THIS CITIZEN, PIUDAY, SKl'T. S3, 1010. S DURE Bedell Says Sugar Money Constituted Mere Tips. "FOR FACILITATING CARGOES" Characterizes Testimony of J. P. Hy land as Positively False and Declares That No Cash Was Received For False Weighing, Now York, Sept. 21. GeorRo E. Ho dell, tlio former chief clerk In the of fice of Deputy Surveyor of the Tort James F. Vnll, uiul who Is now on trial beforo Judge Mnrtln nnd n Jury In the I'nltcil States circuit court on the charge of complicity In the under weighing frauds, resumed the witness stand In his own defense under cross examination conducted by Henry L. Stlinson, the special prosecutor for the government. Mr. Hedell admitted Hint ills acceptance of the so called "house money" might have had some lnlluoncc in the assignment of assistant weigh ers to ships or docks, but thu witness ndhered to his statement of yesterday that ho never accepted money which he knew or understood to be part of the fruit of fraudulent weighing. Bedell characterized the testimony of James 1'. Hyland as "positively false." Hyland, who was a government wit ness, testified that he paid Uedell a part of the money received by hiui from importers for underweighlng. Hcdell, however, while admitting re ceiving money from Hyland as well as from Frederick I?. Sawyer, another assistant customs weigher, contended that he never know there was any thing wrong in the payment by the steamship companies of what was called "house money." Such money Bedell said he regarded as In the na ture of a tip. This money wns paid for facilitating the unloading of car goes. Bedell admitted tlint part of this money was paid by cortnln sugar im porters, but this wns done, as he un derstood It, only when the weighers worked overtime. In no Instance, he Bald, did ho know that nny of this money was derived from falso weigh lng. HEAVY SEAS BATTER FLEET. Battleships Settle Down Ready to Re sume Rifle Practice. Fortress Monroe, Va., Sept. 21. On Sunday, after a full week's enforced idleness due to heavy seas, the break ing up of target rafts and the disabling of tugs and other auxiliary vessels, the Atlantic battle lleet settled down In calmer water, prepared to resume target practice. Two ships lost their anchors in the heavy seas while a stiff northeaster ran from thirty to forty miles an hour for forty-eight hours. One ship lost seventy-five fathoms of chain. Two tugs lost their propellers, and colliers even were driven to shelter In Lyn havon bay. The entire fleet has been isolated, each ship from another, and only the Connecticut, Admiral Schroeder's flag ship, has received mall. The commander In chief has allowed no wireless messages except official, nnd a strict limit and censorship has been maintained on press dispatches. MARRIED AT PISTOL POINT. Husband So Charges In Suit For An nulment. New York, Sept. 21. Alfred Lnrkln, Jr., an employee of the Stnten Island Uapld Transit railway, says he was forced at the point of her father's pis tol to marry Agnes Madsen four years ago, when he was just a month over eighteen and she was scarcely fifteen years of age, and he sued for an an nulment. Through her counsel Mrs. Larkln ap plied today to Justice fiuvegan of the supreme court for alimony and counsel fee, nlleging that she was dependent upon her father. I Inns S. Madsen, who Is poor, while Lnrkln is well to do. Decision wns reserved. BAKER IS NOT REMOVED. Leave It to Me, Says Mayor Gaynor to Mitchel. New York, Sept. 21. John I'urroy Mitchel, the noting mayor, could not got Mayor Guvnor to assent to the re moval of Police Commissioner Baker. The mnyor told Mr. Mitchel that ho would be back at tho city hnll "in a few days" nnd asked Mr. Mitchel to leave Baker to him. Tho mayor read tho polleo commis sioner's letter to Mr. Mitchel and per suaded Mr. Mitchel not to inako it pub- He. Twins Give Dlrth Same Day. New York, Sept. 21. Mrs. Clara MIt tlciuan, wife of Max Mlttleman of 210 Bust Fourteenth street, and Mrs. Mary Waxman, wife of Georgo Waxiunn of D23 Lenox avenue, are twins. On Sun flay Mrs. Mlttleman beeanio a mother nnd on the samo day her sister, Mrs, Waxinuu, also guvo birth to u child. Kills Wife's Physician. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 21. Alleging that his wires affections had been nllenat ed, "William C. Cox shot and killed Dr. J. It. Sewell, ono of tho leading physicians of Atlanta. As soon as Cox wns certain that Dr. Sewell was dead ho put a bullet through his own head, inflicting a lutul wouud. BOVINK TU11KKCULOSIS. Iiniue Perccntngo of nil Herds In fected with tho Disease. A great many of our dniry far mers think that thoro aro enough regulations concerning their busi ness, but it is highly probnblo that further legislation in regard to milk will follow the statement Dr. V. A. Mooro recently made in Ithaca that 72 per cent of all herds of cattle in tho State nro Infected with tubercu losis. Dr. Mooro Is ono of tho staff of the New York Stato Votorinary College at Cornoll, and consulting veterinarian to the Stato Agricul tural Department. Ho bolloves that steps should ho tnken to probo tho hords r.nd eradicate tho disease. Dur ing tho last year tho Stato Depart ment tested 2,753 cattle. Of this number G28 responded to tho tub erculin test nnd were killed, The owners received for theso condemned cows a total of $G,S19, which aver ages a little mor' thnn $10 a hend, tho Stato law allowing the payment of forty per cent of tho value of any animal killed by order of tho Stato Veterinarian. This, it is claimed. Is considered too small an amount by tho farmers and often Induces them to cover up tho condition of infected animals. Stato Agricultural Com missioner Welting believes tho own ers should be paid a greater percent age, and that the only safo way to eradicate the disease is to kill off tho infected animals within a given per iod. To do this vould require thous ands o officials and an immense ex penditure of money, but ho is suro the State will eventually bo forced to adopt tho plan and will, in tho end, be the better off for It. Discussing tho question, Dr. Mooro recently called attention to a very common error when ho said: "You will see advertisements appear drink only Pasteurized or sterilized milk and avoid disease germs. Now tho fact is that tuberculosis germs can not be killed under 210 degrees Fahrenheit. To heat milk to that temperature would change it to a curd like cheese. Raw milk Is tho natural food and tho supply should be protected by tho State at any cost." Breeding Crntc for bows. Quito frequently a farmer has a sow that is inclined to give trouble at time of service. Sho may bo in condition to breed yet at the samo time either from fear or meanness will not. The cut herowith shows a cheap yet practical and effectual breeding crate in use by ono of my neighbors. I have had tho opportunity of using this crate several times and know that it will save a great deal of timo BREEDING CRATE MOR SOWS. ith sows that givo trouble about breeding. The era to was constructed along side a building in ono corner of a small pen. It is 4 feet long by 20 inches wide. Tho entiro framo work was constructed out of inch mate rial. About 12 inches up from tho ground and 10 inches from tho rear end of tho crato a bar is placed. Af ter tho sow is driven Into tho crato this bar is passed in front of tho hind legs and under tho flank. In case of a very largo sow and a young boar a small platform Is laid down as Il lustrated. Prairie Farmer. Lambs und tho Self Feeder. Wo all differ in our methods (in feeding lambs. Some of us "get thoro'' much better than others, and succeed in fattening tho lambs. A man that can not mako thom fat, does not long continue in tho busi ness. I never tried tho self-feeder, for tho simplo reason, at first, that tho evidence of tho experiment sta tions was decidedly against tho prac tico. As experionco comos to mo, I nm moro strongly against tho prac tice. Station work Bays that gains by tho uso of tho self feoder aro moro costly than gainB othorwiso mado. Any ono that has ovor fed lambs, knows, or should know, that a lamb will not loavo a feed that ho likes till ho is full and in too many instances, too full. Then ho stands off until hunger impols him to food again. If tho othor lambs have "blown" upon tho feed that ho must oat, ho will not touch it till very hungry, and then ho eats too much again. This "see-saw" way of feed ing must belong to tho self-feodor. Thwn anothor objection to tho solf feoder is, tho com must bo shollod, which entails a great deal of hard labor unless a man has a power shelter, which adds much to tho ex ponso and care of tho plant. In my oxporionco, I havo found it much moro easy to pick tho cobs out of a rack than to feed tho oars into a corn sholier whllo tho other follow turned tho crank. John M. Jamison in tho Ohio Farmer. As a general rule a man's hair turns gray flvo years earlier than that of a woman. NEWS FROM MAINE PLEASED BERRY Gubernatorial Nominee Elated Over Democratic Victory, HE ATTACKED TARIFF BILL Independent Republicans Quit Key stone Party, Disgruntled With the Brynnltc Outfit. Special Correspondence. Philadelphia, Sept. 20. An exhibition of partisanship which startled and disgusted tho fow inde pendent Republicans present was given by William H. Berry at a moot ing In this city a few nights ago, when the KeyBtone Party nominee, unablo to suppress his jubilation, Bpoko ex ultantly of "tho good news from Maine." Not only did ho oxpross intonso gratification over tho Democratic vic tory in the Pino Tree Stato, hut ho followed this up with an attack upon tho Ropubllcan tariff and tho Taft ad ministration, which so incensed Re publicans that tho llttlo cotorio that wero there left tho hall, dotorminod to have nothing further to do with his candidacy. Yes, , Berry had "hoard tho good news from Maino," and his old-tlmo Democratic spirits wero revived; ho could not help but rejoice in a tri umph for a party with which ho fought for so many years. "While he is a bolter this year from tho Guffoy Dem ocratic stato organization, Berry still holds allegiance to tho national De mocracy, particularly to tho Bryan wing of that party, for which at Den ver he deserted Guffey for Bryan Guftey who had done so much for him, nominated him and financed his cam paign for state treasurer, and even though ho was thon getting $8000 a year salary from tho stato treasury, loanod him $15,000 upon collateral which when put up at public salo real ized but $700, and then suit had to bo entered in court in an effort to obtain payment of tho balance, $14,300, with not a dollar's worth of interest paid upon tho loan. While Berry's ingratitude to Guffey is not a jnnttfjr. of public concern, and ,o . ;SCj0r m the present political campaign, Berry's adherence to the Democracy, his intense loyalty to tho Bryan leadership, is the subject of widespread comment Could Not Stand Berry. In this city, especially, Berry's nom ination upon tho independent ticket at once estranged thousands from that movoment who might under certain conditions have been inclined to favor an independent Republican for gov ernor. Others who at first declined to say what attitude thoy would take in the campaign, havo slnco come out squarely in favor of tho full Republi can ticket. This was tho logical outcome of tho revelations as to Berry's financial dealings with Guffey, followed by Berry's erratic coureo.upon the stump, has flambouyant and rambling oratory culminating in his sensational and un called for attack upon tho nowspapor mon of tho stato simply becauso they published tho facts relating to his get ting money from Guffoy, tho samo Guffoy who was himself a heavy bor rower from banks in Pittsburg hold ing stato funds, of which Borry was the custodian for tho taxpayers, and Berry's gratuitous insult to every Re-, publican is his public felicitations with tho triumphant Democrats of Maino and his denunciation of tho framers of tho now tariff act. In which tho In dustrial, farming and business inter ests and tho welfare of evory wage earner of tho Keystone Stato wero safeguarded by tho two Republican United States senators and all of tho Republican mombors of tho lowor house from Pennsylvania. Berry's admission at a public moot ing here "that there was not a dollar in tho treasury of tho Koystono Party" simply omphaslzcd tho fact that sub stantial men, men of affairs, property owners aud buslnoss mon, to whom tho importance of electing a safe and sane man to tho governorship appoals most strongly, will havo nothing to do with his candidacy or tho hybrid com bination of disappointed and cast-off politicians back of tho Koystono Party. Desertions on Every Side. Berry talks and acts like a man who knows ho has not got a chance to win tho governorship. Ho admitted in his West Philadelphia spooch last week that when ho accepted tho nomination he had no idea of boing oloctod. Developments since tho Koystono ticket was put In tho Hold all show that his candidacy has boeu con stantly gotting woakor rather than strongor. Desertions of independent Republi cans and Democrats from tho Berry movouient aro noted every day. Roaig nations 'from Keystono Party commit toes aro boing announced on every hand, and nowspapers which gavo ou couragemont to hiB causo at tho out set havo slnco either turned in for Tenor, tho Ropubllcan, or Grim, the rogular Democratic nomlnoe. Whllo Berry still doclaros ho is a Democrat, there are not a half dozen Democratic nowspapers in tho stato now favoring his election, and thero are about a liko number of so-called IndoDendent nowspapers for him. Jgtaturday Qight Ifallf c B Rev'F DAVISON flllj Rutland, Vfc THE GREATE8T FOE OF THB KINGDOM. International Bible Lesson for Sept. 25, '10 (Gol 5: 15-26) Drunkenness Is a world wido vico. Ever slnco fruit ripened nnd grapos and npplos grew and tormented tho nations havo Indulged in strong drink. Noah was a preacher of righteousness, but In a world whero thoro was at least no lack of water ho got drunk upon wino. And tho wholo human raco has come stnggorlng and reeling down tho ages, inebriation having In troduced another dclugo of nlcohol. Tho Blblo Is dramatic with tho story of the evil effects of drunkennoss as scon In tho history of Individuals, tribes nnd nations, and It thunders Its warnings against the uso of strong drink. So universal has this plaguo bocomo that multitudes of children nro born with an appetite for liquor that they Inherit from a drunken an cestry. Thoy are nursed on a black bottle. Their flrst step out of tho cra dle is toward tho dram shop. They tnko to alcohol as other children do to milk. Thoy are born drunkards. A great army of men and women Is mnrchlng on in all lands who havo had bequeathed to them by genera tions of ancestors, evil habits, flery appetites, destroyed reputation, sign ed, sealed and delivered In tho pres ence of tho harpies of hell. Slavery of Appetite. Socloty punishes such people with pains and penalties, becauso it is im possible for them to do what those who havo not had their Inheritance are able to do, avoid tho temptation to drink. Other men can totally ab stain, or drink with moderation all. through llfo and never becomo intoxi cated. But one taste of alcohol to these victims of hereditary appetlto is like a spark in a powder magazine. Thero is no power on earth to prevent its blowing up. They will drink .though they are assured thoy will dlo in five minutes. Though the cup bo beaded with tho toars of wife and chil dren, though tho froth of everlasting anguish floats on tho brim, they will drink to their wife's shame, to their children's rags, to their Darren home3, to their wind-swept, bramble-covered graves, to disgust of tho world, and eternal oblivion. What does tho ordinary person know of appotlto liko this? Abso lutely nothing. Therefore we hurl epithets at drunkards, nnd throw thom into vilo places of detention not fit for swlno to inhabit in many cases, and drag them before police Judges and sentenco them to Jail for days and weeks and months, and license es tablishments in every city and town to cater to that appetite and fatten on the depravity which burns In the breasts of theso unfortunates. Instead of making It hard for those victims of ancestral sin to do wrong and easy for thom to do right, wo build for thom a toboggan chute to hell and lubricate the way to expe dite their passage Society gets nerv ous If thero Is a stagnant pool of wa ter in tho neighborhood to breed a fow mosquitoes, but deliberately per mits alcoholic cesspools, steaming with miasma, polluting the air with a moral pestilence Rum An Anarchist. Wo hoar a great deal In these days about tho enemies of tho laboring man. Labor Is vociferously crying out against oppression from one source or another, and some of It Is wiso and somo Is otherwise. But when did labor organizations pass resolutions against tho workingman's worst enemy strong drink. In nine cases out of ten when great calami ties befall rum is at the bottom of it. Tho mind Is clouded, the eyes are fclurrod, tho hand trembles nnd a dis aster follows that shocks tho nation. What is the reason that so many men live in cheerless homes, and aro obliged to wear shoddy, and their wivos novor havo but ono dress, and their children go barefooted and rag god? Look in tho saloon keepers till and you will seo your answer. Rum bills havo to bo paid, tho grocer, tho baker, tho clothlor must tnko what Is loft. Rum is tho anarchist of tho cen turlos, nnd it has boycotted tho body and soul of American labor. It annu ally swindles Industry out of a largo per cent, of Its wnges. It halts tha mechanic nnd tho operatlvo on his way to work in tho morning, during the noon Intermission, and on his re turn to his choorless homo at night. And in tho evening tho dram shop la all aglltter with radianco, vocal with music, scductlvo with companionship, "tho poor man's club." It Is indeed a "club," pounding out his monoy. his Uharactor, his reputation, his llfo. If tho money which has gone across tho saloon keopor's bar in the last fifty years had boon proporly used by tho tollers of this country, overy working man could havo had a houso, and every houso could havo had a gardon, nnd every garden could havo boon filled with fruits and tlowors, overy workingman's wlfo nnd sons nnd daughters Could havo been well-cloth-od, woll-fod, well-schooled, and not only tho necessities, but tho luxuries of llfo could havo been theirs. If tho worklngmon of tho country will pro claim a strlko against tholr old and Inveterate enemy ruin, within tho noxt twenty years prosperity will como to this country such as tho na tion has novor known. Candidates On the Go. Tho Itinerary of tho Ropubllcan stato candidates this weok takes thom to tho plctlc of tho Patrons of Hunban dry, at Center Hall, Center county; tho convention of tho Stato Lcaguo of Ropubllcan Clubs, nt Pottsvllle; thon to Roadlng and to tho opening meet ing of tho campaign In Lehigh coun ty, near Allcntown. Stato Chairman Henry F. Walton says ho Is determined to havo tho candidates visit overy county in tho stnto, and In order to do this thoy will bo kept constantly on tho go from now until election day. This yonr the progressive western end of tho state has been recognized In tho solcctton of tho party's stand ard bearer, and within tho last fow days thero has been an exhibition of appreciation of this fnct In a remark able demonstration in honor of Mr. Toner by hia admirers In Charlerol and surrounding towns representing all shadoi of political opinion nnd re ligious belipf. nnd In tributes of es teem from the tollers of Pittsburg and vicinity. , Hi Exact Weight. Angler (who Is telling his big fish story) What weight was ho? Well, they hadn't right weights nt tho Inn. but lie weighed oxnetly a llatlron. two eggs and a bit of soap. Punch. Art Today. "She Is being fitted for the stage." "Studying hnrd, I presume?" "Oh. no; Just being fitted with the necessary gowns." Louisville Courier Jdiirniil Tlio Kind You Havo Always in uso for over 30 years, and jyyj2-, Sonal supervision slnco its infancy. r-CoCCttfti A llnw nn nnn tn ilowlvn vnn in tlita. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good" aro but Experiments that trifle witli and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experienco against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substance Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It nssimilates tho Pood, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS SI Bears the The KM You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THI CINTAUH COMPANY. TT MURRAY STRKT. NtWTORKCITT. Come Back' Sale si a vi store at iriB9 N. at HALF PRICE AT OUR POPULAR STAND t t -f-f-f-H"H--H Full line of Men's, Gents1 and Children's cloth ing and Gents' Furnishings must go to make room for our large fall stock. Bregstein Bros., Leading Clothiers, Honesdale, Pa. Tho Dixon Line. Thomas Dixon, Jr., who hna been at various times a lawyer, member of tho North Carolina legislature, preach er, author, and dramatist, had a hnrd timo gotting his first book, "Tho Leopard's Spots," published. The firm which finally got the book out at flrat refused it, and wroto Dixon a curt let ter to that effect. Ho sat down and wlrod a member of tho firm; "I expect to bo In tho business of writing books' for somo timo. If, on maturo deliberation, you do not wnnt tho book, pleaso roturn tho manuscript immediately. If you want It, nil right." Tho man who got tho telegram read tho book that afternoon nnd ac, -opted it by wire. How to Clean Up Congress. In tho effort to mako suro that Con gressmen Bhall actually represent tho Interests of their constituents, who literally hiro them as delegates at Washington for that purpose, Frcdcrlo C. Howo in Everybody's urges tho adoption of tho system of heckling which has been so effectlvo In Eng land. This means merely that the voter should ask tho candidate how ho stands on certain well-defined is sues, and thereby discover whether ho expects to represent the people's Interests or tho interests. Every body's Magazine suggests a list of is sues for tho purpose, and offers to send printed forms to those who would like to uso them In such a cause. r p Bought, and which has been has horno tho signature of has heen mado under his pcr- Signatmo of closed up our branch Y. we will close KRAFT & CONGER HONESDALE, PA. Represent Reliable Companies ONLY