The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 28, 1910, Image 1
THE WEATHER Wednesday partly cloudy mid cooler weather will prevail, with light southwest to westerly winds. Citott ' if W Jf IT K " if K K" if ' K1 f K1 Scmi-Wcckly Founded ( 1908 2 1 Weekly Founded, 1844 2 jtJJ J JtO Jtw J I Wayne County Orjf 5 ' of the f 1 REPUBLICAN PAjpV 67th YEAR. HONESDALB, WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1910. REPUBLIC! RALLY ROSE WILL CASE TKNKH, REYNOLDS. HOUCK AND OTHER SPEAKERS OUTLINE THE ISSUES HOMER GHEEXEi PRESIDES RIG AFTERNOON I MEETING IX SPITE OK RAIN. The Republican state candidates visited our borough on Saturday. The party conElsted of John K.. Ten or, candidate for governor; John M. Reynolds, candidate for lieutenant governor; C. F. Wright, candidate for state treasurer. Henry Houck, candidate to succeed himself as sec retary of Internal affairs, and Perry Shaner and several friends of the candidates. They were met at the depot by County Chairman M. E. Simons and E. B. Hardenborgh, who conducted them to the Allen house where a general introduction was made to many of our prominent cit izens who had gathered to bid them welcome. The candidates took a view of the town in company with a number of townsmen and visited the court house, tho High school' tiulldlng and other of our public buildings. They all expressed ad miration of the town and all Its ap pointments especially of our high school building which they pro nounced as one of the best in the state. At 2.30 p. in., under the in spiring music of the'Maple City Drum and Fife corps, they proceeded to the court house where there was as sembled a large number of our citi zens and a few ladles all of whom had braved tho inclemency of the weather to come out and have a look at the men who will be at the head of our state offices for the next four years. Nobody was disappoint ed In what they saw or heard, as the gentlemen who addressed the men spoke In a manner that is be fitting men who aspire to the high offices of this great Keystone state. There was no throwing of mud, no defamation of character, no wild : statements, but each speaker made a manly address In which the issue at stake were calmly reviewed. Homer Greene presided at the meeting and In a very able address not only welcomed the candidates to our borough but urged every Re publican to stand by the ticket and, claimed that no Republican had any! Just reason for forsaking his ;party this year as the record for the, past four years were beyond criticism. John K. Tener Is no orator, has no superfluous talk, but a great big .manly man, who does things rather than say things. He believes in a business management of state af fairs and his record from boyhood up proves that whatever he has put his hand to has prospered and been successful and one of the greatest recommendations that he has Is that 1n his own town which Is much larger than Honesdale the people gave a vote of SG7 for him and only 87 against him in the poll of nearly 1,000 voters. His record as a man and public official and his character for square dealing Is with out a blemish. His speech was a short, concise, sensible, right-to-the-potnt talk In which he spoke of the efficiency of the different state de partments, the efforts of the present administration to Increase their effi ciency and he promised if elected to do all that lay In his power to further Increase that efficiency until the Keystone state excelled every state in the Union In, every respect. It was a business speech and It was a treat to listen to same. THERE WAS NONE OP THE USUAL SLOB BER THAT CANDIDATES EXPEND IN THEIR EFFORTS TO MAKE "VOTES. John M. Reynolds made a short sneech in which he touched upon the national affairs and also upon the efforts of Pennsylvania for forest reservation and made the statement that Pennsylvania as a state had began conservation of Its resources before the national gov eminent had awakened to Its im portance and at the present time we, as a state, wore far in tno leau. C. F. Wrlcht. so well known to nil our people, and tho mention of whoso name call forth tumultous ap- nlause. was unable to attend, unv. lng been called away and left on tho 2 48 train. Perry Shaner next addressed the meeting and his remarks were lis tened to with close attention as he ilenlcted tho evil results of Demo cratic rule In tho past and predicted that lust as soon as Democracy had the chance to destroy tho tariff which protects tho American workingmen thnv would do so and repeat tho sad lessons of soup houses and business Rtnirnntlon. Henrv Houck was the last speaker and kept tho audience in good hum or by his good natured sallies of wit and humor. He Is an old cam nalener and when ho said that John K. Tener will go two hundred thous and maiorlty tho audience Denevea him. as his nredictions of results when ho has toured the state dur ing the campaigns have been very accurate. Congressman Pratt, who was not present, was not forgotten, and as the several speakers mentioned his namo tho applause that followed was evidence of his popularity. Tho candidates and party left on tho 4.30 p. m. train over tho D. & II. to attend a mass meeting at Wllkes-Barro that evening, which according to tho papors of that city, was ono of tho largest ever held there. Tho long coats for Ladles, Juniors and Misses at Mcnner & Co.'s Btoro, All latest makes. Mews Snapshots Of the Week More than 15,000 G. A. R, veterans Chandler Harris and dedicate It as A FORGER AMONG US. The Farmers' and Mechanics' bank detected several forged checks which were presented at the counter for deposit. One check was signed "B. L. Faatz" and made payable to C. W. Myers. The amount of the check was ?12. Mr. Faatz when shown the check at once pronounced It a forgery but admitted It was very good Imitation of his signature. Mr. Faatz has no account at the Farmers' and Mechanics' bank and stated he knew no one by the name of C. W. Myers and presumed that the forger must have obtained his name from his milk wagon. One of the checks was accepted by G. P. Somner, the eweler, the man buying a watch for SC and receiving $6 In cash as change. There was another check of liko amount and .same, signature accepted by C. M. Betz, the harness man, Mr. Betz giving the man J8. BO which was the difference between the face of .the check and the amount of the purchase-made. 'A -good dis cretion of the man has been obtain ed,, and It is hoped that he will soon be behind the bars. Manifesto of Board of Trade. Following the removal of two of our cut glass factories, about 100 public-spirited citizens got together and formed the Greater Honesdale Board of Trade. The new Board is trying to Im prove the Interest of Honesdale and Texas In every way possible. Presi dent Charles Smith appointed com mittees to look after the Improve ment of public highways, transpor tation of mall and railway facilities, financial committee to establish a Realty company to build houses where skilled mechanics and work men may live in comfort at cheap rent, a press committee to advertise Honesdale broadcast throughout the Union for its facilities of water power and other attractions to lo cate Industries. Every wise citi zen will recognize the service ren dered by a wideawake Board of Trade to Honesdale and vicinity. Therefore we ask every man, woman nnd child to purchase tho button placed on sale by us and wear plain ly same visible until Oct. 5. Let us all work in harmony for the future of our town. COMMITTEE. THIRTY YEARS AGO. Benjamin K. Bortree, who was tried and convicted some thirty years ago of shooting and killing one Shousc, and was sentenced to stato prison for twelve years and served his time, was in town last week. He is now 88 years of age and evidently a "little off" mentally. This Is tho first tlmo ho has been In Honesdale since his sentence and he met but few who remembered him, many of those who took part in tho trial be ing dead. William H. Dimmlck, who prosecuted him, took him to tho of fice where tho shooting was done and a recital of the deed was mado by Bortree. Ho Is in apparently good health, vigorous for his ago, but has the Bplrit of unrest. His visit stirred up a lot of recollections that were the subjects of talk nt mauy places and homes during the last fow days. THEY WANT AN UPSTATE MAX. Lenders, According to Roosevelt, Seek Such u Fellow for Governor. ALBANY, Sept. 27. Col. Roose velt on his way to Syracuse said ho endorsed tho renomlnation of Stato Senator Walnwrlght of Westchester. "I told him yesterday," said the Colonel, "that I approved his work In the legislature and that his work should entitle him to tho support of overy good citizen. I told him I would do all I could to help him." Tho Colonol said tho upstate lead ers insisted that an upstato man should bo nominated for governor. Tho names of William Hotchklss nnd Senators Hlnman and Daven port had bcon mentioned. Col. Roosevelt was given a good recoptlon on his arrival, although no prominent members of tho Albany county Republican organization were present. Ho came out on tho rear platform and Bhook hands. New York stntc's political conventions aro attracting much attention Just now, Ow RcpnWlcnns witnessing the battle for temporary chairman between Vlco President Sherman, aided by William Barnes, Jr., and Timothy WoodrHlT, on one side and Colonel Roosevelt on the otlcr at Saratoga and the Democrats holding forth nt Albany with Mayor Gaynor of Greater New York as the most likely candidate. The national Irrigation congress, which meets nt Pueblo, Colo., promises to be important. met nt Atlantic City for their annual reunion. Tho people of Atlanta plnn to purchase the home of tho late Joel a memorial to the nutlKr. St Patrick's cathedral In New York city will be consecrated during a week's celebration. NO GERRHS IN OA J AW POND Water from raion Hill the Shows Bacteria. State Inspector Ralph Irwin, who came from Harrlsburg six weeks, ago-,. In company with Inspector ..M. E. Shaughnessy, to investigate the causes of typhoid fever In Honesdale and vicinity, got to town again Fri day night and remained until Sat urday morning. While here he saw County Medical Inspector, H. B. Ely and Health officer N. B. Spencer of Texas township. The city water, Mr. Irwin says, Is absolutely O. K. but the tests of wa ter from Kelsch's well on Union hill In Texas No. 4 and of water from the cemetery spring show bacteria or, to use the common phrase of Inspectors this water "goes wrong." The well and the spring, Dr. Ely said today, will be condemned and sealed up. The cemetery water was the worst of tho lot. The water from Cajaw pond, ac cording to Mr. Irwin's report is the Important Tinie-Tablo Chongcs on Hrlo Railroad. Saturday, Oct. 1st, will be the last trip of train 129. Effective Monday, Oct. 3, train 127 will be restored arriving at Honesdale at C.GC p. in. Effective same date train 102 will leave Honesdale 2.50 p. m. instead of 2.48 p. in. MIXER LEWIS' PREDICTION'. In an Interview held In Pittsburg last week, President T. L. Lewis of tho United Mine Workers of Amer ica Is quoted as predicting that Roosevelt won't be the next presi dent and that "the people won't have him." "Roosevelt has never fooled the people," he declared. In the Interview, Lewis accused tho former president and other labor-political leaders of vanity nnd Inconsistency, and intimated that trouble is coming for President Francis Feehan of the Pittsburg dis trict miners. Some of tho thlugs he said are: "In all tho trouble that has been raised In the miners' union Tom Lewis has always been on tho de fensive, ready to go the limit for harmony. Somo day It will bo dif ferent, and somo ono will he hit, and hit hard. You can draw your own conclusions." "Labor leaders aro playing poli tics too much. No man carries the labor vote In his pocket." "I can only account for somo leaders' actions by concluding that they llko to bo In tho limelight." "I would not belong to an organ ization that deprives a man of tho right to labor. All wo ask Is that tho employer chooso botween the non-union individual and tno collec tive union labor." "Education, ollmlnntlon of fictiti ous values nnd an Income tnx are tho hopes of labor. Wo will win In the loug strugglo." "Organization Is tho ulterior rao tlvo of evory strike. Disorder sel dom occurs whero there has been organization." "I am trying to practically aid the minors and am not going about tho country kicking tho corners off tho buildings as Toddy and somo othors aro doing." Next week tho Wayno county fair will bo hold. Prepare to at tend. Better nnd brighter then over. Kelsch's Well on and of the Water Cemetery Spring best of the 16 samples taken by In spVctrs Irwin and Shaughnessy on th'elr trip through the water shed and to other places from which drinking water is obtained. No report on Bunnell's pond was received. Peo ple who drink city water need not worry about typhoid germs in Ca jaw. Cajaw has Ho germs. The Honesdale typhoid, Mr. Irwin says, was due to foul well water and spring water and to bad local condi tions, which, of course, Includes a number of closets on River street which had been notoriously neglect ed. The Water company, as given out a month ago by Supt. McMullen, Is go ing to pipe water, direct from First pond. The Job will take about a year, but a survey has already been started and the work, the company's officers say, will be pushed from now on. ARGUMENT COURT SATURDAY. Judge Searlo Presided Ellu Simp mii Paroled. Petition of strikers, convicted by Justice R. A. Smith, of disorderly conduct, for appeal, allowed by the court. In regard to tho petition to re move from office tho school directors of Canaan township, J. J. Koehler appointed inspector to make report as provided by the act of assembly. In re lunacy of William Malloy Order made that William Malloy be discharged from Insane asylum at Danville. Ella Simpson of Orson who plead guilty to the charge of stealing from the home of Mrs. Lillian Lee was paroled In charge of Smith Simp son. In this case as In nil cases whero tho parole system is tried, sentence is merely suspended dur ing good behavior. In suspending sentence Judge Searlo gave tho young woman a sevoro talking to and endeavored to Impress upon her tho necessity of leading an exem plary life In tho future If she wish ed to avoid imprisonment as a pen alty for her recent crime. In a great majority of cases the parole system works to better advantage, especially in the case of first of fenders than tho prison sentence. In ro Lnko Lodore Improvement company vs. Lyman Buckland. Per mission given defendant to file ad ditional answer to petition for rule for issue. Sanio permission granted In tho caso of the Lodoro company vs. Thomas Buckland. Court adjourned to Monday, Oct. 3, at 11 a. m. KXPLANATION. In our report regarding tho filing of tho pnpors of the candidates who endeavored to pre-empt tho nomina tion of tho Koystone party, wo stat ed that M. J. Hanlnn prepared Leo pold Fuerth 8 papors. This was an error. Hanlnn did not proparo any candldato 8 papors. All tho part ho took was to take tho affidavit of tho party who prepared Jackson's paper and his deputy. Robert Ferber, took tho affidavit of tho party who pre pared Fuorth's papor. M. J. unman had nothing to do with tho prepara tion of any cnndldnto's papers ex cept bo far as his duty as clerk of tho courts required mm to uo. FIRST LEDYARD IX COUNTRY. Served His Country With Honot- Reunion of iAHlyurd.s Held at Unlondulc. Many descendants of Robert Led yard and Sarah Cady, his wife, con vened Sept. 14 In Carpenter's grove, Unlondale, In reunion. Those present were: Mrs. James Ledyard, Nellie Ledyard, Scott J. Ledynrd, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Led yard, Mr. and Mrs. Erwln L. Thomas, Mrs. Frank Wildenstein, Eva and Floyd Wildenstein of Mount Pleasant, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Ledyard, Isabelle and G. Howard Ledyard of Clifford, Mrs. Cella A. Ayres of Peckville, Mrs. E. M. Peck and Carrie Ledyard of Carbondale, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Ledyard and three children, Harry, Roy and Robert of Starlight. After a bountiful repast, the meet ing was called to order and an an nual reunion was decided upon. Of ficers were elected as follows: Presi dent, E. H. Ledyard; vice-president; George H. Ledyard; secretary, Mrs. E. M. Peck; treasurer, Erwln L. Thomas. A letter from an absent member of the family In Ohio was received, expressing regret at not being able to attend, also best wishes to all. Tho remaining time was pleasantly spent in reminiscences, also present pleasures and hopes for the future. Robert Ledyard and wife moved with their six sons and ono daugh ter from Brooklyn, Conn., arriving in Mt. Pleasant In November, 1809. They were indeed pioneers, as very few settlers had preceded them. Robert Ledyard was born In Eng land and came to this country to aid In the war of the Revolution, serving under Benedict Arnold, of which he was never proud, was tak en prisoner at Quebec, and at the close of the war received an honor able discharge. Part of his first pension money Is still possessed as a souvenir, by a descendant, and Is highly prized. Mrs. Ledyard's family was also represented In the Revolutionary war, and one whose name Asa Holt is on the Wyoming monument was among tho victims of that terrible massacre. .Many of the descendants aro set tled In tho west, and some are In Wayne, Susquehanna and Lacka wanna counties In Pennsylvania. Adjourned to meet on the first Saturday In September, 1911, at the same place. RESOLUTIONS. Adopted by Pustors Swift, Hlller, Miller, Wendell nnd Whittnker. We, tho undersigned Protestant ministers of Honesdale, deslro to mnko public our convictions touching tho labor question. First We believe in tho right of laboring men to organize thomsolves Into unions in order to secure and maintain their right to a fair share of the fruit of capital and labor com bined: and that they should have the protection of law In the exercise of this right. Second-MVo believe, as firmly, In tho right of laboring men to refuso to join the union. Third Wo bellevo that as Amer ican citizens they are entitled to ex orcise their right without intlmlda tlou or molestation. Fourth Wo boliovo that nonunion lnbor should bo protected In tho ex erclse of this right. Fifth Wo bellevo that any un wise Interference with tho exercise of this right can only bring under a cloud tho fair namo of Honesdale. Sixth Wo bellevo that nil union men who have tho welfare of tho union at heart should speak out In ringing tones ngalnst any nttempt to force laboring men into tho union. WILLIAM II. SWIFT, Pastor Presbytorlan church. WILL H. HILLER, Pastor Mothodlst Episcopal church GEORGE S. WENDELL. Pastor Baptist church. C. C. MILLER, Pastor Lutheran church A. L. WHITTAKER. Rector Grace church. Honesdnlo, Pa., Sopt. 20, 1910. JUDGE SEARLE TO DECIDE IM PORTANT CASE BEFORE SUS QUEIIAXXA COURTS CASK WILL LIKELY HE TAKEN TO HIGHER COURT. One of the most absorbing cases of Interest that has come within tho Jurisdiction of tho Susquehanna county courts in some years, involv ing perhaps a sum of money not ex ceeded in the county's history. Is that of the Rose will contest, which was lately tried in equity before Judge A. T. Searlo of Honesdale. The, property In suit consists in part of 1,000 acres of timber land on the border of Silver Lake. This timber has never been touched by the axe of tho woodman and still retains Its primeval grandeur, al though many a rapacious look has been cast upon Its broad acres by those who would rather see it felled and Bawed Into mansions grand, which, however, with all man's In genuity, could not be made over In to anything so beautiful as the state ly trees themselves. This is practi cally the last bit of forest of any size that remains of the countless trees that originally covered the hills of the county before the settlers came. The value of the tract of timber In question Is variously appraised at from $100,000 to ?1GO,000. Judge Searle Is now considering the case, but it Is probable that what ever his decision, it will be carried to Supreme court for final settle ment. A brief history of the case Is as follows: Andrew H. Rose died leaving a will and naming the older Judge Jessup and Benjamin I. Bentley exe cutors and trustees, giving them tne property In trust to provide a cer tain and regular Income for his wife and son, Francis. His wife was to have one-third of the Income for life, or as long as she remained a widow, the residue going to Francis. Another provision was that If Francis died In his minority the In come was to go to his mother for her life, and It was also provided that upon the death or remarriage of the toother that the income should go to the late Edward W. Rose, and af ter his death, to his children, who are Robert H. Rose, Hon. Henry J. Rose. Caleb C Rose and Mrs. H. J. Flllebrown. Francis was an imbecllle from birth and died shortly after reaching 21 years. The widow remarried Col. James West. Attorneys A. B. Smith and W. D. B. AIney represent the opposing sides In the contest. Mr. Smith con tends that the property should be divided among the children and de cendants of the brothers and sisters of Andrew H. Rose, as next of kin to Francis. Mr. Ainey takes the view that the children of Edward W. Roso should be the legatees. SCHANTON HOARD OK TRADE. Like an enchanted chamber will tppear the great auditorium of tho cranton armory when the second Scranton Industrial Exposition will throw open Its doors on October 5. In addition to the marvelous trans formation in the appearance of the room the governor of the state will be there to grace the notable occas ion with his presence. He will bo accompanied to Scranton by some of tho state's most prominent men. An insistent demand for this sec ond exposition was what caused tho Scranton Board of Trade to promote It. This demand came from tho business and commercial houses of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Wo should not lose sight of tho fact that this exposition will not be tor Scranton alone, but that It will be representative of this section of tho state. For that reason patronage will not be from Scranton alone but from all the surrounding towns. To attract this patronage, railroad man agers aro offering reduced rates of fare. A complication ngure. pre pared with a regard for accuracy In dicates that the exposition will bring to Scranton nt least two thousand visitors a day while It Is In pro gress. Of features, In connection with this big event, thero will be a great numbei. One will bo the musical selections, which will be rendered by ns good bands as tho general committee has been nblo to And In tho country. They will present programs evory afternoon and evon Ing that will reveal both classical and popular music. They will bring to this city two soloists of national reputation. There aro nt tho arm ory 13C booths which will be filled with the handsomely nrranged ex hibits of Scranton business houses. Then, thero will bo the freo booths devoted to the societies nnd clubs of the city. Also, tho electri cal decorations which will add so much to tho beautiful effect. From n spreading base, tho Eiffel towel will rear Itself, reaching r point at tho pinnacle, and sendlug out a glare of light. Then, the electrical fountain will furnish a pleasing di version, with tho bottom filled with varl-colored electric bulbs to lend a beautiful effect to tho water. It Is said that In tho way of complete ness tho exposition will excel any thing that Scrnntoulans have seen. Tho Methodist Ladles' Aid so ciety will meet at tho homo of Mrs. Ann Markoy, East Honesdale, on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 29.