The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 12, 1910, Image 5

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A BARGAIN A six horse-over
upright boiler In Rood order for
sale. Seelyvlllo Fire Co. tf
novelties or nil kinds. SPECIAL,
beautifully finished ornnge-wood pa
per cutters. Price prepaid, ench
25 cents. Florida Novelty Co., Sun
ford. Kin. 8112
WANTED Lady or gentleman to
assist In securing charter membership
for lodge of Modern Ilrotherhood of
America. Tho very best fraternal In
surance. No cost to join charter
list. No expcrlenco necessary nnd
flrst-class wages paid. Address 1I. C.
Smith, State Manager, Scrnnton, Pa.
HIGHEST CASH market price paid
for cider, Jelly and winter apples
at Lake Ariel. Charles L. Simons.
WANTED AT ONCE A good cham
ber maid at Hotel Wayne tf
THE dentnl ofllce of Dr. C. It. Brady
will be closed from Oct. lGth to
2Eth. 79t4
week beginning Oct. 10. Address
postal, "Hotel Wayne." Sam. , S.
Wlnt. Piano Tuner. 2t
WANTED A good kitchen girl at
Hotel Wayne.
KOK SALE Kelly & Stelnman
brick factory building, including en
gine, boiler and shafting. Inquire of
J. B. Robinson. BOtf.
Travel by telephone use the Bell.
The Scranton exposition Is in
full blast and Is highly commended
by all who have been there.
Don't forget the High school
lecture course. Secure your tickets
early. Course tickets $1.00. Five
excellent entertainments.
Franklin E. Frlsble of FOrt Tot
ton, N. Y., and Myrtle B. Frisbie of
Avoy, Pa., were married Tuesday
morning at 11 o'clock by Justice
L. E. Crane, Arrow, Pa., has
sold through the Dorln real estate
agency the property at Blandln,
known as the Dershelmer homestead
to William and Rhoda Holland.
Du Bols Weston is now located
In the office formerly occupied by
the late Orvllle R. Rowland.
He Is offering guaranteed wa
ter bonds. These bonds are an In
vestment which are absolutely safe.
Tho annual meeting of the
Needlework Guild for collection and
distribution will be held the first
week in November. Will the con
tributors please send In their gar
ments the last week In October?
The picture of the white roos
ter shown in Thursday's Tribune
Republican was not as labeled,
Ralph Mdrttn's white leghorn
"Wayne Dandy," but -a picture . of
Charles S. Burger's "Crackajack"
White Orphlngton.
Editor W. T. Doty of the New--burgh
Union was run down by a
wagon and, strange to say, the wag
on was not injured, although the
editor wa3 knocked down an em
bankment. He formerly worked on
the Port Jervis Union.
Rev. Henry Houston, the blind
evangelist, has been appointed by
tho Wyoming Presbytery to assist
the pastors of the various Presbyter
Ian churches in this section in their
effort to create a greater Interest
among the people in christian belief
and work.
F. W. Michaels had the good
luck of finding a black pearl while
opening oysters for which he was of
fered (so we are told) $200 but re
fused as he expects to go to New
York city in the near future and
will have the pearl examined by
Tiffany & Co.
The local council of the "Knights
of Columbus" will celebrate Colum
bus day Oct. 12th by exemplifying
the llrst degree to a large class of
candidates. This will bo followed
by a social and entertainment to
which all members are earnestly in
vited to attend.
- Tho lecture course, under the
management of the Honesdalo public
schools, promises to be a series of
entertainments of great interest to
our people and we trust that they
will bo well patronized. The course
ticket for five entertainments costs
only one dollar.
The moulders at tho National
Elevator works aro now working
under good conditions; the foundry
building having been repaired, and
tho work which had accumulated
nu'lnf in thn dntnniro done to the
building by the fire is now being
rapidly pusliea torwara.
Judge Edwards of Scranton has
roinikrxi Koveral constables for Inac
curacy In their returns. When a
pnnRtnhlo returned Roekv Glen, an
amusement resort, for illegal sell
ing, he was informed by tho court
that persons only and not a place
could be so reported. This return
iirnn tlm rPHIllt nf thn KIllO of HoUOrB
by two parties who conducted pic
nics at tno resori.
Major Edgar Jadwln, U. S. A.,
f thn engineers In charco on
the Panama canal, is on a visit to
his father, C. U. Jauwin. Tiie junior
la nnnmnnnnlml llV Ills SOn. C. C.
Jadwln, 2d. Tho Major reports that
tho work on tho canal Is progress
ing rapidly and believes that tho
inh mill bo comnleted
sooner than 1015-whfcluls tho date
given out when tho canal will no
opened for navigation.
A miirilinr nf rionnln called at
our office during fair week and It
was a great pleasure for us to meet
them. Among those wno cancu
were E. D. Goodnough of Girdland,
Tnlin V. ninkn nf Ilnlnn John D.
Jordens of Uswick, Albert Glllow pf
T nnknilt S "! Wnlmtnr nf MnillKfin-
villo, R. E. Randall of Lako Como,
jonn sosBenneimer nnu unaries n.
Rlmnni nf llnmlln. Prnil T fllinnmnn
of Ariel, and John F. Reer of Ar
Why not ubo tho Bell?
--A. D. Van Drleson lins mndo a
present to tho public school library
of six volumes of ,1'nstor Russell's
Tho Seelyvlllo Flro company
will give a dnnco on Thursday even
ing, tho 13th. Ico cream, cako and
Knt. Bros, storo will bo closed
on Thursday, Oct. 13. That will ho
a Jewish holiday "Tlio day or
The members of tho Ladles' Aid
society of tho Methodist Episcopal
church will hold their nnnunl chick
en supper in the church parlors on
Thursday evening, Oct. 13. Price
of tickets 35 cents.
Tho marrlago of Miss Jennie
Sccor nnd Harry J. Stephens of Scran
ton, will tako plnce at the homo of
the bride's parents on Cherry street,
Dunmore, to-night. They hnvo rel
atives and many friends here.
Tho comrades of Capt. James
Post called off their regulnr October
meeting which was to be held Fri
day evening on account of their at
tending the funeral of Comrade Isaac i
Forman on the afternoon of tliat
H. C. Jackson was in town on
Saturday, having been called here by
tho leaders of the Keystone party
who required his signature to tho
necossnry papers to place him on
their ticket and to remove Mr.
Tho Belgarde Stock company,
which played here during fair week,
drew a full house every perform
ance, and they aro to be congratu
lated on having pleased tho people
who attended their performances at
tho Lyric.
Harold Rowland has purchased
tho business formerly conducted by
Otto Weaver and will reopen In a
few days with a new stock of jew
elry, silverware, etc. An experienced
Jowoler will be employed to attend
to all repair work.
Judge Newcomb of Scranton
has granted a divorce to John Hart
man, who has been married for for
ty years and who is the father of
seven children, the youngest aged
27 years. Cruel and barbarous
treatment was charged.
The "Girls" was played to a
good-sized audience at tho Lyric on
Monday evening. The play was well
rendered by a well seasoned com
pany to the complete satisfaction of
those who availed themselves or tne
opportunity of witnessing the play.
The stare hands at the Lyric
have organized a local union which
will be connected with the "National
Stage Employees." The object of
organization is to have employees
have a definite basis of under
standing as to their duties, that will
be mutually satisfactory to manager
nnd employees.
The prizes amounting to $42,
given the successful contestants for
the sale of Greater Honesdale Board
of Trade buttons were awarded the
following: Miss Janetto Rief ?12,
Miss Elsa Jacob $10, Miss Florence
Walters $8, Miss Barbara Grossman,
$7. and Miss Adalene, Dunning $5.
The contest closed on Wednesday,
and although there were not as many
buttons sold as was anticipated, tne
committee is grateful to the young
ladies who worked so bard. The
money realized will be applied to a
real estate fund.
Mrs. C. E. Mills was in Scranton
Kirk Rose of Carhondale was a
caller here Sunday.
Frank Orchard of Carhondale was
a caller in town on Saturday.
H. D. Stono of Scranton passed
Monday in town on business.
M. C. Rowland of Kimble was a
business caller in town Monday.
Ezra Kimble and family of Scran
ton were Honesdale visitors last
Misses Elizabeth and Jennie Cort
right were visitors In Scranton last
Samuel Katz of New York spent
the latter part of last week with
relatives here.
Misses Mae and Kate FInnerty
left Saturday on a week's visit to
the metropolis.
George L. Watz of Newfoundland
was a guest of Hotel Wayne during
a portion of fair week.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Waite of Glen-
burn passed tho foro part of tho
week with relatives Here.
Andrew Murtha left Saturday to
spend the week with friends in the
Lackawanna valley.
Mrs. Emmett Welch of Deposit,
N. Y., is spending a fow days with
Honesdalo relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Westfall of
Scranton have been visiting friends
here for several days.
E. A. FInnerty, of Collier's Week
ly, Scranton, passed Saturday ana
Sunday at his Homo nere.
Joseph Jacobs left Monday morn
inc for Scranton where ho has ro
ceived a car load of Canadian
Horaco Weston of Elmlra, N. Y.,
left Monday on a business trip In
tho Interest of tho Durland-Weston
Shoo Co.
A. D. Vnn Drlesen Is In town on a
visit to his family. Ho Is now em
ployed at Wllkes-Barro and has an
excellent position.
Miss Nan Wymbs has returned to
her homo In Scranton after a pleas
ant visit with tho Misses FInnerty
.fif Ntirth Main street.
Mlsa Hannah Davoy rku rned to
her Wllkes-Barro homo Saturday
after spending the. week hero as the
guest of Miss Marie Ward..
Mrs. Frank Schuerholz and
daughter, Kathorlno, will spend tho
coming threo weeks with Brooklyn
nnd Now York City relatives.
Mrs. Louis Landau and daughter
of Scranton aro spending tho wcok
at tho homo of tho former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Freoman, on
Court street.
E. E. McCracken returned to his
duties as rurul superintendent of tho
Boll Telophono company Saturday
after spending last week at the
Wayno county lair.
Daulol R. Colemnn witnessed tho
Cnrllslc-Bucknell gnmo at Wilkes
Bnrro Saturday. Ho Is now spend-1
Ing the week with Scrnnton friends.
MIb3 Mabel Secor, who was operat
ed upon at Dr. Reed llurns's hospital
In Scrnnton last week, Is Improving i
and doing as well as can bo expected.
Fnthor Dnsscll, who has been
awny to a sanitarium, hns returned
to his home, bollovlng that tho op
portunity hero for n restoration of
his health Is more favorable. Ho
has tho lovo and tho well wishes of
this entire community for a speedy
return to good health.
AM MERMAN Alva J. Ammer
man of Pittsburg, died at a sanitar
ium of pleuro-pnoumonla, "after a
short Illness, nged 27 years, three
mouths nnd six days. Tho deceased
was born in Wnyne county, and was
tho son of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. O. Am
merman. Ho had resided In Pitts
burg for tho last threo years and
was an assembler In the Pittsburg
Metal Bod Company's work. Those
who survive him are his mother, Mrs.
J, O. Ammormnn of Port Jervis; one
sister, Mrs. Jennlo Leppert, of Grand
Rapids, Mich., and a half-brother,
Walter W. Bortreo of Port Jervis.
The remains were taken to Long
Eddy, N. Y., nnd tho funeral services
held In tho Long Eddy M. E. church.
Tho Interment was at Long Eddy.
WHEELER Caroline A. Beers,
wife of the late Ulysses V. Wheeler,
died Wednesday, Oct. 5, 1910, at
her homo on Court and Eleventh
street In the 8Gth year of her nge.
Mrs. Wheeler had been an invalid
for several years. She was born in
New Jersey and came to Honesdale
in 1838 with her parents, Nathaniel
Beers and wife, her brother Ellas
and sister Nancy, now Mrs. Tlllou.
Sho was married In 1843 to M. V.
Wheeler who was a superintendent
in the employ of tho D. & H. Co.
Mr. Wheeler died in 1809. She is
survived by one daughter, Jennie,
now Mrs. Marcus A. Goodwin of New
York City. Mrs. Wheeler was a
most excellent woman, possessing a
strong character. The burial ser
vices were held at her homo Satur
day afternoon, Rev. Dr. Swift, her
pastor, officiating. Four of her old
Sunday school scholars, W. J. Relf,
W. J. Ferber, Frank Schuller and
A. C. Lindsay, assisted by J. A.
Bodle and O. T. Chambers, acted as
The ninth annual reunion of the
Stalker family was held on Wednes
day, Aug. 31, 1910, at John T.
Stalker's at Hurd, N. Y. At noon
the tables were spread with all sorts
of good things which was thorough
ly enjoyed.
After dinner a business meeting
was held and David Stalker, Sr.,
was elected president and Emma
Stalker secretary.
During the year two of the oldest
members have passed away. Asa
Stalker died In December, 1908 and
Sybil M. Keesler died May G, 1909,
both of Galilee.
There has been two marriages:
May Stalker of Warren. Pa., and
Edward Stalker of Hurd, N. Y.; also
two births, a son to each of the fol
lowing: Harry Stalker and wife and
Royal Stalker and wife.
There were 30 present and it was
decided to meet next year In the
Abramsvillo grove tho last Wednes
day In August.
Tho following relatives were pres
ent: David Stalker, Sr., Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Stalker and children, Frank
and Mae, Mr. and Mrs. James Mon
ington, Mr. and Mrs. John Stalker
and children, Susie, Bertha, Thomas,
Emory, Pearl and Clinton, Mrs.
Martha Qulnn, Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Demetious
Monington, Edith Monjngton nnd
children, Bertha, Arthur and Vance,
R. V. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Walker and daughter, Gail, Mr. and
Mrs. Leigh Walker and son, Clar
ence, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stalker, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Stalker and son,
Michael Scudder, who was 94
years, 4 months and 17 days old,
died at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. O. W. Stewart, In Savannah, Mo.,
Sept. 22, 1910. Ho was an old set
tler and had been postmaster and
Justice of tho Peace at Amazonln
for many years and was prominent
In many of the affairs there. Ho
was born In Roxbury, Delaware
county, N. Y., May 5, 181C.
Tho deceased was married to Em
lllnda Monington at Wast Damascus,
Wayno county, Pa., Dec. 17, 1854.
To this union were born seven chil
dren only threo of whom aro living,
Mrs. O. W. Stewart of this county,
Mrs. Janna Rogers of Leavenworth,
Kan., and Mrs. May Culp of KansaB
Mr. Scudder moved to Andrew
county and located In Amazonia in
tho spring of 1805 and taught tho
village school and was appointed a
Justice of tho Peace to which office
ho was repeatedly elected. Many
homes in this county started from
a tlmo when he pronounced them
husband and wife.
In 18CC ho formod a mercantllo
partnership with John Bruce, Sr.,
buying his interest in 18C7. From
that date to Jan. 1, 1901, ho con
tinued an actlvo, honorable, and sue
cessful business. Ho secured for
Amazonia a postoffico and was Its
postmaster continuously until 1893.
Ho united with tho Baptist church
under tho pastorate of Eldur S. S.
Collins. Some tlmo aftor which
time ho with others organized tho
First National Missionary Baptist
church of Amazonia on tho 19th day
of January, 1807. Ho was olected
church clerk and Is tho last of tho
charter mombors as far as known.
Ills wlfo Emllinda died Nov. 1,
1873. Ho afterward married Mrs.
Ann Pottor, who nlso proceeded
him to tho better land, Jan. 21,
In November, 1901, ho lost his
oyeslght, to which nffllctlon ho pa
tiently submitted, novor complaining
except to desiro to pass out of tho
darkness of this world into tho
bright beyond.
Tho funeral was hold In tho
church at Amazonia and tho church
was most beautifully decorated and
tho very largo nttendnnco showed
tho degrco of respect In which this
venerable man was hold. Then too
tho llornl offerings wore remnrk
ablo because of their profusion nnd
uxpenso and tho relatives and friends
from Savannah woro almost over
whelmed with this oxprosslon of es
teem and respect. Rov. T. J. En
yonrt of tho First M. E. church of
Savannah conducted tho funornl, us
ing Job 10:22 as a toxt. The dis
course was conceded to bo very ap
propriate, making it plain that all
should desire tho death of the right
eous, for "precious In tho sight of
tho Lord is tho death of his saints."
Tho remains were laid In the Am
azonia cemetery.
Charles Manning of Newburg visit
ed his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. W.
Manning, over Sunday.
Arthur Kent of Cnrbondalu spent
fair week with his cousin, Harold
Mr, Edward Woodward of New
York spent several days hero last
Eva Harmes of Hawley attended
the fnlr Tuesday and was tho guest
of Ella Gammell.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Solfnrth re
turned to their home In Brooklyn the
llrst of tho week.
Ella Gammell has resumed her
musical studies with Professor Phil
lips of Scranton and spent Friday
Mrs. George Strongman of New
York Is expected Tuesday to visit
her sister-in-law, Mrs. Georgo Rob
ertson and Miss Mattlo Strongman.
Mrs. Thomns Fortnam of Tyler
Hill will spend tho week with Mrs.
James Johns.
Mrs. M. E. Bolkcom oT Beach
Grove spent Friday with Mrs. J. B.
Fnatz. ,:
Mrs. Wesley Paynter of Carbondnlo
spent last week with her mother,
Mrs. R. N. Miller, and attended tho
Miss Susan Bryant has been visit
ing her friend, Miss Libble Bates of
Vinnlng Cody was called to Whites
Valley Friday to attend an appendi
citis patient.
Mrs. N. J. Spencer and son, Karl,
spent last week at E. A. Wright's.
Misses Anna Labar and Besslo
Moase left last week for Liberty, N.
Y., where they secured employment.
Mrs. Ord Sands and daughter,
Dorathy, are at the home of J. W.
Mrs. Helen Kennedy will entertain
the Ladies' Aid society of the Pres
byterian church on Wednesday after
noon of this week.
N. R. Duller and daughter, Anna,
visited the Industrial exposition in
Scranton last week.
We read in the Scranton Times
that Rev. William Usher of tho Pres
byterian church occupied tho pulpit
of the Plymouth Congregational in
Scranton the first two Sundays In
Grace Winner returned Saturday
evening from Berwick, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Odell of
Whites Valley burled their son, Ells
worth, on Thursday who died very
suddenly, suffering an Illness of only
two or three days.
R. Ruth Kennedy and L. W. Pat
ter were guests at J. H. Kennedy's
Saturday and Sunday.
Marguerite Kennedy began her
school duties at Aldenville Monday.
Emory Tiffany has been housed for
several days with an attack of rheu
matism. Mr. and Mrs. Linn Spencer spent
part of last week at .1. E. Tiffany's.
Grace Fulkcrson visited at Thomp
son over Sunday.
Sportsman Drops Dead Beside Dog
Killed by Auto.
Plttsfleld, Mass., Oct. 11. Allen Deck
er of Egremouta sportsman, died of
broken henrt when his favorite bird
dog was killed by being crushed under
the wheels of an automobile.
Decker, who was a miller, had bred
nnd broke the dog nnd believed him to
be the best locnl dog In its class.
When he saw the dog ho ran to It
and pulled Its body upon tho gross be
side the roud and fell dead beside the
Twenty-one Pupils In Attendance at
Montclalr, N. J., Oct. 11. With twon-ly-ono
pupils In attendance tho outdoor
school for delicate children of the
Montclnir public schools was opened
In a largo tent. Most of tho public
schools of tho town nre represented.
As fast as tho chiidron who nre now
In tho class aro restored to health
their places will bo taken by other
Icllcato children of tho public schools.
Squatter Settlements Destroyed and
Inhabitants Fleo For Lives.
Hackensack, N. J., Oct. 11. The
Ilackcusack meadows, extending the
whole wny from tho county road at
Snake Hill to tho Patersou plank road,
aro ou lire, nnd dense volumes of
smoke aro arising from tho blazing
Tho flro is said to have extended a
distauco of about four miles and to be
still spreading. It was started by a
spurk from a locomotive. It Is thought,
In tho burned area there were sov'
eral small settlements consisting of
tho shanties of squatters for tho most
part, and these aro said to hnvo been
consumed by the llnmes, but the occu
pants escaped safely so fur as known.
Taft Still Wearing Slipper.
Beverly, Mass., Oct. 11. President
Taft Is still wearing a silt; carpet slip
per on account of that soro foot of his.
Tho inflammation cnused by tho shoo
that pinched Is gradually being ro
duced, but tho president had to glvo
ud his golf game.
Fugitive at Largo Without ShoesAc
cusod of Robbery.
Newburg, N. Y Oct. 1L With n
pair of handcuffs on his wrists and
without shoos on his foot Joseph
Faultier Is roaming the country In tho
vicinity of New Windsor. Faultier
was nrrosted on Sunday morning at
New Windsor by Paul Lattlck after
the people In the vicinity of n saloon
had chased the man out of cover
where he hint taken refuge after rob
bing the saloon ensh register, the
dropping of a drnwer from which
nroused the Inmates of tho house and
stnrtcd n rush for the burglar.
Tho two drove to the homo of a Jus
tice of the peace, some distance nwny,
nnd Faultier was the last one In tho
wngou. Lattlck left on one side of the
wagon nearest the office nnd told
Fnultlcr to follow suit. Instead he
Jumped from the opposite side, near
the woods, and got awny.
TA Ubt on vrr 1Ye0f
imwliir b .the sue ttMwwfftw
To Shoe Dealers
of Honesdale and Vicinity :
Owing to the lack of room for the proper display and sale of a stock of
Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods, tho remaining SHOE FIXTURES
from the Jacobson Bankrupt stock will be offered for sale at
Below is a List of Articles Offered for Sale at
Jacobson's Old Stand, Grambs Bldg.
(Opposite D. & H. R. R. Station)
Hat Display Cabinet
New National Cash Register, Toledo Computing
Scales, Hand Grocers1 Coffee Mill,
Counter Splco Cans, Floor Ten and Cofl'eo Cans, Brass ami Tin Scoops,
Modern Improved Floor Cigar Show Cases, Oil Tank, Molasses Barrels,
Sugar Barrels and Weighing- .Scales.
Boston Store Main St.
f OCO -f 4 CCO-
A bank account Is like a snowball-roll it gently
along and It will get larger (almost without your
noticing it) as the days go by. Like the snowball,
too, the hardest work is making the first deposit, giv
ing it the first push, after which the initial Impetus
gains as the ball runs down, the bank account rolls
up. We want to help you with your financial snow-
A Very flood IMny Coining to This
Place; on Tuesday livening of
Next Week.
The management takes grcnt
pleasuro In announcing to tlfe pa
trons of tho Lyric theatre for Tues
day evening, Oct. 18th, William A.
Brady and Jos. R. Grlsnmer's great
est comedy "A Gentleman from Mis
sissippi" by Thomns A. Wise and
Harrison Rhodes. This very suc
cessful comedy ran over a year In
New York City and six months In
Chicago. This Is a guaranteed at
traction and tho pooplo ought to
turn out nnd patronize It. Hones
dalo theatre goers can hardly ex
pect to have the opportunity of see
ing many of the higher class attrac
tions unless they glvo the proper
support to tho management who is
endeavoring to glvo us some of the
best plays obtainable. Seat sale
starts at tho box office on Mondny
morning at 9 a. m.
Economize time use the Boll.
UY a Wooltex coat
ana you win
practice true
economy be
cause you
take no
You take no chances
when you buy a Wool
tex garment because
the label is an absolute
guarantee of satisfac
tion through two sea
sons' service. This is
a promise that has
never been broken
and never will be.
Look for the Wooltex
label and feel certain
that style, material and
tailoring are right.
The style was design
ed in Paris, after a close
study of the best models
from all the well-known
dress establishments.
Tne store That sells Wooltex.
f'CO f -rCCCH
- rooomox)4 - mooomcof - i