The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 14, 1910, Image 4

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Entered as sooond-olnss mnttor. nt the post
olUce. Honesdale. l'n.
c. n. dorfli.nqer. m. r. allen,
henry wilson, k. r. hardekderoh.
l'or Governor
For Lleutonnnt Governor
Secretary of Internal Affairs
State Treasurer
For Congress,
For State Senator,
We note nearly every day by news
dispatches from New York that May
or WILLIAM J. GAYNOR, now on
tho high road to old-time pugnacity
and vigor after his recent business
contact with a sore-headed ex-doclc
employe's bullet, is willing, probably
anxious, to take the Democratic nom
ination for governor of tho state of
-which he today stands boldly forth
as the most picturesque and proinl
nent figure save, of course, the al
ways picturesque and always promi
nent personality of THEODORE
ROOSEVELT. We are not surprls
ed by the New York Mayor's tacit
admission that he Is ready to try
It. We have believed from the time
he commenced to cause his friends to
say that Mayor GAYNOR thought
he had nothing to gain by a term at
Albany that he would ultimately
come out as a receptive if not as an
actually solicitous and aggressive as
pirant for the Democratic nomination
for tho governorship that he would
make it appear in the long run that
the progressive element of the York
state Democracy, if there really be
such a thing, had forced him to make
the race in a year which Dnds the
Democrats with one admittedly pow
erful candidate and the Republicans
in possession of no man who quite
measures up to tho unusual standard
of Gov. HUGHES.
It cannot be denied without the
boldest and most bullheaded kind of
partisan lying that WILLIAM J
GAYNOR would make an exceptional
ly formidable gubernatorial candidate
for the New York Democrats to top
their ticket with at the Saratoga con
vention. He is far and away the
most respectable and even command
ing figure the Democrats on the other
side of the Delaware have been able
to produce since the halcyon days of
Mayor with an axo for useless and
cumbersome municipal commissions
that gave ignorant, incompetent Tam
many suckers fat berths at $2000 to
$7000 a year and no work at all to
render in return for this very com
fortable compensation; and ho has
been a Mayor with a crushing club
for police graft the hitherto un
squelchablo obstaclo in the path of
the city's progress. He won thous
ands of New York hearts by declar
Ing, the day he went to City Hall to
be sworn, that tho people of New
York wanted a reasonably wide open
Coney Island on Sundays and that
ho would give them the kind of a
police commissioner needed to open
Coney and keep her open. He has,
beyond all question, made himself
almost immeasureably stronger with
tho hero-worship crowd a sickening
but at the same time a not Incon
siderable olement In all parties by
his plucky fight with death after that
shooting moss on board ship at Ho
boken. If Mayor GAYNOR is ever
to be strong enough to make the At
bany race ho is strong enough to
make it today.
But thoro Is opposition of one very
forcible, even if contemptible kind
to the Albany hopes which must,
If successful, lead not only to Washt
lngton hopes but to Washington
expectations of the New York May
or. Ho will bo knifed to tho burning
day by HEARST and the HEARST
newspapers, a crew to be counted bo
low tho Harlem. Though tho Inde
pendence League Is deader than
doornail, there aro Independence
League men In whoso breasts thoro
Btlll rankles tho hatred of GAYNOR
that found birth when GAYNOR, on
tho threshold of his campaign, pub
licly gave tho Ho to HEARST and
received it In return, and which was
intensified by tho Mayor's terrific at
tacks upon tho personal probity of
HEARST at the time tho COLAHAN
public works payment scandal receiv
ed such thorough newspaper ventila
tion. Theso men can .probably cast
from 70,000 to 100,000 votes for
In whose nomination pie tho yellow
o'urnallst of New York and Chicago j
and St. Louis and San FranclBco
shall have had a finger. i
Wo think, on tho wholo, that the
opposition of the HEARST element
will hurt GAYNOR In his necessary
effort to get 100,000 majority below
the Harlem with which to offset tho
Republican figures from up-stato
more than tho presence of THEO
DORE ROOSEVELT in tho party
councils or on tho stump during a
campaign that Is to fairly snap and
bristle with the real ROOSEVELT
brand of strenuoslty. Thus fnr It is
not plain that tho Republican nomi
nee for governor Is to bo a man of
choosing. We admit that ho could
not If ho tried pick out a man cap
able of putting more personal color
Into a campaign than GAYNOR may
absolutely be depended upon to put
Into this one. ROOSEVELT on tho
stump will be a booster for the Re
publican cnndidate.-.biU tho popular
ity of tho candidate spellbinders is
not always the greatest vote-coiner
in New York status Our Impression
Is that candidate GAYNOR, though
running better up-state than . any
Democrat has run since GROVER
CLEVELAND'S dny, would get his
most disastrous cut in New York
county aud to somo extent in his
home county of Kings; and that his
defeat for Albany w.ohW. Imperatively
demand the -nomination of Gov.
HARMON of Ohio fur Washington in
1912. .:;!iaci
The effort for a hospital for
Honesdale is based on the 3trong
undeniable appeal of humanity.
Such an institution has long been
Imperatively demanded by the medi
cal and surgical needs of Honesdale
and tho more accessible parts of
Wayne county. ScrantOn Is too long
and trying a ride for a sick man or
woman, particularly ono who faces
the ordeal of an operation. The
Honesdale hospital agitation is not
new, but tho cause is one that urges
itself with little verbal exploitation
The meeting of Honesdale women at
the Lyric Wednesday afternoon
should be attended by every, woman
who wishes to bo helpful to suffer
ing neighbors. With the organized
aid of the large-hearted, charitable
women of Honesdale the project can
be put through.
A wealthy New Jersey woman who
died recently left $1,000,000 to Tus
kegee institute. Money could not be
better expended. The Institute has
done an enormous amount of good
In raising the standard of the South
ern negro and helping solve the race
problem. Its work, by the way,
should be particularly appreciated In
New Jersey, which has more black
people in proportion to population
than any other Northern state. The
negro Is getting to be a distinct
nuisance In a great many South
Jersey towns, and If the coming 1m
portations of colored population from
below Mason and Dixon's line can
be made to consist of men and wom
en tolerably well educated before they
leave tho "Solid South" for a North
ern home, New Jersey will emphatl
cally he the gainer.
Pen Argyl is to hold an Old Folks
day yearly. The recent celebration
was a success, and all who assisted
are to be complimented on the suc
cess of the gathering and on the
spirit which has prompted such an
honor to old folks, runs a news Item.
This is a first-rate Idea, and we
trust the Old Folks day in Penu
Argyl, ono of the most Interesting
and comfortable little spots on the
whole map of Pennsylvania, may be
an annual feature rewarded from the
outset with the kind of results that
are pleaded for by Its promoters.
An annual Old Homo week In so
small a place would, It Is clear, bo
quite superfluous; but tho Old Folks
day a time set apart for proper rec
ognition of tho community valuo,
both past and present, of tho aged
people of tho town 1b a practical as
well as a benevolent movement. In
theso hurly burly days of selllsh, cut
throat competition, when oven tho
cleanest and most decently-lnten-tloncd
of people aro forced to resort
to dog-oat-dog methods of doing
business In order to nchlovo a live
lihood, there Is too little attention
paid to tho older folks who not only
havo borno tho heat and burden
of their day but who perchance may
be able to drop a valuable word of
suggestion and advice to tho younger
blood, so prono to know it all. Thero
aro men and women of 70 In ovory
community that knew as much at
40 as somo of tho men and women
now arrived at that ago know today,
and who havo picked up an idea or
two worth while since they loft' 40
behind. Decent consideration for tho
old has something moro tanglblo
than sentiment to commend It. Tho
old men will bo good for counsel bo
long as tho young inon aro good for
Tho Wuyno County fnlr Oct. 3,
1, !, and O Is goln to bo tho fiiifht
fair this section linn ever seen. Come
From tho nlwnys bright and Ba
gaclous Harrlsburg Telegraph:
Roosevelt says reckless waste
must be stonncd. All right, let's
quit wnstlng gasoline on Joy rides.
No doubt tho esteemed Journal at
the Keystone capital la right; but
Just the samo It Is laying itself open
to a very serious siege of unpopular
ity with tho buzz-wagon-and-goggles
fraternity which, In Pennsylvania as
olsewhero, Is getting to bo n factor
necessary to bo reckoned with.
Fashionably speaking, tho summer
lid has but a day to linger.
Discipline seems to do the most
good to tho ono who administers It.
Wherever they go, It goes without
saying that some people always make
a go of It.
Clubs save a lot of money for a
man by his belonging to them with
out being married.
A man who can be good-natured
at breakfast la very likely to go to
heaven when ho dies.
When a man will go to the thea
tre with his family it's tho kind of
show where he doesn't want to sit
in the front row. ,
No matter how easy It Is for a
man to make money, there always
seems to bo somebody else for whom
It is easier to get it nwny from him.
Tag day Is coming and so aro tho
pretty girls that are to do the tag
ging. No need to tell the normal
Honesdale man to open up his pock
Half an applo crop In Pennsylva
nia is, on the whole, not quite so dis
tressing as the same kind of a fruit
shortage In Jersey. We don't de
pend on applejack entirely for cour
age and ideas on this side of the
The Allentown Democrat .speaks of
its coming fair and boasts of tho
superiority of hotels and dining
rooms. Yet It was In an Allentown
eating palace onco upon a time that
we heard a waiter shout tho order:
"Two cluks and a grunt: ono draw."
Prof. Surface was not named
aright. There Is much that is deep
and nothing that Is superficial In the
practical advice the state zoologist
from his desk In Harrlsburg sends
forth to the farmers of tho 67 coun
ties of the Keystone state In the in
creasingly successful effort to help
them rid their orchards and gardens
of bug opposition.
Some fools rush In where angels
fear to tread, and others write love
letters that eventually find their way
into tho newspapers. Pittsburg
Some men are so inconsistent as
to boast of their modesty, though by
so doing they are giving the strong
est evidence that they do not possess
It. Meadvllle Messenger.
When a minister of the gospel
gives up the pulpit and engages in
some other calling he usually scores
as brilliant a failure in one line as
the other. Oil City Blizzard.
, Just how "tired" the people aro
of Roosevelt may he Judged from
the attitude of the newspapers to
wards him. There were two car
loads cf reporters aboard the T. R.
special. Erie Dispatch.
The New York Telegram says:
"That sound like a rouge elephant
angrily trumpeting and crashing
through dense underbrush is Colo
nel Roosevelt resting." Franklin
Vice-president Sherman In a speech
at Clinton, 111., the other day paid a
fine tribute to the courage and saga
city of President Taft. Tho vice
president has a forgiving spirit.
Bradford Era.
Gov. Harmon is making lynching
decidedly unpopular in Ohio.
Through his action fifty-eight citi
zens of Licking county, who aro al
leged to havo taken part In the
hanging of Detectlvo Etherlngton,
must stand trial, twenty-eight of
them, for murder in tho first de
gree and tho others for lesser de
grees of homicide. Lancaster Now
A Harrlsburg girl was so badly In
jured In a bargain sale rush that she
was taken to tho hospital? Here In
Johnstown tho bargain rushes aro
conducted In a ladylike manner.
Evon when $1.50 silk stockings aro
offered for 41 cents tho salo re
sombles a prayer mooting. Johns
town Domocrat. Aw, g'long! If
silk stockings ever go down so far
as that in Johnstown all tho men
folks in tho vlllago will break their
necks "rubborlng." Allentown
With tho running of trains through
tho Pennsylvania tunnols at Now
York Friday morning rapid transit
from Horald Squaro to Long Island
points, tho dream of years becomes
a reality, tho long ferry rides hecomo
a matter of cholco rathor than of no-
cosslty, and distant towns and villages
are but a fow minutes rrom tho retail
business contro of Amerlcn. Tho im-
monso bonofit tho new tunnels work
for Long Island cannot, says tho llor
aid, bo calculated In dollars and cents,
though it Ib well up In tho millions
nnd 1b reflected in tho census figures
recently published. In Herald Squaro
tho presence of the additional thous
ands tho tunnols bring will make that
spot, already tho busiest on tho contl
crowded there Is room In plenty for i
tho untotaled thousands yet to come.
West Chester Local Nows.
Not seldom havo dogs moro affec
tion and nttentlon showered upon
them than babies have. Somo time
ago a woman in ono of our Inland
towns lost a pot dog by death. Her
grief was Indescribable. Tho dog
had a most elaborate funeral, lying
in state and burled in a favorlto
spot In tho garden. Tho services
of a band wore sought to play fu
neral dirges, but the members balk
ed at playing 'over a dead dog.
More recently a wealthy mnu paid a
great price for a special car In
which ho might travel with hla dog
from ouc side of the continent to
the other. It Is to bo hoped tho
dog appreciated tho favor. Perhaps
In both cases tho dogs were moro
worthy ns dogs than their owners
were as human beings. Bristol
I own property In Honesdale and
will gladly give bail for the editor
of tho Citizen If he gets into trouble
printing tho news of Honesdale, and
Wayne county. Frank P. Kimble.
I do not keep hens and have no
eggs to sell. People that come to
my place, either by day or night, ex
pecting to buy eggs from Smith aro
destined to be fooled. Men who
come to make such a purchase arc
nuver In the nick of time. Mike
Smith, near White Mills."
I am fond of that musical ap
paratus of mine In the back room
and on rainy afternoons I spend a
great deal of time In there, listen
ing to tho funeral service of Presi
dent McKlnley and other cylinders
as they aro produced. On such oc
casions the man looking for me is
told that I am not in. I don't want
anybody to butt in while I am en
joying the music with two or three
of my friends. John Theobald.
The other day a man In this town
who plays ball and who has a great
many friends stepped up to mo and
"Bert, if they ever get mo up
before tho 'Squire for anything
don't put my right name in what
you write. I have a family and a
job. I want to stand well In tho
community. I want no newspaper
limelight, but you must make somo
sort of a story out of the affair and
you may print my name as Albert
I told him that would be putting
him too close to the watei aud as
sured him the use of his right name
would be preferable. Ho said I
was right, after all. Herbert E,
Loyalty to his friends does not1 ap
pear to have been one of the virtues
of William H. Berry, any moro than
was loyalty to his political organiza
tion. Back in the years when he
was state treasurer of Pennsylvania
Mr. Berry had a political loan from
Col. James M. Guffey. That is, It
may be called a political loan, be
cause the two politicians were then
friends and the security given for the
money was so slight as hardly to be
worth consideration. At a rorceu
sale In Pittsburg the other day the
twenty-seven hundred shares of
Berry Construction company stocK,
given to secure tho $15,000 loan
from Mr. Guffey, brought only $700.
Mr. Guffey had carried this note of
Mr. Berry's and placed It In the
bank only when It became necessary
In tho conduct of his business.
When Mr. Guffey made an assign
ment the bank proceeded to sell the
Berry securities and they brought
a little less than five per cent, or the
face valuo of the note. Granted that
It was a business proposition and
that some time Mr. Borry would have
made good his obligation, thero re
mains his treatment of a menu,
which will be of Interest to all vo
ters In tho stato of Pennsylvania.
Mr. Berry esteemed the favor and the
friendship of Mr. Guffey when it
was useful to him. But afterward
ho was willing to deuounce and re
nounce tho Pittsburg Democratic
boss, forgetful of favors and assist
ance In his time of need. Frleud
shln that endures and is bounded by
honesty, consideration, character and
forgiveness Is a very heautmu tiling,
But friendship of tho kind which Mr
Berry displayed in his relations with
Mr. Guffey must exclto tho disgust
and tho antipathy of all honorable
men. It will bo ono of tho consid
erations In tho voting next Novem
ber. If Mr. Berry has any explana
tion of this transaction with Mr. Guf
fey It will bo pleasing to tho voters
of this section to hear what ho may
havo to say. Editorial -in Tltusvillo
Towns of Tustcii and Nurrowsbur);
Records Arrest of Three Men.
NARROWSnURG, Sopt. 13. Wil
liam Renn and Herman Lupson, resi
dents of Narrowsburg, who wore re
cently arrested by Erie Pollco Olll
cors Johnston nnd Kelly of Port
Jervls, ou tho chnrgo of burglary and
entorlng a sealed car on July 1G,
nt Narrowsburg nnd securing thoro
from a Quantity of beer, wero ar
raigned before Justlco J. L. Purcoll
of tho town of Tuston, Sulllvnn coun
ty, where they pleaded uot guilty and
woro hold each In $200 ball to await
tho action of tho grand Jury of Sul
livan county.
Erlo Pollco Lieutenant R. N. John
ston of Port Jervls on Soptembor
4 in Port Jervls arrested John Bol
lonboch, 19 yonrs of ago, for tho lar
ceny of a suit of clothes from an
Erlo trackman nt Narrowsburg. Tho
dofondnnt was arraigned boforo Jus
tlco Purcell at Narrowsburg, where
ho pleaded guilty. Ho was committed
to tho county Jail at Montlcollo for
six months nnd was fined $50. Tho
previous pollco record of tho defend
ant was against him. Constable
Gcorgo Lahm took tho prisoner to
Montlcollo, During tho wait between
trains tho prisoner was locked up
in the Port Jervls Jail at tho City
Republican Fireworks nt I'ottsvlllo
I.nrklu Has No Use For Ilerry.
Tho first real fireworks of tho Re
publican state campaign will bo sot
off at I'ottsvlllo this week, when tho
nnnunl convention of tho State
Lenguo of Republican clubs will bo
held. Tho opening session will bo
Wednesday afternoon, the conven
tion will bo continued Thursday, and
Friday tho visitors will bo tho guests
of Schuylkill county Republicans at
a mammoth outing.
At this affair It is expected Gov.
Edwin S. Stuart, Senators Penrose
and Oliver, Gubernatorial Cnndldato
John K. Tenor and his colleagues on
"the stato ticket will bo present and
deliver addresses.
That was certainly some hot shot
that Madison Larkln, tho Prohibi
tion cnndldato for 'governor, throw
at former Stato Treasurer Berry In
an Interview with a reporter. Thero
Is not much lovo lost between tho
two. Mr. Larkln thlnka little of
Berry's promises to tho temperance
element, that If elected ho will lend
his assistance to tho passage of a
local option law and other measures
endorsed by tho anti-liquor men.
Ho does not believe the Chester man
Is slnccro nud makes no bones about
expressing himself on tho subject.
WANTED Canvassers to sell pet
ticoats. Liberal commission paid.
Economy Mfg. Co., Rockwood, N.
Y. C7t4
If you read tho paper Tho Citi
zen you known you aro getting the
We ofTer Ono Hundred Dollars
Reward foji any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Toledo, O.
Wc, the undersigned, havo known
F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
In all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligations mado by his firm.
Waldlng, KInnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Id
ternally, acting directly upon tho
blood and mucous surfaces of tho
system. Testimonials sent free.
Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by
all Druggsts.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
TOTAL ASSETS 1,902,000.00
i You havo more or less banking business. Possibly it
I is with us, such being the case you know something of our
service, but if not a patron would it not be well for you to
become one ?
i ai in r x MXTrir" rnn i r"r nix r-iv tht
t will help you start. It is calculated toserve all classes, the
old and the young, the rich and the poor,
and allows three per cent, interest annually. Interest will'bej'paid from
the first of any month on all deposits made on or before the 10th of the
month provided such deposits remain three calendar months or longer.
nvvnv t misspr.r.
f wnmpn nf
al all-around wear.
The good style, fine
ing make this suit a model that will be eagerly chosen
by the woman who appreciates correct attire. As
this suit has the WooltexJIabel, you maybe certain that
it will give you long time service and look well as
long as worn. For those who wish other models, we
have a large number of styles. Let us show them
to you.
The store that sells Wooltex.
Hcrrick Centre Cases Out of Way.
On Monday, Aug. 2D, Stato Health
OfTlcer Lathr6p and Officer Dlm
mlck wero hero and pronounced tho
smallpox cases all cured and pro
ceeded to disinfect and fumlgatotho
houses, clothing and other belong
ings. It was-a groat relief to tho
tpwn, as wo had them on our hands
slnco July 8,. and the stories that
somo of tho papers published wero
so far from tho truth that no ono
could blamo people for keeping out
of town. But It Is over now. Wo
havo had 14 people on our hands;
12 of them had smallpox. They
were- given every rcasonablo caro
and comfort and the wholo cost, in
cluding doctor, guards, provisions,
etc., will be less than $500.
"I Bay, Blossom, how do you
pronounce C-n-s-i-o-r-l-n?" "Why,
cnstorln of course; how elso could
It bo?" "Well, tho doctors pro
nounco It harmless.
Good Way to Use
Hyomei for Catarrh
Besides breathing through the In
haler a few times a day, many ca
tarrh sufferers write that they find
Inhnllng HYOMEI (pronounce it
High-o-mo) from a bowl of steaming
water each night before retiring a
great aid In curing stubborn cases.
Try It; it's very simple; gives
quick relief and makes you beratho
Fill a bowl-half full of boiling wa
ter; pour Into the water a tea
spoonful of HYOMEI, cover head
and bowl with a towl, and breatho
through nose and mouth tho pleas
ant, medicated, antiseptic and heal
ing vapor that arises.
This method relieves that stuffiness
at once, and makes your head feel
You can get a bottle of HYOMEI
at druggists everywhere or at G. W.
Pell's for only 50 cents. Ask for
extra bottle HYOMEI Inhalent.
But bear In mind that a HYOMEI
outfit which Includes inhaler and
bottle of HYOMEI costs $1.00.
But, as stated before, If you al
ready own an Inhaler, a bottle of
HYOMEI costs but 50 cents.
HYOMEI Is guaranteed by G. W.
Pell and druggists everywhere to
curo catarrh, sore throat, coughs,
colds, asthma and croup, or money
back. Tryjt on that generous basis.
H-t fttttH
$ 150,000.00
This Business Woman's Suit is the
Smart, Trim, Practical Model that
crnnn tnctp rhnnsp fnr fTfmer-
fabrics and exquisite tailor
somo candidate for tho governorship
and bring tho folks.
nont, oven buslor, but It will not bo