The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 14, 1910, Image 6

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    TUB 0IT1ZKN, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14, 1010.
Lady Harding. th Nw
Vloe Rein of India.
Tho wife of tlio new viceroy of Indla
Lady Hardlnge, la ono of the most
.popular women In England. Sho was
tho Hon. Winifred Sturt. dnughter of
tho Qrst Lord Alllngton, who was
popularly known by the nickname of
"Bunny." Lady Hardlnge has not In
herited her father's peculiar rabbit-
like features, but Is a very charming
and pretty woman, also wonderfully
gifted. Lady Hardlngo Is probably tho
finest amateur violinist In England,
and sho owns a fine Stradlvarius. tier
musical talents havo gone far to
strengthen tho high favor in which sho
has been held ever since her childhood
by Alexandra, the dowager queen, who
Is passionately fond of music and who.
though sho does not play the violin
herself, prefers It to all other Instru
ments. Ever since Lady Hardlnge's mar
riage sho has been n lady in waiting to
Queeo Alexandra and from girlhood
has been tho most intimate friend of
tho queen's daughters. Sir Charles and
Lady Hardlnge have two boys, the
eirtjat Just eighteen, and a girl of ten.
Th ten cent coupons will be
ly or in bulk, by any advertiser in
purchase made from them.
The Citizen 104 issues Year's Subscri
10 Citizen Coupons
To Citizen Subscribers the Cost is
off the
Will te accepted aa TWENTY CENTS In
i psytasnft ! any
who rejoices in tho Christian name of
Diamond. This singular name was
given tho child in honor of the lato
King Edward's horso Diamond, which
won the Derby in tho diamond Jubilee
year a few days before tho birth of the
little girl who bears tho name.
Th Mtntal Jam Pot Dfndd.
It's so cosy to get on with Dr. Woods
Hutchinson. Ho loves to come out
bravely and tell us that wo ought to do
Just what we want to do, and how
popular that docs make him with ev
erybody! He reminds one of a fond parent
who was taken to task by his wife for
not being mora strict with their small
daughter. He was told that ho did not
dlsclpllno her sufficiently.
"Dlscipllno herl" ho exclaimed In
astonishment. "Why should 1 disci
pline her when wo always want to do
tho same thing?"
It was uo caso for discipline if small
daughter wanted to dip into tho sugar
bowl or pull flowers out of her moth
er's garden that seemed to her good
father to bo tho eminently proper thing
to do at the time.
And so it Is with Woods Hutchinson.
Awhilo ago ho pleased us nil Im
mensely by telling us that wo really
ought to cat candy and that tho Jam
pot was of nil things tho most salu
brious for children. Nlco Woods
Hutchinson pleasant mant
Now bo comes out and tells ns that,
Uko tho jam pot, light Action Is really
good for us.
Moreover, stories exciting ones, too,
and plenty of them nro good for chil
dren. Tho Imagination of n child
should bo fed. It craves n wholesome
stimulant and should havo It by all
means, while for an adult a good
novel may be better than u box of pills
or n week at a sanitarium.
To quote from nn artlclo in tho Au
gust number of Good Housekeeping,
this obliging doctor says:
"Tho most restful thing for a tired
brain and overwrought nervous sys
tem Is a brisk, enjoyable walk or a
keen, eager game In the open air, fol
lowed by n hundred pages or so of n
good novel. You will sleep better, go
back to your work next day fresher
and better rested than you would If
you had endeavored to crowd your
brain with additional lnforniatlon for
practical use In your Ufo work.
"If you are tired a good novol will
rest you; if you are worried it will
make you forget your worries and
yourself; if you nro sick it is one of
.your best medicines. The mnn or wo
man who in the sunset afterglow of
Ufo can enjoy a good story has found
the secret of perpetual youth."
publishing Co.
purchase by advertisers Id
Hr Rvng.
A llttlo girl had been so very naugh
ty that her mother found it necessary
to shut her up in a dark closet In that
family the direst punishment for tho
worst offense. For fifteen minutes the
door had been locked without a sound
coming from behind It not a whim
per, not a sniffle. At last tho stern but
anxious parent unlocked tho closet
door and peered Into tho darkness. Sho
could boo nothing,
"What nro you doing in there?" sho
And then n llttlo volco piped from
tho blackness:
"I thplt on your now dress, and I
thplt on your new hat, and I'm wait
ing for more thplt to como to thplt on
your new parasoll" Philadelphia
He Made Qood.
Lord Lansdownc once bad a remark
nblc prophecy made concerning him
while ho was nn Oxford graduate.
Jowctt, his tutor nt Balliol, greatly ad
mired him and nlwnys said that bo
would do great things.
"There goes n man," remarked Jow
ctt, "who is as certain to be foreign
sccrctnry in due time In whichever
party ho chooses as tomorrow's sun
is to rise."
Of courso nt that time Lord Lans
downc had not the least idea of filling
such n distinguished post, and yet in
1000, nftcr a brilliant political career,
ho found himself nt tho bend of tho
foreign office. London M. A. P.
Her Lost Chance.
Mrs. B. I wonder why Miss Single
ton refused tho curate when he pro
posed to her?"
Mrs. D. All n mistake, my dear, a
sad mistake; you know she has grown
a little deaf, and she did not suspect
ho was at nil "gone" on her. Sho ac
tually thought he was asking her to
subscribe to tho new organ fund, so
she told him she was sorry, but she
bad promised all her money In another
Mrs. B. Then whnt happened?"
Mrs. D. The curate felt himself In
sulted and departed In dudgeon, nnd
she's lost the only chance sho ever
had. London Telegraph.
Sensa of Humor Declining.
"Do you think Americans have a
great sense of humor?"
"Well," replied Senator Sorghum,
"I'm, af raid it isn't what it used to be.
The folks out home are becoming so
interested In economic issues that they
don't seem to caro whether I tell them
any funny stories or not" Washing
ton Star.
If you are in arrears and will send us your arrearage with a paid-up yearly subscription of $1.50 you
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If you are now paid in advance and will send us a year's subscription, to begin when your present
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We expect to arrange with one or more of our Banks so that you can open up a NEW SAVINGS
ACCOUNT by sending ten coupons and one dollar in cash, they sending you a book with a credit of TWO
. x THE CITIZEN has the most modern newspaper equipment in Wayne county. It has the only
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If you are not a subscriber to The Citizen send us $1.50 and receive The Citizen for a year and $1.00
worth of coupons.
Buying th Ring.
To buy tho wedding ring on Monday
mean a hustling Ufo, full of excite
ment On Tuesday An easy Ufo, contented
nnd free.
On Wednesday A partner gay nnd
fond of pi en sum.
On Thursday You will gain what
ever you wish.
On Friday You will sow with toll
but reap a good harvest
And if purchased on Saturday you
will always hnvo cause to rejolco.
Jewelry 8tore Romances.
A wedding ring whose scratched nnd
dulled surface bespoke years of hard
service nt washtub and dlshphn lay
on tho Jeweler's work table.
"Why has it been laid up for re
pairs?" a visitor asked. "Has marringo
proved n failure?"
"On tho contrary, It has turned out
n great success, and tho ring has been
brought back to bear witness," said
tho Jeweler. "See this new inscrip
tion, 'Ten yonrs of fidelity and love.'
That sounds pretty good, doesn't It?
No failure there. Flvo or ten years
from now, If they nro both alive, some
body will probnbly add another post
script and so on nt regular intervals
to tho end of the chapter. Jewelers
meet moro of theso llttlo romances
than the unsentimental person would
dream of." Now York Sun.
No Right to Live.
Beggar Won't you give mo some
money, professor? My money Is all
gone, nnd I can't live.
Professor now old nro yon?
Beggar Forty years, sir.
Professor Forty years! Don't you
know that according to tho latest mor
tality tables tho aferngo ago of tho
mnlo population of Europe reaches
only thirty-four yoars nnd five months?
Statistically you havo no right to Uvo
nny longer nnywayl Meggendorfer
Two Fault.
"You hunt too much," said Louis
XV. to tho archbishop of Narbonne.
"How enn you prohibit your curates
from hunting If you pnss your Ufo in
Getting them such nn example?"
"Sire," said DIUon, "for my curates
tho chase Is a fault; for myself it Is
tho fault of my ancestors."
Politeness Is a sort of guard which
covers the rough edges of our character
and prevents them from wounding oth
ers. Wo should never throw It off
even In our conflicts with coarse peo-nl.
redeemed at the!
the Citizen in pa
rtoady Uamonitration.
"Do. you think you can mako my
daughter hnppy?" asked Miss Thirsty
smith's father gravely.
"Why, I have already, haven't I?"
replied Spooner. "Pro. asked her to
marry me." Smart Set
His Lost Lg,
A mendicant approached a man on
tho cars the other day and said, "Dear
sir, I have lost my leg," to which tho
man replied, as ho hurried away, "My
dear friend, I nm very sorry, but I
hnve not seen anything of It"
Tho Kind Yon Havo Alwnys
in nso for over 30 years,
jfy-f , Bonal supervision sinco ita infancy.
f-CCCL4s Allnxr no nnn trwlnrnlvn vtmln this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-os-good' nro but
Experiments that trlflo with nnd endanger tho health of
Infants nnd Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
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Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Seals tho
The M You to Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
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full value, sing-
payment of any
The Old Flag.
I como with a full heart and a.
steady hand to salute the flag that
floats nbovo me my flag and your
flag tho flag of tho Union tho flay
of tho frco heart's hope and home
tho 8tar-Spangled Banner of our
fathers the flag that uplifted tri
umphantly over a few brave men, haa
never beon obscured, destined by tho
Ood of the unlvorso to waft on IU
ample folds tho eternal song of free
dom to all mankind, emblem of tho
power on earth which la to exceed
that of which it was said tho sun
never went down. TTnnrv Wattarnon.
Bought, and which has been
has homo tho signature of
has been xnado under his per-
Signature of