The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 02, 1910, Image 2

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Short Gut For Warships Into
North Sea,
COST WILL BE $120,000,000,
Proposed Huge Commercial Water
way lo Be 51 Miles Long, 149 Feet
Wide and 36 Feet Deep, and Con
struction Will Be Assisted by British
The picturesque waters of Loch Lo
mond nnd Loch Lonjj. bo greatly ad
mired by tourists In Scotland, are to
ho luraded by ocean going steamships
and great war vessels, for the busi
ness men of Scotland hare decided
that It will be more to the Interests
of their country to have a deep ship
canal connect the Firth of Clyde on
the east with tho Firth of Forth on
the west than to allow tho tourists to
have full sway In the delightful coun
try Just south of the Grampian moun
tains. The cost of this canal Is estimated
lit 9120,000,000 If it Is built to conform
to the requirements of tho Hrltlsh gov
crnmcnt for Its use by ships of war.
It will be 51 miles long, at least 14S
feet w Ide and have a minimum depth
of 31! feet, with locks at least 000 feet
long. Inasmuch as the British ad
miralty has promised to assist finan
cially if its requirements are met, It is
quite probable that the Clyde-Forth
canal will bo 149 feet wido nnd 3G feet
Short Cut For Warships.
This canal will enable warships to
pass from the Clyde to the Forth In
nbout flvo and one-half hours and be
of great aid in the quick concentra
tion of warships In the North sea,
eliminating the long trip around Scot
land or England. The eastern end ot
the canal will be covered by the new
naval ba"Se at Itosyth In addition to
nny fortifications that may be con
fctnicted for the special protection of
the waterway.
The Clyde canal will cut Scotland in
two. and while It will be utilized by
the navy a more peaceful method of
warfare is the prime cause for under
taking the project. Commercial inter
ests seem to demand It, and that being
the case It is not strange that com
mercial considerations are back of the
undertaking. A canal built exclusive
ly for war purposes would be a burden
upon the people; a canal built for com
mercial uses would be a paying propo
sition. That is why it is so much
easier to build a commercial canal.
The Clyde canal has been under dis
cusslon since 1SSO. at which times the
Messrs. Stevenson, the noted Edin
burgh engineers, were asked to report
on the feasibility of enlarging the ex
isting barge canal from Yoker on the
Clyde to Grangemouth on the Forth
to accommodate ocean going vessels.
The Stevensons advised against that
project, but in favor of connecting the
Clyde and the Forth by a deep canal
by a different route.
Annual Revenue (4,000,000.
The question of expense deferred ac
tion for some time, but recently it was
decided that the tralllc through tho
canal would be large enough to war
rant the expense. The euglneers esti
mate that the canal should yield a
revenue of about $4,000,000 a year
nnd a net revenue of about $3,700,000,
or about 3 per cent on the estimated
cost of $130,000,000. To this would bo
added the contribution from the ad
miralty for u-.o of the canal for ships
of war.
So far as the engineering features of
t'io project are concerned It does not
1 ffer much dllllculty. The canal will
start from the Firth of Forth above
Grangemouth and run down tho valley
of the Forth pas Ueu Lomond, through
tho Endrlck valley Into Loch Lomond.
It will leave that lake at Tarbet and
cross the narrow neck of land to Ar
rochar. whence it will pass by Loch
Long into the Clyde. Twenty-one mllos
will be through the opon waters of
Lochs Lomond and Long nd thirty
one miles will be cut throuch the land.
Plaintiff In Ranch Suit Finds Gold and
Drops Case.
Within a few days after J. W. Ay
lor of Webb City, Mo., bad filed a suit
for $87,000 against a man who bad
sold him a 7,000 aero farm in Texas,
alleging bo had been bunkoed, ho re
ceived word that lightning bad struck
n ledge ou the property and exposed
gold ore of such purity that ho
would probably be made Independent
ly wealthy. Aylor has withdrawn hU
Norwegian Dairying Progresses.
Dairying Interests of the Stavnuper
district, Norway, have become second
only to the fishing Industry, and Its
dairy products Mud ready sale In Eng
land and elsewhere In competition
with the choicest dairy products of
Europe and Canada.
Population 1910 201,354
(Increase of 6S.Z per cent.)
Population 1900 122.931
Population 1890 82,281
PRICE DROPS TO $2,100,000
Cornwall Mines Found to Contain the
Procious Substance.
Sir William Itnnisny In n recrnt
London lecture stated that nullum
now costs H2.100.000 nn ounce, the
drop In price from $3,000,000 being
due to tho work In the pitchblende
mines of Cornwall, which Is showing
such satisfactory results that a con
tinuous supply of radium Is absolutely
In reference to tho work at the
mines Sir William announces that up
to the present tlmo 550 milligrams of
pure radium have been produced at
tho Trenwlth mines, nonr St. Ives.
The process of th extraction of ra
dium from the pitchblende employed
by Sir William Is so rapid that Uie
amount of radium secured by this
method In two months would take a
year by the latest method used on the
A year ago there was about n quar
ter of a pound of radium In the workL
A radium bank has existed for some
time In Paris. Recently one was es
tablished in London, and similar In
stitutions are being founded hi other
great cities. These banks lend U10
precious substance to scientists nnd
physicians. Tho cost Is enormous. As
much as $200 has been charged for tho
uso of 100 milligrams for a single day.
ally Mall Average at Vatican la 23,
000 Letters.
If one wero asked to speculate ns to
tho sovereign whose daily mail bag
was tho greatest ono would hazard
tho kaiser. But, no. Then most will
say It ought to be. On the unim
peachable authority of a Paris con
temporary we learn that the pope is
the recipient of tho greatest number
of missives.
Tho mail of bis holiness consists on
tho average of 23.000 letters, news
papers, etc. To go through this mass
thlrty-flve secretaries are kept em
ployed. Tho president of the United States
receives nearly 1.000 letters daily and
about 4.000 Journals and books.
The knlsor's mall consists of 4.000
letters nnd frequently tho same num
ber of books and papers. King Georgo
Is favored with 1,000 letters a day
and over 2,000 newspapers and books.
The czar is not overworked in this
respect for a sovereign, his majesty's
mail being given at G50 letters, etc.. a
day. The kings of Italy and Spain
have to deal with about 300 letters
Queen Wllhelmlna Is still more
favored, with 150 letters, etc. But
President Fnllleres Is still moro fortu
nate, for we are told that he receives
few letters and hardly any papers.
Composition Similar to Oyster Prod
uct Puzzles Experts.
The fact that cocoanuts sometimes
contain pearls properly so called and
quite similar to the pearls of mollusks
has been established. A specimen
the size of a peart was exhibited re
cently by a Bostonlan, who explained
that such pearls aro worth a good
deal of money In tho Malay peninsula,
where the native rajahs esteem them
These pearls are similar In composi
tion to those of tho so called pearl oys
ter, being found by chemical analysis
to consist of' calcium carbonate and
a small amount of organic matter.
It Is altogether a puzzle why the
giant seed should produce BUch con
crotlons, inasmuch as they cannot be
due to an attempt, as Is tho case of
the mollusk, to cover up Irritating par
ticles. Silk Leading Italian Export.
Of Italy's exports by far the most
Important Is silk. For the first six
months of this year they amounted to
$45,102,000. Next In Importance are
olivo oil $7,334,000. eggs $5,G5S,000 nnd
wlno $5,442,000.
Capital Monopolizes Population.
Buonos Aires is the fourth city in the
two Americas, and 20 per cent of all
U10 people of Argentina live within a
radius of twenty miles of tho capital.
Thomas Fortuno Uyan has entered the
field of aviation by offering a (10,000 prize
lor a specinea night.
Another fine transporting line
Will soon be running, sirs.
But not as part of any chart
Of land geographers.
For many laps on marry maps
Its vehicles will shoot.
Hey, human hordel Now, all aboard
For Ityan's Hlalng route!
One terminal, the street of Wall.
The others! Everywhere!
And, running thus, this octopus
Will have no five cent fare.
Untaxed, he'll fly across the sky
And never share the loot.
He need not buy a franchise high
For Ryan's Illslng route.
Let Curtlss straight amalgamate
With this now Hying star.
Let all the WrlghtB' commercial flights
lie made for T. 1'. It.
Let Hamilton go sailing on.
But lie must ever scoot
Or soar or dart as one mere part
Of Ityan's Itlslng rcite
Ah, Thomas s'UI is versatile
And gets the lion's share!
I'm sure the man has formed a plan
For watering the ulr.
And, soaring free. I'll bet that we
Will bear the "Move up!" hoot.
And all we chaps must cling to straps
On Ityan's Itlslng route.
John O'Keefe In New York World.
Clilnn had lis first public exposition
last Juno at Nanking.
The cost cf fanning lands In Argen
tina, evon In tho unsettled pnits. Is
rapidly rising.
The largest paper factory In the fr.r
cast Is In tho Hokkaido, Japan. It
cost $.'1,500,000.
Tho CunnrS line collects sulsU'.ten t
the amount of $S25.000 from the Uil.
lsh government.
Newly devised methods of municipal
bookkeeping will save New York Itr
half n million annually.
China holds the world's record In
the way of executions. There are nt
least 12.000 legal executions yearly.
Cokl storage plants of the United
States hn-re a total refrigeration ca
pacity In excess of 300,000,000 cubic
thirty years ago Japanese boI-
dlors wore huge grotesque Iron mask
helmets In order to frighten the en
emy, A very expensive effort was made
by Spanish capitalists about forty
years ago to popularize bullfighting In
Machines are used In Sicily for ex
tracting the oil from lemon rinds.
Each mnchlnc Is cnpnblo of dealing
with 8,000 lemons n day.
The baby that Is born In Buenos
Aires lias a better chance of living
than If It had been born lu nny other
of the world's largo cities.
Besides Groat Britain, the countries
which hnvo old age pensions are Den
mark, France. Belgium, Germany.
New Zealand nnd Australia.
It would take nine and u half days
for the armIo3 of Europe to pass a
given point, marching flvo abreast.
flttotn Inches apart, at au eight mile
Coal vessels from Wales can roach
Rouen, In France, discharge cargo, re
turn to Wales, loal nnd reach dock
ngnln nt Itoucn In a period of eight
Emigration from Ireland Is increas
ing again after the low record of last
year. For seven months the move
ment lias Included nearly 3.000 per
sons n month.
Tho heightening of tho Assouan dam
Is cxppetiHl to occupy six years In all
and to increase the annual value of
the Egyptian cotton crop by between
$15,000,000 and $20,000,000.
Tlie manufacture of steel tubing has
grown until today such tubes consti
tute one of the large divisions of fun
damental forms comparable with rail's.
plates, structural shapes and rods.
At present only 50 per cent of the
population of Turkey under the most
llattcriug estimate can read and write.
About 5 per cent of the total number
of boys nnd 1 per cent of tho girls In
tho country attend school.
India Is the grentcst cane sugar pro
ducing country In tho world. The an
nual crop exceeds 4,000,000 tons. Most
of It Is consumed In nn unrefined
state because of its adaptability for
native sweetmeats and native cookery.
Nagasaki Is the oldest port In Japan.
where tho first foreigners, Portuguese
merchants, landed 32(5 years ago. It is
ono of the five most Important ports of
the country. Tho largest vessels In the
world cuu anchor In Its spacious har
bor. The consumption of coal in the Unit
ed States Is more than twice ns great
as that iu any other country and near
ly equals the combined consumption
of the United Kingdom, Germany,
Frnnco nnd Belgium and ist actually
greater per capita than In the United
Mrs. Lillian Stone In a suit against
her husband for the support of their
child testified in n Chicago court that
$50 11 week is the proper cost for a
seven-wceks-old baby, ner husband
Is worth half a million. All the law
yers present were bachelors, and after
court they promptly formed a bach
elors' club.
It was proposed at tho recent meet
ing of the international cremation con
gress in Brussels to work for laws to
establish a crematorium on nil ocean
passenger steamers. Tho cremation
movement was started in Italy in
1S70, and now there are 133 cremato
riums lu the world. In 1900 13,000
bodies were cremated.
Not every creature can swallow an
other bigger than itself, but there Is a
little water snako nt tho Now York
aquarium that does this handily. This
water snake Is a foot and a half long
and about as big around as a big lead
pencil, say a scant fivc-slxteonth of nu
Inch In diameter, but It will corner
and capture a killlefiBh an inch nnd a
half long and close to half an Inch In
diameter nnd gulp It down whole ens'
AVhen the Cincinnati authorities In
vestigated tho premises of Edward
Flynn, a scventy-slx-year-old hermit
living near tho city, they found four
horses that ho had kept ns pets, two
of them thirty-three years old. Nono
of them had ever been In harness.
Ono horse has never b'een out of the
Etnll that It was born In seventeen
years ngo. Tho liumano officers dC'
maud that the horses bo allowed to
run ut large.
Much slgnlflcnnco was nttnehed to
the launching recently of the- tank
steamer Currier at tho Fore Itlver
shipyards lu Qulncy, Mnss, Many
larger and moro costly vessels have
been built by tho concern. Including
a number of United States war vos
sels, but tho Currier Is tho first vessel
built In the Bay State In half a cen
tury for foreign trade, and tho Cuban
company which owns her Is planning
another vessel for uso In tho same
business between Cuba and tho United
Silence Isn't always gol.'on.
The talker with something to
j say m wortli a dozen keep stfils.
N, C. Fowler, M.
X, Do not tell your business alms
or plans. What you can know
j nnd tho other man doesn't know
x Is your best nsseU
I Do not do today that which
2, somebody elso will do for you
4 tomorrow.
X Some merchant somewhere 2
somo tlmo may have taken ad-
vantage of all of his opportunl-
tics for Increasing his business,
but not you or I.
Bttcr wirly ami wait yourself v
than Wto and keep others wait- X
A valuable man Is ono who nl- t
ways knows what to do next. '
No alarm clock Is going to ring
when time strikes tho hour of
opportunity. Fntc never yet
failed to turn down U10 nmn who x
waited for something to turn up.
Merchants Should Insist on Neat Ap
pearance of Their Clerks.
The clerk cannot be too neat In his
appearance thnt Is, ho should dress
wltli common sense nnd not reach the
degree of snobbery by overdress.
There Is nothing more disgusting to
the patron of a grocery store than to
see Borne slovenly clerk with dirty
hands and soiled clothes handling the
foodstuffs which the customer desires
to buy. It has been known that flltlil
noss on the part of the clerk has driv
en customers from the store. It is
Just as easy to keep clean as It Is to
be dirty, and cleanliness nlways pays.
You can mark It down wherever you
find n clerk who Is "run down at tho
heels" In appearance thnt ho Is a non
progressive kind of fellow nnd not
likely to make great headway. It is
not n sign of economy, because nn eco
nomical man Is generally neat In np
pearance, though his clothes may not
bo of tho costliest kind.
Tnke nt tho dry goods counter.
There Is no use of being n dude; nei
ther Is there nny case for one being
dressed like a hobo. In fact, the
largo department stores In the greater
cities of tho country demand neatness
on tho part of the employee, and even
failure to have shoes properly shined
or wearing of dirty linen Is enough
for n reprimand, nnd n fow repri
mands on account of tills neglect of
personal dress mean discharge.
Cleanliness is not alone "next to
godliness," but in case -of the clerk
often it means success.
Value of Recognizing the Work
Children In This Line.
Ensthampton, Mass., started a clean
up movement In April, nnd, though the
lead was taken by tho Village Im
provement society, tho young people
were very active. They organized a
Junior Village Improvement society
nnd wero so efficient lu tho campnign
for n cleaner town thnt when tho day
for carting away tho rubbish came
they found that Uie older people had
remembered them by marking tho Cov
erings on the horses with "Jun. V. I.
Tho materials for loading the
carts nnd wagons came from cellars,
back ynrds, gardens and vacant lots.
The hauling ran Into n second daj .
Tho changed nppearance of things
was so much appreciated that an occa
sional Saturday during tho summer
was devoted to keeping tho appenr
ance of Uie town up to tho top notch.
Children nre very effective in work
of this kind, nnd tliey learn not only
to clean up, but to scatter less rub
bish for future cleanups. Gradually,
too, they aro able to reach their elders
with tho educational process, and final
ly things aro kept where they belong
and carted away at convenient inter
vals, thus giving the town a perinu'
nent holiday garb.
Roadside Improvement.
A strictly rural community, having
no park and yet desiring to embellish
tho fair earth In Its neighborhood, may
take chargo. of a mile or moro of ono
or more roads running through the dls
trict. Ixt them bo kept clean from
fenco to fenco, beginning with the first
soaking rain of autumn. When tlio
ground has been several times wet and
tho surface agitated sufficiently to gen
ernte and then kill all weed seeds sow
flower seeds of various kinds In zones.
No grander sight could bo created than
such a stretch of road In early spring,
when the flowers are all in bloom.
Crvlc Improvement Trip.
Tho state department of ngrlculturo
In Texas recently secured the services
of D. n. Ilemenwuy, a Massachusetts
man who has become au authority on
ochool gardens, for an educational
campaign of a month or moro. Mr.
Ilemenway traveled from town to
town, speaking on school gardens, the
homo beautiful and civic Improve
ment. For tho most part his lectures
wero illustrated. Tho interesting fea
ture of tho news is that this mission
ury Journey was taken under tho aus
pices of a state department
Judged by Appearances,
When wo moot a man whoso face
looks frank and whoso talk is fair nnd
a woman whoso talk Is frank nnd
whoso face Is fair wo aro attracted to
them. It 1b tho Bamo with stores. Wo
llko frankness nnd fnirnuss on the face
of them. Tho world, you and I as well
ns tho rest, Is prouo to Judge by ep
pea ranees.
77l. ei v.rr Wcelltt
4-4 G0044--TOG04-4--40004-4 40G044"KX:: 4-40004-4 4-4 0004t4 G004-4-
-f OOO 4- 4fOO044 -
4CGC4-4--f CC04-f - -4-
A bank account is like a snowbaII--rolI it gently
along and it will get larger (almost without your
noticing it) as the days go by. Like the snowball,
too, the hardest work is making the first deposit, giv
ing it the first push, alter which .the initial impetus p
gains as the ball runs down, the bank account rolls
up. We want to lrclp you with your financial snow-
4 - eXXS4 - 4 - 40GG4 - 4GCX34 - - rOO04
Keystone Block Honesdale, Pa.
New SVIodeS Autumn TaiBor
Suits for Ladies and
Ladles' Junior iiiul Misses' Long
Nobby Coats. Lnto Shapes.
Separate Jackets and Skirts New
est in style, best lu Goods.
Ladies9 Silk and Semi-Princess
AUTUMN GOODS in all departments
from headquarters.
will furnish you with NeatUp-to-Date printing at
at a Reasonable Price.
UY a Wooltex coat
and vou will
practice true
economy be.
cause you
take no
You take no chances
when you buy a Wool'
tex garment because
the label is an absolute
guarantee of satisfac
tion through two sea
sons' service. This Is
a promise that has
never been broken
and never will be.
Look for the Wooltex
label and feel certain
that style, material and
tailoring are right.
The style w as design
edin Paris, after a close
study of the best models
from all the well-known
dress establishments.
Tte store mat sells Wdtex,
4 - O00 4-44- OOO f 4
- f4 - 400