THE CITIZEN, I"UllAY, OCTOUElt 21, 11)10. THE CITIZEN PUBLISHED KVKRT WEDNESDAY AND fl'.lDAY BV THE CITIZEN rUlll.lRllING COMPANY Entered ns second-class tnntter. nt tho post olllco. lloticsdnlc. I'n. BUBSCHIPTION U.BO K. B. HARDEN11IC11011, PRESIDENT W. W. WOOD. - MANAGER AND SKC'Y directors: 0. u. dorrj.inoer. m. b. allen. ux1sry wilson. k. b. 1iardenbkr01i. W. MT. WOOD. 1MMDAV, OCT. ill, HMO. ltKl'UIUilCAN TICKET. .'or Governor JOHN K. TENEIt. For Lieutenant Governor JOHN M. REYNOLDS. Secretary of Internal Affairs HENRY HOUCK. State Trcasuror CHAS. P. WRIGHT. For Congress, C. C. r-RATT. For Stnto Senator, WINFRED D. LEWIS. COUNTY. Representative, H. C. JACKSON. Somebody has said thnt there are more young men in the penitentiary In this country learning trades than there are outside of them. The prin cipal cause of this is, we are educat ing our young men for gentlemen; trying to make lawyers, doctors and clerks out of the material nature Intended for blacksmiths, carpenters, and other "hewers of wood and drawers of water." It is a mistaken idea and a big one, to teach boys and girls by insinuation or otherwise that to labor is disgraceful, or If labor Is necessary for a-livelihood to follow a genteel occupation, and that to do nothing for a living Is more becoming tho society In which they expect to move and have re spect. Hang such society! It Is rotten to the core and there are many men's sons and daughters who are now being educated to become a "leading lady" and "walking gen tleman" in the great drama of life, and will light out for a poor house or penitentiary before they have played their parts and the curtain drops. The sensational, charges against John K. Tener, which the "North American" advertised for two days, and through which its circulation manager tried to get circulation for the paper by letters sent out through tho state to those who might aid In pushing tho paper, have fallen flatter than a pancake. The "charges" only contained the statement that TENER was for a few weeks connected with a corpor ation which has in its directorate and among its officers men of the highest repute In the community and some who have been prominent ly Identified with reform move ments in Philadelphia. He found that he had not time to give to. the company, and ho retired from ft. He resigned tho position of Pres ident which had been given him and he reslgnod from the Board of Di rectors. He did not accept the stock which had been offered to him. But, although TENER got out of tho National Public Utilities Cor poration before he had scarcely got in It, there were many others of tho very best standing in the commun ity who remained in it, and who aro in it today, if there are also some men connected with the company whoso reputations aro not of the best and the North American professes to know all about such men It must not bo forgotten thnt nearly all of those concerned aro of the best reputation. It is for them to fight tho allega Hons of the newspaper that their company and they aro crooked. As for TENER, ho has been out of tho question for a long time much longer by months than ho was ever in It weeks. It is not to bo forgotten, either, that TENER and all his connections have been abovo reproach at all times. His character Is of tho best, and is regarded as unassailable, while tho source tho awful polluted source from which this attack up on him springs, must necessarily bo considered. Van Vnlkeiiburgi who Is editor of tho North American, Is tho sumo man who wis arrested during tho HAst- Jng'H rt'Kime, charged with bribing btuto legislators to voto for United Stale Senator. Ho was arrested, indicted by tho grand Jury, and ut ter (several hearings In which his lawyers endeavored to break down tho evidenco, tho caso was placed on tho calender of tho criminal court, ami Just before going to trial, his influential friends, who hud been lighting to snvo him mudo uu ur rnngemeut with tho prosecution by paying $10,000 us tho cosof pros ecution and tho case' was uol Iirossod. THIS IS THE MAN AVHO ACCUSES JOHN K. TENER. In his speech nt Altoona Horry bo deceived Into voting tlio Key said: "The Imnd of tho Almighty Is Btono ticket. visible, for His hand has boon In all nffnlrs of the nation slnco tho dayL of Columbus." Wo hopo Hrothor Uerry will bcllevo tills aftor. election, even If results do not suit him. Wo trust his works of repudiation as evinced at tho Allcntown convention will not bo repeated. -f-f-r -r -r-r 1MCK UPS. -f Tho towel trust Is coming to wipe out all competition. A man with n bad reputation may have a good heart. An avigator fell on a barn in Ne braska, and nearly broke tho ton commandments. Many people fall to accomplish nnythlng because they try to do too much. We should have nothing to do with a religion that consists in mak ing one sad. It Is a risky thing to get mad and stay that way until after sun set. When Joshua stopped the sun, the earth must have stopped lnksympa- tny ior nis ignorance oi astronomy. You may be moral without being religious, but you cannot be religl ous Vlthout being moral. A man was robbed at the point of a pipe which he thought was a re volver. It was a meershain. Air that is forced through lco wa ter is now used In some hotels. Of course, there Is an extra charge for air. Whom the Lord loveth "He chasteneth." That Is a favorite ex pression just now with Maine Re publicans. When people get in dead earnest about matters political they care nothing about having speakers in troduced with a brass band. When you look at a fly through a microscope you discover that it is one of the most Ingeniously diabolical pieces of mechanism ever turned out bf nature's workshop. Congressman Palmer of Pennsyl vanla says Col. Roosevelt's African trip was "spectacular." Look out for another undesirable citizen, an other name proposed for the Ananias club, now! SAVINGS STAMPS INSTEAD OF COIN Public Will Get Bright Yellow Paper This Year in Plnco of Gold Pieces. Washington, D. C, Oct. IS. Uncle Sam as a source of supply for Santa Claus has switched from gold pieces to stamps. Up to this year the gov ernment mints coined large quanti ties of two-and-a-half gold pieces which were known among the treas ury officials as Christmas money. It was decided this year to dis continue the coinage of the gold pieces and now Uncle Sam has plac ed an order for a large quantity of bright new yellow postal saving stamps. These together with a pos- tal card upon which they are to be pasted, represent a deposit In Uncle Sam s new postal savings bank. In order to stimulate savings among the youngsters of Yankee Land, Uncle Sam has gone to great expense to furnish an attractive stamp. It is expected that there will be a .great demand for these stamps at Christ mas time. The card upon which the stamps are pasted will cost ten cents and will be In fact a "bank book." represents the initial deposit of ten cents. Each card holds nine stamps which cost ten cents each. This may be exchanged for a dollar cert! llcate. With tho use of tho stamps fo Christmas presents will arise the question of whether the postmasters may be required or may lawfully do a "mail order business" for the postal savings system will only be In stalled In one or possibly two post offices in each state this year. This question has not yet been do cided by the officials. They aro of tho opinion, however, that 4if tho mall orders for postal savings stamps do not reach a very big amount for any one office it will be allowable for a postmaster to All mail orders until more postal savings depositories are established. Generally speaking, however, tho postal savings system is not to bo a mail order Institution and each man Is to bo required to deposit his money in his home town In order to keep depositors within the legal limit of ? 100 a month for pos tal deposits. THE ALIA' OF THE DEMOCRACY, Tho New York Herald has Just completed a painstaking lnvestiga Hon of tho political conditions in every state, with especial reference to the fight for control of the House In tho Sixty-second Congress. Its Inquiries lead to the conclusion that of tho 391 districts, 118 must be classified as doubtful or debatable Tho Horald adds: "But Hot only Is tho House of Representatives at stake in this election tho political control of tho Senato may also be Involved." In no other campaign slnco Bryan divided tho Democracy has that par ty been so hopeful of victory. Tho chairman of tho Democratic Con gresslonal Committee, Reprcsenta tlve Lloyd, of Missouri, a few days ago confidently predicted that tho Democrats would havo a surprising' ly largo majority In tho next House, Ho included Pennsylvania In tho list of states ho said would show a gain for tho Democracy. Mr. Lloyd prediction regarding Pennsylvania Is based ypdn the' hope that mnrfy Republicans; assuming that tho Re publican ticket la sure to win, will neglect to voto and that others may 111U llUIMIUIK'HIl Willi lllHLM Ilia UIU lot for the Keystone ticket must do so with his eyes open. Ho must know thnt ho is voting for a Hryan Democrat, who, if elected, will do everything in his power to ndvnnce the Interests of tho Democratic par ty In Pennsylvania and tho nation. Ho must know that ho is voting for Democratic candidates for the Legis lature, who, If elected, will voto for a Democrat for United States Senator and for Democratic candi dates for tho House at Washington, who aro pledged to Join other Dem ocrats In passing a frco trade tariff bill. A vote for the Keystone ticket will bo a vote for tho Democratic party. IMMORTALITY OF THE SOUL. Wizard Edison Denies Everlasting Llfo While Father Yuuglinii As serts There Is. Now; York, Oct. 15. In a contro versy between Tiiomas A. Edison and Father Bernard Vnughan about tho Immortality of tho human soul. tho former made the following state ment: "I cannot believe In the Immor tality of tho soul. "Heaven? Shall I, If I am good and earn reward, go to heaven when I die? No, no, I am not I I nm not nn Individual I am an aggre gate of cells; as, for Instance, New York city Is an aggregate of Indl- Iduals. Will New Y'ork city go to Heaven 7 "Wo are, as you know, mado up each part of us Is made up of mil lions of cells. These cells are not absolutely Independent any nioro than you, ns an individual living in New York city, are independent; but each cell Is an Individual. Ynu area part of the city; each cell is a part of you. 'Why should you a collection of cells, be Immortal as a collection any more than New ioik city, a collection of individuals, should be Immortal as a collection? Its citi zens are continually dying, moving away and being replnoed. Your cells are continually dying, moving away and being replaced. Father Vaughan, In his reply, speaks as follows: Edison does admit the immortal ity of the soul for the all-sufficient reason that he denies the existence of a human soul. "I wish to be put on record as asknowledglng man s Indebtedness to Edison for his matchless mani pulation of electricity and for an inventive genius in other mechani cal applications for the benedt of social and commercial life. "But the people must not lose sight of the fact that Edison is neith er a theologian nor a metaphysician "Edison himself has told the world that about the nature, even of elec tricity, he knows nothing at all. ' "What Edison did know was how- to make use of electricity. "I would venture to remind Edi son that the human soul might pos slbly be a far finer and subtler sub stance than electricity itself." I HFAHTJTH 1 EVES. The Reisler Lads Amaze Justice Zeiler. Now York Youngsters, Aged Five and Seven Years Respectively, Would Visit Stores, Ask For a Drink of Water and Rob Cash Registar. New York, Oct. 20. Justice Zeller became amazed when he was told In tho children's court of tho evil doings of Max Reisler and his brother George, Max is seven years old and Georgo Ilvo. Their homo is at 810 Dawson atreot in the Bronx. Their father, John Reisler, told Jus tlco Zoller that they were entirely bo yond his control. They stayed out lato at night, ho said, and when they came In frequently brought as much as $10 or $15 with them. At first they said they found the money, but ho was convinced that they had stolen It. Detective Lelber of tho Harlem de tective bureau was able to throw more light on tho probable El Dorado. Ho had found the boys Tuesday evening as they were running uwny from an nrt shop at 107 West Ono Hundred and Twenty-fifth street. Mrs. Ketch am, the proprietor, was in hot pursuit She suld that the boys had gono into tho shop nnd asked for a drink of ico wuter. While Mrs. Kotchnra waa in tho rear filling a glass for thorn ono of her customers called to her, and sho hurried back to find that the draw er of tho cash register was open nnd $5 gone. The two small boys were Just running out of tho door. Tho $5 was found on tho sidewalk near wbero Lclbor arrested tho pair. On tho way to tho rooms of tho Gerry society, Lelber said, tho boyi told him that they had been working tho game for a long time. Sometimes they would get as much as $15 from ono plaeo. They generally picked out shops where tho cash register was on a shelf low enough for them to reach without climbing .on a chair. By thb timo tho proprietor was hack with their drink of filter the cash register would Do closed .again anu inoy wouiu gulp down the wnter gratefully. Neither would put the blame on tho other, Georgo. tho younger one, tho detectlv said, told him that ho generally took tho money from tho drawer ns he was so short that oven If tho shopkeeper did look around he would hardly bo nblo to seo George's head over tho counter. As ho could get no information from the boys Justice Zeller remanded Mar 1,6 lio, enro of tho ,Gerry society until Tuesday and sent George, tho smnller ono, who still wears ono piece gingunra suits, homo with his father. SPEED MANIA, lon't Get an Auto Unless You Hnvo To," He Says; "Then (Jut Hid of It and Take a Trolley." Take my advice about nutoa; don't get ono unless you havo to, and then, when yoti have it, get rid it and tnko a trolley car." This Is tho advlco given by Ed ward T. Rosonhclmcr, who Is nwalt- ng trial on a chnrgo of causinc tho death ' of Miss Grace Hough, who was run down and killed by his ma chine. "Another thing." ho continued in his cell in the Tombs, "don't tico how fast you can go, but how slow. You may bo lined .for obstructing traffic, but you won't find yourself Indicted for running over nny ono." Rosenhelmer s touring car is In tho yard of the Morrlsanla police station, and Captain Prlco wants to got rid of it, but Is unnblo to And anyone who seems to havo author ity to order Its removal. When Ro senhelmer wns told of the captain's predicament, no said: "I don't care what they do with I haven't seen It since August 9th, and I never want to sco it gain-. I never wnnt to seo another auto, and I never Intend to ride In another. But for automobiles I would not have been In this trouble. had the speed-madness, but I'm cured." A Lender in New Thought. "Elizabeth Towno stands for that which makes for greater growth and greater happiness," writes Thomas Dreler in Human Life for October. "Sho reaches a certain class of people. In her own field she Is as great as Mrs. Eddy is in hers. Eliza both Towno teaches folks to think correctly, to understand and use wisely their own forces, to conquer doubt and fear, and to stand up as fearless, independent, efficient. "She worships before action. She wants things done. She is no mere talker and writer ono content to preach and never practice. Her own business, which started twelve years ago with thirty borrowed dollars and which today enables hor to gratify her temperamental desire for a fine home, trips to Europe and through this country, clothes that appeal to the feminine nature well, that is the best proof that her teachings are practical. That she is helping oth ers live richer lives is something anyone may lean from a single day's correspondence. One letter came In telling of a brakeman who had his legs cut off In a wreck. 'He cannot live,' the. doctors whispered. 'By God, I will,' he said. He told later that he had been reading Elizabeth Towno's writings, and had been taught to fight against adversity. He lived. "Her editorials are homely things. They are not what a Harvard pro fessor of English would offer to his class as models of literature. But what Is more Important than liter ary style is found in them. They contain messages that, to use a West ernlsm, get across." PRINTING QUICKLY DONE AT THIS OFFICE. OOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCf Are You PLANNING for To-morrow No man ever accumulates a fortune unless he has the hab it of making sacrifices today in order that he may have some thing to work with'to-morrow. The small amount thnt you aro able to save every week may appear very small, but in time systematic saving, witli tho aid of 3 per cent, compound interest, will give you some substantial capital as a basis for investment or to live on when you can no longer work and earn. HOHESDALE DIE BAM is yet young but it has helped many ambitious persons on the road to independence and suc cess. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo WHEN THERE IS ILLNESS in your family you of course call a reliable physician. Don't stdp nt that; havo his prescriptions put up at a reliable pharmacy, even it it is a little farther from your home than some other store. You can find no more reliable store than ours. It would be im possible for inoro care to be taken in the selection of drugs, etc., or in the compounding. Prescrip tions brought here, either night or day, will bo promptly ond accurately compounded by a competent registered pharmacist nnd the pricca will bo most rea sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS, PHARMACIST. Opp. D. & II. Station, Honesdalk. Pa. :mttmmtmnmtHimtmmnttroH Dogs and Fleas. If your dogs are troubled with fleas a very simple way to get rid of the pests Is to provide beds of fresh ce dar shavings or. better, cedar excel sior In the kennels or wherever tho dogs sloop. The scent Is not at- all unpleasant to the dogs, but Is nbhor rent to the llcas. When n dog's coat gets thoroughly scented not only do the liens leave him while asleep, but they will not Jump upon him when he is out during the day. Brooklyn Etglo. Entirely Apt. At first glance the novel's title, "Tho Rainbow," seemed to be lacking In significance, but as It afterward de veloped that the hero blushed crim son, was blue with tho cold, had his Hp grow gray, was seized by a blnck rage, fell into n brown study, grow reen with envy, purple with ludlgua- tiou, livid with rear, yellow witu cha grin and scarlet with embarrassment. the title proved to be entirely apt. Puck. The Pillory. Tho pillory In Englnnd wns abol ished ns a punishment, except for per jury, In 181fi nnd wns totnlly abol ished In 1837. The last person to suf fer at the Old Bailey wns one Peter Bossy, for perjury. Juno 22, 1830. Not withstanding the fact that this modo of punishment was supposed to bo only for the llghtor offenses, It often hap pened thnt the pillory meant death to those placed In It, the culprit frequent ly being stoned to death by tho heart less mob. New Y'ork American 5100 REWARD, 9100. Tho readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that thero Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to euro in all Its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only posi tive cure now known to the medi cal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional diseaso, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system,1 thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the consti tution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ESTABLISHED 1830 THE OLDEST BANK IN WAYNE COUNTY THE HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL, SURPLUS TOTAL ASSETS WE ARE AFTER YOU ! You havo more or less banking business. Possibly it is with us, such being the case you know something of our service, but if not a patron would it not bo well for you to become ono ? OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT will help you start. It is calculated to serve all classes, tho old and tho young, tho rich and tho poor, MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN IT RECEIVES DEPOSITS OF $1.00 AND UP and allows three per cent, interest annually. Interest will be'paid from the first of any month on all deposits made on or before the 10th of the month provided such deposits remain three calendar months orjonger. i HENRY Z. RUSSELL PRESIDENT. ANDREW THOMPSON VICE PRESIDENT. tlltlHMHHMtMIHMHMMH(MHHHMHtM. V. II. HOLMES. President. A. T. SEAKLE, Vice Pres. We want you to understand tho rensons for the ABSOLUTE SECUKITY of WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HONESDALE, PA., HAS A CAPITAL OF - - - $100,000.00 AND SURPLUS AND PROFITS OF - 407,000.00 MAKING ALTOGETHER - 507,000.00 EVERY DOLLAR ot which must be lost before any depositor enn lose a PENNY. It hns conducted a growing and successful business for over 35 years, serving an increasing number of customers with ildeelity nnd satisfaction. Its cash funds are protected by MODERN STEEL VAULTS. All o! these things, coupled with conservative management, insured by the CA HEKUL PERSONAL ATTENTION constantly clten the Hank's attain by a notably able Hoard of Directors assures the patrons oi that SUPREME SAFETY which is the prime essential ot a cood Bank. MAY 10, 1910 Total Assets, - - - $2,87o,366.92 J- DEPOSITS MAY BE MADE BY MAIL. ni . DIRECTORS W. 11. HOLMES A. T. SEA RLE T. It. CLARK Cancer is Increasing. Tuberculosis Is decreasing, but cancer is on tho Increase, according to a govornment bulletin. Deaths from tuberculosis aro fewer than horotoforo, but deaths from cancer Incrcnsed from 33.4C5 In 1908 to 37,502 In 1909, and tho death rato Increased from 74.3 to 77. "The Increase," tho bulletin says, "was not largely for any particular stato or city, but tho most Impres sive feature is tho widespread in crease shared by all Btates and cit ies, with few exceptions," Of tho seventeen stntes from which records were received Maryland and South Dakota aro tho only ones reporting fewer deaths from cancer. Typhoid fever Is decreasing. In 1909 deaths from this cause num bered 10,722 as against 11,376 for 1908, tho death rate falling from 25.3 to twenty-two per 100,000 es timated population. Tho bulletin shows the- lowest death rato ever registered in this country tho rate in tho registration states and cities of tho country dropping from 15.4 per thousand population in iyua to intccn per thousand In 1909. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. flie Kind You Have Always Bough) Boars tho Signature of Two Tablets and Stomach Misery Gone G. W. Peil sells and guarantees tho best prescription the world has ever Known ior uisiuruea anu upset stomach, gas, belching, heaviness, heartburn, acid stomach and bili ousness. It is called MI-O-NA, remember the name, and it banishes distress from over eating or fermentation of food, in live minutes. It is guaranteed by G. W. Pell to cure Indigestion, sick headache, nerv ousness and dizziness, or money back. No matter how long you havo suf fered you will find a certain cure In MI-O-NA stomach tablets. "About six weeks ago I purchas ed a box of MI-O-NA tablets for an aggravated form of stomach trouble. I had been troubled for four or five years, had tried different physicians and a great many patent remedies, but of no use, until I used MI-O-NA. They entirely relieved me from pain and I can now eat most any kind of food and relish It." A. J. Fish, West Carthage, N. Y. MI-O-NA stomach tablets are only 50 cents a large box at G. W. Peil and druggists everywhere. Get a trial treatment free, by writing Mi-o-na. Buffalo, N. Y. t 1 1 1 1 x X --4- t X $ 150,000.00 241,711.00 1,902,000.00 ! t EDWIN F.TOKRKY CASHIER. ALBERT C. LINDSAX ABBIsTAKTCAEIIIEB II. S. SALMON, Cashier W. J. WARD, Ass't Cashieb this Bank. CHAS. J. SMITH. H.J.CONOKR. W. F. suydAm. F. Y, KIMULK II. 8. SALMON J. W. FARLEY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers