The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 14, 1910, Image 2

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(Continued from Page One)
hissing In front of bor houso, she
James Conger said ho saw a
crowd on Court street, In front of
the courthouse, a few minutes past
G the night in question. The con
duct of these men, the witness said,
was objectionable. He was on his
front porch at the tlmo and hnd a
good view of them.
Henry Demer said ho lived at
Court and Seventh streets. Ho
knew Frank Daniels by sight and
at one time employed him. On
Aug. 30. Mr. Demer said,- Daniels
passed the Demer houso at C or a
few minutes after. Ho was ono of
a crowd of men that came down
Court street, following Mr. Denier,
his brother and Knapp, the non
union glasscutter. Knapp at that
time, the witness explained, was
boarding with the other Demer. He
said tho crowd followed the trio as
far as the machine shop, but this
was nothing unusual to him, Mr.
Demer said. There were cries of
"Scab" and "Skunk" and "Choke
him," but the vile epithet that lies
at the bottom of so many funerals
in the West nnd South wasn't used,
according to Mr. Demer's testimony.
Such language was never heard be
fore the strike. Mr. Demer said
he was out that night to protect his
To Mr. Mumford Mr. Demer said
ho did not hear Daniels say any
thing in particular.
William Bergman said ho lived In
East Honesdale, below tho old cov
ered bridge. He was at work In
the Herbeck-Demer shops Aug. 30.
He was acquainted with Daniels and
ho supplemented his testimony as to
the existence of tho acquaintance
with the words:
"I'd ought to know him, for he
Insults me every time I pass him."
He said Daniels commenced to
treat him badly when tho strike
Bergman said ho left the factory
at C.OB. He walked down Court
street and In front of tho court
house he saw Daniels. There was
a crowd of 30 or more. They
shouted all the way down Court
street, but the witness said they
were some distance ahead and their
exact words he didn't get.
Mr. Mumford asked what Berg
man heard Daniels say, and Berg
man told the defendant's senior
counsel he did not hear Daniels say
anything, uanlcls, he added, was
not very far back In that crowd of
30. He might have been three feet
behind the leaders. He was walk
ing. H was not on a bicycle.
At this point Mr. Iloff said he
rested for dinner. Tho recess was
until 2.
Mr. Iloff called Joseph Demer as
his first afternoon witness. Mr,
Demer said he lived In Texas and
was a glass manufacturer. On Aug.
30, he told the lawyer, ho was on
his way between tho factory and
Court street on his way home. He
said he knew Frank Daniels and
saw him a little after 6 that night
Daniels was at the corner of Elev
enth street and Court, with 25 or
30 fellows around him, and the
crowd, according to Mr. Demer's
story, was noisy. They were yell
ing and howling and the first man
to shout "Scab" was Daniels. The
witness was positive ho heard Dan
lels use tho word three times.
When .Mr. Demer and Mr. Iloff
described Daniels as "the leader of
the mob" there was a wrangle be
tween Iloff and Mumford, tho lat
ter objecting vigorously to the
"I said," said Mr. Demer, "that he
(Daniels) urged the crowd on to
catch up with my brother and
From tho corner of Eleventh
street and Court, the witness said,
ho went home. As far as he could
hear they were howling and hol
lering, conduct that never occurred
before the strike. Mr. Demer said
ho thought Daniels worked for
Krantz, Smith & Co., and stopped
work at either C or C, according to
the department of the shop ho was
in. He admitted he did not know
for certain tho quitting timo of
Mr. McCarty was not lengthy In
his cross-examination of Mr. Demer,
He asked him If the Herbeck-Demer
company was a party to this prose
cution and ho wanted to know who
subpoenaed this witness.
"Nobody," said Mr. Demer. "I
came myself. I know I got here.
That s enough."
"This," said Mr. Iloff, "Is a fool
lsh and unnecessary question." Mr.
McCarty said It was a fair question
nnd ho demanded an answer. Mr.
Demer said Daniels was pointed out
to him by Mr. Herbeck on the street
one night when Demer and Herbeck
were on their way home.
"Aro you after Daniels In par
ticular?" asked Mr. McCarty. Mr,
Iloff objected and tho question was
ruled out.
Mr. Demer said Daniels was the
only man In the crowd he recogniz
ed. Daniels was howling "Scab."
About 20 people were around him
lie was sure ho saw Daniels and
heard his voice. There were others
talking, but Daniels, ho declared
was howling. TJjo witness said he
did not watch Daniels to Dorfllng
er's. Ho declared with great pob!
tlveness that Daniels was walking
and had no blcyclo. Ho had seen
Daniels with a blcyclo at other
On re-direct examination, the
witness said he had known Daniels
a year and Daniels had worked un
der him. Witness Is supprlntendcnt
of tho Herbeck-Demer factory. Ask
ed If he knew Daniels well, ho said
ho did and that he could recognize
mm any time and anywhere.
Mrs. Ham, recalled, eald Bhe
knew Daniels and saw him In tho
crowd. Tho undo and aunt of
Daniels llvo on Ninth street, closo
by tho houso of tho Hams, and
Daniels calls at that house some
times. Tho night of the trouble,
she said, Daniels was on foot,
though sometimes ho rides a bicycle
Ho was walking very near to Mr,
Mr. Iloff said ho rested and Mr.
Mumford called Frank Danlols, tho
defendant, to tho stand. Ho was
sworn at 3 o'clock, nnd his testi
mony took about 25 or 30 minutes.
Daniels told Mr. Mumford ho
worked for Krantz, Smith & com-
any and was In their shop all day
Aug. 30. Ho quit at G. From
work ho went to tho houso of his
undo nnd aunt on Ninth street, get
ting thero at five or 10 minutes nf
ter 5 and remaining until a little
nfter G. Ho snld ho mndo a prac
tice, of going there two or three
times a week. He saw tho Demor
party n little north of tho place
where Martin E. Gnlvln's barn was
burned. Ho stated ho got on his
wheel nt tho corner of Court and
Ninth, rode to tho Kntz underwear
factory and stopped to talk, nnd
from thnt point rodo to his home
on Erie street. He saw Smith and
Kiegler. He denied that ho passod
Louio Dorfllnger's houso or 'Squlro
Ham's houso with tho crowd that
made tho nolso. Ho was reminded
that Mr. Demer's testimony placed
him on Court street with the crowd
that did tho hissing.
"Demer," said Daniels, "Is likely
to say anything."
Ho said ho didn't walk on Court
street at all that night. Ho could
see the Demer crowd as ho rodo his
wheel home, but they were a block
ahead. Ho was certain ho hadn't
called anybody a "Scab."
I never used that word In my
life," ho said.
On cross-examination Daniels
told Mr. Iloff ho goes homo Court
street to tho German Catholic
church, thence to Main and Erie.
"Did you know about this riot
before it came off?" asked' Mr. Iloff.
"No," said Daniels. "I was at
my uncle's when it started."
"Do you mean to call Charlie Dor-
fllnger a liar, and Mrs. Kuhbach,
and Mrs. Ham, and all tho rest of
"My word Is as good as theirs,"
said Daniels.
"Do you belong to tho union?"
'Yes," said Daniels, and then Mr.
McCarty stopped him, saying the
Idea of union membership is not
material In a case like this.
"Theodore Roosevelt," said Mr.
Iloff. "Is trying to bust the trusts.
But tho biggest trust of all Is the
labor trust, which may keep a poor
man with a sick wife or mother or
children from working for his
"Since you make Roosevelt an Is
sue here," retorted Mr. McCarty,
I may say he Is a member of sev
eral labor unions. He belongs to
tho Hod Carriers, for one."
"Yes, and to tho Rough Riders,"
said Mr. Iloff.
Mr. Iloff asked Daniels how far
apart the men In the crowd were.
I dldn t take a tape and meas
ure the distance between them," was
tho answer.
Ray Marks was called as the next
witness. He said he Knew 'ranK
Daniels and met him at 6 the night
of Aug. 30 on Court street, near the
site of the Galvln barn that went
un in flames. It was five or 10
minutes after G. The Demer crowd
. ahead. Ben Brledensteln,
Clarence Smith and Henry Kiegler
were with the witness and Daniels.
Ho did not hear Daniels holler to
anybody. Daniels walked his wheel
to the underwear factory and then
on to P. E. McGranaghan's, where
ho got on and started for home.
Daniels, according to urieaensiein,
was about seven or eight roas oe
hind the Demer crowd.
Mrs. Maria Daniels, who said she
was tho aunt of Frank Daniels, was
the next witness. She said she was
at homo between 5 and 6 the night
of Aug. 30 and her nephew dropped
in to see her and his uncle tnen
Ho got there at 5.05 and stayed
an even hour. He walked his wheel
up Ninth street to Court when It
came tlmo to go. Mrs. Daniels said
she neither saw nor neara any
rrowd on Court street that night
Charles Daniels, the husband of
the last witness, said Frank, his
nonhew. camo to the Ninth street
street house at &.ut ana remained
an hour. Tho young man arriveu
on his wheel and left on his wheel.
Benlamln BreldenBteln said he
worked for tho McKcnnas and lived
at 141 Cliff street. He had known
Daniels two years. On Aug. 30 at
G o'clock he saw him, and at that
time Daniels had his wheel. They
walked down Court street together
Daniels having dismounted. Ray
Marks and Clarence Smith were
along. At Farnham's bridge the
witness left the Danlels-Snllth-Marks
party to go to his home on Cliff
street. A man In tho Demer party,
hn said, called them "a pack of
John Spohr of 227 River Btreet
was tho next man to sit in tno wit
ness chair. Ho was on hla way to
siinnor tho nleht of Aug .30, ho said
when tho Herbeck-Demer help camo
out of tho shop. He was right be
hind them. In tho crowd that fol
lowed, ho said, ho did not see Frank
On cross-examination ho told Mr,
Iloff that no union man or any
other mnu had asked him to Join
tho party following tho Herbeck
Demer men. Ho had never been
tho Herbeck-Demer shop at G
o'clock at night before. Ho denied
that ho was a picket thero when
tho atrlko was on.
ninrnneo Smith, another River
street young man, employed by
Krantz, Smith & Co., said ho quit
work that night nt 6 and was on tho
corner of Eleventh street and Court
when tho Herbeck-Demer men camo
out. Ho saw Daniels on a wheel
and when somo of tho boys asked
him to jump off and walk with them
Daniels did so. Daniels did not hol
ler or call anybody names, Smith
said, nor did ho mano n aisiuruuucu
Mr. McCarty said Mr. Iloff seem
ed to think Frank Danjels and his
friends woro charged with murder.
Mr. Iloff rotorted that there might
nnsslhlv have been a murder If
NiMr Rnencer and Policeman Cant
van hadn't hutted In on Sixth Btreet
nnri nuloted things aown.
Henrv Kiegler was tho last wit
tipkb. Ho Bald ho was near tho
Herbeck-Demer shop that night
wbnn tho men camo out. He walk
nd down Church street and ho did
not see Daniels anywhere on that
street, but he met him near tho
corner whero tho Galvln barn used
to bo. Daniels, ho declared, did not
hoot or holler. Danlols did not call
anybody a "Scab." Witness did not
count tho crowd and wns not wait
ing to tako a hand In a "precon
ceived hnd preconcoctod mob" as
Mr. Iloff styled It.
When tho ovldcnco was all In tho
clock said 4.50 and Justice Smith
told tho lawyers to arguo nt 9 next
Arguments? Tlicy Como Sept. 20.
Tho lawyers showed up Saturday
morning at the appointed time, Mr.
Mumford expecting, ho said, to talk
about halt an hour and Mr. Iloff tho
same length of time, but Justice
Smith told thorn to put the talking
off until Sept. 20, which will be one
week from today. About 50 men
were in the courtroom to hear the
case against Daniels argued.
About ICO or 100 Men Out In "Sil
ver City" nt Present,
MERIDEN, Ct., Sopt. 13. Tho
glass workers of tho Wilcox Sliver
Plato company, which Is Factory N
of tho International Silver company-,
joined the strikers of Factory T
(Meriden Cut Glass company) and
of J. J. Niland & Co. One hundred
and fifty or sixty men are out.
"The movement Is spreading faster
than wo anticipated," was the sig
nificant statement mndo this morn
ing by George W. Chance, president
of the local union.
Committees, In accordance with
action taken at a general meeting of
the glass workers, Informed the J.
D. Bergen company and the C. F.
Monroe company that tho men would
not do any work for tho factories
by the strike.
Mr. Chance Intimated the situa
tion was tense In tho shops now
running. It has been deemed best
by tho union not to make demands
at these two factories, for the pres
ent, at any rate, but tho men will
insist that no assistance be given
tho other shops in the way of doing
work for them. Disregard of this
demand undoubtedly will mean
After giving tho Factory N man
agement 24 hours additional time
In which to answer their demands of
54 hours' work with pay for a full
week of 59 hours, strictly union
shops and a voice In naming the
prices on piece work, the men ware
Informed the company could not
grant their demands and they went
They assembled with their follow
craftsmen at Knights of Columbus
hall and made a report.
Manager Harmon estimated twen
ty-five or thirty men had left Fac
tory N. which closed the glass de
partment. This company replied to
tho men much as did the jNiland
company officials that rail orders
had been taken under the present
cost of manufacture.
The class cutters at Factory N
have been working 48 hours a week,
While the situation at first glance
seems odd, it Is explained that in
the matter of hours action is taken
for the future and that recognition
of the union In the glas3 department
and tho prices of vork are timely.
The union reiterated the asser
tion made to the Journal that the
Niland factory is closed; that per
bans an official or two or a foTe
man might be working, nut tnat
waa all. The Niland company man
agement Insisted that the shop was
running with a few employes. ine
union also maintained that Factory
T was closed.
The union has seen no strike
breakers and knows of no attempts
by the factories thus far to resume
Exposition of Oct. 5-15 To Be
Something Complete nnd In
structive. SCRANTON, Sopt. 13. The 10
days of the second Industrial ex
position of tho Scranton Board of
Trade will bo to Scranton what fair
week and Old Homo week are to
other ckles. Yet the feature to at
tract many strangers will bo new.
Expositions aro no doubt of more
value to those who attend than fairs
and tho like, because every exhibi
tion there will offer somo sugges
tion to the average person. In other
words, It will show you where and
how you can fill your wants to bet
ter advantage than over before,
Exhibitions that will bo of value to
a man in almost any kind of busl
ness will bo there, as well as the
exhibitions of firms that supply the
necessaries and luxuries of life.
When It comes to finding a build
lng for an undertaking of this kind
It Is hard to find ono so suitable as
Uio Thirteenth regiment firmory
whero tho exposition will be held
from Oct. G to 15. There is none
to compare favorably with It In the
entire state. It Is well lighted and
ventilated, thero is ample floor space
all tho comforts and conveniences of
a modern homo aro at band, and
tho entrances nnd exits are in suf
ficient numbers to avoid crowdlug
by tho many that will bo coming
and going constantly.
Oct. 6 will bo ono of tho big days.
In tho evening Gov. Edwin S. Stuart,
his military staff and other dis
tinguished men will bo present to
tako part In tho opening street dem
onstration and the exercises to be
held In tho armory.
Railroad fares will be reduced on
all roads entering Scranton on Oct.
5, 8, 12 and 15.
England Has Rival to Weston.
England has a famous pedestrian
who Is somWhot of a rival to Edward
Weston. Ho ia tho octogenarian walk
er Mark All. Ills latest effort la to
walk 5,000 miles In ninety days. All
originally started out In 1000 to walk
100,000 miles In ten years. Ho finish
ed bis task on July 81, 1000. In tho
September following bo wtu one
inoro on tho move, for ho Intended to
keep walking for ten years, and ho
Bet himself to cover 10,000 miles fh
200 days. Ho actually did tho distance
In 100 days, completing the lost mile
on April L 1010.
Congressman Rennet, Old Port Jcr
vis Boy, Feels Sure About It.
A Boverly, Mass., special says:
Thot Now York Is not on "Insur
gent" Btato, that It doos not desire
a rovlslon of tho tariff and that a
majority of the up-state voters dcslro
to sco harmony In order that tho state
shall go for Republican candidates to
give tho Taft administration an In
dorsement aro tho views of Repre
sentative William S. Bcnnet, who was
hero to see President Taft.
"I have been in every portion of my
Congressional district, in New York
city and In Tioga, Delaware, Cortland,
Broome, Allegheny, Chemung, Tomp
kins, Cattaraugas and Chautauqua
counties. Wherever I have gono I
havo talked the tariff and I find that
tho men employed by manufacturing
Industries are strongly In favor of tho
Payne law. I talked tariff to a crowd
ed audlenco In Percy Naglo's district
In New York tho other night and
my hearers were men from tho oast
side, artisans, mechanics and laboring
men. They listened to mo nn hour
nnd told mo that they would havo
liked two hours more of that sort
of talk. I told them, among other
things, that I was responslblo for two
Increases In tho tariff, that I was
proud of It and nsked their votes on
that ground.
"They aro not "Insurgents" In New
York. Tho farmers aro prosperous
and do not want a change. When
the Democrats or somo Republicans
who believe that the traiff should be
ripped up begin to talk in rural New
York they will find that they have
far from n sympathetic audience. I
stood near Dryden In Tompkins coun
ty and looked down tho valley for
many miles. Thero was but one farm
that had a mortgage on it and that
was a purchase money mortgage, the
farm only a short time before having
changed hands.
"In my opinion the Republicans will
win New York and tho next houso of
Representatives if tho men who are
republicans and believe .in Republi
can principles only stand up and vote.
'I will tell you why I believe that
New York Is going to stand by the
revision of the tariff of 1909 and
make it appear that they are satisfied
that it was a good revision. There
are in tho state 37,000 manufacturing
establishments. These employ 1,
000,000 men. The wages paid
amount to $6,000,000 a year. The
amount of product put forth 13 $2,-
500,000,00- and this on a capitaliza
tion of $1,800,000,000. Do the men
of tho Western country who profess
to want the tariff reduced ever stop
to consider the stake In manufactur
ing establishments their own states
havo In maintaining tariff, I wonder?
"In my travels I have found that
President Taft Is steadily gaining
ground. He was stronger when Con
gress adjourned than he was before
Congress met. He is far stronger
now than he was when Congress ad
Journed. His letter has done much
to win thouchtful people. His general
attitude has made mm nosts oi
friends and as time passes it will be
found that ho has the confidence 6t
the entire people.
Retaliation on Pnrt of Pennsylvania
May Bring Relief.
On August 1C Attorney General
O'Malley of New York instructed
tho authorities of that state that
Pennsylvania auto licenses did not
allow any tourist from that state to
enter New York. When tho law
went Into effect on July 1 it was sup
nosed that Pennsylvania autos could
tour In New York for 10 days, that
being tho non-resident limit in this
state, nnd the New York law allowing
exemption to all states exempting
their aut03.
Tho Now York law, however, has
no tlmo limit to their non-resident
exemption, and the attorney general
holds that a3 our exemption has a
limit, Pennsylvania does not extend
a "llko privilege," nnd consequently
all Pennsylvania autos mu3t take out
licenses and all chauffours must bo
Since this decision the attention of
tho hlehwav denartment at Harris
burg has been called to thi second
section of tho Pennsylvania act which
provides "that this provision (10
(iRval shall not annly to residents o
states which do not extend similar
privileges to residents of this com
Retaliation on the part of Pcnn
svlvanla will no doubt secure an
amendment of tho Now York law, or
a more reasonable interpretation oi
tho statute
Tho New York Times editorially
discusses the oyster, a topic of somo
I'tcre.f just now. It declares that
the Inhabitants of that city will eat
at least 100,000,000 of tho bivalves
between now and tho 30th of next
April. As to tho quality It notes that
tho thin ones, those with a saline
taste, are Rood to eat, while those
that have been "floated" Into white
ness nnd fatness may bo good or bad
If good they will bo sold by dealers
who dlsnlay a license Issued by the
health department, certifying that
they have not been floated In streams
that bear sewage.
The oysters of Now York harbor
havo been condemned by tho
health authorities. Tho season has
been dry, the streams aro low and
laden with filth and the chairman of
tno health board predicts that oysters
fattened in them will bo infected.
Tho officials who Inspected Interstate
shipments aro seizing all packages of
floated oysters not tagged with cer
tificates of their purity. Tho peoplo
of that city locally will insist on that
licensing of dealers, while the coun
try at largo will lnsUt that the puro
food authorities Inspect what goes
Into Interstate commerce. Tho peo
plo want tho oyster to como with n
clean bill of health and to show jUBt
how and wboro It acquired lta white
ness and fatnesB.
Tho Citizen has all tho borough
and county news, fresh twice a week.
Read It regularly.
County fair Oct 3, 4, C, and 6.
Robbed of Hep- MapptftMK
You aro not looking well, Mrs. WU
"No; I haven't slept well lately.
"What's tho trouble Has tho-
Weather affected you?"
"Oh. no, It Isn't that"
"I'll tell you what It fs Tou ought
to gtvo up tho practice- of drinking
coffee at night. 1 know- a let of people
who toss awnko all night after they
havo been out to a late-dinner and fin
ished with coffee. I had to quit It
"I'm sure that Isn't the causo of mi-
"Havo you seen a doctor?"
"No. A doctor couldn't help me
"But how can you tell until yoa gc
to ono and let him cxnmlno you?"
"Well, If you must know, I'm worry
ing about my husband. Ho hasn't
kicked at tho slzo of tho bills lately,
and he's been bo kind and even tem
pered right along for a month or two
that I fcol almost ouro bo must bo
leading a double life. Ah, if ho would
only get to grumbling and making It
disagreeable around tho houso again I"
Chicago Record-Herald.
The Walter With Two Cart.
A Clevelnnd party recently sojourn
ing in a Toronto hotel decided to take
nn automobllo ride about the city.
They approached tho extremely self
conscious clerk and asked him whero
they could secure a car.
"Our head waltah has two, don't y
know," he replied.
It took Bomo Httlo tlmo to recover
from this shock, but presently ono of
tho party ventured to nsk tho prlco.
"Three nn hour," was tho answer.
That wob voted satisfactory, and nt
luncheon ono of tho Clcvclnnders
turned to tho nearest waiter.
"Who is tho chap thnt owns two
automobiles?" ho asked.
'I am the chap," tho waiter replied.
and he threw such a freezing empha
sis into tho word "chap" that It wns
fairly frost cracked.
They finished their luncheon before
they had enough courage to nsk th?
"Four dollars nn hour," tho waiter
replied with haughty Indifference.
Then they went uptown nnu mreu a
very good car for ?3 an hour. Clove-
land Plain Dealer.
Healtliful conditions, puro spring wa
ter, lake frontage, extensive campus.
Now modern gymnasium. Pre
pares for nil colleges nnd technical
courses. Strong Music nnd Com
mercial courses. Fall term begins
Sept. G. Catalog upon request.
Fnctoryville, Pn.
Wafer Bonds
From 5 to 6 per cent.
In denominations of
100, 500 and 1,000
If interested
call on or address
303-I4th St.,
Honesdale, Pa.
A.M.A.M A.M. A.M. P.M. btitionb A.M P.. A.M.
8 30 10 00 4 30 Albany 2 00 10 60 10 80
WOO 10 00 0 05 .... Blnshamton .... 12 40 8 15 8 45
10 00 2 15 12 30 8 30 2 15 .... Philadelphia .... 3 53 7 31 7 32 7 31 7 32
...... : A.M P.M. ......
1 20 7 25 4 40 1 20 7 10 ....Wllkes-Barre.... 10 20 4 05 7 15 2 25 P.M.
203 8 15 6 30 2 08 7 65 Scranton 9 37 3 15 6 20 1 35 10 05
P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Ly Ar A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. p3l
6 40 9 05 !!.'.'.'! 6 20 2 05 8 45 Carbondale 8 05 1 35 5 40 !"!;; 12 17 8 29
8 50 9 15 6 30 2 15 8 55 ...Lincoln Avenue... 7 1 25 5 30 12 07 8 17
8 54 9 19 6 31 2 19 8 59 Whites 7 69 121 5 2) 12 03 8 13
6 11 9 36 6 62 2 37 9 18 Kurvlew 7 3.1 103 5 08 1141 ,54
6 17 0 42 8 6s 2 43 9 21 Canaan 7 25 12 60 5 01 11 37 7 47
6 23 9 4 7 04 2 49 9 29 .... Lake Loilore .... 7 19 12 51 5 56 1131 7 41
6 26 9 51 7 07 2 52 9 32 ... . Wnymart 7 17 12 49 4 64 11 29 7 39
6 32 57 7 13 2 57 9 37 Keene 7 12 12 43 4 48 11 23 7 32
6 35 10 00 7 16 2 611 9 39 Stecne 7 09 12 40 4 45 11 20 7 30
6 39 10 01 7 20 3 03 9 13 PromptOIl 7 05 12 36 1 41 11 16 7 26
6 43 10 08 7 21 3 07 9 47 Forteiila 7 01 12 32 4 37 11 12 7 22
H 4C 10 11 7 27 3 10 9 50 SeelyviliO 6 68 12 29 4 31 11 09 7 19
6 60 10 15 7 31 3 15 9 65 Honesdale 6 65 12 25 4 30 11 05 7 15
p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. aTm. Ar lv a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. pTm!
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
Thi9 year opens with a dolugo of now mixed paints. A con
dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind
of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED
PAINTS. Their compounds, being now and heavily advertised,
may find a salo with tno unwary.
There aro reasons for tho pro-minonco of CHILTON PAINTS t
1st No ono can mix a better mixed paint.
2d Tho painters declare that it works easily and has won
derful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his
own exponso.overy surface painted with Chilton Paint that
proves dofectivo.
4th Those who have used it aro perfectly satisfied with it
and recommend its use to others.
Are You One of
the Always Tired Kind?
Why are you more tired In the morning
than when you retired ? Why are you un
equal to farther exertion after your dinner t
You ate qulto played out. The truth la
you habitually overload your stomach.
Yone fiver b congested and your bowels
clogged with foul refuse. " What ahall I
dor'youaay. Why, take Smith's Pine
apple and Butternut Tills for Just ono week.
Take one or two each night when you re
tire. They will make you feel better all
day long and Iri a week1 time your tired,
despondent, blue condition will have van
ished. As an after-dinner pill nothing can
take the place of Smith's Pineapple and
Butternut Pills, for they possess not only
the antiseptic and resolvent properties of
pineapple, but also the laxative and tonic
properties of butternut. They improve
digestion, assimilation and nutrition, and
stimulate a torpid liver or a sluggish condi
tion of the bowels. Physicians use and
recommend. They form no habit. Yoa
should always keep them on hand. These
little Vegetable Pills will ward of many Ills.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and Sick
Headache in a Night, use
AND 1 lh4SVl-lStl
Sth and I Pro I
isa4es of l rf- - I
00 Fills In Qiao Vial 2ikv All Dealer.
For Sick Kidneys
BUdfer DUeue, Elienmtlm,
tba ou bwt rraedf, SclUble,
etxlorwd by leading ph jilclam j
tare, effectual. Eesalti lAMtne.
On the market It years. IUtb
cored thotmodj. 100 rUli to
original glau paekact, CO etnti.
Trial bona, U pllla, 54 cecta. AU
drnggtiti teU and recommend.
oil of
Attention ia called to the STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
Citv has published a ROLL OP
IIO'NOR of the 11,470 State Banks
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands IQth in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wayne County.
Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00
Total ASSETS, $2,r33,000.00
Honesdale. ra.. May 23, 1908.
ir oTbl a k e 1
i i'ou will mate money r
Tj by bavins rue. j,