The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 21, 1910, Image 6

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. neighbors show WELL1IAS SILENT.
Evidently Deciding Whether
Business Men of His Home Town ; t0 Gont'nii0 Tr,'P
of Gfiarleroi Indorse Him. 0LD REC0RD s msm
Republican Nominee For Gubernatorla
Honors Greeted Everywhere by Im
mense Audiences.
A dispatch from Chnrlorol, tho horn
town of John K. Tenor, tolls of tin
quick action of tho nolghbors of thi
Republican nominee for governor, fol
lowing the Journalistic attacks made
upon him, In oxprosslng their absoluW
faith and confidence In blm and tboli
intorest In his candidacy.
For twenty yoara John Tener hai
been doing business In his communl
ty, and never In all that tlmo has h(
been accused of doing any person oul
of a penny. Ho Is connected with a
number of business venturos In fact
with everything that goes to make ui
tho Industrial Ufa of that section. Nat
urally there aro somo who dp not agre
with everything ho does, but no one
doubts that he is open and above board
in all his actions and thoroughly hon
est. Tho manner in which he has mel
his nccusors is the action of an hon
est man. "I have nothing to conceal;
I court Investigation of my every ac
tlon, private or political," ho says.
Dozens of persons In Charlerol and
tho surrounding towns who, before tht
publication of this malicious yarn,
were either considering tho voting ol
somo other ticket or at least luke
warm in tho matter, have expressod
themselves In no uncertain mannoi
since it came out. Recognizing It foi
what It is, a political canard of the
first water, they are now unqualifiedly
for Tenor and the whole Republlcab
ticket. They have no use for "reform
ers" who stoop to such despicable
Last week was held tho regulat
monthly meeting of the Charlerol Bus
iness Men's association, of which Mr.
Tenor Is a member.
This organization is composed of all
of Charleroi's progressive, hustling
merchants, manufacturers and busi
ness men generally. Its president is a
man formerly lined up with the antl
Toner faction in Washington county
Much of tho hustling In behalf of Mr
Tener before tho State convention was
done by tho association. And now it
comes out unequivocally for him In a
set of resolutions drafted by a com
mittee composed of John B. Schaffer
John H. Bowers and William Kirk.
Business Men Speak Out.
Following aro tho resolutions, adopt
ed unanimously:
"Resolved, That wo, the members ol
the Charlerol Business Men's assocla
tion, knowing our fellow member, Hon
John K. Toner, to be a man of good, i
sound judgment, unquestionable lnteg-1
rity and rare business qualifications ,
and one who has done much for the
interest of Charlerol, and believing
that a business administration has
proven to bo tho best for the state of
Pennsylvania, and feeling assured thai
Hon. John IC. Tener Is thoroughly com-
pete-nt to fill the high ollice of gover
nor and will give tho people a good
clean administration, and uphold with
honor the sacred duties of this posi-'
tion, wo heartily endorse his candl
dacy, and wish him every success 01 '
Nov. 8.
"J. H. BOWERS, I'rosident.
"M. ADAMS, Secretary."
State Treasurer C. Fred Wright, whe
has been making tho tour of the stnte
with Mr. Tener, Is enthusiastic ovei
tho success of the trip and says the
meetings are much larger than even
those of the Stuart gubernatorial cam
paign four years ago.
"Mr. Tener Is making a splondld Im
pression," said Mr. Wright, "and It
winning votes for the Republican tick
et wherever ho goes. Thoro can be nc
question about his popularity in all oi
tho counties of his homo territory
oven beyond the confines of his con
gressional district.
"Mr. Toner stands well with hit
neighbors and thoso who know him
best throughout wostorn Pennsylvania
At every place wo stopped tho leading
and most representative citizens, meD
of affairs and men who aro tho lead
ers In theli respective communities
were on hand to greet Mr. Toner and
to evince an Interest In his campaign
"If other parts of tho state give ai
big a voto relatively as Mr. Toner will
got In weste-n Pennsylvania he will be
elected by a tremendous majority,"
The Brain Is Very Adaptable.
Each vocation makes a different call
upon tho brain and develops faculties
and qualities peculiar to Itself, so that
lis tho various professions, trades and
Bpeeialtim multiply the brain takes on
new adaptive qualities, thus giving
creator vnrlety and strength to civ
ilization as a mass, says Orison Swett
Harden In Success Magazine.
When tho world wus young tho
brain of man was very primitive, bo
causo tho demand upon it was largely
for self protection and tho acquisition
of food, which called only for tho de
velopment of Its lower, its animal
part. As civilization advanced, how
over, thero was a higher call upon tho
brain and a moro varied develop
ment until today, in tiio highest civ
ilization, It has become exceedingly
w"!!r:a,L:pLn,0n Ih!1 B.ifl
Course and That May Explain
Absence of Messages.
Washington, Oct. 18. An explana
tion of the fnlluro of tho iwwerftil
shore stations and Incoming nnd out
going steamer to gather wireless tid
ing of the progress of tho dirigible
balloon America since Sunday Is of
fered by olllclnls of the weather bu
reau. They nre of tho opinion that
Mr. Wcllman's airship has been blown
out of Uie North Atlantic steamship
lane, the course which It had been the
Intention of Mr. Wellnian to follow.
Wcllmnn said Just before he soiled
that he would start back for Atlantic
City the moment that his men decid
ed that the voyage to Europe was im
practicable. Leroy Chamberlain, Wal
ter Wcllman's son-in-law, snys:
"So far as wo can make out by study
of tho maps and charts which we
have tho America has reached a point
where it can be decided whether there
Is a chance to reach Europe. It is nl
most safe to say that this decision Is
being reached now or will be reached
within the next few hours by the men
aboard tho America."
Wellman nsked President Salus of
tho Atlantic City syndicate tbnt Is
backing tho adventure to keep the
Americn's hangar up and ready for
him. Lots of persons along the board
walk and around the hotels were bet
ting that Wellman will reach the
hangar before he does Europe.
If tho America is still sailing she
has beaten all records for continuous
flight of dirigibles, possibly all records
for endurance by gns bags.
Count Zeppelin on May 31, 1900, sail
ed his dirigible thirty-seven hours from
Frledrlchshafeu to Bltterfeld and re
turn, traveling more than 850 miles.
Assured that Wellman and his crew
will decided before night whether to
start the dash toward Europe or to
return to this city, families nnd
friends of the men on board and man
agers of the expedition ar,e awaiting
what they expect to 'be very Important
massages to be received from tho
Germans Call Wellman Foolhardy.
Berlin, Oct. 18. German aeronauts
regard tho attempt of Walter Wellman
to cross the Atlantic in tho airship
America as a foolhardy and even crim
inal venture. It has, however, again
called attention to the project of Jo
seph Brucker, the American amateur
aeronaut, to sail In an nlrshlp from
Cape do Verde to the West Indies,
which, it is now stated, will be car
ried out early in 1011.
Many Hurt During Garment Work
ers' Demonstrations In Chicago.
Chicago, Oct. 18. Rioting of garment
workers and their sympathizers at tho
plants of the Hart, Sclmffner & Marx
Clothing company was renewed with
augmented Impetus.
When the police, responding to riot
calls, had dispersed the rioters moro
than a dozen persons had been Injured,
sixteen arrests had been made, be
tween 800 and 1,000 employees at tho
Blucher factory had Joined the strik
ers, and the shop was compelled to sus
pend business.
Many who left their work were
women and girls.
Later a cordon of police fought a
pitched battle with a crowd of a thou
sand men and women at Blucher and
North Wood streets, nnd tho Injured
were found on the scene after the con
flict had subsided. At least a dozen
policemen were more or less seriously
Forty Cases Reported at One Minne
sota Town.
Winnipeg, Man., Oct. 18. Tho ty
phoid fever situation in tho flro strick
en towns of northern Minnesota and
New Ontario is dally becoming moro
At International Falls, Minn., alono
thero aro forty cases. Doctors who
aro attending to the patients express
tho fenr of wide contamination when
tho cold weather Bets iu, for tho dis
ease is spreading rapidly. So far
thero have been six deaths, and moro
aro expected during tho next few
Hotel Was Crowded.
"If you remember I slept in this ho
tel last night on a pool table."
"I remember," said the clerk.
"Well, did you And a set of false
teeth In tho comer pocket?" Pitts
burg Post.
In the Airship.
"Yes, madam."
"Let mo off nt that pretty cloud."
Woman's Ilorne.Companlon.
rurposelessness Is tho fruitful moth
er of crime. Parkhurst.
crap jdocu
Just as Good.
Tho Connecticut delegation to i.
Republican national convention nt Phi
cngo took nlong a lot of badges, cue I
ornamented with n wooden nutniejc
snys tho Saturday Evening Post. Th.
badges were very popular. The del.
gates from other states thought It r.
great Joke to wear n genuine Connect
Icut wooden nutmeg. Presently th?
man who had charge of the badges
came to Senator Brnndcgco nnd said'
"Scnntor, we're In a fix. -All tu
wooden nutmeg bndges are gone, ant1
there Is still n great demand for thctu.
What can wo do?"
"Get some more."
"But there arc no wooden nut mew
ln Chicago. Wo had to have these
especially made for us back home."
"All right," directed Napoleonic
Brandegcc; "go down to n grocery
store nnd buy -100 or D00 real nutmofii
nnd stick them on tho badges. They'll
never know the difference."
And they didn't.
Words of Strength.
There nro three lessons 1 would write,
Threo words as with a burning pen,
In tracing of eternal ljght
Upon the hearts of men.
Have hope! Though clouds environ nov
And Gladness hides her face In scorn,
Put Ihou the shadow from thy brow.
No night but has Its morn.
Have faith! Where'er thy bark bo drlv
The calm's disport, the tempest's mirth
Know this: God rules tho hosts of heaven.
The Inhabitants of earth.
Have love I Not love alone for me.
But man as man thy brother call
And scatter like the circling sun
Thy charities on nil.
Thus grave these words upon thy soul
Hope, faith and love and thou Shalt
Strength when life's surges rudest roll.
Light when thou else were blind.
Too Hot to Put on Paper.
When Mr. Carnegie started In the
steel business he was resolved to re
duce the appalling accidents Incidental
to tho work. And ho was very suc
cessful In executing this resolve. A
part of his success wns due, no doubt,
to tho blank slips that every foreman
had to fill up when one of his handu
got hurt. A certain workman had ono
day the bad luck to suffer a slight ac
cident. His foreman, an illiterate but
honest chap, filled out promptly the
slip which Is now preserved at Sklbo.
Tho slip ran:
"Date-March 5, 18S0.
"Name James Miles.
"Nature of accident Too crushed.
"How caused Oxdentlo blow from
sled go.
"Remarks These was awful. I will
repeto to clerk verbaly."
Mistaken In the Book.
A New York lawyer who employu
colored help In his home tells this
story on himself:
On one occasion his wife was suffer
ing intensely from a nervous headache,
and, thinking perhnps his voice might
6ootho her to sleep, she asked him to
read aloud to her, which he did as the
colored maid went back and forth
nbout tho room setting things in order
for the night.
Presently the mn!d quietly withdrew
to tho kitchen below, where the old
cook, Aunt Phyllis, wns awaiting her.
"Mr. Alex sho' is a good man," said
the maid. "He settin' up dar readln'
de Bible to Miss Alice, an' she sick."
"Go on, chile," answered Aunt Phyl
lis; "don' yo' know Mr. Alex alu' read
in' no Bible? lie's n lawyer!"
Thirsty and Disgusted.
On the lino of the Missouri Paclflc
railway, Just over In Okluhonia from
Coffeyvllle, Kan., Is n small place call
ed Nowatta. A state law In Kansas
prohibits tho carrying by the railroads
of public drinking cups on trains. Not
long ngo a farmer from Iowa, on u
Missouri Pacific train lit Kansas near
Coffeyvllle, wanted a drink of water.
He did not know nbout tho lnw. Going
to tho water cooler, ho began looking
for tho cup. When he fulled to find
it ho sought the chair cur porter, a
negro, and asked for it.
"Law donn 'low no public cups on
deso heah trains," said tho porter.
Tho Iowan was deeply disgusted. He
returned to his scat nnd grumbled until
tho train crossed tho Oklahoma-Kaunas
line. Shortly nfter that tho negro
porter stuck his head in tho door.
"Nowatta!" he called.
That Increased tho Iowan's disgust.
"In Kansas they don't havo no drink
In' cups," ho said to tho man In tho
next seat, "an" In Oklahoma no water
on trains. Dnngcd If I don't stay iu
Iowuy for tho rest of my life, if 1
over git back thero without dryln'
up of thirst." Denver Times.
A Persistent Office Seeker,
Governor Stnnley of Kansas was
onco so pestered by olHco seekers that
ho found It necessary publicly to mako
the statement that In view of the ex
ceedingly numerous applications for
olHco ho had received through tho
malls ho should bo unablo to glvo any
attention to them, much less nfford
any hopo of success to tho various ap
plicants. In tho courso of n few days after
making tho statement in question tho
governor received tho following note:
"My Dear Governor I understand
that you havo said that you wero go.
ing to tnko n week off to destroy the
pllo of letters asking for Jobs. If ev
erything else is gone, theu, my dear
governor, I should Uko tho Job of tear
ing up the letters."
a. Nir
Their Activity Insures Fertilization of
Blossoms and Flowers.
Bcokcoplng la a valuable aid in tho
cultivation of fruit and seed crops. In
flects which food on nectar play an
Important part In tho fertilization of
flowers. Fertilization Is effected In
other ways, but tho agency of Insects
is tho moro certain nnd offlcnclous,
nnd no other lnsoct Is compnrablo
with the honoy bco In this rospoct. A
strong. hlvo contains 10,000 boos In
February, 1G.O00 In March, 40,000 In
April, and from 60,000 to 80,000 in
May. It haa been discovered by
skillful obsorvors that tho average
load of noctax carried to the hive by
a boo Is about 3-10 of a grain, so that
the collection of one pound of nectar
requires nearly 23,000 foraging excur
sions. By means of hives sot on bal
ances It has been found that tho dally
increase of wolght In May averages
S.8 pounds. Occasionally moro than
11 pounds is gained In one day, and
when the amount consumed by tho
beos and tho loss of weight by evapo
ration aro considered, It appears prob
able that tho average dally quantity of
nectar collected Is not less than 11
pounds, which would load 250,000
bees. As a beo visits ten flowers on
the average in collecting a single
load somo 2,500,000 flowers visited
In ono day by the bees of a single
hive. An additional largo number of
visits is required for the collection of
pollen. Those figures explain why
many trees and plants bear small
crops in the absence of bees.
Food for Winter.
No colony should ho considered
safe unless It has stored in the combs
at least 25 pounds of honey or syrup
and sealed most of It over. The ar
rangement of this food Is a matter of
some importance, for if tho boos are
crowded upon a few frames and fed
liberally they will fill every avallablo
cell with syrup, and then thoy will be
compelled to cluster during tho win
ter upon sealed combs Instead of
upon empty cells, as Is mora natural,
nnd having stores abovo and around.
With tho movable comb hive tho ar
rangement of the combs for winter in,
in the hands of a good boe-keoper, a
simple matter; but if feeding Is con
tinued up to the middle of September,
and the propor amount of food Is then
given, the bees will arrange It around
tho brood, which gradually diminishes
by the bees hatching, accessible for
their comfort and convenience. If the
combs are arranged by tho bee-keeper,
tho center ones should havo seal
ed stores about halt way down, tho
amount of stores increasing to tho
outside of tho brood nest During tho
winter bees cluster below qulto a por
tion of the stores, therefore by keep
ing tho honey warm, and of easy ac
cess the most compact form and nor
mal cluster can bo maintained.
Protection for Lifting Combs.
An expert may open a hlvo with
out smoko and without danger, nnd
may hnndlo tho combs and return
them to tho hlvo without getting a
single sting by being quiet, steady and
fearless. It Is a fact that the fear
less apiarist may often be entirely
unharmed whllo others a rod away
may bo stung by tho very bees which
his manipulations anger. His quiet,
determined domeanor Is his safeguard,
whllo tho uninitiated strikes at tho
angry bee and dances till ho Is stung.
When you wish to open a hlvo of beos,
If you wish to bo perfectly safe arm
yourself with a smoker, cover your
head with a veil and step boldly to tho
front of the hlvo; send smoke through
the opening for half a minute, then
stop, and ropeat the operation nfter
another half mlnuto, or until they
mako a steady hum, which will show
that they have given up the dcslro to
fight Then open tho hlvo, smoko
again gently, and you may lift tho
combs ono after another.
Forced Swarming.
Ever slnco wo first kept bee3 wo
havo practiced forced swarming moro
or loss. Without yards wo havo boon
compelled to take tho matter In our
own hands, and wo find, that tho near
er we can koop to nature's methods
and at the same tlmo accomplish our
purposes tho better. Instead of driv
ing we find with movable combs that
it is moro convenient to shake, taking
some pains to havo the bees fill them
selves with honoy and also to leavo al
ways enough boos with the brood to
protect It One great drawback to tho
ordinary method of brushing and
shaking swarms is that largo numbers
of tho bees, instead of entering tho
now hive on tho homo stand, will tnko
wing and Join themselves to other
colonies In tho yard.
Work In the Apiary.
Shut weak colonlos in tho brood
chamber In tho lato fall, writes T. M.
Barton, and bo euro that thoy havo
twenty-flvo pounds of honoy to supply
them until honey comos next spring.
Sometimes thero is much brood In
tho combs and not as much honoy as
you suppose. For good averago col
onlos, I usually givo a part of tho first
supper, taking out a few frames on
either sldo and filling tho spaces with
old clothes and papers. When tho
been are shut down in tho brood
chamber, a few curved pieces of light
barrel staves should bo placed over
the tops of tho frames, so that tho
bees may frooly pass over thorn,
to '
Tho Oulliblo Public
Two boulevnrdlerx of Paris tell how
they proved the gullibility of tho pub
lic. Thoy bet n friend 1,000 frnncs
that by Inserting three advertisements
of threo lines each In'pnpers in tho
course of a week they would rtcelvo
COO frnncs without giving any ex
planation or making nny promise to
tho senders.
On a Saturday tho following adver
tisement nppcared:
"Intelligent persons will send f
frnncs to such an address."
On tho Wednesday the Insertion ran:
"Last possible day Is Sunday. Send
your C frnncs then, or refusal."
Tho third on the following Saturday
"All C francs posted nfter tomorrow
will be Inexorably refused."
By tho Sunday morning seventy
seven postnl orders for 4 shillings each
had come In, and tho next morning
eighty-two moro nrrlved. Tho gulli
ble public had sent In not COO frnncs,
but 705 frnncs In n week. Having
proved their point and won their bet
the two boulevnrdlers naturnlly re
turned the postal orders to the Ingen
uous senders.
English of Long Ago.
The king's English has changed ns
kings hnve come- and gone, says tho
St. James' Gazette. Here Is a passage
from the record of a crowning of long
ngo: "The Cardlnall. as Archeblshoppo
of Caunterbure, showing tho king to
the people nt the II f J parties of tho
said pulpitt shall soy in this wise,
'Sirs, I hero present nenry (true) nnd
rightful, and undoubted enhcrltour by
tho Inwes of God and mnn to tho
coroune and rolall dlgnlte of England,
with all things thereunto enncxed nnd
nppcrteynlng, elccte. chosen nnd re
quired by all throe estats of the same
land to tnk yppon him tho said
coroune nnd rolall dlgnlte, whereupon
ye shall vnderstnnd thnt tho dale is
prefixed nnd nppoynted by all tho
piers of this land for the consecra
slon, envncclon nnd coronaclon of tho
said most excellent Prince Henry; will
ye, sirs, nt this tyme gevo your wllles
and cssentes to the same consecraclon,
envncclon nnd coronaclon? Whereupon-
the peplo shall sale, with n
greate voice. 'Ye, Ye. So be hit. King
Henry! King nenry!' "
"Why do you always put a pitcher of
water and n glass on tho table beforo
nil orator?" ,
"That," said the chairman of many
reception committees, "Is to give him
something to do In case he forgets his
piece and has to stop and think."
Washington Star.
Quite Strong.
Grocer Good morning. Mr. Popple.
How are those eggs I sent you?
Popple Better, thank you. They nre
gaining strength every minute.
The more you speak of yourself the
Wore you are llkoly to lie. Zimmer
man. 1
Tlio Kind You Havo Always
in uso for over 30 years,
- and has heen made under his per
jfyyt sonal supervision slnco its infancy.
'CCCciCl' A llnw Tin mm tnilKnnlrn vnn In fli la-
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" aro but
Experiments that triilo with and endanger tho health of
Infants nnd Children Expericnco against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castorla is a harmless substltuto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
nnd allays Fovcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and AVind
Colic. It relievos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach nnd Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Boars tho
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Test for "Quality Folks."
No observer of men Is half so
shrewd nnd accurate ns tho old-ttma
negro. Ho knows "quality folks" by
sight; searches thorn out by n myB
tcrlous intuition, and never goes
wrong. An adventurer ma happen
nlong ami docelvo tho mns'er, but
tho cook and the butler shako their
heads and mumble to themselves.
"Dat sho Is ono fine g.-nt'tun," ro
marked Uncle Mnrch. smacking his
Hps In pleasant retrospect. on, "ho
Jos' handed mo de gl iss to he'p my
self; den ho looked o,.tor de winder
whilst I war pourln' my drink " Truo:
tho gentleman knew thnt t'nelo
March would dislike to nppear hig
glsh, and yet would hate to set down
a decanter of good whiskey. So tho
klnd-hcartod giver turned his head
and thus i jlloved the old negro's em
barrassment an act which wns 'n it
self the essence of comprehension
and tho pink of courtesy. - Every
body's Magazine '
Neglecting the Important.
He (man) Is curious to wash, dross
nd perfume his body, but careless of
his soul. The ono shall hnve many
hours, the other not so many minutes.
This shall have throo or four new
suits In a year, but that must wear Its
old clothes still. If he be to receive
a groat man, how nice and anxious
Is he that all strings be In order?
And with what respect and address
does he approach and mako his court?
But to God, how dry and formal and
constrained In his devotion! In his
prayers ho says, thy will be done:
But means his own: At loast acts so.
William Penn.
Not Cornered Yet.
Clifford P. Harmon, the millionaire
aeronaut, praised at a dinner In New
York his now Farman biplane.
"I bought It from Paulhan," he said.
"It Is the biplane on which Paulhan
broko the height record at Los An
geles. The Farman biplane Is a su
perb machine. And equipped with a
rotary Gnomo motor, which balances
it like a gyroscope, no wonder It now
holds every record going."
Mr. Harmon smiled.
"Yes," ho said, "you have only to
look at a Farman biplane to percelvo
that aviation Isn't all-Wright"
Washington Star.
In the Automobile Ward.
F. H. Elliott, secretary of tha
American Automobile Association,
was discussing at a dinner In Now
York tho nutoraobtllst's well-known
"A friend of mine." no said, "visit
ed recently tho automobile ward of a
lunatic asylum. They have, you know,
automobllo wards now.
"It was a largo, airy room, and
along the wall were arranged somo
two dozen cots; but of tho inmates
not a trace, was to be seen.
"'But where are tho Inmates?' my
friend asked tho physician.
" 'Tho inmates?' was the reply.
Oh, they'ro all here. They're under
tho beds tinkering with tho springs.' "
Bought, nnd which has been
has homo tho signature of
Signature of
Represent Reliable
Companies ONLY