The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 21, 1910, Image 2

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A. G. Spalding, Who May Be
United States Senator.
Albert Goodwill Spalding will doubt
less be the new United States senator
from California to succeed Senator
Flint, Judging from the returns of the
state primaries. From n baseball
player to United States senator will
be Mr Spalding's unique record when
ho goes to Washington.
Mr. Spalding's nnmo probably Is
known to as many persons In the Unit
ed States as that of any other mnn
who has not been In public olllce. lie
Is sixty years old nnd became a ball
player when the game flrst became
popular, at the close of the civil war.
In 1S71, after a financial panic and
the failure of n business house by
which ho was employed, he signed to
pitch for the original Boston Red
Stockings. The Boston tenm won the
pennant for four consecutive years,
Mr. Spalding contributing much to
that result.
After a tour abroad to popularize
the "great American game" there he
continued his baseball career, becom
ing manager of the Chicago club. Un
der his direction the Chicago club be
came champion and held the cham
pionship for years.
With W. A. Ilulbert, now dead. Mr.
Spalding organized the present Na
tional league.
Ho has made his homo for a num
ber of years on the Pacific coast, at
Tolnt Loma, Cal., where he has a
picturesque estate.
Haakon Follows tho Hounds.
King Haakon of Norway Is fond of
telling of his first appearance with bis
regiment, when ho headed It at parade.
It was the King's Own Norfolk yeo
manry. "I was horribly nervous," he says. "I
am uot what might bo called a 'crack
rider,' and I had seen tho yeomanry
on parade and in many cases following
the hounds. My word, but they ride
like the wind and look as If they could
go up a church steeple if they got the
order or the hounds showed them the
way'. I felt as I rode along at their
head that every man was inwardly crit
icising my style aud sotting mo down
as a hopeless duffer. It was a horrible
experience, and 1 never want to go
through it again."
Discoverer of Pure Radium.
Mme. Curio, chief professor In tho
faculty of sciences of Paris university,
who recently announced to tho Acad
emy of Sciences that she had succeed
ed in obtaining pure radium, is prob
nbly the most famous woman scientist
In the world. Working with her hus
band, now dead. Mme. Curio obtained
radium In the form of salts from pitch
blende in 1SSS. Since tho death of M.
mme. cunts.
Curio she has continued tho lnvestign
tlons that havo resulted In her recent
Not long ago Mme. Curio received tho
distinguished honor from Knglaud of
tho Albert medal of tho Uoyal Society
of Arts. She Is the second woman to
be so honored. The first was Queen
Victoria, who received tho Albert med
al on the fiftieth anniversary of her
reign. Mme. Curio was offered tho
Legion of Ilouor decoration by tho
French government, but refused to nc
cept not only that, but other political
.i. litTER$.
i i ' nniim-!..
diin.-'itei- 'iA i r ill'- erm Gcv
man gun iiituur.u.'iiiivr. I- mi ndroriin
of peace.
Mrs. F. Marlon trow ( iM. widow of
the novelist, lives at her villa near
Home, where she Is often visited by
readers and admirers of Mr. Craw
ford's works.
Miss Edna D. Day, who will head
the nowlr organir-d department of
homo eetnuiilc In the University of
Kansas, received her decree of doctor
of philosophy at the University of
Dr. Maude Alrfm't of Montreal hn
won an International reputation in
tho science and practice of medicine.
She studied In Europe as well as In
Canada nnd has recently been given
an honorary degrve by McOlll univer
sity. Mrs. Elln Spcncer-Mussey attended
the recent dedication of a new pub'le
library building In Geneva, O., which
contains a tnblet erected In memory
of her father, Piatt lingers Speneer.
author of the Spencerlan system of
Lady Angola Forbes of London.
whose !stor. the Countess of West
morland, recently died, has a llowcr
Bhop of which she is very proud. Over
the door Is the name "My Shop," and
she takes pleasure In being photo
graphed in front of It.
Current Comment.
Japan lost no time in selling tho Ko
rean legation quarters In Wnshlngteii.
Evidently believes in quick sales ami
all profit. New York Herald.
The title of Lillian Itussell's ue -
play is "In Search of a Sinner." II.i.
she looked In any of the restaurant
along the Great White Way? Chicago
.V St. Louis woman lias originated
the "trial separation" ns a prelltnlnary
to divorce. The Idea is at least an im
provement on the trial marriage.
Davenport (la.) Leader.
"It is not so much the quality of dl
tneusions." says a Yale professor, "as
It Is the dimensions of quality that In
terest the people." Wo dou't under
stand it, but it looks like a bright
idea. Toledo Blade.
Base Hits.
President Hedgws of tho St. Louis
Americans intimates that his team
may do its spring training at home
next year.
Manager Dooin of the Philadelphia
Natlonnls can join with Brcsunhan
nnd Grilllth In the chorus about "hard
luck with pitchers."
It looks as If Manager Duffy of tlx-
Chicago Amorlenus had dug up n find
In Outfiolder Meloan. lie Is hammer
ing the ball hard and often at every
Fred Bock of the Boston Nationals
can surely hit. lie came from the
oast witli n great record as a slugger
and wns carried all last season, but-
ling poorly, In hopes that ho would
come through. This year ho Is killing
Iho globule.
Short Stories.
More than 300.000 of the population
of the United States are stammerers.
Soap is expensive in Paraguay. A
fine grado of toilet soap after the high
duty Is paid costs $1.'J2 a cake.
The United States makes 137,500.000
pounds of rope a year, enough if re-
Onced to clothesline size to encircle the
earth sixty-eight times.
A threo-and-a-half-year-old boy of
Kingston, Jamaica, has been discover
ed who is able to read and count cor
rectly, although he has never been
taught in any wny.
English Etchings.
It is estimated that there nro 12,000
mists in Loudon,
Tho value of the British ships and
rargoes lost annually Is 7,000,000.
It is, only forty years ago that u bull
fight was held at tho Agricultural hall.
Thirty-eight of every hundred Eng
lishmen ninrry after they are more
than fifty years old.
Koutes for horse omnibuses In Lon
don are usually not more than seven
miles long, but motor bus routes ure
cs much as seventeen.'
Tales of Cities.
Winnipeg claims a death rate of but
12 per 1,000 and thinks this tho lowest
City tlguro on earth.
Tho marriages of Loudon last year
represent tho lowest percentage of
which there is nuy record.
Thero tire buildings In Mexico City
font1, five nud six stories high, but
none of thctn has fire escapes.
In Its anti-rat warfaro San Fran
cisco authorities caused tho arrest of
400 persons for failing to observe the
regulations in tills respect
Animal Oddities.
Thoroughbred dogs aro less lntelll
gent than mongrels.
Dorking fowls havo five toes, ordi
nary fowls, usually four.
Camels nro put to serious work at
the ago of elghtcon months.
In proportion to Its woight tho wing
of a bird Is twenty times stronger
than tho arm of a man.
Palestine sheep have tails which aro
Folld fat and weigh from six to eight
ten pounds ordinarily. In Lebanon
they often roach forty pounds.
Russia manufactures neither clocks
nor watches.
John Bull hns more daughters than
sons lu England and Wales by 1.22.V
Mexico proposes to construct n fed
eral highway from the capital to Acn
pulco, along tho famous historic trail.
Brushing the surface of nluiulnlum
with steel brushes nt high speed pro
duces what is known as a satin finish.
Tho order for tho Panama lock gates
covers no less than 53,000 tons of steel,
distributed over forty-six gates, of
ninety-two leaves.
Nearly all the watches imported in
this country come from Switzerland,
whllo most of the clocks come from
Germany and France.
Hall connection between Mexico nnd
Guatemala Is about to be established
by tho building of n bridge SOO feet
long over the Suchlato river.
A Swedish inventor plnns a method
by which lighthouses may call out their
names in stentorian tones Instead of
using the Inarticulate howl of fog
horns. Chrystio street, New York, was for
merly First street. It was In March,
1S27, that its name was changed in
honor of Lieutenant Colonel John
Chrystle, n frontier soldier.
The kaiser has some 400 godsons.
This is the outcome of the old Prussian
law under which the father of seven
sons cau call upon his sovereign to act
as godfather to the latest born.
Americans of Danish descent, led by
Dr. Max Henius of Chicago, have pur
chased a tract of laud on tho outskirts
of Aalborg, Denmark, and will pre
sest It to the government for n na
tional park.
Travelers will no more complain of
the dogs of Constantinople. The Turk
ish parliament has new plans for sani
tation and will transport and exile tho
four footed scavengers on an island In
tho sea of Marmora.
iV cloud of "smoke" which appeared
to be rising from the cathedral tower
at Belgrade, Austria, was found when
the fire brigade arrived U be a largo
cluster of mosquitoes, compact at the
base nnd tapering toward the top.
Years ago sugar experts said of Iln-
wall, "The limit of production has
been reached." Yet last year the Is
lands raised 20,000 tons more than the
year before, aud In 1!)0S the produc
tion exceeded that of 1007 by 80,000
Wages throughout the cities of Asia
Minor nro low. Carpenters get from
32 to CO cents a day. bricklayers 40 to
4S cents and common laborers from 4
to 12 cents. Doctors charge 40 cents a
visit nnd dentists 20 cents for pulling
a tooth.
A bicycle lamp, six feet of barbed
wire, a skipping rope, numerous mag
azines, hats and boots were among the
three or four cartloads of rubbish tak
en from the basins of the two foun
tains In Trafalgar square, London, re
cently when they were cleaned.
According to Consul General James
T. Du Bols of Slngaiiore, a one wheel
ed jinrlkisha, on the monocycle prin
ciple, Is being introduced among the
Chinese of the Malny States. It Is said
to be safe and to have many advan
tages over tho old fashioned vehicle.
Eggs with two yolks occur not un
commonly, but eggs with three yolks
are exceptionally rare. Such an egg
wns recently laid by a Barred Plymouth
Bock pullet at tho Maine experiment
station. Tho egg was somewhat above
the average size, but no other abnor
mal feature was noticed.
Turkey's gradual change from a na
tional system of time to the European
has caused n demand for watches
showing both, to meet which three
watches have been devised, one with
dials on each side, another with two
dials side by side and a third with a
fixed dial for European time, sur
rounded by a movable ring showing
the nationnl.
During last year's draft 3,500 wells
were dug in the Chinese province of
Shantung by order of the magistrate
of Changshan. The water was raised
by the rope windlass basket method,
which kept two men busy at each well
night nnd day, and on the hot days it
was not unusual for a man to faint
from exhaustion. The installation of
windmills is now advocated.
During tho flrst thirty years of tho
nineteenth century Franco recorded
more than thirty births for each 1,000
Inhabitant's. After tho Frauco-Prus-slan
war (1870-1) tho birth rate begat;
declining, between the years 1870 nud
1000 ranging from twenty-six to twenty-two
in 1,000. During 1000 it sank to
twenty-one, and moro recent statistics
show that tho rate has fallen to twenty.
Sir William Crookes, upon whom
King George V. has bestowed the Or
der of Merit, is a man whoso name has
been known tho world over for many
years. Ab an editor his publications
reach every quarter of the globe, but
ho is so famous In tho field of origi
nal Investigation and discovery that
his reputation as an editor is lost in
the gleam of his reputation as a scien
tist. Michael Klrby. engineer, for fifty
eight years employed by tho Baltimore
nnd Ohio railroad, has voluntarily left
his locomotive cab and gone on the re
tired list. Mr. Klrby claims to be the
only person living who struck ono of
tho blows which drove tho gold splko
in tho crosstlo at Boseby's Ilock, West
Virginia, on Christmas eve, 1852, mark
ing the completion of tho Baltimore
and Ohio railroad to tho Ohio river at
Wheeling and tho establishment of tho
first trunk lino on tho American conu
Declares Milk Often Becomes Pol
luted After Leaving Their
Hands on Way to Con
"Don't lot's put too much blamo on
the farmers," says State Health Com
missioner Dixon In discussing the
question of a puro milk supply, a
problem that Is troubling so many
municipalities throughout Pennsylva
nia. "As an old farmer myself who has
led tho reapers around tho whoa:
field, swinging a cradle and then In
tho evening milking my sharo of the
cows, I am naturally favorable to the
dairy farmer, but It Is tho close stud
of actual conditions that convinces mc
that the flrst dlsoase germs often, per
haps most frequently, get into tho milk
after It has passod out of tho farmer's
"Tho farmer appreciates more today
than over tho necessity of keeping
milk clean. Ho knows that If It
reaches the market sweet and pure
tho domand will bo Increased. He Is
up against a difficult task to make
monoy out of his milk dairy when he
has to constantly buy now cattle to
take the place of those that have
gone dry, become sick or died.
Dairyman's Problems.
"Ho must produco or purchase food
for them, keep up tho stable, pay his
holp, constantly replenlsii his supply
of pans, buckets, etc., and haul this
milk over all kinds of roads, through
all sorts of weather and then receive
for all thlB 4 or 4 cents a quart from
the dealer.
"Tho milk often boglns to receive
pollution on tho railroad, when an at
tendant takes off tho lid of a milk can,
helps himself to a drink and then re
places the lid, drippings of milk which
have reached his Hps going back Into
the can.
"Does this Bound like an exaggera
tion? Let me cite you a case. I ro
member a baggagemaBnr who once
called upon me for medical advice. I
found him suffering with pulmonary
tuberculosis. When I advisctf him to
drink plenty of milk he Informed me
that he was drinking a great deal of
it Ho said he hauled milk In his bag
gago car and that ho was In tho habit
cr drinking cut of the lids of the canr
"At the stations and along the
streets tho milk dealers often purchase
from oach other. The purchaser sticks
his flngor Into the milk and then Into
his mouth to dotormine the swoetnes?
and then Into tho second can until he
tests as many cans of milk as ho pro
poses purchasing.
Unsanitary Methods,
"Only a few days ago a gentleman
came Into my office to tell me ho had
Just witnessed his own milk man hand
a street cleanor a drink of milk con
tained in the lid of his can and thon
replace the lid.
"I have witnessed over and ovor
again milk men collect battles from
their customers, poke the Index flngor
In tho mouth of ono and the thumb
In the other to carry the Dottles to his
wagon. Trusting that they had been
properly cleansed by the housewife,
the bottles were nt once refilled, caps
taken out of a pocket which also con
tained a handkerchief and thon these
bottles of milk were delivered to the
noxt customers. It Is not worth while
to enumorate othor Instances to make
my point clear, that Is, we must not
confino ourselves to the dairy farm
In looking for conditions that render
milk Impure. Ou municipalities
throughout tho state will havo to keep
their eyes open to tho way In which
the dealers and others are handling
the milk after It has left tho farmor's
Made Him Chesty.
"You're n wonderfully well built
man," said the crafty tailor after tak
ing the measurements.
"Do you think so?" said tho pleased
patron, looking In the mirror.
"Perhaps I had better take your
chest measurement once more." Yon
kers Statesman.
One Viewpoint.
"What is Puukvllle kicking about
"Uecnuso passing airships havo
dropped articles in tho streets."
"Shucks! runUrille ought to congrat
ulate herself that she's big euough to
hit-" Louisville Courier-Journal.
Prosperity's Hit.
"Do you blow tho dinner horn hero?"
asked tho summer boarder.
"No," said tho boss farmer sourly.
"Tho hands get such good pay nowa
days that they nil carry gold case
eighteen Jewel watches." Buffalo Ex
press. The Bitterness of Damocles.
Damocles saw tho sword suspended
by a hair.
"Shucksl" he cried. "My buttons
have bung that way for months."
Thus it may bo inferred that ho was
married. New York Sun.
Getting Impatient.
Slowboy Do you er think your
father would kick mo out if I was to
or ask him for your hand?
Miss Willlug-No. But I'm afraid ho
will if you don't nsk him pretty soon.
Chlearo News.
Facts About Qlanti,
That very few of the giants who
hnvo ever lived have been healthy or
well formed recent researches provo
beyond a doubt. All wo know nbout
Gollnth Is that he wns very tall, but In
tho second book of Kings wo rend
nbout another glnnt, who had moro
lingers thnn an ordinary human being,
and. according to modern scientists,
this is Invariably a token of degen
eracy. Mnrcel Donnnt saw nt Milan n
giant who wns so tnll that his body
filled two beds nt night, but whoso
legs wero so weak that ho could hard
ly stand upright. William Evans, the
gignntlc porter of Chnrlcs I., had little
strength, nnd Cromwell's porter, an
other giant, ended his days In a luna
tic asylum. Finally. O'Brien, tho Irish
giant, hns been described ns "an enor
mous sick child who grew up too
Another Fake.
Titii irrm hpo thn 'llchtnlnir calcu
lator' In tho sideshow?" asked tho old
farmer In tho wldo straw hat.
Ttr heck, vns." drawled the other
rurallto, "and he was tho biggest fake
In tho show.'
"How was that?"
"Wliv thnr wns a thunderstorm go
ing on whllo I was In tho tent nnd
when I asked him If ho could calculate
whom th llchtnlnir was colnir to strike
ho Just gavo mo tho laugh." Chicago
An Ominous Symptom.
"A cood wife Is heaven's greatest
gift to man and tho rarest gem the
earth holds," remarked Mr. .Inrphly
tho other morning. "She Is his Joy,
his insnlration ana tils very soui.
Through her ho learns to reach the
mire nnd true, and her bvlng hands
lead him softly over tho rough places.
Sho Is"
"Jeremiah." said Mrs. Jurphly sol
emnly "Jeremiah, what wickedness
havo you been up to now?"
Doubled In Value.
A Mlssourlan who bought some
Texas land and wanted to unload It
told n prospective buyer that It had
"doubled In value since I bought It."
"But," said tho other, "you offered to
sell It to me tor the same price you
paid. How has It doubled In value?"
"Well, you see. I gavo twice as much
as It was worth." Kansas City Star.
A Banquet For Horses.
Banquets prepared exclusively for
animals aro not altogether unknown in
England. The aged inmates of the
Home of Rest for Horses, Wcstcroft
farm, Cricklewood, celebrate each New
Year's day with a sumptuous repast.
The menu for tho last banquet con
sisted of lumps of sugar, chopped car
rots, apples, brown and white bread
and biscuits. These were mixed to
gether In a wooden box nnd placed out
Bide each Btablo door. London Fam
Uv Herald.
From 5 to 6 per cent.
In denominations of
100, 500 and 1,000
If interested
call on or address
303-14th St.,
Honesdale, Pa.
8 30
10 oo
10 00
io oo
4 SO
ti 05
... Albany
Ilingtmintun .
10 00
2 15
12 30
8 30
2 15
. Philadelphia .
1 20
2 08
7 25
8 15
4 40
5 30
1 so;
2 (Hi
7 10
7 55
5 40
6 GO
9 05
9 15
9 19
9 36
9 42
9 4S
e 20
ti 30
fi 31
ti 52
2 05
8 45
8 55
8 69,
9 Is
9 21
9 29
...Carbondnlo ....
.Lincoln Avenue..
... Lako l.oilore ...
.. . Wnyniart
. Prompton
.... Kortenln
... llonusdulu ....
2 15
2 19
2 37
2 43
2 49
2 52
2 67
5 51
6 11
6 17
fl W
ti Oil
B 32
li 58
7 01
7 07;
9 51
9 57
10 00
10 01
7 13
7 10
7 20
9 3;
6 33
2 69
3 03
3 07
3 10
3 15
9 39,
9 43
9 47,
6 39
U 43
10 Ob
7 21
7 27,
7 31
6 46
10 11
9 60
9 65
6 60
10 15
P.M. A.M. .
P.M. P.M.
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
This year oponi with a dolugo of now mixed paints. A con
dition brought about by our entorprising dealers to get some kind
of a mixed paint that would supplant OHILTON'S MIXED
PAINTS. Their compounds, being now and heavily advertised,
may find a sale with tne unwary.
There aro reasons for the pro-minenco of OHILTON PAINTS;
1st No one can mix a better mixed paint.
2d Tho painters declare that it works easily and has won
derful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his
own oxpens9,ovory surface painted with Chilton Paint that
proves defective.
4th Those who havo used it aro perfectly satisfied with it
and recommend its uso to others.
Specks Before
The Eyes.
In no part of the body are tho effects of
constipation more quickly noticed than in
the condition of tho eyes. When you see
a yellowish tinge in the whites of the eyes
It shows that the poisonous bile pervades
the whole system ; but it Is the specks and
flitting objects lu the vision itself that aro
even mote quickly apparent. Thousands
of people "see things"; their vision U
blurred, floating specks and spots which
seem almon real pass before the eyes.
Such conditions can always be traced to a
torpid liver and a conjested condition of
the bowels. The only thing to do is to
take Smith's Pineapple and Butternut Pills,
which cure constipation as If by magic.
They regulate tho functions of the liver,
remove tho bilious elements from the cir
culation and strengthen the nerves. II
your eyes are clouded, If you have specks
and floating objects before your vision,
use Smith's Pineapple and Butternut Pills
and get the poisonous elements out of
your blood. Physicians use and recom
mend. They form no habit. You should
always keep them on hand. These little
Vegetable Pills will ward off many ills.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and Sick
Headache in a Night, use
l v Intivrrnuirrl
fields of-
no Mom3cfiKz3i
OO rills In Glass Vial 25c All Denlcrs.
For Sick Kidneys
Bladder Dlwanet, Itbeam&tlim,
tbs ono best remedr. Reliable,
endorwl br leading pbyilcUna;
ufe, eSectaal, Retain luting.
On tbe market IS yean. Hare
cared tbonianda. loo PU1 In
original gla package, to cent.
Trial boies, M pUU, JSfcenU. AU
draeirtsta eU nnd recommend.
loll of
Attention is called to tne STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
Citv has published a ROLL Or
HO'NOR of the 11,470 State Ranks
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands iOth in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wavr.e County.
Capital, Surplus. $455,000.00
i Total ASSETS, $2,?33,000.00
Honesdaic. ra.. May 29. 1P0S
You will make money j
by having me.
n .. n
JllKLf. PHONE 9-U deMY, t.
A.M. I
.. A.M.
2 00
12 40
10 60!
8 45
10 601 . .
8 45.. .
731 Tjj
2 25P M.
1 35 10 03
P.M. P M
3 53
7 31
7 32
.V . M
10 20
4 05
3 15
7 15
6 20
9 37
8 03
1 35
1 25
5 40
5 30
5 21
5 08
12 V
12 0'
8 2!)
8 17
8 13
7 51
7 47
7 41
7 39
7 32
7 30
7 26
7 22
7 19
7 15
7 54
7 60
7 33
7 25
7 19
7 17
7 12
7 09
7 03
1 21
12 03
1 03
12 6ti
11 44
11 37
11 31
5 01
12 51
5 56
12 49
12 43
12 10
4 51
4 4S
11 29
11 23
11 20
11 10
11 12
11 09
11 05
4 45
12 36
4 41
7 01
12 32
4 37
6 6i!
6 55
12 29
12 25
4 40
Lv A.M.
A M.,P M.