The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 26, 1910, Image 4

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    Tin: crnzKX, wwakhhav, oct. bo, iimo.
runusiiF.n kvkhy wkdnebday and khiday nv
tub ciT!zr.N runusniNii company.
Entered ns seooiut-clnss matter, nt tlicpost
olllrc. llouusdnle. l'n.
o. n. DORruMiKR. m. n. AM,r..v.
WHDXUSDAV, OCT. 1!0, 1111(1.
l'or Governor
For Lieutenant Governor
Secretary of Internal Affairs
Stnto Treasurer
For Congress,
For State Senator,
a DoniQcratlc tariff It 111
oarnor knows wlint Hint will moan I
because lie recalls what tho enact- j
mont of tho last-Democratic tariff
1)111 meant. There Is but one way : rjj
for the laboring mnn to protect him-
self against destructive Democratic
tariff revision, Ho must voto the 1
Republican ticket. A vote for the
Keystone ticket will bo a vote for
a llryan Democrat for governor. It
will bo a voto for Democratic candi
dates for tho Legislature, who, If
elected, will voto for a Democrat for'
United States Senator. It will be a
vote for Democratic candidates for'
Congress, who, If elected, will voto
to substitute free trndo for tho pro
tective tariff system. Can anyi
working man in this stnto afford to
voto the Keystone ticket?
Representative Young .Man Whom
You May Vole how
Cnndldnte Fuorth Is having printed
In a Scranton office a four sheet
pamphlet for distribution among the
voters of Wayno county. His reason
for hnvlng It printed in Scranton Is
best known to himself.
KERRY was clectel Stnto Treasur
er for n term of two years nt $8,000
per your. Ho was present In his
oftlco nt tho cnplrol sixty-nine days,
nnd drew $10,000 from tho, Stnte
Treasury. This is nt tho rate of
$2ttl.88 per duy. Who can bliune
him for being n reformer nnd hnvlng
the Itch for ofllce?
What's the matter with Jackson?
He's all right! is heard in every
hamlet In Wayne county. It Is sur
prising how united the farmers are
on having H. C. Jackson represent
them in the next legislature, and they
nre entitled to a representative. No
body can blame the Democratic
farmers for swinging away from their
candidate and rallying around Jack
son this year. The farmers have not
had a real farmer candidate In many
years. It's either been a lawyer,
doctor, storekeeper or liquor dealer
and mostly every one of them from
tho business center of the county.
Let every farmer stand by Jackson
this year! The Democratic candi
date has had eight years of office and
now wants to have two more years.
His motto: A SQUARE DEAL
AND. EQUAL maul's TO ALL Is a
farce. The only way to make
square deal Is to -vote for Jackson.
It has been the, custom for years to
give successful candidates two terms
but the square dealer wants five
terms. Everybody vote, for Jackson
and Home rule.
Harvey Huffmnn, whose name and
picture adorns the pages of the Dem
ocratic nnd reform jouinnls of this
senntorlal district has had the cur
tain rung up on his past offlclnl life
nnd he now wishes he had not wast
ed his time In securing the nomina
tion for Senator. Harvey camo to
Wayno county Just before the pri
maries, cavorted around among the
saloons, "set them up for the boys,"
and just impressed the saloon men
that he would be an ldeai man to go
to Hnrrlsburg to protect their lner
ests. After he had ko saloon In
terests all fixed up he worked the
anti-saloon racket In Monroe and
managed to get the Keystone endorse
ment, In exchange for a promise to
vote for local option. After bagging
that prize he starts in and grabs the
Prohibition nomination, but while he
was doing these acrobatic stunts
somebody tore the cover off his of
ficial record and exposed to view
things; very naughty things Harvey
had done at a time when he little
thought of. his future aspirations.
Monroe county Is all on Are with in
dignation and it looks as If Harvey
would stay home or move away.
In a recent address to a gathering
of miners Representative Tener dls'
cussed the attitude of the Republl
can party In this state towards la
bor. He referred to the many
wholesome laws for the advance
ment of the wage earner enacted by
that party and continued:
"Of this record we nre justly
proud, and we point to our., ac
tion in the past as a guarantee
of our Intentions In the future.
We realize that tho develop
ment of our industries has
brought with it new problems,
new dnngers and altogether
complex conditions that demand
and deserve consideration and
treatment by the law-making
and law-adminlsterlng powers
of our Commonwealth."
Mr. Tener then outlined some of
tho recommendations ho will sub
mit to tho Legislnture for the en
actment of further legislation In tho
Interest of laboring men and wom
en. Ho referred especially to meas
ures for the protection of tho life
and health of those who toll In tho
mines and factories and emphasized
the importance of tho employers'
liability law, whoso operation, he
said, should bo broadened In justice
to tho wage earner.
It will bo to tho interest of every
working man In Pennsylvania to
voto the Republican ticket this year.
A better friend of labor than John
K. Tener has never been presented
to tho people as a candidate for
Governor. His record as a citizen
nnd as a public man In every senso
confirms this statement. The pledge
he made the wago earners to sup
port their cause to the measure of
his ability and Inlluenco was not a
campaign platitude. He meant
every word ho uttered. With John
K. Tener as governor labor will bo
assured of a "squnro denl" at liar
Tho election of Mr. Tener and tho
other candidates on the state ticket
is not the only phaso of tho cam
palgn with which labor 1b concern
ed. On November 8th this state
will elect u Legislature nnd thirty-
two members of Congress. Tho leg
lslaturo will name a United States
Senator. That Senator should bo a
Republican. Each of tho thirty-two
men Pennsylvania wU send to tho
House at Washington should bo a
Republican. Tho welfare of labor
demands this. If tho Democratic
party comes Into power It will pass
Nincty-Ono nt Shiinkvllle.
Ninety-one years ngo on October
1st the venerable Benjamin Franklin
Spangler of Shanksville, was born in
a log cnbln at Stoyestown. His par
ents were Mr. and Mrs. Abraham
Spangler. Mr. Spangler who makes
his home with his daughter, Mrs. W
H. Floto. of this place, was the honor
guest at n birthday celebration. Many
of his children reside in Johnstown
and they arrived here on the early
morning train. Mr, Spangler, who
wns In bed at the time, had no know!
edge of the celebration, and when ho
wns aroused from his slumber and
came down stairs he met tho mem'
hers of his family face to face. At
ter a good handshaking, he 'called
their attention to the number of
birthday postcards he had received,
140 In all. These tokens of love 'came
from different parts of Somerset
county and many from Johnstown.
Mr. Spangler is in the best of
health. He retires at an appointed
time and always arises in the morn
ing in the best of spirits. He Is the
last survivor of the old Spangler fam
ily, five brothers and four sisters hav
ing died when they reached the ago
of seventy or past. He is a grandson
of Mnjor Daniel Stoy, founder of
Stoyestown. Major Stoy was a sold
ier of Revolutionary fame. Although
born In Stoyestown, Mr.'Spangler hus
been making his home at Shanksville
for the Inrger part of his life.
Winfred D. Lewis, who Is the can
didate on the Republican ticket for
'Uate Senator from this district, is
a young mnn 31 yenrs of age. A
lawyer by profession, who began life
around the breakers and coal mines
of his nntlve town. He went to
school when he hnd a chance, stud-
led hard and graduated. Later he
went to work and earned money
enough to pny his wny through Por
klomcn Semlnnry, nnd nfter grndunt-
Ing taught Latin and Greek in that
institution ror over n year, from
there he worked his way through
Princeton University, finally graduat
ing with high honors. After his
collegiate yenr he entered a law
ofllce and later attended Dickinson
Law School at Carlisle. He was ad
mitted to the Carbon county bar and
now hns an extensive prnctice with
offices nt Lnnsford nnd Mauch
Chunk. He stands high In his pro
fession, and is highly respected In
his community. He Is n clenn cut
young mnn who Is bound to win In
the battle of life. He will carry
Carbon county by a large majority.
Monroe county although a Demo
cratic stronghold, will give him a
surprisingly big vote ns his reputa
tion for uprightness and squnre denl-
lng appeals strongly to both Demo
crat and Republican voters of thnt
county. It Is expected that he will
lead his Democratic competitor in
his own county. The young men all
over the district are out strong for
htm, working tooth and nail to elect
him, and the cry of "Give the young
men a chance Is being taken up
on every hand, and election day will
And young men, both Republicans
and Democrats, lining up for Win
fred D. Lewis. Wayne county young
men have been asking for a chance
to vote for a representative young
man. Here Is the chance, boys.
A Prencher Who Docs Not Relieve In
Feast of Tabernacles.
Jewish people throughout tho
world, celebrated the Feast of the
Tabernacle last Wednesday. Services
started In the cities Monday evening
at 7.30 o'clock with both music and
sermon. The conclusion of tho fes
tive season will bo Tuesday of this
Tho Feast of Tabernacles Is called
In Hebrew Succoth, and falls upon
tho fifteenth of TIshrl In the Hebrew
calendar and lasts eight days. The
eighth day Is called the Day of Sol
emn Assembly.
This feast Is ordained In Exodus
xxlll, 1C; xxxlv, 22, where It Is call
ed the Feast of Ingathering, and In
Leviticus xxlll, 34, and Dout. xv, 13.
In Leviticus we read, "Ye shall dwell
In booths seven days that your gen
erations may know that I made tho
children of Israel to dwell In booths,
when I brought them out of tho land
of Egypt." This passage, It will be
noted, sets forth tho historical signi
ficance of tho feast. Its agricultural
character Is suggested by its other
name, the Feast of Ingathering.
Tho Israellto who, in obedlenco to
tho Divine command, left his house
for the week of tho festlvnl nnd took
up his abode In a booth or tabernacle
nnd lived through, as It were, an Im
portant epoch of his people's history,
as thereby replenished tho springs
of Jewish sentiment. Ho was also
thereby taught to remember that juBt
as Israel In the wilderness was pro
tected by God, so Is he being guarded"
In his earthly pilgrimage. God's
lovo Is over with his children like a
protecting cloud.
Tho second nnmo of tho festival,
the Feast of tho Ingathering, almost
explntns Itself. Tho holiday comes
In tho autumn at tho tlmo when
the husbnndman In Palentlno had
safely garnered tho produce of his
land. It Is tho tlmo of tho thinking
of God ns tho giver. And bo tho
lesson of grntitude for tho blessings
ho had and of responsibility (for tho
right uso of them was mndo each
year written upon his heart.
Rev. John B. Whltford, the Meth
odist minister of Oxford, who has
stirred the state by his criticism of
the Anti-Saloon League, now turns
his guns on the women promoters of
the prohibition propaganda who, he
declares, "much prefer to be en the
lecture platform talking against In
temperance rather than In their
home3 training their children to self
government and teaching them the
natural and necessary results of all
"The glass of wine In the hands of
the great Galilean nt the marriage
feast of Cana was as harmless as
pure water," declares Dr. Whltford.
"And so It Is In every hand obedient
to a completely-fashioned will. Men
must lenrn to feel thnt the fight is
on the battlefield of their own life
for the jewel of their honor and the
coronet of their liberty. But as long
as agitators and so-called reformers
keep to tho front tho idea of social
or world renovation by machinery
and that somehow men can be swept
Into an Ideal condition to tho accom
paniment of hurrahs or n brass band,
men are not likely to begin the
quiet, lonely unostentntlous perform
ance of their daily duty.
"As tho country's disturbed by la
bor agitn-ions, who seem to think
that bj tinkering with tiiu lnws of
political economy they can usher 'n
the economic millenlum, so rank,
one-sided, imperfectly developed, ill
formed men think they can work tho
grandest reformation of tho ages by
some patent nostrum regardless of
individual behavior and personal
self-control. The problem of drink,
like any other problem, staggering
and overwhelming as It seems, must
be studied and solved by individuals
"What If every saloon is closed and
tho door of every brothel shut by
force, would thero ho any now or
surprising expansion of Intelligence,
any largo and sudden lncroase in the
number of chaste and temperate peo
ple? To state the question Is to an
swer It In tho negative. It Is not in
harmony with tho law of evolution
or with the phllosophlcnl method of
individual and social regeneration.
Evils aro outgrown, not amputated.
Tho master spirit of the ages and
tho central figure of Christendom
snld 'I am come not to destroy but
to ruiiu." if you take tho cup from
tho drunkard and cards from tho
gnmbler, you must provide Innocent
recrentlons, healthful occupations,
uplifting novelties nnd excitements
nnd much rndlant Cheerfulness, that
in tlmo snail maKo tnom loathe nil
sonsuul pleasures and all revelries of
excess. If you fall to do this your
victims aro left in n vacuum without
self-control or self-direction. You
must give In placo of what you tako
away by furnishing now objects of
happiness and activity far in advance
of the old. This is tho true method
of reform: tho method of construe
tlon.and fulfillment. And when each
family begins to study this method
nnd follow It then will begin tho
most wonderful reformation of all
tho" ages." Port Huron News.
Newcomer hi tho Field I n Whole
Print Show In Itself.
Thero Is now bolng exhibited In
New York a new multitype typeset
ting machine thnt hns nroused coin-
i lnent throughout tho country of
printers. It Is n typesetting and
typecasting machine, which casta
nnd sets any Btylo of type from G to
42 point, delivering tho inntter di
rect Into tho galley, and nttalns
I speed never boforo equaled.
Tho mnchino is so ingenious In its
work nnd construction thnt it np
penrs to do Its work .guided by Its
own thinking powers. But tho dls-
; tlnctlve fenturo of this cnstlng nnd
, composing mnchino Is thnt It. can
, produce display typo In tho order
of composition, changing matrices
without stopping the machine, and
it delivers composed lines direct Into
the galley In any length from 1 to
30 Inches and in type ranging from
5 to 42 point.
Tho matter is corrected from a
galley In the same manner nnd ns
easily as type-foundry typo Is cor
rected, and the printer is saved the
cost and tlmo of distributing the
typo into enses. Tho cost of leads
and leading by hand Is entirely ellm
mated, as the Multltypo leads au
Tho machine now on tho market
and sold for about 22,000 and used
In large plants casts all thicknesses
of leads in place of the brasses gen
orally used by printers. The same
work Is done quicker by a smnll
devlco plnced on the Multitype
costing possibly $15 nnd tho lends
are cast In any thickness or length.
This makes the Multltypo tho ideal
machine for newspaper work and
magazines. In fine book work air
holes In the type are the bane of
tho printer. By a simple process
the Multitype avalds this annoyance
nnd produces n perfect type. It will
cast and set about 0,000 ems an
hour under ordinary operation, but
that record can bo far exceeded by
expert operators.
This machine will cast and per
fectly Justify Into lines of any width
up to thirty Inches, something no
machine has ever been able to do.
To change from one style of type
to another it Is merely necessary to
press n key and the change Is made
in a second. There Is no shifting of
expensive magazines, with the at
tendant delay. Tho machine Is
operated from a keyboard the same
as a linotype machine, but no spac
ing register before the operator is
Allen A. Canton, who is the In
ventor of the Multitype, has per
fected many devices in the mechani
cal and electrical field. Mr. Cnn-
ton hns placed many labor-saving
devices on his Multltypo machine
that will be greatly appreciated by
tho operators of these machines.
By the depression of a single key,
for Instance, any commonly used
word or combination of letters IS
cast. It sets type around cuts an-
tomatlcally and an automatic Indl
eating register Indicates the char
acter or words cast in the same as
on the visible typewriter.
Tho construction of tho machine
is simplicity itself, anyone who can
opernto n keyboard can run the Mul
Summer Homo Closed,
Crosco, Pa., Oct. 21. One of tho
grandest chnrltlcs maintained with
in the borders of tho county of Mon
roe la thnt of tho St. Luke's Sum
mer Homo for Women and Children,
nt Mountntnhomc. So quiet Is the
work conducted thnt compnrntlvely
few know of Its existence even. Yet
it Is thero nnd tho noblo work car
ried on Is tho means of saving mnny
lives. It 13 supported entirely by
Scrantonlnns and tho men nnd wom
en who give of their means nro to
bo commended for charity directed
In proper channels. Tho following
taken from n report will bo of In
terest In this connection:
"St. Luke's Summer School for
Women nnd Children hns closed Its
season with a dcllclt of $189.22 for
tho year. Our subscriptions this
yenr amounted to only $439.15,
while our expenses were about $030
Wo entertained nearly three hundred
poor women nnd children, pnylng
their fnres to nnd from tho home
nud providing them with meals and
sleeping quarters. But for the gen-
oroslty of Scranton merchants in
supplying us with about $200 worth
of provisions,! we should havo been
obliged to close tho home early In
tho season. As It Is , we aro over
$200 in debt, thero having been a
Bmall deficit carried over from tho
preceding year. The broad nature
of tho charity 1b shown by tho fact
that last summer wo entertained
eighty-one Episcopalians, twenty-four
Roman Catholics, forty-six Baptists,
thirty-seven Methodists, forty-one
Congrationalists, twenty-eight Pres
byterians, fourteen from missions,
ten Puritans, flvo Lutherans, ten
Hebrews and three from the Salva
tlon Army. The oldest female
guest was seventy-nine, the youngest
threo months; tne oldest male guest
fourteen years, tho youngest two
moutiiB. All had from n wecK 10
ton dayB' freo vacation In tho country."
Troublo Troubles These!
Reeders, Pn., Oct. 24. John Cram
er Who wns Injured by n fnlllng trco
in tho woods near Reedcra a week
ago, has hopes that ho may yet llvo
through his Injuries. Surgeons at
tho Philadelphia hospital diagnosed
his case as a fractured dislocation of
thu Bplno. Tho broken vertebra will
bo laid together with metal to knit
tho splno. Tho surgeons nro confi
dent that Mr. Crnmer will bo restored
to health nnd strength In a short
BroadheadBVllle, Pa., Oct. 24.
Mrs. Benjamin Huffmnn, of Brond-
hendsvllle, who hns been confined to
her bed for some tlmo with diabetes,
hns suffered a new affliction. Sun
day morning she woko up to find her
self totally blind. Happily she has
changed for the better nnd Is now
able to see a little sunshlno when
her fnco Is turned to the light.
Mrs. William Werkhelser, of Ef
fort, a sufferer from the same dis
ease, suffered a like affliction last
week. But her Improvement Is not
so marked.
It is a characteristic of diabetes
that it affects tho eyes, and both
Mrs. Huffmnn and Mrs. Werkhelser
complained of Impaired sight soon
nfter the beginning of their illness.
Tho trouble seems to bo functional
rather than organic, so that sufferers
of this kind usunlly regain their
sight, at least In a measure.
9100 REWARD, $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that thero Is at
least ono drended disease that
sclenco has been able to euro In all
Its stages, and that is Catarrh.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only posi
tive cure now known to tho medi
cal fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional dlseaso, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,'
acting directly upon tho blood and'
mucous surfaces of the system,
thereby destroying the foundation
of tho disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the consti
tution and assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietors havo so
much faith In Its curative powers
that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case that It falls to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Banish Catarrh
Brent ho llyomel for Two Minutes,
nnd StulTcd-Up Head Will Vanish.
If you want to get relief from
catarrh, cold In the head or from an
irritating cough In tho shortest
time, breathe HYOMEI (pronounce
It Hlgh-o-me).
It will clean out your head In
two minutes and allow you to
brenthe freely, awake or asleep.
HYOMEI will cure a cold In ono
day, it will relieve you of disgust
ing snuffles, hnwking, spitting nnd
offensive breath In a week.
, HYOMEI is made chiefly from
eucalyptus, a soothing, healing,
germ-killing antiseptic, that comes
from the eucalyptus forests of In
land Australia, where catarrh, as
thma and consumption were never
known to exist.
HYOMEI Is plensant and easy to
breathe. Just pour a few drops In
to the hard rubber pocket Inhaler,
breathe It, and cure is almost cer
tain. A complete Hyomel outfit. In
cluding inhaler and one bottle of
HYOMEI, costs only $1.00 at drug
gists everywhere and at G. W. Pell's.
If you already own an Inhaler, re
member that you can get an extra
bottle of HYOMEI for only 50 cents.
For free trial sample write Booth's
Hyomei Co., Buffalo. N. Y.
Grandson of Samuel J. Randall.
New York, Oct. 20. Samuel J.
Randall Lancaster, 22 years old, son
of Charles C. Lancaster, a promi
nent attorney of Washington, D. C,
was found wandering aimlessly near
tho Columbia campus today and wns
taken to Bellovuo Hospital, where
he is held for observation In tho
psychopathic ward.
According to Lnncaster he arrived
In New York from Philadelphia this
morning nnd, hnving no money, trjed
to get a check cashed. He had
with him a bank book showing de
posits of more than $5,000 in a
Philadelphia bank, but because of
his unique dress he said the cash
iers and paying tellers at institutions
he visited told him ho was crazy
and ordered him to get out. He
wore a dress coat over a sweater,
striped trousers and canvass shoes.
1 --THE
To reach anyone, any tlnjo, any
where, uso the Bell.
Employ the always ready sor
vant Boll telephone.
Washington, Oct. 20. Samuel J.
Randall Lancnstor, the Wnshlngton
youth held nt Bellevuo Hospital,
New York, is a student at tho Uni
versity of Pennsylvania. He is a
grandson of Samuel J. Randall,
former speaker of the House of
Representatives, and Is wealthy by
his own right through an Inheri
tance from his grandmother.
Charles C. Lancaster, father of tho
youth, when Informed of his son's
escapade, said tho boy had visited
him hero last Saturday and that he
appeared to bo very nervous. He
started back to Philadelphia to
school Sunday.
$ 150,000.00
A Rig Rlnck Rear.
John Brush, of Canadensis, has al
ready been rewarded with the pelt, of
a bear, in fact ho shot one on tho
opening day, In Greeno township,
PIko county, says tho Mllford Dis
patch. John says that Bruin weigh
ed 400 pounds and was a line speci
men of this species of wild animals.
Ho proudly toted the animal to the
village. But, according to tho re
ports of tho killing, John was not
satisfied with tho ono felled, but kept
up his warfare against the hears and
when ho was through for tho day,
had wounded two moro besides. Ho
will not bo fully satisfied until ho
has cut two moro notches on tho
stock of his trusty rifle indicating
that he has brought them down, too.
Each ona of 'bur Aitnts will recolve absolutely
Vrw a UtutKul Diamond Ring, besMts i their
regular liberal commlsalcm, for idling Furniture,
Mum. Iltda. lled.lintr and other Household Neci-
aitiei. on our "Factory to Homo l'lan." which
uvea the consumer 40c. to 75c. on every dollar!
worth he purchasna. Are you one oi our Agents r
H not write today. No experience necessary;
doei not Interfere with your present work: you
ran eaallv earn f to tlO a dav bctldei the Dla
mond, according to the attention you gin the
work. Any number of women are earning from
flSO to (200 a month at thle congenial work,
ltemember "Factory to Home Save Money,"
and, whether you wtah to become an Agent or
merely with to buy aome home furnishing; It
will pay you to write for our beautiful DO Page
illustrated Catalogue, it' la absolutely Free.
Don't delay; do It now. No trouble to sell good
at our t actory race,
Manufacturers' Agents,
1823 Beaver Av., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Salesladies Wan tad ETerywbera.
You havo more or less banking business. Possibly it
is with us, such being tho case you know something of our
service, but if not a patron would it not be well for you to
become one ?
will help you start. It is calculated to servo all classes, tho
old and tho young, tho rich and tho poor,
and allows three per cent, interest annually. Interest will be"paid from
the first of any month on nil deposits mnde on or before the 10th of the
month provided such deposits remain three calendar months or.longer.
'Come Back' Sale
Having closed up our branch
store at Delhi, N. Y. we will close
our stock at
Full line of Men's, Gents' and Children's cloth
ing and Gents' Furnishings must go to make room
for our large fall stock.
Bregstein Bros., Leading Clothiers,
Honesdale, Pa.