The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 30, 1910, Image 8

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    THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, SEPT. 00, 1010.
OCT. 5 TO 15
Special Excursion Rates
On AH Railroads
13th Regiment Armory
viininin vcure cnnru
Important Happenings and
a utcd by THE CITIZEN'S
H. A. Lancaster was born Sept.
24. 1S24. and died Sept. 20. J910.
He lived to be a good old age nnd
he did lots of good all his life. We
all remember Mr. Lancaster through
the years gone by. From boyhood
be gave us employment when boys
and when we became men we work
ed for him still. Ho was a man In
every respect to the men he em
ployed. He was always good natur
ed and had a kind word for us all.
He has always lived In South Sterl
ing and done business hero and has
paid out thousands of dollars to his
employes. Mr. Lancaster's funer
al was held In the South Sterling
M. E. church and was largely at
tended. The I. O. O. P. turned out
In a body and the P. O. S. of A. of
which he was a member. He was
laid to rest in Pine Grove cemetery
of which the ground was purchased
of him thirty years ago.
A. E. Barnes and son spent Sat
urday in Scranton.
Rev. YV. E. Webster is holding re
vival meetings -In the Grecntown
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Robacker left
Monday morning for Lehlghton where
they expect to spend two weeks with
Rev. H. A. Smith.
Miss Anna Barnes Is visiting herlafter a week's sojourn among the
uncle, M. P. Barnes, of Prluceton, i nIg 0f Wayne county.
Iowa- Mr. and Mrs. Miller and son of
Frank Rhinehart, who has been Scranton, motored to Waymnrt tfhere
pooriy ior a long ume, is not
Mrs. Charles F. West and daugh
ter, Helen, are visiting friends in
Scranton and Wilkes-Barre.
The dedication of the M. E. par
sonage at Orson took place on Fri
day, September 23, when the amount
of four hundred dollars was raised
which cleared the debt of the par
sonage. The following program was
carried out: Morning session Open
ing song, "All Hail the Power of
Jesus' Name"; prayer by Rev. Mrs.
Blandy of Rowland, Pa.; song, "Come
Thou Almighty King." Rev. Jonas
Underwood of Scranton gave a very
interesting talk, he being a pastor
on the Orson charge forty years
ago, now he has reached the year
of seventy-five but full of inspiring
words and thought and happy in tho t0 a restfulness since the W. C. T.
worJc of the Lord. Closing song. u. convention. It is estimated that
Benediction. j about three hundred from the coun-
Afternoon session Song by choir, i ty attended the convention.
"Hnve Faith in God"; prayer offer-! A few boarders are still at the vari
ed by Rev. Emll of Lake Como; I 0U8 boarding houses.
song by choir, "My Pilot's at tho
Helm." Rev. Underwood had charge
of the meeting. Subject. "Under
Faith and Believing"; solo by Rev.
W. Blandy, "His Love for Me."
Closing with benediction.
Evening session Song by congre
gation, "When the Roll is Called Up
Yonder"; prayer by Rev. Under
wood; solo by Mrs. W. Blandy, "I
Shall Not be Moved"; song by con
gregation, "Something for Jesus."
Rev. L. C. Murdock, D. D., superin
tendent of the Scranton district took
charge of the evening session.
Tho Thompson male quartet, con
sisting of A. Chrosier, Arthur Fos
ter and organist Mrs. Chrosier wore
present and sang three beautiful
selections. Benediction.
Royal Hlno of Carbondale spent
Sunday with his father In Orson, Ira
W. Hlno.
Mrs. Rev. W. Blandy preached a
most interesting sermon in the M.
E. church Sunday morning.
O. Conor lias rented Honry Hall's
house near Orson until spring. .
Mrs. J. W. LowIr, we are glad to
report, Is much improved at this
Quite a number woro present for
the dedication Friday last from tho
neighboring districts. Leader.
La Ford Teoplo visited hls'slstor,
Mrs. F. W. Clauson. at Honosdale on
William Flynn, Jr., who spent tho
past month at Cochecton, has re
turned home.
Mrs. Lewis G. Hill had the mis
fortune to burn her hand quite badly
while lighting the fire one day last
week. Frances Edsall Is assisting her
with hor housowork.
Jewio Hathaway has Improved the
appearance of his houso by a coat
of paint and now windows.
Warnor Lostor of Seelyvllle Is
visiting his daughter, Mrs. II. G.
Mrs. Robert Tylor and MIsa Lillian
Branuing of Union spent Tuosday
afternoon at Leslie Teqplo's.
Revival meetings are In progross.
Rev. Mr. Noal is assisting our pas
tor. Rev. Mr. Cautant.
Air. and Mrs. William Watts of
Carley Brook called on friends at
this plauo while on thoir way to
visit Mrs. Watts brother,,
who Is sick at the homo of John
Blnko at Union.
Born, to Jamos Eggloston nnd
wlfo, Saturday, Sopt. 25, a' daughter.
Mrs. Horbort Frosham and daugh
ter, Florence, who spent tho past
three montha at Mrs. A. Daney, re-
rucinunnniw tawwc
Personal Items Contrib-
Corps of Correspondents.
turned to their homo at Philadelphia
Saturday last. They will bo missed
by the friends they made during
their stay at this place.
The farmers In this vicinity have
nearly all finished threshing nnd are
now digging their potatoes and doing
other Jobs such as going to the grist
mill, cider press, etc. The ladies are
making pickles and preserves.
Everybody expects to attend the
Wayne county fair and take some of
their finest vegetables, canned fruit,
butter, stock and different things
along with them to help make the
fair a great success.
Joseph Bogad, who has been
spending a few weeks with John
Schleupner for his health, returned
to Xew York city on Monday, having
been benefited by the chnnge of air.
Rev. and Mrs. H. T. Purklss of
Lakevlllo spent Monday visiting Mr.
and Mrs. John Mains at Uswlck.
The L. A. S. will meet with Mrs.
William Seegar at Lakevllle on Wed
nesday, Sept. 28.
Mrs. Schelbl and her daughter.
Miss Sophia, of New York arrived
Thursday last at Uswick. They are
the guests of C. R. Sanders and wife
.mil PYiipct. to return home Fridav
ira-itlicy visited Mr. Swingle. Mrs. Mil
ler's brother, and from there to Us
wlck and visited Mrs. John Mains.
Mrs. Miller's sister arrived Saturday
and returned homo Sunday.
A woman from Hawley Is spend
ing a week with Mrs. John Ruescher
at Uswlck.
Mr. and Mrs. Newell Williams and
two sons of Harpersville, N. Y., have
been visiting the former's sisters, Mrs.
H. W. Clark, of Paupack and Mrs. Loring of Hamlin. They
called at the Williams homestead
now owned by F. R. Olmstead as they
were motoring on their return trip
on Friday last.
L. M. Blttner of Audell Is sick
Remember the fair next week.
Our town seems to be settled down
Mrs. Emma Wheeler is visiting
relatives at Rochester, N. Y.
" Miss Edna Olver, a graduate nurse
from the Seney hospital of Brook
lyn, N. Y., is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Olver.
Miss Nettio Loomis of Arno is
visiting relatives here.
Miss Luella Tamblyn and brother,
Edson, of Dnllas, Pa., are visiting
friends and relatives here.
So many conditions must be con
sidered in building poultry houses
that each individual must in the end
plan his own house. Howover, tho
plans here suggested, for which no
especial originality is claimed, will,
with slight modification, meet a wide
variety of needs.
The cssental requirements of a
poultry house are comfort for tho
hens and convenience for the at
tendant. It should be dry, well
lighted nnd well ventilated. It is
not necessary that It bo warm. Von
tllatlon is usually secured by open
windows or muslin-covored open
ings. Percho3 should be as far back
from tho front as possible, and Im
mediately next to the tight rear
Dirt floors aro cheapest, and If
properly elevated and drained, are
probably best for tho comfort of
the fowls. Double board floors with
slaters felt between aro warm, dry
and comfortable. If properly ele
vated, rats will not bo able to es
tablish themselves underneath.
When single board floors aro used,
slaters folt should bo laid over the
Joists boforo putting down tho
boards. Cement floors aro expen
sive, and aro npt to bo cold and
damp. They often furnish Ideal
conditions for harboring rats.
All poultry hquses should have
tight walls. Rough boards may bo
used and covored with roofing pa
per or shingles, or grooved Biding
may bo used with slntors folt back
of it. Windows should not bo pro
vided in excess or real need. About
ono square foot of glass to 15 square
feet of floor space Is sulllcient.
A Piano-Box Broodor Houso
Nonrly ovory farm needs a few sninll
housos that may bo equipped with
broodors or used for brooding hens.
Thoy aro especially useful where
there. .Is reason to fear gapdszror
rats and other enemies.
Tho cheapest way of providing
those houses Is by utilizing piano
boxes. Ono way of constructing such
a houso is to lay tho box flat on Its
back and romovo tho entire top; Tho
sides should then bo extended, male
lng the house nbout G feet high in
front nnd 2 feet in tho rear with n
floor nearly C feet square. The top
should bo hinged at tho front so that
It can bo raised when desired. The
front should havo a small door for
tho chicks and a large combination
door and window about 2 feet
wide and 3 feet high, covered with
muslin and netting and , hinged at
tho top. The material for this house
should not cost more than $5.
Colony Houses Whore a larger
house Is desired fn which the at
tendant can stand erect, tho gable
colony house is very popular. These
houses are built on runners, are o
or GxS feet and about 7 J, feet
high at the comb. This house mny
bo supplied with detachable hover
or indoor brooders. When tho
chicks no longer need the hovers
they arp removed nnd the houses
then make Ideal quarters for grow
ing stock. Small flocks of laying
hens may be kept in them when not
occupied by chicks. Built of groov
ed siding this house will require
about 350 feet of lumber. It should
not cost over $1G.OO If well paint
ed it will require no roofing.
A Four-Section Brooder and Lay
ing House It is easier to attend to
a number of brooders under one roof
than scattered in several houses and
larger horses can be used to better
ndvantage when wanted for laying
llocks. A house 8x12 feet will ac
commodate four brooders or hov
ers, and if built on runners can b?
moved to new ground readily when
desired. If built with plain inch
boards and covered with reofiti;; pa
per, it will require 750 feet of lum
ber. The cost for material will be
about $35. It will take a little more
lumber If grooved siding is used,
but there will be little -difference in
the cost.
A House for Ffty Hens A house
for fifty hens should be about 12x18
feet. It can be most easily and
economically constructed, with a
shed roof, tho rear being 5 feet high
and the front about 7. Two 12-llght
windows should be provided, with
a 3x5 feet opening between them.
This should have a muslin shutter
for use in extreme weather. Tie
door should be in front or on Hie
east side. The house with dirt flo'qr,
can be constructed for ?40, No. , 1
grooved siding being used.
Platform Drawn lov Progressives Is Ao
cepted at. Convention.
Concord. N. II., Sept. 23. The Re
publican state convention was as har
monious a gathering as over assembled
In the state.
The platform as drawn by the prp
gresslves and submitted to a confer
ence of the two factious was satisfac
tory except one plank which cnlled for
the nomination of United States sena
tors by direct vote. This was stricken
out in tho interest of harmony.
It indorses the Tuft administration
"In carrying out in sucli larger mea
sure the policies Inaugurated by Theo
dore Roosevelt," declares for the crea
tion of nu Interstate commerce and
customs court, demands tariff reform
"In conformity witli tho national plat
form of 1008," favors tho national for
est reserve bill, demands "effective
conservation of natural resources,''
favors the establishment of a parcels
post and commends the recent changes
la tho rules governing the natlomi'.
Man With Medicine Run Down In Fog
by Train.
Elizabeth, N. J., Sept. 28. Whllo re
turning home with medicine for his
nick wife. Anthony Glllet of First ave
nue. Itosclle. was struck and killed by
a Philadelphia express, New York
bound, on tho Central railroad. A fog
cut off his view and ho wus unable to
nee the fast train approaching.
News of his death is being kept from
his wlfo owing to her grave condition.
Mother of Premier Brland Dead.
Paris. Sept. 28. Tho mother of Pre
mier Briaud died suddenly here.
Value of 10 lutheli of teheat fn March, 1910. ami (n March. ISM. irftrn
mtaturcil lv the tcholoale priori uf the lollvicUiu tuple article).
Coffee: II to, No. 7
MolaMPt: New Orleans, open kettle.
ltlce: Domestic, choice
Salt: American
Bui-ar: Uninitiated
Til: Formosa, fine
Carpets: UrusceU
Ctrpets: Iniyaln.
uoiion I
i flannel: 21 yards to tho rwund
Ginghams: Amoslcrag
Sheetings: Bleached, 101, l'cpperell
6beetlngs: llrown, 4t, l'eppercll
6hlrtlng: Pleached, 44, Fruit of U.eOxxm.,.
Bliocs: Men's vlcl ild, Goodyear welt
Bultlncs: Clay worsted diagonal, 12 ounce.....
ixjhi: Aninrociie, stave.
Coal: llltumlnous, Oeorjrcs Creek (New
l'etroleum: Jlcflned, 1W w. w
llarb wire: Galvanized
Kalis: Vt Ire, B-pcnny,
llrlck: Common, domestic.
' ' Cement: 1'oruarld, domestic .
I.ime: uommon.
Oak: White, plain
Bhlneiej: Cypress
With $1.47 remaining,
(Continued From Page One).
legislation the workman who is crlo
pled, and the family of tho workman
who Is killed In Industry are compen
sated, so that the loss necessarily In
cident to certain Industries shall be
equitably and fairly distributed instead
of being placed upon the shoulders of
those not able to bear them.
"We should nt once introduce In this
state the system of direct nominations
In the primaries so that the people
shall be able themselves to decide who
the candidates shall be, Instead of be
ing limited merely to choosing between
cnjidldates with whose nomination
they have had nothing to do."
Grubor In assailing Roosevelt said
In part:
"Twelve years ago on this platform
I warned a Republican convention
ngalnst turning the executive mansion
into n shooting gallery. My advice
was not heeded. Since that memora
ble day the man who lias ever since
been shooting has seen his party or
ganization divided in every state, his
party's candidates overwhelmingly de
feated, business depressed and the In
telligent nnd honest workingmun with
out employment nnd hungry.
"Looking for other fields for shoot
ing practice, tills man Is now shooting
at the courts and Judges.
"But, Mr. Chairman, this is not a
new symptom. It Is nn old disease.
This apostle of derringer practice
while lie was president nbused Judge
Humphrey of the United States court,
a gentleman and honest man, for ren
dering a decision which was made ac
cording to tho law and which to this
day is unreversed.
"Workingnien of the United States,
do you recall that wheii Haywood and
Moyer were on trial for their lives
this same shooter, with nil the power
of tho president of tho United States,
held up the leaders of lnbor as 'unde
sirable citizens?'
"A French king onco said, 'I am the
stute.' No sane man may ever say, 'I
am the United States. The homes of
the country are not yet deserted for
the railroad station. Tho lungs of the
country are not Its brains. Men who
a few months ago believed now disbe
lieve, men who worshiped then now
execrate, and throughout the country
the business men as such are facing
panic and lovers of their rights and
liberties are fearing revolution.
"When given power to shoot the
trusts he drew a lino between the
good ones and tho bad ones. The
steel and sugar trusts were tho good
one; those which would not help along
the shooter's political schemes were
the bad ones. And uow those who cry
'Vive le rol' are good Republicans, nnd
those who are putting patriotism
above nil else and tltcreforc will not
Join the cry aro bad Republicans.
"Fellow citizens of New York, has
the correspondence with Harriman
passed from your minds? While the
firm was Roosevelt, Hnrrlmnn and
Itoosevclt were engaged in n Joint plan
to get money, and In writing the sen
ior member of the firm nssurcd Ilarri
nian that they were both practical
men and had better keep the partner
ship under cover. Harriman supplied
his share of tho capital, and 1 now
wish to protect his memory. lie was
not a practical man, but a confiding
and very much duped come-on."
Girls .at Syracuse University Fight
Blaze In Their Kimonos.
Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 27. Fire start
ed in the basement of Haven hall, a
girls' dormitory at Syracuse univer
sity, and two score of co-eds, most of
them attired in kimonos, fought and
extinguished tho blazo with hand gro
und es.
Tho damage was slight.
Hustacls .
York Harbor)
bushels, ,.
MVItU (1.81 remaining.
Soldier Who Helped Catch Lincoln's
Slayer Kills Self.
Newark, N. J., Sept. 27. Through
the suicide of nn old soldier hero nn
othor name has been ndded to the roll
of tragedies which havo marked 'the
end of several persons connected with
the assassination of Abraham Lincoln
and the capture of his slayer, John
.Wilkes Booth. The name Is that of
John F. Shanloy.
Shnnley was one of the men who
enptured Booth; lie nlso had an In
tercstlifg civil war record.
hereby given that the accountants
herein nninoil have settled their respective
accounts in the olllro of the Heglstcr of Wills
of Wayne County. la.. and that thepamo will
be presented nt the Orphans' Court of said
count v fur confirmation, nt the Court House
In Houcsdiilc, on the fourth Monday of
net. next viz:
First and final account of Azuba
J. Mandevllle, administrator of the
estate of Lucy A. Decker, Hawley.
First and final account of C. W.
Menk, administrator of the estate
of Lotto Menk, Texas.
First and final account of Z. A.
Wonnacott, administrator of the es
tate of George W. Leonard, Way
mart. First and final account of C. W.
Menk, administrator of the estate of
Julia Grossman, Texas.
First and final account of Rein
hard F. Warg, guardian of August
Newman, Annie Newman, Christina
Newman, and Mary Newman, minor
children of Peter Newmnn, Hawley.
Second and final account of E. A.
Pennlman, executor of the estate of
F. B. Pennlman, Honesdale.
First and final account of John T.
Brooking, executor of the estate of
Rosina A. Mills, Mount Pleasant.
First and final account of Edward
W. Lake, executor of the estate of
Warren Lake, Mount Pleasant.
First and fianl account of Mary J.
Weeks, executrix of the estate of
Emma W. Harvey, Berlin.
First and fianl account of May A.
Plum and Helen B. Rowland, exe
cutrlxs of the estate of Jane Mc
Kown, Hawley.
First and final account of Emma
Nevln, administratrix of the estate
of Bernard Nevin, Dreher.
First and finnl account of Betsey
A. Tarbox, guardian of Eveline Tar
box, Scott township.
First and final account of Susie L.
B. Hoover and A. B. Stevens, M. D.,
executors of tho estate of Susan Sut
ton, Lake.
First and final account of Dora
Bryant, administratrix of the estate
of Samuel Bryant, Canaan.
First nnd final account of George
M. Dibble, administrator of the es
tate of Hutchenson McMurray, Star
ruca. First and final account of Jacob
Gardinier, administrator of tho es
tate of Mary C. Reynolds, Scott.
First nnd final account of Johanna
Iloff, executrix of the estate of Henry
Iloff, Cherry Ridge.
Second and final account of Nellie
Woodward, administratrix of the es
tato of C. H. Woodward, Hawley.
Keystone Block Honesdale, Pa.
New SVIodeS Autumn TalEor
Suits for Ladies and
Ladies9 Junior and HV3isses9
Long Nobby Coats. Late
Ladies9 Silk and Semi-Princess
AUTUMN GOODS in all departments
from headquarters.
Menner & Co. have got a
splendid assortment of goods
this fall. It is worth your while
to call nnd look them over.
Prices aro very low.
Are You
No man ever accumulates a
fortune unless" he has the hab
it of making sacrifices today in
order that he may have some
thing to work with to-morrow.
The small amount that you
are able to save every week
may appear very small, but in
time systematic saving, with tho
aid of 3 per cent, compound
interest, will give you some
substantial capital as a basis
for investment or to live on
when you can no longer work
and earn.
is yet young but it baa helped
many ambitious persons on the
road to independence and suc
cess. ocoooooooooooooooooooooooo
the Judge of the several Courts of
tho County of Wnyne has Issued his precept
for holdins a Court of Quarter Sessions. Oyer
ami Terminer, and General Jail Delivery In
and fur said County, at the Court House, to
begin on
MONDAY OCT. 21. 1910.
ana to continue one week:
And directing that n Ornnd Jury for tho
Courts of Quarter Sessions ami Oyer and
Terminer be summoned to meet on Monday.
Oct. 17, 1910. at 1' p. m.
Notice Is therefore hereby given to the
Coroner nnd Justices of the Peace, and C on
stables of the County of Wayne, that they bo
then and there In their proper persons, at
said Court House, nt 'i o'clock in the after
noon of said 17th day of Oct. 1910. with their
records, Imiuisitlons.exaniinatlons andotlier
remembrances, to do those- things which to
their olllees appertain to be dune, and those
who are bound by recogiil.aiue or otherwise
tqnrosecute the prisoners who are or shall
beln the Jail of Wnyne County, be then ami
there to prosecute against them as shall be
(ilven under my hand, at Honesdale th's
aithday of Sept., 1910, and In thelolth year
of the Independence of the I'nlted states
XI. LEE I1I1AMAN. Sheriff
Sheriff's Ollice
Honesdale. Sept. l!ti, 1910.