The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 16, 1910, Image 1

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Semi -Weekly Founded
k 1908
k n
Weekly Founded, 1844 J
.S fc4 J J Jt .tf JX 0 0 J
67th YEAR.
Women of Honesdaies Deeply
Interested In This Long Need
ed Work For Humanity, Will
Organize Aid Society and Help
Raise $5,000.
The call for n meeting of the
Honesdnle women to organize n La
dles' Aid society to help raise money
for the Honesdnle hospital drew 40
of them to the assembly room of the
Lyric Wednesday afternoon. The
meeting, which lasted 45 minutes so
far as the open session went,
resulted in the choice of Mrs. W. Ii.
Swift for temporary president nnd
Mrs. W. J. Van Kueren for tempor
ary secretary. The permanent of
ficers will be elected at a later meet
ing a meeting when there will be
no men to butt in.
Mr. Fuerth, who was the long
talker, did not call the meeting to
order. Myron E. Simons did that.
The talk of the district attorney was
short and to the point.
"No need," ho said, "to tell you
ladies what you are here for. You
know. I have little to do save in
troduce Mr. Fuerth, the man who
for years has been agitating and the
man who has secured appropriations
from the state for a hospital in
Honesdale. He has formed an organ
ization among the men and he sees
the need of forming one among the
women. In this he has taken the
right tack. You have only to raise
$5000 here to put with the $5000
that comes from the state. We know
you -will work until you accomplish
Then he introduced Mr. Fuerth,
who got a handful. Mr. Fuerth
Speech of Itepre&entntlvc Fuerth.
It requires but a few lines to tell
the story of the woman Tabitha,
"which by interpretation Is called
"Carcas," which have come down to
us through twenty centuries, at, once
as an example and inspiration.
Dorcas, as was tHe lot of all, fell
sick and died, and as she lay pre
pared for burial in an upper cham
ber in Joppa, all the widows present,
brought together by their mutual
bereavement, gave themselves up to
weeping, and showing the coats and
garments which she had made while
she was with them; for we are told
that "this woman was full of good
works, and almsdeeds which she
did." This was in the very begin
ning of the Christian era, and in a
town believed to have been in exist
ence before the flood; noted for the
port of entry for the cedar and pine
used in the construction of Solo
mon's temple, nnd as the seaport
from which Jonah sailed on his dis
astrous voyage to Tarshish; the
scene of many ancient and modern
conflicts, Including its capture by
Alexander the Great and Napoleon;
and yet it Is better known to the
reading world today, as having been
the home of one charitable woman,
than from any other distinction.
There havo lived and died multi
tudes of benevolent sisters, wives
nnd mothers since the days of Faul,
whoso "almsdeeds" like hera, have
relieved the distress, and lightened
the sorrows of tho world, thous
ands of women whose names are
sculptured in enduring marble and
deeds enshrined In history; but, like
a silver thread glinting through tho
entire fabric of female philanthropic
achievement, tho simple narrative or
Dorcas is interwoven, and will shine
with undlmmcd luster to the end of
Solomon has been given to us as
a typo of wisdom; Moses as tho em
bodiment of law; Job as a marvel of
patience; Samson as tho Incarnation
of strength, and other DIblo char
acters as Illustrations of human at
tributes In their fullest perfection;,
but a-half dozen lines devotod to one
sacrificing, Industrious woman has
furnished an example to her sisters
which will lncllno their hearts to
charity, their Hps to words of con
solation and cheer, and their hands
for all tho ages yet to come.
And It is in consideration of this
fnct that you havo been invited to
meet here today. Tho experience of
the past affords an earnest idea of
what may be expected in the future.
The Soldiers' Aid society, which so
efficiently anticipated and supplied
the wants of the bravo boys in the
Holds nnd hospitals and prisons dur
ing tho great civil struggle, and
which was instrumental in rearing
a noble monument to the memory
of those who perished that tho Union
might live; the later Aid societies
and Ladies' auxiliaries, and mission
ary organizations and improvement
associations, and the organizations
for the prevention of cruelty to aul
mals, are all tangible proofs of the
sympathy and compassion which
dominate the womanly heart, and
enlist its efforts for the alleviation
of suffering and misery.
The hospital as a public institu
tion for the relief of sick and in
firm is of comparatively recent
date. The Romans of ancient times
maintained what was termed "Hos
pltalia" but they were established
for the accommodation of guests, nnd
not of Invalids. Centuries later
came other hospitals, not designed
exclusively as places of refuge for
the sick, but for the succor of all
persons In distress. A famous In
stitution of this kind was founded
in Caesarea fifteen hundred years
ago. Then came tho later so-called
hospitals of Rome, the Holy Lau'd,
and France, designed to meet the
necessities of suffering pilgrims to
the Eternal city. A thousand years
ago there were twenty-four hospitals
in Rome alono, and two . hundred
years later brotherhoods for tho re
lief of the sick pilgrims were form
ed in the Holy land which increased
greatly during tho Crusades. It was
not until the eleventh centun', how
ever, that hospitals intended for the
sick alone were generally institut
ed, but since that date they have
been established in all civilized coun
tries, and are now to be found in
almost every town, while large cities
contain a number of them.
The general hospitals are for all
kinds of invalids, excepting those
infected with contagious diseases,
while special hospitals are founded
for the care of patients laboring un
der ailments of sufficiently frequent
occurrence to authorize the establish
ment of exclusive Institutions for'
their treatment. Even in our own
county a grand structure is now In
the process of erection, authorized
by and built at the expense of the
state, for the custody and care of
those whose mental afflictions have
led them to tho commission of crime
for which they cannot he held mor
allj, or, In tho matter of punish
ment, legally responsible.
The first hospital established in
North America was opened In Phil
adelphia on February 7, 1750. For
nearly two years Benjamin Franklin
and other influential men were work
ing for tho establishment of such
an institution. A charter was
granted in May, 1751, and the first
board of trustees elected in tho
July following. Tho day of the
opening a number of pntients were
admitted, who were regularly at
tended and given their medicine free.
Joshua Crosby was tho first presi
dent, and Benjamin Franklin the
first clerk.
Tho second hospital established
was in Now York city in 1771. From
these early beginnings there now
has grown up In tho United States
a voritablo forest of hospitals. Every
city, town and village has Its duly
appointed institutions of this char
acter and the hospitals of the United
States are now acknowledged tho
most handsomely nnd thoroughly
equipped In the world, and serve as
models for European architects.
Hospital Sunday is observed In the
United StateB tho last Sunday In De
cember nnd in England tho Sunday
nearest June 15, on which days tho
collections In tho churches are do-
voted to the support of hospitals
Tho custom has been generally
adopted slnco 1873.
As I have said, hospitals for tho
accommodation of the sick aro now
found In almost every town; but, It
Is to be added that Honesdnle fur
nishes ono of the notable exceptions
to this rule. Our local patlentB,
when accident or acute and danger
ous Illness befalls them, are, it tho
case is at tho outset specially ur
gent, or whim death seems Imminent
after a longor sloge tenderly with
out doubt, but too often hopelessly
subjected to tho trying and neces
sadly exhausting Journey to New
York or Scranton or Carbondalo
for such professional aid, as, If af
forded at homo in tho early stages
of the trouble, would have insured
(Continued on Pago Eight).
Friday fair wentlicr mid modcrnto temperatures will prevail with light northerly temperatures.
British. Aviator Trying
For Prizes In America
t - . J's WnH
Photo by American Proas Association.
C. Grahume-Whlto, tho dnrlng British aviator, who is in America for tho
first time taking part ,ln contests of skill in the nlr, is considered tho best
manager of airships In England. Before returning to London Mr. White will
strive for several of the trophies to be offered at the international meet late
in October on Long Island. While nt the Harvard-Boston meet tho English
man was severely censured for flying too close to tho grand stand, thus cudan
gerlng the lives of tho spectators, but this seemed to make no difference to
him, for he continued to make dips nnd curves thnt startled ovn such experl
enced bird men as the Wright brothers. White was ono of tho contestants In
tho London to Manchester race which was won by Pnullian. He has been
very successful with his neroplancs and seems confident that he will win the
greatest part of the trophies offered at Belmont track during tho big meeting
of the aviators from nil parts of tho world.
Tag day plans are being com
pleted this week. Dr. Louis B.
Nielsen has the 5000 tags in hand
and he has been empowered by the
advertising committee of the Great
er Honesdale Board of Trade, which
held a meeting Wednesday night,
to pick out 40 pretty girls to rake
Honesdale and Texas with a line
tooth comb and sell the tags to all
Oct. 4, tho second day of tho
Wayne county fair, Is to be Tag
day. The committee decided on
that date some weeks ago, when
tho design for a button with the
words, "Greater Honesdale All
Push," was adopted.
The committee meeting decided
the prizes for the big sellers of Tag
day. Tho first prize Is to be $12,
second $10, third $8, fourth $7,
fifth $5 a total of $42.
Dr. Nielsen does not forseo nny
great difficulty In finding 40 girls
to sell tho tags. Ho will go about
the job of getting them without
AifEnioiN PAnMEn: "When I look over this list and see the vast difference be
tween what I get now, under a Protective Tariff, and what I got for my products In
UM, whon wo hod a Taritt revised downward by Democrats and Reformers, It seems
to mo that the best thing- to do Is to let tho Tariff alone. What are these pesky In
surgents and Progressives trying to do, anyhow I Do they begrudgo the farmers the
money they are making under a Protective Tarlfff It cortalnly looks that way.
delay. He saw some of them to
day. The first button out of the pack
age was picKeu up hy the Doctor's
father, J. B. Nielsen, a particularly
enererotln momhnr nf Mm un ..,1 n i ,i
the man who first suggested the
worus ior me uutton. Ho put it
on at onco. Leopold Blumenthnl,
the committee's chairman, put on
the next one.
Tho tags will sell for 10' cents
Siv Months For Stealing Clothes.
NARROWSBURG, Sept. 15. John
Bollenboch, 19 years of age, was ar
rested in Port Jervis for tho lar
ceny of a suit of clothes from an
Erie trackman at Narrowsburg.
Bollenboch was arraigned before
Justice Purcell at Narrowsburg,
where ho pleaded guilty. He was
committed to tho county jail at Mon
tlcello for six months and was fined
John Rfflillerof Dunmore
ed By IVIissle Thrown Through
Window By Someone Before
Train Reached SVIapBewood
No Glue to Assailant
wi l ic Hs-n a i mi: s atui 1 1 a y,
Congressman John K. Tenor, Re
publican candidate for governor,
will be hero Saturday, Sept. 24, ar
riving in Honesdale, it is now ex
pected, on the D. & H. train due at
9.55 and remaining until the 4.40
in the afternoon.
Mr. Tener is to come here from
Wllkes-Barre, where he speaks the
night of Sept. 23.
Congressman John M. Reynolds,
candidate for lieutenant-governor,
State Treasurer Charles Fred
Wright, who Is up to succeed him
self, and Henry Hauck, secretary, of
internal affairs, will, according tova
later dispatch, be in the Tener party
at Honesdale Sept. 24.
A public meeting will be arrang
ed by county chairman M. E.
Dentil of Mrs. Volgt of Hnwlcy.
HAWLEY, Sept. 15. Elizabeth
Shanley, wife of Dr. A. C. Volgt,
died Wednesday night at Retreat,
below Wilkes-Barre, aged 33 years.
She had been there under treatment
several weeks and failed steadily.
She was the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Shanley of Honesdale,
who survive, and leaves besides her
husband and two little children
Arno Alexis and Dorothea. The
body will be brought to Hawley to
night and burial will be here or in
May Straighten Out Trolley Dispute
on Dnryen Line.
SCRANTON, Sept. 15. John
Mitchell was agreed upon Tues
day as the referee In the dis
pute between the trolley men and
tho railway company over the dis
missal of two crews who were in
volved In a wreck on the Duryea
Whether or not Mr. Mitchell will
bo able to servo will not be known
for a few days, since he was only
notified of the arbitrators' choice
Tho arbitrators had gono over
many names but were unable to
agree until Mr. Mitchell was sug
gested, when the agreement N was
Mr. Mitchell is secretary of the
trade agreement department of tho
Civic federation. Ono of tho chief
aims of tho body is to maintain peace
between capital and labor. The hope
of tho parties at interest is that the
former mine leader will servo.
AVE A VE R-l )OOLlTTLE WE I ) 1) 1 X.
Yomifr Couple Step Off Quietly nnd
Go To Towanda To Live.
There was a wedding, unpreten
tious but pretty, at tho homo of
Mrs. Sara Doolittle, near Bellovuo
park, Wednesday afternoon at 2.30,
when the knot that made her
daughter, Miss Edna M., tho wife of
John H. Weaver, Jr., of Towanda
was tied by Rev. W. H. Hiller of
the Methodist church.
No ono but the relatives saw Mr.
Weaver and Miss Doollttlo married.
Tho bride wore palo pink crepe
do chlno. Sho had no veil. In her
hand was a fine bouquet of white
asters. Brido and groom wore un
attended. Tho young couple received the
cordial congratulations .of his folks
nnd her folks, and then a carriage
took them to tho 4.40 D. & H. train
nnd they got aboard and started for
Townnda. They will stop a llttlo
along tho way, tho groom admitted,
but the journey to Towanda is not
Mr. and Mrs. Weaver's formnl wed
ding trip. That will come later,
possibly in Octobor, and whore they
will go they do not caro to say yet.
Mr. Weaver Is tho only son of
tho landlord of tho Hotel Wayne.
He worked for tho Wayne Cut
Glass company in Honesdale until
It left hero In May, and then ho
went with tho concern to Towanda.
Ho keeps tho books, looks nftor
general ofllcol business, and Is virtu
ally the assistant manager of tho
company, Mrs. Weaver Is a
bright young woman whoso friends
nro plentiful In Honesdnle and
Texas No. 4. Sho rocelved more
than ono roomful of wedding gifts,
mostly furnlturo, glass, silver, lin
en and other sensible homekeeplng
i? t? t? & & t? & tr & KwSfiC K tf"
' , n
of JJ
republicJKvrty J
ut fct jt jt jt j jt j jt j jt jf
NO 74
MAPLEWOOD, Sept. 15. When
the Erie accommodation passenger
train duo In Scranton at 8.10 o'clock
Wednesday night fnlled to make tho
usual stop at the Maplewood station,
an Investigation by the train crew
revealed Engineer John Miller of
Blakely street, Dunmore, lying un
conscious on the floor of the cab.
Miller was bleeding from a gash in
the forehead, caused by being hit by
a thrown missile. Miller will re
cover. Tho train, bearing Its load of
passengers, had traveled over a mile
without a guiding hand, as Engineer
Miller was struck a mile east of
Maplewood. The condition of the
pilot of the train was unknown to
the other members of the crew un
til the train flew past Maplewood
Conductor Abraham Snyder, who
was in the wreck near Lake Ariel
Sept. 2, noticing the train had pass
ed the station, signalled repeatedly
to stop. Fireman George Schryer
of Dunmore, happening to hear the
repeated signals, began an investi
gation. When the fireman climbed
Into the cab he found Miller on the
floor. The engineer was unconscious
and blood was flowing from a wound
on tho forehead.
Fireman Schryer stopped the train
and after it was backed Into the
Maplewood station Miller was taken
into one of the passanger coaches.
He was revived before the train
reached Dunmoro and was removed
to his home. His condition is not
Upon recovering consciousness,
Miller said that he was struck a
mile oast of Maplewood. He had
his head out ot.the window and saw
no ono along tho track at the time
the .missile- flew through the air.
The wound Is a long one and the
cut extends to the bonoi
There were 50 passengers on tho
train. They were not informed of
the unusual occurrence and left tho
train In ignorance of the hazard
they had run.
The company sent Lieut. Ralph
and a corps of detectives through
tho woods above Maplewood. but
no explanation of the accident had
been gained.
Twenty-four out of tho 45 men
employed by beamau, Irwin and
Brennerman on the Dyberry state
road quit work Wednesday. Thoy
said they must havo a U-hour day
and 10 hours' pay. They havo been
getting 51.70 for ten hours.
"It's a day's work to walk up
there and a day's work to walk
back," said one of the dissatisfied
workmen that night. "We can get
the same pay on the armory and be
right at homo."
All the men that struck live In
Honesdnle. All but five of them
are Americans. Tho flvo aro Ital
ians. 1
From the outset of the job tho
contractors have had hard work to
get the help needed. Fifty men
they could use all tho timo, but
there have been mighty few days
when tho timekeeper could find 50.
Sometimes tho working force drop
ped to 17. Tho Job must bo finish
ed Nov. 1. Tho contractors havo
had a whole lot of tough luck, In
cluding n bad July washout that
dumped 100 feet of road into tho
Mr. Seaman and Mr. Brennerman
drovo to tho Job at 7 this morning,
ns usual. Mr Seaman said some of
tho strikers had told him last night
theymlght bo bnck to work this
The tlvo Italians came back to
day. They said thoy quit becauBO
the rest of the strikers threatened
to stono thin if they didn't go out.
A member of tho firm said this
noon that If tho 24 had given
three days' notice it is probable some
arrangement would have been made
to haul them back and forth.
At tho Instigation of County
Medical Inspector H. B. Ely, N. B.
Spencer went to Beach lako today
to fumigate the houses whero there
havo been cases of whooping cough.
Wild blackberries, a staple crop
on the mountains of Delaware and
Sullivan counties, aro not plenty this
year and are purchased as soon as of
fered. The prlco Is now eight and
10 cents.