The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 28, 1910, Image 5
TIIK CITIZEN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1010. CENT A WORD COLUMNS FOR SALE A new $300 cash reg ister. Prlco ?125. Kerosene oil tank with pump. Kovcrslblo hat rack, counter scales and counter splco cans. Any of these llxtures can bo bought at a very low price. Watch for the announcement of the opening of the mammoth sale of tho Jncobson Bankrupt Clothing Btock. Flagg's Clothing House, Qrambs Block, 8G3 Main street, Honcsdnle, Pa. CASH l'AH) FOR APPLES and Rutabagas, also will buy cider np ples. See Gage at Hotel Wayno or at D. & II. freight station. Doan & Gage. 85tf FOR SALE Two bedroom , suits, bed springs, quilts, kitchen cabinet, carpet. All good. Mrs. Isaac For man, Cottago street. 2t WANTED a girl for general house work. 307 Fourteenth street, Honesdale. tf WANTED 2B ROUGIIERS wanted at the Wayne Cut Glass company, Towandn, Pa. tf. A BARGAIN A six horse-power upright boiler in good order for sale. Seelyville Fire Co. tf HIGHEST CASH market price paid for cider, Jelly and winter apples at Lake Ariel. Charles L. Simons. S0t5. FOR SALE Kelly &. Stelniuan brick factory building, Including en gine, boiler and shafting. Inquire of J. B. Robinson. 50tf. LOCAL MENTION. The Exchange club will hold their annual banquet on Thursday, November 3. Public worship with sermon by Rev. G. S. Wendell will be held at the Dyberry Baptist church on Sun day afternoon at 2.30 p. m. Rev. George S. Wendell will conduct public worship and preach at the Seelyville chapel on Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Produce merchants are buying rutabagas for shipment to the south and southwest, paying Wayne county farmers 23 cents a bushel for them. Every member of Freedom Lodge, No. 88, I. O. O. F., Is re quested to be present on Monday next, October 31st. Don't miss it. The usual services will be held at the Baptist church on Sunday next at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in. Tho pastor will preach. Sunday school at 11.45 a. m.; Young Peo ple's meeting at C.30 p. m. The clipping from tho Blngham- ton Republican of October 20, wnicn appears In another column of this Is sue, refers no douut to uio iaciory whlch Is to be occupied by the Her-beck-Demer company. We regret to learn that Wil liam F. Suydam will leave Hones dale and make New York city or Paterson his permanent residence. His residential property Is for sale. The "Best Ever" club aro mak ing extensive preparations for their first annual dance at the Lyric hall this (Friday) evening. Freeman's full orchestra will furnish the music A number of out-of-town guests are expected to bo present. Wayne County Pomona Grange, No. 41, will meet with Beech Grove Grance at Beech Grove, Pa., inurs day, Nov. 10, commencing promptly at 10 o'clock a. m. Election of offi cers. All members are requested to bo present. Arrangements have been made to have the song "In Dear Old Wayno" sung by Mr. Harry Mad den of Scranton at the Lyric thea tre Friday evening, Nov. 4th. Col ored slides of scenes from Wayne county will be used. Congressman C. C. Pratt was in town on Wednesday and made a trip to Hawley. The Colonel does not seem to be worried over the coming election. He feels confident that the voters of this district will give him a square deal. Teachers attention! Read very carefully the pamphlet which Is In serted In your copy of the Institute Manual. This appeal by the Wom en's Auxiliary association of the Wayno hospital, for your aid and as' slstance should meet with your hearty co-operation. Two of the contestants in tho late balloon race named Alan R Hawley and Augustus Post are missing and it is feared that they have drifted over into tue unex plorcd wilderness of tho Hudson Bay reclon and perished. Active search is being made for them. Lat er dispatches state they have been found allvo and well. "The Bachelor," a three-act orl glnal comedy by Clyde Fitch, delight ed a larce audience weunesaay even lng at the Lyric theatre. "Jennie" as tho stenographer with advanced Ideas In matrimony quite captivated the rrowd. and George Goodale made an admirable Now York bachelor. The Inevitable outcome was ono "more Benedict and ono "less" Bachelor. Some Joker placed an advertise ment In tho New York World to tho effect that 1100 would be paid to tho person suggesting tho mpst appro priate name for the new"Port Jervls theatre. The result was the mails hairs reachlntr that city havo been loaded down with communications answering the advertisement and Port Jervls has a few thousand names at their disposal. The now Dyberry state highway Is now completed to within less tnan 300 feet of tho stopping point, Big Eddy. Tho contractors, seaman Brennemnn and Irwin, were urged by the state authorities to complete another thousand feet, which would carry tho road to what Ib known aa Nelson's bridge, but they declined tho offer. Complaint Is made by team tera and farmers living along the line, at the rapidity with which auto lata nasa over tne nignway, tnua en dangerlng tho lives and property of others. J. Oscar Terrell, who has been conllned to his homo with tho grlppo for about a week, 1b better today. Jack Johnson was beaten in tho $5,000 automobile rnco by Darnoy Oldllold at Shcepshcad Bay race track on Tuesday. Tho winner of I tho JohiiBon-Jeareys prizo iignt is a failure as nn automobile racor. Louis Rauncr nnd Ilonan Colo were In town Monday and Tuesday. Both of these men wcro Interested In tho Edsall case, having suffered tho loss of harness) chickens, etc. Henry Wlsemnn and wife, of Wllkcs-Barre, are In town for a short time. Mr. Wiseman has sold out his shoo business in Wllkcs-Barre and Is now enjoying a woll-carnod rest. The Citizen Iibb received an In vitation from the trustees, fnculty and students of the Pennsylvania State College to attend "Pennsylvn- nln Day" at State College, l'a., on Friday, November tno eleventn. "The Call of the Wild," a melo drama, was tho attraction that com fortably filled tho Lyric theatre on Tuesday evening. The play was well staged, aupoprted by a strong company, and was full of pathos. John Ermine was most appealing In his chnracter of the White Weasel. The Men's society of the St. John's German Evangelical Lutheran church met Tuesday evening. On Thursday evening, the Young Peo ple's society of the same church met, and elected delegates to tne nan convention of the Northeastern Dis trict of the Luther League of Amer ica which will be held In St. Paul's church, North Scranton, the early part of November. It may be of in terest to the many Honeadale Leaguers to know that at the state convention of the Luther League held at Meyersdale, Pa., this week, P. Walter Banker, of Wllkes-Barre, president of this district, and well known here, was elected State Presi dent. The Edsall case had a sudden ending at court on Monday when the defendant, who was out on ball, was called. He failed to appear and his father, who was bondsman, stepped up to the rail and placed down $300 cash which was the amount of the bail bond. Attempts were made by parties representing the defendants to settle this case by paying for all the goods which had been stolen but the prosecutor determined to see the case through andjuace the defendant so ho could no longer pay nightly visits to barns and hen coops. In some localities there are people who believe and act the belief that chicken steal ing is not a crime. The indlctnlent against Edsall still remains and he will bo arrested on sight and the next time bail might not be accepted. The Democratic papers are ex ploiting tho news that Horace G. Young, well known In Honesdale, has renounced Republicanism and joined the Democracy. We think this statement Is slightly warped and twisted. Mr. Young has no doubt come out for John A. Dix, tho Demo cratic cand'date for governor In New York state, and his reason, no doubt, is due' to the fact that he la opposed to the bulldozing tactics of Roose velt In bossing the New York state convention, Mr. Young, like a great many of the business men of the country, who have had experience In the financial world know that the success of Rooseveltlsm In polltlca will have the same effect upon busl neaa Interests as a bull would have In a China shop. When frlenzled politics lias resumed its normal con ditions Mr. Young, we think, will be found In the ranks of tho G. O. P. No need to wait for Friday, Nov. 4th, when you will bo sure to go to the sale In Sunday school room of Grace church. Leave your orders now for cake, rolls, mince meat, etc., with Mrs. W. J. Van Keuren. For everything suggestlvo of Christmas gifts go to Mrs. D. W. Menner. adv. PERSONAL MENTION Miss Xettlo Rogers of Waverly, N. , Is visiting In Honesdale. Miss Lola Wentz, of Scranton, Is tho guest of Honesdale friends. Adam Metzger, Jr., spent.last, Sun day with his parents at Calllcoon, N. Y. Mrs. John Weaver has returned from a visit with her son John at To- wanda. H. H. Hanklns, of Blnghamton, N. Y., was In town on business on Wed nesday. A. B. Lajltte, of Jermyn, spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Maple City friends. Julius Freund Is now employed as civil engineer on tho roads at Mt. Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wiseman of Wllkes-Barre, are spending some time in the Maplo City. Charles McKenna, of Kelley & Stelnrnnn. Deposit, N. Y Is spending a week with his parents here. Jerry Jenkins, of J. D. Williams & Bros., of Scranton, was a business caller In .town the first of tho week Arthur Head, of Towanda, is again acting as court stenographer, which position ho has held for many years. Rev. George Thomas Forve, rector-ln-chargo of St. Mnry Magdalen's church, spent several days last week In Scranton, Dr. H. B. Ely has returned from Philadelphia where ho has been the past ten days studying surgery In Dr. Price's hospital. Fifty Years u Minister. . Sinday was a remarkable day in the life of Rev. Dr.-'H. H. Brun nlng, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran church of White Haven. It marked his soventy-flfth birthday anniver sary, tho fiftieth year of hla ministry and tho thirtieth year of his pas- torato in Whlto Haven. Approprlato services In honor of tho occasion wero held. Married! On Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock Leonard E. Coons, of Seely ville, and Miss Gertrude Horst, of Seelyville, wero united In tho holy bonds of matrimony by tho Rov, C. C, Miller. NOT GUILTY! PA! Tf COSTS! (Continued from pngo One) lng Job for tho O. & W. R. R. Gcorgo Simpson, of Wlnwood, stated that ho saw the gray mare and that It had a very soro back. As a cavalryman with threo years' Civil war experience, he knew quite a lit tle about horses. The defense then opened its case, tho first witness called being James Manlcy, the defendant, who said ho was employed by Mr. Harding to watch tho men and horses. Harding was over him on tho Job, nnd Mnnley had about 25 men under him. Card worked quarter of a mile from the defendant who frequently visited. On Juno 18 Constnblo Sherwood camo along nnd talked with him. "I havo a warrant for you," he said, and or dered tho horse put In a barn. At the 'Squire's. tho defendnnt pleaded not guilty, but wns refused Mr. Hard ing ns bondsman, and gave the 'Squiro $10 and his watch. The fine he paid under protest. Later tho con stable came with another warrant and threatened to take him to Honesdale If ho didn't pay the $30 flno. Mc Claln went his ball. Mr. Harding had all authority as foreman. The horso's back "looked like a bile came on." It was healing on Juno 24th. The doctor gave him a certificate and tho horse has worked ever since. Hnrdlng paid tho drivers. On cross-examination he admitted boarding with Decker, and keeping the maro In his stable. Ho helped to doctor the horse. His father paid Decker. He did not plead guilty be fore tho 'squire. Morris Harding, general foreman of construction work on tho O. & W. railroad between Poyntelle nnd the river, stated the O. & W. hired horses from the defendant's father and that he as foreman had general charge of tho work. Ho observed the sore on the mare's back. In tho work the saddle couldn't touch It. A silver quarter would cover tho sore. On cross-examination he said the wound was only skin deep. Frank Cornell, of Wlnwood, testi fied to working on tho O. & W. rail road grading job under the direc tion of Card, and that he was the driver of the gray mare. In his opinion the sore was caused by a boll. He spoke of 'treating the sore with balsam of myrrh. Dr. H. A. Paget, a veterinary, of Scranton, with a practice of 22 years, told of being called to see tho horse June 26th. He found a sore caused by an abrasion of the skin which was made worse by the application of balsam of myrrh. He prescribed a mild astringent lotion for the wound. In his opinion the sore could cause absolutely no pain unless touched by some part of the harness. The sore was healing when he was sum moned. John Mauler, of Wlnton borough, testified to furnishing horses for the O. & W. railroad. Ho saw the gray mare. To him It looked as If It was stung by something. M. J. Barrett, of Jessup, a dealer In horses for twenty years, testified to seeing the sore. No part of the saddle touched the sore. J. B. White, of Jessup, testified to seeing a small sore, In the process of healing, on the wethers of the mare. The horse didn't squirm when he touched her. On rebuttal Constable Sherwood and Frank Card testified. Card spoko of the removal of tho burlap from under the saddle, and blankets wero fixed on each side, and the har ness removed. Court adjourned at 12.15 p. m. pending the final arguments of coun sel. NEW FACTORY AT HALLSTEAD, Board of Trade Lands Cut Glass Works for Village. Hallstead, Pa., Oct. 25. The Hallstead board of trade has secured for this village a large cut glass fac tory which la anticipated to open business In Hallstead Immediately af ter January 1, 1911. Tho firm will emnloy about 100 hands. Accordingly the Hallstead board of trado has Issued tho following an nouncement: "Bids will be received for tho erec tion and completion of a largo con creto factory to bo located In Hall stead, Pa. .Plans and specifications may bo seen at the store of w. M Knoeller, Hallstead, Pa., until Sat urday, Oct. 29. Right reserved to re Ject any or all bills." Tho factory will bo about 150 feet long and 75 feet wide. While tho board refuses to make public any deflnlto estimate of the cost, as they aro awaiting the bids of tho contrac tors, It Is not thought tho cost will bo over $25,000. Tho building must bo ready for oc cupancy by January 1. Blngiiamton Republican. 9100 REWARD, $100, Tho readers of tuts paper will bo pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that sclenco has been able to euro In all Its stages, and that la Catarrh Hall's Catarrh Cure la the only posl- tlve euro now known to tho medl cal 'fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dlaeoso, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of tho system, thereby destroying tho foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up tho consti tution and assisting nature la doing Its work. Tho proprietors havo bo much faith In Us curntlvo powers that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any caao that It falls to euro, Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. CO Toko Hall's Family Pills for con atlpatlon. WAVXE TEACHERS' ASSO. MEETS Do Much Serious Work, nnd Enjoy u Chicken Dinner. Special to Tho Cltlzon. South Cnnaan, Pa., Oct. 2C. Tho Wayno County Teachers' Associa tion met at South Canaan, Snturday, Oct. 15, 1910. Tho meeting wns called to order by vice-president, Chns. E. Martz, In tho Methodist church. After singing and devotional ex ercises led by tho pastor, Mr. How ell announced that dinner would bo served by tho Ladles' Aid society In the Grange Hall Tho pastor delivered an address of welcome, which wns full of en thusiasm and encouragement, and emphasized the fact that a "chick en dinner" nwaltcd every ono at tho hall. Mrs. Alma J. D. Dix delivered the Innugural address, and told of her vacation trip to the Pacific coast. This talk was exceedingly Instruc tive nnd entertaining, the speaker giving a vivid account of conditions In Idaho. Miss Alice Gregory gave an ac count of a trip to Old Orchard, Me. Sho emphasized the loyallty of the people of Maine to their own state. Mrs. Dix also noted this character istic In tho west. Miss Jennie Lee gave a description of tho "House of Seven Gables" which In reality has eight gables. Miss Theresa Soete, In her char acteristic manner, told how to be-d como acquainted with Wayno coun ty. She gave many Interesting ways of teaching the goography of Wayno county, calling especial attention to tho lakes and tho boroughs. Tho report of the committee on standardizing high schools of the county, was read by Prof. Creasy. Comparatively few High schools keep complete records. All principals are urged to begin at once to keep rec ords. Tho matter of "uniform require ments" was difficult to regulate un til tho present year, when the state course of sudy for elementary schools has regulated the work to bo covered by them. Uniform ex aminations given by the county sup erintendent will decide the mastery of the course by tho pupils. There should be sufficient unifor mity In our course to permit classi fication of pupils changing to dif ferent High schools to prevent loss of time to the pupil. The committee suggests that fre quent written tests bo given. The questions to be prepared by prlncl pals of other High schools. Short recitation periods aro not as' effective, and a seven-month term cannot expect to cover the work of a nine-month term. Preliminary contests might be held at intervals and a final contest given. Teachers conveniently located should organize a reading club. This it is believed would bring the elementary and secondary schools Into closer touch and would result In much good. Such arrangements should give the teacher more defln lto alms in their work. Too often to' the teacher and pupils of the country school the High school Is In another world, one which they know little about or care less. The discussion was opened by Mr. Martz. A motion was made that Supt. Koehler appoint a committee to make uniform examinations for the county high schools. Prof. Creasy suggested that the discussion be postponed for future thought. Prof. J. H. Kennedy read an ex cellent paper on "Teachers' Don'ts" which will bo published at some fu ture date. "What wo may reasonably expect of pupils entering High school" was the discussion opened by Charles E. Martz. Ho said: "No pupil should be allowed to enter High school under fourteen years of age. Finishing at 17 or 18 they aro young enough to enter college or take up a trade, and can get fullest under standing of studies. The pupils en tering High school should not be without some thought of the future. They should have completed satis factorily the work of the grades: should know more technical gram mar as preparation for Latin. See that definitions tell tho truth, and that the child reasons to that effect, not only in grammar but in all branches. Teach moro political geo graphy." The subject was discussed by Prof. Oday and Prof. Watkius. A vocal solo was rendered In ex cellent tasto by Miss Freed, teacher of vocal music In tho Hawley graded school. "Aro our schools meeting the de mands of tho community?" was tho subject of Supt. J. J. Koehlor's talk. Mr. Koehler Intended discussing: Common things been In tho school room, Agriculture and Alteration scheme, but time growing short he made his talk briof, not however before making some Inspiring state ments as "There is no profession In which thero are so many unselfish men and womon aa In tho public school system," "I firmly believe in the public schools nnd In tho public school teacher." The committee on resolutions re turned thanks to tho residents of South Canaan for their hospitality and courtesy, and tho ineoting ad journed. VOTE FOR PRATT. Tho Wages of Sin! "I am going to bo married soon," said 3a young 'Carbondnlo man sever al days ago In tho course of conver sation with a friend of his. "I'll havo to get In a whole lot of fun until then. I'll bo decent then." "My husband and I don't llvo to gether," said a divorced woman in speaking of her matrimonial troubles to a reporter recently. llo was a drinking man, and unfaithful In every way." What a terrible Indictment of tho "double standard of morality," such statements nrol la it any wonder that our divorce courts aro kept busy? The wages of "auto-nuptial wlld-oats sowing" are martial In felicity, and Inevitable discord and final separation. VOTE FOR JACKSON. Wrestler Breaks Ann. J. McDonnld, of Buffalo, N. Y., lu a wrestling match, Tuosday ovonlng, with Mllo Fitch, of Cnrbondnlo, at Mmnnorchor Hall, in this place, for a aide bet of twenty dollnrs, tho winner to bo tho ono who got tho best of three falls, was so unfortunate as to badly twist his left shoulder, which put an end to tho bout In tho second round. W. Dallas was tho rcf erco of tho match, and about twenty flvo men enjoyed tho proceedings. Tho time-keeper was Harry W. But ler of this place. Mnrriugo License Record. F. E. Kcndrcn and Kate A. vllle, both of Sterling. Ne- For the greatest accomplishment -U80 tho Bell. 8 EVER INCREASING. f - fOOO - t - f - fOOO'H - f A bank account is like a snowballroll it gently along and it will get larger (almost without your noticing it) as the days go by. Like the snowball, too, the hardest work is making the first deposit, giv ing It the first push, after which the initial impetus gains as the ball runs down, the bank account rolls up. We want to help you with your financial snowball. FARMERS and On Saturday, Oct. 29fh I will open the Jewelry Store on ain A practical! Watchmaker,, Jeweler andOptician will give all work his prompt and care ful attention. rs very H. G. I BVSENNER & COMPANY GENERAL STORES Keystone Block Honesdale, Pa. ARE NOW SHOWING THEIR Suits for Ladles' Junior and Misses' Nobby Coats. Lnto Shapes. Separate Jackets and Skirts New est In style, lx;st In Gooils. Ladies9 Silk cess Dresses. AUTUMN GOODS from headquarters. MENNER & mmtttajatamtamtaammnmtmttmnttmmttmmmtmtmmtnm FOR SALE! Magnificently located residence and large grounds of W. F. SUYDAM Splendid sito for hospital or hotel. Houbo steam heated. Elec trically wired. Large barn. Corner lot. 125x150. J. B. ROBINSON, Insurance and Real Estate. Trulwln Building. An Investment bringing a hundred-fold return use the Boll. - fOOO - f - f - fOOO'f MECHANICS BANK. OCCU- ROWLAND, H l mn Ladies and truly5 1 isses Long and Semi-Prin in all departments CO'S STORES 8