THE CinZlfK, F1UDAY, NOVKMIttill 11, 1010. STRIKERS ML Three Attackers of Express Wagon Are Nabbed. MAY TIE UP 100,000 DRIVERS. Chairman Rogan of Brotherhood of Teamsters Says, "We Won't Hesi tate to Call Out Everything on Wheels." New York, Nov. S. Three arrests of strikers were mado by the police fol lowing the riot at Korty-scvcnth street and Eighth nvenue, this city, hi which an Adams Express company wagon was attacked. The men arrested were taken to the West Forty-seventh street station. The driver had his head cut open by a brick. He was taken to the Adams express barn In West Forty seventh street The two helpers were also Injured. Fully a dozen In the crowd sustained serious Injuries. The police seem unable to cope with the situation, and more trouble of a very serious nature Is expected. "If worse comes to worse we will not hesitate to call out everything on wheels," was the declaration made by Michael Itognu, chairman of the Joint executive committee of the Interna tional Brotherhood of Teamsters, after n warlike half day, during which taxi cabs were slashed and smashed, while express wagons were attacked. The sympathetic strike of 2,000 taxicab chauffeurs gave now Impetus to the express strike and for a time shifted the object of attack. Sir. ltogan had been asked when the meeting would be hold to discuss the general strike, expected to call out 20, 000 affiliated men aud effect the tying up of the work of 100,000. He said, "Possibly not before Thursday." Thomas .T. Grcely, business agent of the Independent Hackmen's associa tion, having a membership of 2,000 men, Informed William II. Ashton, or ganizer of the teamsters, that the hack men had authorized a sympathetic strike, provided the union men of the red taxicab service did not pick up any fares on the street. Mr. Ashton conferred with Samuel Gompcrs, pres ident of the American Federation of Labor. An open letter was sent the express companies by a committee of the Mer chants' association of New York, cit ing Mayor Gaynor's declaration that the peace negotiations failed because the companies would not agree that no one should be discharged for joining the union. The letter referred to the fact that the association's members furnished the bulk of the express com panies' business and protested against i a "needless and unreasonable attitude, i which prevents the solution of the ex- , istlng difficulties." A NEW AERO RECORD. Hubert Latham In Continous Flight Over Baltimore Forty Minutes. Baltimore, Nov. 8. Hubert Latham, the French aviator, has established a new record by flying from the track at Halethorpe over Baltimore, traveling from the extreme southwest to the eastern limits und returning to the starting point without a halt. The time occupied ln the flight was 42 min utes 10 seconds. The wind was blow ing ten miles un hour most of the time. The new record consists ln the fact that for practically forty minutes he wns in continuous flight over the city. This is considered one of the most dangerous feats ln the realms of avia tion. When he started the bell In the city hull tolled and tho factory whistles, iuUlng to the din, notified the peoplo of the aviator's approach. When he started, soon after noon, every tall building in the downtown district of the city was a vantage ground for thousands who sought viewpoints to witness the filght, while every roof top was black with people. CRIPPEN NOT TO DIE TODAY. A Respite Extends Convicted Wife Slayer's Life Till Nov. 23. London,' Nov. 8. Dr. Hnwley n. Crlppen, convicted and sentenced to doath for tho murder of his wile, Belle Elmore, will not be executed today, as originally arranged, for tho reason that the law provides that two weeks must elapse between tho dismissal of nn ap peal and tho carrying out of tho sen tence. Tho execution will be held on Nov. 23. Meantime Solicitor Newton Crlp peu's counsel, is drafting u petition for a reprieve. At Scotland Yard it was said that the postponement of the execution had nothing to do with tho Philadelphia report that Mrs. Crlppen is alive in tho United States. The authorities de clared that they had not heard of tho rumor. Fourth Death From Paralysis. Logausport, Iud., Nov. 8. Marie, the twenty-year-old daughter of Judgo and Mrs. Qulncy A. Myers, died after a weok'a illness of Infantllo parnlysis. This is the fvurth death from this disease in Logausport in two weeks. There nro at present moro than twenty rises in the city, nnd physicians and I ' vents are greatly alarmed. Weather Probabilities. I'alr; cold; northwest winds. MItS. W. C STORY. ( ( Now York Woman Who i'ni ? $ Started a Fight In the D, A. fl. ) New York. Nov. 8. The first shot in the campaign for the oillec of presi dent general of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Inv olution was llred by Mrs. William Cummlng Story of New York, candi date of the conservative party of the Daughters, who is In the field in op position to Airs. Matthew E. Scott of Bloomlngton, 111., the present presi dent general, who seeks ie-elcctlon. The shot was in the form of a flat denial from Miss Florence G. Finch, the campaign manager for Mrs. Story, that Mrs. Scott had not, according to I general belief, received the unanimous support of the recent state conference 1 In Illinois, but had, in fact, been tu i ed down as candidate by the Chlci ;o chapter, the largest In the United States. I MRS. MARTIN IN A RAGE. Creates Scene at Continuation of In quiry Into Her Sanity. Newark. N. J., Nov. S. Judge Ten Eyck resumed the inquiry Into the mental condition of Mrs. Caroline B. Martin, one of the two.survlvlug Ward law sisters, who are under indictment for the alleged killing of Ocey W. M. Snead. During the examination of a witness Mrs. Martin made quite a scene, nnd the court adjourned for n few minutes to give her time to quiet down. It was while John L. Vaughan. n banker nnd railroad promoter of hnawsviuo, a., was oemg cross ques-; tioned by Louis Hood, who is nsso- I elated with Prosecutor Mott In the case. Mr. Vaughan testified about Montgomery college at Chrlstlansburg, Va., which was conducted by the Wardlaw sisters. The witness, in an swer to questions, said that Mrs. Mar tin wnnted to enlist the services of a business man to conduct the college, with the purpose of making it more successful and perhaps of getting nn endowment for the college. While he wns telling about this Mrs. Martin jumped up In a rage and shouted, "I never said what fliat .Tow (pointing at Mr. Hood) is trying It make it appear I said." King George to Be Crowned June 22. London, Nov. 8. -The date for the coronation of King George has been officially fixed for June 22. Mystery of the Egg. An egg for one thing is a succession f bags, bagged up in one another, a series of envelopes enveloped ln one another, bags and envelopes without Joints, seams or openings. Puzzles, ships built up and full rigged in bot tles, flies ln amber, are simply simplic ity Itself as puzzles when it comc3 to how these bags wrap ono another up, hag in bag. In a hen's egg there nre eight or nlno or ten of the sacks in sacks ensacked. Everybody thinks he knows what nn egg Is, nnd after weary reading and study in many languages he only begins to learn that nobody knows a tiny fraction of all the world of secrets nnd mysteries hidden ln an egg. "As full of meat as an egg" is not the true comparison, but "as full of mystery as an egg" Is nearer the truth. Eggs ore the greatest puzzle in nil nations. New York Press. Poor Pay, Poor Preach. Once upon n time there was nn Iu dlan named Big Smoke. A white man, encountering Big Smoke, asked him what he did for a living. "Umph!" said Big Smoke. "Me preach." "That so? What do you get for preaching?" "Me git ten dollar a your." "Well." said tho white man, "that's d d poor pay." "Umph!" said Big Smoke, d d poor preach!" So runs tho world poor pay preach. Minneapolis Tribune. "Mo poor Didn't Awe Him. Tho members of a Greek letter fra ternity from a southern university were being shown through tho library of congress. They were apparently stricken dumb with admiration of tho beauties of tho building. But tho at inosphero of awo was dissipated when ouo of tho party, n red headed youth. exclaimed fervently: "Gee, fellows! Wouldn't this make a dandy frat house?" St. Louis Be nuiillc. SAVED FI1 FIRE Heroic Rescue of 20 Fam ilies From Blaze. ! WOMEN AND CHILDREN SWOON Daring Policemen Carry Unconscious Victims From Blazing Tenement. Fire Escapes Jammed by the Frantic Fugitives. Nert l'ork, Nov. 8. Twenty families of women nnd children were rescued by policemen nnd firemen from the Ave story tenement at 375 Broome street after Ore had cut oft the stairways nnd was roaring up two Interior air shafts. The blaze started in a washroom on the first floor which has a window let ting out on to n narrow air shaft. As the lire was confined at first to the interior of the house It wns not until a painter, Rlccn, was dragged out by Giovanni Glnvcttl that anyone In the front of the building knew there was n fire. Glnvettl ran down the street to the house of Engine company No. 55, but before the apparatus reached the house flames were roaring through the .roof nnd had cut off escape to the street by the lower hallways. Not more than half n dozen women nnd children in the tenement were able to get out be fore the main exit wns cut off. The cries of the women nnd the screnms of the children were heard as far away as police headquarters, and the reserves from there nnd from the Mulberry street station were sent to the burning tenement. Patrolmen Peter Donohue, John Ri ley, Patrick Dunford and Thomas Mof fett of the Mulberry street station were the first of the reserves to arrive. There wns heroic work for them to do on the jammed fire escapes, and each of the four men brought down from two to three families. Some of the in mates were unconscious nnd on the verge of being burned to death. Moffctt had to go to the top floor to get Mrs. Amelia Mavlatta and her year-old Infant, and before he got her down to the third floor she swooned. Donohue got down two women and two children and then went up again and brought down a cat. When the firemen arrived and put up their ex tension ladders the rescue work was simplified. Central Office Detective Nnncini came upon Mrs. Filomenn Bniono on the sidewalk wringing her hands and shrieking hysterically. He finally drew from her that she had left nil' her savings and jewelry on the fourth ,Ioor. Nnncjui went ,m ana brought down S70o ln old nnd .. ,., which ho found under n mattress, aud restored it to the frantic woman. BIPLANE CARRIES FREIGHT. Goes Mile a Minute Delivering $1,000 Worth of Silk. Columbus, O., Nov. 8. Phil O. Par inalee of Michigan, one of the Wright brothers' aeroplane operators, made the fastest cross country flight ever made in a biplane. Parmalee flew from Dayton direct to Columbus, passing over soutu cuaneston nnu London. The air line distance, as given out by the Wrights, Is sixty-five miles, nnd the flight wns made in sixty-six minutes. Parmalee carried $1,000 worth of silk for a dry goods firm, and It is said that this is the first time that the biplane has been put to such commercial use. A New York Arm sent a parcel of goods from its Dayton house to a Co lumbus customer. SILL'S CONDITION CRITICAL. New York Merchant, Hurt In Auto Ac cident, May Lose An Arm. Newburg, N. Y., Nov. 8. The coudi- tion of John T. SHI, retired New York merchant nnd clubman, who was hurt in the automobile accident at Allards Corners, near Walden, Sunday. Is crit ical. He is uuconscious. It is feared that his left nrm will yet have, to bo amputated. Mr. Sill is also suffering from a fractured none and contusions ubout tho head. While it Is thought that ho will probably recover the out look is discouraging. Both John Ellis Itoosevelt, cousin of Colonel Itoosevelt, and George II. Hob lnson, the New York banker, seem to be injured moro severely than was at first reported. LUNATIC IN STRIKE. F. W. Maxtadt, a Guard, Is Locked Up In New York. New York, Nov. 8. Francis W. Max- tudt, an escaped limatlc from the Stato Hospital For the Insane at Middle town, N. Y., who has been working since Oct. 28 as u guard for the Adams Express company to protect their wag ons from strikers, has been arrested. Detective Suydecker of headquarters found a policeman's night stick on him aud tho charge of carrying concealed weapons stands against him until the hospital authorities can be communi cated with. Maxfadt until eleven years ago was tho presldeut of the American Electric Fuso company, an Illinois corporation, and made his homo ln Chicago. MacVengh Goes Home to Vote, Chicago, Nov. 8. Secretary of the Treasury Fraukllu MucVeagh is ln Chicago, having come home to vote. rr will mBln hnro for n few dors. Points For Mothers Don't snub the child who is n per petual Interrogation mark. It is a big temptation, but think how dreadful It would bo if your llttlo questioner had been born deaf nnd dumb or mentally deficient. Losing your patlenco when Wllllo bothers you with his "Why?" or Nancy never spenks without a question to bo answered will throw your children back on themselves for information, nnd you will learn too lato you have lost your hold on your llttlo ones. . If you do not nnswer questions be lure some one else will neither so wisely nor so truthfully. Many n child's fear of "bogies" or dreadful nervousness for which you cannot ac count can be traced to awful stories told them by servants when you re fused to gratify childish curiosity be cause you were too busy. Do not feel tlint your child is nn in fant prodigy because he is given to the "why and wherefore." His quest: 'n ing Is only nature's way of making In struction ensier to you. See that you heed It. If you think the questioner a wonder you can rarely hide your opinion from him. The result? He becomes .hat most obnoxious nuisance a child who asks questions to show off and be a Btnarty. Likewise will his vanity take a boom that Is not beneficial. Again, do not tell n child ho is a "stupid" or laugh uproariously when he asks you a question that seems ridiculously easy to you. It is this habit that keeps many children silent when by going to mother or father their doubts could easily be set straight. Many children have held for years impossible and terrifying notions of everyday facts which they never would have had If they had not dread ed the laughter of "big people." When Children Are Convalescing. It Is. of course, very tedious for nn actively Inclined child to lie quietly in bed when he longs to get up, nnd the resources of mother nnd nurse are sometimes almost exhausted ln the ef fort to amuse him. Perhaps you may feel Inclined to let him get up nnd say nothing about 11 to the doctor; but. though you may hoodwink him. you can't hoodwink the heart, and It will make the child pay for the deception sooner or later. A person with n permanently weak heart more particularly a boy Is heavily handicapped lu life's race. He cannot enter the army or navy. Ho would be instantly rejected by tho examining mrdlcal officer. He cannot go ln for any athletic competition. If he does so it is at the risk of his life. Very hard work Is almost impossible to him. He must always "take care" more or less and so Is almost certain to fall behind his more lucky because stronger compeers in the race of life. A Gift For Baby. A charming gift for a new baby is a set of washed gold safety pins. These are not the small sets connected by a chain used to fasten the little frocks, but are ordinary safeties specially gold washed for the purpose. Select a dozen strong, sharp pins nnd take them to any reliable Jeweler. In Borne places the set can be gold wash ed for as little as 60 cents. The cost Is never higher than would commonly be paid for any useful christening or beliy shower gift. The gilt coating prevents rust and does not wear off easily. To represent them a tiny homemade case of ribbon Is a pretty idea. Train Your Child. Correction does much, but encour agement after censuro is as the sun after n shower. Blessed be tho hand that prepares a pleasure for a child, for there is no Baying when nnd whero it may bloom forth. In the man whoso childhood has known caresses there is always n fiber of memory that can be touched in gen tle issues. When a child returns from n neigh bor's house don't question him as to what was said or done thero unless you wish to sow seeds of gossip nnd mischief. A Musical Tip. So much high class music can be on ioyed by means of tho talking ma- :b!no that tho Instrument has a de rided educational value. A mother gives prizes to her threo llttlo ones when they learn to recognlzo tho op eratic or classic selections they hear reproduced from tho records. Tho children soon learn tho airs well enough to whistle or pick out tho themes on the piano. Crib Cover. A pretty crib cover may bo made from a yard each of white and pale blue or pink flannel. On tho colored flannel embroider h flower and bow knot design; on the white, a conven tional border and a large central mono gram. Bind tho two together by means of wide satin ribbon und put a bow or rosette ln ono corner with tho colored side considered as the top. 3 LIVE & STOCK FARM HORSE IS NEGLECTED. Animal Should Be Groomed Often to Stimulate Respiratory System. Some farmers think it a waste of tlmo to groom work horses ln order to make thorn look sleek and shiny nnd would rather leavo them in their natural state. It should be remembered that la the domestic horse mora Ib demanded than ln the wild animal, and conse quently he requires a little moro fos tering to supply tho woar of this extra demand. And grooming does not mean mere ly cultivating a "sleeky" nppearance, although I do not mean to depreciate the virtue of those who take a pride In keeping their horses ln fine coat nnd condition. It means a stimulating of tho res piratory system and consequently In creased vigor to the health of tho horse. Secretions are continually going on in the glands of the skin, which are given off ln the form of perspiration, and this secretive action Increases more rapidly tho better too animal Is Prize Winning Draft Mare. fed or tho harder ho is worked, so that by perspiring freely nature come3 to the assistance in preventing the pores of the skin being choked. But tho fatty fluid which comes from the glands in the form of sweat is apt to consolidate again at the roots of the hair and form n covering of dandruff which clogs the circulating action through the pores of the skin. When a horse Is doing no work nnd grazing in the open this is of no harm, as it helps" to keep out the cold and consequently grooming Is not needed; but, on the other hand, the working animal requires' to bo kept in better vigor, and besides tho labor and more nitrogenous food usually given Induces more excessive per spiration. When he comes into the stable either wet or perspiring he should bo I well rubbed down at once with a handful of straw or hay and get a good feed. After ho is dry a thorough groom ing will well repay the labor, and in those districts where tho care of the horse Is a feature of the farm I have often heard it said that a good groom ing twice a day was worth a feed of oats. W. R. Gilbert. Feed for Work Horse. Tho practice of the leading farm- orb of a section usually Is a pretty safe guide for a beginner. In the corn belt a big percentage of tho farm horses do not get oats In their ra tions the greater part of the year. and a large number never are fed any grain except corn. Corn furnishes heat and fat during the idle months of the winter, and it furnishes power ln the working season. We have been taught that oats are needed for the sake of health and spirit and that they contain a principle that is needed, but I know of no proof that this is a fact, B&ys the National Stockman. Our readers would be Interested In an Ohio station bulletin prepared by Prof. Carmlchael on feeding work horses. This bulletin was published & year ago and gave the results of 48 weeks' experiments with six-grade Porcherons on the station farm. Mix ed clover and timothy hay was fed, and ear corn wns found to be as effi cient as oats, pound for pound. The corned horses endured hard work dur ing hot weather as well as did the oats fed horses, and tho oats did not Induce increased spirit or endurance. Tho corn ration produced work moro cheaply than oats. These results do not apply to growing stock or to horses getting timothy and no clover. The teaching of this bulletin Is ln line with the cxperlenco of thousands of farmers ln the center of our great corn bolt Oleo as a Calf Food. Now hopo appears for tho oloo-inok-era In recent tests at an experiment farm in Italy. It was found that tho best feeding material for calves was a mixture of skim milk with oleo margarine. Tho calves aro not likoly to object to this substitute for tho natural food, and It would seem that the oleo oil, If it coud be bought at a price low enough, would be just tho thing to even up the composition of skim milk. It Is claimod that a good quality of veal can bo made on this ration at a low cost Keep the Barn Warm. If tho farmers of our country would make their stables so warm that wa ter would not freeze in them ln an or dinarily cold night, one-third more animals could be kept on tho same feed as now used. Tar paper and cheap lumber do not cost so much as hay and grain to keep up animal beat While pnper and lumber cost only once, feed costs every winter. APPENDICITIS. Tho most dreaded disease of civilization is the condition known as appendicitis. Once fully established, nothing will remedy but tho cold knife. The theory that this Inflammation was caused by seeds or for eign bodies entering the appendix is long exploded. The true cause of appendicitis Is sluggishness of the bowels, constipation; and the gases which aro formed in conse- auenco produce germs known to the sclen fie physician as the Bacilli Colli Com mensis. Now to avoid this formation of gas germs, constipation and the resulting Inflammation, take Smith's Pineapple and Butternut Pills, which have been tested in all the various diseases of the stomach, bowels and liver, and found to be the greatest and best preventative remedy known. These wonderful little vegetable pills cleanse the blood, and make It rick and red. They stimulate the liver to healthy action and invigorate the whole system. You may be very sick at night; Smith's Pineapple and Butternut Pills make you well In the morning. Physicians useand recommend. They form no habit. You should always keep them on hand. These little Vegetable Pills will ward off many ills. To Cure Constipation Biliousness and Sick Headache in a Night, use SVHTHS PINEAPPLE AND 'BUTTERNUT Diseasoa of H2Z I PIUS liversndB&rels ft I CO rtlU in Cltni.ii Vlnl 25r All Dmitri. SMITH'S BUCKU LITH5A KIDNEY PULLS For Sick Kidneys BlvMer Dn3 Ilhennuitlsra, lh nie lt runcilr. Reliable, citf r- 1 rleadtriirp)iyldani; Mfc ilednal. ltesults luting. On .ie nurket IS yean. Hare cu rd thomirola. loo pllli ln ort-tml plan mpVasre, eocenti. TrlU bote. 60 pills, U cents. All drainrtsts eeU and recommend. 1 WHEN THERE I IS ILLNESS S in your family you of course call a reliable physician. Don't stop at that ; have his prescriptions put up at a reliable pharmacy, even if it is a little farther from your home than some other Btore. You can find no more reliable store than ours. It would be im possible for more care to be taken in the selection of drugs, etc., or in the compounding. Prescrip tions brought here, either night or day, will be promptly and accurately compounded "by a competent registered pharmacist and the prices will be most rea sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS, PHARMACIST, Opp. D. A II. Station. Hoesdai.e. Pa. . ..m ... j j- I SPENCER 1 The Jeweler t X would like to see you if you are in the market t for X I JEWELRY, S1LVER- t WARE, WATCH ES.t CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, AND NOVELTIES 4- "Gunranteed articles only sold." X NOTICE is nereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on Tues day, November 15, A. D. 1910, by Lorenzo It. Foster, John It. Jones, Thomas J. Burke and others, under the Act of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An Act for the incorporation and regulation of banks of discount and deposit," approved May 13, A. D. 187G, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended cor poration to bo called "The Hawley Bank," to bo located in Hawley, county of Wayne, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which said propos ed corporation is organized for tho specific purpose of receiving deposits, making loans and discounts, nnd do ing u general banking business, un der tho laws of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Capital stock is fixed at fifty thousand dollars (?50 000), divided into one thousand (1, 000) shares of the par value of fifty dollars (J50.00) each, with ten dollars (?10.00) on each share for surplus, the total capital and Burplus being sixty thousand dollars (?60, 000). Said proposed corporation, for tho purposes above stated, shall have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said act of assembly and its supple ments. JOHN It. JONES, Attorney for Incorporators. C3eol 13. TWELVE muslin trespass notices for ?1.00; six for seventy-five cents. Name of owner, township and law regarding trespassing printed there on. CITIZEN office.