T11K CITIZUN, PIUDAV, NOVKMUKK I, 1010. BY THE SIIK'tlFK OK WAYNK COUNTY. A PROCLAMATION WH13HBAS. by the Election Laws of this Commonwealth, It is mndo tho duty or the High Shorlff of each county to glvo notice by proclnmn tlon of the tlmo nml places In such county of holding tho gonornl elec tion, In tho mnnnor provided by law; Now, thoroforo I, M. 1J3B 11 RA MAN, High Sheriff of tho County of Wnyno, do hereby issue this, my proclamation, giving notice to tho electors and election ofllcors of tho several election districts in said county that the general election will bo held In said county on TUHS1UV, NOV. 8, 1IM0, nt the plnccs in tho several election districts appointed by law, at which tlmo and places the said electors are by law required to elect the oin ocr8 hereinafter enumerated that is to say: OFFICERS TO BE ELECTED. One person to bo Governor of this Commonwealth. One person to be Lieutenant Gov ernor of this Commonwealth. One person to bo Secretary of In ternal Affairs of this Commonwealth. Ono person to bo Representative in Congress of this Commonwealth. Ono porson to bo Senator In tho General Assembly of this Common wealth. One person to bo Representntlvo in tho General Assembly of this Commonwealth. REPUBLICAN. Governor JOHN K. TENER. Lieutenant Governor JOHN M. REYNOLDS. Secretary of Internal Affairs HENRY HOUCK. Representative In Congress CHARLES C. PRATT. Senator in General Assembly WINFRED D. LEWIS. Representative in General Assembly H. CLARK JACKSON. DEMOCRATIC. Governor WEBSTER GRIM. Lieutenant Governor THOMAS II. GREEVY. Secretary of Internal Affairs JAMES I. BLAKSLEE. Representative In Congress GEORGE W. KIPP. Senator In General Assembly HARVEY HUFFMAN. Representative in General Assembly LEOPOLD FUERTH. PROHIBITION. Governor MADISON F. LARKIN Lieutenant Governor CHARLES E. McCONKEY. Secretary of Internal Affairs CHAS. W. HUNTINGTON. Representative in Congress JAMES A. HODGINS. Representative in General Assembly C. H. ALLEN. SOCIALIST. Governor JOHN W. SLAYTON. Lieutenant Governor LOUIS COHEN. Secretary of Internal Affairs BEAUMONT SYKES. Representative in Congress SIDNEY It. MATTESON. Senator In General Assembly HARVEY HUFFMAN. INDUSTRIALIST. Governor GEORGE ANTON. Lieutenant Governor W.M. H. THOMAS. Secretary of Intomnl Affairs JAMES ERW1N. KEYSTONE. Governor WILLIAM H. BERRY. Lleutcnnnt Governor D. CLARENCE GIBBONEY. Sccrctnry of Internal Affairs JOHN J. CASEY. Representative In Congress GEORGE W. KIPP. Representative In Genernl Assembly H. CLARK JACKSON. WORKINGMENS LEAGUE. Governor JOHN K. TENER. Lieutenant Governor. JOHN M. REYNOLDS. Secretary of Internal Affairs HENRY HOUCK. PLACES OF ELECTION. CANDIDATES TO BE VOTED FOR. And I, the said Sheriff, do also hereby make known and give notice thnt tho places at which the electors of tho several boroughs, townships and districts within tho county of Wnyno aro to voto nt said elections are as follows, to wit: Tho Electors of tho township of Berlin residing In Election District No. 1, to meet at tho school house nt Beech Lake in said district. The Electors of tho township of Berlin, residing In Election District No. 2, to meet at Grange Hall In said district. The Electors of tho borough of Bethany to moot nt tho Public School house, in said borough. Tho Electors of tho township of Buckingham, In Election District No. 1, to meet nt tho Starlight School House, in said township. Tho Electors of tho township of Buckingham, residing in Election District No. 2, to meet nt the store of John A. Carey, In said township. Tho Electors of tho township of Buckingham, residing In Election District No. 3, in tho house of Jos. Layton, Equinunk. The Electors of tho township of Canaan to meet at tho school house at Waynesvillo, In said township. Tho Electors of tho township of Cherry Ridge to meet at school house No. 2, at Clark's Corners, in said township. Tho Electors of tho township of Clinton, residing in Election District No. 1, to meet at house of C. H. Wilmarth, Aldenvllle, In said town ship. The Electors of tho township of Clinton, residing in Election District No. 2 to meet in store building of George Styles. The Electors of the township of Damascus, residing In Election Dis trict No. 1, to meet nt Pothlck's Hall, Tyler Hill, In said township. The Electors of the township of Damascus, residing in District No. 2, to meet nt tho houso of Volncy Skinner, In said township. Tho Electors of tho township of Damascus, residing In Election Uls trlct No. 3, at Grnngo Hall, Galllleo, in snld township. Tho Electors of tho township of Damnscus, residing In Election Dis trict No. A, to meet nt the residence of W. H. Allen, Atco, In said district. Tho Electors of tho township of Damascus residing in Election Dis trict No. G, to meet nt Boyd's Hall In snld district. Tho Electors of tho township of Drelier to meet nt tho Graded School building In said township. Tho Electors of tho township of Dyberry to meet at tho houso of Edgar W. Ross in snld township. Tho Electors of tho borough of Hnwley to meet at Murray's Hall In snld borough. Tho Electors of tho borough of Honesdalo to meet at tho Court House, in said borough. Tho Electors of the township of Lako to meet at tho High School building at Lako Ariel in said town ship. The Electors of tho township of Lebanon to meet at tho Rlloyvllle school houso in said township. 1 The Electors of the township of Lehigh to meet nt Gouldsboro Hall, Gouldsboro, In said township. Tho Electors of tho township of Manchester, residing In Election District No. 1, to meet at tho Freo Methodist Hall, Equinunk, In said district. Tho Electors of tho township of Manchester, residing in Election District No. 2, to meet at Kellam's Hall, In Ltttlo Equinunk, in said district. Tho Electors of tho township of Mt. Pleasant, to meet at Odd Fel lows' Hall in said township. Tho Electors of tho township of Oregon to meet at tho Tannery school houso, In said township. Tho Electors of tho township of Palmyra, to meet at tho houso of Daniel Cahlll, In said township. Tho Electors of tho township of Paupack to meet at Glosslnger's Hall, in said township. Tho Electors of tho township of Preston, residing In Election Dis trict No. 1, to meet at the houso of J. L. Sherwood, In said district. The Electors of the township of Preston, residing in Election Dis trict No. 2, to meet at Grange Hall at Hlnes Corners, In snld district. The Electors of tho borough of Prompton to meet at tho public school house, In said borough. Tho Electors of tho township of Salem to meet at a room In the Odd Fellows' Hall building, In the vill age of Hamllnton in said township. The Electors of tho township of Scott, District No. 1, to meet at the Red Men's Hall, in tho village of Sherman, In said township. Tho Electors of tho township of Scott, District No. 2, to meet at tho public school house, In Scott Centre, In said township. Tho Electors of tho township of South Canaan, to meet at the Red school houso", near tho tavern of John Bonthnur in snld township. Tho Electors of tho borough of Stnrrucca to meet nt tho Town Hall, In said borough. Tho Electors of tho township of Sterling to meet nt tho Odd Fellows' Hall, In said township. The Electors of tho township of Tcxns, in Election District No. 1, to meet at the school houso in said district. Tho Electors, of tho township of Texas, In Election District No. 2, to meet In tho building of tho Alert Hook nnd Ladder Company, in said district. Tho Electors of tho township of Tcxns, In Election District No. 3, to meet at tho Florence Theatre, In tho vlllngo of Whlto Mills, In said district. Tho Electors of tho township of Texas, residing In Election District No. 4, nt Chemical Fire Company's Hall, in said district. Tho Electors of tho borough of Waymart to meet at tho Town hall, Soutii street, In snld borough. LAWS RELATING TO ELECTIONS. And I, the said Sheriff, do furth er mnko known nnd glvo notlco of tho following provisions of law re lating to said elections: OF THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS. Constitution of Pennsylvania Artlclo VIII. Section 1. Every malo citizen twenty-one years of ago, possessing tho following qualifications, shall bo entitled to voto at all elections: First He shall havo been a citi zen of tho United States at least ono month. Second Ho shall havo resldod In tho State one year, (or If having previously been a qualified elector or native born citizen of tho State, ho shall havo removed therefrom and returned, then six months) Immediately preceding tho olectlon. Third He shall havo resided in tho election district where he Bhall offer to vote nt least two months Immediately preceding tho election. Fourth If twenty-two years of age, or upwards, ho shall havo paid within two years a State or county tax, which shall have been assessed nt least two months and paid at least ono month before tho election. Section 13 For tho purposo of voting, no person shall bo deemed to havo gained a residence by rea reason of his absence, whllo em reason by his absence, while em ployed in the service either civil or military, of this State, or of the United States, nor while engaged in the navigation of tho waters of the State, or of the United States, or on tho high seas, nor whllo a student In nny Institution of learning, nor while kept In any poor house or other asylum at the public expense nor while confined in a public prison. OF ELECTION OFFICERS. Constitution of Pennsylvania Art. VIII. Section 14 District election boards shall consist of n Judgo and two inspectors, who shall be chosen annually by tho citizens. Each elector shall havo the right to vote for tho Judge and ono Inspector, and ench Inspector shall appoint' ono clork. Election olllcers shnll bo privileged from arrest upon days of election, nnd whllo engaged In mak ing up and transmitting returns, ex cept, upon warrant of a court of record or Judge thoreof, for an elec tion fraud, for felony, or for wan ton breach of tho peace. Section 16 No porson shall bo qualified to servo as an election of ficer who Bhnll hold, or shall with in two months havo hold nny office, appointment or employment under the government of tho United States or of this State, or of nny city or county or of nny municipal board, commission or trust In any city, 8ave only Justices of tho peace and nl dormon, notaries public and persons In inllltnry servlco of tho State; nor shall any election officer bo eligible to nny civil office to bo filled by any election at which ho shall serve, save only to such subordinate muni cipal or local offices below the grade of city or county ofllces ns shall be deslgnnted by general law. ACT OF JUNE 20, 188C, SEC TION 10. Every porson excepting Justices of tho peace who shall hold any of flco or appointment of profit or trust undor the government of tho United States, or of this state, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a! commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent who is or shall bo employed under tho leg islative, executive or Judiciary de partment of this state, or of tho United States of America, or of any city or incorporated district, and also every member of Congress, and of tho State Legislature, and of tho select or of common council of any city, or commissioners of any in corporated district, is by law Incap able of holding or exorcising at tho same time tho oince or appointment of Judgo. Inspector or clerk of any election of the commonwealth, nnd no inspector, Judgo or other officer of any such election shall bo eligible to any offlco to be then voted for, except that of an election officer. ACT 2 JULY, 1839. Section 1C if any vacancy shall continue in the board for tho space of ono hour after the time fixed by law for tho opening of tho election, and qualified voters of the township, ward or district, for which such officer shall have been elected, present nt tho place of elec tion, shall select one of their num ber to All such vacancy. ACT 30 JANUARY, 1874. Section 9 All Judges, Inspectors, clerks and overseers of any election held under this act, shall before en tering upon their duties bo duly sworn or affirmed In tho presence of each other. Tho Judge shall be sworn by the minority Inspector, If there shall be such minority inspec tor, and in case there be no minor-1 ity Inspector, then by a Justice of the peace or an alderman, and tho Inspectors, overseers and clerks shall i be sworn by the Judge. Certifl- cntos of such swearing or nfllrmlng: shall bo duly made out nnd signed by tho ofllcors so sworn, nnd nt teBted by tho officer who ndmlnls tored tho oath. PRIVILEGES OF ELECTORS AND OFFICERS. Constitution of Pennsylvnnln -ARTICLE VII. Section 5. Electors shall in ntl cases except treason, felony, nnd breach of surety of tho peace, bo privileged from arrest during their nttondnnco on elections and In go ing to nnd returning therefrom. Section 14 Election officers shnll bo privileged from arrest upon days of election, and whllo engaged In making up and transmitting returns, except upon warrant of n court or record or Judgo thoreof, for an elec tion fraud, for felony, or for wan ton breach of tho peace. OF THE CONDUCT OF ELECTIONS Act 30 January, 1874. Section G. At all elections here after held under tho laws of this Commonwealth, tho polls shall bo opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and closed at 7 o'clock p. m. bectlon 8. At tho opening of tho polls at all elections, It shall be tho duty of tho Judges of elections for their respective districts to desig nate ono of tho Inspectors, whoso duty It shall bo to hnva in custody the registry of tho voters, and to make tho entries therein required by law and it shnll bo tho duty of the other said Inspector to receive and number tho ballots presented at said election. OF THE ELECTION RETURNS Act 30 January, 1874. Section 13. As soon as tho polls shall close tho officers of tho elec tion shall proceed to count all tho votes cast for each candidate voted for, and make a full return of tho same In triplicate, with a return sheet in addition. In all of which tho votes received by each candidate shall bo given after his name, first In words and again in figures, and shall be signed by all the said offi cers nnd by overseers If any, or If not so certified tho overseers and officers refusing to sign or certify, or either of them, shall write upon each of the returns his or their rea sons for not signing or certifying them. The vote, as soon as count ed, shall be publicly and fully de clared from tho window to the citi zens present, and a brief statement showing the votes received by each candidate shall be mado and signed by the election officer as soon as tho votes aro counted, and the same shall bo immediately posted upon the door of tho election houso for Information of tho public. The tri plicate returns shall bo enclosed in envelopes and sealed In the presence of the officers, and one envelope with the unsealed return sheet given to tho Judge, which shall contain ono list of voters, tally papers and oath of officers, and another of said en velopes shall be given to the minor ity inspector. All Judges living within twelve miles of the prothon- (Contlnucd on Page 7.) Every Stove B from US will foe found to foe EactSy as Represented, Otherwise Wloney will be Returned. A FEW OF OUR LEADING STYLES !N RANGES : ' StivhT Jl .uMmMm,jmiL,...qiVj)uw'"'.. .. 1JI THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT of high grade stoves and ranges ever shown in Honesdale. Let us know just the style, size and grade you want and we will supply it with any of a number off different high shelves or warming closets. PRICES : We guarantee our values to be the best to be found in Honesdale. See and judge for yourself. Prices from $18.00 to $45.00. GUARANTEE : Every stove or range sold is guaranteed by us personally and by the makers. REPAIRS : Delivered from stock at low price. No waiting or express charges. -H--HH We are now showing the largest line of Oak Heaters in Honesdale. We have 18 different sizes and styles to select from. Every heater is guaranteed both by us and the maker. Every heater is equipped with grates suitable for burning either coal or wood. Every heater has a detachable feeder. PRICES : $7.50 to $26.00. pili'l TERMS :-Either cash or easy payment plan. HONESDALE, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers