The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 30, 1910, Image 2

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    TILE 01TIZRK, FRIDAY, SEPT. .10, 1010.
or b mm
Illinois Man Te!!s Kow 11 )
Was-Offered $1,000.
Explatm to Investigators He Hud
Heard of Jackpot Which Was to
Be Divided Among Legislator
For Strangling Bills.
Chicago, Sept. 27. State Represent
Ulve Charles C. Wliito of O'Knllen, III.,
took the stand In the Investigation Into
the election of United States Senator
William Lorimer ly the senatorial sub
committee on elections and privileges
Sis of the sevm members of the coin
tnltteo were present.
White declaml he had been asked
by the minority leader, Mr. Browne,
to vote for Lorimer, and that IJrowne
told him ho would receive $1,000 for
his vote. The testimony was the saun
as has been given by White In the
two trials of IJrowne.
The llrst severe clash of the hearing
came when Mr. Austrian asked wlml
money was promised White. The rep
resentative replied:
"1 nsked Rrowuo how much I would
get from other sources, and ho re
plied, "Oh, nbont as much mom "
Senator Loriiner's attorney objected
to this answer, arguing that the "oth
cr sources" were entirely outside the
"This brings up," he said, "what lin
been referred to ns the 'jackpot.' By
the words of the witness, 'other
sources,' It is shown that It has no
connection with the election of Sou
ator Lorimer."
The committee retired Into executive
session to consider admissibility of
this lino of evidence.
On returning to the hearing room the
committee questioned tho witness con
cenilnfe his understanding of tho prom
ise of money from other sources.
White said he had heard of rumors
of what was known ns a "Jackpot"
which was to be divided nmong legis
lators for "strangling or passing bills."
Shortly thereafter recess was taken
Big Bird Swoops Down and Gets Away
With a Meal.
Boston, Sept. 27. How a monster
eagle carried away a fourteen pound
cat from the deck of tho threo masted
Somerset schooner William P. Hood
while that vessel was sailing tho high
seas was told by the crew of tho craft,
but tho men were rather reluctant,
fearing that their veracity would bo
doubted. Little by llttlo the story
came out.
Tho Hood, laden with railroad ties,
was off llighland light Friday even
ing. Tho captain's coou cat Iny asleep
on top of the deck load. There was a
sudden llutter of wings, and a big
eagle descended, caught tho cat In Us
talons and flew away with It
Railroads Will Have Trespassers Ar
rested Because of Killing.
Trenton, N. J., Sept 27. Ah a re
sult of the killing of Giovanni Denn
delin, a pottery worker, who was run
down by a train while taking a short
cut to his work, the Philadelphia and
Reading Railway company has In
structed lt detectives to nrrest all
Hundreds of wage earners men, wo
men and children will bo Inconveni
enced by the crusade, as many Indus
trial plants are along tho railroad, and
short cuts are poi'"'"'". especially
Girl Among Victims of Animal Before
It Is Killed.
Waverly, N. J.. Sept. 27. Rex, a
powerfully built St. Bernard dog of
pedigree, suddenly became mnd hero
and bit two men and an eleven-year
old girl before he was killed.
Tho Injured are George Arnold, thlr
tvseven years old, bitten on the right
leg and arm; Gustavo Sohultz, thirty-
nine, bitten about Uie. left arm and
hand, and Grace Smith, eleven, the
dnughter of the dog's owner. Sho was
lacerated about tho face and arms.
The dog, valued at $800, had been
purchased a week ago by Smith and
was supposed to Iks very gentle.
- Suicide on Park Bench.
New York, Sept. 27. A man mip-
posed to have been Prank II. Jaeger
of 570 Plfty-llfth street, Bay Ridge
killed himself with n revolver In Cen
tral park. A polleoninn heard a shot
and found tho man lying on a bench.
Observations of the United
States weather bureau taken at
S p. in. yesterday follow:
Temp. Weather.
New York 72 Clear
Albany C3 Cloudy
Atlantic City . . 72 Clear
Boston 04 Clear
Buffalo 02 Cloudy
Chicago 02 Clear
St. Louis 02 Clear
New Orleans . . SO Clear
Washington ... 70 Clear
Philadelphia .. . 72 Clear
Interstate Commerce Commission Will
Resume Hearings Oct. 3,
Washington. Sept. 2S. Tho Inter
state commerco commission will hold
Its first formal conference nfter tho
summer recess on Oct. .1. By Monday
next It Is expected that all seven mem
bers of the commission will bo In
Washington ready to take up tho gen
eral Increases In freight rates which
were suspended by the commission
pending Investigation.
The commission has praclknlly
promised that before the taking of
testimony in (hose cases has closed It
will give a hearing to tho presidents
of the leading railroads Involved.
Jersey City Church Believes He Ab
sents Himself Too Much.
Jersey City, N. J., Sept 28. Trouble
between tho congregation of tho Wav
erly Congregational church In Booram
avenue nnd Its pastor, the Rev. How
ard A. M. Brlggs, has resulted In tho
decision of tho llock to ask Mr. Brlggs
to resign. The ultimatum was reached
at a mooting Monday night
Albert Wclssenborn, president of tho
board of trtMtces, said he hnd told the
pastor several times that ho hadn't
done right by tho church In absenting
himself for longer pcrlodd than his
allotted vacations'.
Two Loot Mall but Make No AtUmpt
to Bother Passenger.
Now Orleans, Sept. 23 Tww mark
ed robbers Invaded tho mall car of
the Southern Pacific train Heaving New
Orleans and secured several' batches'
of registered mall.
No attempt was mado to ro6 potmen''
gers. Tho robbery took place nt Avon1
dale, twelve miles west of NW Or
Pooley Nominated.
Buffalo, Sept. 28. Tho Democrat of
tho Eighth Judicial district have nomi
nated Charles A. Pooley of this city
for supremo court Justice.
Closing Stock Quotations.
Money on call today was 1 ptT oont;
timo money and mercantile paper un
changed In rate. Closing stock quota
tions on tho Kow Tork exchange Bpt 27
Amnl. Coppw... Cl Norf. A Wcet... OS
Atchison 98 Northwestern ..MC
IS. & 0 1
Perm. R. XL
Reading 1KM
Rock Island..... XI
St Paul UXWi
Southern Pao...lli
Southern Ry.... aVb
South. Ily. pi... IS
Sugar m
Texas Pacific... SI
Union Pnciao...XGGtt
U. S. Steel. ...... 67
U. S. Stec) pf..J10
West. Union . CST
Brooklyn n. T.. K
Ches. & Ohio... 76
.CX.C.& St. L.. 73
. & H 103
Gen. Electric... 115
111. Control 1SI
Louis. & Nash.. 144
Manhattan 138
Missouri Pac... JST4
N.Y. Central... 113
Market Reports.
BUTTER Barely steady; receipts!, U7
packages: creamery, specials, per III, 30a
30c.; extras, 23c.; thirds to- firsts, 24a2Sa;
state dairy, finest, Sc.; common to prime,
3a27c; process, specials, 27c; seconds to
extras, 23a284c; factory. Juno make, 22a
:4c; current make, Z2a23c ; mutation
creamery. !4a25c.
CHEESE Steady; retelpts, WS3 boxes;
tate whole milk, specials, 15ViaJ7c; aver
age fancy, small, wniio, ut: large.
lSUc; small, colored, xVic; largo, is Vic;
choice; UftalSc.;. good to prime. llal-Hic;
common to fair, llal3c; skfans, spe
cials, 12&al!c; fine, UviollHc.; fair to
good, 810M!C.; common, CaTVio.; full
skims, SViatc
EGGS Firm: reoalptH, 17.100 cases;
state, Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery,
white, 36a 40c; gathered, white, 30a30c;
hennery, brown. 30a32.; gathered, brovrn,
2&a20c; fresh gathered, extra, firsts, 20a
27c; firsts. 24a2c; seconds, 22i23c
POTATOES Weal; Maine; per bag.
Jl.2Jal.4fli; stato, per bbl., $LMal..6; Long
Island, tl.D0a2; Jersey, per bag, tl.40al.75;
sweets. Jersey, per bbl., $L75o2; per bas
ket, 40aC0c.; southern, per btA U-MaUS.
I1AY AND htka.iv yuiei; timotny, per
100 lbs-, 75c.att.10;. shipping, COa'Oc; clo
ver, mixed, Wausc. clover, 45atoc; long
rye straw, DOaSIc; oat and wheat, 40 Co.;
half tulles, 2kc loss.
The Union Wilt Go on Strike, to Retali
Nuw York, Sept. 28. Tho lockout
declared by tho Mason Builders asso-
latlon against ten of thirteen unions
of bricklayers In the greater city has
Bono Into effect.
Between 8,000 and 10,000 men aro
said to be directly affected, and tholr
leaders decluro Umt beforo tho end of
the week 14,000 bricklayers, tho entire
membership of the thirteen unions,
will bo on strlko In retaliation of tho
lockout order.
Explosion In Factory Occurs Among
Barrels of Turpentine.
New York, Sept 28. An explosion
occurred In tho basement of a factory
nt 01-03 Green street, Williamsburg,
In which two persons wero badly burn
ed and several othere slightly injured.
Tho explosion took jiluco among a
lot of barrels of turpentine, palnta and
other inflammable material stored in
tho basement. Tho factory is that of
Solomon Levlne.
Promptness Unappreciated.
Georgo What's do matter, kid?
Willie It's dls way (boohoo). Do boss
told mo to bo prompt nbout every
thing, an' now he's fired rao becauso 1
was too prompt about goln homo
Chicago Nows.
All the Worse.
Willis So Skinner's mining scheme
broko yon? I thought you got in on
tho ground floor? Glllls I did. That's
tho reason I was burled so deep wheu
It fell In -ruck.
The Unhumbled Volet.
The Duke of Cambridge was once visit Lord Stratford, whn had
been appointed ambassador to Turkey.
At an early hour on tho mornins of
his expected arrival tho ambassador
went, in slippers and dressing gown,
to see If tho rooms wcro In perfect or
der. Ho found that tho duke's valet
had arrived and was arranging his
master's trunks and portmanteaus.
Stratford gave somo directions how
they should bo placed. Tho man loft
off working nnd stared at the Intruder.
"I tell you what It Is," ho said. "I
know how his royal highness likes to
have his things arranged better than
you do. So you Just bo off, will you,
old fellow?"
Lord Stratford loft in a towering
passion. Calling ono of his attaches,
he ordered him to go in and tell the
man whom ho had addressed In such
language. Tho nttacho returned with
twinkling eyes.
"What did you say?" asked tho am
bassador. "I said to him, my lord, that tho per
son ho had ventured to address such
language to was lier majesty's repre
sentative to Turkey."
"Ah, qulto right And his nnswer?"
"Ho answered, my lord, that ho
never said you wasn't" "With Lord
Stratford In Uio Crimean War."
Wise Men of Gotham.
A "wise man of Gotham" Is a fool,
but tho phrase aroso through tho real
wisdom of tho people that lived In tho
English town of Gotham. Tho story
goes that King John of England onco
visited tho town with tho Intention of
peeing a castlo that he thought of tak
ing for himself. But tho Gothamltcs
did not euro for tho nearness of roy
alty nnd the expense they would bo
pnt to if tho king should have' a hcrasc
there, nnd so they cooked up' a" scheme
to drive him away. When the" tlmr ar
rived with his company of followers
arfl rode through tho town he saw' all
the Inhabitants of Gotham going
tlirotrgfi the most foolish of tasks, each'
person: with n silly smllo on his fade:
TbV ting- was disgusted with tticm.
nb'woxrrd not llvo among crazy people, j
and' so- ho rodo on through the town
and' dl'd" not stop for tho castlo. Th'en
tho wise- men of Gotham, still smiling,
b"ut nor fn- n silly fashion, told ono nn'
oth'er flint there were more fools that"
passed' tflrouglj Gotham than remnln
in It!
Not' What He Seemed.
Illeflt'enanr General J. 51. Gricrson
tells an amnslng' story of sotno maneu
vers lip wh'icll ho- took part. Only a
small ' body of troops were being- ac
tually employed", and "Bkefeton forces"
were the" rultv-ln other words, small
bodies of meix represented1 whole
sions. GcnomE Gricrson wftft his staff
was riding along' a l'ano wnen ho sud
denly camo upon one' of tire enemy's
pickets Bitting calmly- by the-, roadside.
Quickly the general' rodo up- tor him and
"You aro my prisoner;-you bad better
The man grinned' and pointed to a
flag beside him.
"Beg pardon, suy'llc sold',. "Tint I am.
a brigade of Infantry, so yon are alt
my prisoners."- Condon MnlL
Christians. In Old Roma.
Religious persecution as such, -was
unknown under the Romans. The
Christians were regarded as seditions.
In denying the divinity of tho Cae
sars and tho Roman gods they were
guilty of high treason In Roman eyes
and were nccoidihgly punished, Bnt
their punishment Had no religious sig
nificance whatever. The Christiana
were persecuted not because they were
Christians, but because, to the opinion
of the authorities,, they were disturb
ers of tho peace- and 6afety of tho
state. Religious persecution was a
thought that neven-entered' the-Roman
mind. New Yorlt American.
Wounds of tho Heart.
In wounds of the heart Itself the cs
cape of blood 1 never In large quantl
tr. and tho lethal confluences are
duo to tho fact that the escape of
blood from wltlUn Its cftTity or cavities
Into tho surrounding sac of the perl
cnrdlum mechanically interrupts the
alternate contraction and expansion by
which Its pumping action Is maintain
ed. Accordingly tho results of the
wound of the-heart are usually ldentl
cal with those of gradual suffocation'.
A Scotclu lawyer was well reproved
when, seated by a lady fully awaro of
her own plain looks, having bowed to
his hostess- in giving tho toast, "Hon'
est Men and Bonnlo Lasses," she re
joined, raising her own glass, "We
may both: drink that toast, slnco it re
fers to neither of us."
Similar Tastes.
Bcllo But do you think yon and he
arc suited to each other? Nell Oh,
perfectly! Our tastes are quite slml
lar. 1 don't care very much for him,
nnd ho doesn't care very much for me,
Paris Figaro.
Willing to Pass.
"flow do you like tho now oatmeal
soap?" inquired tho barber.
"Seems nourishing," replied tho cus
tomer, "but I'vo had my breakfast."
Washington Herald.
The Long Arm.
Jenny I consider tho fellow was
qulto Impudent Ho put his arm round
mo twice. Rose Did ho? What
long arm ho must have!
Wo should uot bo too niggardly in
our praise, for men will do more to
support a character than to ralio one.
London Dressmakers Affected by the
New Custom of English Women.
Tho domnnd for ready mado gonma
In London to-day Is eo groat that tho
Branll dressmaker complains that sho
is bolng crushed out of exlstonoo. Ac
cording to a report made by an In
spector of factories and workshops
there has novor been n timo when tho
ready made clothing Industry flourish
ed as at present.
Such clothing can bo bought In
Bhops at all prices from $1.10 to $400.
Most of tho choaper drcssos are mado
In factories and one stylo Is repro
duced often 200 times.
As tho ready mndo trndo Increases
naturally the dress trade, that Is tho
salo of material by tho yard, docrcasoa
and tho small dressmakers cannot got
sufllclcnt work. Tho convenience of
entering a shop, seeing n gown, try
ing It on and having It sent homo to
wear tho same day or, If slight altera
tions hnvo to bo mado, tho noxt day
has proved too alluring for tho Lon
don womnn nnd her suburban slstor.
Another reason for Uio existing stato
of affairs Is tho fact that the proucnt
tyle of gown requires very llttlo fit
ting, soft folds serve to drape tho fig
ure and boning nnd stoels aro raro.
Naturally tho cheapnoss of tho ready
made dress adds to Its attracUvencaa.
Conscience vs. Art
Thomas Nelson Pago, in Uio smok
ing room of tho Baltic, contrasted tho
literary and tho scientific tempera
ments. "But a: tetter will boat bring out my
point," BJTfd tho famous author. "You
havo hoard", of courso, of Tcnnyson'o
poem, 'Thtf Vision of Sin.' Well, an
eminent matnemntlclan wroto to Ton
nyson, on the? appearance of his poem,
letter that roar like tills:
" 'Dear Sir I find In a recent poom1
of yours, entitle "The Vision of Sin,
the following unwarranted statement:
"Every moment' dTea a man. and every
moment one Is Br.rn." I need hardly
point out that this calculation. If cor
rect, would tend' to keep tho sum
total of tho world" popnlatlon In a
state of perpetual1 fl,uipclse, where
as. It Is an establlsfied fact that tho
said population Is' constantly on tho
Increase. I would tttereforo suggest
that In the next edltltns of this poom
tho erroneous calculation to which I
refer should bo corrected" as follows:
Every moment dies a' man, and ono
and a.' sixteenth Is bonr."' I may add
that tEe exact figures are- I.1CT, but
Bomoth&E muBt, of conuse. be con
ceded to the laws of rhythm"
Washington Star.
With the Courage of Hfs-Canvfctforra.
When Oscar Straus, minister to
Turkey from this country,, held tho
came position In Grover Cleveland's
administration, ho had ocnaaton to
show how ho felt for the Hebrews, to
which race he belongs. Ha and Mrs.
Straus were taking a trip tot tho Holy
Land when tho governor off Jaffn, n
"Jewbalter," met them and. naked
them to rMe In his carriage- and re
ceive an oftlclal welcome.
'Govern car."- said Mr. Straus, "I
would like to rldo In your carrlago
and be recafved nt your palace, but I
understand you havo In your prisons
four hundred Armenian Jewa. Un
less they are released, I must decline
your hospitality."
Tho four hundred prisoners wero
given their liberty, and Straus was
welcomed oflTclally by Uio governor.
The Rush for Wealth
There arw multitudes of peopJo in
tho world ta-day who aro steering and
sailing for Ophir, simply because It
Is tho land' of gold. What will they
do if they reach tholr desired! haven?
They do not know. Thoy do not even
ask tho question. They will bo rich.
They will sit down on their gold. Let
us look out desires squarelr In tho
face. To -win richos, to havo a certain
balance In? tho bank, and a- certain
raring on the exchange, la? real ob
ject, a definite object; but It Is a
frightfully? small object for the devo
tion of a human life, and! a bitterly
disappointing reward for tho loss of
an immortal souL If woallh is our
desired ltavcn. wo may be sure that
it will nirt satisfy us whuo wo reach
It Henry van Dyko.
aneaklna with Authority.
Ono of tho briefest and no doubt
ono of tho most sincere iwldreases over
dollvored on tho subject of capital pun-
lshmont.wns mado in Worcester Coun
ty, Massachusetts, mor than two gen
erations ago.
A notorious chnraoter by tho namo
of Charles James, standing on tho
gallows with tho noose properly ad
justed, was asked before tho cap was
drawn over his face If ho would llko
to say n few words.
"Ladlos and gentlemen beg par
don, gentlomen," ho said. "Standing
whore I do, I am unalterably opposed;
to capital punishment" Everybody!!
Probably True.
A raw Irishman shipped as one of
tho crow on a revenue cruiser. His
turn at tho wheel came around, and
after a somewhat eccentric session in
tho pilot, house bo found himself tho
butt of no llttlo humor below.
"Begorrnh," ho growled at last,
"and ye nocdn't talk. I bot I done
more steorln' In ten minutes n'. ye
done In your llfo." Succoss Magazine,
Awfully Busy.
Jim A stitch in time saves nine
Tom Who said that?
Jim Geo 1 Ain't you read your
Tom Nope; I ain't ovon had time
to read tho sporting page this morn
Ine yot Cleveland Loader.
He Got Badly Left.
Experiences of n correspondent of n
Nuremberg paper go to show that tho
Gcrmau adulteration laws aro drastic.
Ho says: "A Kronen friend sent mo
four bottles of burgundy. After pay
lug the duty I waH Informed that all
tno coming from abroad has to bo
nalyred. As my consignment Includ-
hI two kinds of wine a doubla analysis
was necessnry, and for this I paid a
feo of $9.24. As tho end of a week 1
received first n ccrtlllcato attesting that
my wine was pure and. second, tho
caso In which tho bottles wero sent
was also Informed that two bottles
had been required to form the basis of
each analysis and that consequently
lucre waa no wluo left. I am natural
grateful to tho stato for tho precau
tions taken to guard my health, but I
cannot help thinking I am entitled to
tho empty bottles. Surely thesf wero
not also nnalyzcd."
O. Henry's Reading.
Tho lato O. Henry, whoso flippant
and slangy stories gnvo him a great
reputation as a humorist, was, In pri
vate llfo a serious student
A visitor to tho library of Mr. Por
ter's New Yort residence was amazed
at the ponderotw histories and biog
raphies on every side.
"But don't yon rend," said the vis
itor, "Ellis Parker Butler and writers
of that sort?"
"Well, no," said Mr. Porter.
Ho laughed and' added whimsically:
"I make fancy cakes and sell them,
but I only eat bread and meat"
Three Curious Bells.
There Is a curious legend connected
with tho bclM of Messingham church.
It Is said that a long,. Ibnjr time ago a
traveler was passing through Messing
frnm when ho noticed tlireo men sitting
on n stile in the churcliynrd and say
ing; "Come to church, Thompson; come
to' church, Brovn," nnd so1 on. Being
very much surprised, he asked what It
meant and was told that having n
bells-, they called folks to1 church In
this way. Tho traveler remarked that
It watt a pity so fine a church should
be without bells and at the same time
asked the men if they could make
thne for tho church, promising tO' pay
for them himself. They undertook, to
do this. They wero respectively a
tinker, nr carpenter nnd n shoemaker
When next the traveler passed thnf
way ho found the three men ringing
three bclfr which said. "Ting. tong.
pluff," being made respectively of tin, t
wood and feather! London Tlt-Blts.
A -Real Sport.
PenstHJ Bfalden I won't marry any
one but an aeronaut. Black Is-so be
coming t- me. SlinpIIclssimus.
Ort a Surly Porter.
What JUty heirs gates are not keptr by
The suite 0U1 doe would let nobody Isj
Humor of Ireland I,
Wafer Bonds
From 5 to 6 per cent.
In denominations of
100, 500 and 1,000
If Interested
call on or address
Office: Foster Block Oth and
Main St.
Honesdale, Pa.
D. & H. CO. TlflE TABLE
10 00
10 00
4 30
6 (tt
....Albany ....
Kliictniiiiton .
10 oo
10 00
2 15
12 30
8 30
2 15
Philadelphia .
1 20
'I W
7 25
tf 15
1 20
2 OS
7 10
7 55
0 SO:
6 40
5 SO
5 M
6 'M
2 05
2 15
2 IK
2 37
2 43
2 4y
2 52
2 57
8 45 . .. .Cnrbontlnle ....
8 55 .-Xlncoln Avenue..
a 15
6 3
8 5tt .....
6 11
K On
... Caiman
Luke Ixxlore . .
. Way mart....
.... Keeue
.. Fortenlu
..Seelyville ....
. Honesdale ...
ti 1
6 231
1 0
a 51
U 57
7 07
7 13
U 37
ti 4K
10 00
7 10
7 20
2 BH
3 03
3 07
3 10
3 15
10 01
!i 47
10 08
7 21
7 27
7 31
10 11
10 15
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
This voar onoiu win, a deluire of now mixed paints. A con
dition brought alxut by our enterprising dealors to get somo kind
of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED
DAUNTS. Their compounds, being now ana neavny auveruseu,
may find a salo with tno unwary.
Thoro aro reasons for tho pro
isc wo ono can mix a uuuw uuacu pmuu
2d The painters deolaro that it works easily and has won
dorful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his
own oxpenso.overy surface painted with Chilton Paint that
proves defective.
4th Those who havo used it aro perfectly satisfied with it
and recommend its use to others.
Is Your Life
Worth Living ?
When the liver refuses to perform Its
functions of secreting bile, and the bowels
become Inactive and loaded with foul waste
materials, the effect on tho mind is most
distressing. Gloomy forebodings drive out
the sunshine. You are nervous and fret
ful. Life is not worth living. What alls
you? It's your liver on a strike. Con
gested, torpid, sulky, It refuses to perform
its functions.
What's to bo done ? Take ono or two
Smith's Pineapple and Butternut Pills after
dinner and again at night. In tho morning
you will feel different. Thcsunwill shine.
What's the reason ? Your lirer has re
sumed business, that's all. These won
derful little pills have set it going. With
dear brain, keen appetite, you will enjoy
life again. Take one occasionally for a
week or so and your blood will bo purged
of impurities and its bright red flood will
carry health to your finger tips. Physicians
use and recommend. They form no habit
You should always kep them on band.
These little Vegetable Pills will ward off
many ills.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and SicH'
Headache in a Night, use
1 pa iqestttjri
Headache ana
piseases or
the Stomach.
OO iniK In OUss Vint 2!c All Dealers.
MITH'S For Sick Kidneys
EUdoer DlMAvrs, Itbeam&Usm,
Uw one tot remedy. Reliable,
cndOTVcd by leading physicians;
mfe,effectn&l. Kesults lasting.
On the martet 18 years. Have
carrd thousands, loo pUls In
original glass package, CO cents.
Trial txra,M pills, Scents. AU
druggists sell and recommend.
Roll of
Attention is called otne STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
Citv has published a ROLL Oh
HO'NOR of the 11,470 State Banko
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wavne County.
Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00
Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00
Honesdoie. Pa.. Mar 29. 1908.
You will make money
by bavins me.
Bethany, Pa.
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- minonco of CHILTON PAINTS?