The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 23, 1910, Image 1

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    drills WEATHER Friday fair weather nntl slightly lower temperatures will prevail, with llglit northerly to i'ortlicnstcrly winds.
K C JC JC If J? JO JO Jf 1 tf K K1 JC J
Scml-Wcckly Founded 5
i J908 4
Weekly Founded, 1844
Jt .S ,Jt w .ft .ft .ft ..ft &J&J .ft
67th YEAR.
NO 76
Wayne Kffly
RKSfHW W H & Mm BP. 1
Acpompanied By ReynoSds-,
Houck and Wright3 Congress
man Who Is Candidate For
Highest Office
house In Afternoon.
Saturday, the day on which Con
gressman John Klnley Tener of Cha
lerol, Republican candidate for gov
ernor, and three other men who aro
with him on the state ticket for high
offices this election has arranged to
visit Waynes county, Is bound to be a
red letter day for Honesdale Repub
licans and for the Republicans of this
corner of the state as well. The
visit of the Tener party Is not to he
a long one the candidates for gov
ernor and lieutenant-governor and
Republican Candidate fop Governor.
secretary of internal affairs and state
treasurer are duo here on the Dela
ware and Hudson train at 9:55
and they go away at 4.30 but dur
ing those six or seven hours the four
distinguished members of their par
s ty in this state expect to shake hands
with soveral hundred loyal Repub
licans as well as with a few hundred
Democrats and a sprinkling of Pro
hibitionists and Keystone party men,
besides making speeches s.hort
ones--from the bench in the Wayne
county courtroom.
The courtroom will hold something
like 500 people that is, It can ac
commodate this number with seats.
There is not likely to be anything
more than standing room when, at
2.30, the meeting Is called to order.
The women are to bo given the choice
of seats, and the fair auditors are
urged to como in early and avoid the
rush so far as they can. The coun
ty committee are very anxious for
the women to bo there. John K.
Tener is a good-looking man, whom
pretty much everybody, men as well
as women, seem to like personally
and thero aro other reasons.
County Chairman Myron E. Sim
ons, who since last week, when ho
Itepublicun Candidate for Lieutenant-Governor.
In State
peaic m
got his first notice from State Chair
man Walton, has been busy arrang
ing tliis meeting, will meet the Tener
party at the train. Prominent Re
publicans, members of the "county
committee and other party workers,
will be with him at tho station
when the train lands the four ticket
men In Honesdale. Mr. Toner and
his companions will be given an auto
ride, it is expected, and then they
will be taken to the Allen house to
eat dinner.
At the courthouse meeting Homer
Greene will preside. He promised
Chairman Simons Tuesday that ho
would be the chairman on condition
that his remarks should be brief.
Mr. Greene is deeply interested In
the Tener campaign and will do all
the work for its success which he
may be able to perform without se
vere bodily exertion, for the law
yer-author has not felt strong since
ho recovered from his serious sick
ness of a year ago. He tried at first
to get Mr. Simons to excuse him,
but, when Mr. Greene noted theex
treme reluctance with which Mr.
SimonB accepted his declination, he
decided to undertake tho task.
Tho Maple City Fife and Drum
corps will furnish some of their
stirring music and tiiere will be life
enough, oratorlcally and otherwise,
to suit oven the most strenuous
campaigner. Prom all the bor
oughs and villages of Wayne county
people are planning to come Into
Honesdale to hear Mr. Tener and
Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Houck and
Republican Candidate for Secretary
of Internal A Hal is.
Mr. Wright, and If tho day is all
right weatherwiso tho streets will .bo
crowded before tho train on which
tho candidates come arrives.
Alleged Deal in Favor of llerry.
Burton h, Rockwood, chairman of
tho Prohibition stnto committee, in
a statement said tho Keystone party
was trying to saudbag Madison F.
Larkin, Prohibition candldato for
governor, off tho ticket and substi
tute William H. Berry.
While in Pittsburg Mr. Rockwood
said ho was told a movement wns on
foot to have Cornolius D. Scully
withdraw as candldato for stato
treasurer on tho Keystone ticket to
nllow Mr. Larkin to tako his place.
Tho vacancy left by Lnrkln, ho said,
wns to bo filled by Horry.
Copies of two lottors havo been
sent out by Mr. Rockwood, which ho
believes tend to prove that such a
movement was on foot. Ono of these
letters Is addrossed to Mr. Larkin by
S. K. and J. R. Hoover of Glondnlo.
Thoy urge him to withdraw In fnvor
of Horry, and contond that such a
step would ndvanco tho causo of tho
Prohibition pnrty.
In reply Mr. Larkin says that his
withdrawal would ho ruin to tho Pro
hibition causo. Ho also declared
that Horry was a perpetual candldato
for fifteen years and that ho was a
traitor to tho Prohibition causo.
Faruer: "To-day under Protection, my 20 bushels of oats aro good for 2.3U0
shingles or 337 feet of spruce lumber. Fourteen years ago, tho same oats would buy
only 1.D00 shlnglos or 270 foot of spruce."
Chairman of tho Republican County
Hut Glim Will Stand Pnt.
While members of the Keystone
party who believe their fight is hope
less with Berry as their candidate
want him to quit and are suggesting
several men as available to succeed
him, none of the influential Demo
crats will admit that tho withdrawal
of Grim to permit of a fusion nomi
nation is being seriously considered.
Test Case Against Keystone Party.
HARR1SBURG, Sept. 22. The test
case involving the question of tho
right of tho Koystono party mana
gers to dictate tho nomination of
candidates for congress, state senate
and tho legislature throughout Penn
sylvania was filed in tho Dauphin
county court.
James T. Nulty of Philadelphia Is
tho plalntilf. He claims to be tho
authorized candidate of tho Keystone
party for state senator In the eighth
Philadelphia district, and that Sena
tor John T. Murphy, tho regular Re
publican candidate, for whom papers
havo been filed also under the Key
stone name, is not tho clioico of tho
Keystone party undor the party rules
and tho law.
Tho caso will bo heard Saturday.
Upon tho outcome of tills caso will
depend various controversies of n
similar character.
Evorybody will bo at tho fair
this year.
Republican Cuudlduto for Stnto
Elks to Honor John K. Tcncr.
SCRANTON, Sept. 22. Scranton
Elks are planning to show John K.
Tener, the Republican gubernatorial
candidate, one fine big time Friday
evening, following the big mass meet
ing at the new town hall.
Politics will bo forgotten at this
affair and good fellowship will reign
supreme. A committee is now work
ing out the details for the reception.
It will bo held at the Elks', homo.
Mr. Tener is very popular among
tho members of Elks lodge, No. 123,
of this city. He is one of the. popu
lar members of the,, order In the
organization, and has been grand ex-'
nltpd ruler.
Mr. Tener in "Curbondale. -
CARBONDALE, Sept. 22. Hon.
John K. Tener, the man who will be
next gOverrior of Pennsylvania, 'ac
companied by State Treasurer C.
Fred Wright, Hon. John R. Farr and
others will be in the city Friday af
ternoon at 3 o clock and will holda
reception at tho American hotel It
will be a good opportunity for the,
voters to meet face, to face the' min
who will be governor and also, Mr.
Farr, who will probably bo the next
congressman. County Chairman Ed
ward A. Jones will also bo with the
party. The voters of 'the city are
invited, irrespective of party, to at
tend the reception and meet Mr.
More About That Hendricks Appara
tus. The Carbondale Leader interview
ed several of the Honesdale delega
tion that went over the Mooslcs
Monday to negotiate for the Hen-
dricks lire company's ?4,G00 outfit.
Here is what they said: i
'I think it is a very unwise move
on the part of tho city of Carbon-,
dale to abolish the Hendricks Hook
and Ladder company. You havo a1
line apparatus hero, a well trained !
team, of horses and an experienced
driver, and tho equipment should
never bo allowed to bo sent out of
the town." John M. Lyons.
"Wo aro after tho entire outfit.
We want tho horses, truck and also
the now city ambulance." Mayor
John Kuhbach.
John E. Brown of Carbondale said:
"The abolition of tho Hendricks Hook
Ladder and Chemical company is by
no means duo to public opinion, but
it seems to bo a case of where the
public has no say In tho matter."
By direction of the postolllco de
partment, the attention of patrons
of this olllco is invited to tho ad
vantages of providing facilities for
tho receipt of their mail by erecting
conveniently accessible boxes or cut
ting suitable slots In their doors.
Such nction would enable tho post
master to give a prompter and hotter
dolivory sorvlco with tho means at
his disposal, slnco the carriers can
cover much moro torrltory In loss
time if not compellod to wait for an
nii8ver to their ring. Private recep
tacles for mall aro also a great con
venience to tho householdor, obviat
ing tho necessity of responding to
the carrier's call at Inconvenient
moments and permitting tho safo de
livery of mall In tho absonco of
mombors of tho housohold. They
also prevent tho occasional necessity
of a carrlor's proceeding on his route
without delivering mnll becauso of
falluro to answer his ring within a
reasonable tlmo, aud onnblo him to
mako deliveries to patrons living on
or near tho end of tho route at an
earlier hour.
It has been shown by actual ox
porlenco that tho bonofita dorlved by
patrons of city delivery from tho uso
of such receptacles far outwolgh tho
small expense Involved. As this of
fice Is Interested in furnishing tho
best posslblo service at tho least ox
penso, your compliance with tho
foregoing suggestions will bo much
Predicted That Keystone Candi
date For Governor Realizing
AhsoBute Hoplessness of His
g WsSH at Last EVSoment
raw from Contest with
Tener3 Grim and Larkin-No
Report from Chester Man.
HARRISBURG, Sept. 22. The
campaign committee of the Keystone
party has decided that the name of
H. Clark Jackson of Tyler Hill, Da
mascus township, shall go on the
Keystone ticket as legislative candi
date from Wayne county and that
the name of Leopold Fuerth, who
has all along felt confident ho would
bo the Keystone candidate for Har
risburg from this county, shall stay
Mr'. Jackson Is the Republican
candidate. He was nominated at
tho June primaries. Mr. Fuerth Is
the Democratic candidate.
. Mr, Fuerth, as soon as the third
party, now tho Keystone, called Its
Philadelphia convention in July,, had
Prothonotary M. J. Hanlon prepare
papers to preempt the name or the
new party, a space for this being
left -blank, and sent them to the
protfhonotary of Dauphin county at
Hnrrisburg. The name of the new
yparty' adopted and its nominations
iiiiiut;, till; nuuiu ua iicu iu iiaiiia-
bu'rg by one of Mr. Fuerth's friends,
a' political and legislative writer on
a Philadelphia paper, and the name
was filled in at the capital.
The papers for Mr. Jackson wore
prepared by George P. Ross of
Honesdale and sent to Harrlsburg by
Rev. J. B. Cody of Bethany, a close
friend of the Republican candidnte.
Tho Jackson papers, Mr. Ross said
Wednesday, wero all kick-proof, for
tho nnmo "Keystone" was in its
proper place before they left Hones
dalo and thnt, Mr. Ross declared. Is
more than Mr. Fuerth can say.
The friends of Mr. Jackson hnvo
all aloug asserted their confidence
thnt ho would win tho disputed placo
on tho Keystono tlckot.
Mr. Fuerth does not discuss tho
mntter, though he showed his dls
nppolntmont when nsked about It.
Ho said ho still believed he'd bo
elected. Ho has had four terms In
Tho Meeting at Orson Church.
ORSON, Sept. 22. A meeting will
bo hold at tho Orson M. E. church
Friday next. Rev. L. C. Murdock,
D. D., suporlntondont of tho Scranton
district, will havo charge of tho ser
vices, which will begin at 10.30 a.
m., 1.30 p. m, and 7.30 p. m. Rev.
James L. Raco of Scranton, who has
been a proachor CO years and who
wns pastor hero nearly CO years ago,
will apeak in regard to tho oarly his
tory of Methodism In this section.
Rev. Mrs. W. E. Blandy of Rowland
will bo presont and help with her
Inspiring words and Bong. Othor
speakers expocted aro Rev. Jonas
Underwood of Scranton, W. W.
Wood of Honesdale, and tho pastors
of neighboring charges. All ot those
Borvlces will bo spiritual, holpful and
Inspiring. Dinner will bo served by
tho Ladles' Aid societies of tho
chargo at 25 cents. Proceeds to bo
npplled on the pnrsonago fund. All
other entertainment Is freo.
Special to Tho Citizen.
prediction that William H. Berry
will not be a candidate for governor
when the polls shall bo opened for the
casting of ballots on Nov. 8 next was
made .here Wednesday night by ono
who Is In, a position to know the In
side workings of the Independent po
litical movement.
The question of his retirement was
discussed at a conference in this city.
Although emphatic denials are made
by Thomas L. Hicks, chairman of
the state committee of tho Keystono
party, and others that anything of
the kind Is contemplated, it is known
that many who participated In the
formation of the Keystone party aro
now opposed to the candidacy of Mr.
The statement that Mr. Berry will
not be in the field in the closing
hours of the campaign was not made1
with the' thought that there Is to bo'
any fusion deal effected embodying
the withdrawal of both Berry and
Grim and an agreement upon anoth
er candidate, whose name shall bo
placed at tho head of both the Dem
ocratic and tho Keystone party tick
ets. J
Women Interested in l'roject .Rut.
Want More Light on l"roipsltlon;.
At their meeting Tuesdayln tho
assembly room of the Lyric the La
dies' auxiliary to the Honesdale Hos
pital association decided to appoint
a committee of 11 to confer with the
directors of the Hospital association
at a meeting Friday night at 8 in
the city hall. At this meeting, tho
pro tern officers stated today, an ef
fortWill be made to determine the
exact status of the hospital it is pro
posed to build here to determine,
in short, whether It will be a stato
institution, drawing regular support
from Harrlsburg, or a local institu
tion to derive its support from near
er sources.
The president pro tem, Mrs. W.
H. Swift, named the committee, tho
members of which are Mrs. Swift,
Mrs. W. J. Van Kueren, Miss Tilllo
Wiess. Mrs. Leopold Fuerth, Mrs.
Carl F. Prosch, Mrs. M. E. Simons,
Miss Alice Birdsall, Mrs. Daniel Os
borne, Mrs. W. T. Moore, Mrs. Mc
Kenna and Mrs. Tracy LIghtlzer.
They will meet tho directors of tho
Hospital association, who aro W. B.
Holmes, Andrew Thompson, Honrj7
Z. Russell, H. T. Menner (chairman),'
Frank P. Kimble, John Banker, F.
C. White of Hnwloy, C. H. Dorflinger
of Whlto Mills, T. J. Flnerty, Martin
Caufiold. Myron E. Simons. J. A.
Brown, Leopold Fuerth, J. F. Katz
and M. J. Hanlan (secretary).
Addresses favoring the hospital
wero mado by Rev. Albert L. Whlt
taker. Mayor John Kuhbach, Frank
P. Kimble and Leopold Fuerth.
Tho main desire of the women,
Mrs. Swift said today, Is to see If tho
hospital is to be a state institution.
She said tho womon nre ready and
eagor to help raise tho money, but
they want a little moro information.
Amos Ward Is hi Olllco Again.
Health Commissioner Samuel G.
Dixon has notified County Medical
Inspector II. B. Ely that ho has re
instated Amos Ward as health officer
for Dyberry township.
Inspector Ralph Irwin of tho
state board of health, who was ex
pected In Honosdalo today. County
Medicnl Inspector II. II. Ely having
recolved a letter to that offect Wed
nesday, had not reached horo tills af
ternoon. Ho 1b supposed to havo
tho results of tho recent water and
milk tests, which wero sent him at
Bedford, Columbia county, whero
Mr. Irwin wont from Honesdalo to
put in a filtration plant.
Miss Lydin A. Rohrbachor, aged
59 years, of Newfoundloud died
Wednesdny morning. Hor grand
father was tho original settlor of that
place. Sho is survived by threo
brothers, John aud Henry of Ster
ling and Francis of Newfoundland,
and two slstors, Mra. A. E. Blair of
Tobyhanna and Miss Annlo Rohr
bachor of East Orango, N. J. Tho
funeral will bo hold Saturday morn
ing at 10 o'clock from tho rosldenco.
Row E. W. Webster will officiate.
Tho National Elevator and Ma
chlno works aro running night and
day Just now to keop from being
Bwnmped with ordors. Thoy havo
1C0 men at work. Tho Diamond
Cut Glass company has a lot ot work
and night work has been In order
this week.