THE WEATHER Wednesday pnrtly cloudy nnd continued wnnn wcatjicr will prevail nnd prolkaMy local rain on Thursday. V te K " v tc K if r jo jc to tc v K c- t t 1. 1. r- v t.'. Wayne Countw3fgan a m ww s r- m w I9U8 k of th , V, .2 Weekly Founded, 1844 3 J J & 0 0 0 & & .5 REPUBLICAN RTY 1 In 67th YEAR. HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1910. NO 79 F S BEHIND THE BARS She I OPENED ONE OK Till: BEST FAIRS ever HELD IX WAYNE COUNTY j MANY PEOPLE FROM FAR AXI) I NEAR IX ATTENDANCE. I Fine weather has been vouchsafed 'to us by the weather clerk. Right on time Tuesday morning Emerson Gammcll, the hustling secretary of Iho Wnyno County Agricultural so ciety touched tho button which was the slgunl for the big .doors of t,he fair grounds to open, nnd opened they were and tho big COMB IN 3ign was displayed, and soon tho people in twos and threes and in rigs of all sorts began to make their nppenr anre. Everybody was happy-looking and everybody seemed to predict a good time. I THE CITIZEN sent up its aero- i piano shortly after daybreak and I -what a beautiful Dim s-eye-view 01 the county was obtained by those who wero lucky enough to be aboard. Tho sky was clear, and the country could be seen for miles and miles. A clear view of every town ship could be had. Scott, Bucking ham nnd Starucca on the north, while Dreher nnd Sterling on tho south -with Lehigh In the distance could bo readily seen. Tho Delaware could be seen winding its way on the east, while the Mooslc mountains stood out in broad relief on the west. So clear was the atmosphere that t"he roads throughout the county could be clearly seen like threads in a leaf. All roads seemed to lead to Honesdale. In a few minutes these roads were dotted with vehicles of all descriptions. One and two horse rigs could be seen leaving the barn, halting at the farmhouse, loading up with the women folks and out on to the road and all pointing for the fairgrounds,' some with four or five hours' journey ahead of them but as the air was resonant and car ried sound readily, we could hear the shouts nnd laughter of tho happy people oa they In anticipation of the good tlmo ahead, gave expression to their feelings, and although we were a mile or more abovo yet so rarifled was the air that we distinctly heard the "Hurrahs for Jackson" and the Roosovoltian "Bully for old Uncle Ferguson," "Meet me at the merry-go-round," "If you lose me, find me in the grand stand." One fellow driving in from Equlnunk was telling how much money he wns going to bet on Pope Hornbeck's horse. Some of the women were talking about Spettlgue's stoves and his free china. Just then the spark plug on our motor began to jump and we bad to come down. ARGUMENT COUUT. Judge Searle held argument court Monday morning. In the matter of the rule to re move the school directors of Canaan township from office, county super intendent Koehler who was appointed to investigate the matter, reported that a school had been reopened at the disputed point and a teacher hired. The proceedings were ac cordingly dismissed and the school district directed to pay tho costs. Superintendent Koehler would make no charge for his time and services in the matter. In discharging Sup erintendent Koehler Judge Searle congratulated him upon the tact and good judgment that he had used throughout the affair and upon bringing to a successful conclusion a matter that might have been long prolonged and caused much bitter ness in the community. In tho matter of Lake Lodoro Im provement company vs. J. A- Brown -and George C. Giles, permission was given defendants to file additional answer to the petition for rule for Issue. In the matter of the divorce pro ceedings of Joseph S. Fox, llbellant, vs. Emma Fox, respondent, amend ment to libel allowed. In regard to tho appointment of a .supervisor for Cherry Ridge town- .shlp, the petition of William Mellody read and filed and William Mellody .appointed. In the matter of a petition for the appointment of an Inspector for the school house at Beach Lake. Peti tion read and filed and rule granted upon the school directors of Berlin ecliool district to show cause why Inspection should not be made. ANOTHER VETERAN GOXE. Isaac X. Forman Has Answered tlte Last Call. Isaac N. Forman, one of the Civil war veterans, has answered his last roll call this sldo of the river and has joined the ranks of those who havo gone before. Isaac attended the dedicatory ceremonies at Gettys burg and was taken sick while there and although ho bore up bravely, he was a very sick man When bo reach ed home, and gradually failed until the end which came Monday night at 10 o'clock. He would have been 71 years of age on Thursday of this week. Early In tho war ho enlisted In Company C, Cth Pennsylvania Re serves which was organized In this borough. Ho served three years in tho army of tho Potomac. Tho bur ial will take place In tho soldiers' plot, Glen Dyberry Friday after noon at 2.30. nox and High School Social. Wayraart High school need a now piano and they aro going to have a box and Ice cream social at tho High school building on Friday, October 7th. Amusements and an Interest ing program have beeh arranged. Proceeds to go towards getting tho piano. NeWS SnaDShotS 11,0 llomlliatl011 of Henry L. Stinison by the Republicans of New York was an Important " installation of u successful trackless trolley lino near Los Angeles, Cal., marks an epoch Of Ihe Week James cup races were watched by thousands. Vice President Sherman's defeat by Roosevelt at Saratoga was watched by pollticl-iu.i nil over tho nation. Brooklns' flights in Chicago gave the Windy City Its first view of nlr craft, nnd the first meeting of President Taft's cabinet after the summer vacation occupied a prominent part in the week's news. MUXX MUST PAY HIS WIFE. Forty Dollnt-s Per Month Is the Sum That the Xcwspnpei'ninii Must Pay. An order for forty dollars a month was made by Judge Edwards last week for C. R. Munn, owner of the Carbondale Review, to pay his wife while she is waiting for a divorce from him. Tho first payment Is to be made October 5 and on the fifth of each succeeding month, and he is to ap pear in court soon to give bond in the sura of five hundred dollars to comply with the order. Mrs. Munn has a divorce action pending on the ground of cruel and barbarous treatment. She claims he threw her on the iloor and kicked her when she was down. Judge Vosburg is her attorney. REASOX WHY STEAM COULD NOT 11K RAISED AT ELEVATOR FIRE A DANGEROUS TRICK THAT SHOULD NOT HE REPEATED. Who put soap into the boiler of Protection company's steamer Is the question the engineers of the steam er aro asking. Who ever did It must have had a key to the engine house and must hava some knowl edge of tho construction of the boil er, for It was necessary to unscrew a plug on top of the boiler and force the soap down into It. Tho steamer had just been over hauled, placed in excellent order and had been tested and found O. K. in every respect. On Sunday morning they pulled out for the lire at the Elevator Works; ordinarily they would havo had steam up and en gine working in less than five min utes, but doing their best the stok er and engineers could not raise steam on account of the boiler foam ing and priming. They could not account for this freakish condition of affairs. It was noticed and com mented on by a number of people that the . steamer did not get into operation until the lire was almost out. The engineer and stoker are not to blame for this and the fact that the boiler of the engine was not totally destroyed was due to tho care and patience exercised by these men. When the steamer was taken back to tho engine house an examination was made and conclusive proof was obtained that some miscreant had maliciously doctored tho steamer by placing a bar of soap Inside of the boiler, bo that when tire was started tho hot water and soap formed suds, which filled the steam room of the boiler and worked over Into tho en gine and completely baffled tho ef forts of tho men to raise a pressure of steam necessary to run tho en gine. It is a blessing that we have fire hydrants In tho borough for had the firemen to depend upon the steamer, as in the past, there would have been a conflagration that would have done great damage. Tho per Bon who did this deed would be bad enough to start a fire, to see how his plan for deviltry would work out. STATION AGENT "MURDERED. D, iuid H. Agent at Nineveh, N. Y., Waylaid ami Murdered. Slain In cold blood nnd robbed of considerable money and a gold watch, H. A. Buahnell, station agent for the Dolawaro and Hudson"' railroad at Nln6veh, N. Y., was found along the tracks not more than five minutes walk from tho station. Wounds on tho station ngent'B head and pockets turned Inside out told a mute story of a tragedy, the daring of which has stirred tho offi cials of tho company to put Its best detectives at work on tho caso. Bushnell was seen last about 8.4 5 Saturday night. Ho left the station us was his custom, at that hour, tak ing tho day's receipts with him for safe-keeping over night. Ho didn't turn up at his boarding house, but nothing unusual was thought of this until his body was discovered. He was 55 years old and married, but did not live with Mb wlfo. STEAMER Gordon Bennett trophy for the fastest SUM DAY FIRE Foundry Bu arsd Other Company E Oamaged-Fsre The foundry building of the Na tional Elevator Works was discov ered to be on fire about 8.30 Sun day morning. People on their way to early services In the Catholic churches, noticed huge clouds of smoke ascending in the neighbor hood of Tenth street and tho Lacka waxen river. The cry of the "Eleva tor works on fire" was soon heard and taken up by the crowd that hast ened to tho scene. The alarm was glv en, the gons sounded and very soon tho fireman were on their way to the fire. No. 3 coupled up to the fire plug In front of the Nlelson resi dence while No. 1 took th othor side of tho hydrant and soon these two streams were playing on the fire. In the meantime a number of the Elevator employees and others' arriv ed and stretched the hoso that is attached to the hydrant that is lo cated in the yard of the Elovator works, another line of hose was stretched from the hydrant at Indus trial point and In a short time there were good streams playing on the blazing building. At this time the north side of tho building was ablaze while the small buildings where tho castings are cleaned and tumbled was almost destroyed. The wind blowing from the north swept tho flames back into the main building and the fire soon burst out through the roof on the river sldo of build ings and also came out through the cupalos on tho peak of the roof. By this time the Inside of tho building was a seething sea of fire, and the flames were spreading from rafter to rafter and It looked as if the entire building was doomed to destruction. So denso was the smoko that no ono could enter the building, but the fire men had secured points of advantage and poured torronts of water on tho burning building and soon it was seen that the flames had been checked from spreading, nnd the men getting closer, soon had the fire under con trol and In a few minutes tho worst wns over, and the fire out and the fire men picked up and returned to their various houses. Alert Hook and Lad der Co. of East Honesdale came up and rendered excellent services; Texas No. 4 came down from tho hill In great shape and was soon in tho midst of tho struggle to overcome tho fire demon and helped greatly to subduo tho flames. Both of these out-of-town companies brought their apparatus to tho scone without tho aid of horses, dragging (hem by hand, and members of both companies aro Tho flro started In room whore castings are spread to foundry Indicated by cross. lllght in an aeroplane will be held the SCARE ISdinqs of the Machine but not Fighters Ther entitled to the thanks of all interest ed in tho protection from Are of town property. At one time it looked to the spectators as if the entire build ing was doomed and that the ad joined buildings would be destroyed. The steamer of Protection Engine Co. was brought out promptly and locat ed so as to take water from the Lackawaxen river, but for somo roa son did not get startod until ' tho fire was under control. The cause of the fire at this time is unknown and it will probably go on record as one of those unexplainablo incldonts which looks strange to say the least. There is a night watchman, Thomas Shanley, who makes a tour of tho works every hour, and his last tour was just before 6 o'clock in the morning. At that time there was no evidence of fire. His relief is Joseph Matthews, who came on at C a. m. and at once went over the works finding everything all right. He says lie went up in tho office and began to scrub tho iloor and clean up as he wished to have that work done before any of the ofllce forco came, as he expected somo of them. Tho first knowledge ho had of the fire was when he heard someone cry "Fire." Ho went to one of the rear windows of tho ofllce' and looked out and saw tho foundry building was on fire. By this time ft number of people had gathered and he joined in helping them get the' elevator company's hose out of the hoso house and it was partly through his efforts that this was the first stream of wa ter to get started. It Is estimated that tho loss will exceed $5,000 and the Insurance is said to be ?4,000. This building was erected In 1901, when W. W. Wood was In charge of tho works. It was erected over an old building which had been used since 1850. On tho front of this old building was a Hag polo which had been erected during tho Fremont nnd Dayton campaign, and It was one or tho first flag poles raised In honor of tho birth of the Republican party. Tho building which was burned was erected during a very busy season nnd It, completely encompassed the old building, the men working Inside tho old building until the new one was completed, when the 'moulders and laborers turned In and pulled down and removed tho old building so that they lost only ono day from tho regular vocation of moulding and casting. The old building was a lnnd mark and It was a very extra ordinary thing if the roof was not cleaned and soon The fnr tlm latter part of October. The Vanderbllt on fire every time the cupalo was used. It was customary after every casting day for the foundrymen to go up on the roof and with buckets of water, wet down tho shingles, but In spite of this precaution, some elu sive and malicious spark or burning ember would hide Itself in some crack or crevice and In two or three hours would get in Its work and the famil iar cry of the foundry on fire would be heard In the streets, but before the engines would arrive neighbors and workmen would put out the in cipient blaze. At this time there were no gates to keep people out of the yards and in fact it was used as a thoroughfare, being a short cut between Tenth and Eleventh streets, but now the increase of bug'jtttjss has necessitated the using yf every bit of yard room ami tne Vse Qf fates nas oecome ft necessity. OFF FOR DANVILLE MAX BOERSCH ADJUDGED IN SANE RY COMMISSION WAS CONSIDERED DANGEROUS TO RE AT LARGE. ATflV Pnorcnri wna tnlrctW i r V In. j wuub into IV 1U- sane asylum at Danville on Tues ! day morning by W. E. Gaylord and J Horace Moules. He lived on a farm I just beyond the golf grounds. He has been acting very queer lately. Had h hobby that all banks should close up and money should be loan- ed to anybody without interest. I When his disease reached an acute stage and he became violent he was placed in jail. He is physically a big fellow and made a noise that could be heard over on River road. His cries nnd yells wero very trying on the other prisoners and tho near by neighbors, so that it became neces sary to take him away to the asylum. He did not like to wear any clothes and was in his glory when he wore the garb of our first ancestors. He was fond of socialistic literature and his mind, which was weak, had been inflamed to such an extent by read ing this stuff, that he soon drifted into an Insane condition which made it dangerous for him to be at large. The commission who adjudged him Insane wns composed of Dr. F. W. Powell, Attorney C. P. Searlo and N. B. Spencer. His caso is a sad one as he has a family depending upon him. FIRE IN TOWN HALL. Alonzo Spry was arrested for dis orderly conduct and placed In tho lockup Monday night. About 8 o'clock the snme evening fire was discovered In his cell. Officer De groat's timely arrival saved Spry's life. He had set flro to tho mat ress and bed clothes and was in a state of collapse due to suffocation from inhaling tho smoke. He was brought to and sent over to the county Jail. Tho flro was speedily extinguished and the lockup will now bo known as tho smoke house. ERIE RAILROAD CHANGES. Train 29 to bo discontinued. Train 27 for Honesdale nnd Scranton will bo substituted Mon day, Oct. 3rd, and run through to Blnghamton, Train 29 will not run after Oct. 1st. Tho tlmo of Delaware division trains 143, 30 and 46 will be chang ed and Wyoming division time table will be changed October. 2. Beginning Monday, 'Oct. 3, and until further notice, train 27 will loavo West 23rd street at 2 p. in., Chambers street at 2.15 p. m. and Jersey City at 2.30 p. ni and per form the servlco of train 29 except ing tho stop at Monroe which will be omitted; will havo connection at Greycourt from Nowburgh branch points, and at Goshen from Mont gomery brnnch points. Will leave Port Jervis at 6 p. m. Train 27 will carry tho Honosdalo parlor car. Lot overy Wayne county man act as a detectlvo and when you find a crook grab him nnd let overy do cent citizen help tho grabber and put tho crook In custody. event in the political calendar. in transportation. Contest fo AN ORGANIZED GANG DISCOVER ED IN SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW YORK FIVE MEMBERS ARE CAUGHT THOUGHT TO RE NOTORIOUS GANG. Five men were arrested at Falls burgh lust Friday night In whom the authorities bellee they havo about one-half ot the members of an organized gang of horso thieves that have been operating in. this coun ty with startling success for several weeks past. Indeed It is quite pos sible that the men belong to tho notorious coterie of crooks who make horse stealing their business and have been known to have had ht adquarteis at Ceutervllle for years, and members of which are from time to time brought to justice. Tho uieu .vere captured after patient ef forts on the part of the Sheriff's of fice here to get track of them after the stealing of a horse from C'or wiu Beach at Klamesha, and ono from the stables of Flagler & Mor geusteln at Fallsburgh. Benjamin Brown, a Hebrew Hung near Klam esha, was arrested about a week ago suspected of being implicated in tho stealing of the Corwin Beach horse. Brown told enough to give the offi cers proof that there were several men implicated in the theft. It so happened that Brown was confined in a cell in the temporary jail here next to that of another He brew In for some minor offense. While Deputy Sheriff George Neu mann, who understands German per fectly, was looking after things at the jail Friday, he overheard, Brown confiding to his cell neighbor that certain men were to come to Falls burgh that night. Mr. Neumann quietly gathered In ai. he could and then summoned Policeman Charles Neumann of this, village and con stable Vally Smith, and telling them what he had heard sent thepi to fallsburgh to look for the men, being unable to go himself as the other members of the sheriff's forc wcrp out of town. On reaching Fallsburgh the oill eerg found every resident of that community, witn tne exception of some who wero implicated, more than anxious to nssist them in every way to apprehend the horse thieves. It may be said. In fact thnt It was due to the zealous efforts of many or the Vallsburgh citizens that the officers wei-o s6 rdOC-8SsIul. When the train known as the' "Scoot" reached Fallsburgh, sure enough there stopped off Ben Red ner, better known as "Pinky," who was known to Constable Simpson of Fallsburgh, and whom the officers took Into charge at once. "Pinky" was horror stricken. His two pals wore coining on the night lino and would assuredly meet the same fate. Ho glanced over the crowd and saw Mlko Steiglltz standing with a simi larly worried look on his face. "Pinky" managed to write a note and hand it to a boy, together with a sum of money, telling Steiglltz to go down the line, meet the train on which the two men were coming, and warn them of the situation. Tho officers secured the note and in n mighty short time Steiglltz also was in their care. Nothing remained but to wait for the night line and grab the other two men, who have sinco proven to be Samuel Wolf, supposed to be the ringleader of the gang, and Isidore Goldstein. It seemed so easy that the officers perhaps relaxed too much. They se cured Isidoro without trouble, but Wolf taking In the situation eluded the officers and ran Into the woods near the depot. There was great excitement as the crowd and the constables put out in pursuit. They practically surrounded the strip of woods. A man walked up to Con stable Will Simpson and said: "Did you see him, Will?" Simpson, supposing It to be ono of his conferees In tho hunt, said: "No, I didn't see him!" At this tho man, who was none other than Wolf, darted past him. He had come upon Simpson una ware, and recognizing him, realized that this wns tho only way to get past. As ho ran, however, he went (Continued on Pago Eight). OCTOBER CASUALTIES. October starts In to beat the rec ord In the loss of human life. Tho following are a few accidents which have appeared In the dally press; October 1 The Vanderbllt cup race resulted In loss of life of at least five and a dozen Injured. October 1 Labor riots In Berlin In which 200 persons are killed or injured. October 2 Twenty-nine sailors be longing to the U. S. battleship New Hampshire are drowned in the Hud son river by the upsetting of n barge-belonging to the battleship. October 1 Twenty people killed by a dynnmlto explosion which de stroyed the building of tho Los An geles Times, a paper which has been fighting tho labor unions of that city. A bomb was discovered tho snme night close to tho resldonco of tho owner of tho paper and anqther bomb near tho residence of tho sec retary of tho Merchant and Manu facturers club of that city. A re ward of $18,000 has been offered to discover the perpetrators. Tho loaders of tho labor unions havo offorod their services to discover tho men who aro guilty of this deed. Oct. 2. Tho Dolawaro. Lacka wanna and Western had a smashup In tholr Scranton yards and at least seven employees and twelve pas sengers wero injured.