The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 21, 1910, Image 1

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    THE WEATHER Friday cloudy ucnthcr vlll prevail with fresh northerly to northeasterly winds and nearly stationary temperatures.
V jr t? V tC K If tC fC tC tC tf K K K
y, Scml-Weekly Founded
3 1908 "
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2 Weekly Founded, 1844 J
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i n i... n
of the JgP 1
0 J J J S .X t .X .X ;3 1 J JIJ
67th YEAR.
2L' NO 84
couple ox road from haw-
"It looks a little "boogerlsh" along
here. I guess I'll get my whlpj
handy," remarked Charles K. Schoon
over of this place to his wife, as they
were driving along the road from
Hawley to White Mills on Wednes
day evening between 7 and 8 o'clock,
homeward bound from a business trip
to Hawley and other towns.
Hardly had the words escaped him
-when two strnnge men jumped out
of the bushes, and attempted to
grab the horse's head. With rare
presence of mind Mr. Schoonover
struck the animal a crushing blow,
and the livery horse, unused to such
treatment, leaped in the air and dash
ed away at breakneck speed, soon
outdistancing his pursuers, and car
rying the occupants of the rig to
Mrs. Schoonover, when seen Thurs
day afternoon by n Citizen represen
tative stated that she was badly
frightened when the men appeared,
but that It all happened so suddenly,
she hardly realized what was going
on, until It was all over. Mr. Schoon
over, who Is a commercial traveller,
In the employ of his son, W. J.
Schoonover, who has an "office In
Scranton, and handles plate glass,
was out of town when the reporter
called. His wife seemed quite upset
from the effects of the shock of the
attempted holdup on the night pre
vious. The stretch of road leading from I
Hawley to White Mills is an ex
ceedingly lonely one, and it is a great
wonder that not more attempts have
been made in the past to rob people
along this highway.
Passing automobiles help to dis
tract thieves in the summer time, but
with the approach of fall, most of
the city boarders have returned home
and motor cars are few and far be
tween. The case most likely will be report
ed to the county detective for inves
tigation. Pretty Pnrsonuge Wedding.
Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ezra Case, of Welcome
Lake, and Mr. William Friend Marsh,
of Honesdale, were united in mar
riage on Wednesday morning, Oct.
19, 1910, at the Methodist parsonage
by Rev. Will H Hlller. After par
taking of a sumptuous wedding din
ner at the home of the bridegroom's
sister, Miss Lizzie Marsh, they left
on the 12.25 D. & H. train for a short
trip, and on their return will begin
housekeeping at 1314 West street.
Tho best wishes of a host of friends
follow them.
Tutliill-Adniiis Nuptials Celebrated
Wednesday Afternoon.
A very pretty fall wedding took
place at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Adams of Main street, Wed
nesday afternoon, when their charm
ing daughter. Miss Rosamond Myr
tle, became the wife of Mr. Florance
Tuthlll, the Rev. Dr. William H.
Swift tying the nuptial knot. The
ceremony was performed at 2.30
o'clock. Miss Helen Beck, tho ac
complished musician, played "Men
delsohn's Wedding March " and
"Hearts and Flowers." The couple
were attended by Mr. Edward Mathey
who acted as best man and by Miss
Mae Adams, a sister of the bride,
who was bride's maid. Tho bride
Is one of the Maple City's most pop
ular young ladles and the groom Is
an employee of tho Honesdale Elec
tric Light company, and highly re
garded uy a large circle of friends
The gifts were many and beautiful
Mr. and Mrs. Tuthlll left on tho
4. JO D. & H. train on their honey
moon. After their return they will
bo at home at the bride's former
residence on Main street.
Peculiar Accidents.
Plymouth, Oct. 18. Henry, tho
eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harlow Sites, died on Sunday after
noon as the result of a most peculiar
While returning homo from school
he Baw a companion wheeling a baby
carriage. Henry offered to help, and
took hold of tho handles, but slipped.
He feu to tbe sidewalk. In his
mouth at the time was a sharp slate
pencil, and the pencil penterated the
roof of his mouth about two Inches,
breaking off.
The youngster got to his home and
his pain ceased when the slate was
extracted. Later he was seized with
convulsions and died.
Hallstead, Oct. 18. Saturday even
ing Mrs. Mary McCormack of Lacka
wanna avenue, narrowly escaped
choking to death while eating some
oysters for her supper by having an
oyster shell stick in her throat In
her efforts to dislodge tho substance
tho inside of her throat was badly
cut and lacerated and required tho
services or a physician.
Wayne County Medical Society.
Tile regular monthly meeting of
tho Wayno County Medical society
was held on Thursday at tho. Allen
House. Routine business was trans
acted, and dinner enjoyed. Those
prosent and participating wore Dr.
It. W. Brady, Dr. L. B. Nielsen, Dr,
W. T. McConvlll of Honesdale: Dr,
nnd Mrs. E. O. Bang, of South Can-
nan; Dr. W. A. Stevens, of Hamlin;
nr. Charles e. Thompson and Dr,
II. Fitch.
i .Marmots, of Alpine Variety,
I Gone Into Hibernation.
The goosebone prophet nnd the
long-distance weather service of the
Washington Weather Bureau appear
to have been entirely outdistanced
this time by two little, insignificant
Inhabitants In the Philadelphia Zoo.
Anybody connected with the garden
will tell you that tho coming winter
is to be n hard one, nnd If you are
not sufficiently credulous, they will
take you to tho Incloaure that has
tho sign "Alpine Marmot" over the
wire railings, where none of tho In
mates appears to be at home.
Not since August 21st have the
two marmots, who came from he
Southern Alps, been seen, and it Is
presumed that they have gone to
sleep for the wlntr.
DAY, NOV. 8.
H. C. Jackson has made a tour
through the northern tier of town
ships In our county, and is now go
ing through tho southern end. Our
reports from correspondents and oth
ers are very encouraging as there
seems to bo a general gift away from
party lines on the legislative ticket
and Democrats and Republicans are
out for Jackson and Home Rule.
They all consider Jackson a man
whom they can depend on. As a
farmer he has been active in agri
cultural matters, giving his aid and
advice towards the betterment of
those engaged in agricultural pur
suits. As a citizen ho has been
broad-minded, consclencious in his
every duty to neighbor and fellow
citizen. All who know him testify to
his loyalty to right doing, and up
Wayne county voters are fast
awakening to the fact that if they
want to get laws enacted that will
benefit tliem, they must elect a man
who belongs to the dominant party,
one who can enter their counsels and
demand from men of his own party
the rights and privileges which his
constituents need. Wayno countv
has been represented by a member of
the minority party for a number of
years and the result has been we have
received no attention whatever from
the state authorities except receiving
such appropriations that wo are en
titled to under the general laws and
which would come to us without any
appeal from our representative. Tho
state has appropriated ?5,000 to
wards a hospital evory session since
i8U2, r . P. Kimble of Honesdale hav
ing obtained the first appropriation.
and now that the people of Wayno
county have undertaken to claim this
G,000 by fulfllling their part of tho
agreement, we want a Republican at
iiarrisuurg who by reason of his be
longing to the power in control can
secure a larger appropriation and
also sullicient appropriations to help
maintain the hospital.
'Squire's Successful' Son.
Robert A. Smith, son of 'Squire
Robert A. Smith, who Is on his way
homo from tho south after an ab
sence from home of over ten years.
is detained on board ship off the
coast or south Carolina near Charles
town by a heavy fog. sending a Mar
conlgram or wireless tolegram to that
effect yesterday. Since his absence
from homo Mr. Smith has been with
the Standard Oil company, and had
charge of tho laying of a $G, 000,000
pipe-lino between Oklahoma City and
uaton Rogue, La.
Dangerous Operation.
Martin Calvin, senior member of
tho firm of Galvln & Theobald,
plumbing and heating, D30 Main
street, this place, was operated upon
at his homo, 042 Main street. Thurs
day morning for appendicitis. The
operation was m chargo of Dr. C. E
Thompson, of Scranton, who was as
sisted by Dr. W. T. McConvlll, and by
Dr. L. B. Nollson, both of Honesdale,
Tho operation was a .successful one.
aud all signs point to a favorable Is
sue. Just as tho Citizen was going to
press word was received that Mr.
Galvln was resting comfortably.
Splendid Thanksgiving
Bell telephone sorvice.
The Republican candidate for Con
gress from this district, C. C. Pratt,
has served a part of one term. He
was elected In November, 1908, over
his competitor, George W. Kipp, by
a majority of over 2,000, carrying all
four counties. He has proved to be
a honest, faithful, upright represen
taive. Although It was his first term
in Congress ho was appointed on the
important commute on Agriculture
and his labor In behalf of the farm
ers and their interests has won for
him the commendation of the farm
ing community. In looking after the
interests of the farmer, he did not
neglect the interests of the working
men in his districts, for it was
through his Indefatigable efforts that
tho schedule on glass and cut glass
especially, was maintained so as to
protect tho wages of glass blowers
and glass cutters of the land. He
was one of the men who fought
against the strong lobby which the
glassware Importers had at Wash
ington, and It is due to the able ef
forts of Congressman Pratt that the
attempt to reduce the tariff on cut
Death of .Mrs. Geo. AV. Kipp.
The many friends of ex-Congressman,
Hon. George W. Kipp were
shocked to learn of the death, Wed
nesday, at Clifton Springs, of Mrs.
Kipp. Mrs. Kipp Is very well known
here, and her husband who is a na
tive of this county, and a candidate
for reelection to Congress on the Dem
ocratlc-Keystone ticket, has the deep
sympathy in his sore affliction of a
wide circle of friends In Northeastern
Pennsylvania. Mrs. Kipp, who was
a lady of rare culture and refinement,
had been undergoing treatment at
Clifton Springs for some time. Mr.
Kipp, who resides at Towanda was
Congressman from 1900-1908.
Pennsylvania Crop Report.
The condition of the 1910 corn
crop in Pennsylvania on October 1
was 81, as compared with tho ten-year-average
of 83. The total pro
duction of oats In Pennsylvania for
1910 was 35,130,000 bushels, and the
quality was 94. The condition of tho
tobacco crop In Pennsylvania for 1910
on October 1' was 98, as compared
with the ton-year average of 88. Tho
condition of the potato crop during
the same time In Pennsylvania was
70, compared with tho ten-year aver
age of 74.
Who May Die From Nervous Trouble,
in West Virginia.
Elkins, W. Vn., Oct. 20.-Frlends of
Senator Stephen B. Elklnx nru much
concerned over his failure to rally
from the Illness which has held him
nt homo during tho past summer. It
Is reported that he la suffering from a
nervous disease which la said to bo
nearlng a.crltlcnl stage.
Miss Elkins has declined nil invita
tions since her return from Europe
Several well known physicians have
been Buminoned to attend the senator,
any many of his relatives are present.
f ssoclate Judge From Louisiana 8orl
lously Considered by Tart.
Now York, Oct 20. It was learned
that among the candidates for chief
justice of the, United States supremo
court, whom President Taft Is consid
ering, is Associate Justice Edward
Douglass White. Justice White la bo
lng Tery strongly urged for the place,
nnd President Taft la giving perlous
attention to tho recommendations.
Justice AVhlto wns appointed to tho
supremo court from Louisiana and is
a Democrat. Ho Is known as one of
the most progressive of tho supreme
tourt Judges.
glass was defeated. He earned tho
good will and everlasting gratitude
of the old soldiers by his persistent
efforts in their behalf. In tho first
half of his term he managed to get
through the House fifteen special
pension bills as against fourteen by
Congressman Kipp who was his pre
decessor and who had the advantage
of being a member of the Pension
committee. Mr. Pratt is a man of
education, as well as a man of the
people, a man whose life has been an
open book, his private and public life
i. plnvo reproach. He has never
drank liquor, nor used tobacco and
although not endorsed by the Key
stone party, will be strongly sup
ported by many members of that
party. Mr. Pratt is just in tho prime
of" life, possesses excellent business
ability, genial In his every day life;
has a host of warm personal friends
who love him for his clean and un
sullied character, and his courteous,
gentlemanly treatment of everyone.
Ames nnd Wiltso Hamered For Eight
I Runs In Second Inning.
New York. Oct. 20. Tho Yankees
I beat tho Giants in tie sixth game of
j their Manhattan championship series
by a score of 10 to 2.
i Leon Ames was responsible for the
I defeat of the Giants. He was pounced
, upon by the Yankee sluggers In the
sfcond Inning, nnd before he was tnk-
en out and replaced by Wiltso tb
game hlid been practically won by the
Yankees. Wiltsu was also hnmmered
by tho HllltopperH In the fatal secoud
round, nnd when the Inning came to
an end It was seen that eight of Hal
Chase's men hud crossed the plate.
Vaughn and Qulnn managed to keep
the Glnnts' hits scattered, and it wns
only In the third Inning, when Vaughn
weakened, that the Giants scored their
only two runs. The score:
Now York Americans, 10; New York
Nationals, 2. Butteries Vaughn, Qulnn
and Crlger; Ames, WilUe, Meyers aud
Aviator J. B. Moissant Has Miraoulous
Escape From Death.
Now York, Oct. 20. John B. Mois
sant, the French aviator, who camo
over here severnl days ago to tako
part In the International aviation meet,
which will commence on Suturday
next, hnd a narrow escape from being
killed nt Belmont park when his aero
plane fell a distant o of 300 feet.
Fortunately, Molssnut, who had lost
control of his 'machine, escaped Injury.
About C00 spectators were at the raco
course when tho accident occurred.
They rushed upon tho Hold and several
attendants who reached Moissant first
dug him out of the wreckage. Tho
machine, a now ono, was a complete
Molssnnt camo to tho track late, and
the weather conditions being favorable
he decided to take a trial flight in his
new neroplnno. While rounding ono
of the curves ho lost control of the
rudder nnd tho aeroplane camo down
nt terrific speed.
Mrs. Pankhurst Sent to Prison.
Buffulo, N. Y., Oct 20. Mrs. Wini
fred Pankhurst was sentenced to Au
burn pnson hero this morning for u
term of not less than two years and
sit mouths nor more than five years
for shoplifting. Mrs. Pankhurefa hus
band Is a nephow of Mrs. Emollno
Pankhurst, the noted suffragette lead
er of England. Pankhurst was cou
vlcted of'recelvlng tho property stolen
by his wife, but was let go on sus
pended sentence.
"Witch" Doctor Arrested.
Through medicine administered
by a Hazleton clairvoyant two Potts
ville women are snld to have gone
Insane. They aro Miss Harriet Leg
gert and Mrs. John Dougal. Both
had been complaining of not feeling
well and were ndvlscd by a friend
to visit the "witch" doctor, as she
Is known In Hazleton. The woman
was arrested charged by tho authori
ties with practicing medicine with
out a license
The clairvoyant Is known under a
number of names and was ordered
out of Hazleton after causing consld-!
erable trouble among the residents
oi mat piace. unc woman sue is
said to have treated during her stay
at Hazleton camo near dying, and
the case aroused tho authorities to
such an extent that she was ordered
to leave town at once.
Special to The Citizen.
Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 19. State
Treasurer Charles F. Wright, of Sus
quehanna county, the validity of
whose nomination to succeed himself
was questioned on the ground that
he was appointed to fill the vacancy
caused by the death of J. A. Stober,
elected to the office but prevented
from qualifying through death, will
remain in office until 1913.
The Supreme court sitting in Pitts
burg handed down a decision on
Wednesday In which it holds "that
no vacancy exists in the office of stato
treasurer by reason of tho fact I
that Mr. Wright was appointed to
fill tho unexpired term of Mr. Stober
and that under the new election laws
this term will not expire until May,
Under the decision given today by
tho Supreme court in Pittsburg the
mandamus proceeding to test tho
validity of the nomination of can
didates for state treasurer this year,
no election for treasurer will bo held
In November and Stato Treasurer
Charles Frederick Wright will hold
olllce until the first Monday of May,
1913. The next treasurer will be
elected in 1912 for four years.
All nominations for state treasur
er will fall and Mr. Wright will servo
out the full term for which the late
Jeremiah A. Stober, of Lancaster,
who died before he could qualify,
was elected In November of last year.
The decision settles tho question
of whether tho governor can appoint
to fill a vacancy occurring when a
man has been elected and dies beforo
ho can qunllfy.
Lord Hearing Wednesduy,
Samuel Read, charged with having
slain Silas E. Lord early in July by
splitting his head open with a hoe,
was given a hearing on Wednesday
beforo Justice of tho Peace Robert A.
Smith and committed to jail to
await trial on tho charge of homi
cide. At tho time of the murderous as
sault Reed was arraigned before
Squlro Kordmnn and committed to
jail on a charge of aggravated as
sault and battery with Intent to kill,
so Wednesday's proceedings were
merely formal. Flvo witnesses were
sworn nnd all testified that they saw
Reed assault Lord with the hoe, split
ting his head open.
Tho case will como beforo tho
grand Jury Friday and tho common
wealth expects an Indictment.
Gross Mismanagement Charged In 910,
000,000 Suit Brought In Chicago.
Chicago, Oct. 20. Unexpected ex
citement was furnished nt tho nuuunl
meeting of tho stockholders of tho Illi
nois Central rallrond when Attorney
Maxwell Edgar, who held proxies from
nu Independent committee, Including
Secretary Franklin MucVengh of the
Unitod States treasury, mude charges
of gross mlsmnuagcmcut in tho affairs
of tho compauy.
Almost simultaneously deputy sher
iffs served subpoenas on tho officers of
tho road to appear In n $10,000,000
damage suit brought by Edgar.
Speclnl to The Citizen.
MAPLEWOOD, Oct. 20. A terrific
hall and electric storm struck this
placo Saturday at 4 p. m. The most
of the storm passed north and east
of us, but a whirlwind was formed,
as the storm split; and gaining in
terrific strength as It raced along
It struck the place of George M.
Black, and took everything lying
loose before It. Roy Black had his
buggy, out, expecting to drive to Elm
hurst In a few minutes. The wind
caught up the buggy, carried It up
In the air and completely demolish
ed It. Rain and water barrels were
carried over the house, and one
through n window, destroying both
sash nnd frame, and completely gut
ting the Inside of the room. A lum
ber wagon was carried some dis
tance, and a five-gallon can of oil
was picked up and carried some
hundred feet. A pile of hard wood
lumber was taken up like feathers,
and as far as the eye could see up
ward, the boards were whirled and
twisted Into kindling. Out buildings
were lifted bodily, and the roof of
O. P. Sharp's green house was car
ried away. Two long black spirals
were seen racing over the hills to
, ward Hamlin, and what damage
was done in that direction is not
known here.
At the farm of Henry Beyea, de
ceased, the storm broke in its fury,
and a cloud burst let tons of water
down. Ditches were hastily made
to keep the water out of the build
ings, as It rushed In torrents down
the hills.
Marriage License Record.
William Marsh, of Dyberry, and
Miss Elizabeth Case, of Welcome
James R. Martinez, of Lookout,
and Miss Elsie L. Swendsen, of
Two Weddings.
Married: By Rev. Will H. Hlller,
October 19, 1910, William Marsh of
Honesdale and Elizabeth Case of
Welcome Lake, Pa.
JMarrled: By Rev. Will H. Hlller.
October 19, 1910, James R. Martlnetz
and Elsie L. Swendsen,- both of Look
t out, Pa.
A Correction.
Inadvertently In the last week's
issue of the Citizen it was stated that
John Kuhbach was connected with
the new company that is about to
start a cut glass factory in the build
ing formerly occupied by tho Wayne
Cut Glass company. We have since
been Informed that Mr. Kuhbach Is
i not at all interested.
High School Boys Use Paper Towels.
Paper towels, superceding those of
the linen variety, have been introduc
ed for use by the pupils of the High
school within the past few days. Tho
towels, which are twelve by eighteen
Inches In size, nre most convenient
and sanitary. This Innovation is in
line with the progressive policy of
the principal, Prof. H. A. Oday, who
states that the 159 pupils, out of a
total public school enrollment of 511
boys and girls, who are in the High
school, are maintaining an average
daily attendance of ninety-seven per
Wellmnn's attempt, accompanied
with live associates to cross the At
lantic In a dirigible balloon, called
the America, wns a failure. He and
his companions were picked up 225
miles from Cape Hatteras by the
steamer Trent.
The Athletics won two games of
i tho World's series from the Chicago
Cubs at Philadelphia.
The New York Giants won 'three
games from the New York High
landers lost two and tied one.
Special to The Citizen.
WAYMART, Pn Oct. 20. Tho
many friends of Dr. Harvey M. En
sign, one of tho oldest and most
widely known residents of this place,
were shocked to learn of his death
Monday nfternoon at 5 o'clock. Tho
immediato cause of his demise was
an apopleptlc stroke. His prostra
tion occured during tho absence of
his wife and her sister, Mrs. B. Dlm
ock, who wero spending tho day in
Dr. Ensign, who was both a
pharmacist and medical doctor, was
born in Goshen, N. Y about 67
years ago, has been n resident of this
place for more than forty years. Ills
widow, a son, Edward, of Los An
geles, Cal., and a daughter, MIB3
Amy, survive to mourn his loss.
Lnrgely attended funeral services
wero hold Thursday afternoon nt 3
o'clock from tho family home, tho
Rev. Mr. Burch officiating. Inter
ment was mado In South Canaan.
Can You Help Him?
Gnmo Commissioner Kalbfus, of
Harrlsburg, says ho would llko to get
into touch with some of tho people
who say they havo seen wild pigeons.
Tho wild pigeon is the most sought
aftor bird In this section of tho coun
try now, and hns been for several
First aid In
Bell telephone.
emergencies tho