The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 28, 1910, Image 6

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    T1IR CITIZK. . FIHDAY, OCTOHKIt 28, 1010,
Democrats and Prohibitionists
Charge Him With Hypocrisy.
And His Administration as State
Treasurer Is Made the Subject of a
Sharp Attack.
Without tho Republicans being call
ed upon to flro a shot, William II.
Berry, the Koystone Party nomlneo
for governor, has been fairly riddled
by the oratorical batteries of the Pro
hibitionists nnd the faction of the De
mocracy which ho dosortod when ho
was defeated In the Allentown conven
tion. From every side, Berry's reputation
for veracity has boen attacked. Ho Is
accused of falsehood, of breaking his
solemn promises and of hypocrisy of
the rankost kind.
Not only is his word questioned, but
sorlous allegations rogardlng his con
duct whllo holding tho ofllce of state
treasurer are being boldly made by
some of tho most promlnont leaders In
tho Democratic party.
Hot Democratic Declaration.
Berry's refusal to withdraw from tho
field, after Grim, tho Democratic nom
inee for governor, had expressed a wil
lingness to comply with tho. request of
prominent Democrats and Independ
ents, that both Borry nnd Grim retire
to permit of fusion on former Mayor
Guthrie, of Pittsburg, called forth fur
ther bitter denunciations of the Key
r'.one candidate, who was accused of
selfishness and bolng lacking in pa
triotism. In an address to tho voters of Penn
sylvania the Democratic state execu
tive committee has denounced Berry
as insincere. Berry's refusal to com
ply with the request of the representa
tive citizens who asked him to retire
to permit of fusion, they say "Is con
vincing evidence of tho fact that his
only object is to dofeat Mr. Grim and
not Mr. Tener."
Tho address refers to Mr. Berry as
"ono whose record In financial transac
tions is, to say tho least, not above
suspicion," and asks whether tho peo
ple shall expect good government from
Senator Grim or from "one who has
been accused in tho public press of de
positing public funds whilst In an im
portant official position to financial in
stitutions for tho promotion of his own
enterprises 7"
At a mass meeting hold in Philadel
phia last wek, W. K. Mayers, of Har
rlsburg, in a 'speech declared that
when Berry was elected treasurer a
number of prominent Democrats went
to him and offered to go on his bond,
but he declined tho proffer and ac
cepted the services of the president
of a Harrisburg trust company. This
8 the company through which Berry,
whllo he was stato treasure, floated a
big loan for tho Berry brick yard, and
it has been a subject of comment that
while Berry was stato treasurer the
state deposits in this trust company
were Increased enormously.
Prohibition Nominee on Berry.
In a speech delivered a few nights
ago, Madison P. Larkln, Prohibition
nominee for governor, paid his re
spects to Mr. Berry.
"Tho Koystone Party," said Mr.
Larkln, "with W. H. Berry at Its head,
Is nothing more than a lot of dis
gruntled offlco-seekers kicked out of
other parties. It is nominations and
offices they want. They don't want re
form! Berry is for temperance today,
whisky tomorrow and local option tho
next day. Tho Keystone Porty people
don't know what thoy want;"
"Votes for" Borry will come from
where his is not known," ho declared.
"His nelghbois will not support him
because thoy say he Is too tricky.
Berry has had his arms up for years,
llko lightning rods waiting to be struck
by all the party conventions in tho
state. He comos now with his boss
ridden Keystone Party claiming It Is
an nntl-llquor party, which Is only a
big bluff. He Is not sincere. Ho has
no high principles for the good of the
whole people, but he alms to satisfy a
porsonal ambition and to satisfy a
grudgo against his political cnomlcs.
"Berry got tho nomination of tho
Prohibition party before, but ho do
sorted at the most critical moment and
went over to support a whisky candi
date and ho stumped tho state for him
just bofore election. Then ho was dis
gruntled becauso tho Prohibitionists
did not honor him with the nomination
this year."
Berry's Democratic Allies.
Mr. Berry Is a Domocrat, but ho has
no party standing. He doos not como
as a candidate of a party. Ho is solf
nppolntod, or, to bo more precise, ho
Is the appointee of a handful of solf
appointed delogatos who gatherod to
gether to carry out tho Borry wlshei
and tho Berry ambitions.
On tho Berry ticket is a host of
Democratic candidates for congress
and the legislature. Thoso cnndl'toe
nro not tho.o by tho virtue of primary
oloctlons, but by tho grace of the Berry
stato committee, which assumes to
Itself tho volco of the people.
The Borry protonslons are those ol
a more self-sookor. But, then, Borrv
needs tho emoluments of office, fci
how else Is ho to mako good to the
wicked Colonel Guffoy, Democrat!'
"boas," tho sums of money borrowed
from him?
Millionaire-Socialist Stokes
Tells of Gas Go. Tribute,
In Speech Supporting Socialist Ticket
In New York City Philanthropist
Says He Will Testify Before
Legislative Committee.
New York, Oct. 25. Thnt n promi
nent olllcer of a large corporation had
admitted Hint his compnny wns accus
tomcd to put up three-quarters of n
million dollars each year for its Al
bany expenses and thnt tills contribu
tion was charged on the books of the
company as "Albany expenses," was
tho declaration made by J. G. Phelps
Stokes, the millionaire Socialist, dur
ing a speech In Central Palace hall, CO
Sheriff street.
After the meeting Mr. Stokes told n
reporter that the company referred to
was the Consolidated Gas Company,
but he declined to make known 'the
name of tho official to whom tho re
mark was attributed.
It Is certain that he will be sub
poenaed before tho legislative investi
gating committee at tho city hall. He
suld ho would bo perfectly willing to
lay his Information before any legis
lative committee if called upon to
do so.
The meeting was called to ratify
the Socialist ticket. Stokes and his
wife, Rose Pastor Stokes, were the
principal speakers.
Captain Refuses to Desert Vessel After
Crew Is Saved.
Perth Amboy, N J., Oct 25. Even
after every man of his crew had been
transferred safely to tho deck of an
other vessel nnd when there seemed,
no possible chance bis own ship would
llont more than a few hours Captain
E. D. Walls refused to desert the sink
ing four masted schooner Holllswood,
which was caught off the Virginia
coast In last week's storm. The story
of Captain Walls' heroism was made
public when the Norwegian schooner
Ilarald nrrlved In port carrying the
seven men saved from the Holllswood.
"She's my ship, boys, and I'll stick
to her. You save your lives," were
Captain Walls' last words when his
men begged him to nbandon the sink
ing schooner. There are few records
similar to thnt of the Holllswood,
where the master's love for his ship
and his devotion to duty have over
come the human sense of personal
The Holllswood was thirteen days
out from Mexico, bound to New York
with lumber, when on Oct 13 the
storm hit her.
When Captain Berg of the Ilarald
reached here he at once communicated
with Pendleton & Pendleton and gave
them Captain Walls' message. He
added, however, lie thought nny search
for the captain would be fruitless, as
he had in all probability gone down
with his ship on the day of the rescue.
Naval Officer Abandons Suit For "the
Sake of the Service."
Bostou, Oct 25. "Por the sake of,
tho service" Captain .Tames Kennard
l'racey, U. S. N., abandoned the light
ognlnst the divorce libel of his young
factory girl wife, Mildred J. Traeey of
Portsmouth, X. II., and allowed her to
get n divorce on tho grounds of deser
tion. Counsel for tho officer declined to
say how the service would be bene
fited nor would he tell where Captain
Traeey now Is. Captain Traeey is to
pay his wife $500 alimony and 200
for counsel fees. ,
Gaynor Home From Washington.
New York, Oct. 25. Mayor Gaynor
of New York who with Mrs. Gaynor
has been the guest of tho President
and- Mrs. Taft nt the White House
since Saturday afternoon, has arrived
home. Tho mayor declared thnt ho
had thoroughly enjoyed his visit to
Washington and wns deeply appre
ciative of the president's courtesy nnd
The Leaning Tower.
Tho campaniles of St. Mark nnd
Pisa were built or begun in tho same
century viz, the twelfth. Tho lean
ing tower is 171) feet high and 51 feet
8 inches In diameter, cylindrical In
form, tho exterior entirely built of
white marble and tho Interior of Ver
ruca stone,
Argentina Brickyards.
In some Argentina brickyards horses
are used to mix the cluy by treading
in it instead of more expensive ma
chluery being employed.
Investigators ay thnt soap baa more
or loss value us n disinfectant.
Onion Juice.
Tho bout way to extract tho Julco
from nn onion, when needed for (la
vorlng, is to cut a slice from tho root
end of the onion, remove the outer
skin and press onion on n course grate,
using u rotary motion.
hill mm. leader i .
death took place unexpectedly
at his home. Wolfort's Hoost.
near Albany, recent ly. was one
of the foremost figures In Democratic
politics In New York stato nnd the na
tion for forty years, making his exit in
1001. Ho wns sixty-seven years old.
no never smoked a cigar, never took
a drink of anything stronger thnn
sodn water and. If all reports be true,
never loved a woman. Nevertheless,
except during the last six years, he
enjoyed very little home life. He wns
n ward politician In Elnilni before he
beenmc of age. A few years after lie
wns admitted to the bar ho was sent
to tho stnte legislature. After that he
made political history fast, cvcntunlly
passing from the governor's chair to
tho United Stntcs senate.
Great Ambition Foiled.
1TI11 urn a imaunwunil rt n m 1 fit r t? nm.
ultlon. He had bis eyes on the presi
dential nomination and, falling to sat
isfy his ambition In thnt drection, re
turned to his native state to be snowed
under as tho Democratic candidate for
governor. But he rcmnlned in tho
Democratic foreground for ten years
more. Then he Bottled down to a fow
years of legal practice at Albany nnd
to the quiet of his bachelor ball.
It was early in the seventies that
mil, who was In Buffalo on legal busi
ness, met the then sheriff, Grover
Cleveland. The young lawyer and thf.
sheriff became good friends. They
dined together, and the sheriff, acting
as host, escorted the visitor about the
It would have been u prophet indeed
who could have told them how the
political destinies of the two young
men were to be Interwoven, how they
were to move from stage to stage until
tho nation should supply the setting
for them. Perhaps it would never have
happened had Hill preferred to stick
to state politics and remained stead
fast In his determination not to be
come a mayoralty candidate.
If Cleveland the year before had not
accepted a similarly supposedly empty
gift from the Buffalo Democrats his
tory would havo . been changed, but
fate ordained otherwise, in 1SS2 the
nttcntlon of the stnte was attracted to
Cleveland, elected mayor In n Itepub-
llcan Btronghold. Just ns the same year
the former legislator attracted atten
tion by succeeding In Republican El
mira against a personally popular man.
Became Enemies later.
Later tho two men wero enemies
within their own party, Hill being
credited with defeating Cleveland In
New Yprk In 1SSS, though carrying the
state for himself. Tho culmination
was tho national convention of 1892.
when Cleveland won on the first bal
lot, tho vote being: Grover Clovclnnd.
Relatives of Chicago Theater Victims
Arrange Gift.
A hospital Is being erected by tho
Iroquois Memorlnl association In mem
ory of the victims of the great theater
disaster of December, 1003. The hos
pital Is to bo turned over to the city
of Chlcngo, which will operato It
through the health department as nn
emergency station. It Is four stories
high, absolutely fireproof and will bo
equipped In the most up to date man
uer. The principal feature will be the
memorial waiting room on the ground
lloor, In which will bo placed an artis
tic bronze tablet In memory of the
Are victims.
Oroya Highest Railway Station.
The highest railway station In the
world Is ut Oroya, iu Peru. It Is sit
uated 4,001 meters nbovo sea level,
from which It is reached In ten hours.
Gas Area Exceeds That of Oil,
Tho known petroleum areas of tho
United States cover 8,850 squaro miles
and tho natural gas ureas 10,055 square
Born Havana, N. Y., Aug. 21.... 1X43
Admitted to bar ltM
Elected to legislature 1871
Elected mayor of Klmlrci ISS2
Elected Nontenant governor. IK-.'
Succeeded to governorship 18
Mado "I nm a Democrat" fa
mous ISkSG
Elected governor
Ito-elected governor lb&8
Elected United States senator. ..1S31
Defeated for presidential nom
ination iss:
Defeated for governor 1894
Convicted Albert T. ratrlck 1900
Itetlred from politics 1904
C17 1-3; David B. Hill, 114; noraco
Boles, 103; Arthur P. Gorman. 30V4;
Adlal E. Stevenson, 10 2-3; John G.
Carlisle 14.
The famous phrase "I nm a Demo
crat" was enunciated in 1885, when
III11 wns making his first canvass for
Tho meeting was held nt tho old
Academy of Music in Brooklyn, and
nn endeavor had been made by secur
ing tho attendance of Senator Voor
hees of Indlnnn, Governor Abbctt of
Now Jersey and other prominent Dem
ocrats from outsldo tho state to give
tho Hill candidacy tho stamp of na
tional approval. Yet tho audience
seemed listless, nnd even when Hill
rose to speak tho applause that met
him wns largely perfunctory. He
walked quietly to tho front of tho plat
form and stood there for n moment
without speaking. Then ho said In a
clear yolco that reached every part of
the ball:
"I am a Democrat"
Won a Governorship.
At tho utteranco of this sentence,
simple and ordinary as it was, the
hitherto lethargic audience burst into
a storm of applause. It was the key
note of the succeeding days of the
campaign. . Hill followed it up with
nn impassioned speech, calling on ev
ery Democrat to rally to the support of
the ticket and stand by the national
It is related that after the meeting
Hugh McLaughlin, the Brooklyn boss,
put his hand on Hill's shoulder ami
"You've won It you've got It"
This proved to bo the fact HiUV
chances improved, the tide set In
strongly In his favor, and he wns elect
ed over Davenport by' n substantial
For the rest of his life Hill was car
tooned In a little silk hat bearing n
long feather, on which wns the In
scrlptlon "I am a Democrat"
Senator Hill had a dry humor, and
many nnecdotes nro related about him
At a Democratic state convention
held In Albnny II111 was busy ever.
moment of the day. Toward evening
he thought ho would secure a fow mo
ments' respite and a little rest while
being shaved. As ho climbed Into the
barber's chair be handed the tonsorinl
artist a quarter of a dollar.
"Is this a tip. sir?" inquired tho
knight of tho shears.
"No." replied Mr. Hill: "that's hush
money. Now, not a word!"
Race Suicide the Issue.
Just prior to tho national convention
of 1004, when Hill wns mentioned as
a possible Democratic choice, he dined
with a newspaper man who continual
ly rallied tho ox-senator on his con
firmed bachelorhood.
Mr. Hill asked what ho thought of
the political outlook for tho next na
tional campaign.
"What will tho Issues be," ho in
quired "tariff. Philippines"
The newspaper man Interrupted by n
shake of his head.
"No?" said Mr. Hill In some Gurprise.
"No," replied the newspaper man. "I
think It will be 'race suicide,' with
Roosevelt on ono ticket nnd you on the
On Hill's retirement from politics ho
resumed his law practice In Albany,
his most nolnblo case being tho prose
cution for New York county of Albert
T. Patrick for the murder of William
Marsh Itlce, tho aged Now York mil
Belgians Have Novel Contests In
Voice Testing,
In Belgium cockcrowlug competi
tions nro very popular among the
working clnsses. Tho cocks are ranged
iu cases, and markers note the num
ber of crows. Tho chnntlclecr that
has sounded ills shrill clarion the most
times In an hour carries off tho prize.
In n competition recently held at Poul
seur n cock gavo volco 131 times.
Hard Traveling For Silver Seekers.
Gowgnnda is tho youngest sliver min
ing district Iu northern Ontario nnd
lies nearly west of Cobalt. To reach it
requires n rail ride of ninety-four
miles, forty miles by steamer and then
by road, canoe or portages thirty miles.
Makes One Piece House.
An architect of Chlhunhuii, Mexico,
has obtained n patent on a method for
making concreto houses in ono piece.
Aden Is Cigarette Center,
Aden makes 10.000,000 cigarettes a
year at a very low cost of production.
Wages are 10 cents o day.
Ration to Be Fed Dead
Largely on Milk Production.
To make the dairy profitable with
feedstuffs nt present prices, the herd
has to be ono In which every animal
shows n good milk test and respond
automatically', so to speak, to good
feeding. The farmer can determine
their qualifications as milk producer
by use of tho scales and Bnbcock test.
When it comes to feed lie should do
some careful figuring on what to feed
and how much. Nature has provided
that tho cow supply herself first and
the milk bucket second. True, somo
high bred dairy animals will keep up
their milk flow for n time by depleting
their own bodies, but that menus se
rious injury to them. Experiments
show that normally about CO per cent
of the food which a cow can eat goes
for the maintenance of tho body. Tho
other 40 per cent flnds Its way Into
tho milk pall. Tho cow is, therefore,
entitled to all she can eat and digest
To feed her economically, no dairy
man can say feed each cow so many
pounds of grain and so many pounds
of roughnge. Tho amount of each feed
depends largely upon the flow of milk.
A cow giving n largo flow' of milk re
quires more feed than one giving loss.
Hero Is where good Judgment Is above
par. Oftcr tho cow owner has more
grain than roughnge or ho may be
short on grain nnd long on roughage.
Ho will need to mnkc a close study
of tho balancod ration to put profit iu
the pail.
Sometimes wo get the Idea that tho
more n cow eats tho more milk she
Will give. If she assimilates all she
cats that is a fact, but there Is such
a thing as overdoing tho mntter, so
that the excess of feed will be an ac
tual hindrance to the production of
milk. What we want to do Is to feed
the cow all she will turn to ndvantago
and no more. Clean mangers will
tell tho story as n rule. Anything left
over Is a pretty good sign that we are.
feeding toff much of some things.
Sylvanus Van Aken in I'nrm and Fire
side. Dip the Sheep.
A trough for dipping lambs can be
mndo for very little expense, and no
sheep raiser should bo without one. A
tank twelve feet long, four feet deep
nnd three feet wide Is big enough for
Iambs and grown animals.
"1 suppose you talk dialect to amuse
the snmini'f hoarders?"
"1 used tu,"' answered Parmer Haw,
"but not now. I call the farmhouse a
butigalow In this year's prospectus,
and everything will be on a high brow
plane."-Philudelphia Bulletin.
lite Stomachs aiulBcwelsor
Promotes Dicstionkerful
ncss and Ibst.Contains neither
OpiimiIorphirte nor Mineral.
Rud " Mil
Jhspla Sttd"
Cfunfrt Siqttr
Itotujreen f&mr.
Anprfect Remedv for Constta
tion , Sour StomacIi.Dlarrtoca
Worms .convulsions .rcvcnsir
ncss arolLoss or Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
ftuarantccd under the ojM
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
ill ufWWffr ;
Lord Courtney's Wit.
Lord Courtney, who recently colo
bratod his 78th birthday, has n happy
wit. During tho tlmo ho was a mem
ber of tho House of Commons he was
nsked nt ono of tho meetings of his
constituents whether ho was in f,vor
of n bill to legalize marriage with a
deceased wife's sister. "May I In
quire," ho asked, "whother the ques
tioner is mnrried?" The gentle nan
replied that ho wni and that his wlfo
had a sister. "Is your wlfo prt.,cn?"
asked tho future peer. "She Is not"
"Well," said Mr. Courtney (aft ho
then wns), "my wlfo is prosent, and
sho, too, hns a sister." Tho meeMng
saw tho member's point nnd the
question was not pressed further.
When One Is Choking.
"Rnlslng tho left arm as high as
you can will relieve choking much
moro rapidly than being thuir.p0 on
tho back," said one'of tho ris.-nt
physicians of a local hospital. "This
should bo more generally known for
often a person gots choked whllo
eating when there Is no one near to
thump him or her. Very rrequontly at
meals nnd when they are at play
children got choked while eating nd
the customary manner of relieving
them Is to slap them sharply on tho
back. The effect of this is to set tho
obstruction free, so that It can bo
swallowed. The same thing can bo
brought about by rnlslng tho left hand
of the child as high as possible, and
tho relief comes much more rapidly.
In happenings of this kind thero
should be no alarm, for If a child sees
that older persons or parents get ex
cited It Is very liable to become so
also. Tho best thing is to tell tho
child to rnlso Its left arm, and Imme
diately the obstruction passes down
the throat" Philadelphia Record.
A Course In Diving.
The freo instruction given by tho
United States navy at Its seamen
gunners' school Includes a course In
diving. Many of the younger blue
Jackets become very proflctent in this
work. Besides his regular pay tho
member of a ship's crew, if a diver,
receives an extra compensation of
$1.20 per hour for the actual tlmo ho
us employed under water.
The Diving Bell.
The history of diving reaches back
into the dim and distant past Alex
ander the Great Is said to have de
scended In a machine which kept him
dry whllo making some kind of sub
marine Investigation. Aristotle men
tions a device which enabled men to
remain some time under water. In
a book published early In tho six
teenth century appears a picture of a
man wearing a helmet, to which Is
fastened a leather tube floated on tho
surface of tho water by an Inflated
bag. In 153S two Greeks mado a sub
marl no trip under an Inverted cham
ber, which kept them dry. This was
in the presence of the Emperor
Charles V. and somo 12,000 specta-
l tors.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
Reoresent Reliable
Comuanies ONLY
Bears the A, V,
Signature Am
Sj JiliC