TIIE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20, 1010. THE GIRL A i ! D TIE GRAFT A Breach of Promise Suit That Was Nipped In the Bud. By O. HENRY. Copyright, 1010, by Doubleilny, Pnno & Co. J The other day I ran across my old friend KerKtison rogue. Pogue Is n conscientious grafter of the highest type. Ills headquarters Is the west ern hemisphere, nnd his line of busi ness Is anything from speculating In town lots on the Great Staked plains to selling wooden toys In Connecticut, made by hjdraullc pressure from nut megs ground to n pulp. Now and then when rogue has made n good haul he comes to New V'ork for a rest. lie says the jug of trine nnd loaf of bread and thou In the wilderness business Is about as much rest and pleasure to him ns slid ing down the bumps at Coney would be to President Tnft. "Give me," says Pogue, "a big city for my vacation, es pecially New York. I'm not much fond of New Yorkers, nnd Manhattnn Is about the only place on the globe where I don't find any." While In the metropolis rogue can always be found at one of two places. One Is a little secondhand bookshop on Fourth nvenue, where he reads books about his hobbles, Mohammed anism nnd taxidermy. I found him at the other his hnll bedroom in Eighteenth street where ho sat In bis stocking feet trying to pluck "The Banks of the Wabash" out of n small zither. Four years he has practiced this tuno without arriving near enough to cast the longest trout lino to the water's edge. On the dresser lay n blued steel Colt's 45 and a tight roll of tens and twenties large enough around to belong to the spring rattle snake story class. A chambermaid with a room cleaning air fluttered near by in the hall, unable to enter or to flee, scandalized by the stocking feet, aghast at the Colt's, yet power less, with her metropolitan Instinct, to remove herself beyond the magic in fluence of the yellow bued roll. I sat on his trunk while Ferguson Pogue talked. No one could be franker or more candid In his conversation. Beside his expression the cry of Ilcnry James for lacteal nourishment nrthe age of one month would have seemed tike a Chaldean cryptogram. He told me stories of his profession with pride, for he considered It nn art. And I was curious enough to ask him whether he had known nny woman who followed it. "Ladles?" said Pogue, with western chivalry. "Well, not to nny great ex tent. They don't nmouut to much In special lines of graft, because they're all so busy In general lines. What? Why, they have to. Who's got the money In the world? The men. Did you ever know a man to give n wom an a dullar without nny consideration? A man will shell out his dust to an other man free nnd easy and gratis. But If ho drops a penny in one of the machines run by the Madame Eve's Daughters' Amalgamated association and the pineapple chewing gum don't fall out when he pulls the lever you 1115 WAS ALI. ritONT. can hear lilm kick to tho superintend ent four blocks away. Man la the hard est proposition a woman has to go up ngalnst. lie's a low grade one, and Ehu has to work overtime to make him pay. Two times out of Ave sho's salt ed. Sho can't put In crushers and cost ly machinery. He'd notice 'em and bo on to tho game. They have to pan out what thoy get, and it hurts their ten der hands. Some of 'em aro natural feluico troughs nnd can carry out $1,000 to tho ton. Tho dry eyed ones have to depend on signed letters, false hair, ksympathy, tho kangaroo walk, cow Mdo whips, ability to cook, sentimen tal Juries, conversational powers, silk 'underskirts, ancestry, rougo, anony mous letters, violet sachet powders, Witnesses, revolvers, pneumatic forms, carbolic ncld, moonlight, cold cream nnd tho evening newspapers." "You are outrageous, Fcrg," I said. "Surely there Is none of thl3 'grnft,' ns you call It, In n perfect and hariuo nlous matrimonial union!" "Well," said Pogue, "nothing that would Justify you every time in cnll lng up police headquarters and order ing out tho reserves nnd n vaudeville mannger on n dead run. But It's this way: Suppose you're n Fifth avenue millionaire, soaring high, on the right Mdo of coppers and cappers. "Vou come home at night nnd brine a $0,000,000 diamond brooch to the lady who's staked you for a claim. You hand It over. She says, 'Oh, George! and looks to see If It's back ed. She comes up nnd kisses you. You've waited for It. You get It. All right. It's graft. "But I'm telling you about Arteml nla Blye. Sho wns from Knnsas, nnd she suggested corn In nil of Its phases. Her hair was as yellow as tho silk, her form wns ns tall and grnccful ns n stalk In the low grounds during n wet summer, her eyes were ns big nnd startling ns bunions, nnd green wns her favorite color. "On my last trip Into tho cool re cesses of your sequestered city I met n human named Vaucross. Ho was worth that Is, he had a million. He told me he wns in business on tho street. 'A sidewalk merchant?' says I, sarcastic. 'Exactly,' says he, 'senior partner of a paving concern. "1 kind of took to him for this rea son: 1 met him on Broadway one night when 1 was out of heart, luck, tobacco and place. Ho was nil silk hat, diamonds nnd front. He was all front. If you had gone behind him you would have only looked yourself in the face. I looked like n cross be tween Count Tolstoy nnd a June lob ster. I was out of luck. I had But let me lay my eyes on that dealer again. "Vaucross stopped and talked to me a few minutes, and then he took me to a high toned restaurant to eat din nor. There was music and then some Beethoven nnd Bordolaiso sauce and cussing in French and franglpangl and some hauteur and cigarettes. When I am flush I know- them places. "I declare I must havo looked as bad as a magazine artist sitting there without any money aud my hair all rumpled llko I was booked to read a chapter from 'Elsie's School Days' at n Brooklyn bobcmlan smoker. But Vaucross treated mo like a bear hunt er's guide. Ho wasn't afraid of hurt ing the waiter's feelings. "'Mr. Pogue,' ho explains to me, 'I am using you. 'Go on,' says I. 'I hope you don't wnke up.' "And then ho tolls me, you know, the kind of man he was. He was a New-Yorker. His whole ambition was to bo noticed. Ho wanted to be con spicuous. Ho wanted people to point him out aud bow to him and tell others who he was. Ho said it had been the desire of his life always. He didn't have but a million, so he couldn't attract attention by spending money. He said he tried to get into public notice ouo time by planting a little public square on tho east side with garlic for free use of tho poor, but Carnegie heard of It and covered It over at onco with n library In tho Gaelic language. Three times ho had Jumped in the way of automobiles, but the only result was Ave broken ribs and a notice In the papers that an un known mnn Ave feet ten, with four amalgam Ailed teeth, supposed to be the last of the famous Bud Leary gang, had been run over. " 'Ever try the reporters?' I asked him. "Last month, says Mr. Vaucross, 'my expenditure for lunches to report ers was $121.S0.' " 'Got anything out of that?' I asks. "That reminds mo,' says ho; 'add 5S.50 for pepsin. Yes, I got indiges tion. 'now am I supposed to push along your scramble for prominence? I In quires. 'Contrast?' "Something of that sort tonight,' says Vaucro). 'It grieves mo, but I am forced to resort to eccentricity.' And here ho drops his napkin In hla soup and rises up and bows to a gent who Is devastating a potato under a palm across tho room. " The pollco commissioner,' says my climber, gratlAed. 'Friend,' says I In a hurry, 'haro ambitions, but don't kick a mug out of your ladder. When you uso mo as a stepping stone to sa lute tho police you spoil my nppctlte on tho grounds that I may be degraded and Incriminated. Bo thoughtful.' "As tho Quaker City squab en cas Berolo the Idea about Artemisia Blye comes to me. "'Suppose I can manage to get you In tho papers,' says I 'a column or two every day in all of 'em nnd your plcturo In most of 'em for a week. How much would It bo worth to you?' " Ten thousand dollars,' Bays Vau cross, warm in a minute. 'But no mur der,' says ho, 'and I won't wear pink pants at a cotillion.' '"I wouldn't ask you to,' says I. This la honorable, stylish nnd unef femlnnte. Tell the waiter to bring a ilemitnsso and some other beans, and I will disclose to you the opus moder andl.' "Wo closed tho deal nn hour later In tho rococo rougo ct noise room. I tele graphed that night to Miss Artemisia In Sallna. Sho took a couple of photo graphs and nn autograph letter to an ulder In the Fourth Presbyterian church in tho morning and got somo transportation and $S0. Sho stopped In Topeka long enough to trado n flashlight Interior nnd a valentine to tho vlco president of a trust company for a mileage book nnd a packago of flvo dollar notes with $250 scrawled on tho band, 'Tho fifth ovenlng after sho got my wlro she was waiting, nil de'-ollote nnd dressed up, for mo tind ViiueroNy to take her to dinner In one of tin -it-New York feminine upait liu-ut lioi.-itM whero a man can't get in unlctu n. plays bcztque aud smokes deplliit.i,,, powder cigarettes. ".'She's a stunner.' says Vaucto-..-when he saw her. 'They'll give her ,. two column cut sure.' "This wns tho scheme the three 1 1 us concocted. It was business straight through. Vnucross was to rush Mis.. Blye with all the stylo and dlsjilir nnd emotion he could for a month Of course that niuounted to uothlti;: ns far ns his ambitions were con cerned. The sight of a man In a whlto tie and patent leather pumps louring greenbacks through the large end of n cornucopia to purchase nutri ment nnd heartsease for tall, willowy blonds in Now York is ns common n right ns blue turtles In delirium tre mens. But ho was to write her love letters the worst kind of love letters, such as your wife publishes nftcr you are dead every day. At the end of tho month ho was to drop her and sho would bring suit for 100.000 for breach of promise. "Miss Artemlsln was to get $10,0tH). If she won the suit that was nil, ana rncitE stood vauchoss and miss arte- MISIA. If she lost she was to get It anyhow. There was a signed contract to that ef fect. "Sometimes they had me out with 'em, but not often. I couldn't keep up to their style. She used to pull out his notes and criticise them like bills of lading. " 'Say, you,' she'd say, 'what do you call this letter to a hardware mer chant from his nephew on learning that his aunt has nettlerash? You eastern duffers know as much about writing love letters as a Kansas grass hopper does about tugboats. "My dear Miss Blye!" Would that put pink Icing nnd a little red sugar bird on your bridal cake? How long do you expect to hold an nudience In a courtroom with that kind of stuff? You want to get down to business and call mo "Tweedlums Babe" aud "Ilouoysuckle" and sign yoursell "Mamma's Own Big Bad Puggy Wug gy Boy" If you want any limelight to concentrate upon your sparse gray hairs. Get sappy.' "After that Vaucross dipped his pen In tho Indelible tabasco. His notes read llko something or other in the original. I could see a jury sitting up and women tearing one another's hats to hear 'em read. And I could see piling up for Mr. Vaucross as much notoriousness as Archbishop Cranmer or tho Brooklyn bridge or cheese on salad ever enjoyed. He seemed mighty pleased at tho pros pects. "They agreed on a night, and I stoou on Fifth avenue outside a solemn res taurant and watched 'em. A process server walked lu and handed Vaucross the papers at his table. Everybody looked at 'cm, aud he looked as proud as Cicero. 1 went back to my room and lit a Ave cent cigar, for I know tho $10,000 was as good as ours. "About two hours inter somebody knocked at my door. There stood Vaucross and Miss Artemisia, and she wns clinging yes, sir, clinging to his arm. And they tells me they'd been out nnd got married. And thoy artic ulated sonic trivial cadences about love and such. And thoy laid down a bundle on the table and said 'Good night' and left. "And that's what I say," concluded Ferguson Pogue, "that a woman Is too busy occupied with her natural voca tion and Instinct of graft such ns is given her for self preservation and amusement to mako nny great suc cess In special lines." "What was In the bundle that they left?" I asked, with my usual curiosi ty. "Why," said Ferguson, "thero wns n scnlper's railroad ticket ns fur ns Kan sas City nnd two pairs of Mr. Vau cross' old pants." Seaions of the Past. Irate Guest Look here, waiter, what kind of a dinner wns that you served mo? Why, tho vegetables were stale. Walter (bristling up) Yo nin wrong, sail. I served yo wld all tho delica cies of do season. Irate Guest Which season? Chica go News. ll ' FOR A Theme! THE COMPASSIONATE CHRIST. 1- l- BY THE LATE REV. THEODORE L. CUYLER, D, D. Thero Is no plnco in which human sorrows aro felt as they aro felt In the heart of Jesus. No ono knows human weakness ns Ho knows It, or pities ns Ho enn pity. Every suffer ing of tho body Is known to our sym pathizing Lord, and overy grief that makes tho heart acho. Human pity Is often worn out from overuBO. It Impatiently mutters, '"Is that poor creature here again? I have holpcd him a dozen ttmos already." Or it says, "That miserable fellow has taken to drink again, has ho? I am dono trying to savo him. Ho makes himself a bruto; let him die llko tho brutes!" Human pity often gives way Just when it should stand tho heaviest strain. Compassion dwolls In tho heart of Christ, ns Inexhaustible as tho sun light. Our toars hang heavier on that heart than the plnnots which His Dlvino hand holds In their orbits; our sighs aro moro audlblo to Hla oar than the blasts of wintry winds aro to us. Whon wo pray aright, wo aro reaching up and taking hold on that compassion. Tho penltont publican was laying hold of It when ho cried out of that broken heart, "Bo merci ful to mo, a sinner!" It Is His sub Hmo pity that listens to our prayers and hears our cries and grants us what wo want Thoroforo let us come boldly to tho throne of graco and mako our weakness, our guiltless, and our griefs to bo their own pleas to Him who is touched with tho fooling of our lnflrmttlcs. Ono of tho most characteristics stories of Abraham Lincoln Is that a poor soldier's wlfo came to tho White Houso, with her Infant In her arms, and askod admission to see the Presi dent Sho came to beg him to grant a pardon to her husband, who was un der a military sentonco. "Be suro and tako tho baby up with you," said the Irish porter at tho White House door. At length tho woman descend ed tho stairway, weeping for Joy; and tho Irishman oxclalmod, "Ah, mum, it was the baby that ata it!" So doth our weakness appeal to the compasBlonato heart of our Redeem er. Thore Is no more oxqulslto de scription of Him than in this touch: "Ho shall feed His Hook like a shep herd; Ho shall gather the lambs In His arms and carry them In His bosom; Ho shall gently lead thoso that aro with young." Such Is our blessed Mastor's tender mercy to tho weak. It Is tendor bocauso It never breaks tho bruised reed or quenches the feeblest spark. This world of ours contains vnstly more weak things than strong things. Hero and there towers a mountain plno of stalwart oak; but tho frail reeds arid rushes are innumerable. Even In tho Bible gallery of charac ters, how fow aro strong; yet, nono but had somo weakness. Abraham's tongue is onco twisted to a falso htfod; tho tempor of Mones Is not al ways proof against provocation; Eli jah loses heart under the Junlpor treo, and boastful Poter turns poltroon un der tho taunts of a servant-maid, But evermore thore waits and watchoa over us that Infinite compassion that knoweth what Is In poor man, and re memboroth that we aro but dust For our want-book Ho nns an Infinitely largor supply-book. Tho i&ino syro pathlzlng Jesus who raised the Jew 1th maiden from her bod of death, who rescued sinking Peter, and pitied a hungry multitude, and wopt with the ulsters of Bethany ere He raised a dead brother to life, la living yet His love, as Samuel Rutherford said, "hath neither brim nor bottom." This compassionate Jesus ought to bo living also In the persona of thoso whom Ho makes His representatives. "Bear ye one another's burdens and bo fulfill the law of Christ" That law Is love. This law of Christian sympathy worka in two wayB', It either helps our fellow-creatures get rid of their burden, or If failing In that. It helps them to carry tho load raoro lightly. "Wo that aro strong ought to benr the lnflrraltlea of tho woak, and not to pleaso oursolves." Here, for example, li a strong, rich, well-manned church, somo of Its mombers are dying of dignity and others aro debilitated with Indolence. Yondor 1b a feeblo church In numbers and money. Let tho man who counts one in tho strong church go whore ho enn count ton In tho woak church. If tho compasBlonato Christ should como Into somo of our churches, I suspect that He would ordor moro than ono rich, well-fed member off his cushion, and Bond him to work tn some mission school or struggling young enter prise. That onrly Church was saturated with tho compasstonnto spirit of their Lord. They fulfilled tho "law of ChrlBt" Tho only genuine- successors of those npostlos aro tho load-llftors. Jesus ChrlBt oxertcd His Divine might and lntlnlto love In bonrlng tho load of man's sin and sorrows. Consecra tion moans copying the compassionate Christ Tower means debt tho debt we owo to tho poor, tho foeble, the slok, the ignorant, tho fallen, tho guil ty and tho poriBhlng. May God In spire us, and hole ua to par that dobtl The "3un Drawing Water." Tho phenomenon commonly known as tho "sun drawing wnter" Is due to rays of sunlight between, tho shndowf of clouds. It Is seen to best advnn tago when the ntmosphcrn Is some what hazy aud whon tho sun Li whol ly or partly behind n cloud nnd Is not in tho higher part of tho sky. Patchy fitrntocumuliiB clouds nro most favora ble for tho formation of these rays, nnd thoy nro probably most distinct when Been In tho part of the sky be low tho sun, when they nppenr to ex tend either directly or somewhnt obliquely downwnrd. It Is in this form that the effect Is most commonly called tho "sun drawing water." But well rays may extend In nny dlrcc :lon. so that they diverge from the lun as a center. No rain need be fall lug anywhere near tho observer, though It is not impossible for tho rays to be visible nt a time when rain strtak ileo are visible In part of the sky. Tho rain streaks, however, dc not dlvergo from the sun, but are 1e lines of the falling rain. St Nicholas Ireland's Decline. Ireland nt the end of last year had 800 fower Inhabitants thnn In 1003. The registrar general's report, Jnst Is sued, flhows that tho population, 4.371, 570, has fallen by 130,000 In ton years. Emigrants last year numbered 23, C70, 5,370 raoro than In 1003 nnd 800 modo than the excess of births over deaths. London Mall. Arctic Rock Weed. Oriftlng down from Alaska comes fho greatest ft all sea plants, the arc tic rock weed, that grows In shape llko a huge ship's hauser and some times with branched GOO feet lonfc Thero nro no signs of leaves, but at Intervals of a fathom or so a knob, for all the world like tho buoy on a drift not, grows around tho stem, aid ing, as does the buoy, in keeping the plant afloat and creating tho Impres sion that some nets havo gone astray. -Now York World. Method In Her Breakage. "Augusta Is an awfully bright girl. Isn't she?" "Yes, Indeed. When sho is rending a novel on the front porch her mother never thinks of nsklng her to wash tho dishes." "Why not?" "She's suro to break so many of them." Cleveland Plnln Denier. Trouble Ahead. Young Husband (to wife) Didn't I telegraph to you not to bring your mother with you? Young Wife I know. That's what she wants to see yu tbout. Sho read tho telegram Aeronauts Fired At. Berlin, Oct 18. Three neronauts who nscended from Searbrucken In the bal loon Prince Adolf report that they vero blown over the French frontier and were Ared nt by the forts at Ver dun. Neither the balloon nor Its occu pants were hit. Tho Kind Yon Havo Always Bought, and which has been in uso for over CO years, has bomo tho signature ot - and has been mado under his pcr s jCJ&Jfyjtj? r sonal supervision since its infancy. WaXT UCA4Ai Aliow no ouo to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good "aro but Experiments that trillo with and endanger tho h'ealth of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fovcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relievos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Pood, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS S9 Bears tho The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TM CIHT4UN OOUMNT, TT MUKHAV THICT. MIWTOBUCITT. 5 BSvPf' BERKSHIRE8 IN LITERATURE. Many Writers Seek Rest and Recre ation In These Hills. MucK of tho literary history of Massachusetts lies In tho Borkshlres. Tho roglon has always seomod to havo a peculiar charm for mon of let ters, and Longfellow, Brynnt, Ollvor Wondoll Holm os nnd many others whoso nnmos nro Inscribed In lm porlshablo lottors on tho literary re cords of Uio land havo written of tho BorkBhlres from that Bympnthotlc flrst hand knowledge that Is never to bo stimulated and have not hesitated to express their lovo for tho smiling hills. Records of tho Ufa and passing of theso men aro to bo mot on overy hand In tho vlllngos of the section. Hero Is a houso whero Longfellow lived; thero a chair upon which Oli ver Wendell Holmes was wont to sit William Doan Howell3 Is only one o tho lltorary lights of to-day who chooso to follow In tho stops of the giants of a bygone day and tako rest In tho Borkshlres. Man with Iron Mask. Tho Man with tho Iron Mask wns a mysterious French prisoner of state, whoso Idonttty has nover been satis factorily established. Ho was closely conflnod under tho chargo of M. do St Mars at Plgnorol in 1079; at Ex lloa In 1881; at Salnte-Marguerito In 1687; and finally wns transferred to tho Bastllo In 1898, whore ho died on November 19, 1703, and waa burled tho following day In tho comotery of Bt Paul, under tho namo of Marciall. Woman as a Traveler. Whon a woman who la traveling la assigned to her room In a hotol sho looks up tho hotel rules on tho door and carefully roads them. Whon sho comos to ono as follows: "No wash ing of clothes permitted in this room," sho gives a satlsAod sigh. Then sho unpacks her trunk, rings for hot wa ter and within an hour has tho mir ror covered with handkorchlots pasted thero to dry, and has hoso, underwear, waists, etc., hanging over tho brck of every chair. Then sho gots out her diary and notes in It how much money she has saved. "Thore aro said to Bo eome very historic places In t' 13 town," sho notes after dotaillng nor wash, "but I will not havo time to see them." Atchison Globo. Fish That Carry Candles. Some of tho fish found at a depth of about ten thousand foot by a Ger man deep sea expedition rosemblcd the fossil species In tho rocks of tho Mesozolc era, whon tho earth's at mosphere was dense with carbon. These fish In many cases had special means of collecting light Somo pos sessed enormous eyos occupying near ly tho wholo side of the head and some woro supplied with telescopic organs. Others carried their light on their heads In a manner similar to that of the glow worm. Montreal Standard. Signature of KRAFT & CONGER HONESDALE, PA. Reoresent Reliable Companies ONLY