The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 11, 1910, Image 5

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    1HH CITIZRN, F1H1A, XOWfMIlKK 11, 1010.
TKACllKltS, cnll and see our stylos
In photographs. They will please
you. Bodie, Photographer. It
AVAXTKD- -Teachers to visit Row
land's new Jewelry store, Institute
Week when a 10 per cent, discount
will bo given.
FOIt SAIjK 'J8 young sheep. All in
excellent condition. N. L. WOOD,
Doyds Mills. 90U.
KOOMS FOU HUNT, with furnaco
heat. Inquire of Mrs. E. G. Secor,
1314 Thirteenth street. tf
Tho Jeweler, carries tho largest
stock in town. tf.
FOIt HUNT 7 rooms and bath, gas
and furnace. 61C Church street.
Inquire at house.
1317 Spring street. Call after D
o'clock In the evening.
OUR watch, clock, jewelry, optical
and engraving departments are
.prepared for tho rush of Institute
week. SOMMER, Tho Jeweler, tL
SPECIAL inducements offered teach
ers by SOMMER, The Jeweler, tf
U. F. D. MAIL nOXES approved
by Postmaster General. 11.00 each
at Murray Co's. 87w4
ALL GOODS bought engraved free
by SOMMER, Tho Jeweler. tf.
FOR SALE Kelly & Stelnniau
brick factory building, including en
gine, boiler and shafting. Inquire of
J. B. Robinson. 50tf,
TEACHERS will havo tho pleasure
of selecting goods from our large
holiday stock. SOMMER, Tho Jew
eler, tr.
ture on "Balanced Ration and Soil
ing Crops" will bo given by Dr.
Dietrich at the Court House on
Tuesday, Nov. 16th, from 1:30 to
3:30 p. m. Mr. Dietrich is tho man
who kent 2 head of stock on 15 acres
nnd raised practically all of their
feed, with the exception ot concen
trates. This lecture Is held under the
ausnlces of the Borden Condensed
Milk Co. All aro welcome. It
Ponnavli'.inl.i Is thfi nnlv state
In the Union without any indebted
J. E. Richmond on Thursday
delivered a piano to Henry Yale, of
Cold Spring.
On Saturday Poor Director W.
A. Gaylord took Mrs. Peter Bried to
the Danville hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fish, of
Park street, were made happy Sun
day by the arrival of a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard L. Nield
wero made happy by the arrival
Election Dity of a daughter.
There will be a total eclipse of
the moon next Wednesday evening,
commencing about 5:44 o clock.
Sons recently arrived to gladden
the hearts of Mr. and Mrs. George
Ort, Main street, and Mr. and Mrs
Frank Hlggins, East street.
On Tuesday, November 22, Miss
Grace L.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs
L. F. Bishop will be married to Ray
O. Bunnell, this city, tho ceremony
taking place at the home of the
bride s parents.
Thursday noon, Judge A. T.
Searle appointed to make an offi
cial count of the election returns:
H. Wilson, Esq., W. H. Lee, Esq.,
Commissioners Clerk George 1'
Ross, Poor Director W. A. Gaylord.
Druggist C. C. Jadwin has re
ceived word that his nephew, George
White, who visited here about a year
ago. and who resides at Marietta
Ohio, was elected to Congress from
the Fifteenth District, on tho Demo
cratic ticket.
Married at tho Baptist parson
age. 20G 12th street, Wednesday af.
ternoon. Nov. 9, by Rev. George S
Wendell. Geo. Balsden and Miss
Gertrude Yelllg, both of Kingston
N. Y. Geo. Balsden formerly resid
ed at Hawley.
The teachers will havo the op
portunlty of enjoying themselves nt
"dnnces" during institute weeK
when three dances will be hold at
Lyric hall, on tho evenings of No
vember 15, 1C, and 17. Freeman's
orchestra will furnish tho music.
Dr. Richard H. C. Gibbons, of
Newark, N. J., and Scranton, Pa., as
slsted by his son, Horace, performed
a very difficult operation Wednesday
on Mrs. F. W. Clausen. She rallied
well from the effects of tho operation
and is doing as well as can bo ex.
Real Estate Agent M. F. Dorln
recently negotiated for tho sale, to
Herman Brush, of Fish's Eddy, the
Seymour Barnes placo, situated Jm!
tho Bethnny road, north of Honest
dale. The consideration was $3,000
Mr. and Mrs. Barnes aro planning to
move to Honesdale.
Tho Texas No. 4 Fire Company
held their twelfth annual ball Mon
day night. Tho affair, which was a
most delightful one, was largely at
tended. Dancing was enjoyed, mu
sic for which was furnished by
Freeman's orchestra. Tho ladles
served an elaborato supper.
On Friday evening, November
11, a pie social will bo held at the
Glass Factory School House, Miss
"Nelllo Gleason teacher, near Crystal
Springs, for tho purpose of raising
money to purchaso an organ for tho
school. All aro wolcomo, and tho
ladles are requested to bring pies
A beautiful enlarged chemical
oil painting of tho Into Rov. William
Dassol was nresented to tho St
Mary Magdalen's Parochial schools
Thursday morning, by Edward
Varcoo, who did tho work himself,
The picture Is a most striking like
ness of the beloved Father.
When In a hurry use tho Bell
Honesdnlo Is enjoying a building
ijooin, upwards or a score or houses ;
havlrtg boon built during tho past I
On Wednesday, Rev. Will II.
Hlller, I). D., married Alfred Muteh
lcr, Mt, 1'ocono, and Eleanor n. Mar
tin, Ledgcdnle.
- Dr. H. II. C. Gibbons, tho noted
surgeon ot Nownrlc, N. J., who spent I
his boyhood days In llonesdnlo, reg
istered at the Allen House.
Tho total vote In Wayne for gov
ernor was 4,173, distributed as fol
lows: Berry, 2074; Toner, 1301:
Grim, 70S; Horry's mnjority 773.
Tho Woman's Homo Missionary
Society of tho M. E. church wero
pleasantly entertained Wednesday
ftcrnoon nt the home of Mrs. James
On Wednesday, Frank E. Buch-
ter. Panther, nnd Mrs. II. J. Slog.
Newfoundland, wero
Scrnnton, by Rev. Dr,
"The Arrival of Kitty" will bo
tho nttractlon at the Lyric on Thurs
day evening, Nov. 17. One of tho
particular attractive features of tho
performance will bo a number of
bright and clever specialties which
will bo Interspersed.
Upon motion of District Attor
ney M. E. Simons, an order was
granted by Judgo A. T. Searlo for
the release of Max Borsch, from the
Asylum for the Insane at Danville,
nformatlon having been received
from tho Superintendent that Mr.
Borsch was much improved, nnd that
would be prudent to discharge
Raw furs wanted Highest
prices paid tor raw furs of all kinds.
Write mo for prices. B. S. FINKLE,
Blnghamton, N. Y. 89t3
Miss Charlotte Lane Is visiting in
Elklns ParK.
S. F. Cory Is spending a fow days
at his homo here.
Mrs. Lambert Artman is spending
several days In Scranton.
W, J. Loy, Damascus, was a Wed
nesday Maple City caller.
C. H. Williams, of Clinton, was
caller In town, Wednesday.
Austin Lynch, of Scranton. was
in tpwn on business Thursday.
Mrs. W. F. Suydam left Wednes
day morning for Paterson, N. J.
James Crooks, of Gouldsboro, was
a caller In town on Wednesday.
W. F. Reese, of Scranton, has been
In town on business this week.
Peter Karl has accepted a lucra
tive position In the Electric City,
J. Samuel Brown was a business
caller In Scranton, on Wednesday.
Miss Mollie Gray, of Mauch Chunk,
spent Wednesday In tho Mnple City.
Miss Georgiana Martin passed the
week-end, at her home at Winwood.
Harry Rogers and daughter, of
Plttston, spent Tuesday in this place.
W. E. Perham, of Pleasant Mt.,
called on friends In town, Thurs
day. Mrs. C. M. Betz and Mrs. C. E.
Mills are spending a week in New
Mrs. John A. Gregory, of Beach
Lake, was In town the forepart of the
Georgo W. Taylor! of Torroy, was
a caller In the Maple City on Wed
nesday. Elwin Butler and Nenl Hlller are
spending a week's vacation at Syra
cuse, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watklns. of
Scranton, aro spending several days
In Honesdale.
Miss Hattle Smith left Monday for
Syracuse, N. Y., where she will en
ter a school.
Miss Helen Hocklander returned
to her homo in Scranton after spend
ing a week here.
iiusseii nogors nas accented a
position as driver for tho Wells-
Fargo Express Co.
Dr. Georgo Butler is attending a
meeting of tho Dental Association
at Rochester, N. Y.
Robert Clark, of Philadelphia.
real estate and insurance man, is in
town for a few weeks.
Georgo Loercher has been giving
his "specialty acts" in Scranton a
number of times lately.
E. A. Finnerty, collector for Col
lier's Weekly, was In town on busi
ness tho first of tho week.
Dr. Harold W. Brown, Jersey City.
formerly connected with Christ hos
pital, spent Sunday In town.
William Seaman, of Oklahoma
City, Okla., is visiting his mother.
Mrs. Grace Seaman, 1303 East
Leo Osborno, Honesdale, represon.
tatlve of tho Scranton Truth, Is con
fined to his home with a slight at
tack of tho grip.
Georgo Rlpplo attended tho Fall
District Convention of tho Luther
Leaguo In Scranton, yesterday, and
took part in tho progratn. i
Char lost J. Handler! Millndilfnhln.
qaptain...of-the Third Regiment of
inianiry, .national uuara or Penn
sylvania was in town Thursday.
Albert Engleraan, travelling sales
man for Krantz, Smith & Co., who
has been In town on business about
a week, returned to tho metropolis
on Monday.
Postmaster S. II. Rhodes, who Is
spending some tlmo in llonesdnlo In
tho Interests of tho State Highway
Department, went to his homo at
Gouldsboro to voto.
George S. Spettlguo Is homo again
from Chicago, whoro ho attended tho
forty-fourth nnnunl convention of tho
representatives of tho Shermnn-Wll-llams
Paint and Varnish Co.
Dr. Georgo C. Butler, C. P. Searlo,
Harold Yorkes and O. M. Spettlguo,
Jr., passed Tuesday and Wednes
day In tho wlldB near Beach Lake,
and report vory good luck nt cap
turing tho cotton tails and pheas
Tho Wednesday, November I),
Issue of THE CITIZEN wus In tho
mulls and delivered at tho homes of
Uh llonesdnlo patrons, by 0 o'clock
Wednesday morning.
Wedding nt 8t. Mnry Magdalen's.
Monday nftornoon at 4 o'clock,
Rev. Georgo T. Forvo, married nt St.
Mary Magdalen's church, Miss
Emma, dnughtcr of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Klcnr, Torrnco street, and
Androw J. Holl, of this city. Tho
brldo woro a becoming blue travel
ling suit with a hat to match. Her
bridesmaid. Miss Antolnotto Hoff
man was attired In a suit of bluo
silk and woro a black lint. Henry
Holl, a brother of tho bridegroom,
wns tho best man. Tho happy
couple loft on tho 4:40 Delaware
and Hudson train on a wedding trip
to Scranton, Wllkcs-Bnrro and points
of Interest In Now York state. Tho
brldo was tho recipient of a largo
number of hnndsomo gifts. Upon
their return from their honeymoon,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Holl will rosldo in
Honesdale. whoro tho groom is act-
married at lvely engaged In tho grocery busl
L. H. Dor-1 ness with his brother.
Mrs. E. N. Adams, one of tho old
est and most highly esteemed resi
dents of Gouldsboro, died at her
West End homo Tuesday evening at
nine o'clock, aged 7C years. Fun
eral services will bo held on Friday
afternoon from the family homo at
1:30 o'clock.
Andrew Bayer, who recently mov
ed to the Waterson place In Paupack
township from Brooklyn, N. Y was
stricken with apoplexy last Wednes
day while out rabbit hunting In com
pany with his son, John. Dr. A. C.
Volgt was called, who directed Mr.
Bayer's removal to his home, where
he expired within a fow hours.
Russell Seaman, a former resident
of Hawley, died at his sister's home,
Mrs. S. L. Doherty, of WIlkes-Barre,
Wednesday, November 2. He was
so unfortunnte some years ago as to
sustain an accident, from the of-
fects of which he, became insane.
For many years ho lived In tho asy
lum nt Retreat, Pa. Funeral services
were held Friday afternoon at
First Baptist cnurcn Rev. Geo.
S. Wendell, minister. Tho usual
services will be held at the First
Baptist church at 10.30 a. m. and
7.30 p. m. The pastor will preach
at both services. The sessions of the
Bible school, F. H. Trask, superin
tendent, will convene at 11:45 a. m.
Young People's meeting at 6:30 p. m.
Subject: "War Against the Sa
loon." Rev. Geo. S. Wendell will
conduct worship at the Dyberry
Baptist church on Sunday next at
2:30 p. m.
Grace Episcopal church Rev.
Albert L. Whlttaker, rector. Twenty
fifth Sunday after Trinity. Morn
ing prayer at 10:30 o'clock. Even
ing prayer at 7.30 o'clock. Sunday
school and Bible classes, 12 M as
sistant superintendent, Jos. N. Welch.
Rev. A. L. Whlttaker will hold
service In White Mills at 3 p. m.
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran
church--Rev. C. C. Miller, pastor.
Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity.
Morning service in German at 10.30
a. m. Sunday school Immediately
afterwards. English evening ser
vices at 7.30 p. m.
Methodist Episcopal.
At the Methodist Episcopal church
next Sunday, Rev. Will H. Hlller, tho
pastor, will preach in tho morning
and In the evening.
First Presbyterian church, corner
Church and Tenth street, Rev. W. H.
Swift, D. D pastor. Services at
10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday
school 12 M.
Roman Catholic.
St. John's Roman Catholic, Ter
race street, Rev. T. M. Hanley, rec
tor. Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pen
tecost. Rov. E. Burke, assistant rec
tor. Low mass at 8.30 a. m. High
mass at 10.30 a. m. Evening ser
vice at 7.30 o'clock. Vespers first
Sunday of every month at 3 p. m.
St. Mary Magdalen's, corner of
Church and Fifth street, Rev. Geo.
Thomas Forve, of Scranton, rector
In charge. Twenty-sixth Sunday af
ter Pentecost. Low mass at 8.30 a.
m. High mass at 10.30 a. m.
Benediction at 3 p. m.
Tho Election in Honesdale.
Election Day passed off quietly in
Honesdale, no disturbances of any
sort being reported. 532 votes In all
wero cast. Of this number seventy
three .straight Rpubllcan votes, six
ty-seven straight Democratic votes,
thirty sralght Keystone votes, three
straight Prohibition votes, and one
Socialist voto, wore recorded. Tho
election revealed the largo number of
Independent voters In tho munlcl
pallty, only about one-third of tho
votes cast being straight tickets. Tho
olectlon officers counted tho votes
rapidly and tho result was announced
to eager and waiting crowds early In
tho ovenlug. At Republican head
quarters in tho Commissioners' of
fice at tho Court House, Sheriff M.
Leo Braman and County Detectlvo
N. B. Spencer wero kept busy at tho
'phones, receiving and furnishing
Information from, and to, all parts
of tho county.
Humorous Side of Election.
Somo of tho comments made on
tho olectlon of last Tuesday ran llko
"Who Is elected?"
"Oh isn't it a good thing!"
."Isn't It too bnd!"
"How daro you say that?"
"Sulcldo to-night! Good-byo!
Coming County Events.
At Ariel, Frldny, November 11
a meeting of the shareholders of tho
Wayno nnd Lackawanna Tolephono
Company will bo hold to consldor
tho advisability of consolidating with
tho Wallonpnupack Telophono and
tho Wayno and Pike Telephone Company.
49 BODIES iTilll !
Colorado Mm Horror Is
Caused by Explosion.
Negro Mulo Driver, Who Gave tho I
Alarm at Dslagua Coal Mino and
Thus Saved Many Lives, Believed
Dead Sixteen Rescued.
Trinidad, Colo., Nov. lO.-Tho care- council, brought about an lntorna
less rirnnnlm? nf n niio,i mntoh mi tlonnl conference at Geneva in Oc
in?nSi i i 1 . . tobcr 18G3- Slxteon governments
ntlammnble dust caused an explosion wer0 'represented. This was followed
In tho Deingnn coal mino. The num- Uy tho Genevn convention of Aug.
bor of dead nnd missing Is not nccu- 8, 18G4, which adopted nine articles
rntely known. of ngreemont "for the amelioration
Forty-nine bodies hnve been taken i of the condition of wounded In ar
out and more are being recovered nt mIes ,n tho field." These articles
the rate of one every half hour. ' wcr ,s'ened by twelve governments
Sixteen in on worn fm.mi niivo in n . and the signatory powers have since
. rr i i
"viu UVilW BUUUUaiL'U UUl
promptly brought out. ,
Election day at Delngun cost one man ,
his life and saved the life of another, j
M. Martin, who wns killed at the en
trance of the main slope by flying
rocks, was loafing around the mine be
causo tho saloon where ho Is bartender
was closed for election dny. Pomeulco
Chaves, who works In tho fourth north
entry, stnyed away from work to vote.
One of tho first signs of the explo
sion found by the rescue party was
the battered remnant of a silver watch.
The force of the explosion had evident
ly torn it from the owner's pocket, for
It wns found hundreds of feet from a
Not a man of the fifteen rescued
dropped his dinner bucket. Although
mnny were too weak to stand alone,
each one held his bucket gripped tight
ly In his hand, and somo did not let
go even to shake bands with friends.
Anton Brntovlch, who was one of the
rescued miners, believes that the man
who gave them the warning that sav
ed them perished.
They were warned of fire by a negro
mule driver.
After telling" tho men of their danger
the driver nttempted to make his way
out of the mine. Before he hod gone
i hundred ynrds nn explosion occurred
and Brntovlch believes he must have
Grief Is crowned with consolation.
Our Reputation and Money Are Back
of This Offer.
We pay for all the medicine used
during the trial, If our remedy falls to
completely relieve you of constipation.
Wo take all the risk. You are not ob
ligated to us In nny way whatever, if
you accept our offer. Could anything
be more fair for you? Is there any
reason why you should hesitate to put
our claims to u practical test?
The most scientific, commou sensi'
treatment is Rexall Orderlies, which
are eaten like candy. They are very
pronounced, gentle and pleasant In
action, and particularly agreeable in
every way. They do not cause diar
rhoea, nausea, flatulence, griping or
any inconvenience whatever. Itexall
Orderlies are particularly good for chil
dren, aged and delicate persons.
We urge you to try Roxall Order
lies at our risk. Two sizes, 10c.
and 25c. Remember, you can get
Rexall Remedies In this community
only at our store Tho Rexall Store,
Patient Tries to Kill His Physician,
Chicago, Nov. 10. Dr. J. Holllnger,
an ear, nose and throat specialist, was
shot three times In his office In the
Schiller building by a former patient,
Louis Martin, who lived at 1030 Wnsh
Ington boulevard. Mnrtlu then direct
ed tho revolver at his own forehead
and pulled tho trigger, dying Instantly,
Dr. Ilolllnger's lnjurjgs are not neces
sarily fatal, -although one of the bul
lets passed through his nose, another
lodged In his arm and the third in his
hand. The cause of the shooting Is
not known.
Filthy Stomach
Food Fermenting In Stomach Causes
n Rank Condition.
When you havo indigestion your
food sours; many times it actually
ro'ts and forms gases that poison tho
Take MI-O-NA stomach tablets If
you want to chango your bad stom
ach Into a healthy, clean one. Ask
G. W. Pell.
MI-O-NA Is tho best prescription
for upset stomach and indigestion
over written. No mattor how miser
able your stomach feols, MI-O-NA
stomach tablets glvo lnunodlato re
Take MI-O-NA stomach tablots
which aro guaranteed to euro lndl
gestlon, and rid yourself of dizziness
biliousness, nervous or sick headache
or money back.
Tako MI-O-NA tablots If you want
to mako your stomach so strong that
it will digest tho heartiest meal
without distress and furnish good
clean, nutritious blood making olo
mcnts to tho body.
Tako MI-O-NA tablets, ono or two
with or after each meal, If you want
to get rid of that drowsy, tired out
Fifty cents Is nil G. W. Poll or
leading druggists overywhoro ask for
a large box of MI-O-NA tablets. You
can get a free trial treatment by
writing Booth's Ml-o-na Co., Buffalo,
N. Y.
Ills Work In llio Intei-ost.s
I Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 31.
Henri Dunnnt, founder of tho Inter
national Red Cross society, died last
night nt Hcidon, a health resort.
Honrl Dunnnt was of Swiss birth
i and lived In Qonovn. Ho was a phll
, anthroplst. At tho bnttla of Sol
I forlno, Italy, Juno 24, 1850, ho wlt
I nessed tho needless suffering and
loss of life resulting from days of
neglect to enre for tho wounded.
Renllzlng that such conditions need
ot exist, ho conceived the Idea of
regard nnd protect as neutral all
sick nnd wounded combatants and all
persons giving them succor. Ho ola
1 boratcd his Ideas and, through the
' co-operation of the Swiss federal
. . -- a ....if n i-
01 n rcd cross on a white ground
vna JlHnntPfl nn n nnmnllmnnf tn Mm
Swiss confederation, whoso national
ilag Is the reverse. It was agreed
that each country should havo Its
own national commttteo or society,
but an international committee was
also provided for. Claro Barton was
the first president of tho Red Cross.
of which the executive head Is now
President Taft.
Mnrrlngo License Record.
Alfred Mutchler, Mt. Pocono.
Eleanor 11. Martin, Ledgcdnle.
Georgo Balsden, Kingston, N. Y.
Gertrude Yclllg, Kingston, N. Y.
W. B. HOLMES. President.
T. SEARLE, Vice Pres.
We want you to understand tlie reasons
of this
HAS A CAPITAL OF - - - $100,000.01)
MAKING ALTOGETHER - - 507.000.0o
EVERY DOLLAR ol which must be lost before any depositor can lose a PENNY.
It has conducted a growing and successful business for over 515 years, serving
an increasing number of customers with fideelity and satisfaction.
Its cash lunds are protected by MUDEKN STEEL VAULTS.
All of these things, coupled with conservative management, insured
by the OAKEFUL PERSONAL ATTENTION constantly sWen the
Hank's affairs by n notably able Hoard of Directors assures the patrons
ol that SUPREME SAFETY which Is the prime essential ot u food
MAY 10, 1910
Total Assets, -
iv. n. HOLMES
J . K. 13LA l.K.
909 Main Street, Honesdale, Pa.
' V MB 1
Above style one of our every
day sellers that is just right
for the average figure. All the
styles of $2.00 corsets at $i.oo
All the latest novelties in
Ladies' neckwear, cpllars,
gloves, underwear and sweat
ers. See our new Suede
gloves. All the new shades.
Any size.
SPECIAL. We place on
sale this week 175 Sweater
Coats. Mill samples from 39
cents up. Ladies', Gents',
Boy's or Girls'. See them.
Wool Mittens from 10 cents
pair. Michigan knit gloves,
sold by us for 12 years. The
kind that fits, all colors, 50c.
Leather gloves and mittens
from 50 cents up.
Rov. Hoyt Found Dead on Ground
Beside Ills Wagon.
Montlcello, N. Y. The Rov. J.
Chester Hoyt was found dead besldo
his wagon a short distance from his
homo near Montlcello at n Into hour
Friday night. Ho had died In his
wagon nnd fallen to tho ground.
His faithful horse stood guard over
his master's body when It was
found. Mr. Hoyt was ono of tho
best known pastors In tho Now York
conference, of which ho had been
a member since 1863. Among tho
places ho has been stntloned are
Nowburgh, Red Hook, Deposit, Gos
hen, Hudson and Garrison. Ho was
superannuated In 1007 nnd returned
to tho Hoyt farm near Montlcello,
whero ho was horn and which de
scended to him from his father. Mr.
Hoyt had two sons who are Metho
dist ministers and two sons who aro
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County, SS.:
Prank J. Cheney makes oath that
ho Is senior partner ot the firm of
F. L. Cheney & Co., doing business
In the City of Toledo, County and
State aforesaid, and that said firr
will pay the Bum of ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS for each and every case o
Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the
uso of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscrib
ed In my presence, this 6th day ot
December, A. D. 1886.
(Seal) A. W. GLEASON.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally, and acts directly on tho
blood and mucous surfaces of tho
system. Send for testimonials free.
Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 76c.
Take Hall'8 Family Pills for con
stipation. II. S. SALMON, Cashier
W. J. WARD, Ass't Cabhier
- - $2,87o,366.2
No. 212 Armorside, Long
Waist. This corset is built on
the lines of the long military
corset, with unbreakable side
steels. Abdominal reducer cor
set. All the features of the
$3.00 to $3.50 corset. $1.50
All the newest Fall styles in
Neckwear, Shirts, Underwear,
Vallestic Underwear. The kind
the well dressed man or youth
wants. 50 cents each.
We have Blankets from 39
cents up. See our 98c special
full-size blanket in .white .or
grey. Regular $1.25 grade
98 cents.
Special $2.50 Flannelette
wrappers 98c. Special $1.00
Ladies' Black Skirts 98c. Wool
Leggins for Ladies or Misses.
Made of pure wool yarn; La
dies' 49c; Misses' size same as
above, 39c.
Yours for trade,