The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 11, 1910, Image 4

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Kntcred us socoiul-clnss mutter, tit tlieixtst
nlllcc. lloiicsilnle. l'a.
0. h. dorm.ikokb. m. ii. al1.k.n.
UtNltY tflLBUN, K. n. HAllUENlir.RUII.
FRIDAY, NOV. 11, 110.
Teller's mnjorlty In the Btato Is
Hurrah for the Republicans of
tho State of Washlngtonl They
have granted woman tho right of
It was a great victory on Tues
day In New York. Connecticut, New
Jersey, Massachusetts, Indiana, and
Ohio, for the Republicans, who un
der tho banner of reform allied
themselves with the Democrats and
placed the above states in tho Dem
ocratic column, and gave them a ma
jority in Congress
With characteristic enterprise, THE
CITIZEN in its regular issue of Wed
nesday morning gave as full an ac
count as possible at that early hour
of the results of Tuesday's election.
Tho papers were sent out on the
early trains, and reached the Bur
rounding towns moro than three
hours earlier than any other local
or Scranton or metropolitan paper.
We appreciate most highly the ef
ficient service of our correspondents
and friends throughout the county,
whose cheerful help and willing co
operation enabled us to give an al
most complete summary of the re
turns from the boroughs and town
ships of Wayne county.
Our esteemed contemporaries THE
sued "Election Extras," the HERALD
appearing on the streets Wednesday
morning about 9 o'clock, and the
INDEPENDENT coming out late in
tho afternoon. "If you see it in the
'home paper,' you know it's so."
A large number of people called at
THE CITIZEN office on Wednesday,
to buy extra copies and the big
election edition is almost exhausted.
You will find a good many people
who condemn the present system of
compulsory education. They claim
that it ought to be left to the child
or his parents to determine whether
he Is to have even a rudimentary edu
cation or not. Let us investigate
this claim for a moment.
Under the old system, or lack of
system, whichever you call it, a boy
stayed away from school and wasted
his time in hunting and fishing, and
goodness knows, what else. Then
the days of manhood came, and he
went from one town to another look
ing for work, but finding none or
else work of any but a remunerative
sort. Ho wondered why It was. Ho
blamed the "hard world" and Its
savage heartlessness whereas In real
ity it was himself who was to blame.
Ho had destroyed his own future use
fulness and efficiency.
Nor Is it very different In tho case
of a parent who sends his child to
work when it ought to bo attending
school. It is all well enough to tell
pathetic stories about the need of
parents for their little one's earn
ings, but It ought to bo remembered
that every human child has certain
Inalienable rights which not even a
parent has the right to take away.
It is not merely a question of some
temporary deprivation, but It is a,
matter of fixing a barrier between
the child and his future efficiency
that no man can pass over.
The All-Round Farmer.
As a matter of fact the farmer is
ono of tho very few men who are
qualified to bo called "all round
men," says the Craftsman. His
roofless workshop Is at a distance
from communities -of any consider
able size, hence ho naturally and al
most Insensibly becomes a mastery
in part at least, of practically all tho
trades and professions; not because
he Is miserly or lacking In funds hut
becauso ho must grapple with things
at first hand.
Ho becomes perforce a bricklayer,
carpenter, plumber, butcher, sheep
herder, swineherder, hunter, bacter
iologist, entomologist, moterologlst,
horticulturist, agriculturist, pomolo
Bist nnd at times minister, tinsmith,
watchmaker, harnessmaker, banker,
doctor, veterinary surgeon, dentist,
lawyer and even, on occasion, an un
dertaker. "Law For the Lawyers."
"The United States Is on tho levol
with Spain, Italy and Turkey In tho
administration of Justice in its crimi
nal courts, and not on a par with
England, Franco and Germany," de
clared President Edmund J. James of
tho University of Illinois in an ad
dress at tho monthly luncheon of the
Head Assistants' association in Man
del Brothers restaurant recently.
President James denounced tho
"senseless technicalities" In tho ad
ministration of Justice, citing various
'instances, among them that of a crim
inal froed becauso tho article "the"
was loft out of tho corporate namo of
tho stnto in the Indictment. Ho said
that If many of tho criminal casos of
tills country wore tried In England,
Franco or Germany, they would be
disposed of moro quickly and with
groater certainty of Justice
"It is tni injustice to tho public to
allow such conditions," said President
James. "It is a disgrace to our
country that wo do not have adequnto
education for our lawyers. Our crim
inal law is mado for the financial in
terests of the lawyers, and not for tho
administration of Justice."
lloiif.,.- v "ii in tho Dome in
Which Rich Streams of Klon
dike llnvo Their Source.
A Tncomn, Wash., special of Sun
day says: In expectation of finding
the ledge which orlglnnlly contain
ed all the gold of the Klondike re
gion nnd in which it is hoped there
yet remain untold millions, an or
ganization of Dawson miners and
business men, assisted by tho Do
minion government, has started to
boro a scries of tunnels through
tho dome in which all of tho gold
laden creeks havo their source
It is a venturo for a stupendous
amount of wealth. If the expecta
tions of the men who arc backing
the project nre realized they will
tap the source from which was shed
by erosion the famous placers of
the Yukon, which when discovered
by George McCarmack startled the
world and Inaugurated a stampede
of gold hunters.
From tho time when the first
locations at Dawson were mado it
was noted that all the gold bearing
creeks had their source in ono great
dome, or rounded hill, and the
theory that this hill contained the
balance of the treasure that was not
lying in the streams was advanced
by many miners and geologists, yet
nobody had the courage to begin
tho immense undertaking of pierc
ing tho hill.
Work has now begun on tho dome
at the head of Lombard Creek, the
dome from which sulphur, gold bot
tom and several other producing
streams start on' their torturous
Journey to the Klondike.
Somewhere in this mound, geo
logists believe, lies the native ma
trice which has converted hundreds
of poor prospectors to men of com
parative opulence. Whether it lies
in one gigantic whole or is split up
into a series of small stringers, or
whether it has all been carried
away by erosion is something that
the boring of the tunnel will de
termine. The tunnel has been completed
for a distance of fourteen hundred
feet. It is expected that Klondik
ers will be able to see daylight on
tho other side of the rich hill with
in two years. Several small veins
have been encountered.
Coles for November.
Tho Autumn hazo now seems to
wrap the busy, throbbing world in
its mantle, to clothe upon it its own
peace and rest. The mellow sun
light glints the purple and scarlet,
gold and brown of the woodland,
but with a tender light that softens
and subdues their gorgeousness. The
falling leaves fill tho air with aut
umn's own faint fragrance. Sweeter
than the scent from clover or new
mown hay, is the dying offering of
these withering leaves. Well, it is
finished, the mellow, ripe-rich Aut
umn day. Gone, never to come
again, the odor and beauty only a
On this 1910 Thanksgiving Day
let us give thanks with a Joyous
heart for the many blessings bestow
ed upon us, and gratitude to the
Great Author of beauty must steal
Into every heart, when it reads, in
tho peace of the Autumn sky, a
Father's boundless love.
Tho vital forces will bo at "high
flood" more than one-half of the
time this month, as follows: 1st, ,2nd,
3rd. 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 14th. 15th,
ICth, 18th, 19th, 20th, 2Cth, 27th,
28th, 29th and 30th. Greater op
portunities than over lie before us if
wo will only seize them. Don't be a
pessimist. Believe In yourself and
your country. Get into tho fight
and do your part. As wo approach
the end of our Journey around tho
sun, tho starry heavens that He away
beyond tho realms of our sun and
planets, begin to tako on familiar
aspects characteristic of the autum
nal nights. Earth is now sailing
through the "House of Sickness"
(therefore guard well tho "low ebb"
days), in company with Saturn, op
posed by Mars and Jupiter Venus
and Mercury side by side. The
bunching of four planets, so nearly
together on tho same side of the
sun, is a peculiar combination that
perturb the sun, and hence react up
on themselves according to proven
magnetic and electric laws. Under
such concentrated perturbing forces,
great sunspots and other solar agi
tations originate, mutually exciting
and disturbing o.vo.rv member nf tlin
solar systefu:
The total ecllpso of tho moon on
tho ICth, visible in tho United States,
will ho a most interesting phenome
non. Tho greatest storm periods
may bo expected on or about tho
2nd, ICth, and 23rd.
An unusual amount of accidents,
mishaps, disputes, etc., aro indicat
ed. Those who speculate should bo
careful to havo plenty of margin and
not sleep while tho mark is in ses
sion. Tho indications aro favorable
for starting new business of im
portant changes, especially during
tho first part of tho month.
Presbyterian Church at Suco.
Among other items of business
transacted at a well-attended ad
journed meeting of tho Lackawanna
Presbytory hold Tuesday afternoon
with Rev. W. J. Day moderator, was
tho report of tho committeo appoint
ed by Presbytery to organlzo a
church at Saco, Wayno county,
through Revs. W. H. Swift and J, B.
Cody, reported that they had organiz
ed a Presbyterlau church there with
thirteen members and tho committee
recommended that tho Saco church
ho added to the roll nf Presbytery
which was done.
Au lmpot Unit Cnso Under tho Labor
La iv of tho Stule.
At tho trial torm of Supremo court
in Goshen Thursday of last week, a
verdict for ?1,U90, the full amount
claimed, was rondered in tho Biilt
of Oscar W. McEwan vs. Dorden's
Condensed Milk company. In Au
gust, 1909, McEwan was employed
by tho Ilordcn Company at Its sta
tion in Pino Rush. Among his du
ties was that of washing bottles. All
the bottles were washed in a large
wushlug machine, his duty being to
put tho dirty bottles in ono end of
tho machine and take them out at
tho other end after they had been
cleaned. On August 16th of that
year ho had put a number of bot
tles in the brushes nnd as ho started
to walk around to tho other end to
take them out, his foot slipped,
which caused him to lurch, and in
reaching out to save himself from
falling, he threw his right hand to
tho left of the machine and it went
Into a set of cogs about live feet
from the ground. Before ho could
pull tho hand out his index finger
was cut off and the thumb so badly
smashed that it had to bo ampu
tated. It was ills claim that tho
cogs were not properly guarded, as
required by the labor law of the
state, and that by reason of their
not being guarded properly ho sus
tained tho injuries.
Tho Motlicr-ln-Law.
A Minneapolis man and his sweet
heart eloped to Chicago. The girl's
mother followed them hot-foot and
found them quarreling. So she mar
ried the man herself, with the
daughter as bridesmaid. Who
knows what might have come about
had the girl's grandmother dropped
in beforo tho ceremony?
This is delightful. It adds spice
to living. We can imagine what hap
pened. The mother burst suddenly
upon them with blood in her eye.
The man reflected. Ho probably fig
ured thus: "Hero is a very deter
mined woman, who is making things
uncomfortable for me. If I marry
her daughter, I Bhall havo a terrible
mother-in-law. I shall probably
quarrel with a wife anyhow; why
quarrel with two? Better marry her
mother and not have any mother-in-law
than marry tho daughter and
live between two fires. So, in pur
suance of the thought, he up and
marries tho prospective mother-in-law
and solves handily a vexatious
problem. There will be no mother-in-law
in his family.
And yet we havo a tender spot for
the mother-in-law, and now that
this incident of the news has opened
tho way, why not consider for a
moment the rankest injustice of do
mestic tradition? The mother-in-law
is no brawling termagant. She is
not the bane of man's existence. She
docs not habitually make life miser
able for her daughter's husband. On
the contrnry, sho generally leans to
the side of the son-in-law when she
is called upon as domestic arbiter;
and for him she reserves the tender
loins and picks the lightest muffins.
His towel Is always fresh and ready
for tho bath, his mirror for shaving
placed where there is most .light.
Mother-in-law frequently lends, nion
ey to son-in-law, and if he iff up
against adversity he may live at
home in luxury until things mend.
For his socks mother-in-law has a
willing needle, and when his head
aches it is mother-in-law who
fetches the camphor.
Yes, we have a warm spot for the
mother-in-law Just as we have for
the much-abused but long-suffering
boardlng-houso landlady. Of course
there are exceptions, but nine of
every ten men who have mother-ln-laws
will admit, if they think with
out prejudice, that it's about' time
Justice were done. From tho stand
point of a man's material and spirit
ual comfort, a mother-in-law is a
mighty good thing to have about tho
house. Baltimore Sun.
How "Rub and His Friends" Was
Dr. Brown's uncle, the Rev. Dr.
Smith of Blggar, asked him to give
a lecture In his native village. He
had never lectured before, but was
anxious to say something to tho
"strong brained primitive people of
my youth," and In a rare moment of
Inspiration ho decided to tell them
Aillo's story, tho memory of which
Rupture Quickly Cured
No Charge if You
Not a single cent comes out of your
pocket If a trial of the Cluthe Truss which
automatically gives Massaeo Treatment
doesn't result In Immense relief. We don't
want a cent of your money unless this
Truss docs you a world of good.
The Cluthe Truss with Its jVutomatlo
Massage Treatment Is entirely unlike any
other truss ever made.
There Is no belt, no leg straps, no
springs, no harness of any kind what
ever. Nothing at all uncomfortable.
Your Rupture Can't Come Out.
you'll feel a whole lot stronger the min
ute you put this Truss on. Your rupture
will never again come out.
No matter how you lift and strain, the
Cluthe Truss will hold your rupture se
curely and comfortably In place. You'll
never suffer another moment's discom
fort. Think of that you who now have
to put your rupture back perhaps many
times a day you who now wear trusses
that cause you constant torture.
Automatic Manage Treatment.
The Cluthe Truss automatically gives
a wonderfully beneficial massage treat
ment. It has Automatic Holding Pads. They
are self - regulating self - adjusting to
every movement you make. That is why
It Is utterly Impossible to force these
pads out of position. There Is always
proper support for your rupture.
And these Automatic Holding Pods au
tomatically massage the weakened mus
cles at the rupture opening until they
are strong and sound.
This massaging does for these muscles
what exercise does for the arms or legs.
That Is how the Cluthe Truss cures even
after everything else has failed to do any
good whatever.
Cures In Short Time
When you wear a Cluthe Truss you can
do any work that you could do If you
weren't ruptured.
And, unless yours Is a terribly bad case,
the Cluthe Truss with Us Automatic Mas
sage Treatment will soon cure you com
pletely. The Cluthe Truss has cured hem of the
worst cases In history.
had never left him slnco ills days
in tho Mlnto llouso hospital. Ever
lio saw tho beautiful face of the suf
fering woman, hoard tho volco of
the hcart-brokon carrier ontreatlng
him to toll all tho world what his
Aillo was nnd listened to Rnb whin
ing at tho hospital door.
At 12 o'clock ono midsummer
night ho sat down to tell tho tale,
and by 4 o'clock ho hnd finished It.
Ho called tho lecturo "Tho Howgnto
Carrier, Ills Wife and ills Dog Rab,"
but Ills uncle in introducing tho
subject to tho Blggar audience
omitted the Inst word, at which
Dr. John complained that his friend
Rah had boon grievously Insulted.
"There was no doubt ho was a dog,"
ho cxplnincd, "hut ho wns a great
deal more ho was Rab." Perhaps
It was to mako amends to tho faith
ful creaturo that when tho story ap
peared In print the author entitled
It "Rab and His Friends." Ho used
to say that manufactured conversa
tion wns beyond his powers. When
urged to write another "Rah" ho
said, "That Is impossible. I cannot
feign these things." Cornhill Maga
zine. -
"Tho Wolf," undoubtedly tho
greatest success of that now famous
author, Eugene Walter, will be
brought to the Lyric on Thursday,
Nov. 10. "The Wolf" is a melo
drama of the Canadian Hudson Bay
country, in three acts. Tho first act
takes place in front of tho home of
Andrew MacTavish, a Scotch trader,
on tho banks of the Wind River;
the second act is the interior of the
same home, and the third is in the
woods at the portage of Little Bear
River. The action consumes but a
day. Years beforo tho story of
"Tho Wolf," begins, a half-sister of
Jules Beaublen has been betrayed
by an American adventurer, and on
his death-bed Jules' father tells him
to find his step-sister, Annette, and
care for her. Jules goes North on
the search, but finds that his sister
met voluntary death in a storm, af
ter her betrayal. He determines to
find the man and avengo his step
sister's wrongs, enlisting with him
Batiste LeGrande, a nomad.
In the first act, William McDon
ald and his assistant, George Hunt
ley, aro found stopping at the Mac
Tavish home, while promoting the
construction of a railroad. McDon
ald has been making love to Mac
Tavlsh's daughter, Hilda a child
hated by her father because he
wished for a son, and because her
mother deserted him on account of
his abuse. Jules and Batiste arrive.
Jules Is Hilda's admirer, but hai
never spoken his love. To him Mc
Donald boasts that, although he is
married, he Is going to take Hilda
away with him. In his boasting, ho
admits that it was he who drove
Annette to her death in the storm.
There is a fight which ends in
the death of McDonald at the hands
of Jules in the last act
Treasury to Renew Issuo Dropped
25 Years Ago.
The old United States ?1 note
which disappeared from circulation
in 1885, is to be called into the ser
vice again. Secretary MacVeagh de
cided that the enormous demand for
bills of smaller denomination war
rants an issue, which was authorized
in 1907, but until now has never
seemed really necessary.
Tho plates which have been pre
served in tho Bureau of Printing
ana engraving will be pressed into
service and, beginning yesterday, tho
notes were issued at about tho rate
of $1,200,000 a day, until the de
mand for small bills is met.
There are issued 34G, 081,016 of
United States notes. That amount
Is authorized by law and does not
change. Of that sum about ?75,
000,000 is in notes of the denomi
nation of ?20 and upward.
Secretary MacVeagh believes the
demand for notes of larger denom
inations is amply taken caro of by
gold certificates, so beginning yester
day all United States notes of ?20
or moro which coma into the Treas
ury for redemption or In course of
business will be destroyed and their
vnluo will be issued in notes of ?1
Don't Get Relief
Cured men and women 60. 60 and 70
years old people who had been ruptured
20 to 60 years people who had worn doz
ens of other trusses In vain.
Our Expense if It Fails.
Please do not doubt these statements.
See the proof In our free book It Is your
duty to send for.
Remember that you can try tho Cluthe
Truss at our risk. Let It prove all we
say. If It falls to hold your rupture every
minute of the day, It won't cost you a
Free Book Telli.
We have written a book which sums
up all that we have learned about Rup
ture In forty years of day-after-day ex
perienceIn the successful treatment of
over 2S0.O0 cases.
This book explains why elastic, spring
and leg-strap trusses or appliances can
never cure. It explains about operations.
It exposes the fraud behind some of the
advertised "methods." It puts you on
guard against throwing money away.
And It tells all about the Cluthe Truss
with Automatic Massage Treatment,
It tells the experience of many former
sufferers. And we give you (with their
permission) the names and addresses of
over 3.600 people who have recelred In
stant relief at our hands most of them
entirely cured some of them you prob
ably know.
Your name on a postal or on the cou
pon below brings you this helpful book.
Send today-don't put it off when you
read this book you will know how you
can get Immediate relief without risking
any more money.
When writing, please give our Box
number, as below.
(For Rupture Exclusively.)
125 Etit 23rd Si.. New York City
Send me your Free Rook on The
Cure of Rupture.
Semi 2Sc. and wc will mull you a W of PtIR
NO CHOLKTS, a CVRK for Constipation fnm
ny ciiik- ctirp Iho flirt njmptom of ninety per
cent of ill illwaw. Gltc them a trill. If not
mtWIM for any rraon, wn will return lour
money. THE LEWIS CO.,
210 West Twenty-first street, New York.
Teachers9 Institute.
MOSELLE. 2.-c.
S5o. PUPILS 25c.
Keystone Block Honesdale, Pa.
New Model Autumn Tailor
Suits for Ladies and
Ladies' Junior and Misses' Long
Nobby Coats. Lnto Shapes.
Separate Jackets and Skirts New
est in style, best in Goods.
Ladies9 SiSkand Semi-Princess
AUTUMN GOODS in alii departments
I from headquarters.
THE M,eiA COMMlnr fl
wm t
wear I
Unclaimed Letter List.
Tho following unclaimed letters
are romaining in tho Honcsdalo
Jones, Mrs. Mary.
Murray, Mr. Will.
McLaury, Wm. R.
Rashley, Miss N.
Why not use tho Bell?
' ts.,
UY a Wooltex coat
and you will
practice true
economy be.
cause you
t a k e no
You take no chances
when you buy a Wool
tex garment because
the label is an absolute
guarantee of satisfac
tion throughLtwo sea
sons' service. This Is
a promise that has
never been broken
and never will be.
Look for the"Vooltex
label and feel certain
that style, material and
tailoring are right.
The stylcT was design
ed in Paris, after a close
study of the best models
from all the well-known
dress establishments.
Tie sterj mat sells Wooliei.