The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 28, 1910, Image 2

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Lieutenant Gcvarnor Murphy
Lauds Republican Nominee.
Eloquent Son of Cambria Tells Why
Pennsylvania Should Go Republican
This Year.
Ono of tho roost noteworthy
speeches of this campaign was mnilo
a fow nights ago by Lieutenant Gov
crnor Robert S. Murphy, who, nlthough
ho was the only avowed candidate, for
tho gubernatorial nomination, which
ultimately went to Congressman John
K. Toner, Is now ono of tho most ar
dent advocates of Mr. Tenor's elec
tion. Govornor Murphy, who Is nn elo
quent and forcible campaigner, pre
sented a comprehensive rovlew of the
groat achievements of tho Stuart ad
ministration, the progress mado In the
development of all of tho departments
and tho rigorous prosecution of the
capltol fraud3 In both criminal and
civil actions, and dwelt upon the fact
that Mr. Toner is pledged to continue
tho policies of Edwin S. Stuart.
Gotrnor Murphy, among other
Uiln-s. said:
". i th every dopartmcnt of tho state
government in the hands of Intelligent
and patriotic servants, with the most
modern and systematic methods of
business In force, and with a record
luminous with order, economy and
faithful service, the question before
the people at tho coming election Is
whether or not thoy can afford to re
pudiate the achievements of Governor
Stuart and the works of his adminis
tration and support cither of tho Dem
ocratic candidates. And, remember,
whatever has been accomplished Is
distinctly a Republican party asset and
one which we cheerfully submit in
justification of the vote of confidence
which we ask.
"In tho present juncture of affairs
It mvst be admitted that tho election
of the Hon. Wobster Grim, although a
man of character and excellent repu
tation In private and public life, Is
absolutely impossible this year. Nor
Is the outlook any more favorable feu
the other Democratic candidate, thn
Hon. William H. Derry. Both of these
gentlemen, without hesitation, attack
everything thnt is Republican and ;
stand for a reversal of mta d -es an 1
of administration which aro ?ie chief
pride and glory of the Republic '.n
party. They seek, of course, not ta
only aid themselves but all other Dem
ocrats, especially candidates for con
gress, which can only bo construed as
an open attack upon tho protective
principle which is tho breath of life
in the nostrils of Pennsylvania, and by
which she has advanced to the highest i
degree of material development. In
addition to their Indorsement and sup
port of congressional candidates, thoy j
aro also supporting Democratic candi
dates for the legislature in tho hopo
of electing a Democratic United States
"Against this well-defined purpose,
Pennsylvania stands committed, for1
she bellovcs in tho protective princi-1
plo and In placing thoso in congress
who are sincerely its friends. Any oth
er course would bo suicidal, for we
cannot, In tho interest of manifold In
dustries and of the men who toils,
afford to support In the present politi
cal crisis the candidates of the De
mocracy who advocate freo trade or
favor such ronf using and unsatlsfac
ti schedulo as found expression In
Wilson-Gorman bill of the Clove
ad administration, which proved so
latal in its consequences to tho labor
and capital of tho country.
Berry as a Bryanite.
"Wo must recognize In Mr. Berry
tho only conspicuous representative of
Mr. Bryan and his policies now before
the people of this stato. To ovory pol
icy advocated by tho Nebraskan ho
has given loyal allegiance. But Mr.
Bryan has practically ceasod to bo a
flguro of national importance, and this
is duo to tho fact that all of his so
called policies have been defeated and
repudiated by the American people.
"As Mr. Bryan has been repudiated,
so do I believe Pennsylvania will re
fuse to give his lieutenant, Mr. Berry,
the support bo asks. His speeches
upon tho stump create slnccro doubt
as to his soundness and safety, and
the bellof arises that be is not fitted,
elthor by temperament or judgment,
to preside over tho destinies of this
great commonwealth. There Is an ab
sence of self-polso, of self-control In
his speech, and of good tompor, which
are essential to the great responsibili
ties of a chief magistrate.
"Wide latitude is permitted In tho
arona of political discussion, but sure
ly Mr. Borry has passed the danger
limit, and, as a result, we find tho air
filled with confusing explanations of
his business relations with a leading
Democratic politician, nono of which
seem to bo borne out by tho facts, and
this Is followed by an Intomperato de
nunciation of tho public press with
out oxceptlon. Ho not only condemns
It as destitute of patriotism and vir
tue, but proceeds to pass judgment
upon all tho newspaper mon of tho
Btatej and without mercy Joyfully con
signs thorn to bo burned at the stake.
"Such a cruel and barbarous punish-
mont is prohibited by tho constltu-1
tlon, but this does not Boem to matter
to Mr. Horry apparently he would llko
to bo present nt tho hoped-for event
nnd play tho part of chlof torch-boarer
nt tho ceroniontos.
"Theso things which nn nttcntlvo
public hns lea ned, together with tho
astonishing stntcmcnt thnt, becauso of
his discovery of tho capltol frauds, ho
was compollcd to lnvo a bodyguard
In constant attendance about his per
son In order to prevent his assassina
tion something which has hitherto
been unknown to any ono, with per
haps tho exception of Mr. Borry
strongly indicate that ono of such ex
cltablo temporamont nnd suscept'blo
to such beliefs, practices and delusions
Is not tho kind of a man that this
stato Is entitled to havo for governor.
"Conditions within the stato aro
oinlncntly satisfactory.
Strong Words For Tener.
"What we need in the high office of
govornor nnd tho other offices to bo
filled in this election Is calmness, not
impulsiveness, a judgment at men and
affairs that is broadened and ripened
by experience a just conception of
the powers of govcrnmont, a keen nnd
sympathetic appreciation of the rights
of the citizen, nnd a comprehensive
Idea of tho manifold interests and ele
ments that enter Into tho complex life
of this great commonwealth. Above
all, we need a man safo and sure, and
the Republican party has risen equal
to tho domand.
"We havp named as tho candidate
for governor a man with a true heart,
with a sound brain in n sound body,
who has tolled In the workshop and in
the mills nnd Is In strong and lasting
sympathy with labor; who stop by step
moved forward and Identified himself
with the business enterprises of his
soction, where he hns attained a posi
tion which commands the undivided
respect of those who love honosty p.nd
believe in genuine manhood; who has
represented his district in the con
gress of tho United States ably and
faithfully; whoso reputation for Integ
rity Is of the highest, and whose Re
publicanism has always been of the
right kind; who is in accord and sym
pathy with the policies of the Stuart
administration, and who ha) promised
the people that when governor ho will
esteem It a privilege and duty to con
duct the state government In accord
anco with those policies. No man whe
knows him will doubt his word or will
believe that his promise will remain I
unredeemed. I have tho honor to know
hlm personally,, and I appreciate him
as a man or nigh ideals pure in
thought and speech and unchallenced
in public or private life. The election
of the Hon. John K. Tener is assured."
r. Cr'ppen, Who Murdered Belle
Elmore, His Wife.
London. Oct. 23. Dr. Ilawley II.
Crlpjien, convicted of the murder of
his wife. Belle Elmore, the actress,
will lie hanged ou Nov. 8.
The date originally announced was
Nov. 13, but the sheriff advanced the
date one week.
A Spanish Ship Treasure.
In 1702 the largest bulk of treasure
ever taken from u ship nt sea was
brought Into London. It was the whole
of the cargo of tho Spanish ship Iler
mione, captured on May 21 by II. M
S. Active. The Ilermione surrendered
to the Active without an action, nnd
the treasure was landed nt Portsmouth
and conveyed to London In twenty dec-
orated wagons, with British colors over
Spanish nnd nn escort party of sailors.
The strange procession reached Lon
don on Aug. 12, the day on which
George IV. wns born. On being sold
the treasure realized 519,703 Is. Gil.,
and tho share of the officers and men
of the Active was as follows: The
captain, X03.033 13s. Od.; three com
missioned officers, each 13,004 1-ls.
Id.; eight warrant officers, each
4,330 3s. 2d.; twenty petty officers,
each 1,800 Is. Sd.; 138 seamen, each
483 Cs. 4d. Pall Mali Gazette.
Jury Penalties.
Nowadays no penalty Is enforced
when the twelve men chosen to form
the jury are unable to agree upon a
verdict. Formerly, however, a re
fractory Juryuinn was committed to
prison nnd tho verdict of the eleven
was taken. In the reign of King Ed
ward III. the judges decided that n
verdict given by a majority was a
nullity nnd recommended .thnt tho
Judges should carry tho Jury about
with them In a enrt till they should
agree. Tho old custom that Jurors
should fast until they had agreed In
their verdict prevailed long, but was
mercifully relaxed somewhat In Tu
dor times, and during Queen Eliza
beth's reign a banquet was usually
given to tho Jury by the successful
party to n suit. St. Paul Pioneer
Force of Habit.
"A thousand stars uro looking down
on you this night." said tho poctlenl
young man to the girl.
And she unconsciously put her bands
up to urrunge tho position of her lint.
"Wo havo had nu olllclal warning
tot to burn much gas this month."
"I never heard of such a tiling."
"Oh, yes; It was lost month's bill."
Buffalo Express.
Made It Clear.
Now, Clarice, says the Boston Globe,
don't get those things twisted: You
eat bivalves, see through binoculars.
ride bicycles, wish you had biplanes
and marry bipeds.
Hundreds Reported to
Be Dead.
Italian Towns Devastated.
Warships to Rescue.
Rome, Oct. 23. At least ten persons
were killed by being burled In mud
and lava streams thitt wort thrown
from Mount Vesuvius, whose activity
was occasioned by I terrific cloud
burst. The news from Nnples as yet Is
very meager owing to the confusion
and terror there.
While mnny tourists American.
French, German and English are
known to be In the vicinity of the
death dealing volcano. It Is not defi
nitely known whether any of them
lost their lives. The ten victims are
stated by guides to have been Italian
peasants engaged In agricultural and
other work on the slopes of the crater.
The government has sent several
warships to the shores bordering the
slopes of tho volcano below I'ugllano
and Ilerculnneum In tlie hope of af
fording means of rescue to others who
may bo endangered.
The railway leading up the south
easterly side of the crater has been
useful in conveying fugitives to plane"
of safety.
The observatory, three-quarters of
the way up the slope of the volcano. Is
reported to have escaped serious dam
age. Confused nnd Incomplete reports
have reached the home olllce of a
great disaster nt Ischla, the capital of
te island of Ischia, sixteen miles
southwest of Naples, In the Mediter-
nmean. ' t is reared mat the town
" M''"eicu uj u uuai wine,
Torpedo boats were promptly sent
from Naples to Ischin to ascertain the
situation and render assistance. Tele
graph nnd enble connection between
Ischla and Naples is broken.
A telegram received nt Naples from
Procldn, an Island northeast of Ischla,
reports that the town of Cnssamlc-
ciola, a town In the latter Island! was
destroyed by n deluge, which washed
away the wooden underpinning of the
wooden houses which had been built
for the purpose of resisting earth
quakes. The home olllce has received news
of the disaster from Naples. The pre
fect of that city wires that he 1ms
heard from the captain of n steamship
that a terrific storm struck the island
of Ischla. Ono story says It caused
great damage to property, but that
there were no fatalities. Another re
port says thnt nt least 200 persons
were drowned. The prefect has dis
patched troops to Ischia to undertake
the work of rescue.
Direct news from Ischia is lacking.
According to the latest reports, a hur
ricane struck the island and devas
tated the side of the Island opposite
Italian City Swept by Flood Many
Naples, Oct. 23. Tho mayor of Cas
samlcclola telegraphs tho prefect of
police here that Cassamlcciola has
been destroyed, as was forecasted in
earlier dispatches. The telegram adds
thnt there are many victims and that
hell) is urgently needed. As a result
of this plea the government has sent a
fleet of warships, consisting of three
battleships and four cruisers, with In
structions to hirry to the scene of the
disaster with all provisions nnd food
uvallable. Troops also have been hur
ried to the stricken city.
Later advices indicate that the hotels
at Cassamlcciola are empty owing to
the prevalence of choleru nt Naples
and that the damage, owing to cloud
burst and flood, Is confined to the de
struction of a few wooden houses
which are occupied by peasants. The
only American known to havo been In
Cassamlcciola of late Is tho painter
Robert Yale, who comes from St Paul,
Pugllnno, Oct. 25, via Nnples.
There was ft severe cloudburst over
the buy of Naples during the night,
followed by a tidal wave. Tho sea
heaved violently, nnd large steamships
In the buy were affected. At tho same
time Vesuvius emitted streams of mud
nnd lava, and two families were bur
led nt Torre del Greco, at the foot of
tho mountain. Flvo bodies have been
recovered, and n search Is being niadu
for others.
Loss of life Is nlso reported from
Cetnrn, on the gulf of Salerno.
Chicago Murder Mystery Solved.
Chicago, Oct. 25-Pollce Captain
Wood has received a telegram from
Chief of Detectives Ryan of East St.
Louis saying that Leigh Rhodus, a
prisoner there, had confessed y tho
uiunier at unieago Aug. a or nr. vu
Ham 1 MJciinells, n dentist. This mur
der has hitherto proved a mystery,
Dr. Mlchaclis wus shot down nt night
almost at ills owu doorstep.
Deadly lt!lan CrrUr,
Has Increased Lilt of Vistiis.
New Jersey Labor Federation Also
Against Contract Convict Labor.
Newark, N. J., Oct. 23. The exec
utive board of the New Jersey Stato
Federation of Labor has begun a cam
paign against the bread trust for Its
alleged failure to use the union label
on Its products.
The board has also' decided to strive
for Uie abolition of the contract labor
system In the state prison nnd for the
Improvement of sanitary conditions in
the prison. It will also seek to end the
Issuing of certificates by Justices of
the peace to children of school age, al
lowing them to work in shops nnd fac
tories Instead of attending school.
The labor men say that the law re
lating to tho prison contract system is
not being observed, as only the pack
ages In which articles are packed is
stamped, whereas It was Intended that
each article should be marked, so that
the purchaser could know what ho was
The bread trust. It Is alleged, refuses
to use the union label to show that
the bread Is made In union shops,
where. It is claimed, all sanitary laws
aro scrupulously observed.
Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Candidate
Angered by Editor.
Philadelphia, Oct. 23. John K. Te
ner, Republican candidate tor gov
ernor of Pennsylvania, has sworn out
a warrant for the arrest of E. A. Van
Valkenburg, editor nnd president of
the North American company of this
city, charging him with criminal libel.
The warrant wns not served. Fran
cis Sliunk Brown, A. S. L. Shields nnd
George S. Graham, counsel for Tener,
sent u letter to Van Valkenburg In
forming him of the action the guber
natorial candidate had taken and noti
fying him that a hearing In the case
would be held on Friday.
Mr. Van Valkenburg, through his
counsel, James Gay Gordon, Imme
diately replied that ho was ready for
a hearing any day this week. Toner's
counsel In their reply stated that as
Mr. Tener was on n speaking tour It
was Impossible for him to nppear at n
hearing today, and therefore the case
would be heard Friday.
. P. Butler's Remains Yielded Up by
Hudson River.
New York, Oct. 25. For eight days
nnd nights the family and many
friends of Henry Prescott Butler, a
prominent lawyer and well known
member of the Union League club,
searched secretly every nook of the
park along Riverside drive to find
trace of the man who left his home at
110 West Eighty-eighth street on the
afternoon of Oct. 17.
The search lias ended by the finding
of ills body tloatlng In the North river
off Ninety-sixth street by William Kel
ly, who brought it ashore and called a
policeman. It Is supposed Butler was
seized with heart failure when sitting
on the end of a pier nnd fell Into the
For three or four weeks ho had been
very 111 with asthma nnd heart trou
The Sullivan Banking Act Is Declared
New York, Oct. 25. Judge BIJur In
special term of tho supreme court
signed an order presented by nu at
torney for James Leo, ti curb broker,
declaring tho privato bankers' act un
constitutional. Mr. Leo asked for nn
Injunction restraining tho nttoruey
general nnd suite comptroller of tho
state of New York from enforcing tho
act. This bill was pussed In tho last
legislature ut Albany by Senator ''Big
Tim" Sullivan,
This decision not only affects privato
bankers, but many of the brokers do
ing business ou tho Consolidated Ex
change and tho curb market. Mnny
of these were liable to nrrest under tho
provisions of Uie net.
Three Indicted For Murder.
Kingston, N. Y., Oct. 25.-I.ouis Vic
tor Seydel, the New York stockbroker,
who shot nnd killed Clemento Demn
ron nt Esopus In June, wns ludlcted
by tho Ulster grand Jury for murder
in the first degree, l'lutro Otato and
Mrs. Vlucciizn Crauso wero also lu
dlcted for murder In tho Hist degreo
for tho killing of I'lotro Kablano, four
years of age. by choking him to death
li ml placing the body In the vault of
nu outhouse at Olasco
When the Hen Crows.
Wlllsford In his "Nature Secrets"
(1(533) writes:
"Beasts eating greedily nnd more
than they used to do prenotes foul
weather, nnd nil small cnttlc that
seem to rejoyce with playing and
sporting themselves foreshown rain.
Oxen nnd nil kinds of neat. If you do
nt any time observe them to hold up
their heads nnd snufllc In the nlr or
lick their hooves or their bodies
ognlust tho hair, expect then rnlny
weather. Asses or mules rubbing
often their cars or braying much
more thnn usually they nre accustom
ed presages rain. Hogs crying nnd
running up nnd down with hay or Ut
ter In their mouths foreshows a storm
to bo near nt hand. Tho little Bnblo
beast (called a Ilea) if much thirsting
after blood It nrgues rnln. Tho cock
If ho crows in the dnytlmo very much
or nt sunscltlng or when ho Is nt
roost at unusual hours, as at 0 or 10,
expect oome change of weather nnd
thnt suddenly, but from fair to foul
or Uie contrary. , But when tho hen
crows good men expect a storm within
doors nnd without"
A Farmyard Inspiration.
"I made a discovery of queer coinci
dences lately."
"What was ltr
"In tho poultry Journal you mention
It was n henpecked poet, egged on by
need of cash, who wrote that lay about
tho setting sun." New York Journal.
A Fortunate Ignorance.
Mrs. Casey Who was It hit ye?
Casoy Shure, I dunno. 'Twns In the
Mrs. Casey Praise the saints I Now
ye won't be gettln licked ng'ln trying
to lick the felly that lilt ye. Boston
It All Depends.
"Do drummers really get business by
telling funny stories?"
"Depends altogether upon the cus
tomer." replied the traveling salesman.
"Sometimes I tell funny stories, and
sometimes I nbuse the trusts." Pitts
burg Post.
Market Rates.
Considerate Motorist I'm nwfully
sorry I knocked you down hope you
aren't hurt. Now, what can I give
Yokel Well, zur. 'ow much do 'ee
generally give? Tit-Bits.
An Ambition.
"My son's very nmbltlous."
"Is thnt so?"
"Yes; he's looking forwnrd to the
time when he'll be an actor for a
moving picture concern." Detroit Free
Welt Bred.
"She had a fine bringing up?"
"Excellent, absolutely antiseptic,
sterilized and scientific." Detroit Free
From 5 to 6 per cent.
In denominations of
100, 500 and 1,000
If interested
call on or address
Office: Foster Block 9th nnd
Main St.
Honesdale, Pa.
11 HIWi Mil' 1 1 IB HI l'i H'lll 1 1 'IWIIH Mil
8 30 10 00 4 30 Albany
If 00 10 U0 05 .... UlllKhamton ....
10 00 2 15 12 30 8 30 215 .... Philadelphia....
1 20 7 25 4 40 1 20 7 10 ....VIlkes-I!arre....
2 08 8 15 630 208 755 Scranton
P.M. A.M. II"" P.M. P.M. A.M. I.v Ar
5 40 9 05 I;.".'! 6 20 2 05 8 45 Carboiulalo
5 00 9 15 (1 30 2 15 8 55 ...Lincoln Avenue..
6 54 9 19 B 31 2 19 8 59 Whites
6 11 9 3li B 82 2 37 9 18 Karvlcw
6 17 9 42 li 68 2 43 9 21 Canaan
6 23 9 4S 7 01 2 49 9 29 .... Lake Lodore ....
6 26 9 51 7 07 2 52 9 32 ... . Wnymurt
6 32 9 57 7 13 2 67 9 37 Keeno
6 35 10 00 7 16 2 59 9 39 Steeno
6 39 10 04 7 20 3 03 9 43 Prompton
6 43 10 08 7 24 3 07 9 47 Kortenla
li 46 10 11 7 27 3 10 9 60 Seelyvlllo
6 60 10 15 7 31 3 15 9 55 Honesdalo
P.M. A.M. Illlll P.M. P.M. 137. Ar Lv
The Era of New
TIiir nnnrn n. ilnliifn nf now mixed naitlts.
dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind
of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED
PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised,
may find a sale with tno unwary.
There aro reasons for tho pro-minonco of CHILTON PAINTS
1st No ono can mix a better mixed paint.
2d Tho paintors deolaro that it works easily and has won
derful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his
owu expenso.ovory surfaco painted with Chilton Paint that
proves dofectivo. . .
4th Those who havo used it aro perfectly satisfied with it
and recommend its use to others.
Is Your Blood Pure?
Does your head feel heavy and ache?
your throat dry, nose stoppcel up and hot,
no appetite, little chilly feelings creeping
along the spine, hands hot, feet cold,
tongue furred, eyes burn, you feel sick all
over f Ever felt this way before?
You arc bilious. Nip It in the bud ; do
the right thing first. Promptness will work
wonders. Start using Smith's Pineapple
'and Butternut Pills, take two to four at
bedtime. You won't need any more j they
will cure you in a night. Don't wait till
you get down on your back, then it will
take longer, but, even then, these pills will
work wonders. They promote the harmo
nious action of tho stomach, liver and
Get a bottle of your dealer today and
take them home with you and use them
when you experience any departure what
ever from a healthy standard. They will
make your blood rich, red, pure. Physi
cians use and recommend. They form no
habit. You should always keep them on
hand. These little Vegetable Pills will
ward off many ills.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and Sick
Headache in a Night, use
U0iS of
liver jwaoweu.
CO P1IU In GlnM Vlnl 25c All Denier.
For' Sick Kidneys
Bladder Dltf Kheumatlsm,
the one belt remedy. Meltable,
endorsM by leading physicians ;
aafe, effectual. Remit! lasting.
On the market 18 years. Hare
cured thousands. 100 pills In
original glass package. Co cents.
TrlAlboies,M pills, 25 cents. All
druggists seU and recommend.
oil of
Attention is called totne STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New Yrk
Citv lias published a ROLL 01
HONOR of the 11,470 State Banke
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands lOtli in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wayne County.
Capiial, Surplus, $455,000.00
Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00
Honesdaic. ra.. May 29. 1008.
You will make money
by having me.
Bethany, Pa.
1 . A M.
10 50l
8 45i
T31 7 32
2 25 P M.
1 jo- 1005
2 00
12 40
10 50
8 45
3 53
7 31
7 321....
7 15 ....
6 20 ....
A . M
10 20
9 37
4 05
3 15
8 05
1 35
1 25
6 40
5 30
5 24
5 08
12 17
12 07'
. , 12 03!
11 41
11 37
. 11 31
8 29
8 17
8 13
; 64
i 47
7 11
7 39
7 32
7 30
7 26
7 22
7 19
7 15
7 51
7 50
7 ai
7 25
7 19
7 17
1 21
1 0.)
12 ai
5 01
12 51
6 56
12 49
12 43
12 40
12 36
12 32
12 29
12 25
4 61
J 11 29
., 11 23
I 11 20
11 II.
. 11 12
i 11 1(1
7 1
4 48
4 45
7 09
7 05
4 41
7 01
4 37
4 34
6 58
6 55
4 40
11 05
A M.iP M.
Mixed Paints !
A con
11 1 il ll
is mm