The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 28, 1910, Image 8

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Important Happenings and
utcd by TH E CITIZEN'S
Special to Tlio Citizen.
Sterling, ln., Oct. 2C. Grover
Shearer hns faithfully carried the
mail for over one year and now lie is
enjoying a short vacation.
Ethel Simons and Flossie Dortree
recently spent a few days at home.
They are students at the Bast
Stroudsburg State Normal school.
Mrs. Victoria Nohlo, of Tracoy
vlllc. Is spending a week with her
brother, Albert Bortreo.
John 0. Cattorson fell off a horse,
and report says broke n rib.
Ed. Polly of Nebraska, is the guest
of Mrs. H. II. Robacker. He has been
absent from Salem, his native town,
for 26 years.
Mrs. S. N. Cross and daughter, Mrs,
W. B. Lesher. and children were
guests of Rev. David Evans and fam
ily of Wilkes-Barre, last week. Mrs.
Evans Is sadly afflicted and Is not ex
pected to live long.
The 23rd was observed as Rally
day at tho Sterling Sunday school
and the exercises passed off very
nicely and the church was abundant
ly decorated and presented tho ap
pearanco of a country fair. In fact,
It was a harvest home and a fine col
lection of fruit and vegetables were
on exhibition.
The Ladies' Aid will have charge
of an entertainment on tho evening
of the 25th and refreshments will be
Wo think that the "Old Maids'
Convention," recently held, will in
due time prove a success for one
stu.'dy farmer has a fine young twig
The drowning of Philander Moon
at J. II. Moon's small pond last week
was a very sad affair.
Special to The Citizen.
Centervllle, Pa., Oct. 25. Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Marshall made a busi
ness trip to Hawley Saturday, Oct.
o o
Anna Walker and Homer Frlsble
were welcome visitors at Mr. and
Mrs. U. Marshall's one night last
Among those who attended tho
dance at Lnkevillo on Saturday
night, Oct. 22, from this place were
Irene Surplice and John Hyan, Susie,
Margaret and Milton Marshall and
Walter Van I.aven.
Mr. and Mrs. John Decker and
daughter, Edna, have returned to
their home here after spending a
fewdays with friends and relatives
In Scranton.
Miss Julia L. Hanlon, of Scranton
is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Michael
and Mrs. William Lane, of this
William Welch of Lakeville. visit
ed friends in this place on' Sunday
Mrs. R. Marshall and daughter,
Jennie, are spending a week with
relatives in Scranton.
Arthur Sears made a business
trip to this place on Sunday last.
Walter Van Lewen visited Cen
tervllle friends on Sunday.
Special to The. Citizen.
Pleasant Mount, Pa.. Oct. 2C
Tuesday next, Nov. 1st, Rev. William'
Usher will lecture in the Presbyter-,
lan church on "My Journey Through ;
Palestine." About 70 original views'
will be shown. Proceeds for the La
dies' Aid. Tills lecture is said to
be exceptionally interesting and
Special to The Citizen.
Hamlin, Pa.. Oct. 2C. The re
mains of Charles Williams, of Dun
more were brought here last Thurs
day for Interment. Services were
held in the M. E. church at 10:30
a. m. after which burial was made in
the new cemetery. Mr. Williams has
many rela' rs and friends In this vi-
t ity. He leaves a wife and six
Ildren, four daughters and two
ons. Mr. Williams was a brother
of Mrs. C. M. Loring and John Wil
liams, both of this place.
C. L. Simons Is busy at his fall oc
cupation of buying and shipping ap
ples. Mrs. T. H. Lyman died at her home
hero on Sunday evening, Oct. 23. The
funeral was held from tho house on
Wednesady, Oct. 2C, at 10:30 a. in.
The Hamlin library will bo closed
during the winter months.
The Grange held a box party at
their meeting on Friday evening last.
A pleasant time was enjoyed by all.
Miss D. P. Hamlin expects soon to
closo her house for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cllne, of Blng
hamton, visited at John Osborne's
last week.
Miss Florence Spangenburg visited
Sterling frlenda on Sunday.
Miss Cora Rollison has returned to
Arlington after spending some tlmo
at Arthur Becker's.
Miss Cora Alt has roturncd from
Blooming Grove.
The Ladies' Aid society will serve
a Harvest Home supper in tho I. O.
O. F. hall on Friday ovenlng, Oct.
28. Tho first table will he served
at C o'clock. Supper 25 cents. All
are cordially invited.
Mrs. Richard Phillips of Paupack,
is spending some tlmo with Mrs. G.
M. Loring.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Williams and
little son, Robert, visited over Sun
day at Mrs. Angollno Williams.
Special to The Citizen.
Lake Como, Pa., Oct. 2C. Miss Ina
Beach and brother, John, and Ted
Medland, of Carbondalo. spent Sun
day at Charles Knapp s.
Mr.' rind Mrs. E. N. Lako, of Bing
hamton, spent several days with their
son, Ralph E, Lako.
Richard Randall had a slight stroke
Sunday morning but Is slowly recov
Gcorgo Commlngs, of Lordvillo,
Personal Items Contrib-
Corps of Correspondents.
was a business caller In town Mon
day. Mrs. Jane Colo, of Starlight, is
spending n few days with Mrs. Hiram
Special to Tho Citizen.
Indian Orchard, Oct. 2G. Nearly
all of the crops arc gathered and the
farmer Is doing his fall plowing which
he finds to he a dllllcult task on ac
count of tho soil being so hard and
Several are in this vicinity buying
and packing apples for which they
pay from $1.50 and upwards per
William Dutlcr broke ground for
his new boarding house todny. He
was assisted by Floyd Bayly.
John Lozo, of Vino Hill, is doing
carpenter work for both Mrs. Wilson
and Mr. Butler.
O. W. Treverton made a business
trip to Danville today. II. Ham ac
companied him as far as Honesdnle.
Uichard Ham is hauling npple bar
rels from Honcsdale to Damascus for
Horace Kimble of New York city
and sister, Ida, of Ellenvillo, N. V.,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira
K. Bishop recently.
Elizabeth Switzer, of Hoadley's
was a recent visitor at the homo of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Mrs. W. H. Colwcll, of Torrey,
visited her sister, Mrs. L. It. Garrett
last week.
The. L. A. S. will meet with Mrs.
W. H'. Marshall on Wednesday of this
Mrs. E. E. Avery, of the Bethel
fruit farm, is visiting relatives and
friends In Scranton.
Special to The Citizen.
Lakeville, Pa. Oct. 20. Don't miss
the "Shadow Circus" on Friday even
ing, Oct. 28, at tho hall at this place.
Mrs. Robert Loveless !s spending
a week with her daughters and their
families at Sterling.
Miss Maude Locklin is in Peckville
for a time as the guest of her broth
ers and their families.
Messrs. A. Goble and C. Daniels
are courting at the Maple City this
Mrs. H. T. Purkiss returned from
Scranton on Saturday after caring
for her son, who, after being danger
ously ill, is much Improved.
Mrs. E. H. Alpha was called to
White Mills on Monday to care for
her daughter, Mrs. Williams, who
was very ill.
Mrs. A. Goble returned from a
trip to Scranton, Wllkes-Barre, Ash
ley and PIttston on Saturday. She
attended the Rebekah association at
the last named place.
The L. A. S. met with Mrs. Sarah
Pennell on Wednesday. The next
meeting of the society will, be held
with Mrs. A. Goble on Wednesday
next, Nov. 2.
Lizzio Alphia is spending a week
with her sister, Mrs. Hattie Williams,
of White Mills.
Vergie Goble recently spent a few
days with her tuncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. George Hazelton, of Arling
ton. The Rally day services were well
represented at this place on Sunday
last. Tho programme was much en
joyed by all.
Mrs. C. T. Utt was ill on Sunday
but at this writing is bettor.
Miss Nellie Welsh, of Tafton, spent
Sunday with her parents here.
Rev. W. Walker was called to his
home at Narrowsburg, N. V., to offi
ciate on Wednesday.
Undertaker Friend Williams, of
Gravity, moved the body of Chester
Kizer from Kizertown to this plnce
on Saturday.
Mrs. L. M. BIttner Is spending a
week with her son, Joseph, at Scran
ton. Miss Lena F. Osborne returned to
her homo at Arlington on Sunday,
after spending a tlmo at Gobies'
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Smith returned
to their home at Scranton on Tues
day, after spending some tlmo with
G. L. James' family.
Special to The Citizen.
Clinton, Pa., Oct. 2C. Born, Oct.
13, to Mr. and Mrs. Milton LUlle,
a daughter.
Richard Painter has rented Na
than Grlswold's farm. Mr. Griswold
will remain on tho farm. Ills adopt
ed daughter, Clara, has moved to
Forest City where her husband, F.
O. Burchor, has employment.
George Snedlker hns moved on the
Hobbs farm.
Mrs. H. P. Starkweather and
daughter, Charlotta, and son, George,
of Carbondnle, recently sepnt n few
days at her father's H. M. Bunting.
This month n little" son carao to
gladden tho home of Henry Snnders
of Carbondnle. He was formerly a
Clinton boy. '
Mrs. Bunnell of Pleasant Mount,
was a guest of Mrs. Josio Bunting
Friday. Mrs. Mary Kennedy re
turned homo with her, and Clarence
Fox, of Honcsdale, was n caller Mon
day at tho same place.
Mrs. Flynn, of Scranton, ,1s visit
Ing her many relatives in tho place.
The remains of Gertrudo Griswold,
of Philadelphia, wero burled in the
Griswold plot in Clinton cemetery
Saturday last. She was 29 years old.
Sho was born in Clinton. A fow
years ago tlio family moved to Phil
adelphia. Sho Is survived by her
fathor, Mnldon Griswold, her mother
and ono brother, Mark. Sho wns a
most estimable young woman nnd tho
many lloral tributes showed tho es
teem In which her Philadelphia and
other friends held her. Rev. James
Rainoy preached tho funeral sermon
to a largo number of relatives and
friends. Mr. Grlswold's slBtor, Mrs,
Cornelia Gnylord, returned with tho
Mrs, Edyth Sherman is a guest of
her uncle, Bernard Groat.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjnmln Biles, of
Wnymnrt, wero recent guests of tuolr
dtiughtor, Mrs. E. B. Hnddon.
Mrs. Mnrgcrlto Sanders and son,
Wlltslc, of Carbondrilo, wcro Sunday
guests in this place.
Special to Tho Citizen.
South Canaan, Pa., Oct. 2C. Mrs.
Baldwin was tho guest of Nelson
Stocker and wife for n few days, re
turning to Philadelphia to-day.
Rev. E. W. Morrison preached to
n large congregation nt the East
Canaan M, E. church Sunday night
on tho subject, "Tlio incnrnntion of
Jesus In tlio Human Life." One
young man professed conversion.
Tills marks tho beginning of two
weeks' revival meetings. All are In
vited to theso services.
Epworth League every Sunday
ovenlng nt 7.30 p. m. nt the East
Solomon Curtis has fully recover
ed from his recent sickness and is
able to be out again.
Miss Lottie Eastman is tlio guest
of tho Misses Nettie and Rcna Lynch
for a few days. She leaves for her
homo at Lestershlre, N. v., In a few
The New York Conference of tho
M. P. church, which met nt Inwood,
Long Island, has sent Rev. Mr.
Hooper back here for another year
Wo wish him God speed In this
E. W. Animerman is loading cars
with apples at Gravity, Pa., for a
firm nt Rochester, N. Y.
H. L. Butler is installing a gaso
llno engine to pump water out of
his well.
Everything begins to present fall
to us. Farmers are busy picking
their apples and doing their plough
Porter Swingle was a caller in
town today, having driven over from
Special to Tho Citizen.
Whites Valley, Oct. 2G. Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Cleft and son, Rexford, of
Wnymnrt, visited last week at J. W
Miss Anna May Hauser entertained
Saturday and Sunday Mr. Everett
Bonham, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bonham
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shultz, of
Forest City.
Mrs. J. W. Hull pleasantly enter
tained the Ladies' Aid society on
Mr. George Fitze called on Pleasant
Mount friends Monday.
Messrs. Louis Cllft, Wayne and
Dwlght Hull spent Friday at Win-
The plo social held at the Stone
school house Saturday evening was a
success, fifteen dollars being added
to the treasury.
Michael McClusky recently visited
relatives at Vandllng.
Jay Duell Is again able to be out of
Special to Tho Citizen.
Goulclsboro, Pa., Oct. 2G. A meet
ing of the trustees of tho Lehigh
Cemetery association was held at the
office of M. E. Smith Saturday even
ing, Oct. 22.
Asa English moved to Scranton the
first of the week.
Mrs. Susan Hellen went to Blng-
hamton, N. Y., on Saturday, where
she will spend the winter with her
son, M. S. Heller, and daughter, Mrs.
E. Marthls.
George Johnson, Jr., has moved
Into one of nis father's houses at
Mrs. John Heller, of Clifton, spent
Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Fran
cis Hall.
Mrs. William Surplus and son,
Paul, spent Sunday In Scranton with
Mrs. Surplus' sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hoffman were
Scranton visitors tho last of the week.
Mrs. Charles W. Garagan nnd Mrs.
S. A. Adams spent Tuesday In Scran
William McDowell, of Scranton,
who has been visiting the families of
Mr. and Mrs. William McAcree and
Mr. and Mrs. John Courtney, has re
turned home.
R. W. Balcom was a Moscow visi
tor on Tuesday.
Harry A. Morgan, of Scranton,
spent Tuesday here.
George Campbell of BInghamton,
N. Y., has been visiting his cousin, W.
N. Latham.
In Dread of Consumption, Man Turns
on Gas.
New York, Oct. 27. Believing lie
wns suffering from Incipient consump
tion, Alfred Carr. twenty-nine yenrs
old, turned on the gas nnd killed him
self in the kitchen of his home, 330
Broome street.
Carr was n piano tuner and lived
with his father and mother. The fa
ther was curotakur of God's Provident
House, n mission which hns quarters
on the Orst three floors.
Young Carr cnught a henvy cold last
winter, and doctors told him Ills luugs
were affected. Cnrr got up to go to
work, and after eating breakfast ho
decided to die. When his father
found him he was seated In a rocking
chair In tho kitchen with tho four Jets
of tho gas stove turned on.
Breaks Speed 1 aw Going to Belmont
Now York, Oct. ii7.-Anthony J.
Drexel, Jr., tho young aviator, while
driving an uutomoblio to Belmont park
was stopped by a policeman, who said
he was going thirty miles an hour and
took him beforo Magistrate Smith nt
Mr. Drexel decided to mnko a test
enso of his arrest. Ho said he under
stood that tho law required tho city
to put up arrows or other signs indl
eating tho city limits and that ho had
seen no such slgus. Ilo wus ignorant
of tho boundaries of tho city and could
not tell whether or not ho had broken
tho speed law.
(Continued from Pago One.)
ns Jurors In the ense: Thomas Sal
mon, Honesdnle; J. D. Rosencrantz,
Honcsdale; John Lynch, Scott; G. A.
Smith, Ilolllstorville; J. E. Clark,
Preston; Alfred T. Whipple, Preston;
Horton Megnrgcl, South Canaan; A.
A. Scoley, Dyberry; Frank Wnrfieid,
Berlin; Aaron Goble, Paupack; Mar
vin D. Hnll, Equlnunk; Peter Sutton,
In tho case of Commonwealth vs.
Jos. Kowash, tho court nppolntcd
Chester A. onrrntt, Esq., to act as
counsel for tho defendant.
F. M. Monahan, Esq., of Scranton,
was an Interested spectator at tho
afternoon session. Mr. Monahan Is n
native of Honcsdale.
In tho enso of tho Commonwealth
vs. William Rellly, the District At
torney, M. E. Simons, In his opening
address to tho Jury said that an at
tempt was made May 28th near Haw
ley to hold up Mr. Hulso, by two
young men, one of them with a re
volver in hnnd, who forcibly took
$1.15 from his pockets nnd tried to
take Hulso's watch, but the section
foreman coming along, nt this critical
Juncture, saw the highway boys, and
they became frightened and ran awny.
An odd feature of tho caso was re
vealed when the prosecutor, Charles
L. Hulse, took the witness stand. Mr.
Hulso is stone deaf, and Prothono
tnry M. J. Hanlnn hnd to write out
tho oath for him and Mr. Hulso sign
ed it. Court Stenographer Head ex
perienced much difficulty in getting
tho testimony. The attorneys, M. E.
Simons, for the prosecution, and Her
man Harmes, for the defense, were
compelled to write out their ques
tions, and Mr. Hulse wrote his an
swers to them which wero then read
to the jury.
From Hulse's story It appeared
that on May 2Sth last, late in the
nfternoon he was on his way home,
when two boys held him up, ono of
them having a revolver. He had
been to White Mills on tho day of the
robbery and came In on tho 3 o'clock
train. He admitted taking a drink.
Only the opportune arrival of the, sec
tion, foreman prevented the loss of
his watch. He admitted having
poor eyesight and also that he had
withdrawn the charges against one
of the three boys who wero arrested
for the defense. Ho got tho names
of the boys from people outside lie
said. One of the boys who robbed
him had a stick. Mr. Hulse with
drew the complaint against John
Burns the day nfter the hearing in
'Squire Vandemark's office, and had a
warrant sworn out for John Henry.
William Reilly, the defendant, tes
tified to being seventeen years of age;
to living near Hawley; and to work
tne In tho Maple City cutting shop
At this juncture tho jury camo in
on the Manley enso. When they
handed their verdict to tho court.
Judge Searle informed them that they
couldn't divide the costs between the
commonwealth and the defendant,
and sent them back to further delib
erate. William Reilly testified to being
sent out to gather wood last May, the
28th, late in the afernoon; to meet
ing n Mr. Burns on tho hill; to an
extended conversation with Burns;
and to his going homo without seeing
Charles Hulse.
He spent his time that afternoon
gathering wood on tho bank between
the tower and the gravity bank, and
in speaking with Charles Burns. His
home was of a mile distant, and
he returned there between 5 and 0
Charles Burns, of Hawley, father
of John Burns testified to the arrest
of his son by Detective Spencer, and
of the hearing before 'Squire Van
demark. He saw Reilly May 28, at
4 p. m. between the bridge and tho
tower nnd spoke for almost an hour
with him.
John Henry, of Marblo Hill, testi
fied to seeing William Reilly sitting
on the bank with Burns shortly af
ter 4 p. m May 28. Ho went right
past them without stopping. On
cross-examination ho admitted he
camo from Adams' saloon, where lie
saw Hulso who was thoro when ho
Mrs. Reilly. tho mother of tho de
fendant was called. Sho testified to
sending her son William after wood
on May 28 about 3 p. m. She had
to go after him. William camo home
between 5 and 6 o'clock.
Thomas Cook, of Marblo Hill, tes
tified to being at tho 'squire's hear
ing. At this hearing Hulso point
ed out two boys Baying; "There Is the
boy that held the revolver and there
Is the boy that took tho money out
of my pocket."
Tho Jury camo In again on the Man
ley case reporting no agreement as
yet. Tlio court sent thom out ngain
instructing them elthor to plnco all
the costs on tho county or nil on tho
Guy Ralph, lleutennnt of police,
testified to being at the 'Squire's
hearing. Tho lamp did not glvo n
bright light at the hearing. Hulso
Identified two boys thoro as tho cul
prits. County Detective N. B. Spencor
also testified to bolng nt tho hearing
und detailed his official connection
with tho caso.
'Squlro Vandemark, who "thought
ho ought not to bo brought Into the
case," and who said ho was "hard of
hearing," was excused from testify
ing. John Henry, an uncle of John
Henry, Jr., was anothor witness.
Arguments wore then mndo by tho
counsel for prosecution nnd defense,
and tho Judgo charged tho jury.
At G.C0 p. m. tho jury In tho "gray
more" caso camo In. They found tho
"defendant not guilty, but placed tho
costs on tho dofondnnt.
Tho vordlct was most satisfactory
to tho court. Judge Searlo said he
thought "tho defondnpt wns ir.ljttlo
guilty; that ho did nofdo qnlti right,
and that tho verdict punishes him
lainnioyj somownat."
Court adjourned for tho day.
Thursday Morning.
Judge Searlo delivered tho charge
to tho Jury Thursday morning In tho
enso of Commonwealth vs. William
Rollly, who wns charged with rob
bing Charles F. Hulse.
Tho case of tho Commonwealth
vs. Joo Koasch charged with assault
and 'battery and nttcnipt to rape was
called. Chester A. Gnrratt, Esq.,
was appointed by the court to dc
fond Koasch. Thcso jurors wero
selected for tho caso: Fred Rowo,
Palmyra; Charles Cramer, Paupack;
Cnlvln Schwelghofer. Dnmnscus:
Will Stephenson, Lebanon; George
Beohan, Droher; Bernard Rellly,
Honesdnle; Griffin Dumond, Buck
ingham; George Schweslnger, Tex
as; Grant White, Clinton; Jacob
Koller, Cherry Rldgo; Daniel Acker,
Damascus; Jeff Hoover, Lnke. Paul
Olszcfskl was present ns Interpreter.
A delny was caused by the nb
senco of the witnesses, nnd court ad
journed until after the nrrlval of tho
9.55 D. & H. train. Constable F.
W. Short, of Canaan, camo In on this
trnln, nnd explained to the court
that ho didn't receive the subpoena,
and that tho 'phones wore out of or
der. The excuse was accepted! the
caso continued until 10 n. m. Friday,
nnd the Jurors told to tnko their
The two cases of tho Common
wealth versus Paul Shudis, George
Adannltc, and Samuel Powell, wero
combined and tho caso was tried In
Oyer nnd Terminer. P. H. Iloff, Esq.,
nnd P. F. Loughran, Esq., Scranton,
appearing for the defendants, M. E.
Simons, Esq., district attorney, hav
ing charge of tlio prosecution.
Tlio Jury in the case of Common
wealth vs. William Rellly, of near
Hawley, came in with a yerdict of
"not guilty."
TIioqo tnrnrn ivorr. ilrni tn enrvn
in tho Lako uodore case: Frank War-I
field, Berlin; Will Stephenson, Leb-'
anon; J. W. Andrews. Lake; Jacob !
Keller, Cherry Ridge; Thomas Sal-1
mon, Honcsdale: Horton Magargel,
South Canaan; Frank Hawkln, Tex
as; John McDavitt. Damascus; Grant
White, Clinton; George A. Smith,
Salem; Griffin Dumond, Buckingham;
J. D. Rosencrantz, Honesdale. i
Upon motion of Attorney P. H.
Iloff, P. F. Loughran, Esq., of Scran
ton, was admitted to the Wayne
county bar especially to try the cases
growing out of the Lako Lodore dis
turbance. In his address to the jury the dis
trict attorney outlined the events
that took place at Lako Lodore Aug.
11, when ttho Lithuanian church of
Providence, had a picnic there, stat
ing that an attempt would be made
to connect, the defendants with a riot
which occurred at that place on that ,
day, and which two members of the
State Constabulary were called upon ,
to quell. 1
Charles Gould, tho first witness
called by the prosecution, stated that
he was a member of the state police,
and that he was at Lake Lodore Aug.
11. Lake Lodore he described as
"a kind of summer resort where they
have amusements nnd run excur
sions." On August 11th, Sergeant
Herbert Smith and ho wero Invited to
visit Horace Jordan at Lake Lodore.
Arriving there about 3 p. m., thoy
walked around the grounds. At
C.45 Jordan called'his attentipn to a
disturbance created by Powell trying
to strike another man. Friends un
successfully tried to so t!.e
combatants. Gould t-!(" Powell l f
was a police officer ant1, asked him to
stop his fighting, but bo went on a3
If he didn't care. One of the com
mitteemen asked Go'ild to take Nov
ell off the grounds. He and Smith
tried to lead Powell away, and l.o re
fused to go, Powell boinsc t ompelUr'
to drag him. When near the station,
a crowd of 50 to 100 attacked GouU,,
who took out liis "jack," nnd bit
Powell on the fingers.
According to Gould's story. Poveil
seeing his watch hanging out of his
pocket pulled it out, and handed it to
Paul Schudis, who passed It on to
somo one else. Gould then took out
his revolver and In the scuffle a shot
was fired, Schudis trying to snatch
the revolver from him. Gould show
ed tho jury tho scars on his head
whero he was hit in tho scuffle that
followed. About twenty -pen came
down from tho encampment of the
Jr. O. U. A. M. and with rifles charg
ed tho rioters who fled to tho special
train which was to take them home
at 7 p. m.
Upon cross-examination. It was
brought out that Gould was In civil
Ian uniform. Gould admitted having
taken one glass of beer Towell and
somo of his countrymen were lntox
Icntcd. When ho tried to arrest
lbwoll somo of his enthusiastic
countrymen interfered nnd tried to
rclcnso him. Gould said he had nev
er recovered his J25 gold watch.
Sergeant Herbert Smith corrobora
ted his testimony as did also young
Horace Jordan. Smith gave a graph
ic discretion of tho riot, and of tho
nwful yells of their opponents, who
hollered nt tho top of their voices,
"Kill the son of n bitches," nnd camo
nfter them with clubs nnd limbs of
Court adjourned at noon, and dis
cussion of tho enso was resumed at
tho nfternoon session.
Cannot ho Mistreated After Capture,
Decides Illinium1 Society.
Mice are undoubtedly a pest and
tho' Ohio Humano Society realizes
that they are a nuisance, but this fnct
does not give tho enptor tho right
to torture them. A decision along
this line was laid down recently by
Director E. O. Fitch who compelled
three boys living in Camp Washing
ton, to immediately kill their cap
tives. While passing Spring Grove ave
nue and Alabama street he saw the
trio gathered about a beer barrel,
laughing and shouting. Fitch ap
proached and saw that they had sev
en mice, with strings tied to their
tails. The animals were forced to
run about tho circular top and as
they came to the bung hole they
would drop into it, evidently think
ing It was a secure retreat Then
Ithe string came into play. The nioiiKe
Was milled OUt and compelled to re
,cat the Performance. The ml. e
'?r! kll'eu ln tlle. Presence of Mr
Fltn' who save tho boys a lecture
on conduct
and THE
10 Ml'SKAI. Nl'MHKltS
50 People!
DDIPCC. MAIN FI.OOIl 1.00 A 1.50
I nluLO. linlcuuy 50 .t 75 Uallcry &.
beat :?ale opens at the liox Ullice
:if 0 m. Saturdav Oct. 29.
SHIP. hy order of Court of Quarter Ses
bU I..' if Wayne county, made on
. i f 12, 1910, the line between tho
E os t ion District No. 4 and Election
,')istii. t No. 1 in the township of
was changed as follows
leHnning nt the point ln the
(t. tern line of the 1st elec tion dis
trii t of Texas whero the former light
tract of the Delaware and Hudson
company crosses the outlet of Ca
Jnh Pond, thence easterly along tho
lino of said light tract to the west
ern border of the Borough of
Honesdale, thence north along the
lino of the said borough to Its in
tersection of High street In said
borough, thence westerly along said
street and its continuation known as
Beer's Hill to Its intersection of
eastern lino of tho First Election
District of Texas township.
Electors residing within the dis
trU t which by this order Is Included
in tho First Election District of
Texas will therefore vote In the said
first district.
UY a Wooltex coat
and you will
practice true
economy be
cause you
take no
You take no chances
when you buy a Wool
tex garment because
the label Is an absolute
guarantee of satisfac
tion through two sea
sons' service. This is
a promise that has
never been broken
and never will be.
Look for the Wooltex
label and feel certain
that style, material and
tailoring are right.
Thu stylo was design
ed In Paris, after a close
study of the best models
dress establishments.
lis store Hat Sills wooltex.