The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 12, 1910, Image 8

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    THE C1TIZUN, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12, 1010.
Important Happenings and Personal Items Contrib
uted by THE CITIZEN'S Corps of Correspondents.
4 - tt4 - tttt'ftt4 - tt:t - ftt - ftt4tttt'ftttt4
Under this heading there hns hecn
but little of late In the way of Items;
though thero nro several scribes who
sond something occasionally, thero
seems to be a lack of news, worthy
of notice.
People In this locality are not of
an Itivcntlvo genius, generally, and
aro satisfied to do what their hand
fiudeth to do, with the implements
at hand nnd be satisfied. Looking
back 50 years one Is surprised at the
vast amount of labor saving machin
ery, as well as the pleasure giving
devices that have come into use,
though some of them are short lived,
and many of them lind bettor nevor
conic into existence. I. T. Harnum
once said the American people liked
to be humbugged and to date somo of
the humbugs are oxponsive.
The city boarders have about all
returned to their homes and thoy
who are In the business of ontertaln
ing city folks report a prolltablo sea
son. The farmers big nnd little ones,
arc busy putting In the rye for noxt
year's crop, taking up potatoes and
taking care of the corn crop, beside
lots of other jobs that need to be
done no. With a short crop of ap
plet ti.ere seems to be little or no J
lnteiest in cider making and the Frl
boie ( icier mill promises to remain
Oj) of sen ice this reason.
In tl.e line of Improvements, C. A.
Selg has his new blacksmith and wn
gnn repair shop nearly comploted and
is located therein, doing business.
Andrew Beesecker has a now wag
uu biieii sui up, uuuruuu m aim u'uuj i
. -1 i . i i .. i t . , i i . .
b- , . .. ... , , . ' will be occupied by the new mana
gement of the High school j g wson Bi,enberger.
s to have an extra covering b w p Latinler of nocUp0rt who
t to prevent the water from ! sevorely Injurcd by fiining from
The basement
of cement
coming in and interfering with the
heating plant.
A. C. Angel has a new barn and
shed under roof and is preparing to
put concrete floor In the basement.
Edgar Cross Is building a new
chicken house 12x34.
.1. W. II. -hi so has a now chicken
house 12x32 about completed with
concrete floor. , j
George Bartleson has done sawing
on his new mill located on, the J. P.
Eck lumber tract and has Otis Smith
as sawyer.
Miss Ella Nevln, teacher In the
primary department of the High
school building, has 38 pupils, 19
boys and 19 girls. The boys have
made a 100 per cent, average of at
tendance and the girls 99 per cent.
Hiss Novin is a very successful teach
er among the little folks.
Ilobert Boyce is taking electrical
treatment In a Scranton hospital.
Joseph R. Hause is having some
improvements made to the dwelling
house recently purchased of Reuben
Mrs. Bert Cross and son, William,
of Mooslc, are visiting Miss Mary
Cross and family.
Mrs. Eflle Atherton went to New
York on Oct. Gth and expects to
go to Boston later.
The Union Ladles' Aid society
will meet with Mrs. A. C. Angel on
Oct. 19.
Mrs. W. Keys is visiting her son,
Orville,. at Cochecton.
Lodusky Barnes attended the W.
C. T. U. convention last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cnffery and
Emma Stalker attended tho funer
al of Mr. George Gould, Sr., one of
tho oldest business men of Long
Eddy, which took place last Thurs
day. Mrs. Harriet Layton, who has
been visiting her mother, has re
turned to Blnghamton.
The weather keeps fine. Many
from this section attended the fair
on Wednesday.
An airship was observed towards
tho northeast about eight o'clock on
Tuesday evening.
Rev. U. D. Mlnch has arranged
for a perpetual Sunday evening ser
vice at tho Tyler Hill school house.
A number from here attended tho
county Sunday school convention at
the Damascus M. E. church recently-
Everyone repdrts a good crop of
potatoes. Silo corn Is generally good
but the field corn has not had time
to ripen.
Vote for Mr. Jackson for Repre
sentative. GOULDSBORO.
There are a number of cases of
tonsilitls In town. Among those quite
sick are Miss Bates, teacher of tho
grammar school, Mrs. M. S. Fairless
of West End, Mrs. Harry Morgan and
quite a number of children.
Miss Mildred Scbrlng supplied
Miss Grace Dowllng's place In the
intermediate department of tho school
while she was away attending the
funernl of her grandmother, Mrs.
Mary Slglln.
Among those at tho St. Charles tho
last of tho week wore: Mr. C. W.
Morse, Miss Clndrella Morse, Harold
Morse and Mrs. H. A. Staples. They
came hero In Mr. Morso's touring car.
While hero thoy called on .Mrs. Ed
ward Staples on Maplo Hill.
George Newell, who was severely
Injured last Thursday by falling
from a refrigerator car which ho was
lcclng at tho Lackawanna house, has
recovered from tho shock but Is
badly Injured around tho face. Ono
arm was broken.
Miss Helen Smith resumed teach
ing at Clifton on Monday. Her
school was closed several days ow
ing to tho sickness nnd death of hor
grandmother, Mrs. Mary Slglln.
Much sympathy is felt hero for
Mrs. M. E. Smith nnd Mrs. James
Dowllng and their families in their
great boreavemont of a dearly loved
mother and grandmother, Mrs, Mary
Slglln, whoso death occurred at hor
home on PIttston nvonuo, Scranton,
where sho hnd lived for many years.
Mrs. Slglln spent several weeks with
- tt - ftt4tt - - :t - ftt4ttttttftt'f4 - ttitt - ftt
her daughters hero last summer nnd
while here hnd a severe nttnek of
rheumatism but It was not thought
that she was In a serious condition.
She returned homo a few weeks ngo,
and two weeks before her denth waa
taken vory sick nnd passed peaceful
ly away surrounded by nil of her
children last Tuesday ovonlng nt tho
ago of 7.1 years. Tho funernl services
were held from St. John's church, In
Scranton, Ffldny morning; Inter
ment wns made in tho family plot in
St. Catherine's cemetery, Moscow,
whcfe her luibband, ono daughter,
Mrs. Thomas Knno, nnd threo sons
nre burled. She Is survived by four
dnuphters and two sons: Mrs. .Inmes
Dowllng and Mrs. M. E. Smith of
Gouldsboro; Mrs. John Kennedy of
Butte, Montana, and Mrs. Brennon
of Scranton, and John nnd Harry
Siglin of Scranton; also by several
brothers nnd sisters, Cnpt. D. Patrick
DeLacy of Scranton being one of her
brothers. Her daughter, Mrs. Ken
nedy, of Butte reached her bedside
the dtiy before she died. Mrs. SIglin
had a largo circle of friends and will
be greatly missed by all. A number
from Gouldsboro and Tohyhanna at
tended the funornl.
Mrs. G. A. Kcrllng was tho guest
of her cousins, Mr. nnd Mr,s. Charles
Adams at Moscow tho laBt of the
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. M. Hagor of New
York are the guests of Mr. Hager's
mother, Mrs. S. S. linger. Mr. linger
contemplates making many improve
ments in his farm house on his Sunny
Side ranch by putting In heat, water,
etc. After tho house has been re-
painted, papered, etc., it
a wagon a year ago last May and
has been partially parallzed, has been
worse the last veek.
Ahram Garrison and Miss Minnie
Yates of Sterling were united In mar
riage at tho Elm Park parsonage,
Scranton, by the pastor, Rev. L. II.
! Dorchester. Their Gouldsboro
friends extend congratulr .ions.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Pomery left Fri
day for Lanesboro and Blnghamton
where they will visit relatives.
V. E. Odell, who has spent sev
eral weeks with relatives at Sidney,
N. Y., was summoned homo on ac
count of the death of his grandson,
Ellsworth Odell. His son, Frank,
accompanied him and spent several
days with his parents.
Mr. Charles Hauser left Sunday
evening for Seclyvllle after receiv
ing a message that his son, Wesley,
was seriously sick with appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Bonhnm left
Sunday and will make an extended
visit with their son, W. S. Bonham,
at Carbondale and daughter, Mrs
Fred Edwards of Lake Ariel.
Mrs. John Romlch, daughter Ito
main, and son, Burton, of Prompton
and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stark and
family of Honesdale are spending
several days at Mrs. Martha Stark's.
Master Gordon Perkins, who has
been visiting his grandparents, Mr,
and Mrs. D. E. Hacker, returned to
his home In Scranton Saturday.
On Thursday evening Jay Duell
was suddenly taken ill with nppen
dicitis. Friday morning Dr. Ely of
Honesdale was called and decided
I an immediate operation was neces-
sary. Dr. Smith of Scranton was
hurriedly summoned and with the
assistance of Drs. Ely and Neilson
performed the operation at 12 o'clock
tho same evening. It was success
ful and the patient is resting at pres
ent writing. Miss Cody, a trained
nurse, daughter of Rev. J. B. Cody,
of Bethany, Is caring for him. His
father, who lives in Greene, N. Y.,
arrived Saturday night. Mr. Duell
Is sick at the homo of Mrs. Martha
Stark where he has boarded since
nccepting tho position as cheese
maker at G. Smith & Sons.
The entire community was shock
ed on Tuesday morning by the sud
den death of Ellsworth Odell, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Odell of White's
Valley after an illness of one week
of appendicitis. Ho complained of
feeling ill at school and declined to
play ball. On reaching homo he still
felt 111 but thinking nothing serious
retired for tho night. Wednesday
morning ho was still suffering and
during tho day Dr. Miller was call
ed, and gave tho caso Immediate at
tcntlon. Everything possible wns
done to relievo tho sufforer. Dr
Petersen was summoned from Hones
dale but of no avail. Ellsworth was
a bright young mnn of 1G years and
will bo greatly missed In tho home
and by tho many friends nnd asso
ciates, and in tho Sunday school
Tho funeral was held Thursday
morning from tho M. E. church and
was largely attended by many kind
friends with a profusion of beautiful
flowers. Ho is survived by his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. V. E,
Odell with whom ho lived, his father
and mother and three sisters, Miss
Susie, who also lives with her grand
parents, Mrs. Burton Miller, of this
place, and Ethel at homo, nnd ono
brother, Howard, at homo. Tho pall
bearers wore Albert Miller, Willie
and Reed Bryant and Harold white,
Tho flower bearers wero Mildred
Miller and Ollvo Allen.
Rev. Soymour loaves today to at
tend tho Epworth Leaguo conven
tlon In Scranton.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wood, Mr. and
Mrs. Hiram Wood and Mr. nnd Mrs
Thomas Trevorton loft Sunday to
spend a week In Washington. At
Cnrbondnlo tho pnrty was Joined by
Mr. nnd Mrs. Olaf Troverton of that
On Thursday Mrs. William Ives
Mrs. William Dunn, Mrs. J. B. Wll
marth, Mrs. Wesley Van Wert, nnd
Mrs. Mary Noal will loavo for Scran
ton to attend tho W. 0. T. U. state
Mrs. John Reining of Peckvlllo re
turned homo today after spending a
week with her parents.
Miss Edna Oliver has returned to
the Sonoy hospital where she will
bo on duty until Jnhunry.
Wo nre sorry to state that Charles
Spry, who was stricken with pnraly
sls on Oct. 1th, Is not Improving
very rnpldly. This Is tho second
stroke Mr. Spry hns had,
Mr. Dell Mclntyro, who has boon
sick all summer, Is not Improving
The Epworth Lcnguo will hold a
nccktlo social at tho parsonage Oct.
Mrs. Prowcr Budd Is on an extend
ed visit to New York city nnd Glov
ersville, N. Y.
Miss Grnco Llpp of Nnrrowsburg,
N. Y., spent Sunday with Miss Lula
Mrs. Sullnda Jones has returned
from a visit to Bcemervillo, N. J.
She Is now caring for Mrs. Angellne
Williams nnd Mrs. McFarland, both
of whom are ill at this writing.
Among those from this vicinity
who nttended tho Honcsdalo fair
wore Mrs. W. A. Stevens, Karl nnd
Glen Stevens, Mrs. Eugene Chap
man and children, Mr. Richard Sim
ons and daughter, Mrs. Jcnnlo Wil
liams, Mr. and Mrs. Florence Chap
man, Miss Anna Walker, Elma Puet,
F. A. Pcot and Stowart Pcet.
Mrs. Minnie Brooks has returned
from Lcdsrcdale.
Mr. nnd .Mrs. Charles Elstou of
Scranton visited at C. L. Simons'
last weok.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Garrott, Mr.
Lldstone and li. Al. Simons of Scran
ton motored to town on Sunday
last. '
Miss M. A. Hodgson visited in
Honesdale over Sunday last.
Florence Spangenberg and Chas.
Howe attended tho Mndisonvillo
fair last week.
Mrs. C. M. Lorlng visited Now
York city last week and returned
with a complete assortment of fall
millinery goods nnd styles.
Mrs. Angolino Bell returned to
Hawley on Friday of Inst week af
ter visiting friends In this vicinity.
Last Saturday afternoon our
local baseball team defeated Ariel
on the grounds hero by a score of
If. to 11.
.v... and Mrs. C. R. Spangenberg
returned to their homo here on Wed
nesday after having spent tho sum
mer at Bldwell pond.
Mrs. Basley aud daughter, Clara,
expect soon to remove to Ariel for
the winter.
The pupils of Hamlin school who
have been perfect in attendance
during the month of September are:
May Bartlow, Day Edwards, Helen
Lawrence, Clara Chapman, Martha
Henneforth, Mary KoIIbaba, Annie
Kolibaba, Donald Simons nnd Chas.
Homer R. Bell has gone to Phila
delphia to take a dental course at
the University of Pennsylvania.
Many thanks to R. W. Kellam for
taking the? happy bunch of thirteen
lads and lassies to the Wayne county
fair on Wednesdny. All reported a
pleasant time, returning home In the
weo sma' hours of the morning.
Miss Emily Phillips has been visit-
lug friends of the East side for the
past two weeks.
The farmers of this vicinity have
all got their silos filled for winter,
A good crop of ensilage corn is re
ported. Mrs. Sarah Wolfe Davenport has
returned to her home in Michigan
after spending the summer with Jjpr
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wolfe and
other relatives.
Otis Catterson and Ethel Wetherill
havo'returned from their trip to Now
York. Rumor says a wedding trip.
Mrs. Frank Smith has been visit
ing her sistor for the past three
weeks in Schenectady, N. Y., return
ing homo Saturday.
Tilden Wolfe has a straight grain
thrasher which he purchased in tho
west. It makes the rye straw very
handy for marketing purposes. It.
W. Kellam furnishes tho power with
his gasoline engine.
Our gonial milkman and mail-car
rier, "Pat," always has a cheerful
smile on his faco when asked to do
an errand. Mall patrons, Xmas is
coming soon; do not forgot him.
A. E. Gilpin commenced to ship
apples this week.
John Volklne has moved to La
Anna where ho is employed in tho
E. D. Dunning has commenced
building an addition to his house
which is to be thirty by fifty, three
stories high and when completed
will ho the largest summer resort
in tho town.
C. E. Smith Is making Improve
ments on his plnco by moving tho
barn and enlarging his pond.
Georgo Dunning and son of East
Stroudsburg wero tho guests of G.
V. Frey Wednesday and Thursday.
Mrs. T. S. Osborno Is on tho sick
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Whlttaker has
returned to their homo after visit
ing In Cresco and Stroudsburg.
Miss Bcsslo Dunning is visiting
friends In Catawissa and spent a
couplo dnys at Bloomsburg fair.
Miss Annie West hns gono to
Wilkes-rtarro where she expects to
spend tho winter.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Barnes and
R. A. Smith nnd wife took a trip
to their old hunting grounds at
Peck's mill pond1.
Wo aro glnd to havo ono of our
boys back with us again. Dr. Sher
mun Gilpin wn3 with us Sunday and
gavo us a very interesting talk on
the Sunday school lesson.
The farmers are at work gathering
their apples and digging potatoes.
Both crops are below normal.
A great many from hero attended
ihe fair at Honcsdalo last weok and,
s usual, wore woll pleased with
what they saw and learned.
Miss Elizabeth1 Bayly died at the
homo of her nopliow, Elwln Bayly.
on Wednesday afternoon. Tho fun-
oral services wero held at tho house
on Saturday nt 12" o'clock, Rov. Wil
liam Seymour officiating. Interment
at Vino Hill cemetery.
William F. Wood. H. D. Wood and
Thomns Trevorton, accompanied by
tholr wives, have gone on n ten dnyB'-
trlp. They will visit Now York City.
Philadelphia, Harrlshurg, Washing
ton nnd many other places of lntorcst
before thoy return.
Lester Mclntyro passed hero on
Sundny last enrouto for Beach Lnko
where ho called on his brother, Dol
bert, who hns been sick for sovoral
months with rheumatism.
The Berlin supervisors met on
Saturday evening last nt Beach Lako.
Charley Spry nnd Ncnl Mnrshnll
have each purchased fine young
Miss Schuoller of Honcsdalo, who
teaches tho school nt this placo nnd
who hns been sick during tho past
weok, resumed hor duties again Mon
day morning.
Cora Martin and sistor, Edith, of
Cherry RIdgo visited relatives and
friends hero on Sunday last.
Mr. .and Mrs. Wcsloy Tuthlll of
Hawley were visitors at tho Red
Rock farm on Sunday.
.Miss Magglo Loo, who has worked
at tho Indian Orchard hotel during
tho pant ton years, has gone to
Honcsdalo where she hns secured em
ployment of Mr. Kreltner.
Mrs. Brown of Middlctown is
keeping Iiouho for hor brother, J. M.
Austin, proprietor or the Indlnn Or
chard house.
Marshall Smith, who owns tho Geo
Bishop farm, has tho largest and best
field of corn in this vicinity.
W. C. Spry has sojd one of liii
fine horses to butcher Llpp of Nar
rowsburst, N. Y.
Mm. Joseph Swartfc visited hor sis-
tor, Mrs. Ostrander, of Atco last
weok. ,
May Burger, who has been visiting.
relatives .and friends hore, returned to
her home at Honcsdalo on Saturday
Tho party given by Miss Mabel
Gray on Friday evening last in hon
or of her friend, Miss Edna Olver, of
New York City, was greatly enjoy
ed by a large crowd of young people
from this place and tho lake.
Frances Gray, who teaches school
in Piko county, was a recent visitor to
her old homo at this place.
Mrs. Slier and daughter of the East
side visited Miss Hurdle at WhltcJ
Alius Tuesday.
The many friends of Mrs. B. P.
Ripley are pleased to know that the
operation which she underwent on
Monday, the 3rd Inst., In tho M. E.
hospital in -Brooklyn was successful
and according to information receiv
ed the latter part of the week her con
dition favors a speedy recovery. Rev.
B. P. Ripley expects to be at home
and have charge of services in his
church next Sunday.
Dr. A. C. Volgt attended the 19th
annual convention of the Erie rail
road surgeons held in Chicago Oct.
4th and 5th. Before his return he
will visit ills sister, Mrs. Gretter of
Frankfort, Ky.
A. B. Oschman has removed his
barber shop from tho Richardson
building on Church street across the
way into the building owned by 13.
L. Schlager. Louis Geisler will use
the rooms vacated in connection
with his restaurant business.
Mrs. A. W. Simons of Penn avenue
gavo a party for her little daughter,
Nancy, Monday afternoon. Games
were played on the lawn after which
the youngsters repaired to the house
where delicious refreshments awaited
Frank Rose and wife, who have
been living with the latter's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mosher of
Kimbles since their recent marriage
moved to East Hawloy on Tuesdny.
Little Elma Plerson died, a victim
of diabetes, at the homo of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Plerson, of
Bellemonte Hill Sunday night, aged
3 years. Funeral on Wednesday;
burial In Walnut Grove cemetery
A girl baby was born to William
Runyon and wife on Wednesday.
Mrs. Evelyn Gallagher and little
son of Deposit, N. Y., aro with her
sister, Mrs. P. J. Keary, at tho Moun
tain View farm during tho absence
of hor husband who Is one of the
chairman of tho brotherhood of
trainmen who nro now In session in
Ohio for their annual convention.
Two troopers belonging to tho
state constabulary passed through
town Friday going by tho way of
Wllsonvlllo Into Piko county. As
their npproach means that the lnw is
being defied somewhere It behooves
tho lawless ones to have a caro how
they conduct themselves.
Mrs. Frank Stevenson Is visiting
friends out of town.
John Pennoll, who has been enter
taining his annual unwelcome visitor
hay fover at his homo at Arling
ton, has recovered and returns today
to his duties in E. Goldbach's shoe
The glass blowers' vacation is al
most at an end as flro will bo started
in tho fnctory somo time this week.
Lulu Cortrlght of UBWick expects
to leave soon for Toledo, O., whore
sho will pass tho winter.
Tho Reheknhs enjoyed a social at
the close of their meeting Saturday
night. Coffee, cake and sandwiches
wero served.
Wo aro pleased to noto that our
townsman, R. F. Martin, won soven
prizes on his flno specimens of White
Leghorn poultry at tho Wayne coun
ty fair. Ho also won first prlzo on
his pen.
Tho Paupack Power company has
purchased tho entire property of J. a
O'Connor at tho Eddy. Tho pur
chase Includes eight houses, two of
which are vory lino, modern-built
houses. Mr. O'Conuor Is now occupy
ing ono of thorn.
Carponters will begin work on
Tuesday fitting up tho old Kimble
store room on Main avenuo propara
tory to starting anothor NIckeletto,
Messrs. Simons and Oshinan nro the
gentlemen interested In starting the
now placo of amusomcnt.
Slnco the "No trospasslng" signs
have beon posted on tho Wllsonvlllo
property somo aro already taking
tholr boats from tho river.
Leon Urannlng spont Wednesday
night at Honosaalo,
Mark Klllam. a progressive farmer
of Lakovlllo, starts this week, for a
six months' tour through tho western
states. Ho will first go to Niagara
Falls whero ho will meet his daugh
ter. Helen, who will accompany him
From thero thoy will go direct to
California where thoy will visit his
son who has lived thero for soveral
jyenrs. On tho way bnck ho says ho
'will atnn nnd Inaunnt iUn tTintlinrla
of farming Irt sovernl of tho Western
states, especially Colorndo where ho
Intends spending sovernl weeks with
his brother. This brother Is John
Klllnm, who loft this plnco thirty
five yenrs ngo and now lives at Crip
ple Creek, Col.
Tho directors of tho Hnwley bank
hnvo decided to erect their now
structure on the Schardt lot Joining
tho Odd Fellows' building.
Mrs. Roy Spangcnburg of Wllkes
Barro Is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Haloy, hero.
Lumberman Hollonbnck has lately
purchased nnother lumber tract at
Indian Orchard. Every mnn in .Mr.
Ilollonback'fl employ wore n smile
Inst Snturdny, nnd why? Because you
never see n mnn como out of hla pny
olllcc dissatisfied, for every cent duo
to thorn Is promptly paid. Tho old
gent Is always ready with a smile for
every man except whon he ehtehps
a man in his employ doing any
crooked work. That man's .tlum .Be&rnl 0f our townspeople visited
Mrs. William Cllft of Carbondale
visited Saturday night and Snn'dny
wmi trieniis at steono. 1
Fnrmcr Denny hns a flno crop of
potatoes but ho can't entice Mef1
chant DIruond of Waymart to lay
In a stock for the winter ns he thinks
that potatoes will take a drop. An
he has boeu doped on eggs, he will
not risk hla lurk with the wily farm
ers. Can't blame him.
While some of tho farmers report
a fair crop of potatoes others report
them not worth digging.
Mrs. Carrie Miller, who hns spent
the summer months here with Miss
Lula Foster, returned to hor homo
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chapman of
Wilkes-Darro spent Sunday with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Last Saturday was pay day for
Lumberman Hollenback's choppers
and teamsters for tho month of Sep
Under a guarantee ns to Just the
way it is distilled by tho manufact
urer ami reduced in the bond ware
house by the government.
Proof and age nro always .stump
ed on end of barrel which enn bo
seen by nny customer.
Whiskey when placed in bond new
Is 100 proof and in four years goes
nil to from 110 to ll.. Wino gal
lons will go down or evaporate about
ten gallons in four years to tho
barrel. Government vvnro houses
chnrgc ten cents per bnrrel for re
ducing whiskey ami will not reduce
it below 00 per cent, proof in wood,
which means pure whiskey. ,
The same rule applies to straight
gin and brandy.
Blend whiskey is supposed to ho
made from two straight whiskies.
Compound whiskey Is u mix
ture of two or more grains dis
tilled. Whatever quantity of pure
or tn.v-puid whiskey is contained In n
barrel, whether four or more gallons,
is all that tn.v is paid on, tho balance
in the barrel being n mixture of
grains distilled on which there Is no
government tax and can be sold nt
n very low price. Customers hnvo
a right to examine nil barrels or
packages beforo buying goods in or
der that they may bo nblo to Judgo
for themselves whether it is pure
ryo whiskey or not, blend or com
pound. Tho only whiskey thnt you
enn bo certain of regarding ago is
straight whiskey. No blends, com
pounds or mixtures will by mo bo
557 Main St., Cor. Sixth. Honesdale, Pa.
Keystone Block Honesdale, Pa.
New Model Autumn Tailor
Suits for Ladies and
Ladies9 Junior and Misses9
Long Nobby Coats. Late
Ladies9 Silk and Semi-Princess
AUTUMN GOODS in all departments
from headquarters.
William Coles' four-months-old
colt took first prlzo nt tho Wayno
county fair Inst weok.
Mrs. 09car Clark and son, William,
returned to their home nt Deposit
last week after visiting her parents
Itev. .7. G. Rosenberger spent Sun
day at Bethlehem where ho address
ed a formor congregation of his.
Mrs. Rosenberger supplied his ap
pointments on this charge.
Mrs. Philander Blnck Is Blowly re
covering from hor recent Illness.
Mrs. Budenhnger was called to
Rowlands by the severe illness of her
Tho Grace Sunday school will con
duct a Hallow 'eon social Monday
evening, Oct. 31. Thoro will bo oya
tem, pumpkin pie, Ice cream, cako
apd coffee served and a package Bale
The Ladles' Aid society met with
Mrs. G. M. Black last Thursday.
William H. Sharpo suffered from
a severe attack of his old troubles
the fair at Honosdalo and say it was
JJiovbest ever.
TVo are glad to wolcome Mr and
Mrs. Milton Turner back to our tov.n
Leslie Brown has accepted a peti
tion with tho Bell Tolophono com
pany and Las removed to Dunmore.
Tho Erie freight crow was stalled
on the Ice house switch for nearly a
day Saturday owing to the cn ir.c
having left the rails.
David Blark has moved Into tho
Leslie Brown house.
There will be revival mccIr.L3
in tho Grace church comme:i. l" on
Tuesday cvenlny to continue r two
Harvest home services were he id i.t
tho Evangelical church Sunday even
ing. The long coats for Ladles, Juniors
and Misses at Menner & Co.'s store.
All latesf makes.