THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER C, 1010. COUNTY 9 CORRESPONDENCE. HAMLIN. Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Ellis nnd two children nnd Miss Ellis of Scranton aro occupying Mrs. Sallnda Jones' cottage. Mrs. W. H. Alt. Elba Alt and Elraa Peet aro rusticating at Big pond. H. D. Spangenberg returned to Deposit, N. Y Wednesday, after spending n few days with his par ents at Bldwell pond. Mrs. Susie Lamm and children of Dalevlllo have been visiting Mrs. P. A. Abbey. Miss D. P. Hamlin has gono to Hackettstown, N. J., for a 10 days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Pelton are getting nicely settled In their new homo. Mrs. Angellno Williams Is lmprov-ia lng very slowly, Mr. and Mrs. Will West of Sus- quehanna have been visiting at Ar- thur West's, John Boyce of Philadelphia is spending his vacation with his par ents nt the M. E. parsonage. Mrs. Julius Paull of Schenectady, N. Y Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kimble. The Buckingham reunion, held In the grove at Treslarvlllo Saturday was a decided success. About 100 were present. Mrs. Harriet Bortree has had a new steamheating plant Installed In her house. J. Sossenhclmer is doing the work. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ames of Hawley spent Sunday with Mrs. Mc Kee. The ball game here Saturday after noon resulted in a victory for Pau pack. Miss Cora Alt entertained David and Roy Cross at supper Saturday. Cora Alt has returned from Maple lake, where she has been spending a few days with the Van Cainpen family, who are camping there. Summer Hoarders nt n Wedding. Miss Emma Spry and John Wizzard were married in the Beach lake M. E. church at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. As the doors of the church were not closed, the boarders filed in, filling the church to its capacity. As the bride and groom left the church rice was showered on them from all directions. The numerous friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wizard wish them long and happy years. SOME BETTER LOCAL SEWERS. Slay Be The Outcome of This Sum mer's Typhoid Cnses. Water Inspector Ralph Irwin spent this forenoon looking at the borough's sewers, both public and private. He put In more or less time at Glen Dyberry, taking note of the private sewers that go Into the river just above the cemetery bridge. He said they were "a bad-looking pile." An analysis of the water and milk samples sent the state chemist at Philadelphia takes time and a report may not reach Honesdale this week. It Is pretty generally believed that the result of the dozen or so typhoid sponded with their share of the cost, cases Honesdale has had this sum-i At the 1910 session of the county mer will be a recommendation for a 1 superintendents' convention at Har more modern system of sewerage. I risburg resolutions were passed re- Sadie Miller, who has bowel trouble, is not yet reported as a ty-1 phold patient, but Dr. Harry B. J Searles, her physician, said this morning that she may have typhoid, NEW ANTI-CONSUSIPTION PLAN. A systematic plan for fighting in- printer word was received from tho ciplent consumption has been put into department of. public Instruction that practice In the factory town of the state courso was about complet Brockton, Mass., which may pave the j ed and would be furnished to all tho way for similar campaigns In larger ' schools free of charge before tho cities. Dr. Charles S. Millet, who Is I beginning of this school term. Al regarded In Massachusetts somewhat ' though we regret that so much of as is Dr. Lawrence Flick in Pennsyl- J tho county superintendent's time vanla, is behind the scheme. Tho I and labor was spent In vain, yet It plan provides for care at home J Is pleasing to think that wo will Instead of In a sanitarium and en- have a good uniform manual as a ables the patient to continue his or ' guide to tho teachers, her work. By these means the pati-1 There aro no intentions now to ent or family is spared much extra ' have the county course published for expense and the family Income ls not two reasons: First Tho state course diminished. I will cost us only tho postage and ex- Brockton has been divided into press charges; second. If the new eighteen districts. Each district Is in school code passes tho coming legls charge of a canvasser, who goes from lature, no doubt tho new state house to house seeking out persons ' course will bo tho recognized courso. who may exhibit a tendency towards ! However, if any district Insists on consumption, or who are apparently suffering from the malady In its early stages. In several districts clergy men have volunteered their aid as canvassers. Note is mado of sus pected cases and tho doctor follows to examine tho suspected persons. And the effect of tho campaign of education which has been going on ls that medical examination ls more often welcomed than opposed. j Having found a patient, Dr. Mil let prescribes a nourishing diet and a dally bath and sees to It that tho afflicted person either sleeps out In the open air In a tent or light shel ter, or in a room from which tho window sashes have been removed. Close record ls kept of the condi tion of each patient and good re sults are confidently anticipated. The working of this system should bo carefully followed by the public. If it Is practicable In many cases to permit tho consumptive to continue at his work and still cure him, one of the moBt difficult prob lems that attend the war on tuber culosis will have been solved. Edl torial in Philadelphia Bulletin, Wo will send you Tho Citizen for one year (104 issues) for 91.50 and glvo you ono dollar's worth of Cltl zen Coupons, which will be accepted aa cash by tho leading merchants of Honesdale. , r J J-jjj Mil. GRIM IS CONFIDENT. Snys Fusion Helped Him to Scnnto nnd Will Mnke.Jllm Governor. DOYLESTOWN, - Sept. 1. State Senator Webster Grim, Democratic cnndldntu for governor, has a sensa tion to spring on the voters of Penn sylvania, if the Democratic mana gers will let him, according to an Interview with a representative of the Philadelphia North American. The closely-guarded sensation is Mr. Grlm's choice for his running mate as candidate for lieutenant governor on the Democratic ticket In place of Samuel Price, who declined to run nnd "If It conies 'out It will make somebody's hair stand up straight," said Mr. Grim. Mr. Grim, however, refuses abso lutely to reveal the secret. He will not even admit that his choice for lieutenant-governor is a Democrat, and intimates It may be Republican, butn Republican whose lndcpendent, anti-machine stand will nt once make It plain Mr. Grim Is no machine candidate Mr. Grim, in fnct, would admit nothing directly, says the North American representative, but tho de ductions from a lengthy Interview with htm were that fusion might be effected between tho Republican Insurgent element nnd the Demo crats, nnd that the ultlmato victori ous anti-Penrose state ticket might be composed of Webster Grim, Dem ocrat, for governor; D. Clarence Glb boney, Keystone Republican, for lieutenant-governor; John J. Casey, Keystone Democrat, for secretary of Internal affairs, and Samuel B. Phil son, Democrat, for state treasurer. Mr. Grim did not even Indirectly say this much, but at the close of tho Interview, when he was jisked flatly If this was the sum total to bo deduced from statements he had made, he avoided a direct answer by replying that he had twice been elected on fusion tickets, that he believed In fusion, but that he would positively not be committed to any thing that the Democratic managers might not agree with him In bring ing about. "If the Democratic managers do what I want them to do you will get your sensation all right," said Mr. Grim, smilingly. "But I am not going to make advance statements about anything until they have acted on the matter. It would hardly be proper for me to do that. I am not the whole party; I am only the can didate of the party and will, of course, run with whatever man the party thinks it best to name. But if they do what I want them to do it will make some people's hair stand on end." STATE COURSE OF STUDY. For Elementary Schools Subject For Thought on Part of Supt. Kochlcr. The Teachers' Institute and Direc tors' association at their 1909 meet ing passed resolutions requesting the county superintendent to compile a county course of study for the ele mentary schools and call on the several districts for the necessary funds to have It published. Nearly all the districts in the county re- questing tho department of public instruction to publish a similar course of study for the entire state. The county superintendent went to work and outlined a course of study, spending ten weeks at this work. When it was ready for the having tho county course, a copy can be sent to the directors from which typewritten copies can bo mado at their expense. The money forwarded by tho sev eral districts will bo returned after deducting necessary expenses. The state courso consists of 80 pages of printed matter, completely outlining the work of the pupil from tho time he enters school until he ls prepared for high school work Supplementary readers, purchased by the several districts, will bo adopted just as well under tho state courso as under tho county course, both courses being outlined inde pendent of any particular textbook, It ls very gratifying to hear that many districts havo bought supple mentary readers at tho suggestion of tho county superintendent Several purposes of the courso of study aro to unify tho work of tho common schooU and to lessen the evil effects of the constant changing ot teachers. Tho chief difference between tho county course and the state course ls that tho latter omits entirely tho alternation system of classes. A pamphlet will be sent to every teacher, describing the manner in which this system applies to the state course. Our county ls entitled to 240 copies and they will be for warded to the teachers immediately after thoy arrlvo from Harrlsburg, Tho courso was to bo ready at jtho oponlnK'oiho. schools but for somo! linnvoldaplfc cause, 'seems- to tiaJe. been frolayctl. J. J. KOEIILErt. j County Superintendent. , WHY THE TEACHERS QUIT. Conditions .SurrouiidiiiK County Pod ngnglng Bad, Says Taylor. SCRANTON, Sept. 1. Soventy- flvo per cent, of the tenchors In town- ship schools change their positions each year, according to County Sup-; erlntendent of Schools J. C. Taylor. ' This year, for example, of 7C schools In tnn (nwnali ma n f T.nnlf nwnnnn ; : ,Tc .m ,:r ; luulu" io "" i same teachers as directed the scllools ni 0 i.fnntinn o tt, nnn 1 Lr. Z 7 , ;Mr.; no permanency in country teaching, and this absence of permanency ureens uiscuiuem. icacuurs ueciino atd to run chances of a shift every year In" politics Mr. Rowland was a and tho result is that In tho rural Democrat, as all his forefathers had districts, the ambitious, brainy beeni Ho sorvod In 1887-0 as dis teachers are leaving and seeking trIct attornoy and Was borough ouier lines 01 worn, going 10 cny scnoois, wnero appointments aro more permaneni.. "In all of the years that I have been connected with tho schools I were Peered clear of the legal I Boston at his summer home. Asso do not recall one year In which twen-1 troubles and complications not un- clat0 Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes ty teachers have returned to their j no-n to the rank and file of Wayne ot tuo Supreme court and United positions in the country schools of ,.,,tv. ai,oriira w Mm nnmf,,i States Judges Colt, Putnam and the county. In the boroughs there! is a degree of permanency that formerly was lacking, but with the last five years Old Forge, Archbald, Mayfleld and Carbondalc changed teachers because they wanted to put others in their places. In Old Forge they made no bones about saying that such was the case, j m a. ui ui.i , ! Teachers' positions should be just as secure during good behavior as those of letter carriers and other government employes." ABOUT THE SUSIJIER BOARDER. I erable practice and was highly re How He's Regarded By One Bright garded by his clients for tho fair York State Pnper. ness and candor ho always showed The Indian tribes are decreasing and h hls brother practitioners for in numbers, but not so the tribes of ! hIs uncommonly clear knowledge of summer boarders, says tho Port law. Most of them whenever they Jervis (N. Y.) Gazette. They are I Bot ,nt0 a h? ma(Le 11 a ?,olntJ scattered over hill and dale, by the sllP over to "Cap Rowland s office forest and sea, near the river or' on I and Bet, n 8 opinion on the matter, tho farm. Possessed of an elegant I They ,admit they aI;aJr learned leisure, they toil nevertheless ln ex-1 something on these visits, ercises and games with an energy! One of the last sizeable undertak which, if otherwise directed, would 1 lnes f Mr- Rowland a I re was tho advance human affairs in consider-, Part he expected to play In the cases able measure. Their presence means ; gainst Sam Heed and Leona Lord, .1 norlrwl nf hnrvpsf- fnr fholr ontor-iOth in jail for the killing Of Silas talners, who seek for them as for precious metal, with the tool of glowing words, advertising, promis ing, .everything but threatening. Since the summer boarder and prosperity seem to come hand in hand, small wonder he ls accorded a respect which calls to the surface all his latent dignity. And it isi euul """" lo ,u surprising how much latent dignity t ter p"lt a Bood deal of time and the average human being keeps stow- f.housht, in h? , casf and to ed away somewhere. The clrcum- ave helped District Attorney M. E. stances of life tend to keep It down. slmoTns ln "if Profecu"on Sam for it does not do to put on too I a Leona. E. C. Mumford had also many airs before one's employer. I bn consulted by the "Slke Lord But a summer boarder, why he is free and a dispenser of good! Though he did not come to his chos en retreat In his own motor or yacht, doubtless he had good reason for coming some other way. Now Mint lio lina nrrlvorl lio la nnfr livionc o ih ,,"i .f j, . inland covered 11 years with Co. E rniiort ,,nnn to pmi. Tt a nnf arrnn ra fli nrofnrn n nnH ti,n Bmmr'i,nnr,ir ehowinof him today with affection and re- certain traits symptoms, if you pre fer the word which he conceals with more success at home. He is some what exacting, and critical to a degree. Now that he does not have to hurry away from breakfast to "nnnnli" nn olflit r n ti n? Itmn to- corder somewhere, ho has more time, to ol.onrvo M,nt M,o ctont nrwl nffn ' ,io not nnnronM, no-fo-t.on on tnnt the cream pitcher is not the biggest , honorary member of the Maenner one on the table. His vacation spirit ! cor, T1' w," ,hls ,. tUU SCI 1LU, IMUUfeU JIUODiUiy UI 1IUUIU the "service" is all "ln the family." Let it not be supposed that wo consider the summer boarder simply amusing, for it is by no means so. ! We aro only calling attention to a ' few signs which very unlike people t exhibit, when they have a little leisure, enough to notlco how their money is being earned by others. At home they aro too busy thcmsolves to watch very hard. Having thus acquitted ourselves of any spirit of injustice, wo go on to say that the summer boarder shows an Insatiable appetite for news from home. Ho gets a little lonely in the midst of such a big good tlmo. The way he goes over his home newspaponls strangely at variance with tho criticism ho be stows upon it during the winter. It is a good sign. Ho is keeping in touch with the environment in which most of his dayVimuBt be spent, and which in his &cret heart pleases him best. 4 Tho summer boarders are coming homo now, richer in health and ex perience if not in money, eager al most to get to work' after the time of Idleness which has prepared them to work better. They have had much ot benefit which, we hope, thoy may not soon lose. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of IS (Continued from Pago One.) ' short hls life except when, for n time, ho worked for tho Lackawanna roau in uoooicen, . j. no is , Honesdale reporter for tho Scranton Truth. Olive Luclle, their daughter, lives at home. Mr. Rowland's sur viving brothers are Albert 0., who 1Ivcs n't Uowland, nnd Miles C, who wfl9 a stnt0 senator nnd whoso home ,s ,n tho vlllnge of Klmbles. Frank, who waa als0 a mcnlber 0f the state ,MMtl!' a . m mce' was . U1C youngest of tho four Rowland boys. The our B,Btors nro Ada and MadBOi "vmB at 1110 "mcsieaa 1,1 "owianu, , Mr8- George Cl Brown f Dumnore' ' Dr: " "ernstein or scranton. .Mrs. , Dr0wn was Miss Flora Rowland and Mra, Dernsteln was Miss Lucy Row-; counsei and counsel for Texas town shlp IIe waa counsei for qimrlfr ' Tlrnnnlne nnd Shnrlff Rnnriknlelit. I n(, ,..,, 0nrprR nlwavs ndmit thev lnc ot r Rowland Mr noad. knight has one proud spot in his rnmnnsitinn nnd this Is his nrlrtn In 1 m,o fnnt n,nt ho a tho nniv Wnvno I awifr M,nt nr .nc c,io,i ! Honesdale Lnwycr For no Yenrs. For 30 years Mr. Rowland had made uls home ln Honesdale. He came here when his law course at came here when his law course at Albany ended In 1880, and for two years he was in tho office of Judge H. N. Seeley, who preceded Judge George S. Purdy on the county bench. After he hung out his shingle In tho borough he built up a consld- E. Lord at Equinunk. The fight over the mooted ditch up there In Manchester township took place the morning of July 12 and one day later Floyd and William Lord and Oakley S. Tyner came to Honesdale to get legal advice. Charles J. Weaver, with whom they stopped. I A i 1 .1 mi.n In, side of the case. Harold Rowland said today he did not believe It was the Lord case in particular that broke his father down. He said the break had been coming for some time. Tho militia service of Mr. Row- I He as captain in 1S9C-7 and the spect. Ho proved attentive to the wants of his men and he had the confidence of his superior ofilcors. Ho never joined anything nctlvely except this militia company and the Exchange club, of which he was president when the club moved into lts Present quarters in SOrVed in that OillCO U )' 1893. He ear and de clincd another terra. He was an luuueu urucu i'jiiibuuijui uuuiuu. Rev. Albert L. Whittaker, the rec- I tor. and Rov. Mr. Atkinson of - X. T Rowland particularly liked, will of ficiate at tho funeral, which ls to bo held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Bar's Tribute To His Memory. At a meeting of tho Wayno Coun ty Bar association Tuesday after noon, held less than an hour from the tlmo Mr. Rowland died, Judge Hgnry Wilson, the president, pre sided and as a committee to draft resolutions ln memory of their de' parted brother the lawyers named Judge Wilson as chairman and Frank P. Kimble and E. C. Mum- ford. This commltteo will havo meeting Saturday for the literary part of its work and the roport will be made when court sits, the second Monday ln September. It was decided that the associa tion members go to the funeral Frl day afternoon ln a body. Thoy will march from tho office ot R. M Stockor. The bar will send a floral tribute, tho selection ot which has been left to W. H. Leo. Tho pallbearers will bo Judge Alonzo T. Searle, E. O. Mumford and It. M. Stocker, brother lawyers of Mr. Rowland; Emerson V. Cam mell, ono ot his personal friends; Dr. H. B. Ely, tho family physician and Harry Harding. Interment will bo in Glen Dyberry. County O. E. at Clinton Centre. Tho county O. E. convention comes Sept. 8 at Clinton centre, Teams will meet the tralnB nt Wny mart. Tho program will bo given to the printer this week and The Cltl zen will publish It in full Tuesday, ROWLAND DEAD FELL FROM FREIGHT CAR. Floyd Quick Receives Possibly Fatal Injuries' nt- Port Jcrvls. j PORT'JERVIS, Ni Y Sept. 1. ' Floyd Quick of Hawlcy, Pa., prob- ably 20 years of age, fell from tho t0p 0f n freight car of an castbound trajn j. u, winters, conductor, C. h. McNnught, engineer, near WX towcr nt tno we3t cnd of tne Er0 yardg Wednesday afternoon at 1.18 o'clock and sustained severe Injuries about the head and right arm with a possible fracture of the skull. According to papers In his clothes, . lu nil i ill n iii uia Liuiuvai r.. I l. . .1. rl railroad service, for ho held a ml-, nor's release signed by n,iick nnd Artio Quick euardlans Qul J Jf guardlan8' I He was brought to the Port Jervls hospital In an unconscious condition and was admitted for treatment. u ls 8tated that Qulck waB rld,ng nn tnn nt , irnln i.pi it l.rnkn in two. and th0 sudden ston due to the application of tho air brakes caused him to fall to the ground. C. P. Scarle Entertains President. After his usual golf game at Myopia Tuesday tho president mo- tored over to Ipswich and was the guest of honor at a "judiciary lunch- em" given by Charles P. Searle of Lowell of the first circuit were among the guests. It Is said that the two vacancies on tho Supremo Court bench that the President soon must fill were discussed Informally. It ls reported there that Mr. Taft ls still thinking strongly of appointing Solicitor-general Lloyd W. Bowers an nssoclate justice. There is said to be a strong likelihood that tho sec ond appointment will be made from the eighth Judicial circuit. Nothing has occurred to indicate a change in the plan to nominate Gov. Hughes as the chief justice. 1 WHO CAN TELL HER? -f Editor Honesdale Citizen: -f f Will you send me the name of some place where I can sell -f herbs, roots, etc? Also, can you send me a list of the prices I can -f get for the same? By doing so you will oblige me very much. MRS. D. E. CALKINS. Mllanvllle, Pa., Aug. 28, 1910. -- EAST BEACH LAKE. The summer guests at Beach lake have nearly all returned to the city. Carlton Brooks of this place is en tertaining his father from the. city for a few days. Mr. and Sirs. W. D. Hiller of Susquehanna are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hiller. S. E. Woodley is remodeling his stables. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nelson from the west have returned to their home after spending a few days with friends and relatives at this place and Honesdale. Carlton Brooks ls building anoth er large hen house. The opening of the schools is drawing near and many of our stu dents leave this week to take up their studies Monday. Miss Mayme Donning leaves Friday for Haines, where she will teach this winter. Most of the boarders leave Satur day for their respective homes. This has been a very progressive summer for tho boarding houses. Two new residences, one a large boarding house, will go up In Beach lake in the near future. ) ATLAS ( f E-Z Seal Jar Will Hold it Whole That's one strong feature in favor of the "ATlAS E-ZSeAL" it has a xuidt mouth for largi fruits. Another is its uniform thickness no thin spots or weak places in an ATLAS E-Z SEAL Jar. Still a third good point is its smooth top, which can' cut thehand when sealing. Be sure to ask your dealer for the Atlas E-Z Seal Jar and take no other. HAZEL-ATLAS CLASS CO, Wheeling, W.Va. NOTICE Ob ADMINISTRATION, C. T. A. V. B. X. E8TATE OF LEONARD Q, CLKAH WATKH. late of Salem Township , ., All persons lndebtedto said estate are noti fied to muke Immediate payment to tne un dersigned ; and those liavlnir claims against the said estate are notified to present them duly attested, (or settlement, (ikOKUK A. C'LKAKWATEH Hamlin, Pa. Aug 10, '10, Administrator. mm TARSI TURKEY RAISING. w Paying Business When Conducted With Intelligence. Turkeys need but little attention If kopt away from fowls and ducks. Turkey farming pays beat by Itself. ' i rrhnlf 1V rnnl. rrrrra f . . ... '"J 66 " u In a socluded " V " T '? "ul" """" " 01 a. tree partially covering Its entrance, is all they want to encourage them. It la best to permit the eggs to re main in tho nest. The hen ls usual ly vory cautious on entering and leaving the nest, and seldom breaks an egg, unices she has not had suf ficient shell formers ln her diet. Sco that she gets burnt dry oyster shells. ' Always provldo tho hen with an In viting spot of plenty of green grass for the nest. Too dry a nest often causes trouble from lack of molsturo. Give tho hon an opportunity to dust herself ln a damp spot; she will got It if possible, and there will bo llttlo fear of doad chicks in the shell un-J less breeding from immaturo birds la practiced. . A gobbler of twelve months ls not the best. He should be at loast two years old; likewise the hen3. Above all, Introduce fresh blood ovory-second year. This is of gTeat importance in raising turkeys for profit. Of one thing there can be no doubt turkeys do best ln fresh air and will not stand coddling. Tho adult birds usually find much ot their own food; yet It ls an absolute necessity to feed the flocks when natural foods are not available. When Insect life ls scarce, grass Is ot a poor quality and ls also usually wet, the consequences Is thoy scour and often die from the effects. Corn meal and bran, one part each, with a fair amount of chopped-up boiled meat and, when available a few Bllces of raw onions, all mixed with tho meat or other animal food has been boiled, should be used. Mix dry as possible. Turkeys do not thrive on slope. Curded milk is much rel ished and Is a splendid flesh former and a whltener of flesh. Nothing ls moro objectionable than a fat breast. Too much corn feeding or a constant supply of wheat will not lmprovo the color of the flesh. Oats are by far tho best grains to assist In keeping down fat. Always provide, fresh clean wa ter daily and keep the vessels out of the sun. Neglect ln this regard will cause losses by disease. Add char coal ln case of bowel disorders. It Is an absolute necessity ln success ful turkey raising. They must have an unlimited amount of grit, with out which thoy suffer from indiges tion. Small pebbleB, coarse sand and broken crockery and smashed up burnt bone all aid in digesting their food. This ls especially required, previous to their going to roost. There is no necessity to boll any gram; they are better without It and prefer the hard food to that of a sloppy nature. American Poultry Advocate. Separate the Sizes. It does not pay to let chickens ot (different sizes run together as tho larger ones will always domineer over and torment tho smaller ones. If you have no yards then put them In dlfferont parts of tho placo. If they absolutly cannot bo separated then make a feeding coop that tho big chickens car. not get into. Ilomedy for Roup. Tho homeopathic romedy for roup with Its characteristic cough, tenac ious mucous about the beak, with difficulty ln breathing, Is to give aconite. Put one drop ln a gill of water and glvo this to the sick bird to drink. Tho treatment will have a marvelous effect. Anvil from a Steel Rail. An old railroad rail 2 or 3 feet long can be used ln the construction of a handy farm anvil similar to that shown In accompanying illustration. Use pieces 2x3 or 2x4 for tho stand- STEEL RAIL FOR ANVIL aids to recolvo the rati, as indicated. Use an Iron bolt to hold tho top of the legs together, tightening the nuta until the rail is hold securely. Pieces of 1x3 boards brace the standards sear tho toot. Drill holos through the flange of the rail for punching. O. F. S., Riverside, Cal. Dampness and Disease. Dryness whon we have heavy show ers, ls an Important requirement In the poultry house. Diseases often originate through dampness pro duced by a leaky roof. When the fowls are confined ln a close, wet apartment, It Is Impossible to keep them ln a healthy condition. Weight tor wtgTrt pine wood U stronger than steel.