THE "WEATHER On Friday showery" V6iiilior with lower tcmpcrftturcs will prevail with fresh northerly winds. Vic vie if ft-tr trip' trwier ft . X Scml-Weekly Founded 2 1908 5 j vt Weekly Founded, 1844 J Wayne Coun San 2 of the REPUBLICAfgARTY J NO 86 67 th YEAR HONE SD ALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1910. ttnett ws OM THE COURTS BUSY SESSIONS OF OCTOUKK COUHT WEEK MANY SPECTA TORS PRESENT AT EACH SKS SI ON. The sessions of October court wcro resumed Tuesday afternoon. No recorroborated evidence connect ing tho four young men with the crlmo at Hawley being given, a ver dict of "not guilty" was ordered against all four young defendants. Judge Searle gave tho young men some good advice, saying: "Young men you have been pretty fortunate. Be careful how you meddle with those cars next time. If you want any beer, go and buy it." The Jury gave a verdict in accordance with the Judge's instructions without leaving tho box. In the case of the Commonwealth versus Mortimer Arnold, for alleg ed desertion. E. C. Mumford, at torney for the defendant, the inter ested parties withdrew and after a conference the court made tho fol lowing order, expressing ItB pleas ure at the settlement of the case, and directing that the defendant pay $ 15 a month either to his wife or her counsel; that the payments be made monthly commencing Dec. 1; that he enter bond for $500; and that he pay the costs of prosecution. The Jury was then excused, and the case of the Commonwealth vs Edsall was called. Edsall forfeited his bail, and his father paid It. Other Court Notes. A motion was refused, Tuesday, to quash the indictment in the per jury case of Commonwealth vs. Luke Richardson. : Petitions for satisfaction of mort gages in tho case of Louis W. Healy vs. Charles Pembertson Fox were granted and notices were di rected to be published four succes sive weeks in the three county pa pers. Appraisements of $300 to the fol lowing widows were confirmed nisi: Margaret Megargel, widow Ama- son C. Megargel, late of Sterling township. Azuba Gregory, widow Enos W, Gregory, late of Dyberry. Alissa Kennedy, widow Porter Kennedy, of Mount Pleasant- twp, Mary Ames, widow William C. Ames, Hawley borough. In re estate of Sarah H. Hazlatt, auditors report confirmed nisi. In re estate Albert Whitmore, late of Honesdale, auditors' report confirmed nisi. In re sale of real estate of Virgil Conklin, return of sale filed and ap proved. First and final accounts were confirmed nisi as follows: First and final account of Azuba J. Mandevlllc, administrator of the estate of Lucy A. Decker, Hawley. First and final account of C. W Menk, administrator of the estate of Lotto Menk. Texas. First and final account of Z. A Wonnacott, administrator of the es tato of George W. Leonard, Way- mart. First and final account of C. W Menk, administrator of tho estate of Julia Gressman, Texas. First and final account of Reln hard F. Warg, guardian of August Newman, Annie Newman, Christina Newman, and Mary Newman, minor children of Peter Newman, Hawley. Second and final account of E. A Pennlman, executor of tho estate o F. B. Pennlman, Honesdale. First and final account of John T, Brooking, executor of the -estate o Ttoslna A. Mills, Mount Pleasant. First and final account of Edward "W. Lake, executor of the estate o Warren Lake, Mount Pleasant. First and fianl account of Mary J eeks, executrix of tho estate o Emma W. Harvey, Berlin. First and fianl account of May A Plum and Helen B. Rowland, exe cutrixs of the estate of Jane Me Kown, Hawley. First and final account of Emma Nevln, administratrix of tho estate of Bernard Nevin, Dreher. First and final account of Betsey A. Tarbox, guardian of Eveline Tar box, Scott township. . First and final account of Susie L, B. Hoover and A. B. Stevens, M. D executors- of the estate of Susan Sut ton, Lake, First and final account of Dora Bryant, administratrix of the estate of Samuel Bryant, Canaan. First and final account of George M. Dibble, administrator of tho es tato of Hutchenson McMurray, Star ruca. First and final account of Jacob Gardlnler, administrator of tho es tate of Mary C. Reynolds, Scott. First and final account of Johanna Ilofr, executrix of tho estate of Henry lloff, Cherry Ridge. Second and final account of Nellie Woodward, administratrix of tho es tate of C. H. Woodward, Hawley. First and final account of E. C. Mumford, administrator of tho es tate of Sarah E. Newcomb. Wednesday Afternoon Session. Tho opening hour of tho Wednes day afternoon session was occupied by the addresses to tho Jury of At torney Charlos P. Searle and District Attorney M. E. Simons for the prose cution, and of C. A. McCarty, Esq., for the defense in tho Manley case. The first caso taken up was that of tho Commonwealth vs. William Rellly of Hawley. Tho following sat GOVERNOR FORT. I Executive Declines to Order J Militia to Jersey City Strike. HE- .A Trnntnii K .T . Dpt. "7. finvprnor Fort has declined to accede to the re-1 quest of tho United States Express company for troops to keep the strlk- lng employees of the company at Jer- soy City under control. , Governor Fort and Mayor Whittpen , of Jersey City had a telephonic con-1 versation, and the mayor assured the t governor that the Jersey City police had tho strike well In hand. Governor Fort thereupon notified the adjutant general nt Trenton that no troops were needed. It is reported that a troop of New ark militia, including in its member ship many millionaires, has been held In readiness to answer a call to Jersey t'lj. WOES OF IOWA FARMER. He's $300 a Year Behind, Says Expert at Hearing. Chicago, Oct. 27. Tho prosperity of the farmer is not all that it is cracked up to be. In fact, in the state of Iowa, where visions of bulging bins mislead the casual observer with notions of ease and plenty, tho average farmer who cultivates a quarter section of land is out of pocket $300 n year. That was the evidence given by n former Iowa farmer, H. C. Wallace, in the Interstate commerce commission's freight rate hearing. Of course tho $300 loss is not actual loss, explained Wallace. But the ren-. son the actual loss Is covered is be- piiiikp flip fnrmpr flops not count the cause the farmer does not count the value of his own labor, and ho makes his children work Instead of hiring help. Then the average farmer does without the things the city man con siders necessaries of life. His cloth ing consists of a pair of overalls, a shirt, a pair of cotton socks and a hat that was given to him ns an advertise ment. His best suit or Sunday clothes costs him about $15, where the aver age man pays from $25 to $40. NEW HAVEN BOARD ENLARGED Directors Authorized to Grant Pensions For Long Service. New Haven, Conn.. Oct. 27. At tho annual meeting of the stockholders of, the Now Haven road In this city the number of directors was increased from twenty-five to twenty-seven. The directors were empowered to pension employees for long nnd effi cient service. A resolution was approved concern ing the pun-'hase by the company of the Berkshire Railroad company at a cost of $l,hS7,725. This resolution was In troduced by Mr. Billiard. The purchase of the New Haven and Northampton compnuy for $1)84,000 and the purclmso of the Rhode Island nnd Massachusetts Railroad company for $101,700 was nlso approved. President Mellen took up the matter of the pension to employees, ne said he thought there was no necessity for nnxiety In tho matter, but It was taken up merely as u matter of pre caution. COUNTESS TO SERVE 8 YEARS. Highest Italian Court Rejects Tarnow-ska-Prilukoff Murder Appeals. Rome, Oct. 27. Tho court of cassa tion has rejected tho appeal of the Countess Tnrnowska and Lawyer Prll ukoff against the sentence pronounced against them for tho murder of Count Knmorowskl, to whom tho countess wns engaged nnd who hud taken out a life Insurance policy of $100,000 in her favor. l'rilukoff wns one of the lovers of the countess. Ho was sentenced to ten years' Imprisonment while the countess got off with eight years. Her maid went free aud Dr. NaumolT, another lover, who ilred the fatal shot, recelv td a sentence of three years. TH EVES SEEK RIGH Mistake Doctor's Home For John D. Rockefeller, Jr. 's. CARETAKER RAISES AN ALARM i Woman Guarding House Drives Away Burglars After Booty Had Been Gathered Police Think Object Was to Rob Oil King's Son. Now York, Oct. 27. Two burglars broke Into tho four story murble and , verso currents of the dreaded "grave brick mansion of Dr. Walter B. James i yard" turn, Hnlph Johnstone, In n at 17 West Fft'ty-fourth street, ovi- i Wright biplane, Hew In the teeth of a deutly mistaking the house for that gale and risked life nnd limb to make occupied by John D. Rockefeller, Jr.. the sensation at the fifth day of the ! at 13. Although the burglars were fright- j The spectators who had been walt encd away before they had time to ing at the aviation meet for hours and gather up valuables that they had j who had begun to give up Impo of wit seized on tho top lloor. their advent ' nesslug any iliglits, loudly cheered the ! caused a lot of excitement and frantic ' calls for the police. I The attempt to rob the house was a I desperate one. Tho burglars first went i trv Ilin ivinf nf l"n Tuiiiou' tinnep mill then managed to jimmy open a win- dow nt the rear of the top lloor. The window Is several feet from the roof, so it is supposed that one burglar held the other head downward while tho window was being opened. ' There wns nobody at home in Dr. , jnmes' house except the caretaker, a woman. She was awakened oy near- mm several mguui wouiu ue maue. , rot, witn its twenty acres, ni f-ww. ing some one moving on the top lloor. . Moisant, who on Sunday narrowly es- The copyright values of the Mark Tho woman courageously went alono i caped injury by being wrecked In a Twain Iwoks appear nowhere In the to the top of the house to see who was , gale, nnd other aviators shrugged their list ns such. The explanation of thW there, but when she got to the head of ; shoulders when told that the wind wns js that theso values are grouped in the the stairs the noise ceased. dying down and made no attempt to valuation placed upon the assets of Her investigations showed that ev- get into their machines. the Mark Twain company, which was erythlng of value on tho floor had been Then tho crowd wns suddenly elec- incorporated a year or two before the gathered together In readiness to be trilled by the announcement that John- author's death and to which nil the carried nwuy, but after making an in- 1 stone would make an exhibition flight, copyrights were assigned.' This coin ventory the caretaker found that noth- , After ho started It was seen that he pany Is down on the inventory list ing was missing. was bavlng great difficulty In combat- $200.000. Police headquarters was called by lug the strong winds, and as his ma-, 1M,Icrvll, .-,.,,.,. telephone, nnd several detectives rush- chine neared tho dreaded "graveyard" , EPISCOPAL COM bMlOA LLHOi.S cd to the house, but the burglars had ' turn a groan went up from the spec- iwn.n. wwir made good their escape. i tntco, Johnstone wns then at a height Kw. A. L. U hlttakcr Describes A ork It is considered almost certuln that j the burglars mistook Dr. James' house , for that of tho son of the oil million- nlre. Roth arc made of marble and red brick, the fronts are the same, and I each front door has a few steps lead- ing up to It. MASSACRE IN MINDANAO. Tribesmen Killing Filipinos and Whites, Troops Hurried to Scene. Mnnila, Oct. 27. News has been re- V, . , ' , ' .,, nrtw .,,. ,,., nf , Mnnobos tribesmen are attacking for- I . . . .. . .. eigners nnu i inpiuos on tue wesi sme of the gulf of Davao in Mindanao. ' A number of planters, chiefly Filipi nos, have been killed. One victim Is said to be Earl Gerr, an American. Troops are on the way to the scene of the disturbance from the military station at Davao. General Pershing is hastening to take command of tho force. Goats' Milk For Happiness. Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 27. That drinking goats' milk Is the cause of his strength is tho belief of Edward Lvneh. Boventv-eleht. n cobbler, who Blt an day louf, llt his bench pegging shoes and boasts that ho wns never sick In his life. "Almost from the day I was born," says Mr. Lynch, "I have been drinking goats' milk. It made mo the strong, healthy man that I am loday." 11. V. O. E. at Scranton. Do you number among your ac quaintances a member of tho Scran- tnn Lnrliro of Elka? Of course you ao. And isn't he one of tho jolllest, most wholesoul ed chaps that comes your way? The weather mny bo cold or stormy; his mother-in-law may have Just arrived for a long visit, or ho may havo six children down with the measles but a broad Elk smllo wreaths his face nnd he shakes your hand In a way that makes you glad ho's your friend. Imnglue, then, spending an overl ing amid surroundings of irrldescent beauty with nearly a thousand men of this typo crowding fun upon you at every turn. It would bo pretty nearly tho limit of earthly enjoy ment, wouldn't It? Well, tho opportunity will bo yours, for beginning Wednesday evening, Novombor 2, and continu ing for ten dayB, Scrnnton's Best People on Earth will conduct what they term a "Mawslm" or Moodish Bazaar. It is promised that tho af fair will abound in quaint Oriental features, but regardless of this, somo brand now stunts in tho way of fun making may bo expected. It doesn't matter whether you'ro a millionaire or n son of toll. You'ro exnectod to como and have tho time of your life. Reduced rates will pre vail on nil railroads and one of tho notable cntortainmont features will bo concortR each afternoon nnd even Ing by tho Boston Fadettes, the most famous and highest salaried ladles' orchestra In America, FLY M GALE. Aviators Not Daunted by Boreas at Belmont. II0XSEY GETS HOUR RECORD. Blrdman In Wright Biplane Climbs 6,183 Foot Ho Now Leads Prize Winners at International Meet. Johnstone Thrills Spectators. New York, Oct. 27. Daring the ad- Belmont park aviation meet. courageous blrdman when he rose 300 feet. Scarcely had Johnstone descended than Archie Iloxscy, also a Wright enitlllpr. lirnllirht Ills lllllphlllO Ollt. Tlll-ro has been a considerable bit of rivalry between the two men. Hoxsey, at the risk of his life, arose to a height of 500 feet. Early in the nfternoon It was an- nouneed that the wind wns blowing but twenty miles an hour, nnd this encouraged the spectators to believe of sixty feet. He descended Just be-1 fore the dangerous hollow was reach-1 ed, but fifteen minutes later flow up . again. This time he arose to 300 feet, Orville Wright, nt Belmont park, prophesied a speed of eighty or eighty- five miles for the new "baby" uier. i The surprise of the hourly distance flights was the way Brooklns In a ma- chine driven by a four cylinder Wright onlv about thlrtv horsepower indicated ?umr.ed awav nXof Blcrlote jumped nvwij iiom a hock oi Illinois of fifty horsepower and tho Antoinette, wllIch is equipped with a forty-five linrspnownr pnirlne mid driven bv ' .V , - - , -- I'ilthft,n tue llean of France's aviators. who wna tivlni? n Wrh'ht climber, which is smnller than their cross coun- trv- innplilnps l.ur larger than the now Wright racer and only half as power ful, made twelve laps with his low power engine In nhout twenty-two nud one-half minutes, whereas It took Latham's monoplane thirty-six min utes, twenty-two nnd a fraction sec onds to circle seventeen laps. During Brooklns' first swirl of the field In his nltltudo climber ho zipped by Grahame-Whlte's fifty horsepower Blerlot so fust thnt nt the end of the first lnp there was a strip of sky about 200 yards long between tho tail of the Wright blplaue and the noso of tho Blerlot monoplane. The hourly altitude flight was won by Hoxsey, who climbed 0,183 feet, with the second place to Johnstone, 0.73 feet. The total earnings up to this time are as follows: Hoxsey, $1,825; Gra-hnmo-Whlte. $1,700: Moisant. $1,200; Latham. $1,150; Johnstone, $S75; Au brun, $(150; Do Lesscps, $000; Droxel, $000; Radley, $500; Brooklns, $150; Ely, $100; Mars, $100; Parraeleo, $100; McCurdy, $50; Wlllard, $50. J. H. JONES INDICTED. Milk Corporation Man Accused of De frauding Farmers. Blnghamtou, N. Y Oct. 27. Tho ar raignment of J. Hullock Jones of New York, secretary aud treasurer of tho J. II. Jones corporation, on threo Indict ments found by a Cortland grund Jury created a seusutiou hi business circles in this section. Tho Indictments charge that Jones, through false representations and with Intent to defraud, secured tho signa tures of members of the Marathon Milk Producers' association nnd com mitted grand larceny lu obtaining tho use of tho factory of tho Marathon association and a largo quantity of milk. It Is alleged that Jones and his cor poration induced tho farmers to take their milk to the creamery and that the. milk nnd Its products were after wurd shipped to New York without compensation to the producers. Jones was arraigned bofoie County Judge Joseph E. Eggleston, and bull was fixed in the sum of $2,000. MARK TWAIN. Late Author's Estate Is Valued at $611,136. Redding, Conn., Oct. 27. The inven- tory of Mark Twain's (Samuel L. Clemens') estate as returned by tho nnT.r!ilnrl Alliort Tllirplmv Pnlnn mill Harry A. Lounsbury, to the probate court for the district of Redding shows total of $ti!1.l30, of which $70,000 represents realty and the remaining $8-11,130 personal property. The resl- donee Stormfiold and the 230 acres be- longing to it are appraised nt $11(5,000 nnd the cottage known as the Lobster nt Cincinnati In his sermon of last Sunday, the Rev. Albert L. Whlttaker, rector of the Grace Protestant episcopal church, referred to the General Con-J vention of his church whose conven tlon at Cincinnati has just closed. Among other things he said: "In the year, now classic, of 183G, I a step of faith was taken by the be- 1 loved church to which you and I be- long. Tho general convention in Cin- ci""a Ilas J"81 uet" ceieuraiius ue 75tu anniversary of the revolutionary ,, .!, rr,..n r-ipre-vmpn ,.,, mIcslnnnrv blshons. one for tho greftt Northwest, the other ! fnr vnot cmithwpst Tlip nmn . ' ' , , ". . , , I elected for the southwest, having no i him. promptly declined. But Jack - son Kemper, with just as meager 1 Prospers, mm mu si.i" as ho has been called "the Bishop of all out-doors." Even before this, Philander Chase had got himself olected Bishop of Ohio and paid his own expenses, while doing his re- markablo work of starting colleges and laying foundations of churches. But Jackson Kemper was a mission ary bishop supported by tho Episcopal church at large. It was a humble be ginning one bishop, who had for his equipment ono church without a min ister in Missouri, and ono young mis sionary without a church to worship in Indiana. How pitiful was the sup port accorded him may be seen from an Impassioned appeal which he mado to the church for help threo years later in 1838: I demand of tho church, by virtue of my office and in the name of my divine Master, I de mand some additional, nblo and de voted laborers. If tho church wishes mo to work faithfully and steadily, you must inueeu you musi strengthen my hands by sending me more clergymen." But tho clergy men were not sent. Tho bishop had to work on alone with his difficulties. But he was a man to make tho de sert bloom like tho rose. From that ono missionary bishop supported by tho church in 1833 has grown a mighty army. Bishops, priests, and deacons, doctors, teachers, nurses, Bible-women, 1500 workers are now sent out and maintained by tho Epis copal church In tho U. S. to the mis sion field. A great strong work Is be ing done. Foundations have been laid upon which tho future will see mighty structures reared. See what history this vory convention records: Olympln and Sacramento, missionary districts on tho Pacific slope, mado solf-supportlng dioceses, Oklahoma divided Into two missionary districts Instead of ono, a now missionary dis trict in Texas, anothor in California, a new solf-supportlng diocese in tho westorn portion of this vory common wealth of Pennsylvania, and over In distant China tho missionary district of Hankow, Itself set off but C years ago, now the pnrent of a new and vigorous missionary district. That makes five now bishops for tho up building of tho church. Tho now canon on Suffragan or assistant bis hops will mean no ono knows how many more. Suroly the church is growing, n vision of glory llko that of Balaam Is being realized." VOTE FOR LEWIS. NOT GUILTY ! PAY THE COSTS! USUAL VERDICT RENDERED IN " GRAY MARE " CASE WILL . TEACH THE DEFENDANT A LESSON. Wednesday morning of October court session was entirely occupied by tho case of the Commonwealth versus James Manley, of Jessup, In dicted by tho grand Jury for cruelty to animals. District Attorney M. E. Simons had associated with him R. M. Salmon, Esq., In the conduct of tho case. J. L. Sherwood, constable of Preston township being tho pros ecutor. Theso Jurors, were drawn on the case- J. A. Stephens, Texas; Pierre Petersen, Dyberry; John McDavltt, Damascus; Jacob Keller, Cherry Ridge; Win. J. Gregg, Manchester; Daniel Acker, Damascus; John Smith, Sterling; M. W. Fltzpatrlck, Mt. Pleasant; Griffin Dumond, Buck ingham; Lewis Schwelghofer, Leban on; Calvin Schwelghofer, Damascus; Willis Tyler, Damascus. R. M. Salmon, Esq., in addressing the jury stated ttiat an attempt would be made to convict the defendant for cruelty to animals, the alleged offense having been the use of a gray mare in a two-wheeled dump cart provided with a .saddle which was supposed to have caused friction on the horse's back, breeding a sore there so deep that a man's whole hand could be put into it. Also that this was not the first arrest. Constable J. L. Sherwood, of Pres- ton, was the first witness called by the prosecution. He stated that he saw the defendant in Preston la3l June on the Ontario and Western railroad working between Wlnwood and Preston. Ho said he saw him standing on the bank overseeing Italians who were working, and that he conversed with him at different times with regard to a horse. He ordered the animal, which was a gray mare, unhooked, and not to be sent back to work. Sherwood said that he arrested the defendant twice, viz, June 19th and' again June 24th, When the constable asked him "whether he hadn't given him writ ten notice not to work" the defend ant said Yes." "I told him," con tinued the constable, "that I didn't think he was doing right working the horse under' those conditions." "I went down." sad Sherwood, "un hooked the horse and took the saddle off and found him sore on the back. Whenever the horso started to draw the load he would flinch and go down a little bit, as if it hurt him. He took the horse to the olllce of the 'Squire. Sore wns found to be raw and proud flesh in it; on the burlap was pus with an odor to it; tne sKin cou,d be taken and pulled up. The i.i i. ti, ?,, . i i, r s m- che8 iong and Ui to 2 wide. He I i nt ua unra j luun. uiuu w m .. ., George Simpson the first time, How- wound was worse on the 24 th than on the ISth, owing to the warm weather. The second witness called was prnnk Slocum. of Wlnwood. who stated that he saw the gray mare June 24th at the 'Squire's ofllce. He said ne looked the horse over and found hi,n in g00d physical condition, but that he had a sore on the wethers. The soro could be worked up and down, and the joints on the back bone could be seen. "I don't see," ho said, "how they could work the horse without the saddle irritating It." On cross-examination he stated: "Well, I should say that the sore was caused by somo part of the harness." M. H. Davis, of Wlnwood. tho third witness, stated that he knew tho de fendant by sight and that he issued a warrant ror nis arresi juue He ordered the horse brought to his office for examination. He found a sore on its backbono two by three Inches. On June ISth he also Is sued a warrant and had n hearing. On June ISth he rend tho charge to tho defendant who stated, ' I don't know whether 1 can do anything but plead guilty," and fined him $10 and costs which ho paid. The defendant offered Mr. Harding ns bondsman, but this was refused as tho latter owned no property In this county. When C. A. McCarty, Esq., attor ney for the defendant, showed Mr. Davis a receipt it helped to refresh Mr. Davis' memory, and ho admitted that Manley paid tho fine under pro test. Frnnk Card, of Wlnwood, was the next witness. He testified to seoing tho horso ilinch while It was pulling tho cnrK On cross-examination ho snld Mr. Harding had comploto charge, ns foreman, of the work, nnd that all were subject to his Instruc tions. A. D. Kellogg, of Wlnwood, was called and said ho wns a farmer, who had done somo horse dealing. He saw tho raw soro on the mare's back just back of tho wethers whero tho saddlo would naturally set. On cross-examination he said tho horso Jumped when ho tried to put his hand on the soro. Warner Decker, of Preston Park, testified to boarding tho horses, and that tho defendant's fathor paid tho rent. Tho soro was raw and extend ed over the backbono. James Man ley doctored tho horso, and he helped put some stuff on his back. On cross-examination ho said the horses were used In drawing dirt on a grad- (Contlnued on Pago Five.) (Continued on Pago Eight).
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers