The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 30, 1910, Image 5

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    THK CITIZEN, Fill DAY, SEPT. HO, 1010.
Krantz, Smith &
liODIK, photographer, will bo ready
to wait upon nil promptly during
tho fair. 78U
Uox factory. Cnll at onco. 2t
LADIES Wo have an unusunlly
attractlvo chance for a bright,
energetic women, well and fnvornbly
known In this community. For de
tails address, enclosing stamped
self-nddressed envelope to Manager,
Lock Uox 750. St. Louis, Mo. It
THEKE WILL HE a lot of people at
tho Wayne county fair next week,
and with many of them I am not ac
quainted. In order to facilitate mat
ters and make myself easily picked
out In the crowd I'm going to wear a
red hat. If you have a farm you
wish to sell I shall be glad to explain
my methods of doing business. If
you are thinking of buying a farm
or town property I shall bo pleased
to give you descriptions of places
that are listed with me for sale.
If you neither Want to buy or sell I'd
like ot meet you anyway. Now, when
you see a fellow, during fair weok,
with a red hat, that's me DOIUN,
tho real estate man. 77tl
NOTICE To open in October in
Lyric hall afternoon class of danc
ing for children. Class now form
ing. For terms apply to Ida Heft
Richenbarker. 7Ct2
WANTED A good kitchen girl at
Hotel Wayne.
AVE WILL ltEGIX loading cider ap
ples, nlso hand-picked fall apples
at tho Erie station, Honesdale, on
Wednesday, Sept. 29. Highest cash
price paid for same. C. A. Cort
rlght &. Son. 77t2
TUV a 15-cent hot lunch, served at
Heumann's restaurant from 11.30
to 1.30 p. m.
FOR SALE Kelly & Stelnman
brick factory building, including en
gine, boiler and shafting. Inquire of
J. B. Robinson. 50tf.
The racing tills year nt tho fair
promises to lie of the kind that will
keep you guessing until the last heat.
Every horse is a goer and every driv
er is out nftcr the purse.
Man-haters will have the op
portunity of their lives to hear their
natural enemy denounced when
"Girls" Is presented at the Lyric in
the near future.
Richard Duslnberre, who Is now
occupying an Important position in
Stroudsburg, is in town preparing
his household goods for shipment to
his new home at Stroudsburg.
The regular quarterly sacra
mental service will be held Oct. 2
at Damascus M. E. church at 11 a. j
m.'; Galileo at 2:30 p."m; and Abra-I
hamsville at 7 p. m. Everybody in
vited to attend.
The Lehigh Valley railroad Is
having its sills boiled in a compound
of asphalt and chemicals. When
these are used the spikes with which
they are fastened are stamped
"1910" so that record can be kept
upon the life of the treated tie. The
Wilkes-Barre and Hazleton Railway
is also treating its ties with chemi
cals. The scarcity and high price
of lumber has compelled this
A peculiar cattle disease affect
ing the eyes has broken out In the
herd of Harry Vandruff, near West
town, X. Y. Four of the cattle are
affected In one eye. The services of
Dr. John McCoy of Sussex were call
ed Into requisition. A white 111m
grows over one of the eyes, rendering
the cow blind, which lasts about nine
days. One of the peculiarities of the
disease Is that only one eye Is af
fected. Xo crowd turns out to see him
come; no bugles drown the echoing
drum; no plaudits fall in vocal show
ers; no maidens strew his way with
llowers; no police sergeant's phalanx
stood to hold In check tho multitude;
no delegation came to meet; alone
he hoofed it down the street; alone
before the clerks he stands and pens
his name with trembling hands. Awe
struck he hears that magnate say:
"Front! nine ought forty! right
away!" Alone he climbs the distant
stairs and no one knows and no one
cares the baseball man in winter
Everybody can make a predic
tion but everybody cannot be cor
rect. Taking the goose bone as his
guide a well-known predictor of Con
nor's Crossing, has found evidence
of what he terms an early fall. He
has killed tho goose, examined the
bono and then compared his resultB
with tho atmospheric conditions and
comes to tho conclusion that wo will
have an early fall and a severe win
ter. He noticed that the black birds
and tho robins are congregating and
are ready to migrate at any tlrhfe;
This latter fact he concludes is suf-
ficlent evidence
Allan Madden, who for tho past
two years has been tho editor and
manager of tho Newburgh -Evening
Union, has resigned his position to
take effect within the next week or
two. Mr. Madden will bo succeeded
by W. T. Doty, of tho Port Jervis
Union. Mr. Madden came here from
Fishklll where ho was editor of Tho
Journal Jot two years. Ho has not
yet announced his plans, but it la un
derstood he will take charge of tho
reportorlal department ottho Union.
A report on tho street was to tho ef
fect that Mr. McLean hnd purchas
ed the Interest held In tho Union by
Mr. Brewster, and would place his
sons In direct charge. This was
later denied by both interested per
sons, they announcing that no change
whatever In interest as to propriet
orship, policy or other matters was
contemplated. Mr. Doty comes here
as an experienced newspaper man
to take up tho business cud of the
concern and direct Its editorial ut
terances. Mr. Doty' is one of tho
oldest Journalists in Orango county.
Newburgh Journal.
Rev. A. L. Whlttakor will hold Thero will be a Phllnthean sup
service In White Mills next Sunday per at tho Baptist church Thursday,
at 3 p. m. : Oct. 27.
Services will be hold nt 2.30 p., Passenger and freight traffic Is
m. at the Dyborry Baptist church on 1 rapidly Increasing over tho Delawaro
Sunday. Revi G. S, Wendell wllK& Hudson between Honesdale hnd
ipreach. Carhondnle. ,i
There will bo a cako sale at1 Automoblllsts have1 stnrted a
tho Baptist church on Friday after- movemont to have guldcposts erected
noon at 3 o'clock by tho Ladles' Aid at all unmarked hlghwny Intersec
soclety. tlona In country districts. They nre
Married, in Pleasant Mount on acting under section G8 of tho hlgh
Sopt. 27, Thomas Brennnn of Pleas-, way law, which provides that the
ant Mount and Miss Cella McGraw of town superintendent may, with the
Rock Lake. consent of the town bonrd, erect
Tho White Mills pirn romninv 8Uch Suldeposts, with proper inscrlp-
M-iiTir v ti l nil. WJ,?n i n t ns and devices. Five resident tnx
wiirnnrJ (1 5?." l?inv nL Wn of any town or 20 resident
E a nnS 1 i i taxpayers of a county In which it is
ing. A good time Is assured. contained may, upon written nppllca-
-itonesuaio win uo ono or tne
llrst towns to see tho orlgtnnl com
pany of "Girls" which ran all
through the summer months In New
Tho Delaware and Hudson being
cramped for Bwltch room,, owing to
a rapid increase in freight shipments,
nre extending one of their tracks
near the coal pockets.
Billy Sllverstone Is representing
tho Scranton Tribune-Republican at
tho Unlondale fair and also will rep-
resent that paper at tho Wayne
county fair next week.
The agricultural exhibits will he'
n surprise to fair goers. Scientific
farming is making tho soli of old
Wayne produce things that are big,
nood mid in ininiititii-s.
good nnd in quantities.
Clark C. Wood of Boyds Mills
and Louise Rice of Atco were mar- , , , nnt,.nns nf this route
ried Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 28,' ad(le? 1 ,8, ! ' , ,
at the Presbyterian mnnse by tho,. 'iOC"' I'HiiiN . Prohibit Ion sts,
Rev. W. H. Swift.
r, , , , , , i
Grace EplEcopnl church, Sunday, ,
y-x . 0 . . , ..... I . . I
at 10.30 a. m.; Sunday school and
Bible classes at 12 M.; Evening pray
er and sermon at 7.30 p. in.
Having established n record of
22o censecutlvo performances at
Daly's theatre, Xew York, Clyde
Fitch's best comedy "Girls" will be
presented at the Lyric shortly.
Marriage licenses were issued In
Scranton on Tuesday to John Barn
back of Scranton and Miss Myrtle
Flncess of Hawley and Ferdinand
Knoeb of Scranton nnd Miss Olga
Dietrich of Aldenville.
Regular services at the Baptist
church on Sunday next at 10.30 a.
m. and 7.30 p. m. Pastor will preach
at both services. Communion of
the Lord's supper at the conclusion
of morning worship. Young Peo
ple's society at 0.30 p. m.
Very encouraging reports come
from all sections of the county as to
the probability of H. C. Jackson rep
resenting us In the next legislature.
Democrats and Republicans seem to
have united on having Mr. Jackson
represent them this next term.
The Chester Times says; The
Tenderloin question is one of the
most difficult with which a city has
to deal. The police cannot suppress
secret vice, but they can prevent vice
from being blatant and vaunting It
self on the streets and other public
places. The police can make tho un
clean hunt cover.
Thero Is mall In the Honesdale
postofflce addressed as follows: Mrs.
Edwin W. Thomas, Eithercoe, Wayn'o
county, Pa.; Mrs. James Jones, Blat
cllleysville, Wayne county, Pa.; Ed
win North, Howells, Wayne county,
Pa.; Mrs. Floyde Hazelton, Wayne
county. As there are no such post
offices can anyone supply proper
Hereafter the farmer's daugh
ter who writes her name on an egg
and sends It to market will do well
to add the date. The last romantic
young man who received an auto
graphed egg shell got It out of cold
storage, only to learn that the young
woman herself had been In cold stor
age as another man's wife for
about three years.
Street Commissioner Weidner
is having the mud, now being scrap
ed from Xorth Main street, deposited
in the gutter of West Park, prepara
tory to having the pavement, now
located between the row of trees, re
moved further north at an early date.
This will considerably enlarge the
park, recently given to the borough
by Mrs. Andrew Thompson, with no
damage to tho roadway.
James Durheck, formerly of
Honesdale, was arrested on Wednes
day evening by Detective Spencer at
White Mills on a warrant issued by
Squire Smith on the complaint of tho
secretary of tho Farmers' Mutual
Fire Insurance company. Durbeck's
testimony Is needed In order to throw
some light on the causes which led
to the burning of Mrs. Rose's barn
Sunday night.
Tho Belgardo Stock company
has been making a tremendous hit
throughout New York state for tho
past year, and while the company Is
new to playgoers of Honesdale, they
are bound to become prime favorites.
Every member of this excellent
company haB been chosen for their
'ability in their respective lino of
parts, added to that they are all
young, clever ladles and gentlemen.
Opening play Monday night "A
Working Girl's Revengo."
Tlin fnlJmvtnc omtnonflv Knna
fmd sensible suggestion is from tho
Peckvlllo Journal: Quito a number
of. our citizens have been humbug
ged Into buying some worthless ar
ticle from the agents or fakirs that
aro so numerous, by a slever scheme
they havo of visiting the homo of
soino of our prominent citizens first,
and then, whether a sale is mado or
not, going about town and claiming
that their goods aro recommended
by this or that prominent lady and
telling how much they bought. This
Js simply a scli, sell their stuff
and has no foundation In truth. Tho
best way to avoid being taken In by
these fakirs Is to havo nothing to do
with and buy direct from somo rep
utable dealer. Wo do not mean to
carry tho Idea that thero aro no
honest canvassers, but when you
buy of strangers and nro worsted In
the deal don't blamo your neighbor
on tho ground that alio recommend
ed them to you.
Tils year's fair Is going to ho
ono grand family reunion. Relatives
and friends from near and far Jmvo
arranged to meet this year at tho fair
grounds. Como on and grasp hands
with aunts, uncles nnd cousins unto
tho 33rd generation.
tlon to the town superintendent,
cause him to erect one or more posts.
The cost of tho erection and main
tenance Is to bo a town charge.
The ueniiln Hvlnir In tlm RPntlnn
between Tyler Hill and Galilee are to
have a star route daily mall. Tho
supply Is from the Galilee carrier and
i,0 wm traverse tho old route except
where the change Is mado to go
nround by Bradley's Corners, making
the distance a little farther, .but by
so doing It accommodates fifteen
families and over forty Individual
mnll receivers. On the nbandoned
section there are but four families,
nml tw of tllcsc llve cloRe, ,to ll'e
un-irauu w '""
80 tllnt mtl' served from that
nolnt with very little inconvenience
to them. Damascus postofllce will
Dcmorrat.s, Id-publicans Socialists.
Independents ami every other breed
.., ,,,
"1 H 1 M III 111,1,1 11 llUUim 1111,1 L VII
you how sure they nre of saving the
country at the fair. The political
candidates with the "glad hand" will
all ho there and will he Berry glad
to shake your haiiil and smilingly
request you not to forget him on
election day.
H. T. Menner Is on a business trip
to Xew York.
Miss Isabel Rlelly was a caller in
Scranton Thursday.
C. J. Dibble was a business caller
In Scranton Thursday.
Miss Rose Rainey of Aldenville
spent Wednesday In Honesdale.
Henry Bussa of Morrlstown Is
visiting his mother on River street.
Miss Genevieve Lord of Waymart
was a visitor in town Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Daln of Port
Jervis, X. Y., are the guests of rela
tives here.
M. J. Kelly of Deposit, N. Y., has
been spending the week with his
family here.
Henry Blockenberger left Friday
morning to enter a sanitarium at
Spring City.
Mr. and Mrs. William Foster of
Gouldsboro are the guests of Hones
dale relatives.
Coe Lemlnetzer left Tuesday morn
ing for Cornell University where he
will enter the law department.
George B. Rockwell of Scranton,
entertained large Lyric audiences on
Wednesday evening with vocal solos.
Miss Charlotte Lane left Thursday
for an extended visit with friends in
Tarrytown-on-the-Hudson and Phil
adelphia. S. S. Lutes, who has been In charge
of the landscape work at St. John's
church, left this week for his home
In Tiffin, Ohio.
Austin Lyons and Reuben Brown
left Thursday morning for Ann Ar
bor, Mich., where they will enter
the law school of the University of
Manager Dlttiieh Has Secured a
Good Play.
Xothlng could Ingratiate a report
er more In the oyes of the manag
ing editor than a "scoop." Since
tho llrst newspaper there has been
every kind of "exclusive story" but
In tho comedy of "Tho Lottery
Man," a new comedy by Rlda John
son Young, which tho Shuberts will
present at tho Lyric tonight use is
made of perhaps one of tho most
novel "beats" ever found In the
columns of the press.
The central figure In "Tho Lot
tery Man" Is Jack Wright, a news
gatherer. He is a warm friend of
"Foxey" Peyton, who owns the pa
per, and when he gets a Wall street
tip, Wright goes to his chief for
money, promising as security, In tho
event ot failure, his pledge to turn
Into tho paper ono of the biggest
stories New York has ever known.
As the tip falls, Wright Is compelled
to mako good. This ho does by of
fering himself as tho prize In a lot
tery which Is to bo conducted by
tho newspaper. Naturally the cou
pons appeal mostly to women and
the campaign among the thousands
of contestants waxes warm. Short
ly after Jack has offered himself
as tho human prize, he falls In love
with Heleno Heyer, which fact
causes him to deeply regret his en
try Into such a foolish scheme.
This in main is the thread of tho
delightful story that Rlda Johnson
Young author of "Brown of Har
vard," by tho way has woven In
"Tho Lottery Man," which after its
long run at the Bijou theatre, New
York, comes hero with a capital
The nobby suits nt Menner &
Co. stores are tho now models for
autumn and winter. ' 74eol4.
What Ha Missed.
When at his door Dome Fortune knocked
Ho answered not, but kept quite still.
Thus opportunity was blocked
Ho thought 'twas ome man with a bill.
Chicago News.
The, Site.
Tatron-Cau I got anything good for
Walter Certainly, sir. now will a
steak smothered In an onion be 7 Puck.
Will Polltlcnl Parties Some Day ho
Known by Color?
In Wisconsin polltlcnl parties are
now compelled to chOoso colors for
their primary ballots. , Tho secretary
of stato decides thd qudstlon by lot,
Tho Prohibitionists hnvo already
drawn pink, tho Democrats red, nnd
the Republicans green.
If this system grows nnd spreads
Into other .states with tho evolution
of tho direct primary Idea, parties
will come to ho known by their col
or, designation. The men who "al
ways vote red" or "stand by tho
green" will become as common nl
luslons of campaign orntory nnd
song ns similar phrases now nro In
lingo of college rivalries nnd ldyal
tles. Since such momentous conse
quences nre Involved, why should
not each party choose itrown color,
with nn eye to appropriateness, on
the flrst-come-nrst-served theory.
Let them draw lots for order of
choice, if there Is to ho any lottery
clement in the nfTnlr. Let the So
cialists hnvo red; tho Prohibitionists,
from their nfflliatlon with the white
rlbhoners, might ns well tnkc white.
As for the Republicans nnd tho Dem
ocrats, If any adequate difference
between the color of tho elephant
nnd the donkey were discernible It
might bo well to emphasize nnd per
petuate the delicate thought behind
these grnceful symbols. If the In
surgents ever become a party the
color question will bo still more dif
ficult, since they hnvo not even gono
so far yet as to select an animal for
emblematic purposes. How much
harder for them to fit into tho color
Two May Die as Result of
Auto-Train Collision.
Arm of One Victim of Grade Crossing
Accident Is Torn From Socket and
Another Sustains Fracture of
Skull and Broken Log.
Poughkeopsle, N. Y., Sept. 23.
Their taxlcab struck by a Central Now
England train, Edward S. Atwater,
president of the Farmers' and Manu
facturers' bank; George Cornwnll, vice
president of the Poughkeepsle Savings
bank, nnd George Key, chnuffeur, are
In a dangerous condition In Vnssar
hospital. Atwater, who is sixty-five
years old, has a fractured skull, his
left leg Is broken nnd he hns many
cuts and bruises ou the head and body.
Cornwall's right arm was torn from
tho socket, several ribs nro broken and
he has many bruises. Key's chest wus
crushed In and the surgeons believe he
Is Internally injured.
Atwater hns been unconscious since
the accident. Cornwnll Is eighty-three
years old and because of his advanced
age tho doctors have slight hopes of
his recovery.
The accident occurred on n private
grade crossing half a'mlle north of the
city. Atwater and Cornwall hud been
looking at real estate In a newly open
ed section and engaged the tnxlcah for
the afternoon. The crossing on which
the tnxlcah wns struck wns recently
cut through by an .Improvement cora
pnny and hnd not been nccepted as a
public street
Modern Bookmaking.
A largo bindery may have a capacity
of 10,000 books a day. Tho resources
of some of these binderies aro won
derful. There is an instance on record
where n publishing house took an or
der on Monday for a cloth covered
12mo. volume of 350 pages and ac
tually shipped 2,000 copies of the book
on the following Wednesday.- The
type was set by machinery for the
entire 3."0 pages before work stopped
Monday night. Electrotype plates were
made so rapidly that on Tuesday morn
ing several printing presses were set
In motion. In the nieantlmo covers
were made In the bindery, nnd by
Wednesday morning the binders had
tho book in hand. Two thousand vol
urncs were completed thnt day, and
tho edition of 10,000 was entirely out
of tho way before Saturday night. In
modern bookbinding machinery, as In
tho production of printing presses.
America leads tho world. Phllndel
nhla North American.
How tho Natives Treat Gorillas.
Natives In the countries Inhabited by
great apes regard them always as hu
mau beings of Inferior types, nnd It Is
for this reason that for n long time It
was found lmposslblo to get hold of
nn cntiro gorilla skin, becnuso the sav
ages considered It religiously necessary
to cut off tho hands and feet of the
animals when they killed them, Just as
they do with their enemies, possibly
for tho purposo of rendering them
harmless ln caso they should by any
chanco como to Hfo again.
Mr. Clubman I seo by tho papers
that a poor youiig man yho lost both
his legs v,hilo saving the llfof)f n
beautiful heiress at a railway crossing
Is to marry the grl. Sho dismissed all
suitors and offered herself to him,
Mrs. C. (meaningly) Very sensible
girl. She'll know where her husband
J3 nights anyway.
Badly Balanced.
A -witty Frenchman wroto at tho
commencement of this century a very
interesting and amusing book bearing
tho title, "Lea Agremens et les Chagrin?
.des Marlages." In this work tho first
four pages nro devoted to tho 'agre
mens" (Joys) nnd tho remaining 350 to
tho "chagrins" (sorrows).
Closing Stock Quotations.
Money on cnll today wns ltd per cent;
time money nnd mf-cintlle pnper un
changed In rates. Closing stock quota
tions on the New York exchange Sept. 28
XmiM. rJopiicr'... G2 Norf. & West.. ins
Atchison.'., 9!Hi Northwestern .'.14'lH
H. X.. ..10SV4 Penn. 'II. R......129H
Brooklyn R. T.. RendlnK 14GH
Clies. & Ohio... 75 Hook Island 31V4
C, C. C. & St. L. 73 St. I'Tid 121?1
D. & H M5T4 Southern I'ac.nfitt
Krlir. Southern lty....
Gen. Electric... 145 South, lty. pt... 52H
III. Central 129i Sugar 117H
Int.-Met 21 Texas Pacific... 28
Louis. & Nnsh..lvi Union Pacific. .1674
Manhattan US U. S. Steel G8H
Missouri l'ac... 63V4 U. 8. Steel pf.,.115H
N. Y. Central... 113 W West. Union
Market Reports.
HUTTER-Steady: receipts. C.0S3 paoK
HKes; creamery, specials, per lb., 30c ;
extras, 29c; thirds to firsts, 24a2Sc; state
dairy, finest, 2Sc. ; common to prime, 23a
27c; process, specials, 27c; seconds to ex
tras, I3a2fiV4c: factory, Juno make, i3Ma
24c current make, 22a23c.; Imitation
creamery, 24a-.c
t'tlKKSE Steady; reilpts, 846 boxes;
state, whole milk, specials, 1614al7c.; aver
age fancy, small, white. 15V4c; largo,
lSUc. ; smalt, colored, 15Vic; largo, lfAlc.;
choice. 14.ilSc; good to prime, 14al4Hc;
enm-ron to fair, llnl3Hc; skims, specials,
12HilJr.; fine, lUiallVic.: fair to good,
SVialOHc : common. iia7V4c; full skims.
it4n4e. ,
EGOS Steady; receipts. S.8S7 ehrcs;
-tntt Pennsylvinln and nosrhv, nunnery,
white. 38a40c. ; jrnthered whltf. ,Kh.fc.;
hennery, blown 3ji'J.e.. ra'h-Md. tnw:i,
liialDc. flesh t,athcrii -s. . .1
27e. ; firsts 2'.v.."i: r-i -1 '. . :'
potato::! Wea' ' i ii.m.
1.4ial.i; hi I...!. ,.. i.mi
Ishiiul. Sl.'.'u'.: Jertey 1 it l.a; 41.."',1 J);
attiels, Jer.-ey. per bbl.. tl.T',:, iv it m
kot, Ofafric. ; .ou'i -n. i ! I! . "
HAY AND .It k 1 ,.er
10) lbs., i;eJ. .1. ; , 1 , ,vr,
mixed BOnfte ' . n. , 1 1 i a
straw. GOaWf1.. 1 . . 1 ni, ..ii43o.;
half bilos. iy.i
DRES3ED po,.n; -p.: .-.1 0:1 t mis;
weak on cMeke s. f i k ". I i- ''i.-ys,
western, spring. pr l'i '. " ;.. e.M. ISa
22c. ; broilers Phlludelph 1 ' : ',. pi-r pitr,
40a50c; 3 to 4 ibs. 10 p:ilr pet ll.. i;ta24c;
Pennsylvania. 3 to 4 K.s l ;ali. pur lb.,
MEATS Country dressed veal calves,
prime, per lb., 14'4al6c. ; commen to good,
lOallc. ; barnyard calves, TaPo.
GAME Venison, whole deer, per lb..
22a25c. ; saddles, S0a3Tc. ; golden plover, per
pair, $2,B0a3.B0; English snipe, $2a3; wild
ducks, canvasback, $2.25a3; redhead, U.S3
aZDO; mallard, $1.25; blue wing teal, 75c.a
U; green wlnp teal, 75a00c; broadblll,
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, Sept. 20.
CATTLE Receipts, 34,000; market Blow;
eood to prime beeves, $7o8.40; fair to good
oeeves, $0a7; good to choice cows, $4.25a
5.25; medium to good beef cows, $4 a4.75;
good to choice calves, $0aD.S5; fair to good
calves, $7.50a8.EO.
HOGS Receipts. 22,000; market un
changed. SHEEP Receipts, 43,000; market steady;
feeding and breeding owes, $3.50a5.75; na
tive lambs, $G.25a7.40; feeding wethers.
- H'0OOf - M - 0OO - H -
9 A bank account is like a snowball--roII it gently
along and it will get larger (almost without your a
X noticing it) as the days go by. Like the snowball, X
X too, the hardest work is making the first deposit, giv- X
O ing it the first push, after which the initial impetus Q
f gains as the ball runs down, the bank account rolls o
t up. We want to help you with your financial snow- i
p ball. X
Under a guarantee as to just the
way it is distilled by the manufact
urer nnd reduced in tho bond ware
house by tho government.
Proof ami age aro always stamp
ed on end of barrel which can he
seen by any customer.
Whiskey when placed In bond new
is 100 proof and In four years goes
up to from 110 to 115.. Wine gal
lons will go down or evaporate about
ten gallons In four years to the
barrel. Government ware houses
charge tea cents per barrel for re
ducing whiskey and will not reduce
It below 00 per cent, proof In wood,
which menus pure whiskey.
Illend whiskey Is supposed to bo
mado f idiu two straight whiskies.
The sumo rule applies to straight gin
mid brandy. Compound whiskey is
a mixture of two or more grains dis
tilled. Whatever (inutility of pure
or tuv-paid whiskey Is contained in n
barrel, whether four or more gallons,
Is all that tu.v is paid on, tho balance
in tho barrel being a nilvtiiro of
grains distilled on which there Is no
government lav mid ran bo sold at
u very low price. Customers luivo
a light to evamluo all barrels or
packages before buying goods in or
der that they may ho able to Judge
for themselves whether it Is pure
ryo whiskey or not, blend or com
IHMiutl. Tho only whiskey that you
can bo certain of regarding ago Is
straight whiskey. No blends, com
pounds or mixtures will by ino bo
557 Main St., Cor. Sixth. Honesdale, Pa.
Inexpensive Disinfectant
An Inexpensive disinfectant for a
Blck room can bo mado as follows:
Put somo ground coffoo In a saucer
and In tho middle place a small ploco
of camphor gum Light tho gum with
a match. As tho gum allows tho cof
foo to burn with It tho smell Is most
refreshing and healthful.
Where the Camel plunks.
A camel's blto proved fatal to an
Ohloan. Tho moral of which Is, chil
dren, that although a camel may go
sovon days without a drink It must
havo a blto now and then.
Professor In English Literature
(speaking of n woman who was
burled allvo) Sho died and was pre
maturely burled. Hamilton Collcgo
Ship's Coal Consumption.
An 11,000-ton ship running 15 miles
an hour will consume 150 tons of coal
a day. A 30,000-ton Bhlp going 30
miles an hour will use up 1,100 tons.
Culture Is not an accident of birth,
although our surroundings advance or
retard It; It la always a matter of
Individual education. Hamilton W.
Blankets by the Million.
More than 3,000 pairs of blankota
are woven In tho United Kingdom an
Stomach Agony and After Dinner
DMrcss Stopped In ,T .Minutes.
Why should any sensible person
cortinuo to suffer day after day with
terrible stomach ailments when G,
W. Pell guarantees MI-O-NA stom
ach tablets to cure even the worst
case of Indigestion, or money back.
If your stomach rehells after ent
ing and food sours or ferments In
the stomach causing gas, pain, heart
burn, and heaviness, two MI-O-NA
tablets will drive away the misery In
five minutes nnd leave tho stomach
feeling splendid.
A large box of MI-O-NA stomach
tablets costs 50 cents at G. W. Pell
and leading druggists everywhere.
If you have stomach trouble of
any kind, start to use MI-O-NA stom
ach tablets today. They not only
build up the stomach, but they act
as a tonic to the enlre body. They
are makers of rich, red blood and
nerves that never flinch; they In
crease vitality and mako the weak
more vigorous.
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