO cents. Remember this, all who suffer with catarrh a bottle of HYOMEI (pronounce It Hlgh-o-me) 1b put up In a separate packago and sold for CO cents, to accommodate tho vast army of people who already own a Hyomei Inhaler. G. W. Pell will soil It to you at that prlco and givo you tho oppor tunlty to begin at once to rid your self of vile catarrh and tho snur flng, hawking and spitting that go with it. Many peoplo through years of noglcct havo let catarrh get a strong hold upon them. Some of these peo plo unreasonably think that ono bottlo of HYOMEI ought to euro them. No matter how chronic your ca tarrh troubles, HYOMEI Is guaran teed by G. W. Poll to euro them if you give It half a chance. Just breathe- it. that's all, and Its heal ing, soothing, antiseptic properties will make you feel better in a day. If you own an Inhaler get a CO cont bottlo of HYOMEI at G. W. Poll's today. If you do not own a Hyomei Inhaler, ask for a $1.00 outfit, which includes Inhaler. BOARD OF TRADE MEETS. Tho November session of tho Greater Honosdalo Board of Trado was held last Friday evening in tho city hall, Tho meeting was called to order for tho reading of tho minutes of the last regular meeting. They wore approved as road. First In order of routine business wns tho reports of tho different stnnding committees. Neither tho Slto nor Leglslatlvo chairman offered reports. Under Mall and Transportation, a communication from J. C. Stuart, vice-president of the Erlo railroad, was read. There being no Erlo morning train entering Honesdale, tho management of that company was communicated with concerning plac ing a car for carrying passengers on tho morning way freight from Port Jervls to Honcsdalo. Vice President Stuart, In his letter to tho Board, stated that, after tho suggestion had been given careful consideration, It was thought little or nothing would bo gained In the way of accommoda tions to tho peoplo of Honesdale, as the freight was Irregular at best. Also that the company has had some bad accidents due to hauling passen ger cars in freight trains, nnd It Is contrary to Its policy to do this. For these reasons, tho writer claimed, the company Is unablo to carry out the suggestion. Thoro was no report forthcoming from tho flnanco committee. F. P. Kimble, who is chairman of tho same, stated that tho Board could finance a proposition for tho erection of several houses, each costing in the neighborhood of $1,800. A com munication from W. L. Lawrence, real estate agent for the Delaware & Hudson railroad, concerning a plot of ground hack of Ridge street, wns read. Mr. Klmblo suggested that a committee bo appointed to wait upon tno d. & h. company to secure the plot on Ridge street for building pur poses. Tho chair appointed Mr. Kimble and J. Adam Kraft to wait upon Mr. Lawrence concerning the matter. A communication from a New Jer sey concern was read and referred to tho finance committee. A proposition from ono of Hones dalo's small industries was discussed, and It also was given to the finance committee for disposal. M. E. Simons brought to the atten tion of the board tho necessity of a footbridge over Park lako at the in tersection of Dyberry Place and East Park street. He claimed It would ac commodate a large number of up town peoplo who work in factories on Industry Point and who are now com pelled to walk from six to eight blocks out of their way to get to their work. He suggested as a procedure that a petition be presented to the court and he treated the same as a county bridge. On motion of Mr. Simons, seconded by Mr. Kimble, the proposition of placing a bridge across Park Lake at Dyberry Place, was re ferred to the Street and Highway committees, with the recommenda tion of the board of trade, that said committee circulate a petition to have the matter presented before the court according to law. On motion bills amounting to $87. 99 wero ordered paid. The meeting adjourned at 9:30, to assemble again December 9, at 7:30 sharp. Do your shopping by Bell tele phone. DUNNING CASH STORE 909 Main Street, CORSET TALK. Above style one of our every day sellers that is just right for the average figure. All the styles of $2.00 corsets at $1.00 pair. LADIES' FURNISHINGS. All the latest novelties in Ladies' neckwear, collars, gloves, underwear and sweat ers. See our new Suede gloves. All the new shades. Any size. SWEATER COATS. SPECIAL. We place on sale this week 175 Sweater Coats. Mill samples from 39 cents up. Ladies', Gents', Boy's or Girls'. See them. GLOVES AND MITTENS. Wool Mittens from 10 cents pair. Michigan knit gloves, sold by us for 12 years. The kind that fits, all colors, 50c Leather gloves and mittens from 50 cents up. Yours REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Farmers and Me chanics Bank, OF IIONESDAI.E. WAYNE COUNTY. PA. at the cloo of business. Nov. 9. 1910. flESOtmCKH. Reserve fund t ('ash, specie and notes. 19,749 60 linn frnm nnnrnved TP . serve ascnts $39,777 6G- -19,527 08 iMckcis, cents anil iraaionai currency Checks and other ensn Items Due from banks and trust com panies not reserve Hills discounted, Time loans with collateral Ioans on cull with collateral Ioans upon call upon two or more names Loans secured by bonds and mort cages Investment securities owned exclu sive of reserve bonds, viz Stocks, bonds, etc JI7.077 91 Mortcaccs and JudC" ments of record 41.990 32 Office llulldlni: and t Furniture and fixtures 102 32 l.lf-U Ul H2.316 81 31, l .U 00 30.01 33 33.CC7 09 11,755 50 -92.0fi8 21 1S.899 05 1,801 41 t 333.9C8 33 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In $ 75.000 W Surplus Fund 10,000 00 Undivided Profits, less expenses and taxes paid 1.502 72 IndlvldualDeposIts, subject tocheck ....$92,139 94 Deposits, special 174.325 b7-2Cfi.iffl 61 $355,901 33 State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss. I, C. A. Emery, Cashier of the above named company, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowlcdee and belief, C. A. EMERY. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of Nov. 1910. . r, t, Uena S. Edgett, N. P. Correct attest: M. E. Simons, ) M. H. Allem. ) Directors. J. S. Hbowj.', I Tho school gymnasium will bo open during Institute week as fol lows: Boys: Tuesday, 4 to G:30, 7 to 9; Wednesday, 4 to C:30; Thurs day, 4 to 5:30. Girls: Monday, 4 to 5:30; Wednesday, 7 to 9. Boys and girls who live in this vicinity are welcome. Misses Elizabeth A. Barberl and Mario McDermott spent tho week end and Sunday with Scranton friends. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County. SS.: Prank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is. senior partner of the firm of F. L. Cheney & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and tLat said flrrr will pay the sura of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case o Cntarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscrib ed In my presence, this Gth day of December, A. D. 18SC. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Honesdale, Pa. RM0RSID& No. 212 Armorside, Long Waist. This corset is built on the lines of the long military corset, with unbreakable side steels. Abdominal reducer cor set. All the features of the $3.00 to $3.50 corset. $1.50 pair. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. All the newest Fall styles in Neckwear, Shirts, Underwear, Vallestic Underwear. The kind the well dressed man or youth wants. 50 cents each. BED BLANKETS. We have Blankets from 39 cents up. See our 98c special full-size blanket in .white .or grey. Regular $1.25 grade 98 cents. Special $2.50 Flannelette wrappers 98c. Special $1.00 Ladies' Black Skirts 98c. Wool Leggins for Ladies or Misses. Made of pure wool yarn; La dies' 49c; Misses' size same as above, 39c. for trade, -A DUNNING CASH STORE-